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STRANA 4 CANADIAN FRIENDS SUPPORT THE CAMPAIGN TO AID JUGOSLAVIA FROM NORANDA MINES NORANDA QUE Dear Sir: I vas pleascd to meet Mr Nikola Kovacevich and to learn of the campaign which he is organizma to provide funds for the relief of distress in Jugo-Slavi- a Tho horoic struggle vvhich the Jugo-Slav- s have made against our common enemies and the trials and suffer-ing they have endured make it a duty of the more for-luna- te peoples vho have not suffered the ravages of var to provide aid and comfort to Jugo-Slavi- a and I wish you cvery success in your efforts to this end Yours very truly R V Porrett Assistant General Manager FROM ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH HOLY NAME Kirkland Lake Ontario Dear Sir: Your representative Mr Nikola Kovacevich called on me today and explained the aims of your Organization Yugoslavia and its people have been despoileđ of everything by the ruthless Nazis during the years of occu-patio- n Today those people are in need of the v©ry ne-cisiti- es of life I am aware of the relief that has been given to the people of Yugoslavia through the efforts of your orga- nization and also of tho need of further donations for foođ medicino and clothing I hope that your Organization vill meet vith success in its drive for funds to carry on this noble vork of brin-gin- g relief to the stricken people of Yugoslavia Yours very truly ' K McMahon P P FROM MAYOR OF VAL D'OR QUE Dear Sir: Your representative Mr Nikola Kovacevich Nati-onal Organizer of your campaing has explained to me tho purpose of his visit in Val D'Or vhich is to bring help to your country men — This is to assure you that wo are in full sympathy vith this movement and vish him well — Yours thruly J E Berard Mayor FROM HAMILTON LABOR COUNCIL Dear Sir: — I am instrueted by the Hamilton Labour Council C C L to asure you that we heartily endorse your appeal for adsrsivisetatanosctehfuealinlrydreaassrpeepeortesisqviuebeleLstoicnagl Uounriodnseleagnadtetso tsoupcpoonrvteyyore-usue-rst Your invitation to affiliate will be considered at a later date as vill bi the question of more substantial support Assuring you again of our support of your project and vishing you every success I am Yours verj' truly M T Montgomery Secretary CANADIAN MALARTIC GOLD MINES LIMITED Malartic P Q Dear Sir: — I vas vcry pleased to meet your representative Mr Nikola Kovacevich and hear his addrcss at the Malartic Rotarj Club He gave us an idea of the sacrifice and suffering that tho var had inflieted on the people of Ju-gosla- via Mr Kovacevich also outlined the campaign vhich is being inaugurated to raise funds for the purehaso of medical supplics to be sent to thcse people I certamly feel that such a humamtanan service de-ser- vo the support and cooperation of ali of us We have in our employ a number of men from Jugoslavia and othors an our district vhom I know personally I have the highest admiration for them and can say that I fully appreciate their anxiety tovard their friends and rela-tive- s in their native country I offcr my best wishes for tho sueces of their campaign Yours very truly J P Milleubach Manager #"a---a 0CTCNT 0 N AT ON A MM tlKVlCC 112I1I1I11 CTTArjL i%lf tnf 1M4 Mtf r Onhartt 9! fLtUU% ttCIlOIlTIJKT9mf mOVtT%9CmkAa%%JUDI(ZtAomfMU V1XMT lBtUftfMil Ka1l 9 TUrtMi tVOI M % rtfrUateMorfCMnUicitmirl4ituu1ii4Ur anliUiiMtMMUrtUbkiUik1ItM4ri UUrmVlmjilvit4mimaj FPlMtwMtTiiulart ltttrotrvnartrlrmMMt trkt—hamnauUuMUMuu—m n ! OotuU f Ca41s ImU Hm kwit ftcr—m TSairrMlnUU trn !%% m4 tMlito f &! % % Mtl Ul kt %%mr laror !m%% Ur r tMlr krak to tti f tot l30OPO00 ul m4 tfef NtMiM :tMrft fcl kt—4% f mrmmt m14 k % tr%rMaf CmMltiun%M m % TrUU tkr ta t r%wi mt1I Mlkl mmI I Um torvvltk aar f lttr l4 u 1r4 wt U U Mtu ilrMN trkrfaamalMTmritWa%LrarUOaafMitikataaraaCtlka4araaCtl1ratkms%amtk0kaaaaallraaf%Uloraar#aXat %o—a! rltllatlvUmaictaklaytoatUkiaka Ckaaafae raa Tnrlaaato iBtraaaaJkw 1 to! UtlkatkCaMimUUa simaottkmat t If StkaIatakfliaaatrwmlfaIpmmammMt ata aaaaamtkmaamlmatmta4mtrfwklaraaralaratlkaaaaaamtramam4t mmmtaamryttkik4 titaraal mttmirmI toavaa aaaa laa:alMtaaa —aff ttokaat Ptaatsrttofraaltartmt aiMtitUmMmmlAtakTaaasaaaalavaiaajaattoa ta tka afciat af M!m1 I alaa aaakaaa aaf ' ilt aartltaa mt alaal mmm% imUf mmmmmf liti Ut ! aaatlaaM U r Btaatak'a lttar llat I toal4 afvraalkta It mmrf aaat If r "! wlnaiaAlakaa tatkaaaaamhamimM1gmiaiataiamaaalaaiaaala—aaaatr mt arrytakalaaatlatltilakrraaatIftafm ♦ Uli 1- - tMll%— tkaaba I aa laaaaair fM# OMEGA GOLD MINES LIMITED Larder Lake Ontario Dear Sir: Your representative Mr Nikola Kovacevich visited Avith us today and explained the nature of your organiza-tion and the excellent programme of rehabilitation vork you expect to accomplish in War ridden Yugoslavia It is indced a most vorthy project He has further explained that a broad appeal is being made to ali Yugoslavs in this country for assistace in this relief There are many people of Yugoslavia in this district and I feel sure that your local drive vill meet vith success We wish you every success in your good work Yours truly OMEGA COLD MINES LIMITED F J O'Connell Manager THE CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY — SUDBURY Dear Sir: Through good Jugoslav friends in Sudburj' I have come to knov of your Society and its aims and objeets It gives me plcasure to vrite you and offcr my best vishos for the important work you are engaged in There are many Jugoslav people here and they are ahvays friendly and helpful They are good Canadians but they have the natural love for the old land and vork and pray that ali its people may become united and go fonvard to peace and security an honour of the great and historic past of Slovenia Croatia and Serbia Yours sincerely J S Jones President Sudbury Branch CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY — SUDBURY To vhom it may concern : This is to certify that I give my full support to tho drive sponsored by the Canadian South Slavs to Aid Yu-goslav- ia Henry J Murply P P PORT COLBORNE REFINERY WORKERS UNION Dear Comrade Miosich: Enclosed you vill find a cheque for $1000 This is a donation from our local to your organization to assist in its great vork Yours very sincerely Covper Financial Secretary FROM MAYOR OF NORANDA QUE Dear Sir: I yesterday had a visit from your organizer Mr Ni- kola Kovacevich in which he explained at some length the efforts you were making to relieve distress among the suffering people of Jugo-Slavi- a I am most heartely in sympathy with the movement I have folIoved vith a great deal of admiration the re-sistan- ce offered by those people in Jugo-slavi- a who re-fus- ed to submit to the vill of the invader We have in our ovn community a cosiderable num- ber of people who čame to Canada from Jugo-Slavi- a and I have ahvays found them ready and villing to co-opera- te vith us in our numerous var efforts I am pleased indeed to extend my best wishes for su-ccess in the vork you have undertaken Yours very truly Mayor J A Čarter EAST MALARTIC MINES LIMITED Dear Sir: — I vould like to express to you the pleasure I had of listening to your representative Mr Nikola Kovacevich your organizer for the Canadian Council of South Slavs speak at the Malartic Rotary Club I have known and vorked vith a large number of your countrymen in the Canadian mining industry and vould like to in cxpress to you my appreciation of their efforts to in everyvay assist their people in Yugo-Slavi- a to fight for their country's lilerty Yours very truly D M MacLean Manager tt f OMMk M mhMci im li r— ttM Umu NtitJlkKtarta %nict tr m ttTt Htaa r n wi vm m wti im V KVrVO-- A w MPtftTMOrr OT MATIONAk WAR tCftVICO Ottti aafHtt J f t Mft % at kl f Jalf 7 ttkkra4a aaaff a rrlrM lcitar tha % ta Rr hriM C Vrautort Chlraaa litlt taratttl Caalan ftM & tailttf ? Vttltr UMtlMTmfwmaAtmla ta! lafarkaafMtpLVft faraa tha fffmaamrm M r rraariart al4 a W raat f ytr llPfJaWfC akk vttltlt t hm aut kla taaatkar H ♦ tl#l af rf aa U lik aurato Ka I taktfi tti atMM itav atlaa III aivl tla m tptiMl mr ra tttana atla UU tarat#rf Sna 1 ml mt CmiIIiiI tt lav a kit fr Yllk IUm l--O W tf Itrtit ttit U SlaNtr fmn lt af af af af Itatartlf LMX G R ?? m&UM 1 -- 'J vf 73 — '?''nrtj YlM(!l SmM iMMtl fck IUf ft— fff Imul LETTERS TO THE COUNCIL OF CANADIAN SOUTH SLAVS TO AID FREE YUGOSLAVIA TOWN OF MALARTIC QUE Dear Sir: — I have enjoyed meeting and hearing your national organizer Mr Nikola Kovacevich vho explained the ideals and objeets of your organization buch a vorthy humanitarian service deserves the complete cooperation of each and every right thinking sppelresnodnidin ctahmispwaiogrnld aMnady Iyvoiushr ycouup ebveerfyillseudccess riunn'ynionugr over so that these hrave people may be aceorded the fcoormmthoen thcoinmgfsortths aotf mlifaedeafttheerirthelsiveescoudreasgieraobulse saancdrififcoer which thev have bravely fought May the day of liberation be close at hand so that tyhoeusemsaoyresltyarttrieudpopneoypoluer ivnortkhe avsertyhenegaorodfuStuarmearitan to Yours sincerely V B Hetherington Mayor Arntfield Quebec FRANCOEUR GOLD MINES LIMITED Arntfield Quebec Dear Sir: understand that you have been visiting the North fCeolluonvtrycouinntrj-mteh- ne interesYt uogfosIoarvgiaanizing for the relief of This letter is to endorse tho cvrpllnnfc wnrl-- fimf vnn of ydoouirngcoaunndtrytomseany hthavaet tchoemceaut—ose C-i—sa—na--adw vaoratnhvdyilhoi anvveieiuvMany cont-nbute- d in small measure the pioneering work that tBaiekoceanusealoonifgthuiuvsiiitiahkndtuhubeiieucaalnuliiseesmouifn tohtpheeeipunpagrret suyeponut orisctromuugengtlrmeyinhfooassr bweorplldeafsreededtoomrenIdehreaarntiylyasesnisdtoanrscee yyoouur meafyforrtesquarned from time to time in connection vith same Yours very trulv John W MacKenzie Manager Francour Gold Mines Limited TOVVN OF LARDER LAKE ONT Dear Sir: — Your representative Mr Nikola Kovacevich called on me to-da- y As head of our municipality I am glad of the opportunity of endorsing your movement in such a worthy cause The people of your country have shown great bravery and have suffered much I therefore appreciate the great work you are doing and you have my very best vishes Yours very truly A A Howard Mayor of Larder Lake Ont GOLDEN MANITOU MINES LIMITED Val d'Or Quebec Canada Dear Sir: tsheentaCtIiovuvenischiMl troofeNxCipkaronelasadsiKamnoyvSapcoleeuvathiscuhrSelaNvinsatmioeneatlingOrygoaunrizreerpreo-f rbaeiesen Yfauonnudrisnpsfepooirpraltethioenrerostilodifenuntsf itinhn iitthrheefnirmiimignie'inngemrocmuos™un™etfrfyorthsnanvtAoe their fighting forces under Marshall Tito I heartly endorse mu cause ior vvnicn you are vorking and will render acvseurycceassssistance possible in order to help make your drive Yours very trulv Golden Manitou Mines Limited Andrev Robertson Manager CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TECK Kirkland Lake Ontario Dear Mr Travica: tiot ibs etIhsueennidtnettreosnttaYinoudngoofsrfolamyvoiuayroauosrrgsoMaonnrizaaNtsiiokpnoolsatsoibKlceoovllaeccetvicclhoththinagt I am sure that the Yugoslavs of this district and caaliusoetheIrwoiilltizbeensglwadill tobe glad to support such a necessary co-opera- te in every way Yours sincerely M A Shipley — M Reeve iUwAWr__ll uh ( at trM lili Siniftian CMUA H Hi tui _IIM to — I in UM no in nuu will — 'X7M milt Sr6 A V' '' II nmontQMj ititx arirtg ? f ( Yvmwtm ummm—mmmmmm t "--i f - ~ - V OCOn£50£aicwaimM5jM f V? JH5 !" Mf 1 60000 rfOM Oi IMk1 000j ! Ul HM %t (rtlMl KnllM KIMjto'lat llMrtll Uf f —U tlU IMM Ultt hlf lkk wfeU M - Im UmtIM fn c4umi t eioti tteutr ia The Council of Cana-dian South Slavs to Aid Free Yugoslavia has purehased $5000000 worth of medical sup-plie- s for YugosIav Libe-ration Armv of Marshal Tito Vijeće Kanadskih Slavena za Pomoć Slo-bodne Jugoslavije je nabavilo 50 hiljada do-lara medikalnih po-trebšti-na za Narodno-Oslobodilačk- u Vojsku maršala Tita Na slici se vide ćek priznanica i pismo ministra ratnih poslužbi u vezi nabav-ke ADDRESS OF THE COUNCIL OF CANADIAN SOUTH SLAVS TO AID FREE YUGOSLAVIA Council of Canadian South Slavs to Aid Free Yugoslavia 319 BaySt — Boom 108 Toronto 1 Ont TELEFON: WAverley 5427 ČEKOVE PRAVITI sve na ovo ime : Canadian Free Yugolavia Fund AN APPEAL TO SUĐBURY CITIZENS DONATE CLOTHES FOR THE PEOPLE OF FREE YUG0SLAVIA SgruMaddbjjeuasnrnyei iOztoddgabaoormjeVjeaisjpteaećla dnuaa doprinose odjeću za narod Jugoslavije Taj letak ov- dje objavljujemo sa že-ljom da se i druge naše kolonije ugledaju u Sud-bur- y i izdaju slične leta-k- e odnosno apele SoTuthhe SClaavnsadtoianAidCoFurneceil of Jugo-- Slavia Sudbury Branch has started a campaign to collect old and nev clo- thing for the people of Free Jugo-Slavi- a Winter months aro fast aproaching Clothes are es-sent- ial to keep the ehildren women and men warm Our iCtoucnacnil tois btrriynigng tthoemdo aiadli hWelopn itn ythoius ovnork ?vour part The people of Jugo-Slavi- a ftNhoaeuzmgihwsthoaofanfgdatihhnaeasrvietre ntlhoaownhdeGrdoaerirircevmailnaliygnn diro need of medical aidl and clothing Men Vnmpn and ehildren of Jugo-Slavi- a who refused to be slaves and vno from the beginning fought the German invaders when they set foot on their soil need our help Free Jugo-Slavi- a has in the course of the var united ali the nationalities vithin its borders In the struggle against the fascists have ali nationalites Croatian Ser-bia-ns Slovenes and other minorities have united for final libiration of their land In Canada a broad move ment representing Croati-an- s Serbians Slovenians thhaes nbeeeedny laanudnethheedsutoffehrienlgp in their homeland To help those who have goifvefrneesdoommucanhdfohrutmheancitayusies the duty of every democra-ti- c citizen Jugo-Slavia- n people have gained the res-pe- ct ali liabnedrtyarelovhionngourpeedoplbey They have earned this thro-ugh the heroic struggles in this People's war to rid the world of fascism We must in turn help them alliviate their sufferiiiL' and linnl their wounds This appeal is made for old and used clothing ali SPARE CLOTHIN YOU MAY HAVE that is not being used Be it mcn's wo-men- 's or children's articles of vear it vill be gratefullv aecepted In hclping and in giving clothing to the people of Jugo-Slavi- a ve are not doing it for some chiritv sako THIS IS NOT CHA-RIT- Y their cIot nitsriibnutrieocnogntoitioFnRoIf DOM AND DEMOCRATIC WAY OF LIFE that vill be athgeainfaseicnijsotysodarebyeruasliheodnce The Sudbury Council has organized teams of can-vasse- rs around nTohveyin aarecagnoviansgs from door to door Thev will call on you Will j-o-u tr- - to have your bundlo of clothing made up for them If you can't get the bundle ready at the moment please send it or bring it to 370 Montague St If you wish the bundle to be picked up just Phone 4-1- 152 at any-tim- e of the day MACKANZIE ISLAND ONT Po 20 dolara: Josa Kolar (Musa) LONDON ONT Po 5 dolara: J Varga (prije 100) OTTAWA ONT Sa zaba $8240 SCHUMACHER Po 100 dolara: Dragutin i Marija Puptć Po 25 dolara: Marijan Franciković Ivan Gašparac Zvonimir i Danica Pupić Mi kr if T"
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Novosti, October 10, 1944 |
Language | hr |
Subject | Croatia -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Croatia; Croatian Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1944-10-10 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | NovotD4000122 |
Title | 000491 |
OCR text | STRANA 4 CANADIAN FRIENDS SUPPORT THE CAMPAIGN TO AID JUGOSLAVIA FROM NORANDA MINES NORANDA QUE Dear Sir: I vas pleascd to meet Mr Nikola Kovacevich and to learn of the campaign which he is organizma to provide funds for the relief of distress in Jugo-Slavi- a Tho horoic struggle vvhich the Jugo-Slav- s have made against our common enemies and the trials and suffer-ing they have endured make it a duty of the more for-luna- te peoples vho have not suffered the ravages of var to provide aid and comfort to Jugo-Slavi- a and I wish you cvery success in your efforts to this end Yours very truly R V Porrett Assistant General Manager FROM ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH HOLY NAME Kirkland Lake Ontario Dear Sir: Your representative Mr Nikola Kovacevich called on me today and explained the aims of your Organization Yugoslavia and its people have been despoileđ of everything by the ruthless Nazis during the years of occu-patio- n Today those people are in need of the v©ry ne-cisiti- es of life I am aware of the relief that has been given to the people of Yugoslavia through the efforts of your orga- nization and also of tho need of further donations for foođ medicino and clothing I hope that your Organization vill meet vith success in its drive for funds to carry on this noble vork of brin-gin- g relief to the stricken people of Yugoslavia Yours very truly ' K McMahon P P FROM MAYOR OF VAL D'OR QUE Dear Sir: Your representative Mr Nikola Kovacevich Nati-onal Organizer of your campaing has explained to me tho purpose of his visit in Val D'Or vhich is to bring help to your country men — This is to assure you that wo are in full sympathy vith this movement and vish him well — Yours thruly J E Berard Mayor FROM HAMILTON LABOR COUNCIL Dear Sir: — I am instrueted by the Hamilton Labour Council C C L to asure you that we heartily endorse your appeal for adsrsivisetatanosctehfuealinlrydreaassrpeepeortesisqviuebeleLstoicnagl Uounriodnseleagnadtetso tsoupcpoonrvteyyore-usue-rst Your invitation to affiliate will be considered at a later date as vill bi the question of more substantial support Assuring you again of our support of your project and vishing you every success I am Yours verj' truly M T Montgomery Secretary CANADIAN MALARTIC GOLD MINES LIMITED Malartic P Q Dear Sir: — I vas vcry pleased to meet your representative Mr Nikola Kovacevich and hear his addrcss at the Malartic Rotarj Club He gave us an idea of the sacrifice and suffering that tho var had inflieted on the people of Ju-gosla- via Mr Kovacevich also outlined the campaign vhich is being inaugurated to raise funds for the purehaso of medical supplics to be sent to thcse people I certamly feel that such a humamtanan service de-ser- vo the support and cooperation of ali of us We have in our employ a number of men from Jugoslavia and othors an our district vhom I know personally I have the highest admiration for them and can say that I fully appreciate their anxiety tovard their friends and rela-tive- s in their native country I offcr my best wishes for tho sueces of their campaign Yours very truly J P Milleubach Manager #"a---a 0CTCNT 0 N AT ON A MM tlKVlCC 112I1I1I11 CTTArjL i%lf tnf 1M4 Mtf r Onhartt 9! fLtUU% ttCIlOIlTIJKT9mf mOVtT%9CmkAa%%JUDI(ZtAomfMU V1XMT lBtUftfMil Ka1l 9 TUrtMi tVOI M % rtfrUateMorfCMnUicitmirl4ituu1ii4Ur anliUiiMtMMUrtUbkiUik1ItM4ri UUrmVlmjilvit4mimaj FPlMtwMtTiiulart ltttrotrvnartrlrmMMt trkt—hamnauUuMUMuu—m n ! OotuU f Ca41s ImU Hm kwit ftcr—m TSairrMlnUU trn !%% m4 tMlito f &! % % Mtl Ul kt %%mr laror !m%% Ur r tMlr krak to tti f tot l30OPO00 ul m4 tfef NtMiM :tMrft fcl kt—4% f mrmmt m14 k % tr%rMaf CmMltiun%M m % TrUU tkr ta t r%wi mt1I Mlkl mmI I Um torvvltk aar f lttr l4 u 1r4 wt U U Mtu ilrMN trkrfaamalMTmritWa%LrarUOaafMitikataaraaCtlka4araaCtl1ratkms%amtk0kaaaaallraaf%Uloraar#aXat %o—a! rltllatlvUmaictaklaytoatUkiaka Ckaaafae raa Tnrlaaato iBtraaaaJkw 1 to! UtlkatkCaMimUUa simaottkmat t If StkaIatakfliaaatrwmlfaIpmmammMt ata aaaaamtkmaamlmatmta4mtrfwklaraaralaratlkaaaaaamtramam4t mmmtaamryttkik4 titaraal mttmirmI toavaa aaaa laa:alMtaaa —aff ttokaat Ptaatsrttofraaltartmt aiMtitUmMmmlAtakTaaasaaaalavaiaajaattoa ta tka afciat af M!m1 I alaa aaakaaa aaf ' ilt aartltaa mt alaal mmm% imUf mmmmmf liti Ut ! aaatlaaM U r Btaatak'a lttar llat I toal4 afvraalkta It mmrf aaat If r "! wlnaiaAlakaa tatkaaaaamhamimM1gmiaiataiamaaalaaiaaala—aaaatr mt arrytakalaaatlatltilakrraaatIftafm ♦ Uli 1- - tMll%— tkaaba I aa laaaaair fM# OMEGA GOLD MINES LIMITED Larder Lake Ontario Dear Sir: Your representative Mr Nikola Kovacevich visited Avith us today and explained the nature of your organiza-tion and the excellent programme of rehabilitation vork you expect to accomplish in War ridden Yugoslavia It is indced a most vorthy project He has further explained that a broad appeal is being made to ali Yugoslavs in this country for assistace in this relief There are many people of Yugoslavia in this district and I feel sure that your local drive vill meet vith success We wish you every success in your good work Yours truly OMEGA COLD MINES LIMITED F J O'Connell Manager THE CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY — SUDBURY Dear Sir: Through good Jugoslav friends in Sudburj' I have come to knov of your Society and its aims and objeets It gives me plcasure to vrite you and offcr my best vishos for the important work you are engaged in There are many Jugoslav people here and they are ahvays friendly and helpful They are good Canadians but they have the natural love for the old land and vork and pray that ali its people may become united and go fonvard to peace and security an honour of the great and historic past of Slovenia Croatia and Serbia Yours sincerely J S Jones President Sudbury Branch CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY — SUDBURY To vhom it may concern : This is to certify that I give my full support to tho drive sponsored by the Canadian South Slavs to Aid Yu-goslav- ia Henry J Murply P P PORT COLBORNE REFINERY WORKERS UNION Dear Comrade Miosich: Enclosed you vill find a cheque for $1000 This is a donation from our local to your organization to assist in its great vork Yours very sincerely Covper Financial Secretary FROM MAYOR OF NORANDA QUE Dear Sir: I yesterday had a visit from your organizer Mr Ni- kola Kovacevich in which he explained at some length the efforts you were making to relieve distress among the suffering people of Jugo-Slavi- a I am most heartely in sympathy with the movement I have folIoved vith a great deal of admiration the re-sistan- ce offered by those people in Jugo-slavi- a who re-fus- ed to submit to the vill of the invader We have in our ovn community a cosiderable num- ber of people who čame to Canada from Jugo-Slavi- a and I have ahvays found them ready and villing to co-opera- te vith us in our numerous var efforts I am pleased indeed to extend my best wishes for su-ccess in the vork you have undertaken Yours very truly Mayor J A Čarter EAST MALARTIC MINES LIMITED Dear Sir: — I vould like to express to you the pleasure I had of listening to your representative Mr Nikola Kovacevich your organizer for the Canadian Council of South Slavs speak at the Malartic Rotary Club I have known and vorked vith a large number of your countrymen in the Canadian mining industry and vould like to in cxpress to you my appreciation of their efforts to in everyvay assist their people in Yugo-Slavi- a to fight for their country's lilerty Yours very truly D M MacLean Manager tt f OMMk M mhMci im li r— ttM Umu NtitJlkKtarta %nict tr m ttTt Htaa r n wi vm m wti im V KVrVO-- A w MPtftTMOrr OT MATIONAk WAR tCftVICO Ottti aafHtt J f t Mft % at kl f Jalf 7 ttkkra4a aaaff a rrlrM lcitar tha % ta Rr hriM C Vrautort Chlraaa litlt taratttl Caalan ftM & tailttf ? Vttltr UMtlMTmfwmaAtmla ta! lafarkaafMtpLVft faraa tha fffmaamrm M r rraariart al4 a W raat f ytr llPfJaWfC akk vttltlt t hm aut kla taaatkar H ♦ tl#l af rf aa U lik aurato Ka I taktfi tti atMM itav atlaa III aivl tla m tptiMl mr ra tttana atla UU tarat#rf Sna 1 ml mt CmiIIiiI tt lav a kit fr Yllk IUm l--O W tf Itrtit ttit U SlaNtr fmn lt af af af af Itatartlf LMX G R ?? m&UM 1 -- 'J vf 73 — '?''nrtj YlM(!l SmM iMMtl fck IUf ft— fff Imul LETTERS TO THE COUNCIL OF CANADIAN SOUTH SLAVS TO AID FREE YUGOSLAVIA TOWN OF MALARTIC QUE Dear Sir: — I have enjoyed meeting and hearing your national organizer Mr Nikola Kovacevich vho explained the ideals and objeets of your organization buch a vorthy humanitarian service deserves the complete cooperation of each and every right thinking sppelresnodnidin ctahmispwaiogrnld aMnady Iyvoiushr ycouup ebveerfyillseudccess riunn'ynionugr over so that these hrave people may be aceorded the fcoormmthoen thcoinmgfsortths aotf mlifaedeafttheerirthelsiveescoudreasgieraobulse saancdrififcoer which thev have bravely fought May the day of liberation be close at hand so that tyhoeusemsaoyresltyarttrieudpopneoypoluer ivnortkhe avsertyhenegaorodfuStuarmearitan to Yours sincerely V B Hetherington Mayor Arntfield Quebec FRANCOEUR GOLD MINES LIMITED Arntfield Quebec Dear Sir: understand that you have been visiting the North fCeolluonvtrycouinntrj-mteh- ne interesYt uogfosIoarvgiaanizing for the relief of This letter is to endorse tho cvrpllnnfc wnrl-- fimf vnn of ydoouirngcoaunndtrytomseany hthavaet tchoemceaut—ose C-i—sa—na--adw vaoratnhvdyilhoi anvveieiuvMany cont-nbute- d in small measure the pioneering work that tBaiekoceanusealoonifgthuiuvsiiitiahkndtuhubeiieucaalnuliiseesmouifn tohtpheeeipunpagrret suyeponut orisctromuugengtlrmeyinhfooassr bweorplldeafsreededtoomrenIdehreaarntiylyasesnisdtoanrscee yyoouur meafyforrtesquarned from time to time in connection vith same Yours very trulv John W MacKenzie Manager Francour Gold Mines Limited TOVVN OF LARDER LAKE ONT Dear Sir: — Your representative Mr Nikola Kovacevich called on me to-da- y As head of our municipality I am glad of the opportunity of endorsing your movement in such a worthy cause The people of your country have shown great bravery and have suffered much I therefore appreciate the great work you are doing and you have my very best vishes Yours very truly A A Howard Mayor of Larder Lake Ont GOLDEN MANITOU MINES LIMITED Val d'Or Quebec Canada Dear Sir: tsheentaCtIiovuvenischiMl troofeNxCipkaronelasadsiKamnoyvSapcoleeuvathiscuhrSelaNvinsatmioeneatlingOrygoaunrizreerpreo-f rbaeiesen Yfauonnudrisnpsfepooirpraltethioenrerostilodifenuntsf itinhn iitthrheefnirmiimignie'inngemrocmuos™un™etfrfyorthsnanvtAoe their fighting forces under Marshall Tito I heartly endorse mu cause ior vvnicn you are vorking and will render acvseurycceassssistance possible in order to help make your drive Yours very trulv Golden Manitou Mines Limited Andrev Robertson Manager CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TECK Kirkland Lake Ontario Dear Mr Travica: tiot ibs etIhsueennidtnettreosnttaYinoudngoofsrfolamyvoiuayroauosrrgsoMaonnrizaaNtsiiokpnoolsatsoibKlceoovllaeccetvicclhoththinagt I am sure that the Yugoslavs of this district and caaliusoetheIrwoiilltizbeensglwadill tobe glad to support such a necessary co-opera- te in every way Yours sincerely M A Shipley — M Reeve iUwAWr__ll uh ( at trM lili Siniftian CMUA H Hi tui _IIM to — I in UM no in nuu will — 'X7M milt Sr6 A V' '' II nmontQMj ititx arirtg ? f ( Yvmwtm ummm—mmmmmm t "--i f - ~ - V OCOn£50£aicwaimM5jM f V? JH5 !" Mf 1 60000 rfOM Oi IMk1 000j ! Ul HM %t (rtlMl KnllM KIMjto'lat llMrtll Uf f —U tlU IMM Ultt hlf lkk wfeU M - Im UmtIM fn c4umi t eioti tteutr ia The Council of Cana-dian South Slavs to Aid Free Yugoslavia has purehased $5000000 worth of medical sup-plie- s for YugosIav Libe-ration Armv of Marshal Tito Vijeće Kanadskih Slavena za Pomoć Slo-bodne Jugoslavije je nabavilo 50 hiljada do-lara medikalnih po-trebšti-na za Narodno-Oslobodilačk- u Vojsku maršala Tita Na slici se vide ćek priznanica i pismo ministra ratnih poslužbi u vezi nabav-ke ADDRESS OF THE COUNCIL OF CANADIAN SOUTH SLAVS TO AID FREE YUGOSLAVIA Council of Canadian South Slavs to Aid Free Yugoslavia 319 BaySt — Boom 108 Toronto 1 Ont TELEFON: WAverley 5427 ČEKOVE PRAVITI sve na ovo ime : Canadian Free Yugolavia Fund AN APPEAL TO SUĐBURY CITIZENS DONATE CLOTHES FOR THE PEOPLE OF FREE YUG0SLAVIA SgruMaddbjjeuasnrnyei iOztoddgabaoormjeVjeaisjpteaećla dnuaa doprinose odjeću za narod Jugoslavije Taj letak ov- dje objavljujemo sa že-ljom da se i druge naše kolonije ugledaju u Sud-bur- y i izdaju slične leta-k- e odnosno apele SoTuthhe SClaavnsadtoianAidCoFurneceil of Jugo-- Slavia Sudbury Branch has started a campaign to collect old and nev clo- thing for the people of Free Jugo-Slavi- a Winter months aro fast aproaching Clothes are es-sent- ial to keep the ehildren women and men warm Our iCtoucnacnil tois btrriynigng tthoemdo aiadli hWelopn itn ythoius ovnork ?vour part The people of Jugo-Slavi- a ftNhoaeuzmgihwsthoaofanfgdatihhnaeasrvietre ntlhoaownhdeGrdoaerirircevmailnaliygnn diro need of medical aidl and clothing Men Vnmpn and ehildren of Jugo-Slavi- a who refused to be slaves and vno from the beginning fought the German invaders when they set foot on their soil need our help Free Jugo-Slavi- a has in the course of the var united ali the nationalities vithin its borders In the struggle against the fascists have ali nationalites Croatian Ser-bia-ns Slovenes and other minorities have united for final libiration of their land In Canada a broad move ment representing Croati-an- s Serbians Slovenians thhaes nbeeeedny laanudnethheedsutoffehrienlgp in their homeland To help those who have goifvefrneesdoommucanhdfohrutmheancitayusies the duty of every democra-ti- c citizen Jugo-Slavia- n people have gained the res-pe- ct ali liabnedrtyarelovhionngourpeedoplbey They have earned this thro-ugh the heroic struggles in this People's war to rid the world of fascism We must in turn help them alliviate their sufferiiiL' and linnl their wounds This appeal is made for old and used clothing ali SPARE CLOTHIN YOU MAY HAVE that is not being used Be it mcn's wo-men- 's or children's articles of vear it vill be gratefullv aecepted In hclping and in giving clothing to the people of Jugo-Slavi- a ve are not doing it for some chiritv sako THIS IS NOT CHA-RIT- Y their cIot nitsriibnutrieocnogntoitioFnRoIf DOM AND DEMOCRATIC WAY OF LIFE that vill be athgeainfaseicnijsotysodarebyeruasliheodnce The Sudbury Council has organized teams of can-vasse- rs around nTohveyin aarecagnoviansgs from door to door Thev will call on you Will j-o-u tr- - to have your bundlo of clothing made up for them If you can't get the bundle ready at the moment please send it or bring it to 370 Montague St If you wish the bundle to be picked up just Phone 4-1- 152 at any-tim- e of the day MACKANZIE ISLAND ONT Po 20 dolara: Josa Kolar (Musa) LONDON ONT Po 5 dolara: J Varga (prije 100) OTTAWA ONT Sa zaba $8240 SCHUMACHER Po 100 dolara: Dragutin i Marija Puptć Po 25 dolara: Marijan Franciković Ivan Gašparac Zvonimir i Danica Pupić Mi kr if T" |
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