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i Canadians Of Slavic Origin Have a i Manifestacije slovenske solidamosti Big Contribution to Make (Continued from Page One) historical art treasure- - m Canada has come to an end and they are now back in the Wawel Castle in Krakow where they belong We are eojxy to say that there were people calling themselves Poles in Canada who objected to the return of their sacred property to the people of Poland. Needless to say, they did not speak for the masses of Polish Canadians— and well, there's a black sheep in every family, as they say. (One Canadian newspaper went out of its way to point out among those Polish treasurers was Sxczer-bie- c, the ancient coronation sword of the Polish kings, so named be-cause Boleslaw Chrobry is supposed to have nicked it on the Golden Gate in Kiev, that is part of a sad history of times past—times which will never return Now Kiev and Warsaw are good sisters and who-ever should dare ever again to at-tack either one of them will get not only his sword, but his teeth dent-ed!) We axe glad that there is now a trade mission of the USSR in Can-ada, a Polish trade mission too, and (hat the prospect for mutual trade is growing. Our only complaint is that it is not growing fast enough-- — not only because trade paves the road to poace, not only because it is good for. the Slavic countries, but also because Canada needs it—our economy needs it, our workers need It, our termors need it, and our coun-try's independence needs itl We ate glad that more Canadians are visiting the Slavic countries both on business and in the line of cul-tural and scientific exchange, sports competitions etc , as well as tourists, and wo are glad that we have been able to welcome guests from Slavic countries in Canada Again, our only complaint is that there are not enough of such visits and ex-changes, because they help enorm-ously to create better understanding of oach other—and better under-standing means better chances for peace. There are so many suepi-cion- s, so much ignorance of the facts and outright untruths to be swept away I It is a matter for congratulation that the study of Slavic languages and interest in Slavistics generally is growing in Canada, that many thousands of Canadians, for exam-ple, are now even learning Russian through regular courses over the , radio and television. This not only goes along the line of setting the balance right —they have been studying English in the Slavic coun-tries for many years and on a broad scale— but today, in 1961, everyone must admit that there is much that we could learn from the USSR and the other Slavic countries, in some bronchos of knowledge we've al-ready got to run to catch up with thorn, and a knowledge of the lan-guage will help us to do it. And we are happy that the time has come when very many Cana-dians are saying loudly today the things that only we and very few others were saying even a short year ago The professors and stu-dents of the Universities and now the high school students, churches and liberal groups, trade unionists, professional people, prominent citi-zens and rank-and-fi- le Canadians are demonstrating in many different movements and actions against pre-paration of nuclear war, for Cana-dian neutrality, to leave NATO and NORAD, not to permit nuclear weapons to be stored in Canada or bases for launching them to be built on our soil, for total world disarmament . . We are no longer a voice in the wilderness. We are part of a growing chorus of the Can-adian people singing the inspired song of peace and friendship among all men We must admit that there are some people among Slavs in Canada who still strike up the old discordant notes To them we say. "Wake up! John Foster Dulles is as dead as Hitler — bury them, banish them from your minds and U Torontu jo preminuo O-le- g Vladimir Rodomar, rus-k- i bjelogardejac izbjeglica, aktivni ucesnik kontrarevo-lucijc- . U nekrolozima se iz-no- ei da so lorio sa "srpskom brigadom", sluzio u francus-koj- , britanskoj i americkoj obavjcitajnoj sluzbi. a Vla-divostok je napustio s "po-tljcdnji- m americkim bro-dom- " koji je vokIo americke flsCri John Weir join tho clean and noble cause ol friendship and peacel That is the road which tho Slavic peoples have taken, that is the road which the Canadian people are taking. Turn away from tho dark shadows of the dead past and face the morning sunl" It is a new world we are living in. Africa has risen after centuries of slavery to join the free peoples of the world Cuba is the swallow that heralds the coming Latin American spring. The Slavic nations at the head of 1,000,000,000 people in the socialist countries, stretching from Albania and Berlin to Korea and Vietnam, are successfully carrying out the task to produce more goods per capita and provide a better and richer life for every person than does vaunted America—and to do it within tho next decade. Slavic unity has something to do with that too! It is tho emblem of the Soviet Union that has been planted on the moon. And while animals have no nationality, the two Christopher Columbuses of outer space who circled the earth 18 times in a space ship and returned alive and well back to earth bore the Slavic names of Strelka and Belka. One year ago the hopes of the world ran high. Premier Khruschov had made his world-shakin- g pro-posal to the United Nations for com-plete and general world disarma-ment to be carried out under inter-national control within four years. The General Assembly of the United Nations voted unanimously for it. That plan was torpedoed. But the attempts to continue the Dulles "brink of war" policies are meeting defeat in Cuba, in the Congo, in Laos—and Eisenhower, the partner-in-crim- e of John Foster Dulles, has been repudiated by the American people. A great hope is once again rising in the hearts of people every-where— with a greater caution and a greater determination that man-kind will not again be betrayed. We are proud that we, the Slavic Canadians, through our progressive organizations and through the Can-adian Slav Committee have made a contribution to the battle for peace. Our rallies across the entire country this month are rallies for peace We have published two pamphlets —in English and in Slavic languages— in that cause. Last spring under the title taken from the message sent before his death by Julius Fucik— "People. Bo Vigil-ant- l" —we published the documents showing Hitler's plans to extermin-ate the Slavic peoples as part of his insane attempt to conquer the world, plans which some unhung Nazis are still dreaming of today And this month we have Gregory Okule-vich- 's well documented warning of the catastrophe that faces mankind if we don't achieve disarmament and peaceful co-existen- ce, an ex-pose of those who are blocking the way and an answer to the ques-tions being asked today by the peo-ple. It bears the title "At the Cross-road- e —For Life and Happiness." That struggle has not yet been won And that is why we, the Slavic unity movement, still have a role to play and a job to do for peace There are other jobs to be done too Not the least of them is the job of putting an end to the discrimin-it'o- n that is practi-- d against the SMRT JEDNOG „PRIJATELJA" JUGOSLAVIJE : intervoncionisticke t r u p e. Njegovi stari su u Rusiju do-.seli- li iz Crne Gore. I Rodomar je nasoj javnosti poznat iz 1911. — 1916. go-dine, kad je stajao na colli I organizacije "Kanadski pn-jjate- lji Jugoslavije", koja je , bila stvorena na inicijativu j jugoelavenskog konzula. Toj I organizaciji je bilo povjerc-- no da rasporedjuje fonriom ишшцаш ЏШШ1ШШт&%&ШшШШ%ШЛ}$&ш,. ii ST jjf"™"; - 4 3 Slav- - and nut only the Slavic people r Canada by the Depart-ment of C tizenship and Immigra-tion We cannot any longer puli c s punches on this question. We are revolted and angry at tho revelations that fascist war crimin-als, little and not-so-lit- tle Eic.i-mann- s, are provided a haven from punishment in Canada, given fat jobs, given citizenship papers and not only permitted but encouraaod to preach hatred and war m our country. That's an international scandal and a mockery of the mil-lions, including Canadians, wh- - died fighting the Nazi beasts dur-ing the Second World Var But tho other side of the coin is no le shameful—when hundreds of Slavic workers are denied citizenship be-cause they were and remain anti-fascists! Men and women who have lived as long as 40 years in Canada, who have given a lifetime of labour to build up this country, who have built homes and raised families here, some of whom fought in Can-ada's armed forces in both world wars, cannot become citizens. Why? The department doesn't have to say why and it's decision is final, you can't appeal it. Why are our people being discriminated against' Be-cause they refuse to become janis-saries against their own people? Because they believe in peace? Be-cause they avail themselves of the supposed rights of Canadians to join a trade union, cultural or benefit association or political party of their own choice? Because they read a newspaper which somebody in of-fice doesn't happen to like? Because they go to their own hall? Because they attend meetings such as this one? The minister of citizenship and im-migration may be a lady ... to the unhung war criminals, but to our people that department is cruel, cal-lous and oppressive. Today, when even in the farthest corners of the earth human beings will no longer tolerate despotism, oppression and discrimination, we here certainly aren't going to take it lying down. Our next pamphlet, which will be out this spring, is going to expose this shameful situation to the whole Canadian people—yes, and to the world! We know that the decent Canadian people will stand with us to win this battle for democracy at home. There are many tasks which we Slavic Canadians should act to-gether on or help one another out. Last year there was the 1,000 years of Polish statehood and the 550th anniversary of Grunwald. This year there is the 30th anniversary of the founding of our member Russian Canadian organization. There are other such events which should be close to the hearts of all Slavs The World Council of Poace has named two outstanding Slavic per-sons for world-wid- e commemoration this year —Lomonosov and Shev-chenk- o. We are, of course, marking the anniversaries of all the great men of culture, of science, of human thought and achievement. We are the heirs of the best that has been produced on all continents and in all the centuries But we are proud that our own contribution is receiv-ing the world-wid- e study and recog-nition which it deserves So we must together as Slavs and together with all cultural and progressive circles in Canada pay tribute to the mem-ory of the great Russian scientist Lomonosov, whose torch of learning throws light upon the whole world And we must join in the great events, culminating in the national festival of song, music and dance here in Toronto next July 1, to hUoknroauinrianthepoemt,emaorrtyist oafndtherevgorleua- t tionary democrat, Taras Shevchen-k- o It Is fitting that I should in dos-ing quote the words that Shevchen-k- o whpicehnnceadrrymoaremtehsasnagae ceanstutrryueagfoor us today as it was for our great-grandfathers- 'Let all the Slavs aood brothers be And sons of the Sun of Truth " koji je bio odredjen za Jugo-slavij- u iz opceg kanadskog fonda. Radilo se o svoti od GOO.000 dolara. U vrijeme burnih politi6kih dogadjaja pred proglaSenjc republike 1915. god. Rodomar je pro-glasi- o da prekidn Siljanje pomoci. Protiv toga jc oStro protestiralo Vijecc Kanads-ki- h JiiEnih Slavena, pa je vlada naredila da sc taj fond % STRANA oduzme od Rodomarovc or ganizacije i preda Kanads-ko- m ervenom krizu, koji je otpremio pornoc". Rodomar i "Kanadskj pri-jate- lji Jugoslavije" su bili prijatelji starog re2ima i za-t- o nisu htjeli pomoci narodu. Zbog toga je izmedju Vijeca Kanadskih JuZnih Slavena i "prijatelja" stalno dolazilo do sukoba. FodmoRodilnja Jerina Gabre recilirala je pjemu "J a ham mlaria pwnirka" Odlicno uspjela priredba u Hamiltonu U subotu 28. januara u U-krajinsk-om radnifikom do-m- u na Barton St. odrzao je mjesni Odbor slavenskih or-ganizac- ija zakusku sa igran-ko- m i malim programom, ko-ji je popraccn govorom sa o-bjasnje- njem znacaja Dana "Slavenske solidamosti", ko ji so svakc godinc provodi u januaru mjesecu. Program je izvela omladi-n- a sa nekoliko narodnih ko-la i igara, koje kod gleda laca izazvalo prijatno zado-voljstv- o. Nakon izvedenog programa i pozdravnog go-vor- a pocela jc igranka i za-bavljan- je, pa je omladina pomjc§avsi se sa ostalim na-rodo- m koji su plesali i oni o-p- ct uhvatili se u kolo i po-nov- no izmedju publik0 igln-l- i svoje igre, Sto jo pobudilo kod starijih veoma dobro ra-spolozcn- jc i vesclje. Ovc godinc posjet jo bio zaista odlican. Ukrajinski U Pise: Vlada (Port Arthur) No ce biti od gorega ako !o3 ncsto kazem o mom rod-no- m mjestu Mrkopalj. Mrkopalj je udaljen od Seljeznicke stanice Lokve 9 kilometara. Nalazi se u jed-n- oj kotlini. Ima ne§to polja. Oknlo njega su kosenice, a pozadi lijcpa jelova Suma. koja se prostire od Slovenijc pa do Primorja i Ogulina u Lief. Ima oko 100 kuca. Prije je bila opcina, a sada'e mje-sni ured. U o-pc- ini bilo je §est pilana a sa-d- a je samo jedna. Mrkopalj ci malo znaju o ali su bili dobri §umari, tosaCi i vrlo dobri kirijasi. Mjesto ncma 2iv0 vodc, pa jo nekad poteSkoca za vodu. Bilo jo slucajeva kad se jc po vodu illo u Lokve, 11 ki-lometara od Mrkoplja. Dva puta se trazilo 2ivu vodu, pr--vi put, ako se no varam 1902. godine. Onda je nacelnik bio moj djed, pa sam od njega cuo, da se u Mrkopalju zivu vodu nc mof e naci, jer je to ren takav da voda nc moze doci na povrsinu. Godine 1919. dolao je inZinjer sa maSinom da trazi vodu. Tn sam i ja bio zaposlon. Bio sam prisutan kad je djed re-ka- o inJinjcru da co se obje-si- t ti sred mjesta ako nadje vodu. I dosad nije nadjena. Sada se rndi o dopreml iz drugih mjesta. Prvi stanovnici Mrkopalj dom bio je pun naroda, sta-rijih, srednjih godina i mla-djarij- e raznih slavenskih na-rodno- sti pomijesani i svi u-jedinj- eni u borbi za mir i prijateljstvo medju narodi-ma- , jcr to Je bio smisao ovo-g- a zajcdni£kog veselja. Do pola noci ii grupama disku-siran- a jc svjotska situacija, borba za mir u svijetu, rad Kanadskog kongresa mira, koga svim s i 1 a m a pot-poma- ie Sveslovcnski komi-tc- t sastavljen od svih napre-dni- h slavenskih organizaci ja. Uostalom, ova zajcdniSka naprcdnih Sla-vena stvorila jak utisak na sve one koji nisu u proslosti ovakovim sves-lavenski- m manifcstacijnma-solidarnost- i i bratstva. Clan mjesnog Slavenskog komitcta u Hamiltonu M0JI UTISCI STAROM KRAJU Papic (Svrsctak) Mrkopaljskoj poljoprivre-di- , manifestacija prisustvovali oko 1597. bili su Srbi, 1750. nastanili su se Ccsi i Hrvati. Godine 1785. mjesto je prog-la§cn- o trgovi§tem. Tada je bilo 2.9 11 stanovnika. Marija Terezija dala je zagradit 2upnu crkvu, koju su Nijcmci u proSIom ratu sruSili. Godine 1771. ustano-vljcn- a je plovanija a prijc je bila kapelanija. Matica po-sto- ji od 1761. Prvi Supnik bio je Josip Sostaric, kojega je 1781. ubiln drvo. Govori se da je pala grana s jele i ubila ga. Zato su na5i stari znali pjevat: Pala kita iz jelviSa i ubila popa SoStaricn No bi bilo dobro da nc ka-zem ne3to o jedanaostom zu pniku, a to jc bio David Ma-rini- c. rodjon u Kosinju, Lika. Rio je dosta dobar za narod. U prvom svjetskom ratu na-bavlj- ao je provizaciju. Rio pijanac i kartas, znao se po-tu- ci s deckim i trcao za 2c-nam- a. Znao je reci : "Ja sam Sovjek kao i svi drugi, ab L'nrl en -- twl nltnCAn. #inHn I lll 01 JIICH uuniuin чшш 1 sam svecenik." Bio je u Mr-- koplju od 1890. do 1921. Trinaesti ?.upnik je bio I- - ivan Butorac. On jo u vrije-me prolog rata narodu go- - vorio da jedni druge no op-- ' tuluju, da no govore tko ido ju sumu itd. Bio je u prijatclj-stv- u sn partisanima. Ali njfr , i Uspeli koncert kanadskih Slovena ii Torontu R :l de; proslava Meseca - .vcn.,kc solidamosti koje se ai. ivaju sirom Kanade u me-et u anuaru, odrian je vrlo u~pe an Koncert-mitin- g u To- -i r ! . nedelju 29 januara. к - -- ertni deo programa iz-- V' dil'i u lskljucivo deoa raz--" r lovenskih orgaruzacija. Mi. na ie bilo gledah i slulati dcrn pevacki hor ruske orga-r-- ., it tie plesacke grupe Ukra-mar- a, Slovaka i Karpatorusa a icrma Gabre, koja je istupi- -i i one nase organizacije, sa ic Klamcrci;om, sa svojim umi- -i atim osmehom, u divnoj na-- : idnoj nosnji, osvojila je sroa , vih pnsutnih. Ovo ie Drvi out da ie na slo-- venskoj pnredbi bio iskljucivo deciji talenat a po svoj prilici nece biti poslednji jer se na koncertu vec rxstavilo ratanje od mnogih pnsutnih da se sa ovakvim radom nastavi. Svi su pozdravili ovaj dobar pocetak i izrazili ieliu da se nastavi u torn pravcu kako bi i nasi mla d]i, ovde u Kanadi, upoznali slavne tradiaje svojih preaata i nastavili da prenose kultume tekovine slovenekih naroda u nznicu kanadeke kulture. Voino je takodje istaci da je u citavom decjem programu glavni naglasak bio za mir. Na zavrsetku programa, sva sc deoa nastupila zajodno i ofpe-va- la dve posme o miru. Za uspoh ovog decjog kon- - corta moze se uglavnom za- - hvaliti vrednoj omladinki So-n- ji Nestoruk, koja je uloJila mnogo truda za organizovanjo programa. Samim koncertnim programom rukovodila je Anka Nozinlc. U drugom delu programa na pozornia su bile pretstavljene sve organizacije, flanico Slo-vensk- og komiteta. Ovom delu programa pretsedavao je cm ladinac, clan Karpatoruske or-ganizacije, Mihailo Lukac i is-tak- ao je vainost priredbe kao i potrebu solidamosti kanad-skih Slovena za mir, za demo-krati- ju l ravnopravnost svih ICanadjana, ukljuclv i Kana-djan- e slovenskog porekla. U i-- me Kanadskog sveslovenskog komiteta govorio je njegov se-kre- tar John Weir. Na vehko zadovoljstvo pri-sutm- h, prekidan sa cestim a-plauz- om, u cast gosta i gla-vn- og govrnika tog dana, save-tm- ka ambasade SSSR u Otta-w- i G Kavenna, redtovao je nai omladinac Bolo Pavkovic, "Pozdrav nasoj ruskoj braci". G. Kaverin je u svom govoru pozdravio plemeniti rad kana-dskih Slovena za stvar mira i istakao je doprinos Sovjetskog Saveza za ocuvanje mira u svetu. Ovo je zaista bila vrlo zna- - cajna priredba kanadskih Slo-vena a Sloveni Toronto su na dostojan na&n proslavili Meeec 3lovenske solidamosti u Kana-di, za mir i bolju buducnost a u isto vreme, sa nastupom mla-dje- g naraitaja, utrli put za produzenje ovog plemenitog rada Jodan od pnsutnih. ga nisu htjeli slusatl bas onl najpoboJniji. "Sport" u Mrkoplju Je bit-can- je i kartanje j to za vino tko izgubi mora platit. To traje od proljeca do zime, ncma dana da se nc igra, a osobito u nodjelju od jutra pa do dvanaest sati uvovfer. Gostionica se zatvara u 11 sati, pa se nckada igra 1 za novae i traje do ponedjclj-k- a ujutro. Rijctki su Mrko-paljc- i koji nc igraju mari-ja- s; kad dodjeS u gostionicu ncma stola gdje so ne igra. Vecinom po igra za vino, all ima onih koji bi htjeli igrati za novae, ali to je zabranje-no- . karJteadnnomjesamza gnolevdaaeo. D o s a o je milicajac i na-red- io im da prestanu. Mil-icajac je otisao i oni nastavili da igraju. Poslije jc doao drugi milicajac i boz rijccl pobrao karte i novae. Nasta la je vika i graja, pa im jo vratio novae. Tako vam je to u Mrkopa lju.
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Jedinstvo, February 03, 1961 |
Language | hr; sr |
Subject | Yugoslavia -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Yugoslavia; Yugoslavian Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1961-02-03 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | JedinD2000009 |
Title | 000035 |
OCR text | i Canadians Of Slavic Origin Have a i Manifestacije slovenske solidamosti Big Contribution to Make (Continued from Page One) historical art treasure- - m Canada has come to an end and they are now back in the Wawel Castle in Krakow where they belong We are eojxy to say that there were people calling themselves Poles in Canada who objected to the return of their sacred property to the people of Poland. Needless to say, they did not speak for the masses of Polish Canadians— and well, there's a black sheep in every family, as they say. (One Canadian newspaper went out of its way to point out among those Polish treasurers was Sxczer-bie- c, the ancient coronation sword of the Polish kings, so named be-cause Boleslaw Chrobry is supposed to have nicked it on the Golden Gate in Kiev, that is part of a sad history of times past—times which will never return Now Kiev and Warsaw are good sisters and who-ever should dare ever again to at-tack either one of them will get not only his sword, but his teeth dent-ed!) We axe glad that there is now a trade mission of the USSR in Can-ada, a Polish trade mission too, and (hat the prospect for mutual trade is growing. Our only complaint is that it is not growing fast enough-- — not only because trade paves the road to poace, not only because it is good for. the Slavic countries, but also because Canada needs it—our economy needs it, our workers need It, our termors need it, and our coun-try's independence needs itl We ate glad that more Canadians are visiting the Slavic countries both on business and in the line of cul-tural and scientific exchange, sports competitions etc , as well as tourists, and wo are glad that we have been able to welcome guests from Slavic countries in Canada Again, our only complaint is that there are not enough of such visits and ex-changes, because they help enorm-ously to create better understanding of oach other—and better under-standing means better chances for peace. There are so many suepi-cion- s, so much ignorance of the facts and outright untruths to be swept away I It is a matter for congratulation that the study of Slavic languages and interest in Slavistics generally is growing in Canada, that many thousands of Canadians, for exam-ple, are now even learning Russian through regular courses over the , radio and television. This not only goes along the line of setting the balance right —they have been studying English in the Slavic coun-tries for many years and on a broad scale— but today, in 1961, everyone must admit that there is much that we could learn from the USSR and the other Slavic countries, in some bronchos of knowledge we've al-ready got to run to catch up with thorn, and a knowledge of the lan-guage will help us to do it. And we are happy that the time has come when very many Cana-dians are saying loudly today the things that only we and very few others were saying even a short year ago The professors and stu-dents of the Universities and now the high school students, churches and liberal groups, trade unionists, professional people, prominent citi-zens and rank-and-fi- le Canadians are demonstrating in many different movements and actions against pre-paration of nuclear war, for Cana-dian neutrality, to leave NATO and NORAD, not to permit nuclear weapons to be stored in Canada or bases for launching them to be built on our soil, for total world disarmament . . We are no longer a voice in the wilderness. We are part of a growing chorus of the Can-adian people singing the inspired song of peace and friendship among all men We must admit that there are some people among Slavs in Canada who still strike up the old discordant notes To them we say. "Wake up! John Foster Dulles is as dead as Hitler — bury them, banish them from your minds and U Torontu jo preminuo O-le- g Vladimir Rodomar, rus-k- i bjelogardejac izbjeglica, aktivni ucesnik kontrarevo-lucijc- . U nekrolozima se iz-no- ei da so lorio sa "srpskom brigadom", sluzio u francus-koj- , britanskoj i americkoj obavjcitajnoj sluzbi. a Vla-divostok je napustio s "po-tljcdnji- m americkim bro-dom- " koji je vokIo americke flsCri John Weir join tho clean and noble cause ol friendship and peacel That is the road which tho Slavic peoples have taken, that is the road which the Canadian people are taking. Turn away from tho dark shadows of the dead past and face the morning sunl" It is a new world we are living in. Africa has risen after centuries of slavery to join the free peoples of the world Cuba is the swallow that heralds the coming Latin American spring. The Slavic nations at the head of 1,000,000,000 people in the socialist countries, stretching from Albania and Berlin to Korea and Vietnam, are successfully carrying out the task to produce more goods per capita and provide a better and richer life for every person than does vaunted America—and to do it within tho next decade. Slavic unity has something to do with that too! It is tho emblem of the Soviet Union that has been planted on the moon. And while animals have no nationality, the two Christopher Columbuses of outer space who circled the earth 18 times in a space ship and returned alive and well back to earth bore the Slavic names of Strelka and Belka. One year ago the hopes of the world ran high. Premier Khruschov had made his world-shakin- g pro-posal to the United Nations for com-plete and general world disarma-ment to be carried out under inter-national control within four years. The General Assembly of the United Nations voted unanimously for it. That plan was torpedoed. But the attempts to continue the Dulles "brink of war" policies are meeting defeat in Cuba, in the Congo, in Laos—and Eisenhower, the partner-in-crim- e of John Foster Dulles, has been repudiated by the American people. A great hope is once again rising in the hearts of people every-where— with a greater caution and a greater determination that man-kind will not again be betrayed. We are proud that we, the Slavic Canadians, through our progressive organizations and through the Can-adian Slav Committee have made a contribution to the battle for peace. Our rallies across the entire country this month are rallies for peace We have published two pamphlets —in English and in Slavic languages— in that cause. Last spring under the title taken from the message sent before his death by Julius Fucik— "People. Bo Vigil-ant- l" —we published the documents showing Hitler's plans to extermin-ate the Slavic peoples as part of his insane attempt to conquer the world, plans which some unhung Nazis are still dreaming of today And this month we have Gregory Okule-vich- 's well documented warning of the catastrophe that faces mankind if we don't achieve disarmament and peaceful co-existen- ce, an ex-pose of those who are blocking the way and an answer to the ques-tions being asked today by the peo-ple. It bears the title "At the Cross-road- e —For Life and Happiness." That struggle has not yet been won And that is why we, the Slavic unity movement, still have a role to play and a job to do for peace There are other jobs to be done too Not the least of them is the job of putting an end to the discrimin-it'o- n that is practi-- d against the SMRT JEDNOG „PRIJATELJA" JUGOSLAVIJE : intervoncionisticke t r u p e. Njegovi stari su u Rusiju do-.seli- li iz Crne Gore. I Rodomar je nasoj javnosti poznat iz 1911. — 1916. go-dine, kad je stajao na colli I organizacije "Kanadski pn-jjate- lji Jugoslavije", koja je , bila stvorena na inicijativu j jugoelavenskog konzula. Toj I organizaciji je bilo povjerc-- no da rasporedjuje fonriom ишшцаш ЏШШ1ШШт&%&ШшШШ%ШЛ}$&ш,. ii ST jjf"™"; - 4 3 Slav- - and nut only the Slavic people r Canada by the Depart-ment of C tizenship and Immigra-tion We cannot any longer puli c s punches on this question. We are revolted and angry at tho revelations that fascist war crimin-als, little and not-so-lit- tle Eic.i-mann- s, are provided a haven from punishment in Canada, given fat jobs, given citizenship papers and not only permitted but encouraaod to preach hatred and war m our country. That's an international scandal and a mockery of the mil-lions, including Canadians, wh- - died fighting the Nazi beasts dur-ing the Second World Var But tho other side of the coin is no le shameful—when hundreds of Slavic workers are denied citizenship be-cause they were and remain anti-fascists! Men and women who have lived as long as 40 years in Canada, who have given a lifetime of labour to build up this country, who have built homes and raised families here, some of whom fought in Can-ada's armed forces in both world wars, cannot become citizens. Why? The department doesn't have to say why and it's decision is final, you can't appeal it. Why are our people being discriminated against' Be-cause they refuse to become janis-saries against their own people? Because they believe in peace? Be-cause they avail themselves of the supposed rights of Canadians to join a trade union, cultural or benefit association or political party of their own choice? Because they read a newspaper which somebody in of-fice doesn't happen to like? Because they go to their own hall? Because they attend meetings such as this one? The minister of citizenship and im-migration may be a lady ... to the unhung war criminals, but to our people that department is cruel, cal-lous and oppressive. Today, when even in the farthest corners of the earth human beings will no longer tolerate despotism, oppression and discrimination, we here certainly aren't going to take it lying down. Our next pamphlet, which will be out this spring, is going to expose this shameful situation to the whole Canadian people—yes, and to the world! We know that the decent Canadian people will stand with us to win this battle for democracy at home. There are many tasks which we Slavic Canadians should act to-gether on or help one another out. Last year there was the 1,000 years of Polish statehood and the 550th anniversary of Grunwald. This year there is the 30th anniversary of the founding of our member Russian Canadian organization. There are other such events which should be close to the hearts of all Slavs The World Council of Poace has named two outstanding Slavic per-sons for world-wid- e commemoration this year —Lomonosov and Shev-chenk- o. We are, of course, marking the anniversaries of all the great men of culture, of science, of human thought and achievement. We are the heirs of the best that has been produced on all continents and in all the centuries But we are proud that our own contribution is receiv-ing the world-wid- e study and recog-nition which it deserves So we must together as Slavs and together with all cultural and progressive circles in Canada pay tribute to the mem-ory of the great Russian scientist Lomonosov, whose torch of learning throws light upon the whole world And we must join in the great events, culminating in the national festival of song, music and dance here in Toronto next July 1, to hUoknroauinrianthepoemt,emaorrtyist oafndtherevgorleua- t tionary democrat, Taras Shevchen-k- o It Is fitting that I should in dos-ing quote the words that Shevchen-k- o whpicehnnceadrrymoaremtehsasnagae ceanstutrryueagfoor us today as it was for our great-grandfathers- 'Let all the Slavs aood brothers be And sons of the Sun of Truth " koji je bio odredjen za Jugo-slavij- u iz opceg kanadskog fonda. Radilo se o svoti od GOO.000 dolara. U vrijeme burnih politi6kih dogadjaja pred proglaSenjc republike 1915. god. Rodomar je pro-glasi- o da prekidn Siljanje pomoci. Protiv toga jc oStro protestiralo Vijecc Kanads-ki- h JiiEnih Slavena, pa je vlada naredila da sc taj fond % STRANA oduzme od Rodomarovc or ganizacije i preda Kanads-ko- m ervenom krizu, koji je otpremio pornoc". Rodomar i "Kanadskj pri-jate- lji Jugoslavije" su bili prijatelji starog re2ima i za-t- o nisu htjeli pomoci narodu. Zbog toga je izmedju Vijeca Kanadskih JuZnih Slavena i "prijatelja" stalno dolazilo do sukoba. FodmoRodilnja Jerina Gabre recilirala je pjemu "J a ham mlaria pwnirka" Odlicno uspjela priredba u Hamiltonu U subotu 28. januara u U-krajinsk-om radnifikom do-m- u na Barton St. odrzao je mjesni Odbor slavenskih or-ganizac- ija zakusku sa igran-ko- m i malim programom, ko-ji je popraccn govorom sa o-bjasnje- njem znacaja Dana "Slavenske solidamosti", ko ji so svakc godinc provodi u januaru mjesecu. Program je izvela omladi-n- a sa nekoliko narodnih ko-la i igara, koje kod gleda laca izazvalo prijatno zado-voljstv- o. Nakon izvedenog programa i pozdravnog go-vor- a pocela jc igranka i za-bavljan- je, pa je omladina pomjc§avsi se sa ostalim na-rodo- m koji su plesali i oni o-p- ct uhvatili se u kolo i po-nov- no izmedju publik0 igln-l- i svoje igre, Sto jo pobudilo kod starijih veoma dobro ra-spolozcn- jc i vesclje. Ovc godinc posjet jo bio zaista odlican. Ukrajinski U Pise: Vlada (Port Arthur) No ce biti od gorega ako !o3 ncsto kazem o mom rod-no- m mjestu Mrkopalj. Mrkopalj je udaljen od Seljeznicke stanice Lokve 9 kilometara. Nalazi se u jed-n- oj kotlini. Ima ne§to polja. Oknlo njega su kosenice, a pozadi lijcpa jelova Suma. koja se prostire od Slovenijc pa do Primorja i Ogulina u Lief. Ima oko 100 kuca. Prije je bila opcina, a sada'e mje-sni ured. U o-pc- ini bilo je §est pilana a sa-d- a je samo jedna. Mrkopalj ci malo znaju o ali su bili dobri §umari, tosaCi i vrlo dobri kirijasi. Mjesto ncma 2iv0 vodc, pa jo nekad poteSkoca za vodu. Bilo jo slucajeva kad se jc po vodu illo u Lokve, 11 ki-lometara od Mrkoplja. Dva puta se trazilo 2ivu vodu, pr--vi put, ako se no varam 1902. godine. Onda je nacelnik bio moj djed, pa sam od njega cuo, da se u Mrkopalju zivu vodu nc mof e naci, jer je to ren takav da voda nc moze doci na povrsinu. Godine 1919. dolao je inZinjer sa maSinom da trazi vodu. Tn sam i ja bio zaposlon. Bio sam prisutan kad je djed re-ka- o inJinjcru da co se obje-si- t ti sred mjesta ako nadje vodu. I dosad nije nadjena. Sada se rndi o dopreml iz drugih mjesta. Prvi stanovnici Mrkopalj dom bio je pun naroda, sta-rijih, srednjih godina i mla-djarij- e raznih slavenskih na-rodno- sti pomijesani i svi u-jedinj- eni u borbi za mir i prijateljstvo medju narodi-ma- , jcr to Je bio smisao ovo-g- a zajcdni£kog veselja. Do pola noci ii grupama disku-siran- a jc svjotska situacija, borba za mir u svijetu, rad Kanadskog kongresa mira, koga svim s i 1 a m a pot-poma- ie Sveslovcnski komi-tc- t sastavljen od svih napre-dni- h slavenskih organizaci ja. Uostalom, ova zajcdniSka naprcdnih Sla-vena stvorila jak utisak na sve one koji nisu u proslosti ovakovim sves-lavenski- m manifcstacijnma-solidarnost- i i bratstva. Clan mjesnog Slavenskog komitcta u Hamiltonu M0JI UTISCI STAROM KRAJU Papic (Svrsctak) Mrkopaljskoj poljoprivre-di- , manifestacija prisustvovali oko 1597. bili su Srbi, 1750. nastanili su se Ccsi i Hrvati. Godine 1785. mjesto je prog-la§cn- o trgovi§tem. Tada je bilo 2.9 11 stanovnika. Marija Terezija dala je zagradit 2upnu crkvu, koju su Nijcmci u proSIom ratu sruSili. Godine 1771. ustano-vljcn- a je plovanija a prijc je bila kapelanija. Matica po-sto- ji od 1761. Prvi Supnik bio je Josip Sostaric, kojega je 1781. ubiln drvo. Govori se da je pala grana s jele i ubila ga. Zato su na5i stari znali pjevat: Pala kita iz jelviSa i ubila popa SoStaricn No bi bilo dobro da nc ka-zem ne3to o jedanaostom zu pniku, a to jc bio David Ma-rini- c. rodjon u Kosinju, Lika. Rio je dosta dobar za narod. U prvom svjetskom ratu na-bavlj- ao je provizaciju. Rio pijanac i kartas, znao se po-tu- ci s deckim i trcao za 2c-nam- a. Znao je reci : "Ja sam Sovjek kao i svi drugi, ab L'nrl en -- twl nltnCAn. #inHn I lll 01 JIICH uuniuin чшш 1 sam svecenik." Bio je u Mr-- koplju od 1890. do 1921. Trinaesti ?.upnik je bio I- - ivan Butorac. On jo u vrije-me prolog rata narodu go- - vorio da jedni druge no op-- ' tuluju, da no govore tko ido ju sumu itd. Bio je u prijatclj-stv- u sn partisanima. Ali njfr , i Uspeli koncert kanadskih Slovena ii Torontu R :l de; proslava Meseca - .vcn.,kc solidamosti koje se ai. ivaju sirom Kanade u me-et u anuaru, odrian je vrlo u~pe an Koncert-mitin- g u To- -i r ! . nedelju 29 januara. к - -- ertni deo programa iz-- V' dil'i u lskljucivo deoa raz--" r lovenskih orgaruzacija. Mi. na ie bilo gledah i slulati dcrn pevacki hor ruske orga-r-- ., it tie plesacke grupe Ukra-mar- a, Slovaka i Karpatorusa a icrma Gabre, koja je istupi- -i i one nase organizacije, sa ic Klamcrci;om, sa svojim umi- -i atim osmehom, u divnoj na-- : idnoj nosnji, osvojila je sroa , vih pnsutnih. Ovo ie Drvi out da ie na slo-- venskoj pnredbi bio iskljucivo deciji talenat a po svoj prilici nece biti poslednji jer se na koncertu vec rxstavilo ratanje od mnogih pnsutnih da se sa ovakvim radom nastavi. Svi su pozdravili ovaj dobar pocetak i izrazili ieliu da se nastavi u torn pravcu kako bi i nasi mla d]i, ovde u Kanadi, upoznali slavne tradiaje svojih preaata i nastavili da prenose kultume tekovine slovenekih naroda u nznicu kanadeke kulture. Voino je takodje istaci da je u citavom decjem programu glavni naglasak bio za mir. Na zavrsetku programa, sva sc deoa nastupila zajodno i ofpe-va- la dve posme o miru. Za uspoh ovog decjog kon- - corta moze se uglavnom za- - hvaliti vrednoj omladinki So-n- ji Nestoruk, koja je uloJila mnogo truda za organizovanjo programa. Samim koncertnim programom rukovodila je Anka Nozinlc. U drugom delu programa na pozornia su bile pretstavljene sve organizacije, flanico Slo-vensk- og komiteta. Ovom delu programa pretsedavao je cm ladinac, clan Karpatoruske or-ganizacije, Mihailo Lukac i is-tak- ao je vainost priredbe kao i potrebu solidamosti kanad-skih Slovena za mir, za demo-krati- ju l ravnopravnost svih ICanadjana, ukljuclv i Kana-djan- e slovenskog porekla. U i-- me Kanadskog sveslovenskog komiteta govorio je njegov se-kre- tar John Weir. Na vehko zadovoljstvo pri-sutm- h, prekidan sa cestim a-plauz- om, u cast gosta i gla-vn- og govrnika tog dana, save-tm- ka ambasade SSSR u Otta-w- i G Kavenna, redtovao je nai omladinac Bolo Pavkovic, "Pozdrav nasoj ruskoj braci". G. Kaverin je u svom govoru pozdravio plemeniti rad kana-dskih Slovena za stvar mira i istakao je doprinos Sovjetskog Saveza za ocuvanje mira u svetu. Ovo je zaista bila vrlo zna- - cajna priredba kanadskih Slo-vena a Sloveni Toronto su na dostojan na&n proslavili Meeec 3lovenske solidamosti u Kana-di, za mir i bolju buducnost a u isto vreme, sa nastupom mla-dje- g naraitaja, utrli put za produzenje ovog plemenitog rada Jodan od pnsutnih. ga nisu htjeli slusatl bas onl najpoboJniji. "Sport" u Mrkoplju Je bit-can- je i kartanje j to za vino tko izgubi mora platit. To traje od proljeca do zime, ncma dana da se nc igra, a osobito u nodjelju od jutra pa do dvanaest sati uvovfer. Gostionica se zatvara u 11 sati, pa se nckada igra 1 za novae i traje do ponedjclj-k- a ujutro. Rijctki su Mrko-paljc- i koji nc igraju mari-ja- s; kad dodjeS u gostionicu ncma stola gdje so ne igra. Vecinom po igra za vino, all ima onih koji bi htjeli igrati za novae, ali to je zabranje-no- . karJteadnnomjesamza gnolevdaaeo. D o s a o je milicajac i na-red- io im da prestanu. Mil-icajac je otisao i oni nastavili da igraju. Poslije jc doao drugi milicajac i boz rijccl pobrao karte i novae. Nasta la je vika i graja, pa im jo vratio novae. Tako vam je to u Mrkopa lju. |
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