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СТРЛНА 4 МОНТРЕАП - ПРОШВА ПЕТОГОДИШЊИЦЕ СРПСКОГ ГЛАСНИКА Санса Канадских Сриа у Монтрсалу нрослапићо пл-тогодиш- њицу излажсља нашс јсднно демократскс на-ирсд- ис ношшс "СРПСКП ГЛАС1ШК" вслнкнм и свеча-]ш- м банкетом, 27 о. м. увсчс у просторијама нашсг дома. Норсд богатс псчсро и добрс музикс бићс иа про-грам- у нсколико лсиих тачака. Такођс очскујсмо за оио всчо гоиорника чијо имс Iicmo накнадно објавити. Ин овим иозивамо сво пријатсље Србс, Хрватс, Сло-вон- цс, Румуне, Максдонцс и другс да нам у што всћсм б]н)ју дођу, да солндарио манифсстујсмо уз другарску забаву своју ирнпржсност напрсдној штампи која јс не-дсљ- ипи дсо нашега рада п нашс борбс. А ми са својс страис чинпмо сио да наши гостн и ириЈатољн UITO ирнјатннЈс ировсду всчс. Одбор за приредбу. ВДНКУВЕР - ПРОСЛАВА ПЕТОГОДИШЊИЦЕ СРПСКОГ ГЛАСНИКА Оргаиизацнја Сансза канадскнх Срба одржаћс про-сла- пу Нстогодишљнцс Сриског Гласннка у нсдсљу 12 млја, Нрослаиа he сс одржатн у ('риском Иросвстном Дому, у 7 сати у всчс. Нозипамо сав наш народ, како Србс, тако н браћу Хрвато п Словснцс да нас иа тој прослапн иосстс. Нро-гра- м ho бити нзнаирсдно добар. Улазшша јо добропол.Ш1 ирнлог. Коста Трнља, секретар. ' МШР7ИК - ЗАБАВД ЗА ПОМОЋ НДРОДУ У ЈУПШИЈИ У нодрл.у, 2S анрила, одржава с лајсдничка забава за iiomoIi народима Јушслапијс. 11a забави учсствују слсдеИо организацијо: Одсск up. 899 X. П. Зајсдницс, Сапоз канадгких Cpiin, (Тлоиснгка Иотиорна Једнота "Влрд". абава lie с одржати у "Кападиаи Малартик КлуД Хал", а ночпи.с; у S сати упсчс. Умол.ана се can наш народ у лалартику ц околици да дођо на забаву н д iipiuifce спој дсо iiomoIhi нашсм хсроЈском иароду. _ __ ЗаЈедничниприређивачни одбор. ПОСЕТИМО ИЗЛОЖБУ И ПОКШМО НАШУ ШВЕНСКУ ШВДРНОСТ СА ЕРАШ УКРАЈИНЦИМД У недслу н понедслак т,ј, 28 и 29 апрнла, брагска Ук-рзинс- ка радинчка оргаии-зацл- ја у Торонту просдавлл годнхштцу новратка imixo-ви- јс раднпчкнх Домопа. 11ч тој нрославн he бнтн imo-же- н нихов културно-умстли-чк- н рад, 1I.HX0DII дсио изрз fycim народнн костнми и мио--г другн ручии радопи. Cmi посстноци rtiihc uo4aiii)tcii:i са чајом и другнм imixobiim идродинм јслом. Иросдапа и нзложба he сс пгворитн са uouiicproM у ис-дс- лу 28 аирила, у 2 can носле подие п трајаћс до 10 сатн увсчс, a у иопсдс.гак 29 аирчла, у 1 car иослс иодце до 10 rain увечс. У ионсде-лл- к у 8 сат1 упече he сс нз- - КОГА ДРЖЕ НА (Наставак ca cipane 1) ДШ1С и учссмик y "маршу ita I'iim", пуковиик Јашистичке инлицијс, одллн-ова- и за своје заслугс изјппшмм фашпстич-ки- м одликопан-си- . Опо што кажи за желсзнн-ц- с важп н за свс другс уста-нов- с. Нојаа умрава је оставн-л- а "заслужие" фашистс it рат-н- е ЗЈочпице на иатшжајима, у сг.нм устаиовама — у цн гилиој полицијн. судовнма, ошптиии, нл мошти, у адмн сс мало rajiiK, главиом стопарншту лукс. у управн позорншта "Нордн" нгд. Таквих ]ашиста јс нарочнто вслнкн број иа пошти. Наро днс властн су за дана, ко-лн- ко је зона "А" блла под војпом управом архијс, очистплс од а-ши- ста сав државпп апарат, ua и пошту. вој-н- а уирава је то 4Hinhc:bc и повратила старп државни auapar у службу. Од 19 познатих фашлстич кмх органнзатора, којн су за врсие бнли запо-сле- ни на поштк и данас их се иалазн 13 у службп у Трсту. Meby 1нма комакдаитн "сквадрн дационе који палмлк народпе доиове унпштавали бнблио-тек- е н прсмлапи-вал- н Словснце. н н активно Иатпцп-Ј- У У прогоиу Gioeena Јуди скс Kpajiiuc. Јсдан од познатих фашиста у служби окупационе војн; управе у Трсту је н гроф La ложба злпршптн тако!;с сл копцсртом, на комс he imixo-г.- о гласоинто свачкодруштвл "Лиссико" пскати imixobc in роднс песмс игд. Нрослапд н изложба he се одржатн у Украјнискои рад-Ш1ЧКО- М дому на 300 Патрст Ст. Улазинца добровол-и- и прнлозн. Ми aniMiipavo л свс Србе у Тороиту до посстс просла-п- у п изложбу name fipafic Ј крајннаца. Иокажимо нашу слопснску сашдарносг с 6ahuu 5Ч-рајппцнм-а. За о)ган1пацју Савеза ка-падск- их Срба, Петар РалетнК, ирстсгдкик. Нванка Божани!, сскрстар. СДВЕЗНКЦИ ПОЛОЖАЈИМА шшач (ашистнчкс нартнјс од 1919 годинс, органнзатор фа ши ст и чкс милпције у Тр-сг- у и генсрал "цриих кошу-лл- ". У мссто да будс швгдсн нрсд суд, да одгогара за сво-ј- а зшдсла, rjKxji Caxaita јг данас ноставл.си од окупацц- - ukiix воЈмих властн на внсо-к- н иаложај у цждској с.уж1и у Трсту. Свн ови фашнстн, ији се данас налазс у службн оку- - nauiioiuix BOjiiiix пластн, mi ннстрацијн, болссничкој бла су nil "покајалн'. У TpmhaiiCKc 40 Југословсн-ск- е. Окуиациона обуставила Мусолиннја Тршпанској поштааској су су (ЈловеначкС шгампарнЈс, мталијанскс антифашисте по-магалнЈ-талнја- нск-у iR-o-. фашмстнчкнх дсмонст)а- - iinjaiu 27 иарта учссгвоваз ЈС ВСЛИКП бЧ)ј ових чиновни- - ка. Oiiii су с iictii! одушс-.iciiC- M као л за врсне фашп-зм- а клнцхти "смрг Словени- - ма м живела ИталиЈаисп Пстра и Далмацнја" ПОСЛЕ ПОСЕТЕ МЕђУ-НАРОД- НЕ КОМНСИЈЕ ЗА РАЗГРАННЧЕЊЕ, тсрор фаинстичких баиди кад аи-ти-фашисти- чким становпиш-тво- м Пснсцке Словспнје ио-ст- ао јс још всћп н бсзобзир-- н it ј и. У селу Нодбоиоссц, vehy-- народпа комнспја иримнла јс дслегацију прстставнпка оп-Ш1ЛН- С, wojn су свп антнфа-шнст- н. Одмах послс одласка 1хмпснје фашисти су прова-дпј- и у згрзду општнне, на-nx- iii прстссдинкд .секретара н 2 члана општине, које јс комнсмја ирииила. Фашисти су нх тешко испребијхт. Пстог дана фашнсти су нз-вршп- лн iieicaniko прова-t- a у станопс акти-фаншст- а. Сло-вепачк- им свсштеинцпма су запрегилн да he нх поубија-т- н, ако буду у црквауа држа- - вино дн Захааа,. члап — ос- -' лн проповеди па словсначком ТРАЖЕ СЕ Kod delegaclje Crvenog Krsta Jugoslavije u Kanadi nalaze se poruke iz Jugoslavije za sledeta Ilea: PAVER, Matt, St. Catharines, PAVLIC, Matlja, Kirkland Lake, KR5UL, Paulina, Thorold, PROTULIPAC, Mike, Schuma-cher, SVETICH, Matilda, Campbell River, B. C. PUPAVAC, Dane, Crowland, SOLET, Dane, Calgary, IVANCI6, Ieidor, London, Ont. VUKOVICH, Mike, Edmonton, PAVER, Ivan, Fort William, SAPONJA, Vladimir, Edmonton, COP, Franjo, Schumacher, BASAR, Milan, Winipeg, KREM, T., Toronto, KOPRIVA, Vid, Sudbury, HOWSON, Marina, Ottawa, PAPANDRICH, M., Windsor, JAKSA, Jovan, Kirkland Lake, FARKAS, S., Schumacher, IVICEK, Ludvig, St. Antony Gold Mine, Ont DUKI6, Petar, Hamilton, GOLESI6, Petar, Kirkland Late, MIRKOV, Rada, Toronto, AN'DOV, Dobre, Toronto, MARICIC, Paul, Windsor, MRKSICH, Geo., Sudbury, TOMASEVIfi, Ilija, Sudbury, BUNCie, lllja, Kirkland Lake, DJURICICH, llija, KirklanJ Lake, BARC, Josip, Niagara Falls. Ont. PETROVIC, Miladin, Regina, ВАШС, Rade,( T) Alberta, MATAKOVIC, Crist, Reko, Al berta, , TANOVIC, A., Kingston, Out. MANDIC, George, DEVCIC, M. P. ORLOVIC Petar, PEJNOVIC, Joe., Dawson Cmk, B. C. MIHELie, Miho, POLOC, Iloza, PLASAJ, Ivan, VICIC, Stjepan, NOVA KO VIC, Jovan, Toronto, SKOCILIC, Ana, ( T) Ontario, TAMAS (ill Tomas), N.. New Toronto, SKRAUEC, Ivan, Toronto, DRAGOJLOVIC, .ikola, Ilamil ton. Mole se gore imenonnl ill on!, koji znaju za njihovu sadaJnjn adresu, da se obrate na: Dflrgitc Yugolav Rl Сгонч. 319 H y (Room 108)., Toronto, Ont. ] ХАМИЛТОН - ИЗВАНРЕДНА СЕДНИЦА С. К. СРБА Оргаинзација Савеза ка-надск- нх Срба одржава нз-ваирсд- ну седницу у нсдс.гу 28 априла, у 7 сати уис'чс. у цросторијама "Н иитс р Гардсн" иа 329 Отава Ст. (на углу Огава и Партон Ст.), соба бр. 214. Позивају сс сви чланови орглиизације да нрисуствуЈу седннцн и повсду својс ири-jaTcv- e. Ссдница јс од вели-ко- г значаја: Прво, да сс прегледа рад нрипрсмаил прославс С. 1ла-снкк- а за 12 маја; Друто, рсглс,; успсха каи-аи-- с за ново чланство; Tpehe, питаи-- е обнав.ииа iicTctcinx ирстплата на Грп-ск- п Гласпик н Четврто, оргаипзомис од-6- i који he радити па ирн ирсмн Ппдовданског слста у Хамилтону. на woje he учс-ствов- ат свс српске органи-зациј- с in Јужиог Онтсрија. До тог врсмена дужност јс свих чланова да ariuyjy за нове члановс u да их довсду иа ову нзванредиу седницу. За Нзвршпн одбор органн-зациј- е, С. IC-- С, Mn-ioi-a ГрубиК, претседник. ЧАДАМ - "ФИШ" ПАРДИ У нсдеАу 28 апрнла, у 1 сат пскле подие, оргаинзацн- - ја Савсза канадскнх Срба о-лпжа- Нс "Фиш" папди, а фарми код друга Ilaje Цоци-на- , Р. Р. 3. Гиенсм. Позивамо све иаше njMijaie.w: нз Чада-и- л п осашце да нас поссте у што вспем броју, те да сс за једно провесе-тмо- . Нсснс рибе he бптн нзобилл, а бпћс и све друго што припада са рнбом. Ношто he се са овпч у псто времс просдавилл n Нетогпдшпапца Српског Гла-снпк- а, ради тога се очекује добар посег од свих претплат ннкта у овој окаитп. Одбор. језпку, Један од овпх народних свештеника је нзјавно да је данас терор над Беиецклм Словспцпма гори него што јс био терор скзадрпста за вре-v- e фашизха. "СРПСКП ГЛЛСНИК" This a copy of letter reciewed by our National Executive From Yugoslavia Central Committee of USAOJ Milutinova 37, Belgrade. Jaunuary 14th, 1946 Dear Comrades, Although we are divided by great oceans and countries, by thousands of miles, we have never felt to be nearer and closer to you than today. In those hard days of occupation and the National Libe-ration Struggle, when it was ex-tremely difficult for the truth about us and the events in our country to make its way abroad, and especially westward, we wer deeply convinced that you were with us, that you were our bro-thers not only in blood but also in our common strivings, in our hopes, in arms, and that you would make the truth penetrate more deeply and speedly in those coun-tries in which you live and which you call your another homeland. We know that you have watch fully followed the coure of event in your "old country", that you have sypathized with the suffer-ings, hopes and victories of our nations, that you were resolutely on our side. All this is inspiring us with enthusiasm. In recent time, since the im-provement of contacts between our country and Canada, it was for us to get to know much more of each other. Yoa have, certainly, heard of and followed the important events and changes that have taken place 'n our We have seen this from the newspapers of the South Slavs of Canada and from talks with your soldiers. It is no won-der that you were so interested in our national liberation struggle, in the details of that struggle, that it was Inspiring you with excitement and enthusiasm, that you arc proud of being a part ol our nations. There is a great many of things about which ue must tell you. This we cannot do in one letter only — many letters and talk? are necessary for that. But, in spite of that, we shall tell you Komething about certain events, which were discussed and written of the out our country. is possible country. On Novenber lth, 1945, tht election to the Constituent As-nembl- y were held in our country-- In the Summer, during the Third,! Session of the AVNOJ (The Anti-Fa-scist Council of National Liberation of Jugoslavia), in ad-dition to numerous laws by which the legal order was introduced in our country and the will and, vic-tory of our nations realized, the election law and the law for elec-tors' lists was also passed, and necessary measure for the proce-dure of elections In our country, in the course of the war, through the National Liberation Struggle, outstanding changes have taken place. The equality of rights of our nations was realized not in words but practice. ThJ equality ucondJ-tionall- y dictated a new form of state organization — federation, in place of the old reactienary, hegemonlstico-centralisti- c Гвгв ef government. Trough the fight, and later on. the people were creating, eeRsoli dating and deveropir.g their truly democratic, people's authorities in the form of People's Committee, elected from beneath, which савк In place of the old, dictated ani corrupt state authority, which had nothing In common with our na-tions. The following are the two fun-damental achievements which have made possible further develop-ment: equality of man cd democratic freedom or-ganization, assembly, press, strike, the new tribunal, the de-mocratization of education, etc. means that, by the elections to the Constituent Assembly, by the free, direct and secret Tot of the people, by the general plebiscite, it was neces-sary to legalize all that which our nations have achieved In the war. On the these elections had prove to the whole world, in a most direct and determined way, that the achievements of our uprising and our struggle are th exploits and achievements of the enormous majority of oar nations. Only reactionary groups in the country and abroad were afraid of the people's vote. Yoa. oar com-rades, Peter Kar&djor-djevitch'- s statement against the Agreement and the Regents, th shameful memorandum of Cirri toritch and Jorknovitch, which it of a purely tt-eacher- ous character the resignation of Grol and So-basi- c, etc. We are sure that their maneuvers were etwent to you you. Our nations knew full well what they wanted: they knew them even before the war, they have personally experienced their treacherous role in this war. Therefore, the abstention of the so-call- ed "opposition'' failed to attain the desired results: it broke on the unity and determination of our democratic nations. The broadest masses of our people have taken part in the pre-election campaign which lasted for a period of three months. At nume-rous rallies and meetings our common people came to speak, workers and peasants, and they expressed the tendencies of the people. There was no compulsion, no no trickery, no specula-tion. Even in the pre-electi- on cam paign it was e'ear that the Na-tional Front would win a magni-ficent victory. It was clear bo cause our nations have, through their own experience in the course of this war, acquired confidence in the loyalty and democratic cha-racter of the National Front, as the leader of our National Libe-ration Struggle, as the organizer of state and the reconstruc-tion of our country. In fact, this is the thing that could have hap-pened. All the national democra-tic political parties and groups have united in the Front, all those honest and patriotic men of our country who are sincerely striving for its better future. In order that even those 1аз, both in the country and abroad, who uere expressing doubt as to the democratic charter of our elec-tions the opportunity for the "opposition" to appear at the stage, might once :gain assure themselves of the free and demo cratic character of the election, a "box without list" has been in-troduced into which all those who did not want to vote for the can didates the National Front could cast their ballots. A record number of electors came to the polling booths. Out of 8 383.455 registered voters, 7.432.4 or RA Г.Г.Ч, hut vntwl about abroad, and which are j of 4.080.. uw, inwm .пп.псс i. 255 „,,.,„4 electors, only I taken. In woman, of It people's other hand, to remember police our of CO 3.039.041 had voted (74.48%), Now women, soldiers and young people over the age ef 18 could for the first time cast their votes. Registered voters: 8.383.455; voted: 7.432.469 (S8.CC); voted for the National Front: C725.-04- 7 (90.48); voted for the box without list: 707.422 (9.52tf). The results ere as follows: Thee figures best illustrate the magnificent victory of the Na-tional Front, of the New Yugo-slavia, over the reactionary oppo-sition and all other enemies of our nations. They, further, sho that our nations will with all the means defend and further develop the great achievements of the li-beration war: the federation and the People's Authority, both of which have found their fullest ex preseiofl is owr new state: the Federative People's Republic nf Yugoslavia. The ejection themselves were not merely a plebiscite but also a great national festival. Peasants, workers, citizen, youth went to the polHng booth with flags and photographs, with music and songs; voted and manifested their love and loyalty towards ou' new state. Oar youth has taken full part both in the pre-electi- on campaign and the elections themselves. It has far the first time been given the right to elect and to be elec ted; it has ooce more experienced what a it bears for the future of its country and its state. There is quite a number of young people fleeted as the repre sentatives of the people: Rato Dugoajie. Secretary of the Cent ral Committee of the USAOJ (the United League of the Anti-Fa- s cist Youth of Yugoslavia), Milka Knfria. President of the Federal Comraittee of the USAOJ (Croa-tia) sad others. A short time after the elections, on November 29th, 1945, both hocses ef the Constituent Assemb-ly rset at a Joint session and una-nimoos- iy decided that a new re-pabli- eaa fora of state be estab-lished, that a new state be legali-zed." the Federative People's Re-public of Jugoslavia. Dear comrades, you only imagine what an enthusiasm was aroused by this among our nations. Hundreds of thousands of men and women went into th streets of war towns, joined the --sagsifieent national manifestation and festival, cheering enthusia stically for oar young Republic beside themselves for enthusiasm and happiness. There, at last, the day has come when our generous nations succeeded in getting rid of various reactionary dictators and the monarchy, which had been, all the time, an instrument of the internal and foreign reac-tion for the oppression and ex-ploitation of our nations. One of the first steps taken Dy the Constituent Assembly was to work out the draft of, and to pass the. Constitution of the Federative People's Republic of Jugoslavia The Draft Constitution as a whole was accepted at one of the first sessions of the Constituent As-sembly, and then submitted for consideration in det 11 to the Con-stitution Committet — a body of the Constituent Assembly. At the same time the Constitution was published in our newspapers and in separate pamphlets, and sub-mitted for' discussion to all our nations and to all the political, social, workers, youth and other You cannot find to-day a single woman, man or young boy who is not studying the Draft Constitution, critically refer-ring to It and sending his or her remarks. All the remarks are being collected by the Constitution Committee of the Assembly, and, when the Constitution is being discussed in details, they arc taken Into account and accepted or re jected. Thus, the Draft Constitu-tion was submitted to the cons-ideration on and control of tho broadest masses of the people, who see in this Draft Constitution their law and will accept it as such. That is, in fact, our conception and realization of democracy, The people elect, control and displace authorities, laws and the Imple-mentation of laws, they are the sovereign — not an object for op-pression and exploitation. Just lc-cau- se our democracy is so deeply and genuinely a people's one, it was possible for it to overwhelm so many difficulties and to look forward into the future with such a determination and such a faith In 1938, when Stojadinovitch was1 ,п У,С10ГУ- - prime-ministc- r, they responsibility should organizations. At the cnu or January tnis year, after the final detailed conside-ration of the Draft Constitution by the Constitution Committee and after all the remarks and amendments have been handed in, the Constituent Assembly will put it ngaln to discussion and accept It as the fundamental law of tta Federative People's Republic of Jugoslavia. This, comarades, will be a further big step toward the consolidation of our Republic and our democracy. We believe, comrades, that уоч are also Interested in the lifo and activities of our youth. We are quoting here a paragraph from the call nddrrsscd by Marshall Tito to our people's at the begin-ning of the New Year — 194(5. This call illustrates more autho-ritatively and better than any-thing else the enormous partici pation of our youth in the deve-lopment of our beloved Republic. Comrade Tito, after addressing the workers, addressed the youth in these words: "I c" uP°n ou joung people Г Jugitiilatla, to he the bearers of working enlhu-Ut.m- , to be an example of per- - sinlanre and self-sacrifi- ce In the derelopment of )our country, Just a ou were an esamplc in (he four jear' struggle fr the libe-ration of your country, as In 1911 you were an example In the recon-struction of the country, Th fight for victory In the recon-(ructio- n of the country, In th overwhelming of economic difficul-ties, is a constituent part of that gigantic struggle on the battle field in which tens of thousand of young boys and girl of Yugo-slavia laid down thrir lives In or. der that others msy lire a better life. Let your youthful ardour and zeal find its vent first of all in the creative work". This high estimate of our Mar-shal fills hearts of our boys and girls with infinite creative enthu-siasm. We are giving here some ex ample's which, to a certain extent, illustrate the creative work of our youth. Competition has become a mass movement In our country, Thus, for example. In December last year a competition was going on between the railway stations of Belgrade and Msribor. Young people were the first in the gene-ral efforts of the workers. Four-teen young boys (between the age of 15 and 18) undertook to repair a damaged locomotive, off their work-tim- e, although half of them were beginmrs in their work. Every day, young workers — ap-prentices — stayed in their work shop overtime and worked persis- - %nA THa Рмп! АлтД. refoired I fentlv on the broken locomotive. I J and that this was no surprise for kissed one another — they were Windows of the depot were bro- - j Уторак, 23 априда 1946. ken, wind was blowing in snow, fingers of the workers were frees ing of cold. Rut, in spite of all this, they went on with their work, and in less than 23 days repaired the locomotive. At many factories and enter-prises young workers have orga-nized "shock groups" which sur-pass their average plan by many percents, simplify the production technique and raise the quality o( products. Youth shock groups are being organized on a large scale and are becoming a mass wont movement The rienum of the Central Committee of the USAOJ (the United League of the Antl- - Faa-cis- t Youth of Jugoslavia) in meet-ing this week, and in Spring this year the Third Congress of the Youth of Jugoslavia will take place. It will make our youth or-ganization still broader and stronger. At the Plenary Meeting of the Central Committee, the Constitu-tion of the World Federation of Democratic Youth, which our de-legation had accepted in London, will be submitted for ratification. The decisions of the World Youth Conference have been given so far a wide publicity and populsriza-tio- n among our youth which has accepted them enthusiastically because it sees in them and in th Federation a new force in the struggle for the defence of a just and lasting peace, for the ensur-anc- e of democracy in the world. As you probably heard from our friend Usaty, a delegation of fo-reign students had visited out country in the middle of Decem-ber last ear. This delegation con-sisted of two friends from Can da: Loo Usaty and Jessie Storrie, three Latin Americans, one Frenchman, one Italian girl stu-dent and two South Africans. Al-though their time was very limi-ted, they were able to see a lot of things In our country. We wished and endeavoured to make them see and get to know as much a possible. They have toured Hatch- - ka, visited the suburbs of Ret-grad- e, the city of Zagreb and Па-nj- a Luka, the "death camp" of th Germans and Ustashl, and where the crematorium for burning up of living men is still standing as a witness of fascist atrocities. They have spoken with our workers, peasants, citizens, intellectuals, with men of different political convictions, etc. Especially, thy were often speaking with our young people and getting informa-tions on youth organizations. We do not doubt as to whether our friend Usaty will accurately pre sent all he had seen in your "old country", in our Republic. Will you, please, extend our greetingr to Mr. Usaty and Jessie Storrie. Many transport difficult! which made the distance between us still greater, have now been somewhat reduced, and the pos-sibilities of keeping a closer mu-tual contact are enormously grea-ter. Therefore, dear comrades, we should like to be in as regular a correspondence with you as much as possible, to exchange informa-tions on our life, to exchange our newspapers, books, etc., and this w the best thing — to interchange visits. We always think of you and your life. We can never forget that great love which you feel toward your old country. We know your efforts in collecting aid for our Army and our children, war or-phans. We look upon the foster-ing of your unity and the estab-lishment of your united organiza-tion of our brothers — the youth of the Jugoslav nations living in Canada, as upon a great contribu-tion both for your own democracy in Canada and for our Republic. Dear comrades, sll our youth is sending you its cordial and frater-nal greetings. We end with our fighting greet-ing; Death to fascism — freedom to the people! (Signed) Rato Dugonjie ВИНДС0Р - JABHA СКУПШТННА Локално Rehe кападских јужнпх Словена приређујс јавиу скупштлну ва којој he говорити делсгати Црвеппг Крста Југославије. Сгупшти-н- а he се одржавати у четвп-ia- s 25,априда. у Чсхослова-чхомдом- у jra Друлард Рд., a почиње тачно у 8 сати учечг. Позпвају се свп нселнпци из Југославије 'да у што Be-ne броју иосете ову скуп-штин- у. Одбсф Већа.
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Serbian Herald, May 10, 1946 |
Language | sr |
Subject | Serbia -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Serbia; Serbian Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1946-05-10 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | SerbiD4000031 |
Title | 000128 |
OCR text | СТРЛНА 4 МОНТРЕАП - ПРОШВА ПЕТОГОДИШЊИЦЕ СРПСКОГ ГЛАСНИКА Санса Канадских Сриа у Монтрсалу нрослапићо пл-тогодиш- њицу излажсља нашс јсднно демократскс на-ирсд- ис ношшс "СРПСКП ГЛАС1ШК" вслнкнм и свеча-]ш- м банкетом, 27 о. м. увсчс у просторијама нашсг дома. Норсд богатс псчсро и добрс музикс бићс иа про-грам- у нсколико лсиих тачака. Такођс очскујсмо за оио всчо гоиорника чијо имс Iicmo накнадно објавити. Ин овим иозивамо сво пријатсље Србс, Хрватс, Сло-вон- цс, Румуне, Максдонцс и другс да нам у што всћсм б]н)ју дођу, да солндарио манифсстујсмо уз другарску забаву своју ирнпржсност напрсдној штампи која јс не-дсљ- ипи дсо нашега рада п нашс борбс. А ми са својс страис чинпмо сио да наши гостн и ириЈатољн UITO ирнјатннЈс ировсду всчс. Одбор за приредбу. ВДНКУВЕР - ПРОСЛАВА ПЕТОГОДИШЊИЦЕ СРПСКОГ ГЛАСНИКА Оргаиизацнја Сансза канадскнх Срба одржаћс про-сла- пу Нстогодишљнцс Сриског Гласннка у нсдсљу 12 млја, Нрослаиа he сс одржатн у ('риском Иросвстном Дому, у 7 сати у всчс. Нозипамо сав наш народ, како Србс, тако н браћу Хрвато п Словснцс да нас иа тој прослапн иосстс. Нро-гра- м ho бити нзнаирсдно добар. Улазшша јо добропол.Ш1 ирнлог. Коста Трнља, секретар. ' МШР7ИК - ЗАБАВД ЗА ПОМОЋ НДРОДУ У ЈУПШИЈИ У нодрл.у, 2S анрила, одржава с лајсдничка забава за iiomoIi народима Јушслапијс. 11a забави учсствују слсдеИо организацијо: Одсск up. 899 X. П. Зајсдницс, Сапоз канадгких Cpiin, (Тлоиснгка Иотиорна Једнота "Влрд". абава lie с одржати у "Кападиаи Малартик КлуД Хал", а ночпи.с; у S сати упсчс. Умол.ана се can наш народ у лалартику ц околици да дођо на забаву н д iipiuifce спој дсо iiomoIhi нашсм хсроЈском иароду. _ __ ЗаЈедничниприређивачни одбор. ПОСЕТИМО ИЗЛОЖБУ И ПОКШМО НАШУ ШВЕНСКУ ШВДРНОСТ СА ЕРАШ УКРАЈИНЦИМД У недслу н понедслак т,ј, 28 и 29 апрнла, брагска Ук-рзинс- ка радинчка оргаии-зацл- ја у Торонту просдавлл годнхштцу новратка imixo-ви- јс раднпчкнх Домопа. 11ч тој нрославн he бнтн imo-же- н нихов културно-умстли-чк- н рад, 1I.HX0DII дсио изрз fycim народнн костнми и мио--г другн ручии радопи. Cmi посстноци rtiihc uo4aiii)tcii:i са чајом и другнм imixobiim идродинм јслом. Иросдапа и нзложба he сс пгворитн са uouiicproM у ис-дс- лу 28 аирила, у 2 can носле подие п трајаћс до 10 сатн увсчс, a у иопсдс.гак 29 аирчла, у 1 car иослс иодце до 10 rain увечс. У ионсде-лл- к у 8 сат1 упече he сс нз- - КОГА ДРЖЕ НА (Наставак ca cipane 1) ДШ1С и учссмик y "маршу ita I'iim", пуковиик Јашистичке инлицијс, одллн-ова- и за своје заслугс изјппшмм фашпстич-ки- м одликопан-си- . Опо што кажи за желсзнн-ц- с важп н за свс другс уста-нов- с. Нојаа умрава је оставн-л- а "заслужие" фашистс it рат-н- е ЗЈочпице на иатшжајима, у сг.нм устаиовама — у цн гилиој полицијн. судовнма, ошптиии, нл мошти, у адмн сс мало rajiiK, главиом стопарншту лукс. у управн позорншта "Нордн" нгд. Таквих ]ашиста јс нарочнто вслнкн број иа пошти. Наро днс властн су за дана, ко-лн- ко је зона "А" блла под војпом управом архијс, очистплс од а-ши- ста сав државпп апарат, ua и пошту. вој-н- а уирава је то 4Hinhc:bc и повратила старп државни auapar у службу. Од 19 познатих фашлстич кмх органнзатора, којн су за врсие бнли запо-сле- ни на поштк и данас их се иалазн 13 у службп у Трсту. Meby 1нма комакдаитн "сквадрн дационе који палмлк народпе доиове унпштавали бнблио-тек- е н прсмлапи-вал- н Словснце. н н активно Иатпцп-Ј- У У прогоиу Gioeena Јуди скс Kpajiiuc. Јсдан од познатих фашиста у служби окупационе војн; управе у Трсту је н гроф La ложба злпршптн тако!;с сл копцсртом, на комс he imixo-г.- о гласоинто свачкодруштвл "Лиссико" пскати imixobc in роднс песмс игд. Нрослапд н изложба he се одржатн у Украјнискои рад-Ш1ЧКО- М дому на 300 Патрст Ст. Улазинца добровол-и- и прнлозн. Ми aniMiipavo л свс Србе у Тороиту до посстс просла-п- у п изложбу name fipafic Ј крајннаца. Иокажимо нашу слопснску сашдарносг с 6ahuu 5Ч-рајппцнм-а. За о)ган1пацју Савеза ка-падск- их Срба, Петар РалетнК, ирстсгдкик. Нванка Божани!, сскрстар. СДВЕЗНКЦИ ПОЛОЖАЈИМА шшач (ашистнчкс нартнјс од 1919 годинс, органнзатор фа ши ст и чкс милпције у Тр-сг- у и генсрал "цриих кошу-лл- ". У мссто да будс швгдсн нрсд суд, да одгогара за сво-ј- а зшдсла, rjKxji Caxaita јг данас ноставл.си од окупацц- - ukiix воЈмих властн на внсо-к- н иаложај у цждској с.уж1и у Трсту. Свн ови фашнстн, ији се данас налазс у службн оку- - nauiioiuix BOjiiiix пластн, mi ннстрацијн, болссничкој бла су nil "покајалн'. У TpmhaiiCKc 40 Југословсн-ск- е. Окуиациона обуставила Мусолиннја Тршпанској поштааској су су (ЈловеначкС шгампарнЈс, мталијанскс антифашисте по-магалнЈ-талнја- нск-у iR-o-. фашмстнчкнх дсмонст)а- - iinjaiu 27 иарта учссгвоваз ЈС ВСЛИКП бЧ)ј ових чиновни- - ка. Oiiii су с iictii! одушс-.iciiC- M као л за врсне фашп-зм- а клнцхти "смрг Словени- - ма м живела ИталиЈаисп Пстра и Далмацнја" ПОСЛЕ ПОСЕТЕ МЕђУ-НАРОД- НЕ КОМНСИЈЕ ЗА РАЗГРАННЧЕЊЕ, тсрор фаинстичких баиди кад аи-ти-фашисти- чким становпиш-тво- м Пснсцке Словспнје ио-ст- ао јс још всћп н бсзобзир-- н it ј и. У селу Нодбоиоссц, vehy-- народпа комнспја иримнла јс дслегацију прстставнпка оп-Ш1ЛН- С, wojn су свп антнфа-шнст- н. Одмах послс одласка 1хмпснје фашисти су прова-дпј- и у згрзду општнне, на-nx- iii прстссдинкд .секретара н 2 члана општине, које јс комнсмја ирииила. Фашисти су нх тешко испребијхт. Пстог дана фашнсти су нз-вршп- лн iieicaniko прова-t- a у станопс акти-фаншст- а. Сло-вепачк- им свсштеинцпма су запрегилн да he нх поубија-т- н, ако буду у црквауа држа- - вино дн Захааа,. члап — ос- -' лн проповеди па словсначком ТРАЖЕ СЕ Kod delegaclje Crvenog Krsta Jugoslavije u Kanadi nalaze se poruke iz Jugoslavije za sledeta Ilea: PAVER, Matt, St. Catharines, PAVLIC, Matlja, Kirkland Lake, KR5UL, Paulina, Thorold, PROTULIPAC, Mike, Schuma-cher, SVETICH, Matilda, Campbell River, B. C. PUPAVAC, Dane, Crowland, SOLET, Dane, Calgary, IVANCI6, Ieidor, London, Ont. VUKOVICH, Mike, Edmonton, PAVER, Ivan, Fort William, SAPONJA, Vladimir, Edmonton, COP, Franjo, Schumacher, BASAR, Milan, Winipeg, KREM, T., Toronto, KOPRIVA, Vid, Sudbury, HOWSON, Marina, Ottawa, PAPANDRICH, M., Windsor, JAKSA, Jovan, Kirkland Lake, FARKAS, S., Schumacher, IVICEK, Ludvig, St. Antony Gold Mine, Ont DUKI6, Petar, Hamilton, GOLESI6, Petar, Kirkland Late, MIRKOV, Rada, Toronto, AN'DOV, Dobre, Toronto, MARICIC, Paul, Windsor, MRKSICH, Geo., Sudbury, TOMASEVIfi, Ilija, Sudbury, BUNCie, lllja, Kirkland Lake, DJURICICH, llija, KirklanJ Lake, BARC, Josip, Niagara Falls. Ont. PETROVIC, Miladin, Regina, ВАШС, Rade,( T) Alberta, MATAKOVIC, Crist, Reko, Al berta, , TANOVIC, A., Kingston, Out. MANDIC, George, DEVCIC, M. P. ORLOVIC Petar, PEJNOVIC, Joe., Dawson Cmk, B. C. MIHELie, Miho, POLOC, Iloza, PLASAJ, Ivan, VICIC, Stjepan, NOVA KO VIC, Jovan, Toronto, SKOCILIC, Ana, ( T) Ontario, TAMAS (ill Tomas), N.. New Toronto, SKRAUEC, Ivan, Toronto, DRAGOJLOVIC, .ikola, Ilamil ton. Mole se gore imenonnl ill on!, koji znaju za njihovu sadaJnjn adresu, da se obrate na: Dflrgitc Yugolav Rl Сгонч. 319 H y (Room 108)., Toronto, Ont. ] ХАМИЛТОН - ИЗВАНРЕДНА СЕДНИЦА С. К. СРБА Оргаинзација Савеза ка-надск- нх Срба одржава нз-ваирсд- ну седницу у нсдс.гу 28 априла, у 7 сати уис'чс. у цросторијама "Н иитс р Гардсн" иа 329 Отава Ст. (на углу Огава и Партон Ст.), соба бр. 214. Позивају сс сви чланови орглиизације да нрисуствуЈу седннцн и повсду својс ири-jaTcv- e. Ссдница јс од вели-ко- г значаја: Прво, да сс прегледа рад нрипрсмаил прославс С. 1ла-снкк- а за 12 маја; Друто, рсглс,; успсха каи-аи-- с за ново чланство; Tpehe, питаи-- е обнав.ииа iicTctcinx ирстплата на Грп-ск- п Гласпик н Четврто, оргаипзомис од-6- i који he радити па ирн ирсмн Ппдовданског слста у Хамилтону. на woje he учс-ствов- ат свс српске органи-зациј- с in Јужиог Онтсрија. До тог врсмена дужност јс свих чланова да ariuyjy за нове члановс u да их довсду иа ову нзванредиу седницу. За Нзвршпн одбор органн-зациј- е, С. IC-- С, Mn-ioi-a ГрубиК, претседник. ЧАДАМ - "ФИШ" ПАРДИ У нсдеАу 28 апрнла, у 1 сат пскле подие, оргаинзацн- - ја Савсза канадскнх Срба о-лпжа- Нс "Фиш" папди, а фарми код друга Ilaje Цоци-на- , Р. Р. 3. Гиенсм. Позивамо све иаше njMijaie.w: нз Чада-и- л п осашце да нас поссте у што вспем броју, те да сс за једно провесе-тмо- . Нсснс рибе he бптн нзобилл, а бпћс и све друго што припада са рнбом. Ношто he се са овпч у псто времс просдавилл n Нетогпдшпапца Српског Гла-снпк- а, ради тога се очекује добар посег од свих претплат ннкта у овој окаитп. Одбор. језпку, Један од овпх народних свештеника је нзјавно да је данас терор над Беиецклм Словспцпма гори него што јс био терор скзадрпста за вре-v- e фашизха. "СРПСКП ГЛЛСНИК" This a copy of letter reciewed by our National Executive From Yugoslavia Central Committee of USAOJ Milutinova 37, Belgrade. Jaunuary 14th, 1946 Dear Comrades, Although we are divided by great oceans and countries, by thousands of miles, we have never felt to be nearer and closer to you than today. In those hard days of occupation and the National Libe-ration Struggle, when it was ex-tremely difficult for the truth about us and the events in our country to make its way abroad, and especially westward, we wer deeply convinced that you were with us, that you were our bro-thers not only in blood but also in our common strivings, in our hopes, in arms, and that you would make the truth penetrate more deeply and speedly in those coun-tries in which you live and which you call your another homeland. We know that you have watch fully followed the coure of event in your "old country", that you have sypathized with the suffer-ings, hopes and victories of our nations, that you were resolutely on our side. All this is inspiring us with enthusiasm. In recent time, since the im-provement of contacts between our country and Canada, it was for us to get to know much more of each other. Yoa have, certainly, heard of and followed the important events and changes that have taken place 'n our We have seen this from the newspapers of the South Slavs of Canada and from talks with your soldiers. It is no won-der that you were so interested in our national liberation struggle, in the details of that struggle, that it was Inspiring you with excitement and enthusiasm, that you arc proud of being a part ol our nations. There is a great many of things about which ue must tell you. This we cannot do in one letter only — many letters and talk? are necessary for that. But, in spite of that, we shall tell you Komething about certain events, which were discussed and written of the out our country. is possible country. On Novenber lth, 1945, tht election to the Constituent As-nembl- y were held in our country-- In the Summer, during the Third,! Session of the AVNOJ (The Anti-Fa-scist Council of National Liberation of Jugoslavia), in ad-dition to numerous laws by which the legal order was introduced in our country and the will and, vic-tory of our nations realized, the election law and the law for elec-tors' lists was also passed, and necessary measure for the proce-dure of elections In our country, in the course of the war, through the National Liberation Struggle, outstanding changes have taken place. The equality of rights of our nations was realized not in words but practice. ThJ equality ucondJ-tionall- y dictated a new form of state organization — federation, in place of the old reactienary, hegemonlstico-centralisti- c Гвгв ef government. Trough the fight, and later on. the people were creating, eeRsoli dating and deveropir.g their truly democratic, people's authorities in the form of People's Committee, elected from beneath, which савк In place of the old, dictated ani corrupt state authority, which had nothing In common with our na-tions. The following are the two fun-damental achievements which have made possible further develop-ment: equality of man cd democratic freedom or-ganization, assembly, press, strike, the new tribunal, the de-mocratization of education, etc. means that, by the elections to the Constituent Assembly, by the free, direct and secret Tot of the people, by the general plebiscite, it was neces-sary to legalize all that which our nations have achieved In the war. On the these elections had prove to the whole world, in a most direct and determined way, that the achievements of our uprising and our struggle are th exploits and achievements of the enormous majority of oar nations. Only reactionary groups in the country and abroad were afraid of the people's vote. Yoa. oar com-rades, Peter Kar&djor-djevitch'- s statement against the Agreement and the Regents, th shameful memorandum of Cirri toritch and Jorknovitch, which it of a purely tt-eacher- ous character the resignation of Grol and So-basi- c, etc. We are sure that their maneuvers were etwent to you you. Our nations knew full well what they wanted: they knew them even before the war, they have personally experienced their treacherous role in this war. Therefore, the abstention of the so-call- ed "opposition'' failed to attain the desired results: it broke on the unity and determination of our democratic nations. The broadest masses of our people have taken part in the pre-election campaign which lasted for a period of three months. At nume-rous rallies and meetings our common people came to speak, workers and peasants, and they expressed the tendencies of the people. There was no compulsion, no no trickery, no specula-tion. Even in the pre-electi- on cam paign it was e'ear that the Na-tional Front would win a magni-ficent victory. It was clear bo cause our nations have, through their own experience in the course of this war, acquired confidence in the loyalty and democratic cha-racter of the National Front, as the leader of our National Libe-ration Struggle, as the organizer of state and the reconstruc-tion of our country. In fact, this is the thing that could have hap-pened. All the national democra-tic political parties and groups have united in the Front, all those honest and patriotic men of our country who are sincerely striving for its better future. In order that even those 1аз, both in the country and abroad, who uere expressing doubt as to the democratic charter of our elec-tions the opportunity for the "opposition" to appear at the stage, might once :gain assure themselves of the free and demo cratic character of the election, a "box without list" has been in-troduced into which all those who did not want to vote for the can didates the National Front could cast their ballots. A record number of electors came to the polling booths. Out of 8 383.455 registered voters, 7.432.4 or RA Г.Г.Ч, hut vntwl about abroad, and which are j of 4.080.. uw, inwm .пп.псс i. 255 „,,.,„4 electors, only I taken. In woman, of It people's other hand, to remember police our of CO 3.039.041 had voted (74.48%), Now women, soldiers and young people over the age ef 18 could for the first time cast their votes. Registered voters: 8.383.455; voted: 7.432.469 (S8.CC); voted for the National Front: C725.-04- 7 (90.48); voted for the box without list: 707.422 (9.52tf). The results ere as follows: Thee figures best illustrate the magnificent victory of the Na-tional Front, of the New Yugo-slavia, over the reactionary oppo-sition and all other enemies of our nations. They, further, sho that our nations will with all the means defend and further develop the great achievements of the li-beration war: the federation and the People's Authority, both of which have found their fullest ex preseiofl is owr new state: the Federative People's Republic nf Yugoslavia. The ejection themselves were not merely a plebiscite but also a great national festival. Peasants, workers, citizen, youth went to the polHng booth with flags and photographs, with music and songs; voted and manifested their love and loyalty towards ou' new state. Oar youth has taken full part both in the pre-electi- on campaign and the elections themselves. It has far the first time been given the right to elect and to be elec ted; it has ooce more experienced what a it bears for the future of its country and its state. There is quite a number of young people fleeted as the repre sentatives of the people: Rato Dugoajie. Secretary of the Cent ral Committee of the USAOJ (the United League of the Anti-Fa- s cist Youth of Yugoslavia), Milka Knfria. President of the Federal Comraittee of the USAOJ (Croa-tia) sad others. A short time after the elections, on November 29th, 1945, both hocses ef the Constituent Assemb-ly rset at a Joint session and una-nimoos- iy decided that a new re-pabli- eaa fora of state be estab-lished, that a new state be legali-zed." the Federative People's Re-public of Jugoslavia. Dear comrades, you only imagine what an enthusiasm was aroused by this among our nations. Hundreds of thousands of men and women went into th streets of war towns, joined the --sagsifieent national manifestation and festival, cheering enthusia stically for oar young Republic beside themselves for enthusiasm and happiness. There, at last, the day has come when our generous nations succeeded in getting rid of various reactionary dictators and the monarchy, which had been, all the time, an instrument of the internal and foreign reac-tion for the oppression and ex-ploitation of our nations. One of the first steps taken Dy the Constituent Assembly was to work out the draft of, and to pass the. Constitution of the Federative People's Republic of Jugoslavia The Draft Constitution as a whole was accepted at one of the first sessions of the Constituent As-sembly, and then submitted for consideration in det 11 to the Con-stitution Committet — a body of the Constituent Assembly. At the same time the Constitution was published in our newspapers and in separate pamphlets, and sub-mitted for' discussion to all our nations and to all the political, social, workers, youth and other You cannot find to-day a single woman, man or young boy who is not studying the Draft Constitution, critically refer-ring to It and sending his or her remarks. All the remarks are being collected by the Constitution Committee of the Assembly, and, when the Constitution is being discussed in details, they arc taken Into account and accepted or re jected. Thus, the Draft Constitu-tion was submitted to the cons-ideration on and control of tho broadest masses of the people, who see in this Draft Constitution their law and will accept it as such. That is, in fact, our conception and realization of democracy, The people elect, control and displace authorities, laws and the Imple-mentation of laws, they are the sovereign — not an object for op-pression and exploitation. Just lc-cau- se our democracy is so deeply and genuinely a people's one, it was possible for it to overwhelm so many difficulties and to look forward into the future with such a determination and such a faith In 1938, when Stojadinovitch was1 ,п У,С10ГУ- - prime-ministc- r, they responsibility should organizations. At the cnu or January tnis year, after the final detailed conside-ration of the Draft Constitution by the Constitution Committee and after all the remarks and amendments have been handed in, the Constituent Assembly will put it ngaln to discussion and accept It as the fundamental law of tta Federative People's Republic of Jugoslavia. This, comarades, will be a further big step toward the consolidation of our Republic and our democracy. We believe, comrades, that уоч are also Interested in the lifo and activities of our youth. We are quoting here a paragraph from the call nddrrsscd by Marshall Tito to our people's at the begin-ning of the New Year — 194(5. This call illustrates more autho-ritatively and better than any-thing else the enormous partici pation of our youth in the deve-lopment of our beloved Republic. Comrade Tito, after addressing the workers, addressed the youth in these words: "I c" uP°n ou joung people Г Jugitiilatla, to he the bearers of working enlhu-Ut.m- , to be an example of per- - sinlanre and self-sacrifi- ce In the derelopment of )our country, Just a ou were an esamplc in (he four jear' struggle fr the libe-ration of your country, as In 1911 you were an example In the recon-struction of the country, Th fight for victory In the recon-(ructio- n of the country, In th overwhelming of economic difficul-ties, is a constituent part of that gigantic struggle on the battle field in which tens of thousand of young boys and girl of Yugo-slavia laid down thrir lives In or. der that others msy lire a better life. Let your youthful ardour and zeal find its vent first of all in the creative work". This high estimate of our Mar-shal fills hearts of our boys and girls with infinite creative enthu-siasm. We are giving here some ex ample's which, to a certain extent, illustrate the creative work of our youth. Competition has become a mass movement In our country, Thus, for example. In December last year a competition was going on between the railway stations of Belgrade and Msribor. Young people were the first in the gene-ral efforts of the workers. Four-teen young boys (between the age of 15 and 18) undertook to repair a damaged locomotive, off their work-tim- e, although half of them were beginmrs in their work. Every day, young workers — ap-prentices — stayed in their work shop overtime and worked persis- - %nA THa Рмп! АлтД. refoired I fentlv on the broken locomotive. I J and that this was no surprise for kissed one another — they were Windows of the depot were bro- - j Уторак, 23 априда 1946. ken, wind was blowing in snow, fingers of the workers were frees ing of cold. Rut, in spite of all this, they went on with their work, and in less than 23 days repaired the locomotive. At many factories and enter-prises young workers have orga-nized "shock groups" which sur-pass their average plan by many percents, simplify the production technique and raise the quality o( products. Youth shock groups are being organized on a large scale and are becoming a mass wont movement The rienum of the Central Committee of the USAOJ (the United League of the Antl- - Faa-cis- t Youth of Jugoslavia) in meet-ing this week, and in Spring this year the Third Congress of the Youth of Jugoslavia will take place. It will make our youth or-ganization still broader and stronger. At the Plenary Meeting of the Central Committee, the Constitu-tion of the World Federation of Democratic Youth, which our de-legation had accepted in London, will be submitted for ratification. The decisions of the World Youth Conference have been given so far a wide publicity and populsriza-tio- n among our youth which has accepted them enthusiastically because it sees in them and in th Federation a new force in the struggle for the defence of a just and lasting peace, for the ensur-anc- e of democracy in the world. As you probably heard from our friend Usaty, a delegation of fo-reign students had visited out country in the middle of Decem-ber last ear. This delegation con-sisted of two friends from Can da: Loo Usaty and Jessie Storrie, three Latin Americans, one Frenchman, one Italian girl stu-dent and two South Africans. Al-though their time was very limi-ted, they were able to see a lot of things In our country. We wished and endeavoured to make them see and get to know as much a possible. They have toured Hatch- - ka, visited the suburbs of Ret-grad- e, the city of Zagreb and Па-nj- a Luka, the "death camp" of th Germans and Ustashl, and where the crematorium for burning up of living men is still standing as a witness of fascist atrocities. They have spoken with our workers, peasants, citizens, intellectuals, with men of different political convictions, etc. Especially, thy were often speaking with our young people and getting informa-tions on youth organizations. We do not doubt as to whether our friend Usaty will accurately pre sent all he had seen in your "old country", in our Republic. Will you, please, extend our greetingr to Mr. Usaty and Jessie Storrie. Many transport difficult! which made the distance between us still greater, have now been somewhat reduced, and the pos-sibilities of keeping a closer mu-tual contact are enormously grea-ter. Therefore, dear comrades, we should like to be in as regular a correspondence with you as much as possible, to exchange informa-tions on our life, to exchange our newspapers, books, etc., and this w the best thing — to interchange visits. We always think of you and your life. We can never forget that great love which you feel toward your old country. We know your efforts in collecting aid for our Army and our children, war or-phans. We look upon the foster-ing of your unity and the estab-lishment of your united organiza-tion of our brothers — the youth of the Jugoslav nations living in Canada, as upon a great contribu-tion both for your own democracy in Canada and for our Republic. Dear comrades, sll our youth is sending you its cordial and frater-nal greetings. We end with our fighting greet-ing; Death to fascism — freedom to the people! (Signed) Rato Dugonjie ВИНДС0Р - JABHA СКУПШТННА Локално Rehe кападских јужнпх Словена приређујс јавиу скупштлну ва којој he говорити делсгати Црвеппг Крста Југославије. Сгупшти-н- а he се одржавати у четвп-ia- s 25,априда. у Чсхослова-чхомдом- у jra Друлард Рд., a почиње тачно у 8 сати учечг. Позпвају се свп нселнпци из Југославије 'да у што Be-ne броју иосете ову скуп-штин- у. Одбсф Већа. |
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