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m JIi w eT'fpt"- - STRANA L NOVOSTI Utorak 12 februar 194G VWWVWWVWVVWVA' For Our English Readers Made Yugoslav Youth wv Great Progress By (lV LKO USATV) It was during thn course of thc "VVorld Vouth Conference that the YugoBlav youth delegation invii-e- d the Canadian delegation to visit their country as guests of the United league of Anti-Fasci- st Youth of Vugoslavia (USAOJ) Sevcn young Canadians vent to Czechoslovakia but only two vent on to Vugoslavia these be-in- g Jessie Storrie and mj'self The YugosIav delegates vho at-tend- ed the VorId Studenta' Con-gress in Prague took eharge of the guests of the USAOJ hired a Czech bus and looked after our general elfare during the hole trip A number of delegates from other countries accompanied us a Mexican a Cuban a Vene-zuela- n two South Africans a young Frerich partisan captain and two young Italian anti-fas-cis- ts one of the latter being -- in lialian partisan leader 18 yeat3 of age Throughout the vhole trip through Hungary and Vugoslavia ve gained knouledge not only of the countries through which we vere travelling but ajso of each other's homeland We arrived in Belgrade on D-1-cem-ber first two days after th-- ' proelamation of the new demo-erati- c Federative I'eoples' Repub-li- c of YugosIavia vhile excite-me- nt and great celebrations still ran high The follovving day we had the ehance to see the third sitting of the nevly-electe- d Fede-r- al l'arliament vhere e saw Marshal Tito the Prime Minister U was very interesting to note that many young partisan heroea are members of parliament a3 well as seasoned old veterans Of the tvvelve days ve spent in Yugoslavia ve travelled eight days touring Serbia Uosnia Cro-ati- a and Herzegovina We stopn-c- d off in centres such as Zagreh Novska Banja Luka and Novi Sad as vell as numerous small villagcs We visitcd the ruins of Jasenovac site of the largest concentration camp in the Bal-ka- ns where over 900000 people were brutally put to death Tho Germans and the Ustashi traitors completely demolished this camp in their retreat In Banja Luka hich is some 25 kilometers from Mount Kozora the location of the earliest partisan beginning and heaviest battles against the Ger-mans ve visitcd a Moslem mos-qu- e and saw Moslem women vearing the traditional veiU covering their faces Here as in ali the tovns and villages e visitcd the foreign delegates re-ceiv- ed a warm elcome by the local youth One of the most surprising and impressing examples of national unity in Yugoslavia is tlu strength of the youth movement The most poverful jouth organi-zation the USAOJ has a inember-shi- p of over tvo million j-ou-m people Over seventy-fiv- e percent of the partisans ere j-ou-ng people betveen the ages of sixteen and tventy-fiv- e They plaved a tre-mendo- us role in the liberation of their country When the Germans and Italian fascista first oceupied Vugosla-via the leaders of thc old youth organizations vent over to the quisling and fascist ranks Ths masses of the members of these organizations vere left to shift for themselves and gradually forming partisan groups Tei-ribl- e reprisals vere committed to stamp out this movement In Kragujcvac Serbia six thousand secondary school students vere condemned to a mass executioa along with their direetor Twelve and thirteen-year-ol- d ehildren were publicly hanged "to teach others a lesson" Through this phase the earlv basis for the organization wa laid and grew in strength paral-le- l to the national liberation movement Different regions (no republics) have their own youth leagues The main task of ths jouth organizations at that time was to draw young people into the struggle against the aggressois both in the front lines and in he rear and to assist in food tran-sport to the partisans These youth organisations were also se-ttin- g up an army uhich inevi-tabl- y grew and spread Thus they aided the army formed cultural groups to stamp out illiteracy and harassed the enemy from thc rear by sabotaging enemy com-municatio- ns and transport It vas ineviUble that many of the! jmung people were arrested han mamaammmmmmmmmvm' ged and shot bv the enemv but these heroes and heroines only set an example to thousands of others vith the result that the love of freedom and the en-thusia- sm of youth even spread to older people past military age In November 1942 the first congress of regional youth lea-tor- y The unity created in the gues was held on liberated terri-commo- n struggle found expre-sio- n at this conference and th United League of Anti-Fasci- st Youth of Yugoslavia was formed In May 1944 the second congress was held and by this time there } vvere over one million members in the organization vith over 200 000 members in the national ar-m- y It had grovn by this time in-to a very powerful organization with many activities Many members vere too young to join fighting units but in 194'J a "rioneer" organization vas se: up for young ehildren who collec-te- d food clothing etc for the ar my They even stole weapons for their soldiers To a great cxtent the pioneer organization replaced schools because the ehildren vere taught to read and vvrite This va3 done until liberation in 1945 Since liberation hovvever this organiza tion has played an important rolo in the life of their nation and is organized as one of the sections of the United League The task of the United League of Anti-Fasci- st youth is a tremen-dou- s one and the youth is play-in- g as great a part in the recon-struetio- n as they did in the li-beration Over forty million vork-in- g hours have already been do-nate- d by the jouth to the repair of bridges roads and building to the gathering of vood for vinter fuel This oriranizatinn U to-da- y devoting a great part cf' its energies to the training of the greatest possible number of spe-cialis- ts to take their place in thi industries professions and adnu-nistrati- on They are shouing ini-tiati- ve in bringing up young peo-ple in the špirit of democracy and to respect the great stru:-gle- s of the people during the li-beration period They vant io safeguard the victory they have gained over fascism Not only is this organization assisting the young people to raisc their standard of aducation to a much higher level but they are active in encouraging cultural and physical education This is bein done to the greatest possible ex-te- nt also Since Yugoslavia is a union of South Slavs they ar vorking tirelessly to strengthan the brotherhood and equality of nationalities vhich they did not ever have before in history The unity of to-da- y vas achieved through the struggle against a common aggressor and the people of Yugoslavia highly treasure this tremendous gain They are teaching the young people to treasure the rights they have achieved and to treasure the uni-t- y of vvorid jouth hich the World Federation of Democratic Youth formed at the WorId Youth Con-ference makes possible The USAOJ is active in every sphere of life They have orga-nized many groups to care for thousands of orphaned ehildren I visited an orphan home situated just outside Belgrade u here I sav parentless and homeless vi"- - tims of facism being lovingly cared for by girls ho have suf-fere- d also at the hands of the barbarous aggrefcsors It is heart-rendin- g to see small ehildren who have barely learned to valk deaf and speechless from the shock of some fallen bomb As Marshal Ti-to said at the first Yugoslav vouth congress in 1942 "Vhen voung people of military ag fight the aggressor they are do-in- g their duty but vvhen ehildren of ten to fourteen years of age bear arms against the enemy they are doing more than their duty" How true this is! In Za-greb I visited the largest rail-va- y shops in th country Ilei-- e I met some of the young people vho are studying in the repair shops as apprentiees There ar more than 400 of them there be-tvce- n the ages of twelve aml fif-tee- n Almost ali are still wearing their uniforms because clothing cannot be bought anywhere ir Yugoslavia In vorking to achieve its aim the USAOJ has dcovered dif-ferent methods in acquiring the unity necesary for these tremen-dous tasks For instance the 97 DOLARA ZA JUGOSLAVIJU SA LIČKIH KRSTITKI U PORT ALBERNI I'ort Alberni II C — Na 28 de-cembra prošle godine sastali su se prijatelji i kumovi kod druga i drugarice Sigurnjak Tom prili-kom oni su krstili svog sina Ni-kolu Te večeri smo se vrlo dobro zabavili sve do pred zoru po na-fe- m ličkom običaju Pjevalo se je uz vino i pečenku Za neko vrije-me zaboravili smo na sve poteš-koće kojima se dnevno suočuje-m- o ali nismo mogli zaboraviti naš napaćeni ali junački narod u Ju-goslaviji Bratska ljubav i dru-garska dužnost nas je ponukala da i ovom prilikom doprinesemo ' prilog za pomoć našem narodu a u ovom slučaju za podizanje dječ-je bolnice Iako smo mi svoje pri-loge za bolnicu već dali ipak zna mo da je nužno podizati ne samo bolnice već i kuće za narod koji je ostao bez kro%a u četirigodli-njo- j oslobodilačkoj borbi Jedan od naših drugova ustao je i govorio o potrebi pomaganja na-če- g naroda Govor je bio dirljiv tako da su nam se oči slušajući orosile suzama I'red par minuta smo svi pjevali ali govor druga i listovi koje primamo iz domovine ORGANIZIRAN KLUB HRVATSKIH ŽENA MASSOLLON OHIO Massollon Ohio USA — Ne-davno je uz pomoć sestara Mary Borković Mary Fabijanić i Kosy Sniev uspostavljen klub hrvatskih žena za pomoć narodima u starom kraju Do danas klub broji oko 22 članice to je tek u početku a nadamo se da će u buduće broj članica biti mnogo veći Još u mjesecu novembru grupa hrvatskih žena radila je marljivo na sakupljanju robe za djecu i za odrasle u Jugoslaviji Za tjedan dana na taj način sakupljeno je preko 1300 funti razne odjeće i obuće Takodjer su naJe sestre or-ganizirale i održale jedan "Šaor" za djecu na toj priredbi sakuplje-no je nove odjeće za obući 100 djece od 1 pa do 10 godina staru young factory vorkers have their wuuc ufijuua uyk mcy I1UVC Uieir separate vouth sections for cul-tural and educational activities These youth sections are united into the regional youth leagu which in turn unites into the mas youth organization the USAOJ The university students vit!i their special problems have se-parate branehes but they too are united in the mass movement The students organize their own vorking brigades to assist in the general reconstruetion plans of the large organization Young people in Yugoslaia ara becoming more interested in fly-in- g aeroplanes model clubs and these are being set up across the vhole country Children's homi ar? of national concern and hs more mature voung people ht-l-p to place orphans vith families vherever possible caring for them as for their on brothers and sisters Each jouth sectioi has its ovn special tasks such an vorking brigades in the mincs and factories harvesting of crops building bridges repairing roads cutting ood ali the innumerable tasks hich tnake up the general pattern of the National Front's plan for reconstruetion and future life of the nation The USAOJ is led by the Cent-ral Committee in Belgrade the secretary of uhich is a member of the Federal parliament — Kalo Dugonich a young man of 27 The Central Committee also ha? representatives on the executiv of the national front Slavko Komar the Chairman of the Central Committee of the USAOJ is one of these represen-tatives He is a joung man of 23 and vas the leader of the Yugo-sla- v vouth delegation to the VorId Youth Conference They are both quiet unassuming lea-ders vho have distinguished themselves as capable respons- - ible young leaders during the li-- 1 beration period ' The Central Committee of the USAOJ is composed of members who are eleeted at open national youth congresses The regional committees are eleeted at their on congresses of district com-mittees hich in turn are elee-ted by the general membership The candidates eleeted are not leaders of jouth organizations but leaders vith abilitj in dealing with problems Constant contact is maintained betveen the many committees and discipline is firm Youth organization in Vugosla-via is a serious business and the leaders ho are in the responsi-bl- e positlorvs are subject li immediate recall if the member-ship is not satisfied with their potsjetile su nas na žrte našeg naroda pa srce nije od kamena ono se rastuži i suze padaju Jo5 nije ni dovriio drug svog govora već su počele desetice i petice padati na stol Drug Sigur-njak je pokupio nevac popisao imena prilagača i uručio meni da ih poJaljem na odredjeno mjesto Kad smo završili sa prilozima zapjevali smo Kuma mladog dru-ga Nikole Sigurnjaka Manda Markušić je predvodila pjesmu vr-lo dobro ama baš cnako po staro- - U krajski kao da je u svojem ponos nom umDerKU i laKo smo se ve-selili do pred zoru Sa moje strane se najljepJe za-hvaljujem drugu Sigurnjaku kad je pored svoje kućne priredbe iza-šao u susret da smo isto sakupili pomoć naJem junačkom narodu Takodjer se zahvaljujem svima na priloženoj svoti Sve vas pozdrav-lja Katica Ličanka Na rečenoj zabavi po izjavi dru-ga MioJića skupljena je svota od $9700 a Vijeće će objaviti imena prilagača — Ured Budući su potrebe naJeg naro-da velike mi sada organizirane hrvatske žene ćemo nastojati da predvodimo skupa sa našom bra-ćom sav rad na sakupljanju pomo-ći našem narodu u staroj nam do-movini NajljepJe se zahvaljujemo obi-telji Borković koja nam je ustu-pila svoju kuću ra raspolaganje sa šivaćim strojem za pakovanje i krpljenje odjeće Tako isto hva-la bratu Koss koji nam je tako-djer badava dao svoje prostorije na raspolaganje I na koncu zah-valjujemo se svima koji su poma-gali naše narode sa robom i nov-cem Jedna od članica vork The members have cards pay dues and join only on a vo-Iunta- ry basis VVhen the Central Committee members are eleeted the vork is divided on special in-ter- est grounds such as publish-in- g national culture education phj-sica- l culture and organization of vorking brigades This poverful jouth organiza-tion has contributed much to the nation and government but it has not become a "regime" or privi leged organization So thorough is its planning and so vide its field of activity that there is no incen-tiv- e to again start up the old jouth organizations such as thrf scouts Sokol (sports) it has be-come so videly supported by j-ou-ng and old alike that the peo-ple have come to fully rely upon its guidance of the jounger ge-nerati- on Because it is so broadly organized ali j'oung people in the country can readily aecept its aims and tasks Even the reli-gio- us groups such as the Ortho-do- x Catholic Moslem etc aie organized ali joung people in the tional organization this is con-clusi- ve proof of the broadness of its vork Before I left my friends in Vu-goslavia I asked them hat they ere doing to acquaint the jouth of their country vith the vork of the VVorld Youth Conference They shovved me numerous back copies of nevspapers carrying reports of the conference vritten by Yugoslav delegates who atten-de- d this historic event They shoed me a stack of "Omladi-na" (Youth) the fifth larges: daily nevvspaper in Vugoslavia which put the conference in th headlines I vas further informel by the fact that during the time of the conference the national radio netvvork carried the latest developments of the discussions of vorld j'outh in London Thus through the press radio and nu merous other publications the vere reaching ali the j-ou-ng pe ple in the country to gain vide support for the future vork of the VVorld Federation of Demo cratic Vouth the organization born out of the discussions of re-presentatives of over thirty mil-lion young people across the world The Central Committee of the USAOJ informed me that an open congress of Vugoslav jouth vas to be held in Januarj 194C and that at this national conference they vould discuss the best met-ho- d by which they could makc the USAOJ one of the strongest supporters of the VVorld Federa-tion In this vaj they are arous-in- g nation-wid- e interest in th-- post-wa- r work of vorld j-o-uth It NEKA SE ISPRAVI Niagara Falls — Nije mi na-mjera da vodim polemiku sa bilo kime već sam prisiljen da ispra-vim jednu stvar u dopisu pod na-slovom: "Preko 300 dolara za Ju-goslaviju sa božičnog sastanka Hreljana u Niagara Falls" Pored ostalog u dopisu se veli da su na taj sastanak Hreljana bili poz-vani i Zlobinjari sa namjerom da priredbu zajednički održimo ali odaziv je bio slab što bi drugim riječima značilo da se Zlobinjari ne zalažu za pomoć našem narodu Nije točno Da se nije mislilo na Zlobinjare ni na druge jasno je u tome kada su već i Zlobinjari pozvani na sastanak istu večer je već bilo oglašeni u novini "Bo žić Hreljana u Niagara Falls" Niže potpisani prisustvovao je tom sastanku i izjavio da se ne slaže sa hreljinskom niti sa zlobi-njarsko- m zabavom jer sam bio uvjeren da bi zabava bila bolja kada bi kao i u prošlosti svi za-jedno pripremili na ime kluba Kadi toga Zlobinjari i nekoji dru-gi nisu prisustvovali toj zabavi Koliko su Zlobinjari već do sada napravili za narode Jugoslaviji je poznato a onaj koji to nezna ne-ka dodje k nama pa ćemo mu po-kazati Nego sada nam naskoro dolazi prva ovogodišnja kampanja za pomoć našem narodu pa već danas napominjem ako su Hreljani voljni da se s nama takmiče mi ih čekamo Zajednički ćemo raditi kao i prije samo će se rekord vo-diti posebno da se idi tko koliko doprinaša Neka mi nitko ne zamjeri ja i sam ovo napisao u najboljoj na mjeri da se ispravi kako nebi ljudi kojima nije poznato mislili da mi Zlobinjari ne želimo poma-gati naš narod u Etarom kraju Josip Marohnić Weekly Dances in Kirkland Lake Starting February 2nd the Kir-kland Lake branch of the CSYF vill hold regular Saturday night dances in the Ukrainian Labor Temple 23 Hudson Bay Ave 9 PM We have a svell programne outlined so that ali may enjoj themselves and a special invita-tio- n is extended to ali j-ou-th of South Slavic origin betveen the ages of 15 and 30 Music vill be provided by the Balkan Tamburitza Orchestra as vell as other guest artists Come and share our good time' M Segina Secretarv Hamilton Ont Sa ovim dajemo do znanja na-šim lokalnim organizacijama da će ogranak Saveza Kanadskih Hrva-ta održavati krabuljnl ples u su-botu 2 marča Na rečenom plesu davati će se tri nagrade Trvu nagradu će do-biti najružnije obučena osoba i ta-ko redom Takodjer apeliramo na naše or-ganizacije da toga dana ne prire-djuj- u svojih priredaba Sii(llj[iry Ont Jugoslavenski omladinski klub odigravati će svoju prvu predsta-vu "Partizani" u nedjelju 17 feb-ruara u Hrvatskom Narodnom Domu Početak u 8 sati u večer Ulaznice se mogu dobiti kod svakog člana kluba Predstava je vrlo interesantna pa nemojte za-nemariti a da je ne posjetite Toronto Ont Odbor Jugoslavenskih žena iz-javljuje da će u počast Medjuna-rodno- g dana žena održati prosla-vu na 9 marča Pa radi toga apeli-ramo na naše organizacije da re-čenog dana ne priredjuju svojih priredaba nego da sudjeluju na proslavi rečenog dana Pori Arlhcr Ont Ogranak Saveza Kanadskih Hr-vata priredjuje veliki koncert u nedjelju 17 februara u Finskom Domu na 31C Bay St Početak u 8 sati na večer " Na koncertu će nastupati nali najbolji talenti: pjevači plesaei muzikanti itd Jednom riječju pro-gram je vrlo bogat Dodjite na vrijeme Ulamina dobrovoljni prilog is certain that the y©ung people of Vugoslavia rill plaj as great a part in building future vor!d peace and security as they plaj-e- d in the role of liberating their countrj' from fascist aggression OBJAVE VVindsor Ont Dramatski zbor ogranka Save-za Kanadskih Hrvata odigravati će pozorišni komad "Oo je naša zemlja" u nedjelju 17 februara u Čehoslovačkoj dvorani na 1367 Drouillard Ud Početak u 8 sati u večer Kečeni pozorišni komad napisao je drug J Popović U komadu se prikazuje okupacija naše stare do-movine po Nijemcima i oslobodje-nj- e iste po partizanskoj vojski U komadu uzimlje učešća 40 dobro izvježbanih diletanata Tfmmins Ont Mjesno Vijeće Kanadskih Juž-nih Slavena održavati će svoju redovitu sjednicu u nedjelju 17 fe-bruara u 7 sati u večer na 112 Balsam St N Radi važnih poslova potrebno je da prisustvuju sjednici svi pred-stavnici organizacija Larder Lake Ont Ogranak Saveza Kanadskih Hr-vata zaključio je na prošloj sjed-nici da će od sad pa u buduće odr-žavati masovna predavanja svake prve nedjelje u mjesecu u sedam sati u večer u Windsor hotelu Schumacher Ont Dramatski odbor ogranka Sa-veza Kanadskih Hrvata priredju-j- e zabavu sa šaljivim pozorišnim komadom "Tri prosca" u nedjelju 17 februara u saveznim prostori-jama Početak u 8 sati u večer Vancouver B 0 Dramatski zbor Doma daje do znanja našem narodu da će se u Domu na 24 februara u večer odi-gravati vrlo šaljivi pozorišni ko-mad "Ciganin" U komadu se imitira ciganska ženidba pa će biti smijeha do mile volje Pozivamo naš narod da po-sjeti našu predstavu Toronto Ont Izvršni odbor ogranka Saveza Kanadskih Hrvata održavati će svoju sjednicu u petak 15 februa-ra u 8 sati u večer u Makedonsko-bugarsk- oj dvorani Potrebno je da svi članovi odbora budu na sjedni-ci Timmins Ont VALENTINE DANCE Tito's Vouth Club vdshes to an-noun- ce their first Valentine dance vhich will be held on Feb 1C at the Finn Hali on Fourth Avenue Timins Ont We are inviting everj'one to come carly and enjoy the Valentine's evening with us Stefi Hocear Secretary VVindsor Ont Poziva se članstvo kluba "Tito" LPP da nefaljeno prisustvuje sjed-nici u nedjelju 17 februara u 2 sata poslije podne u klubsklra prostorijama na 1223 Drouillard Rd SI Catharincs Ont Odsjek 951 HUZ održavati će svoju redovitu sjednicu u nedjelju dne 17 februara u kući brata Da-ne Štimca na 89 Johnson St S S Mario Ont Odsjek C28 HBZ održavati će svoju sjednicu u nedjelju 17 feb-ruara u 2 sata poslije podne u prostorijama Udruge Hrvatskog Doma Poziva se tve članstvo na sjednicu Isto se daje članstvu na znanje da će se odsječne sjednice održa-vati svake treće nedjelje u mjese-cu u 2 sata poslije podne u već spomenutim prostorijama Schumacher Ont Gnjezdo broj 392 održavati će svoju zabavu (Valetine party) u četvrtak 14 februara u C sati u ve-čer u prostorijama ogranka Sa-veza New Toronto Organizacija SKH održavati će svoju redovitu sjednicu u nedjelju 17 februara u 2 sata poslije podno u Ukrajinskom Domu na 919 Lako Shore Rd TOMO STAKCIĆ — ISPRAVAK U prošlom broju Novosti objav-ljen je članak o smrti i pokopu druga Tome Starčića u Port Ar-thu- ru gdje je pogreškom pod nje-govu sliku napisano Ivan Starčić umjesto Tomo Starčić Molimo da Se ovaj ispravak uzme u obzir — ured Svečani Banket Vijeća KJSlavena u Torontu Prilikom zasjedanja glavnog odbora Vijeća Kanadskih Južnih Slavena u Torontu na 16 i 17 februara mjesno Vijeće priredjuje svečani banket i ples u počast članovima glavnog odbora i gostima iz Kanade i Sjedinjenih Država Ples će se održavati u subotu 16 februara u večer u Ma-kedonako-bugars-koj dvorani na 386 Ontario St Za ples će svi-rati dobro poznati tamburaški zbor "Tito" Ulaznina 50c Banket će se održavati u nedjelju 17 februara u Colum-bu- s Hali koja se nalazi na Sherbourne-Bloo- r corner (Rečena dvorana se nalazi na Sherbourne St malo niže ispod BJoor St) Banket počima u 6 sati u večer Ulaznina $200 po osobi Takodjer će se prikazivati film Oslobodjenje Beograda Pored ostalih govornika od strane Vijeća pfisutvovati i govoriti će i Pero Cabrić otpravnik poslova našeg poslanstva u Ottavi Iz Sjedinjenih Država dolaze predstavnici i biti će too gosti i govornici na banketu slijedeći: šime Ba!en atae za štampu kod jugoslavenskog poslan-stva u Washingtonu Filip Vukelić urednik Zajdni&sa u imm Vica Ame ričkih Hrvata L Fišer urednik Narodnog Glasnika 2arko Bunčić predsjednik Vidovdanskog Koogfeso Ame-ričkih Srba Etbin Kristan predsjednik Slovenskog Amerifitog Narod-nog Sveta Stanko Vujić od strane Slobodne Reći Vjerojatno će doći i predstavnik Ujedinjenog Odbora Ju žno-slavensk- ih Amerikanaca Svi ce gore imenovani prisustvovati na sjednici glavnog odbora Vijeća Kanadskih Južnih Slavena i biti ce govornici na banketu dok je glavni govornik Sime Balen Mjesni odbor Vijeća
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Novosti, February 12, 1946 |
Language | hr |
Subject | Croatia -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Croatia; Croatian Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1946-02-12 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | Novot000770 |
Title | 000068 |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
OCR text | m JIi w eT'fpt"- - STRANA L NOVOSTI Utorak 12 februar 194G VWWVWWVWVVWVA' For Our English Readers Made Yugoslav Youth wv Great Progress By (lV LKO USATV) It was during thn course of thc "VVorld Vouth Conference that the YugoBlav youth delegation invii-e- d the Canadian delegation to visit their country as guests of the United league of Anti-Fasci- st Youth of Vugoslavia (USAOJ) Sevcn young Canadians vent to Czechoslovakia but only two vent on to Vugoslavia these be-in- g Jessie Storrie and mj'self The YugosIav delegates vho at-tend- ed the VorId Studenta' Con-gress in Prague took eharge of the guests of the USAOJ hired a Czech bus and looked after our general elfare during the hole trip A number of delegates from other countries accompanied us a Mexican a Cuban a Vene-zuela- n two South Africans a young Frerich partisan captain and two young Italian anti-fas-cis- ts one of the latter being -- in lialian partisan leader 18 yeat3 of age Throughout the vhole trip through Hungary and Vugoslavia ve gained knouledge not only of the countries through which we vere travelling but ajso of each other's homeland We arrived in Belgrade on D-1-cem-ber first two days after th-- ' proelamation of the new demo-erati- c Federative I'eoples' Repub-li- c of YugosIavia vhile excite-me- nt and great celebrations still ran high The follovving day we had the ehance to see the third sitting of the nevly-electe- d Fede-r- al l'arliament vhere e saw Marshal Tito the Prime Minister U was very interesting to note that many young partisan heroea are members of parliament a3 well as seasoned old veterans Of the tvvelve days ve spent in Yugoslavia ve travelled eight days touring Serbia Uosnia Cro-ati- a and Herzegovina We stopn-c- d off in centres such as Zagreh Novska Banja Luka and Novi Sad as vell as numerous small villagcs We visitcd the ruins of Jasenovac site of the largest concentration camp in the Bal-ka- ns where over 900000 people were brutally put to death Tho Germans and the Ustashi traitors completely demolished this camp in their retreat In Banja Luka hich is some 25 kilometers from Mount Kozora the location of the earliest partisan beginning and heaviest battles against the Ger-mans ve visitcd a Moslem mos-qu- e and saw Moslem women vearing the traditional veiU covering their faces Here as in ali the tovns and villages e visitcd the foreign delegates re-ceiv- ed a warm elcome by the local youth One of the most surprising and impressing examples of national unity in Yugoslavia is tlu strength of the youth movement The most poverful jouth organi-zation the USAOJ has a inember-shi- p of over tvo million j-ou-m people Over seventy-fiv- e percent of the partisans ere j-ou-ng people betveen the ages of sixteen and tventy-fiv- e They plaved a tre-mendo- us role in the liberation of their country When the Germans and Italian fascista first oceupied Vugosla-via the leaders of thc old youth organizations vent over to the quisling and fascist ranks Ths masses of the members of these organizations vere left to shift for themselves and gradually forming partisan groups Tei-ribl- e reprisals vere committed to stamp out this movement In Kragujcvac Serbia six thousand secondary school students vere condemned to a mass executioa along with their direetor Twelve and thirteen-year-ol- d ehildren were publicly hanged "to teach others a lesson" Through this phase the earlv basis for the organization wa laid and grew in strength paral-le- l to the national liberation movement Different regions (no republics) have their own youth leagues The main task of ths jouth organizations at that time was to draw young people into the struggle against the aggressois both in the front lines and in he rear and to assist in food tran-sport to the partisans These youth organisations were also se-ttin- g up an army uhich inevi-tabl- y grew and spread Thus they aided the army formed cultural groups to stamp out illiteracy and harassed the enemy from thc rear by sabotaging enemy com-municatio- ns and transport It vas ineviUble that many of the! jmung people were arrested han mamaammmmmmmmmvm' ged and shot bv the enemv but these heroes and heroines only set an example to thousands of others vith the result that the love of freedom and the en-thusia- sm of youth even spread to older people past military age In November 1942 the first congress of regional youth lea-tor- y The unity created in the gues was held on liberated terri-commo- n struggle found expre-sio- n at this conference and th United League of Anti-Fasci- st Youth of Yugoslavia was formed In May 1944 the second congress was held and by this time there } vvere over one million members in the organization vith over 200 000 members in the national ar-m- y It had grovn by this time in-to a very powerful organization with many activities Many members vere too young to join fighting units but in 194'J a "rioneer" organization vas se: up for young ehildren who collec-te- d food clothing etc for the ar my They even stole weapons for their soldiers To a great cxtent the pioneer organization replaced schools because the ehildren vere taught to read and vvrite This va3 done until liberation in 1945 Since liberation hovvever this organiza tion has played an important rolo in the life of their nation and is organized as one of the sections of the United League The task of the United League of Anti-Fasci- st youth is a tremen-dou- s one and the youth is play-in- g as great a part in the recon-struetio- n as they did in the li-beration Over forty million vork-in- g hours have already been do-nate- d by the jouth to the repair of bridges roads and building to the gathering of vood for vinter fuel This oriranizatinn U to-da- y devoting a great part cf' its energies to the training of the greatest possible number of spe-cialis- ts to take their place in thi industries professions and adnu-nistrati- on They are shouing ini-tiati- ve in bringing up young peo-ple in the špirit of democracy and to respect the great stru:-gle- s of the people during the li-beration period They vant io safeguard the victory they have gained over fascism Not only is this organization assisting the young people to raisc their standard of aducation to a much higher level but they are active in encouraging cultural and physical education This is bein done to the greatest possible ex-te- nt also Since Yugoslavia is a union of South Slavs they ar vorking tirelessly to strengthan the brotherhood and equality of nationalities vhich they did not ever have before in history The unity of to-da- y vas achieved through the struggle against a common aggressor and the people of Yugoslavia highly treasure this tremendous gain They are teaching the young people to treasure the rights they have achieved and to treasure the uni-t- y of vvorid jouth hich the World Federation of Democratic Youth formed at the WorId Youth Con-ference makes possible The USAOJ is active in every sphere of life They have orga-nized many groups to care for thousands of orphaned ehildren I visited an orphan home situated just outside Belgrade u here I sav parentless and homeless vi"- - tims of facism being lovingly cared for by girls ho have suf-fere- d also at the hands of the barbarous aggrefcsors It is heart-rendin- g to see small ehildren who have barely learned to valk deaf and speechless from the shock of some fallen bomb As Marshal Ti-to said at the first Yugoslav vouth congress in 1942 "Vhen voung people of military ag fight the aggressor they are do-in- g their duty but vvhen ehildren of ten to fourteen years of age bear arms against the enemy they are doing more than their duty" How true this is! In Za-greb I visited the largest rail-va- y shops in th country Ilei-- e I met some of the young people vho are studying in the repair shops as apprentiees There ar more than 400 of them there be-tvce- n the ages of twelve aml fif-tee- n Almost ali are still wearing their uniforms because clothing cannot be bought anywhere ir Yugoslavia In vorking to achieve its aim the USAOJ has dcovered dif-ferent methods in acquiring the unity necesary for these tremen-dous tasks For instance the 97 DOLARA ZA JUGOSLAVIJU SA LIČKIH KRSTITKI U PORT ALBERNI I'ort Alberni II C — Na 28 de-cembra prošle godine sastali su se prijatelji i kumovi kod druga i drugarice Sigurnjak Tom prili-kom oni su krstili svog sina Ni-kolu Te večeri smo se vrlo dobro zabavili sve do pred zoru po na-fe- m ličkom običaju Pjevalo se je uz vino i pečenku Za neko vrije-me zaboravili smo na sve poteš-koće kojima se dnevno suočuje-m- o ali nismo mogli zaboraviti naš napaćeni ali junački narod u Ju-goslaviji Bratska ljubav i dru-garska dužnost nas je ponukala da i ovom prilikom doprinesemo ' prilog za pomoć našem narodu a u ovom slučaju za podizanje dječ-je bolnice Iako smo mi svoje pri-loge za bolnicu već dali ipak zna mo da je nužno podizati ne samo bolnice već i kuće za narod koji je ostao bez kro%a u četirigodli-njo- j oslobodilačkoj borbi Jedan od naših drugova ustao je i govorio o potrebi pomaganja na-če- g naroda Govor je bio dirljiv tako da su nam se oči slušajući orosile suzama I'red par minuta smo svi pjevali ali govor druga i listovi koje primamo iz domovine ORGANIZIRAN KLUB HRVATSKIH ŽENA MASSOLLON OHIO Massollon Ohio USA — Ne-davno je uz pomoć sestara Mary Borković Mary Fabijanić i Kosy Sniev uspostavljen klub hrvatskih žena za pomoć narodima u starom kraju Do danas klub broji oko 22 članice to je tek u početku a nadamo se da će u buduće broj članica biti mnogo veći Još u mjesecu novembru grupa hrvatskih žena radila je marljivo na sakupljanju robe za djecu i za odrasle u Jugoslaviji Za tjedan dana na taj način sakupljeno je preko 1300 funti razne odjeće i obuće Takodjer su naJe sestre or-ganizirale i održale jedan "Šaor" za djecu na toj priredbi sakuplje-no je nove odjeće za obući 100 djece od 1 pa do 10 godina staru young factory vorkers have their wuuc ufijuua uyk mcy I1UVC Uieir separate vouth sections for cul-tural and educational activities These youth sections are united into the regional youth leagu which in turn unites into the mas youth organization the USAOJ The university students vit!i their special problems have se-parate branehes but they too are united in the mass movement The students organize their own vorking brigades to assist in the general reconstruetion plans of the large organization Young people in Yugoslaia ara becoming more interested in fly-in- g aeroplanes model clubs and these are being set up across the vhole country Children's homi ar? of national concern and hs more mature voung people ht-l-p to place orphans vith families vherever possible caring for them as for their on brothers and sisters Each jouth sectioi has its ovn special tasks such an vorking brigades in the mincs and factories harvesting of crops building bridges repairing roads cutting ood ali the innumerable tasks hich tnake up the general pattern of the National Front's plan for reconstruetion and future life of the nation The USAOJ is led by the Cent-ral Committee in Belgrade the secretary of uhich is a member of the Federal parliament — Kalo Dugonich a young man of 27 The Central Committee also ha? representatives on the executiv of the national front Slavko Komar the Chairman of the Central Committee of the USAOJ is one of these represen-tatives He is a joung man of 23 and vas the leader of the Yugo-sla- v vouth delegation to the VorId Youth Conference They are both quiet unassuming lea-ders vho have distinguished themselves as capable respons- - ible young leaders during the li-- 1 beration period ' The Central Committee of the USAOJ is composed of members who are eleeted at open national youth congresses The regional committees are eleeted at their on congresses of district com-mittees hich in turn are elee-ted by the general membership The candidates eleeted are not leaders of jouth organizations but leaders vith abilitj in dealing with problems Constant contact is maintained betveen the many committees and discipline is firm Youth organization in Vugosla-via is a serious business and the leaders ho are in the responsi-bl- e positlorvs are subject li immediate recall if the member-ship is not satisfied with their potsjetile su nas na žrte našeg naroda pa srce nije od kamena ono se rastuži i suze padaju Jo5 nije ni dovriio drug svog govora već su počele desetice i petice padati na stol Drug Sigur-njak je pokupio nevac popisao imena prilagača i uručio meni da ih poJaljem na odredjeno mjesto Kad smo završili sa prilozima zapjevali smo Kuma mladog dru-ga Nikole Sigurnjaka Manda Markušić je predvodila pjesmu vr-lo dobro ama baš cnako po staro- - U krajski kao da je u svojem ponos nom umDerKU i laKo smo se ve-selili do pred zoru Sa moje strane se najljepJe za-hvaljujem drugu Sigurnjaku kad je pored svoje kućne priredbe iza-šao u susret da smo isto sakupili pomoć naJem junačkom narodu Takodjer se zahvaljujem svima na priloženoj svoti Sve vas pozdrav-lja Katica Ličanka Na rečenoj zabavi po izjavi dru-ga MioJića skupljena je svota od $9700 a Vijeće će objaviti imena prilagača — Ured Budući su potrebe naJeg naro-da velike mi sada organizirane hrvatske žene ćemo nastojati da predvodimo skupa sa našom bra-ćom sav rad na sakupljanju pomo-ći našem narodu u staroj nam do-movini NajljepJe se zahvaljujemo obi-telji Borković koja nam je ustu-pila svoju kuću ra raspolaganje sa šivaćim strojem za pakovanje i krpljenje odjeće Tako isto hva-la bratu Koss koji nam je tako-djer badava dao svoje prostorije na raspolaganje I na koncu zah-valjujemo se svima koji su poma-gali naše narode sa robom i nov-cem Jedna od članica vork The members have cards pay dues and join only on a vo-Iunta- ry basis VVhen the Central Committee members are eleeted the vork is divided on special in-ter- est grounds such as publish-in- g national culture education phj-sica- l culture and organization of vorking brigades This poverful jouth organiza-tion has contributed much to the nation and government but it has not become a "regime" or privi leged organization So thorough is its planning and so vide its field of activity that there is no incen-tiv- e to again start up the old jouth organizations such as thrf scouts Sokol (sports) it has be-come so videly supported by j-ou-ng and old alike that the peo-ple have come to fully rely upon its guidance of the jounger ge-nerati- on Because it is so broadly organized ali j'oung people in the country can readily aecept its aims and tasks Even the reli-gio- us groups such as the Ortho-do- x Catholic Moslem etc aie organized ali joung people in the tional organization this is con-clusi- ve proof of the broadness of its vork Before I left my friends in Vu-goslavia I asked them hat they ere doing to acquaint the jouth of their country vith the vork of the VVorld Youth Conference They shovved me numerous back copies of nevspapers carrying reports of the conference vritten by Yugoslav delegates who atten-de- d this historic event They shoed me a stack of "Omladi-na" (Youth) the fifth larges: daily nevvspaper in Vugoslavia which put the conference in th headlines I vas further informel by the fact that during the time of the conference the national radio netvvork carried the latest developments of the discussions of vorld j'outh in London Thus through the press radio and nu merous other publications the vere reaching ali the j-ou-ng pe ple in the country to gain vide support for the future vork of the VVorld Federation of Demo cratic Vouth the organization born out of the discussions of re-presentatives of over thirty mil-lion young people across the world The Central Committee of the USAOJ informed me that an open congress of Vugoslav jouth vas to be held in Januarj 194C and that at this national conference they vould discuss the best met-ho- d by which they could makc the USAOJ one of the strongest supporters of the VVorld Federa-tion In this vaj they are arous-in- g nation-wid- e interest in th-- post-wa- r work of vorld j-o-uth It NEKA SE ISPRAVI Niagara Falls — Nije mi na-mjera da vodim polemiku sa bilo kime već sam prisiljen da ispra-vim jednu stvar u dopisu pod na-slovom: "Preko 300 dolara za Ju-goslaviju sa božičnog sastanka Hreljana u Niagara Falls" Pored ostalog u dopisu se veli da su na taj sastanak Hreljana bili poz-vani i Zlobinjari sa namjerom da priredbu zajednički održimo ali odaziv je bio slab što bi drugim riječima značilo da se Zlobinjari ne zalažu za pomoć našem narodu Nije točno Da se nije mislilo na Zlobinjare ni na druge jasno je u tome kada su već i Zlobinjari pozvani na sastanak istu večer je već bilo oglašeni u novini "Bo žić Hreljana u Niagara Falls" Niže potpisani prisustvovao je tom sastanku i izjavio da se ne slaže sa hreljinskom niti sa zlobi-njarsko- m zabavom jer sam bio uvjeren da bi zabava bila bolja kada bi kao i u prošlosti svi za-jedno pripremili na ime kluba Kadi toga Zlobinjari i nekoji dru-gi nisu prisustvovali toj zabavi Koliko su Zlobinjari već do sada napravili za narode Jugoslaviji je poznato a onaj koji to nezna ne-ka dodje k nama pa ćemo mu po-kazati Nego sada nam naskoro dolazi prva ovogodišnja kampanja za pomoć našem narodu pa već danas napominjem ako su Hreljani voljni da se s nama takmiče mi ih čekamo Zajednički ćemo raditi kao i prije samo će se rekord vo-diti posebno da se idi tko koliko doprinaša Neka mi nitko ne zamjeri ja i sam ovo napisao u najboljoj na mjeri da se ispravi kako nebi ljudi kojima nije poznato mislili da mi Zlobinjari ne želimo poma-gati naš narod u Etarom kraju Josip Marohnić Weekly Dances in Kirkland Lake Starting February 2nd the Kir-kland Lake branch of the CSYF vill hold regular Saturday night dances in the Ukrainian Labor Temple 23 Hudson Bay Ave 9 PM We have a svell programne outlined so that ali may enjoj themselves and a special invita-tio- n is extended to ali j-ou-th of South Slavic origin betveen the ages of 15 and 30 Music vill be provided by the Balkan Tamburitza Orchestra as vell as other guest artists Come and share our good time' M Segina Secretarv Hamilton Ont Sa ovim dajemo do znanja na-šim lokalnim organizacijama da će ogranak Saveza Kanadskih Hrva-ta održavati krabuljnl ples u su-botu 2 marča Na rečenom plesu davati će se tri nagrade Trvu nagradu će do-biti najružnije obučena osoba i ta-ko redom Takodjer apeliramo na naše or-ganizacije da toga dana ne prire-djuj- u svojih priredaba Sii(llj[iry Ont Jugoslavenski omladinski klub odigravati će svoju prvu predsta-vu "Partizani" u nedjelju 17 feb-ruara u Hrvatskom Narodnom Domu Početak u 8 sati u večer Ulaznice se mogu dobiti kod svakog člana kluba Predstava je vrlo interesantna pa nemojte za-nemariti a da je ne posjetite Toronto Ont Odbor Jugoslavenskih žena iz-javljuje da će u počast Medjuna-rodno- g dana žena održati prosla-vu na 9 marča Pa radi toga apeli-ramo na naše organizacije da re-čenog dana ne priredjuju svojih priredaba nego da sudjeluju na proslavi rečenog dana Pori Arlhcr Ont Ogranak Saveza Kanadskih Hr-vata priredjuje veliki koncert u nedjelju 17 februara u Finskom Domu na 31C Bay St Početak u 8 sati na večer " Na koncertu će nastupati nali najbolji talenti: pjevači plesaei muzikanti itd Jednom riječju pro-gram je vrlo bogat Dodjite na vrijeme Ulamina dobrovoljni prilog is certain that the y©ung people of Vugoslavia rill plaj as great a part in building future vor!d peace and security as they plaj-e- d in the role of liberating their countrj' from fascist aggression OBJAVE VVindsor Ont Dramatski zbor ogranka Save-za Kanadskih Hrvata odigravati će pozorišni komad "Oo je naša zemlja" u nedjelju 17 februara u Čehoslovačkoj dvorani na 1367 Drouillard Ud Početak u 8 sati u večer Kečeni pozorišni komad napisao je drug J Popović U komadu se prikazuje okupacija naše stare do-movine po Nijemcima i oslobodje-nj- e iste po partizanskoj vojski U komadu uzimlje učešća 40 dobro izvježbanih diletanata Tfmmins Ont Mjesno Vijeće Kanadskih Juž-nih Slavena održavati će svoju redovitu sjednicu u nedjelju 17 fe-bruara u 7 sati u večer na 112 Balsam St N Radi važnih poslova potrebno je da prisustvuju sjednici svi pred-stavnici organizacija Larder Lake Ont Ogranak Saveza Kanadskih Hr-vata zaključio je na prošloj sjed-nici da će od sad pa u buduće odr-žavati masovna predavanja svake prve nedjelje u mjesecu u sedam sati u večer u Windsor hotelu Schumacher Ont Dramatski odbor ogranka Sa-veza Kanadskih Hrvata priredju-j- e zabavu sa šaljivim pozorišnim komadom "Tri prosca" u nedjelju 17 februara u saveznim prostori-jama Početak u 8 sati u večer Vancouver B 0 Dramatski zbor Doma daje do znanja našem narodu da će se u Domu na 24 februara u večer odi-gravati vrlo šaljivi pozorišni ko-mad "Ciganin" U komadu se imitira ciganska ženidba pa će biti smijeha do mile volje Pozivamo naš narod da po-sjeti našu predstavu Toronto Ont Izvršni odbor ogranka Saveza Kanadskih Hrvata održavati će svoju sjednicu u petak 15 februa-ra u 8 sati u večer u Makedonsko-bugarsk- oj dvorani Potrebno je da svi članovi odbora budu na sjedni-ci Timmins Ont VALENTINE DANCE Tito's Vouth Club vdshes to an-noun- ce their first Valentine dance vhich will be held on Feb 1C at the Finn Hali on Fourth Avenue Timins Ont We are inviting everj'one to come carly and enjoy the Valentine's evening with us Stefi Hocear Secretary VVindsor Ont Poziva se članstvo kluba "Tito" LPP da nefaljeno prisustvuje sjed-nici u nedjelju 17 februara u 2 sata poslije podne u klubsklra prostorijama na 1223 Drouillard Rd SI Catharincs Ont Odsjek 951 HUZ održavati će svoju redovitu sjednicu u nedjelju dne 17 februara u kući brata Da-ne Štimca na 89 Johnson St S S Mario Ont Odsjek C28 HBZ održavati će svoju sjednicu u nedjelju 17 feb-ruara u 2 sata poslije podne u prostorijama Udruge Hrvatskog Doma Poziva se tve članstvo na sjednicu Isto se daje članstvu na znanje da će se odsječne sjednice održa-vati svake treće nedjelje u mjese-cu u 2 sata poslije podne u već spomenutim prostorijama Schumacher Ont Gnjezdo broj 392 održavati će svoju zabavu (Valetine party) u četvrtak 14 februara u C sati u ve-čer u prostorijama ogranka Sa-veza New Toronto Organizacija SKH održavati će svoju redovitu sjednicu u nedjelju 17 februara u 2 sata poslije podno u Ukrajinskom Domu na 919 Lako Shore Rd TOMO STAKCIĆ — ISPRAVAK U prošlom broju Novosti objav-ljen je članak o smrti i pokopu druga Tome Starčića u Port Ar-thu- ru gdje je pogreškom pod nje-govu sliku napisano Ivan Starčić umjesto Tomo Starčić Molimo da Se ovaj ispravak uzme u obzir — ured Svečani Banket Vijeća KJSlavena u Torontu Prilikom zasjedanja glavnog odbora Vijeća Kanadskih Južnih Slavena u Torontu na 16 i 17 februara mjesno Vijeće priredjuje svečani banket i ples u počast članovima glavnog odbora i gostima iz Kanade i Sjedinjenih Država Ples će se održavati u subotu 16 februara u večer u Ma-kedonako-bugars-koj dvorani na 386 Ontario St Za ples će svi-rati dobro poznati tamburaški zbor "Tito" Ulaznina 50c Banket će se održavati u nedjelju 17 februara u Colum-bu- s Hali koja se nalazi na Sherbourne-Bloo- r corner (Rečena dvorana se nalazi na Sherbourne St malo niže ispod BJoor St) Banket počima u 6 sati u večer Ulaznina $200 po osobi Takodjer će se prikazivati film Oslobodjenje Beograda Pored ostalih govornika od strane Vijeća pfisutvovati i govoriti će i Pero Cabrić otpravnik poslova našeg poslanstva u Ottavi Iz Sjedinjenih Država dolaze predstavnici i biti će too gosti i govornici na banketu slijedeći: šime Ba!en atae za štampu kod jugoslavenskog poslan-stva u Washingtonu Filip Vukelić urednik Zajdni&sa u imm Vica Ame ričkih Hrvata L Fišer urednik Narodnog Glasnika 2arko Bunčić predsjednik Vidovdanskog Koogfeso Ame-ričkih Srba Etbin Kristan predsjednik Slovenskog Amerifitog Narod-nog Sveta Stanko Vujić od strane Slobodne Reći Vjerojatno će doći i predstavnik Ujedinjenog Odbora Ju žno-slavensk- ih Amerikanaca Svi ce gore imenovani prisustvovati na sjednici glavnog odbora Vijeća Kanadskih Južnih Slavena i biti ce govornici na banketu dok je glavni govornik Sime Balen Mjesni odbor Vijeća |
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