1949-01-13-05 |
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PERHEEN NUOREBnOLLE n J o i . de. ihtool isto.] uita.] ami.] !iati.| lotul työ-I teial nns.| iati.| lUit. nieaj rus-| sekil Yh-I laaal tu-l Be| ?in.| ae«| oi.[ hm liltijj m ILinda is Senring Clothes for Her DoU |L<~ar sister Ma:;garet. I want to write a few Iines to the • Perhesn nuoremmille** again. I have iu5t finished Ustening to Ozzie and arriet. I lilce their program very bnuch. I have been sick and liaven't be?n at school. I am going back to-tnorrov. I hope everyone had a happj' New I have t-wo doUs, one is a wetuin5 snd the other Is a CarapbeU's Soup IciolL I am trying lo sew some dresses for them. Ua Urges Us to \Lmian Describes Wnte More Often \City of Edmonion Dear sister Margaret and everj-one Dear sister Margaret, that w r u ^ to this page. | First of Pm wi6hmg an of you a very Happy New Year. I had a sweU Christmas On Christmas Eve we had company for supper. many chUdren came over toseeus. Thanks ever so much for the lovely autograph book you sent n » and for the nizn manicure szt. The card v.as pretty too. I got a Ict of mce gifts this year. Some of the Öiings I got are hankies, viTiting paper I two aprons. two pictures of friends, I suppose the m.d-.-inter exarns wm oxpanTion ^ler fT „y--^^^^^ , our ne^t worry. Our teacher is ^rooches. notc-pap.r an Eve^' n l n g j n Paris S3t, nylons. ankle socks. be ::i-y nice now. Being at home there's no news so theerio! Linda EIgbacIca, 404 Nelson. St., Sudbury. ^hose Letter? ielvi was Skiing vith Her Nephew r Dear sister Margaret and everybody ise. First of aU I want to thank, sister argaret'for the parcel that you" sent !ie. I got lots of other presents for hristmas too. On Christmas Eve •e had turkey dinner and lots of fun. [Ve were up a l i night then the com-lany went home at 5 o'clock in the i:oming but I went to bed early. My girlfriend has a skating rink in er back yard. I have been skating very afternoon when I coms hcme :Gm school. I will close now. Happy New Year to heerio! ???? Toronto, Ont. everybody. lello Margaret and ali the readers nd writers of this page. •> Pirt of a l i I want to thank Marga-et for the lovely autograph book and ard you sent me. I had a wonderful time at Christ-iias and also received many lovely ifts and cards. I hope you did too. The weather has been fine for s k i - n^. I only went skiing with my little iephew once. I can't think of anything else to • rite this time SO cheerio! Helvi Johnson, Crelghton Mine, Ont. box of candy from Dad and the rest of the things Tm going to teli you are from Dad too, a t.vpevriter. baby doU shoes, parka hood. and a ring ! which he made for me himself. Thafs ali I got for Christmas. W; spent Christmas Day w'ith our friends and we were at Port Alberni for New Year-s. I stayed with my girlfriend. We went to five shows. they were a l i very gcod. We sure ha\-e had jome awful weath3r here. When dad and I were at Port Alberni there was a lot of snow and ice there. *Many of the cars were in ditches. others trying to get out of them, car engines going. Here in Ucluelet it vas cold but it is rain-ing, as u-sual, now. About two w£eks bsfore Xmas a boat burnt quite badly. It caught on fire at the gas station warf, people were scared if the fire gct wor£e it migl)t set the gas station on fire but a packer towed it over tö the other side. Its in Port Alberni being fixed. Then on Xmas Eve another boat belonging to a Indian, burnt here in LTcluelet, so accidents do happsn here. Thats about ali I can write about this time so I'm wishing you ali a happy new year. Lets ali of us write more this year and do our share for the paper. So long for now. ' - - Lea Kauko, Ucluelet, B. C. lalloo siskot ja veljet! tällä viikolla saapui taas postilaa-ikkooni niin paljon kirjeitä, että t i - mpuutteen takia olen pakoitettu jät-ämään osan niistä ensi viikon nume-oon. Siis ällcää huolestuko vaikka et-näe kirjettänne tänään tässä osas-ossa sillä se julkaistaan sitten ensi iikolla. Postilaatikkooni saapui myös erin- ^^^^ date instead of 1949. mamen kirje, jota ei ollut allekirjoi- ;ttu. Se on Torontosta mutta ke- Evelyn was in the Hospital Dear Margaret. This is the first time I am writing to this paper. I am 11 years old and my birthday Is on October 24th. J used to go to gym classes at the Don Hall before I went to the hospital. Novf that I have Isarned how to write I want to take t h ^ opportunity of thanking the Toronto "varhaisnuo-risokomitea" for sending me the bas-kets of fruit to the hospital. 1 will' write more next time. Evelyn Luoma, 207 McCaul St., Toronto. Rose Does a Lot of Skating Dear big sister Margaret. Weil, its 1949 aow. Did you have a happy New Year's holiday I just finished baking a cake and some muffins. Today I washed my rabbit pen. Don't worry, the rabbits didn't get washed. I put them into the small hen-house while I washed their pen. , Weil, school has started and my two Sisters have gone to school. I won-der what news they will have when they come home. I just finished wTiting to Irma Heinonen and I made,a bad mistake. 1 I wjsh to expfess my hsartiest thanks for the beautiful, though undeserved gift, •vrhich J r e ceived shortly before Chirstmas. I say undeserred because I don't ihink I've written once during the past year of 194S. Hcwev£r, i t was appreciated very mu:h. Again, thanks for both the gift and card. I am nGw taking grade 9 here at s school called Riverdale. We have four t-sachers. The subjects we take are: scienc?, social Studies, art, health and physical training, english which i n - cludes both literature and language. ora! French and mathemaiics. The latter tv.o are my favourites althpugh a lot of you probably won't agre»? I've noticed that there are very fev girls and boys writing from Alberta. I'd lilce to teli you something about its capital. Edmonton. Edmonton has a population cf 130,000 so you can see it is quite a l a r g ; city, although a lot of the eästern cities are {nuch big-ger. We have 8 large department stores here such as Hudson's Bay. Eatons, Wocdwards. Woolworth. etc. There are 11 theatrss. Edmonton is also known as the oil Capitol. Ths oil wells are at Leduc, 'which is 18 miles west and also at Redwater, wluch is 42 miles northeast. The oil refinjiy is close to Edmonton. The Saskatchewan fNorth Saskatchewan) River runs through Edmonton. It bends a lot and we live near a bend It is very quiet out here as it is away from the city noises. The river isn't turbulent and it is muddy. It is fro-zen now. Much as we'd like to go skating on it, \V8 can't. We are not allowed to do so because of the danger of the ice breaking. We don't mind this though bscause we have a rink i n our commu-nity on which ws can skate. I haven't been skating much yet this year but I expect to. My brother Walter is 17 years old, therefore over the age limit. On hls behalf, I also thank you for the pre-sent. I have received many gifts, some from as far away as Scotland and F i n land. I should be writing Finnish but it takes more time and I am in a hurry äs I am writing this before going to school in the mcming. It seems as though this lettsr is stretching into almost a book. so I'}1 quit before it does. LiUian Martin, 10025-87 St., Edmonton. Alta. Jmt9 Flhds Satoi^y Nigths Axe Lonely Hello sister Margaret and a i ! the readers and writ2rs of this page. How is ever>-6ne feeling? Fine. I hope. Tm OX.. To-morrow is anotlser day cS school. We didn't have any school on Friday because neither the teacher nor the school bus could get througb. It stormed the night bsfore and then on Priday the roads were blocked and the snovr plow didn't get through either. It's been mild three days i n a row now. The snow has gone down a lot too. I hävent been skiing very much this year and If it keeps on belng warm I won't be able to. ; Are the Saturday nights ever lonely now because there's no place to go. The lAst dance was held about a month ago. Since then I've llstened to the National Hockey Leagus games every Saturday. They make the nights pass a lot faster. Was I ever surprised to see in the paper that I came fourth with 16 let-ters. Con^ratulations to you Esko Harju (thats for writing letters). Vou're doing fine. I've been doing grade 8 mathema-tics for about 2 weeks and I'm supp-osed to be done by June. I hope I make it. I can't secm to think of anymcre news so I guess I .had better close. Wishing everyone health and happJ-ness until next time. Tocdle-oo! Irma Heinonen, ' • Starratt P.O., Ont. timrma Came JUri in School Exams Dear sister Margaret and a l i the readers and •RTitsrs of this page. Otir caäistmas holidays ended Jafc-uary 6th. My teacher's name is Miss Derksan. -She i s ven* mce. Om- school is quite close to our hotjse. I like Ecliool. I n our exams I cam? third. I am sending a piclure of mysclf to you. sister Margaret.— , Good-bve sist?r Margaret end f II t h ; readers and ^Titers of this pnee, Nonna Jarri. Bissett. Man. SMrUys Ist Letter Dear big sistex Margaret and ali the readers and vriters of this page. This is my first letter to the Vapaus. I will writ2 a f sw Iines because I have time. I am 7 years old and my birthday is on December 8th. I am in grade 1 at school. 1 like school very much. Christmas is gone and New Ycar's is gone. We didnt have a Cliristmas tiee because our house is so small. My baby biotl\3r Ls 6 roonihs old. H-' 15 growing verv- fast. I guess I will go to bed now. Cheerio! Shirley Kivi, Silver Mountain. Ont. Leo's Ridile eitä se on sitä en tiedä. Mahdolli- Esti se on G a i l LuodÄn, arvasinko ikein? Kiitos kuvastasi, Noitna, panen sen luiden kuvien kera albumiini. Halusit tietää. Eino, mistä radiö-ijelmista pidän enimmän. Pidän issä järjestyksessä Bob Hope-ohjel-lasta, Lux Theatresta j a Kraft Music allista. - Saimme tällä viikolla kolme uutta isentäkin. lie ovat Eero Laakso, earstistä, Evelyn Luoma Torontosta Shirley Kivi Silver Mountainista. ervetuloa perheeseenmie! Mielenkiintoisia kirjeitä saimme lyös HelvUtä, UlUanUta, Leolta, WU-amUta, Roselta, Maylta, ViolctUta, malta, RaymondUta. Sonjalta, So-tiielta, Lealta, Lindalta ja Urholta. :onet kiitokset! En vis tämän enemmän tilaa, että likki kirjeenne sopisivat tänään leh-en. Ensi viikolla taas tavataan^ Siskonne Maixaret. There mUst be something the matter with me. I have been skating everyday now. This afternoon I am going skating with Wilma. I ' l l try to stay on my feet, not cn my back. Is it ever a beautiful day! Have you got lots of snow up there? We have lots of snow. Grood-bye! Rose Maki, R.B. 1, Mattawa; Ont. tuninmnitfni CENTRAL TAXI • (Lindberg) Puhelin 944 W) Spruce A v c So. Porcupine, Ont. Bouomrnnna Urho's Letter of Thanks Dear Margaret and sisters and bro-thers of this page. First I will thank you very much for the nice autograph book and card you sent me. Did you notice that card had a picture of my dog Blackle? Was I ever deiighted! I had a nice Christmas. My brothers and sisters can't come over this Christmas as they did before. Mrs. Hovi got a baby boy for Xmas present. She came home today. They live near our place. • Good-bye for now and Happy New Year big sister Margaret and readers and writers of tliis page. Next time I will teli you how I got\ my dog. Urho Piflo. Silver Mountain, Ont. Violet Got Skates for Christmas • Hellb sister Margaret and everybody else. I hope you had a merry Christmas. I had a good time anyway. We had a concert at the Finnish Hall on Dee. 21, 1948. I was i n 4 plays. We didn*t get any presents from our teacher. We got some from the l O D E however. I got a skirt and candy f rem there. I got a bracelet from one of my brothers, a plastic apron from another brother, a blouse and handkerchief from mother, notepaper from my sister Rose, hair-ribbon and a handkerchief from my big sister, a cotton, apron and patr of mittens from my nephew and a pair of skates from my sister-in-law. Thanks very much for the pencil-box and card. I have another one like It but it is blue. I am giving the old one to my sister May for she broke 4iers. There was a dance at the Finnish Hall on Christmas night. There were many people there. I have lots of fun with my new skates. I can skate pretty well with them. 'iy.ey are white and size 6. Weil. cheerio and have a Happy New Year! Violet Maki, R.R. 1, Mattawa, Ont. Hello Margaret and ali the readers and \vriters of this page. Pii-st I want to thank Margaret for the autograph book, jacknife and card. Besides these I got a shirt, two neck-ties, Christmas tree lights, tobbogan, felt boots, gloves, watch-chain, flve dollars, school books with pencils, two hankerchiefs, a wallet and a bag of candy from school. I have been B U - ding on niy new tobb<«au already. I just came from my cousin's p l ^ to-- night. I sure had fun there, especlal-ly skating. Christmas is over and the new year has begun. In my last letter I said that we might have a green Christmas but I was mista.ken be:ause a little whlle after we had a £nowstorm,^ I have caught four weasels so far whlch I have sold for $4.50. Here is a riddle: What kind öf a plant has roots bnt no leaves? I will will give you the answer in my next letter. . ' Weil, I guess that will be ali for now. Cheerio! Leo Wayrynen, Quimet, Ont. Raymond Takes Piano Lessons Hello Margaret! « , You smrprised me vfery much by sending me that autograph book. I had a very nice Christmas. My dad came home from Vernon B.C. I had lots of presents for Christmas. We tiad a Christmas party at the Finnish H a l l . held by the International Co-op. store. The ones that took part in the programme on this night got prJzes. I played the piano and I got a prlze, then Santa Claus gave presents to ali the öthet boys and girls. I did not have very much time to write a letter over the holidays because I had too much fun. I should writ€! oftener to this-paper but I go to %hool and I XsiiB piano lessons and then i go out and play. H i e time sure flies. ' Weil, good>t7ye everyone and I wish everyone who writes to this paper a very happy ne* year. Raymond Koeki, 315 Poley S t , Port Arthur, Eino*s Riddle Hello sister Margaret .ind a l i th-3 readers and 'writer.s of this paRf*. Thank you ven^much for the lovely card and autograph book. They werc very nice. I got a lot of gifts but they \\Tre the nicest. I hope you had n very merry Xmas and got many nice glft.^. It is quite windy outside today and thi? snow is drlftlng. It isn't very good to ski yet and if tho ski strikcs a stump. plop, you go. It is okay for a loboggan now. I put some rabbit, .snarcs out today and hope J i i e r e s a rabbit in one of them. ~ Our school sUrted on J a n . 3, 1949. My favourite radio programs are Boston Blackle and The Lone Ranger. Whal are your favourite programs Margaret? i was at a concert at another school and lost my flashlight. Was I ever mad! My lather is working ät Bhnd River and only comes home once i n a while. Am I ever glad when he comcs home. I am i n grade 7 in school and I am 11 years old, > > I cant think of anything else to write so I ;«'ill ask a riddle: \Vhät step did the.little housc take? I wlll answ.er the riddle in my next lotter unless someone else wlll answer It sooner. • I will close now. Cheerio! Eino Salminen, • Wahnapitae, Ont. .VANHA TEKIJii lahden Hiibtoscuran edustaja, 30- vuotias Leo Laakso saapui äskettäin yhdessä Suomen toiscy parhaan hyp-pj- miehen kanssa Vhdysvalloihin osallistuakseen siellä, pidettäviin mäenlaskun hyppykilpailuibin. Laakso on vanha tekijä sillä hän oli nuorten sarjan Suomen mestari vuosina 1935 ja 1936 ja on voittanut lukuisia kilpailuja, vuonna 1946 Sxfltsissäkin. Kaksi pientä tyttöä taas tulen uhriksi Montreal — Kaksi pleiitä sisarusta kuoli täällä kun tulipalo syttyi heidän kotinsa kellarissa, missil lapset olivat leiltkimässä. Kuolleet ovat B-vuotias Vivlnne Tardif ja hänen siskonsa 4-vuotlas Pranclne. Tuli alkoi tuntcm3ttoraa.sta .syystä kellarista ja lasten äiti sai palohaavoja, yrittäessään päästä auttimaan lapsiaan. Torstaina, tamniik. 13 p. Thursday • i s u i v^ CSJ:n British Columbian aluetoimikunnan 'W järjestämien QPINTOkURSSIEN ai CLINTON-HAALJSSA 2605 E. Pender St. Vancouver. B. C. Sunnuntaina, tammik. 23 päivänä, alkaen klo 4 i.p« Monipuolinen ohjelma pääasiassa kurssilaisilta Joukko- ja yksityisesilyksiä sekä näytelmä "PEKAN NAIMA PUUHAT" »Knkshjiiviök-slncn pila) Ravintolalippu 75f^ Eeron ensimmäinen kirje osastoomme Halloöl Oten lukenut perheen nuorempien I klrjoituicsia ja haluaisin kanssa a l kaa kirjoittaa. Olen 6-vuotias, Käyn koulua ja olin ensi kerran koululla kuusijuhla£sa. Meitä oli 10 pientä neekeripoikaa ja me lauloimme ja kaikki lähtivät vähitellen lavalta pois ja minä kun o l in kaikkein pienin niin jouduin kädet suorassa hyppäämään ison valaan suuhun. Äiti säikähti, että ei saa minua enää takaisin mutta paasinhan minä mutta toivon, etten enää joutuisi sellaiseen asemaan. Kyllä nyt täytyy lopettaa. En osaa enemmän kirjoittaa kun tämä on ensimmäinen k l jeeni, lahän ^öa^toc;n., Hauskaa uuiia vur;»!:» l ; Hj .'räikille. Kero Laafc.so, Bo.x 254, Hearst, Ont. Sonja Had Student Teacher Dear sister Ma^arot.. Here I am again wiihj}en and paper. I am sorry I havcn't writtini for such a long time. I'll try and wriie more often now. Is the weather ever nice out here. The sun in .shinlng now and two «f my glrlfriends are .supposcd to come U|> today. Wc're going to go skating if they bring their skates. Tlieir names are Alice and Barbara. How has everyone been in school? WiJ have a *tudent teacher from Nairn, ls she ever nlcc. Her name ls Miss Joyce Jeffrie. She wcnt away on Priday the 7lh. We had exams on Monday. We have a Red Cross Meetlng at pur .vchool every fecond Friday. Last wcek we had a quiz programme. Our new teacher .sug-gested ft instead of havlng poems, stories and songs. Weil, I'd bett<!r: close nöw because I have some dlshes to do. Sunja Peltoniemi. . Worthlngton, Ont. May is Making: Doirs Clothes Dear big sister Margaret. I am not at school this afternoon becäuie my lilde ls jori'. I am watch- Ing my sister making candy. There ls a show at our school Ihls afternoon but I'm not afrald of not seelng It because I am go|ng torilght. They öhow many fihns. One fllm ls of Barbara Ann Scott. I b;t I'1I bc .i-lcepy tcmorrow. I haven't got hardly anything to write about but I']l try (o think of something. I have been'making doll'B clothe.s for my doll. Sometimes they don't turn out right. Cheerio! May Maki, R.R, 1, Mattöwa, Ont. Truman kannattaa St. Lawrencen suunnitelmaa WaahinKton, — Presidentti Truman esitti jälleen maanantaina budjetin yhteydessä, että kongressi ryhtyisi tol-menpitolslln St. Lawrencen merltie-ja sähkövolmasuunnltclman toteuttamiseksi/ ja että sUhen tarkoitukseen käytcttäislh) alustavasti 8 mllj. dollaria ensi heinäkuun 1 pnä nlkuvnn tilivuoden aikana. Truman pyysi jo kolman;:en kerran viiden pilvän kuluessa konRrcs-sia hyväksymään tämän huurpllrtol- .scn canadalals-amerlkkalalson «uun-nltclnian. Hiin teki sellaisen esityksen antiessaun selostuksen "liittovaltion a.siolsta" viime viikon keskiviikkona, Ja taas kaksi päivää myöiinm-min taloudcHls?n Rclostuksen yhteydessä. St. Lawrencen suunnitelman yleinen ku-stannu-sarvlo. on 960 mllj. dollaria. Suunnitelman mukhan rakennettaisiin Cornwallln lähelle fiähkövolmalttll;)k-set. Jotka kehittäisivät 2,200,000/'liv, siiliköä. Trumun sanoi, että "timä .suunnitelma on tullut yhä tärkeämmäksi laivaliikenteen kalinalta tbkettäin .sen vuoksi, kun on mahdollista kehittää korkealaatuisia rautamalmllöytöjä La-bradorlssa. "Kotimaisten resurssien välientycsaii tulee ehdotettu meritie olemaan hyvJn tärkeä rengas terästeollisuutemme ja tämiln uuden potentiaalin malml- Uhlecn välillä. Sitäpaitsi tarvitaan tätä kak.sltarkoltuk,slfita yritystä lial-pahlntalsen voiman lähteenä." Tuomari sanoo työ-• laisten erottamisen olleen laillisen • liuU, Qoe. Tuomari Boland iMU-i lev t n hyljännyt unlon kanteen, ett| i i u l l i i i kaupungin traasporttlyhtlö oli* f;i e:ott-Jiut viini työläistä unlOtolmlni nau takia. - ' Union lalioll.i nanotaan, että m l f h ^ Cl oteltiin muutama pälvU 8eh Jälkeeii kuin heidät valittiin yhtiön työmaal» la tohnivan Cunadian Brotherhood oi Rallway Eniployees-järJestÖn työm8a« k(iniltca;u;. Tuomari Miller sanoi ha-vainiifcnu, etUi neljä mfcatft oli ero-l : t t i i huonon työrekprttlnga Johdosta ja vildetmen suhteen hOij el v<A sanoa, onko asianomainen erömmt-ltpö tai erotettu, «iiiä hän kieltäytyi by-viiksymiisiii ylennystä ajurista tarkas-taj,. k;il, kcska hiin tarkastajan öml-, n.il^suuUcssa olisi joutunut "urkkijalt- Tunnusti ottaneensa $400 lahjuksen ^ Otta%v;i. - Charles R. Hoe. entlnctt hallituksen virkamies, • tunnusti It- Kcnsit .syyUlseksl lahjusten ottoon Ja hänet tuomittiin kuudeksi kuukau-dckfil vankeuteen Ja $300 sakkoon. Tuomittu tunKu.stl ottaheensa $400 1.1 hjukson eräältä, tavarain tudttajalCa/ ollessaan hlntalautakunnan tuonti-kontroUltolmlston palvelul^tem. * • —— • ' • • ' t " —- Monarch lajiin kuuluvat perhonen hyökkää kolibrilinlua vastaan. Esittää 25,000 ulkomaalaisen ottamista US:n armeijaan Waiililngton. — Senaattori Henry Lod- «e on esittänyt lakiehdotuksen, jonka peruateella Yhdy/jvaltaln armcljur,n otettaisiin 25,000 ulkomaalaista. Lodge sanoi, ettei tarkoituksena ole perustaa mitään "muukalaislegionau", vaan käyttää hyväkfil "Ihmisten ky-kyjä armeijassa, kun niitä ei voida käyttää hyväksi muulla tavalla". MITA "CO-OP" CLABA SANOO; T)edäit<ikö Te sen, että Worker»* Co-op on cl voittoa tavoitteleva^ liike? Lllkeylljäämä <"voitto"> palautetaan vuosittain teille «—kulutta- WORKEftS' CO-OP OF , NEW ONTARIO LTD. William näki kuvain "Melody Tinle" Halloo Marga/et-sisko j a kaikki tämän osaston lukijat sekä kirjoittajat. Oikein paljon kiitoksia kauniista joulukortista ja paketista. Minun piti olla raoteessa kaksi päivää ennenkuin koulu loppui enkä päässyt koulun kuusijuhlaan. Minä sain paljon joulupaketteja ja rahaa. Meillä on ollut yksi jääkiekkorotte-lu ja tänään meillä on toinen. Minä DR. R O M A N PNIEWSKI MoniTuotiBen praktiikka Eomipan hnomatiiininiissa sairaaloissa ERIKOISALANA slsustaadit. naisten, J^^.^J'^^^'"^^ Nielurisat leikataan uudella menetelmällä kivuttomaso Uman veira vuotoa. - ' VaataaDcttotannit J K d l o 3—8 ip. 3537 P A B X A ¥ E : POÄ H A A O W ? « » Vaataeai, Qne. olin viime vuonna kuvina ja me näimme "Melody Time"-k^ivaii. Äönä p i hdin siitä "Johnny Appleseedin" osasta. Kun Johnny Istutti siemeniä mstsään niin eläimet tulivat katsomaan mitä hän tekee. Johnny otti kepin ja näytti niille, että hän ampuu, silloin ne lähtivät juoksemaan mutta hajunää-tä ei pelännyt ja meni maiste^maan mitä Johnny istuttaa ja haki maasta omenan siemenen. Hajunäl^ä meni hänen viereensä ja alkoi kiertää liän-tä, ja Johnpy alkoi sitä silittää. Sitten Johnnyff piti jatkaa maUcaansa ja kaikici metsän eläimet menfvsU hänen mukanaan. Onnellista uutta vaotta Icalkillel WiIIiani Lonklui^ Box 22, Garson, Ont. Sophie is Learning to Play the Flute Hello sister Margaret. The weather has l>een very cold,' then wänn these last few days. I have been skating' twice and skiing aroimd five times. Late last faU a l i the. members ot OUT school got flutes. We get free lessons from a music teacher. We played at an Open House School concert and at the Beamsvllle theatre. We played at the theatre yto help earn some money for thrf" pcor people around the d i ^ r i c t wtio didn't have any ^ o n ^ to buy presents. Ciiild-ren from other schools sang; recited and a doctor toklA. stoiy. - We had a man student teachor come to our school tliis Week. We,went for a visit up tbe mountain today. The .road was muddy and slippery. On t l » way back we sav a car being p u l - led out of the ditch by a crane. Bere are eame riddles: Wh*t i» tbe end of everytltiaf? K M T caa you make aune fast? Wfaaft is the resemlOaace of a fig tn the psrionr and house en fite? I viH ansver the riddles the wee^a{temext. Cheerio, for navrt . S«|^U» Kaaigac, R.£t. L BeamsvUle, Qnt. — V. 1945 eUOanm 14 pnä Japani antautui liittolaisille. KARJAN RUOKAA JA REHUJA FUL-O-PEP kasvatusmäsklä -"••••••4.1S FUL-O-PEP munltugmäskiä ... 4.l0 FUL-O-PEP Super Green Pellets (Ruohoa pillerin muodossa) säkltl •. '4*80 QUAKER raappimisrchna 3*9S NELJÄN jyVÄN raappimlKmäskiä .r... .3.78 MAITOKARJAN' HEOKKIA, Wi, säkki 3^S ,. 24%, SAKKI 3.85 SIAN ALOTTAMI8MA8KIA. «äkkl ,4-3S SIAN KASVATIISMASKIA. »äkki - - -3.98 SIAN LOPETTAMISM^iSKIA, »äkkl •••3.74 SIAN RUOKAA .. " ' QUAKER Jaulioia, 98 Ib IVORY Jauhoja, 9« Ib, NO, 1 RUOKINTANISUA . .SlÄS RUOKI.NTAKAUROJA, säkki •••3.10 VASIKAN RUOKAA Fol-O-Pep 25'» Ful-O-Pep IMf» Quaker 25'» Quaker JOO*» ... IM 4.68 Lehmät navolaasa saaTat "keväisen kukoistuksen" Ftil-0'Pep tksbitelulla maitokarjaseoksella. Vila-miinillä vahvistettu Quaker Ful-O-Pep 24% maitokarjan seos oo vahvistettu konsentroidulla ruoholla, joka korvaa tuoreiden laidunmaiden puutetta syksyllä ja talvella. Parantaaksenne karianne terveyttä ia saadaksenne Buurenrpia maitotuloja, tasoittakaa jyvillä ruokkimisenne Quaker Ful-O-Pep 24% maitokarjaseoksella. TILATKAA JO TÄNÄÄN ^^.^ OIL CAKE MEAL • Näissä öljykakkujauholssa on suuri määrä vttamiioeja, fafkof-tettu sekoitettavaksi Jyvien kan8.«a telidäfcseen ravitsevaa nulMar- Jan ruokaa. 100 Ib, säkki f 4.38 MUNAKARTOONli:jA Laatlltiu» Joma on 250 kpl. • Saatt4e paiiuHisesta Icaupaslanne tai varastoliaeiieestamiiie ALPHONSE E. CHAREHE & Sons • JAUHOJA 186 Louis St. • JYVIÄ Puh.>0531 REHUJA , Sudbisnf ^ - i • 'I '•a f
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Vapaus, January 13, 1949 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finnish--Canadians--Newspapers |
Publisher | Vapaus Publishing Co |
Date | 1949-01-13 |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | Vapaus490113 |
Title | 1949-01-13-05 |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
OCR text | PERHEEN NUOREBnOLLE n J o i . de. ihtool isto.] uita.] ami.] !iati.| lotul työ-I teial nns.| iati.| lUit. nieaj rus-| sekil Yh-I laaal tu-l Be| ?in.| ae«| oi.[ hm liltijj m ILinda is Senring Clothes for Her DoU |L<~ar sister Ma:;garet. I want to write a few Iines to the • Perhesn nuoremmille** again. I have iu5t finished Ustening to Ozzie and arriet. I lilce their program very bnuch. I have been sick and liaven't be?n at school. I am going back to-tnorrov. I hope everyone had a happj' New I have t-wo doUs, one is a wetuin5 snd the other Is a CarapbeU's Soup IciolL I am trying lo sew some dresses for them. Ua Urges Us to \Lmian Describes Wnte More Often \City of Edmonion Dear sister Margaret and everj-one Dear sister Margaret, that w r u ^ to this page. | First of Pm wi6hmg an of you a very Happy New Year. I had a sweU Christmas On Christmas Eve we had company for supper. many chUdren came over toseeus. Thanks ever so much for the lovely autograph book you sent n » and for the nizn manicure szt. The card v.as pretty too. I got a Ict of mce gifts this year. Some of the Öiings I got are hankies, viTiting paper I two aprons. two pictures of friends, I suppose the m.d-.-inter exarns wm oxpanTion ^ler fT „y--^^^^^ , our ne^t worry. Our teacher is ^rooches. notc-pap.r an Eve^' n l n g j n Paris S3t, nylons. ankle socks. be ::i-y nice now. Being at home there's no news so theerio! Linda EIgbacIca, 404 Nelson. St., Sudbury. ^hose Letter? ielvi was Skiing vith Her Nephew r Dear sister Margaret and everybody ise. First of aU I want to thank, sister argaret'for the parcel that you" sent !ie. I got lots of other presents for hristmas too. On Christmas Eve •e had turkey dinner and lots of fun. [Ve were up a l i night then the com-lany went home at 5 o'clock in the i:oming but I went to bed early. My girlfriend has a skating rink in er back yard. I have been skating very afternoon when I coms hcme :Gm school. I will close now. Happy New Year to heerio! ???? Toronto, Ont. everybody. lello Margaret and ali the readers nd writers of this page. •> Pirt of a l i I want to thank Marga-et for the lovely autograph book and ard you sent me. I had a wonderful time at Christ-iias and also received many lovely ifts and cards. I hope you did too. The weather has been fine for s k i - n^. I only went skiing with my little iephew once. I can't think of anything else to • rite this time SO cheerio! Helvi Johnson, Crelghton Mine, Ont. box of candy from Dad and the rest of the things Tm going to teli you are from Dad too, a t.vpevriter. baby doU shoes, parka hood. and a ring ! which he made for me himself. Thafs ali I got for Christmas. W; spent Christmas Day w'ith our friends and we were at Port Alberni for New Year-s. I stayed with my girlfriend. We went to five shows. they were a l i very gcod. We sure ha\-e had jome awful weath3r here. When dad and I were at Port Alberni there was a lot of snow and ice there. *Many of the cars were in ditches. others trying to get out of them, car engines going. Here in Ucluelet it vas cold but it is rain-ing, as u-sual, now. About two w£eks bsfore Xmas a boat burnt quite badly. It caught on fire at the gas station warf, people were scared if the fire gct wor£e it migl)t set the gas station on fire but a packer towed it over tö the other side. Its in Port Alberni being fixed. Then on Xmas Eve another boat belonging to a Indian, burnt here in LTcluelet, so accidents do happsn here. Thats about ali I can write about this time so I'm wishing you ali a happy new year. Lets ali of us write more this year and do our share for the paper. So long for now. ' - - Lea Kauko, Ucluelet, B. C. lalloo siskot ja veljet! tällä viikolla saapui taas postilaa-ikkooni niin paljon kirjeitä, että t i - mpuutteen takia olen pakoitettu jät-ämään osan niistä ensi viikon nume-oon. Siis ällcää huolestuko vaikka et-näe kirjettänne tänään tässä osas-ossa sillä se julkaistaan sitten ensi iikolla. Postilaatikkooni saapui myös erin- ^^^^ date instead of 1949. mamen kirje, jota ei ollut allekirjoi- ;ttu. Se on Torontosta mutta ke- Evelyn was in the Hospital Dear Margaret. This is the first time I am writing to this paper. I am 11 years old and my birthday Is on October 24th. J used to go to gym classes at the Don Hall before I went to the hospital. Novf that I have Isarned how to write I want to take t h ^ opportunity of thanking the Toronto "varhaisnuo-risokomitea" for sending me the bas-kets of fruit to the hospital. 1 will' write more next time. Evelyn Luoma, 207 McCaul St., Toronto. Rose Does a Lot of Skating Dear big sister Margaret. Weil, its 1949 aow. Did you have a happy New Year's holiday I just finished baking a cake and some muffins. Today I washed my rabbit pen. Don't worry, the rabbits didn't get washed. I put them into the small hen-house while I washed their pen. , Weil, school has started and my two Sisters have gone to school. I won-der what news they will have when they come home. I just finished wTiting to Irma Heinonen and I made,a bad mistake. 1 I wjsh to expfess my hsartiest thanks for the beautiful, though undeserved gift, •vrhich J r e ceived shortly before Chirstmas. I say undeserred because I don't ihink I've written once during the past year of 194S. Hcwev£r, i t was appreciated very mu:h. Again, thanks for both the gift and card. I am nGw taking grade 9 here at s school called Riverdale. We have four t-sachers. The subjects we take are: scienc?, social Studies, art, health and physical training, english which i n - cludes both literature and language. ora! French and mathemaiics. The latter tv.o are my favourites althpugh a lot of you probably won't agre»? I've noticed that there are very fev girls and boys writing from Alberta. I'd lilce to teli you something about its capital. Edmonton. Edmonton has a population cf 130,000 so you can see it is quite a l a r g ; city, although a lot of the eästern cities are {nuch big-ger. We have 8 large department stores here such as Hudson's Bay. Eatons, Wocdwards. Woolworth. etc. There are 11 theatrss. Edmonton is also known as the oil Capitol. Ths oil wells are at Leduc, 'which is 18 miles west and also at Redwater, wluch is 42 miles northeast. The oil refinjiy is close to Edmonton. The Saskatchewan fNorth Saskatchewan) River runs through Edmonton. It bends a lot and we live near a bend It is very quiet out here as it is away from the city noises. The river isn't turbulent and it is muddy. It is fro-zen now. Much as we'd like to go skating on it, \V8 can't. We are not allowed to do so because of the danger of the ice breaking. We don't mind this though bscause we have a rink i n our commu-nity on which ws can skate. I haven't been skating much yet this year but I expect to. My brother Walter is 17 years old, therefore over the age limit. On hls behalf, I also thank you for the pre-sent. I have received many gifts, some from as far away as Scotland and F i n land. I should be writing Finnish but it takes more time and I am in a hurry äs I am writing this before going to school in the mcming. It seems as though this lettsr is stretching into almost a book. so I'}1 quit before it does. LiUian Martin, 10025-87 St., Edmonton. Alta. Jmt9 Flhds Satoi^y Nigths Axe Lonely Hello sister Margaret and a i ! the readers and writ2rs of this page. How is ever>-6ne feeling? Fine. I hope. Tm OX.. To-morrow is anotlser day cS school. We didn't have any school on Friday because neither the teacher nor the school bus could get througb. It stormed the night bsfore and then on Priday the roads were blocked and the snovr plow didn't get through either. It's been mild three days i n a row now. The snow has gone down a lot too. I hävent been skiing very much this year and If it keeps on belng warm I won't be able to. ; Are the Saturday nights ever lonely now because there's no place to go. The lAst dance was held about a month ago. Since then I've llstened to the National Hockey Leagus games every Saturday. They make the nights pass a lot faster. Was I ever surprised to see in the paper that I came fourth with 16 let-ters. Con^ratulations to you Esko Harju (thats for writing letters). Vou're doing fine. I've been doing grade 8 mathema-tics for about 2 weeks and I'm supp-osed to be done by June. I hope I make it. I can't secm to think of anymcre news so I guess I .had better close. Wishing everyone health and happJ-ness until next time. Tocdle-oo! Irma Heinonen, ' • Starratt P.O., Ont. timrma Came JUri in School Exams Dear sister Margaret and a l i the readers and •RTitsrs of this page. Otir caäistmas holidays ended Jafc-uary 6th. My teacher's name is Miss Derksan. -She i s ven* mce. Om- school is quite close to our hotjse. I like Ecliool. I n our exams I cam? third. I am sending a piclure of mysclf to you. sister Margaret.— , Good-bve sist?r Margaret end f II t h ; readers and ^Titers of this pnee, Nonna Jarri. Bissett. Man. SMrUys Ist Letter Dear big sistex Margaret and ali the readers and vriters of this page. This is my first letter to the Vapaus. I will writ2 a f sw Iines because I have time. I am 7 years old and my birthday is on December 8th. I am in grade 1 at school. 1 like school very much. Christmas is gone and New Ycar's is gone. We didnt have a Cliristmas tiee because our house is so small. My baby biotl\3r Ls 6 roonihs old. H-' 15 growing verv- fast. I guess I will go to bed now. Cheerio! Shirley Kivi, Silver Mountain. Ont. Leo's Ridile eitä se on sitä en tiedä. Mahdolli- Esti se on G a i l LuodÄn, arvasinko ikein? Kiitos kuvastasi, Noitna, panen sen luiden kuvien kera albumiini. Halusit tietää. Eino, mistä radiö-ijelmista pidän enimmän. Pidän issä järjestyksessä Bob Hope-ohjel-lasta, Lux Theatresta j a Kraft Music allista. - Saimme tällä viikolla kolme uutta isentäkin. lie ovat Eero Laakso, earstistä, Evelyn Luoma Torontosta Shirley Kivi Silver Mountainista. ervetuloa perheeseenmie! Mielenkiintoisia kirjeitä saimme lyös HelvUtä, UlUanUta, Leolta, WU-amUta, Roselta, Maylta, ViolctUta, malta, RaymondUta. Sonjalta, So-tiielta, Lealta, Lindalta ja Urholta. :onet kiitokset! En vis tämän enemmän tilaa, että likki kirjeenne sopisivat tänään leh-en. Ensi viikolla taas tavataan^ Siskonne Maixaret. There mUst be something the matter with me. I have been skating everyday now. This afternoon I am going skating with Wilma. I ' l l try to stay on my feet, not cn my back. Is it ever a beautiful day! Have you got lots of snow up there? We have lots of snow. Grood-bye! Rose Maki, R.B. 1, Mattawa; Ont. tuninmnitfni CENTRAL TAXI • (Lindberg) Puhelin 944 W) Spruce A v c So. Porcupine, Ont. Bouomrnnna Urho's Letter of Thanks Dear Margaret and sisters and bro-thers of this page. First I will thank you very much for the nice autograph book and card you sent me. Did you notice that card had a picture of my dog Blackle? Was I ever deiighted! I had a nice Christmas. My brothers and sisters can't come over this Christmas as they did before. Mrs. Hovi got a baby boy for Xmas present. She came home today. They live near our place. • Good-bye for now and Happy New Year big sister Margaret and readers and writers of tliis page. Next time I will teli you how I got\ my dog. Urho Piflo. Silver Mountain, Ont. Violet Got Skates for Christmas • Hellb sister Margaret and everybody else. I hope you had a merry Christmas. I had a good time anyway. We had a concert at the Finnish Hall on Dee. 21, 1948. I was i n 4 plays. We didn*t get any presents from our teacher. We got some from the l O D E however. I got a skirt and candy f rem there. I got a bracelet from one of my brothers, a plastic apron from another brother, a blouse and handkerchief from mother, notepaper from my sister Rose, hair-ribbon and a handkerchief from my big sister, a cotton, apron and patr of mittens from my nephew and a pair of skates from my sister-in-law. Thanks very much for the pencil-box and card. I have another one like It but it is blue. I am giving the old one to my sister May for she broke 4iers. There was a dance at the Finnish Hall on Christmas night. There were many people there. I have lots of fun with my new skates. I can skate pretty well with them. 'iy.ey are white and size 6. Weil. cheerio and have a Happy New Year! Violet Maki, R.R. 1, Mattawa, Ont. Hello Margaret and ali the readers and \vriters of this page. Pii-st I want to thank Margaret for the autograph book, jacknife and card. Besides these I got a shirt, two neck-ties, Christmas tree lights, tobbogan, felt boots, gloves, watch-chain, flve dollars, school books with pencils, two hankerchiefs, a wallet and a bag of candy from school. I have been B U - ding on niy new tobb<«au already. I just came from my cousin's p l ^ to-- night. I sure had fun there, especlal-ly skating. Christmas is over and the new year has begun. In my last letter I said that we might have a green Christmas but I was mista.ken be:ause a little whlle after we had a £nowstorm,^ I have caught four weasels so far whlch I have sold for $4.50. Here is a riddle: What kind öf a plant has roots bnt no leaves? I will will give you the answer in my next letter. . ' Weil, I guess that will be ali for now. Cheerio! Leo Wayrynen, Quimet, Ont. Raymond Takes Piano Lessons Hello Margaret! « , You smrprised me vfery much by sending me that autograph book. I had a very nice Christmas. My dad came home from Vernon B.C. I had lots of presents for Christmas. We tiad a Christmas party at the Finnish H a l l . held by the International Co-op. store. The ones that took part in the programme on this night got prJzes. I played the piano and I got a prlze, then Santa Claus gave presents to ali the öthet boys and girls. I did not have very much time to write a letter over the holidays because I had too much fun. I should writ€! oftener to this-paper but I go to %hool and I XsiiB piano lessons and then i go out and play. H i e time sure flies. ' Weil, good>t7ye everyone and I wish everyone who writes to this paper a very happy ne* year. Raymond Koeki, 315 Poley S t , Port Arthur, Eino*s Riddle Hello sister Margaret .ind a l i th-3 readers and 'writer.s of this paRf*. Thank you ven^much for the lovely card and autograph book. They werc very nice. I got a lot of gifts but they \\Tre the nicest. I hope you had n very merry Xmas and got many nice glft.^. It is quite windy outside today and thi? snow is drlftlng. It isn't very good to ski yet and if tho ski strikcs a stump. plop, you go. It is okay for a loboggan now. I put some rabbit, .snarcs out today and hope J i i e r e s a rabbit in one of them. ~ Our school sUrted on J a n . 3, 1949. My favourite radio programs are Boston Blackle and The Lone Ranger. Whal are your favourite programs Margaret? i was at a concert at another school and lost my flashlight. Was I ever mad! My lather is working ät Bhnd River and only comes home once i n a while. Am I ever glad when he comcs home. I am i n grade 7 in school and I am 11 years old, > > I cant think of anything else to write so I ;«'ill ask a riddle: \Vhät step did the.little housc take? I wlll answ.er the riddle in my next lotter unless someone else wlll answer It sooner. • I will close now. Cheerio! Eino Salminen, • Wahnapitae, Ont. .VANHA TEKIJii lahden Hiibtoscuran edustaja, 30- vuotias Leo Laakso saapui äskettäin yhdessä Suomen toiscy parhaan hyp-pj- miehen kanssa Vhdysvalloihin osallistuakseen siellä, pidettäviin mäenlaskun hyppykilpailuibin. Laakso on vanha tekijä sillä hän oli nuorten sarjan Suomen mestari vuosina 1935 ja 1936 ja on voittanut lukuisia kilpailuja, vuonna 1946 Sxfltsissäkin. Kaksi pientä tyttöä taas tulen uhriksi Montreal — Kaksi pleiitä sisarusta kuoli täällä kun tulipalo syttyi heidän kotinsa kellarissa, missil lapset olivat leiltkimässä. Kuolleet ovat B-vuotias Vivlnne Tardif ja hänen siskonsa 4-vuotlas Pranclne. Tuli alkoi tuntcm3ttoraa.sta .syystä kellarista ja lasten äiti sai palohaavoja, yrittäessään päästä auttimaan lapsiaan. Torstaina, tamniik. 13 p. Thursday • i s u i v^ CSJ:n British Columbian aluetoimikunnan 'W järjestämien QPINTOkURSSIEN ai CLINTON-HAALJSSA 2605 E. Pender St. Vancouver. B. C. Sunnuntaina, tammik. 23 päivänä, alkaen klo 4 i.p« Monipuolinen ohjelma pääasiassa kurssilaisilta Joukko- ja yksityisesilyksiä sekä näytelmä "PEKAN NAIMA PUUHAT" »Knkshjiiviök-slncn pila) Ravintolalippu 75f^ Eeron ensimmäinen kirje osastoomme Halloöl Oten lukenut perheen nuorempien I klrjoituicsia ja haluaisin kanssa a l kaa kirjoittaa. Olen 6-vuotias, Käyn koulua ja olin ensi kerran koululla kuusijuhla£sa. Meitä oli 10 pientä neekeripoikaa ja me lauloimme ja kaikki lähtivät vähitellen lavalta pois ja minä kun o l in kaikkein pienin niin jouduin kädet suorassa hyppäämään ison valaan suuhun. Äiti säikähti, että ei saa minua enää takaisin mutta paasinhan minä mutta toivon, etten enää joutuisi sellaiseen asemaan. Kyllä nyt täytyy lopettaa. En osaa enemmän kirjoittaa kun tämä on ensimmäinen k l jeeni, lahän ^öa^toc;n., Hauskaa uuiia vur;»!:» l ; Hj .'räikille. Kero Laafc.so, Bo.x 254, Hearst, Ont. Sonja Had Student Teacher Dear sister Ma^arot.. Here I am again wiihj}en and paper. I am sorry I havcn't writtini for such a long time. I'll try and wriie more often now. Is the weather ever nice out here. The sun in .shinlng now and two «f my glrlfriends are .supposcd to come U|> today. Wc're going to go skating if they bring their skates. Tlieir names are Alice and Barbara. How has everyone been in school? WiJ have a *tudent teacher from Nairn, ls she ever nlcc. Her name ls Miss Joyce Jeffrie. She wcnt away on Priday the 7lh. We had exams on Monday. We have a Red Cross Meetlng at pur .vchool every fecond Friday. Last wcek we had a quiz programme. Our new teacher .sug-gested ft instead of havlng poems, stories and songs. Weil, I'd bett palautetaan vuosittain teille «—kulutta- WORKEftS' CO-OP OF , NEW ONTARIO LTD. William näki kuvain "Melody Tinle" Halloo Marga/et-sisko j a kaikki tämän osaston lukijat sekä kirjoittajat. Oikein paljon kiitoksia kauniista joulukortista ja paketista. Minun piti olla raoteessa kaksi päivää ennenkuin koulu loppui enkä päässyt koulun kuusijuhlaan. Minä sain paljon joulupaketteja ja rahaa. Meillä on ollut yksi jääkiekkorotte-lu ja tänään meillä on toinen. Minä DR. R O M A N PNIEWSKI MoniTuotiBen praktiikka Eomipan hnomatiiininiissa sairaaloissa ERIKOISALANA slsustaadit. naisten, J^^.^J'^^^'"^^ Nielurisat leikataan uudella menetelmällä kivuttomaso Uman veira vuotoa. - ' VaataaDcttotannit J K d l o 3—8 ip. 3537 P A B X A ¥ E : POÄ H A A O W ? « » Vaataeai, Qne. olin viime vuonna kuvina ja me näimme "Melody Time"-k^ivaii. Äönä p i hdin siitä "Johnny Appleseedin" osasta. Kun Johnny Istutti siemeniä mstsään niin eläimet tulivat katsomaan mitä hän tekee. Johnny otti kepin ja näytti niille, että hän ampuu, silloin ne lähtivät juoksemaan mutta hajunää-tä ei pelännyt ja meni maiste^maan mitä Johnny istuttaa ja haki maasta omenan siemenen. Hajunäl^ä meni hänen viereensä ja alkoi kiertää liän-tä, ja Johnpy alkoi sitä silittää. Sitten Johnnyff piti jatkaa maUcaansa ja kaikici metsän eläimet menfvsU hänen mukanaan. Onnellista uutta vaotta Icalkillel WiIIiani Lonklui^ Box 22, Garson, Ont. Sophie is Learning to Play the Flute Hello sister Margaret. The weather has l>een very cold,' then wänn these last few days. I have been skating' twice and skiing aroimd five times. Late last faU a l i the. members ot OUT school got flutes. We get free lessons from a music teacher. We played at an Open House School concert and at the Beamsvllle theatre. We played at the theatre yto help earn some money for thrf" pcor people around the d i ^ r i c t wtio didn't have any ^ o n ^ to buy presents. Ciiild-ren from other schools sang; recited and a doctor toklA. stoiy. - We had a man student teachor come to our school tliis Week. We,went for a visit up tbe mountain today. The .road was muddy and slippery. On t l » way back we sav a car being p u l - led out of the ditch by a crane. Bere are eame riddles: Wh*t i» tbe end of everytltiaf? K M T caa you make aune fast? Wfaaft is the resemlOaace of a fig tn the psrionr and house en fite? I viH ansver the riddles the wee^a{temext. Cheerio, for navrt . S«|^U» Kaaigac, R.£t. L BeamsvUle, Qnt. — V. 1945 eUOanm 14 pnä Japani antautui liittolaisille. KARJAN RUOKAA JA REHUJA FUL-O-PEP kasvatusmäsklä -"••••••4.1S FUL-O-PEP munltugmäskiä ... 4.l0 FUL-O-PEP Super Green Pellets (Ruohoa pillerin muodossa) säkltl •. '4*80 QUAKER raappimisrchna 3*9S NELJÄN jyVÄN raappimlKmäskiä .r... .3.78 MAITOKARJAN' HEOKKIA, Wi, säkki 3^S ,. 24%, SAKKI 3.85 SIAN ALOTTAMI8MA8KIA. «äkkl ,4-3S SIAN KASVATIISMASKIA. »äkki - - -3.98 SIAN LOPETTAMISM^iSKIA, »äkkl •••3.74 SIAN RUOKAA .. " ' QUAKER Jaulioia, 98 Ib IVORY Jauhoja, 9« Ib, NO, 1 RUOKINTANISUA . .SlÄS RUOKI.NTAKAUROJA, säkki •••3.10 VASIKAN RUOKAA Fol-O-Pep 25'» Ful-O-Pep IMf» Quaker 25'» Quaker JOO*» ... IM 4.68 Lehmät navolaasa saaTat "keväisen kukoistuksen" Ftil-0'Pep tksbitelulla maitokarjaseoksella. Vila-miinillä vahvistettu Quaker Ful-O-Pep 24% maitokarjan seos oo vahvistettu konsentroidulla ruoholla, joka korvaa tuoreiden laidunmaiden puutetta syksyllä ja talvella. Parantaaksenne karianne terveyttä ia saadaksenne Buurenrpia maitotuloja, tasoittakaa jyvillä ruokkimisenne Quaker Ful-O-Pep 24% maitokarjaseoksella. TILATKAA JO TÄNÄÄN ^^.^ OIL CAKE MEAL • Näissä öljykakkujauholssa on suuri määrä vttamiioeja, fafkof-tettu sekoitettavaksi Jyvien kan8.«a telidäfcseen ravitsevaa nulMar- Jan ruokaa. 100 Ib, säkki f 4.38 MUNAKARTOONli:jA Laatlltiu» Joma on 250 kpl. • Saatt4e paiiuHisesta Icaupaslanne tai varastoliaeiieestamiiie ALPHONSE E. CHAREHE & Sons • JAUHOJA 186 Louis St. • JYVIÄ Puh.>0531 REHUJA , Sudbisnf ^ - i • 'I '•a f |
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