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asti an in ai- - l T -- ar kir NO 147 — 143 TOaiTAlNA JOULUKUUN M- P- THURJDA Y DCC 23 voi 1ouHf POfJ'l Qolunm ORKIXG HARO FOR CHRISTMAS Sello everyone: Viola MAAAMAAAAAAMMMAMMMWMAAMMMWMWWWMWWMMW Weil thls Is Hrst Ume I am xritlng to thls page But I thought I ulll write now I have been rea- - iicg thls page for a long time jre our chrlstmas concert I an In a play The play's name Is hfinted a Housekeeper Weil Santa flaas will be hcre soon I hope he rtD brlng me somethlng good I i wrlte to Santa yet I go to j-jio-ol In I have two to go to school I am In --ade I am years My ew teacher's name Is Miss Valll äe is a very good teacher I can i!k Finnish but wrlte Weil I fEIctlntek EmInonwreilllHnacerlxostisleatimnoWewhltBeiultshI Owniltl Äear Readers:— Once again that day of days rnllpd nroilnd vee nrn rplo yrt! toi pr iho' Wc kT' rnri not ten not nnd --ating the Chrlstmas of 1943 ith the World still In a turmoil m puumerkin Ja hän ei täytl kalosseja" selitti auballisestl By leainlng vhlteilfh omistaja nimismies kysymään matkustaa ko nimismies iltana Meille pl- - nT aio lllTil ilnel mli oUn eftSl toti the iles old Minä tulin tänä ifi tulla vieraita niin he pääsisivät ilmalta teidän autollanne" keksi oira Tallukka Joka el voinut antaa Kmlsmiebelle anteeksi A U-kaloss- Ien J n ! istusoikeutta "Valitettavasti en matkusta aion ettää Joulun morsiameni luona!" "Mo — morslamme? Tarkoitatteko itin Elliä!" "Niin neiti Kaislasta tarkoitan" "Onnittelen Katsokaas minä olen nnyt tämän Jo lokakuusta lähtien" "Sehän hauskaa Minä valitettavasti rn tlennt sen vasta pari tuntia" HVTv Kalkille Asiakkailleen Toivottaa Puh WA 0200 309 Queen St West lit S MKlr ¥ kI-e- tili ubsrlnhgoptehethlalgt httheof cvomicltnofrty vaenadr our boys home from army camps May I say here that I hoDe that your Chrlstmas is full oi cheer and the New Year will be chuck full of wonderful thlngs I hope that you wlll have hapyl-ne- ss and cheer on Chrlstmas day and throughout the comlng year Sincerely Viola This Is Station XMAS "My dear pcople" sald Santa Claus "thls Is the old man wlth the vhite bcard who comes every year at Christmastlde with a sack full of toys for the chlldren and gifts of lauijhter charity and good fellowship for men and women who still have the spirit of chlldhocd in thelr hearts "Now my dear people I have a little complaln to make I find that in many countrles of the World today I am not so welcome as I used to be They don't believe In me any more but sit hugglng thelr despalr thinklng that life has betrayed them "On my way here across the World I traveled through many countrles and I can't say I likeci the look of things I hoped to find peace In the spirit of the world But the World I find is haunted by fear In thousands of factoriej men fllling shell cases instead of —on Chrlstmas Eve— fllling thelr chlldren's stockings with toys "In many countrles I find youth —the youth that I love— marchlni? to war They Jeered at me "I remember though you have forgotten the courage the gayety the uncomplalnlng spirit wlth which ploneers faced hardshlps Iloista Joulua Onnea Uudelle Vuodelle! Lehtosen Naisten Pukimo 1170 Bav Street — TORONTO — Puh MI 7516 iauafcaa 2fmthra JteneH KAMPAAMO IrrYlhin $ i ~ m Wi f W vfc "X tk&) Toronto Ont VucuieHOfOH Kaikille Suomalaisille Toivoo Toronto Steam Bath — SUOMALAINEN SAUNA — Puhella AD 9552 28-13- 0 Peter Street — Toronto Ont whlch you never had to tuffer and poterty compared wlth which your own way of Die— Ten in these tlmes—U unlmaginable luxury They were often hungry when focd as scarce "Those were rough riays-tl- mes worse thar now But there was never a lack of faith In the spiilt never a hatred of life itself never the weakness of despalr Thoj great grandfathers of yours were sure that somehow somewhero happiness might be achleved Shall I surpriye you wnen I say that there was more happiness in people's homes and hearts then there Is now? That the laughter of the chlldren rang out more loudly when they had to walk miles across the snow to school and sat blowing thelr firgernalls in little schoolhouses whlch weren't a bit llke the palaces now bullt for young scholars? "No doubt I bore you a little but I want to teli you this: You have the same chance of happi-ness as your forefathers if you will be contented as they werc with less than ali you want wlth simple pleasures whlch thev made themselves with loyalty to a code from vhich despalr was barred On my Chrlstmas vlsits through the centuries I have found the most happiness In fields among peasant folks and !n cottages vhere chlldren sat around the boaid and in attics where shab oy students were enormously amu-e- d by life I have found lt often In poor lodgings where young lo vers sat hand in hand with no fire but that burnin? in their hearts Love is a great source of happi ness "I have found this happiness where ever there are lovers of life Itself amused by the call of a blrd or the scuttle of a small beast worshipful of the sun's glory and the white magic of the moon thrilled with a sense of belng one with life and above ali amons people forgetful of thcir own cares having dedlcated thelr souls with a fire of love to some wo:k they do for love's sake "That is the message I hring you tonlght The World Just nov is too much haunted by anxletles —fear of the future fear of pov- - crty Do not be so much afrald! Paco thls life of yours with laugh-ter confldence and a spirit of fel-lows- hlp toward ali men I do not pretend to you that life is easy But much of its sufferiiig is due to yourselves and not to any grud-g- e of hate due— forglve my frank-ness!- — to your own fears hatred intolerance greed and naughtlness "Now my dear people I have kept you long enough and I dont suppose many of you are still lls-teni- ng to me But I want to re-mi- nd you on this Chrlstmas that life is tili good if you make it so Forget your cares so that thn chlldren may laugh Forget jour fears and be merry for thelr sake You will find happiness In thelr dellght So a Merry Chrlstmas to you ali Why not? " His voice was the vo!cc of an old eld man filled wilh tender-ne- ss and sweetness plty and love It was sad that so many switched off their radlos when he began to spcak Chrlstmas on the Farm It always seems that Chrlstmas on the farm is the best Cliristmas cf ali Nowhere else is the snow so dazzling the evergreens mj fra-gra- nt or the turkey so lordly to look at and so swcet to the tastc How could any tree be so tali and dark and handsome as the one you cut from your own wood lot? Or any fowl so plump and succulent as the one you've fed and fattencd for the great occasion? There s a pleasant „ rustle and bustle In the farm home long before the twenty-flft- h wlth supp-lie- s to be laid in mincemeat to bc mlnced and rlpened ples baked the house made ready and the lane kept open Then when the day arrives home-comin- g members of the famlly an vlsiting relatlve3 step across the doorstep to the ho-ml- est Jolllest Chrlstmas in th World A woman who had Just com- - nleted a First Aid course saw a man lying prone In the street and was shocked that passers-b- y cai-lous- lv Daid no attention to hlm So she rushed up and began glvtng lilm artificlal resplration The man ralsed hls head and sald "Lady I don't know what jou're trying to do but I'm tryin? to gtt a wire down thls manhole" Hm S A M BAKERY äw 1 g ▼# ===== JmbamL f j SUOMALAINEN LEIPOMO JM (15 1 & Suosittelee kaikkia leipomoalaan Psv llrmllttf TSlL 8 gg ktourutluutviaKataukouttteijtaaaRnanJsosittentehJoduäluä-n- W§SjV rJS(TTSLZ=i D 5S B hyvät Antakaa tilauksenne ajoissa! !W S+Js iSisF S jl Puhelin TRinity 0626 S$$S3 © 2G0 Queen StV Toronto Ont &'2i§i&ii&&täli Ages Ago By Lahja Mikrlä Ages ago on an early morn To Mary a little babe was born Ages ago on a starry night The shepperds beheld a lovely slght n angel had come from heaven above AU full of Joy and ali full of love "Fear not" sald she "for good news have I Born is a babe who'll he king by and by" "You'll find him in Bethlchem" she sald Peacefully sleeplng in a mangcr bed" Then the angels began to slng Pralses to Ood the almlghty King Ages ago on an early morn Three wlse-me- n came to the new- - ly born They gave hlm incense myrrh and gold As they knelt and in pralse thelr hands dld fold A chorus of angels began to slng Pralses to the newborn King "Peace on earth goodwlll to men Heaven and earth rejolce — Amcn Christmas God rest ye merry ladies and gentlemen hi anotner Christmas comes to this poor old eniDattieu World and ve're one year ncarcr the Peace on earth and Oood Wnl toward men whlch is the spirit and the promlse of the season The candle in tne wlndow tht wreath on the door and the tur-key on the table are each a part uf our celebratlon of thls most honoied of ali days And there at e otner symbois as vvell beloved tne sound of the bells and the toy whlstles and the oh-ln- g and ah-ln- g as bulging stockings are turned out the smell of plne boughs atd of clinner cooking in the oven wltft sweets ad spices and sivoilcn blended into tnat 2pectal fragrancc vhich belongs only to Christmas the taste of tradltional dishes ai tftey iolow each other In tne least and are ali the more appetlzing Lecause of thelr famillar old-fai-hion- ed flavor and because they are caten in the company of as many lelatlves and friends as ve can gather round us The Christmas star is still shin-in- g and Christmas as it uUays was is the day of days in Canadian homes It will be slmpler thls year but it will lose nothing of that friendllness and warmth which makes us look forward to it for weeks on end and remember it long afterward Ccme to thlnk of it isn't Christ mas the most democratlc of ali the seasons reachlng into every home and brlnglng its promlse of Peace and Goodwlll whlch lies at the end of the road to a better World herf on earth? Cclorful Comment: The collectors were prcsslng down on Rastus Jones during a drive for church funds "I can't glve nothln'" pleaded the old Negro "I owes nearly everybody in dis here town already" "But" sald one of the collec tors "don't you thlnk you owe the Lord somethln' too?M "I does indeed" sald the old man "but He aln't pushln' me llke my other credltors lsM Ostaka War SaviBK SUmp joulu-- etotebdtftlf d5Sö European Drag Stoxe (Suomalainen Apteekki) ILLODINIA — DAKRYSOL Lääkemääräykset Täytetään 278 Queen St West — Toronto Ont xiöjp Iloista Joulua Ja Onnea Uudelle Vuodelle Kalkille AMakkailleen ja Ystävilleen tolrottaa Finnish Nassage Pailoi — Martta Lahti ja Adam Leppälä — (IJihellä Spadlnan kulmaa) 257 College Street Puhelin RA 8367 TORONTO — ONTARIO Hauskaa Joulua ickä Toivorikasta Uutta Vuotta! Toivottaa A J SAAREN Turkisliike 1172 Bay Street — TORONTO — Puh KI6671 ANDYfS EUROPEAN WATCHMAKER Toivottau HAUSKAA JOULUA 272' Queen St West — Toronto Ont Hauskaa Joulua j Onnellista Uutta Vuotta 1944! Harry li Raaks Co — HAUTAANTOIMITTAJAT — 455-45- 7 Queen St West Puhelin WA 5370 TORONTO — ONTARIO Vuodenajan-Tervehdy- s! CAREY DRUC CO-- 248 QUEEN ST WEST — PUHELIN WA 8813 (Cor John & Queen Sts Toronto Ont ) Main Drug Store For Ali Finnish People h
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Vapaa Sana, December 23, 1943 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finland -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Finland; Finnish Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1943-12-23 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | VapaD7001238 |
Title | 0414b |
OCR text | asti an in ai- - l T -- ar kir NO 147 — 143 TOaiTAlNA JOULUKUUN M- P- THURJDA Y DCC 23 voi 1ouHf POfJ'l Qolunm ORKIXG HARO FOR CHRISTMAS Sello everyone: Viola MAAAMAAAAAAMMMAMMMWMAAMMMWMWWWMWWMMW Weil thls Is Hrst Ume I am xritlng to thls page But I thought I ulll write now I have been rea- - iicg thls page for a long time jre our chrlstmas concert I an In a play The play's name Is hfinted a Housekeeper Weil Santa flaas will be hcre soon I hope he rtD brlng me somethlng good I i wrlte to Santa yet I go to j-jio-ol In I have two to go to school I am In --ade I am years My ew teacher's name Is Miss Valll äe is a very good teacher I can i!k Finnish but wrlte Weil I fEIctlntek EmInonwreilllHnacerlxostisleatimnoWewhltBeiultshI Owniltl Äear Readers:— Once again that day of days rnllpd nroilnd vee nrn rplo yrt! toi pr iho' Wc kT' rnri not ten not nnd --ating the Chrlstmas of 1943 ith the World still In a turmoil m puumerkin Ja hän ei täytl kalosseja" selitti auballisestl By leainlng vhlteilfh omistaja nimismies kysymään matkustaa ko nimismies iltana Meille pl- - nT aio lllTil ilnel mli oUn eftSl toti the iles old Minä tulin tänä ifi tulla vieraita niin he pääsisivät ilmalta teidän autollanne" keksi oira Tallukka Joka el voinut antaa Kmlsmiebelle anteeksi A U-kaloss- Ien J n ! istusoikeutta "Valitettavasti en matkusta aion ettää Joulun morsiameni luona!" "Mo — morslamme? Tarkoitatteko itin Elliä!" "Niin neiti Kaislasta tarkoitan" "Onnittelen Katsokaas minä olen nnyt tämän Jo lokakuusta lähtien" "Sehän hauskaa Minä valitettavasti rn tlennt sen vasta pari tuntia" HVTv Kalkille Asiakkailleen Toivottaa Puh WA 0200 309 Queen St West lit S MKlr ¥ kI-e- tili ubsrlnhgoptehethlalgt httheof cvomicltnofrty vaenadr our boys home from army camps May I say here that I hoDe that your Chrlstmas is full oi cheer and the New Year will be chuck full of wonderful thlngs I hope that you wlll have hapyl-ne- ss and cheer on Chrlstmas day and throughout the comlng year Sincerely Viola This Is Station XMAS "My dear pcople" sald Santa Claus "thls Is the old man wlth the vhite bcard who comes every year at Christmastlde with a sack full of toys for the chlldren and gifts of lauijhter charity and good fellowship for men and women who still have the spirit of chlldhocd in thelr hearts "Now my dear people I have a little complaln to make I find that in many countrles of the World today I am not so welcome as I used to be They don't believe In me any more but sit hugglng thelr despalr thinklng that life has betrayed them "On my way here across the World I traveled through many countrles and I can't say I likeci the look of things I hoped to find peace In the spirit of the world But the World I find is haunted by fear In thousands of factoriej men fllling shell cases instead of —on Chrlstmas Eve— fllling thelr chlldren's stockings with toys "In many countrles I find youth —the youth that I love— marchlni? to war They Jeered at me "I remember though you have forgotten the courage the gayety the uncomplalnlng spirit wlth which ploneers faced hardshlps Iloista Joulua Onnea Uudelle Vuodelle! Lehtosen Naisten Pukimo 1170 Bav Street — TORONTO — Puh MI 7516 iauafcaa 2fmthra JteneH KAMPAAMO IrrYlhin $ i ~ m Wi f W vfc "X tk&) Toronto Ont VucuieHOfOH Kaikille Suomalaisille Toivoo Toronto Steam Bath — SUOMALAINEN SAUNA — Puhella AD 9552 28-13- 0 Peter Street — Toronto Ont whlch you never had to tuffer and poterty compared wlth which your own way of Die— Ten in these tlmes—U unlmaginable luxury They were often hungry when focd as scarce "Those were rough riays-tl- mes worse thar now But there was never a lack of faith In the spiilt never a hatred of life itself never the weakness of despalr Thoj great grandfathers of yours were sure that somehow somewhero happiness might be achleved Shall I surpriye you wnen I say that there was more happiness in people's homes and hearts then there Is now? That the laughter of the chlldren rang out more loudly when they had to walk miles across the snow to school and sat blowing thelr firgernalls in little schoolhouses whlch weren't a bit llke the palaces now bullt for young scholars? "No doubt I bore you a little but I want to teli you this: You have the same chance of happi-ness as your forefathers if you will be contented as they werc with less than ali you want wlth simple pleasures whlch thev made themselves with loyalty to a code from vhich despalr was barred On my Chrlstmas vlsits through the centuries I have found the most happiness In fields among peasant folks and !n cottages vhere chlldren sat around the boaid and in attics where shab oy students were enormously amu-e- d by life I have found lt often In poor lodgings where young lo vers sat hand in hand with no fire but that burnin? in their hearts Love is a great source of happi ness "I have found this happiness where ever there are lovers of life Itself amused by the call of a blrd or the scuttle of a small beast worshipful of the sun's glory and the white magic of the moon thrilled with a sense of belng one with life and above ali amons people forgetful of thcir own cares having dedlcated thelr souls with a fire of love to some wo:k they do for love's sake "That is the message I hring you tonlght The World Just nov is too much haunted by anxletles —fear of the future fear of pov- - crty Do not be so much afrald! Paco thls life of yours with laugh-ter confldence and a spirit of fel-lows- hlp toward ali men I do not pretend to you that life is easy But much of its sufferiiig is due to yourselves and not to any grud-g- e of hate due— forglve my frank-ness!- — to your own fears hatred intolerance greed and naughtlness "Now my dear people I have kept you long enough and I dont suppose many of you are still lls-teni- ng to me But I want to re-mi- nd you on this Chrlstmas that life is tili good if you make it so Forget your cares so that thn chlldren may laugh Forget jour fears and be merry for thelr sake You will find happiness In thelr dellght So a Merry Chrlstmas to you ali Why not? " His voice was the vo!cc of an old eld man filled wilh tender-ne- ss and sweetness plty and love It was sad that so many switched off their radlos when he began to spcak Chrlstmas on the Farm It always seems that Chrlstmas on the farm is the best Cliristmas cf ali Nowhere else is the snow so dazzling the evergreens mj fra-gra- nt or the turkey so lordly to look at and so swcet to the tastc How could any tree be so tali and dark and handsome as the one you cut from your own wood lot? Or any fowl so plump and succulent as the one you've fed and fattencd for the great occasion? There s a pleasant „ rustle and bustle In the farm home long before the twenty-flft- h wlth supp-lie- s to be laid in mincemeat to bc mlnced and rlpened ples baked the house made ready and the lane kept open Then when the day arrives home-comin- g members of the famlly an vlsiting relatlve3 step across the doorstep to the ho-ml- est Jolllest Chrlstmas in th World A woman who had Just com- - nleted a First Aid course saw a man lying prone In the street and was shocked that passers-b- y cai-lous- lv Daid no attention to hlm So she rushed up and began glvtng lilm artificlal resplration The man ralsed hls head and sald "Lady I don't know what jou're trying to do but I'm tryin? to gtt a wire down thls manhole" Hm S A M BAKERY äw 1 g ▼# ===== JmbamL f j SUOMALAINEN LEIPOMO JM (15 1 & Suosittelee kaikkia leipomoalaan Psv llrmllttf TSlL 8 gg ktourutluutviaKataukouttteijtaaaRnanJsosittentehJoduäluä-n- W§SjV rJS(TTSLZ=i D 5S B hyvät Antakaa tilauksenne ajoissa! !W S+Js iSisF S jl Puhelin TRinity 0626 S$$S3 © 2G0 Queen StV Toronto Ont &'2i§i&ii&&täli Ages Ago By Lahja Mikrlä Ages ago on an early morn To Mary a little babe was born Ages ago on a starry night The shepperds beheld a lovely slght n angel had come from heaven above AU full of Joy and ali full of love "Fear not" sald she "for good news have I Born is a babe who'll he king by and by" "You'll find him in Bethlchem" she sald Peacefully sleeplng in a mangcr bed" Then the angels began to slng Pralses to Ood the almlghty King Ages ago on an early morn Three wlse-me- n came to the new- - ly born They gave hlm incense myrrh and gold As they knelt and in pralse thelr hands dld fold A chorus of angels began to slng Pralses to the newborn King "Peace on earth goodwlll to men Heaven and earth rejolce — Amcn Christmas God rest ye merry ladies and gentlemen hi anotner Christmas comes to this poor old eniDattieu World and ve're one year ncarcr the Peace on earth and Oood Wnl toward men whlch is the spirit and the promlse of the season The candle in tne wlndow tht wreath on the door and the tur-key on the table are each a part uf our celebratlon of thls most honoied of ali days And there at e otner symbois as vvell beloved tne sound of the bells and the toy whlstles and the oh-ln- g and ah-ln- g as bulging stockings are turned out the smell of plne boughs atd of clinner cooking in the oven wltft sweets ad spices and sivoilcn blended into tnat 2pectal fragrancc vhich belongs only to Christmas the taste of tradltional dishes ai tftey iolow each other In tne least and are ali the more appetlzing Lecause of thelr famillar old-fai-hion- ed flavor and because they are caten in the company of as many lelatlves and friends as ve can gather round us The Christmas star is still shin-in- g and Christmas as it uUays was is the day of days in Canadian homes It will be slmpler thls year but it will lose nothing of that friendllness and warmth which makes us look forward to it for weeks on end and remember it long afterward Ccme to thlnk of it isn't Christ mas the most democratlc of ali the seasons reachlng into every home and brlnglng its promlse of Peace and Goodwlll whlch lies at the end of the road to a better World herf on earth? Cclorful Comment: The collectors were prcsslng down on Rastus Jones during a drive for church funds "I can't glve nothln'" pleaded the old Negro "I owes nearly everybody in dis here town already" "But" sald one of the collec tors "don't you thlnk you owe the Lord somethln' too?M "I does indeed" sald the old man "but He aln't pushln' me llke my other credltors lsM Ostaka War SaviBK SUmp joulu-- etotebdtftlf d5Sö European Drag Stoxe (Suomalainen Apteekki) ILLODINIA — DAKRYSOL Lääkemääräykset Täytetään 278 Queen St West — Toronto Ont xiöjp Iloista Joulua Ja Onnea Uudelle Vuodelle Kalkille AMakkailleen ja Ystävilleen tolrottaa Finnish Nassage Pailoi — Martta Lahti ja Adam Leppälä — (IJihellä Spadlnan kulmaa) 257 College Street Puhelin RA 8367 TORONTO — ONTARIO Hauskaa Joulua ickä Toivorikasta Uutta Vuotta! Toivottaa A J SAAREN Turkisliike 1172 Bay Street — TORONTO — Puh KI6671 ANDYfS EUROPEAN WATCHMAKER Toivottau HAUSKAA JOULUA 272' Queen St West — Toronto Ont Hauskaa Joulua j Onnellista Uutta Vuotta 1944! Harry li Raaks Co — HAUTAANTOIMITTAJAT — 455-45- 7 Queen St West Puhelin WA 5370 TORONTO — ONTARIO Vuodenajan-Tervehdy- s! CAREY DRUC CO-- 248 QUEEN ST WEST — PUHELIN WA 8813 (Cor John & Queen Sts Toronto Ont ) Main Drug Store For Ali Finnish People h |
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