1929-01-16-07 |
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No.13 — Keskiviikkona, tamTnik. 16 p;iia—WeA, Jan* 16 Sivu 7 Y Q U T H S E C T I ON AND LUXEMURG BY HGIfflNG CANADIAN BOSSES! BaDy to the Young Commimist League in Its Fight Against MiKtarisift and Imperialist War _ THE COHING WAR AND THE LEGACY OF UEBKNECHT During this month the -•working joath of the v o r l d is commemora-ting the Tenth Anniversary of the marder of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg—a murder committed by German capitalista, aided and jibetted by Social Democracy and World Imperialism—^and the Fifth Anniversary of the death of Lenin, leader of the world revolution. At a time when the threats of war are becoming more definite every day, and when at every hand the In^erialists are preparing for an attack on Workers' Russia, the com-memoration of the desth of these three great vrorking class leaders mnst not take the form of vague «entimental homage rendered to their memory/ The greatest homage the Canadian young -«vorkers can render them is to carry on their work by daily and determihed strug-gle against imperialism, against the war-plans of the Canadian capitalist claES, and for the defence of the Soviet Union. These three great leaders during their vrhole lives carried on the mofit heroic and relentless struggle against the capitalist system, the System under which we iri Canada live, the system vhich inevitably causes greät wars in which millions of workers' lives are sacrificed.. AU their lives they combatted capitalist militarism, the bloody life-consum-ing instrument of capitalist oppression, the instrument used by the bosses in their wars for profits, the Instruments used against the work-ers during strike^ and loekouts. Anti-Militarism Is War.Cry of Youth Thö best way in which the young Tvorkers of Canada can honour the memoiy of these f alien revolution-ary lead-ers—mighty heroes of the xevolutionary working class—is to follovr their example, to study'their teachirigs, and to put them into practice. To the working youth par. ticularly belongs the job of fighting capitalist militarism. The young •nrorkevs are the chief victims of capitalist wars^ Young workers com- Posed the largest part of the last great imperialist tvar-s ten mUlion corpses. It is the working youth who are being trained by the bosses* for participation in the next war. In Canada the School Cadets, Boy Scouts, Navy League, Militia, etc., are Instruments for this purpose. The bosses seek to utilize the fighting spirit and militancy of the youth for their ovnx ends. They seek to draw the young Tv-orkers into the next w'ar as armed slaves not as slaves who use their weapons to fight their oppressors, but as slaves who blindly fight their feliow slaves in the intrests of their masters; as slaves who fight for the perpetua-tion of their own slavery. Young workers, this must nof be! The young workers of Canada must not be deluded by the boss class. The young vvorkers must show the bosses that they are not to be regarded as docile cannon-fodder to be chewed up by the capitalist -»ar machine in the next war. They must fight. Yes. But who must they fight? They must fight their real enemy, the Canadian capitalist class which exploits and oppresses them. Not their fellow Avorkers in other lands, but the Canadian bosses and their war plans; there is the real enemy of the Canadian young -vvorkers. In the words of Liebknecht: "Now more than ever anti-militarism must be the war cry of the youth." They Seek to Smash Workers' Russia! The Canadian governnient in its war preparations is building two new naval destroyers and riumerous battle-planes. ' Against who are Tvar preparations being made? Young workers, they are being made for a v>'ar against Soviet Russia! Against workers' Russia, the fatherlapd of the world's'working class. Canadian capitalism is allied -vvith British Imperialism for the overthrow of the Soviet Union. The Canadian cap-italists want a share of the rich spoils of such a war. They want ä slice of the huge Russian market. kertoman mukaan oli heidän ruumiinsa kauheasti pistimien raatelemat. Koko päiväö on taisteltu, valkoiset on edenneet 5 km. Illalla pimaiset järjestyvät ketjuun rautatien penger-mäUe — Moision pysäkin luo. Valkoiset ottavat Lopen kartanon kivinavetan suojapaikakseen, kunnes Tampereita lähetetty punaisten panssarijuna ampuu sen rikkL Kalkista punaisten . poimistuksista huolimatta onnistui lahtareittein päämääränsä saavuttaminen verrattain helpolla. Samaan aikaan kun lahtarit pääsivät radaUe Moision pysäkin luona, toinen lahtarijoukko miehitti Kuljun kylän ja pysäkin. Tämä joukko oU metsiä myöteoL. marssinut Kuljuun. Kuljusta oU nuoret miehet lähteneet rintamille. jäleUe oU jäänyt vanhempia miehiä. Jotka majaihvat työväentalolla, tehden vahtipalvelusta ympäristössä. Marian päivän aamuina vahtisotilaat hengästyneenä saapulv&t työväentalolle. He kertoivat lahtarijoukon lähestyvän Hoytämölsjärven jäätä myö- . ten. Kiireesti, järjestyivät miehet ketjuun työväentalon luo. Torppari -— joka hevosensa oU jättänyt lahtareUle — saapui myös pai-kaUe hikisenä ja hengästyneenä. Suoraan metsän lävitse oli hän rientänyt sanaa tuomaan lahtareitten tulosta Kffljim kaartille. Mutta sille suunnalle ei nyt voitu apua lähettää, koska joka mies tarvittiin paikoillaan. Pian.saapuivatkin lahtarit, syntyi lyhyt laukausten vaihto. Yksi lahta-reista kaatui. Nähtyään luotinsa osuneen, lausui ampuja: — Nyt voin kyllä kuolla, kun olen omalta osaltani yhden lahtarin vähentänyt." — Ylivoiman edestä täytyi punaisten perääntyä Kuljun pysäkille, josta j u nalla siirtyivät Sääsjärven pysäkiUe. — joka viimeksimainittu on ensimäi-nen pysäkki Tampereelta etelään päin. Täällä järjestyivät punaiset ketjuun, josta sitten perääntyivät Tamperetta puolustamaan. Osa Kuljun kaartilaisia pakeni metsiin, j a onnistuivat siten säästymään lajitaiien kostolta. Osa pakeni metsiä myöten Lempäälään, punaisten alueelle. Moisiosta i^räänlyivät punaiset ohi Lempäälän Mattaan pysäkin! vaiheille, johon pimaisten vihdoin onnistui järjestää puolustusrintama, joka ulottui Ifettijärveltä Lempäälän kautta Kangasalle. Lahtarit eivät katsoneet hyödylliseksi jatkaa hyökkäystä tällä rintanoalla. Olivathan he jo pää- ^Jiääränsä saavuttaneet — toistaiseksi - - Tampereen eteläinen rata oU joutunut lahtareille. Yhteys Tampereen Ja punaisen etelä-Suomen välillä oli katkennut. Tampere oli piiritetty, nyt täytyi vaan se valloittaa, mitä pikemmin sitä parempi. Edellämainittu, Kangasalan—Lempäälän maantie tuli mitä vilkasliikkei-semmäksi Lempäälän valtauksen jälkeen. Uusia joukkoja tuotiin sekä Tampereen että Lempäälän rintamille tätä tietä myöten. — Kymmeniä hevoskuormia haavoittuneita näiltä rintamilta vietiin vuorokausittain päinvastaiseen suuntaan. Salpa korven kuuset katsella sellaistakin näytehnää, että suuria miesjoukkoja kuljetettiin tietä pitkin na^ rut kaulassa, toinen toiseensa kytkettynä. Miehet pakotettiin juoksemaan ylös jyrkkiä vastamaita. Jo§ joku a l koi jäädä, kiristi naru kaulassa ar-pxottomastl. Nämä-miehet olivat lah-tarlen Lempäälässä ottamia vankeja. Eräs talon isäntä Lempäälästä oU keksinyt tämän pirullisen kidutuskons-tin ja siksi annettlinkln vankien kaulaan tehdylle solmulle nimeksi, — isännän nimen mukaan — "Mottlsen solmu". Lempäälässä riehui valkoinen terrori täydessä julmuudessaan. Oman pitäjän porvariston johdolla panivat lahtarit toimeen oikean työläismetsäs-tyksen. Työväen etiuivin miehet etupäässä raahattun vankltyrmlln. Vangeilla itseUään kalvatutettiln hautansa niin kutsuttuun Ämmäristln kankaalle. Saatuaan haudat vaJmiiksi, vietiin vangit öiseen aikaan haudan partaaUe, jossa he ammuttiin. Monen rauhaa rakastavan työläisen elämä päättyi täUä kankaaUa. Tulkoon tässä mainituksi, että edellämainittu torppari jonka lukija muistaa jättäneen hevosensa lahtareiUe metsälammen jäällä - ammuttiin myöskin Ämmäristln kankaalla y h dessä 17-vuotiaan poikansa kanssa. On tunnettua, että lahtarit kunnostautuivat julmuudessa yU kaiken odotuksen missä vain he liikkuivat. Ei naisia, el vanhuksia, eikä edes lapsiakaan he säästäneet. Lukemattomat veijeshaudat kautta Suomen kertovat tuleville polville näistä konnantoistä. Työlälstoveri, jonka rinnassa hehkuu vallankumousaatteen pyhä tuU, jos joskus joudut seisomaan näiden veljeshautojen äärifle, paljasta päasi vallankumousmarttyyrien muistoUe. Muista, että nämä vauiajat oUvat esitaistelijoita uuden, paremman yhteiskunnan luomiseksi, — yhteiskunnan jossa työläinenkin saa oikeutta. Heidän hautansa ääreltä ammenna uutta fohkeuttaa heidän alkamansa työn voittoon viemiseksL Tiedä, että m ^ tvyrit cvat vapauden siemeniä. Tulee aika jolloin Suomenkin lahtareitten konnantyöt tulevat raskaina tuomioina lankeamaan heidän omien päitten-sä pääUe. — K . H . of Russia's vast mineral resources and wealth of raw materials. To-gether with the capitalists of tho World they want to overthrow the Soviet Union because the Soviet Union gives aid and guidance to ali the oppressed peoples of the earth and because the First Workers, State founded by the mighty Oc-tober Revolution is an example and inspiration to vorkers the World over. The Soviet Union is a radiant beacon beckoning the world work-ing class to the struggle against capitalism; that is why the capitalists seek to destroy it. Young workers, \th6 imperialists in their war against the Soviet Union must be defeated, and the Canadian young workers must do their share in bringring about that defeat. An attack upon the Soviet Union is an attack upon the international working class for the Soviet Union is the possession and pride of every thinking' worker. It is an attack upon every one of us. The enemy of the Soviet Union is the enemy of the whole working class— Capitalism. , United States and Britain Prepare For War British Imperialism and American Imperialism are preparing for a gigantic conflict tO decide which of the two shall dominate and exploit the World. In this war one of the battlefields will be Canada. Canada will be the scene of a devastating war. In this vrar the,intQrests of the Canadian capitalists will be d i i vided. Some are linked up finan-ciälly with Britain, _ some with U . S. A. In this war situation sharp conflicts will break out between the two groups. There are strong pos-sibilities of civil war between them. When this Anglo-American war breaks out the Canadian working class must «se its strategical position to smash Imperialism. We Must Fight Now! •We must prepare for this grreat task to-day. The war-danger brooks no delay. The Canadian workers must not be taken by surprise as they were at the outbr«ak of the last war. The Canadian • bosses at-tempt to lull the ^orkers to sleep with their deceptive "Peace Pacts" and peace taik. McKenzie King re-cently signed the Kellogg Peace Pact and then immediately after-wards be signed a tender for two new battleships. The Canadian workers must not be deceived by these "peace" manoeuvres. They must start the fight now. Now is the time for the young workers öf Canada to rally to the aid of the Young Communist League in its fight against Canadian capitalism and against capitalist war. The Y . C L . of Canada fights under' the banner of Lenin in the spirit of Liebknecht and Luxemburg against Imperialism and capitalist militarism for the defence of the Soviet Union and for the establishment in Canada of a revolutionary Workers' and Farmers' Government. Young workers, our fight is your fight. Join us in our fight against Imperialist war. To-day in the great names of Lenin, Liebknecht. and Luxemburg we summon you to the struggle. YOUN WORKERSf DEFEND THE WORKERS' SO-CIALIST REPUBLIC! FORWARD IN THE SPIRIT OF LIEBKNECHT TO THE REVOLU-TIONARY CLASS WAR AGAINST IMPERIALIST WAR! A new worId-war is being pre-pared for a day by day and hoor by hoor» in a l i directions. A new World conflagxation may break oat at any moment. Things are to hap-pen again as they did in the past: workers and farmers i n their best years of manhood are to be driven again into the trenches; there is to be fresh wholesale butchery, the Indescribable misery of the millions, and wanton devastation." Hundreds of thousands and millions of young lives are to be sacrificed again for the sake of capitalist super-profits. There is only one way out of this hell: the way of - the revolutionary struggle against the imperialist war, the way o f Karl Liebknecht. Karl Liebknect devoted the best years of his life to the struggle against militarism and against i m perialist war. He spoke and wrote a great deal on the questions of militarism. Yet i t is impossible to separate his speaking and his writ-ing from his action, not only because his actions vere always suited to his word8, but because his words were spoken in the majority of cases under circumstances which called for brave and daring revolu-tionary deeds. Liebknecht advocat-ed his revolutionary döctrine of the fight against war i n the trenches, before the military court, bef ore the capitalist parliament during, the war, whilst denounced as a "spy" and a "traitor" by the flunkeys of the capitalists, by the "socialists" agents of the imperialist war-mongers. V STUDY LIEBKNECHT^S TEACHINGS " Now. that the struggle against war and the war danger is the prin-cipal task of the revolutionary labour movement, it behooves us more than hitherto to recall the ideas and actions of Liebknect. It is not enough to honour the mem-ory of Karl Liebknect in festival speeches. It is really worthwhile to study Liebknecht, to deal system-atically with his teachings and his actions in ali their details, and to bring them to the knovi^ledge of the large masses of the people. To describe Liebknechfs ideas on war, and his actions, as they really were, this constitutps definite and effec-tive anti-rnilitarist propaganda. For his ideas were corxect^ clear-cut and brave, his words inspjring, and his actions were of the, heroic kind which is ivorthy of a great champion of .the proletarian revolution. UEBKNECHT AND CLASS.WAR AGAINST IMPERIALST WAR Below we reproduce some thooghts in connection with the eombat of war, which were expressed by Lieb^' knecht i n spoken or written f orm on various occasions: The chief enemy of every people is to be found in its own country. To throw over the capitalist govem-ment and the ruling classes in a l i capitalist countries and in a l i rea-pects, and above ali, to weaken their military might, to crush them, and to replace them by the decisive power of the socialist proletariat,— such is the political goal of international socialism. The class strug-gle as against the war among na-tions. Not civil peace, but civil war. As against the Benapartist "Better war than insurrection," the socialists shöuld raise the slogan: "Better insurrection and revolution than war." It is our task to call upon the working class of ali countries: "To work! Those working on the land and those who äre in the trenches, they should drop their weapons and rise against the common f oe which deprives them of light and a i r . " Anti-militarism has made feverish preparations against super-militarism. It has indeed to follow the old adage: i f you wish peace, be prepared for var. We may say that i f we want the peace of nations, we must prepare for the class war and for the class struggle, developing it more and mpue upon an international scale. The anti-militarist struggle is the intensified form of the class struggle agrainst war and against the intemal poKcy of violence pursued by capitalism. No unity with the civil-peace po-liticians of the social-democracy, but a War to the Knife with the job-holders of the capitalists in socialist grab who deliver the masses of the people unconditionally into the clutches of the war-mongers. . Liebknecht remained true to these ideas to their ultimate consequences. And precisely therein lies the great-ness of Liebknecht and the inestim-able value of his legacy to the inter, national working class. Without the spirit of self-sacrifice, without proletarian courage -and daring, the striiggle against war, as generally the revolutionary struggle, remains but a phrase. Liebknecht has 6hown höw the cause of the proletariat should. be served in the event of war. LIEBKNECHT AND THE LAST GREAT WAR During May-day. 1916, i.e., during the war, Liebknecht issaed leaf-lets and handbUls i n which he ap-pealed to the population for the struggle against war. He p^rsonally distributed them'in Berlin and vioin, nity. At the demonstration on the Potudammcr Platz, where eoldiers were present, he explained many times: "Down with the war! Down with the govemment!" He~threw out the '&ame slogans to the crowd on being arrested. ,When subse-quently called to account för these anti-war cries on his trial, he f u r - nished an example of the conduct of a revolutionary fighter before the class-court of the enemy. He refused to give any Information as to the source of the leaflets which he had distributed, but assumed fuU responsibility for its contents and for its distribution. He regret-ted that he vras unable himself to distribute the leaflets. among the soldiers, but he expressed his full agreement with the distribution of same among the soldiers. He went on to declare that he was quite aware of the prohibition to carry on propaganda against the war, but ho would act against prohibition again and again, because i t was his political and social duty. Before the military court, which sentenced Liebknecht to many years imprisonment and privation of civil rights, he delivered a speech which should be known to every proletarian throughout the World. He said, among other things: "I am here to accuse, and hot to dcfend myself. "Not civil peace, but civil war is the slogan for me! Down with the war! Dov/n with the govemment!" At the "heresy t r i a l , " organized against Liebknecht by the social-dcmocrntic faction in tbie Reichsta^ he was accus^d, among other things, with wanting to be the sole repre-scntative of the peoplo's interests. This fear of the social-traitors was at any rate juBtified. Against the dark backiground of the horror and misery of the war, of the tremen-dous treason of the Scheidemans and the Noskes, • one perceives the luminous personality öf Liebknecht as a bright star amid a dark night, Liebknecht is the. embodimcnt of the Communist ideas and tactics in the struggle against war. Liebknechfs example will have to bo followed in the struggle against the coming war. This will be the augury for our victory, * L. A . Pioheers Conclode the First Conrention The First Eastern Canada Convention of the Young Pioneers has just been ended. The delegates have returned to their .towns, have gone back to school, and are begin-ning to study the decisions of the Conve;jtion. When the 30 delegates, wearing their red kerchiefs, filed into the large hali, marched around and sang "The Builders", finally end-ing up at the red tables where they gave their Pioneer yell, the large crowd of workers and their children rose to f ervent applause. Delegates ranged from the age of 8 to 15 years. Ali were school children. The First Session was opened by Comrade Harry of Montreal, who in a rousing speech called upon the delegates to prove their determina-tion to organize the workers' children. A prcsidium and a Secretary w^ere elected. GREETINGS FROM MANY PARTS "The Sudbury District of the Y. C. L . greets the Pioneer Convention as an event of utmost impor-from the Sudbury League and Pioneers. The Kirkland Lake, Ontario, Pioneers sent in a letter of greet-tings. "The Central Bureau on dren's delegation to the Soviet Unioni We invite you to join us in this task." The Young Pioneers of Mexico greeted the Convention and conveyed also the "fraternal grreet-ingrs of the Palmazones or Pioneers of Nicaragua, children that struggle in Sandino's glorious Army of Liberation, who have to organize in our ränks also." The Children'8 Bureau of the Young Communist International and the Pioneers of the Soviet Union cabled their greet-ings to the Canadian Pioneers. "On behalf pf the two millions of L e - ninist Pioneers of the Soviet Union we convey our ferveht greetings to the First Conveption of the Canadian Pioneers, With hope and joy we watch your work and struggle. Best wishes to the work of your. Convention." This last cable . from the Young Pioneers of the Soviet Union evoked enthusiastic applause. Speeches of greeting were delivered by Stewart Smith on behalf of the C. E. C, of the Communist Party and Oscar Ryan on behalf of the Young Communist League. Comrade J . L , Farbey greeted the Con-read a wire ^gntion for the Toronto Y. C. L . Comrades Ross and Joe conveyed the greetings of the Toronto Pioneers. Comrade Pete addressed the Convention as fraternal delcgate behalf of The Young Comrades' | ^^^^ y^^^j^ gecfcion U.L.F.T.A. . „ . ^ , (League of Great Britain extends t o ! A , . ., -r,. . ^ National Execntive Committee, you on the-.occasion of the first After the First Session had come to a close with the "International", Young Con.n.unUtLea^e of C n a ^ , Convention of Eastern Canada Pio- i d^ie^ates ' adjoumed" until^the jneers our heartiest Pioneer «Teet-j g^^^^j Session, where the actual \sr,r,^T.^^ i'"^- ^-^^ ^ ' "^ Convention Of discussion of Convention problems DEVIATION its kind held by the Canadian Pio- +i,w.„,,i,o..f fhJa nr,A *ha well developed arguments, featured the discussions, which seemed to gain momentum as the Convention spirit developed. Attention was devoted to the fight against the cadets and the bourgeois children'8 organ. izations. The ' Canadian Christian Crusade came ih for sharp attack, Älethods of conducting the school struggle were thoroughly reviewed. The issuing pf new school papers and the organization of Pioneer School Patrols were stressed. Slogans for the schoöls were formulat-ed. The struggle against religious teachings in the school, work among the farm children and the children in the factories, the brightening of the inner life of the Pioneers ( re-cruiting, participation,in strikes, organization of new crroups, the chil-dren's press, th6 mass work among the children,—ali these received i n - dividual attention, Lengthy discus-sion took placc on the quiestion of educational work of the groups. The Convention rccorded itself in favor of a Pioneer uniform to be worn at demonstrations and at meetings. Great interest centrcd around the need for increase i n circulation, the improvement in contents and the eniargement of the "Xoung Comrade." An editorial committee for the paper wa8 selected. A TURNING POINT its own specific tasks in the ciass strdggle. This Convention must saatk a tuming point, the beginning of a new period of activity for the Pio-- neers, of special attention on tha part of the Communist Party and Young Communist League to the actual problems of building the movement The Pioneer organixa. tion mnst have as its objectiTa within the next few years the donbling of its membership» the doubling of the circulation of-the "Young Comrade", the transforma-tion of the Pioneer groups into- GchoQl patrols, the permeation of every school with Pioneer school papers. The Convention wa8 closed by an excellent concert on Sunday eve-ning, consisting entirely of Pioneer talent A packed hali greeted this final demonstration. (Reprinted from the "Young Worker.") BUILD THE YOUNG WORKER, SUPPORT THE FIFTH Y.C.L. CONVENTION Builder's shop 8teward: "Excuse mg 9» The Convention is a significant event for the Canadian Working Clas.'3 inasmuch as it signifies the First Eastern Canada gathering of a working class children'» organization. It is evidence of the special attention the Young Communist League 13 devoting to the organization of the worker5' children. It is J a demon.'5tration of the gnrowth and DISCUSSIONS ON HIGH LEVEL j devclopment of the Pioneer Move- Reports were delivered on Gen- ^^^''^ excellent promise jity for winning the mass of the j eral Organization Questions, War expanding systematic mass äc !e, Mass ard of the Young Pioneer.?;" j Work, Organization, Inner Life, The Young Pioneers of U . S. A . : Young Comrade, and IndustriaL AU neers, is a reflection of the growth me,' but are you the lady wot's sing- opfe r,i yood.u , r anod,r g wanei zaartieo nc erit.n a i,n t hwei, l,l, p adsot took place, throughout this and the Third and Fourth Sessions t""L ~War \de., yll:, "xmY«ei•gs rh, L tI T, . Iwr aass sk1m• gym-o ug. nWiomthi - y.t ?Xo« ,m^ t.u ocnh ant.o d gc.i ovnes oali, dleaat^de xt toh *f eui t.u orreg ana*icz-taiv-1- hang on that top note so long. j ^.^^j^j ^^^^^^^ ^ stand-i Danger. School Strugg!. We've knocked off twice, already,|__^ i « r „ t . T*- mistäkin' it for the dinner Wjiistle."; i called upon the Convention to 'mob- ^ . , i iJizc the workers' cliildren in the Eleven thousand additlonal men i , . r- - * will be required to man the new naval 1 S- A . and Canada to fight against vessals and military planes that will '^'^^ ^nd defend our Soviet Father-be ccmmissicned in the U . S. i n 1S3D, iand. The U . S. A. Pioneers are This is another peace sign. preparing to send a worker3 chil-the abovc repbrts, v/ith the excep-tion of the first, were delivered By Pioneers. Our Pioneers were very serious in their discussions. Even the little tots of eight years had ä lot to say. Criticism, sharp debate, tivity among the children. The Pioneer Convention should serve the purpose of centering the attention of the whole movement 1 ifpon one of our most important problems. The Piohear Convention brings into bold relief the real hature of the Pioneer Movement, as a movement, as an organization with This year the months of Jaauary and February are set aside for the combined "Young Worker" and V Convention drive. During these two months every class-conscious young worker, as well aa every adult worker, must help our paper and contribute tö-wards making the 5th National Convention of the Young Communist League of Canada a huge demonstration in f ace of the attack of the bosses. The "Young Worker" during its almost fivc years of existence, has been the champion of the young workcrs' interests, it gives the lead towards the organization of the un-organized young worker8 and in our struggles against capitalist militarism and exploitation. The capitalist press scrvcs fath. fully the interests of tho ruling class; our mighty wcapon to combat their attacks i» our own press and inxthe case of the Canadian working' youth, it is the only revolutionary youth paper, the "Young Worker." Fight the Boi>—Build Our Paper! The imperialists of the world are busy with the preparations for a new war against the only worker8' rcpublic, the Soviet Union. It is our duty to prepare for this attack in order to-combat our own capitalist class and defend the Soviet Union. To reach the masses of the Canadian toiling youth we must strengthen our press. The "Young Worker" must bo cnlargcd, it must apper more than once a month. Before we can atart a bi-weekly wc must lay the sound foundatioins f i - nancially for its existence. The "Young Worker," being the" organ of the militant youth, expects full support from the ranks of the Canadian young workers. Convention and Young Worker's Drive Combined This year the drive for the "Young Worker" is combined with the drive for funds to organize the 5th National Convention of the Young Communist League of Canada. The Young Communist League is the only working class political youth organization, it leads the young wörkers in the struggles for the immediate improvement of their conditiöns, i t leads the fight against the war plans of the King Govemment and for the final abolition of capitalism and the establishment of a classless Society. Build the "Young Worker"t Raise funds iFor the League Convention 1 , Send in your subs. and donationst FINANCE COMMITTEE N;E.C., Y . C . L . OF CANADA. BEFUSE AID F O E BOSSJ The Äed element of the Labor'party dontlnates the Winnlpeg city councll. Is the complalnt heard following the refusai of the couiicil to make grants to the Industrial development board and the Manitoba chambcr of mincs, booster organizatlons. To make such grants a two-thirds vote Is required, and 6 of 16 aldermen voted against. The attitude of the labor aldermen was that the city had got scant value for prcvious grants to these societies. Labor wlll have one more repre-sentatlve on the 1929 council, having captured a seat in the cholcest resi-dential district. One of the aldermen, W. N . KoUs-nyk -sccured re-electlon rcoently wlth an Increased vote. He is a member of the Communist Party of Canada, and has been an active member of the IJkrainian Labor Farmer Tcmpla Association for many years. — Ed. "In some Wel8h villages 60 per cent of the children are facing the-rude Winter of the mountains with. out proper clothing and shoes."— Canadian Press Dbpatch.
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Vapaus, January 16, 1929 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finnish--Canadians--Newspapers |
Publisher | Vapaus Publishing Co |
Date | 1929-01-16 |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | Vapaus290116 |
Title | 1929-01-16-07 |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
OCR text | No.13 — Keskiviikkona, tamTnik. 16 p;iia—WeA, Jan* 16 Sivu 7 Y Q U T H S E C T I ON AND LUXEMURG BY HGIfflNG CANADIAN BOSSES! BaDy to the Young Commimist League in Its Fight Against MiKtarisift and Imperialist War _ THE COHING WAR AND THE LEGACY OF UEBKNECHT During this month the -•working joath of the v o r l d is commemora-ting the Tenth Anniversary of the marder of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg—a murder committed by German capitalista, aided and jibetted by Social Democracy and World Imperialism—^and the Fifth Anniversary of the death of Lenin, leader of the world revolution. At a time when the threats of war are becoming more definite every day, and when at every hand the In^erialists are preparing for an attack on Workers' Russia, the com-memoration of the desth of these three great vrorking class leaders mnst not take the form of vague «entimental homage rendered to their memory/ The greatest homage the Canadian young -«vorkers can render them is to carry on their work by daily and determihed strug-gle against imperialism, against the war-plans of the Canadian capitalist claES, and for the defence of the Soviet Union. These three great leaders during their vrhole lives carried on the mofit heroic and relentless struggle against the capitalist system, the System under which we iri Canada live, the system vhich inevitably causes greät wars in which millions of workers' lives are sacrificed.. AU their lives they combatted capitalist militarism, the bloody life-consum-ing instrument of capitalist oppression, the instrument used by the bosses in their wars for profits, the Instruments used against the work-ers during strike^ and loekouts. Anti-Militarism Is War.Cry of Youth Thö best way in which the young Tvorkers of Canada can honour the memoiy of these f alien revolution-ary lead-ers—mighty heroes of the xevolutionary working class—is to follovr their example, to study'their teachirigs, and to put them into practice. To the working youth par. ticularly belongs the job of fighting capitalist militarism. The young •nrorkevs are the chief victims of capitalist wars^ Young workers com- Posed the largest part of the last great imperialist tvar-s ten mUlion corpses. It is the working youth who are being trained by the bosses* for participation in the next war. In Canada the School Cadets, Boy Scouts, Navy League, Militia, etc., are Instruments for this purpose. The bosses seek to utilize the fighting spirit and militancy of the youth for their ovnx ends. They seek to draw the young Tv-orkers into the next w'ar as armed slaves not as slaves who use their weapons to fight their oppressors, but as slaves who blindly fight their feliow slaves in the intrests of their masters; as slaves who fight for the perpetua-tion of their own slavery. Young workers, this must nof be! The young workers of Canada must not be deluded by the boss class. The young vvorkers must show the bosses that they are not to be regarded as docile cannon-fodder to be chewed up by the capitalist -»ar machine in the next war. They must fight. Yes. But who must they fight? They must fight their real enemy, the Canadian capitalist class which exploits and oppresses them. Not their fellow Avorkers in other lands, but the Canadian bosses and their war plans; there is the real enemy of the Canadian young -vvorkers. In the words of Liebknecht: "Now more than ever anti-militarism must be the war cry of the youth." They Seek to Smash Workers' Russia! The Canadian governnient in its war preparations is building two new naval destroyers and riumerous battle-planes. ' Against who are Tvar preparations being made? Young workers, they are being made for a v>'ar against Soviet Russia! Against workers' Russia, the fatherlapd of the world's'working class. Canadian capitalism is allied -vvith British Imperialism for the overthrow of the Soviet Union. The Canadian cap-italists want a share of the rich spoils of such a war. They want ä slice of the huge Russian market. kertoman mukaan oli heidän ruumiinsa kauheasti pistimien raatelemat. Koko päiväö on taisteltu, valkoiset on edenneet 5 km. Illalla pimaiset järjestyvät ketjuun rautatien penger-mäUe — Moision pysäkin luo. Valkoiset ottavat Lopen kartanon kivinavetan suojapaikakseen, kunnes Tampereita lähetetty punaisten panssarijuna ampuu sen rikkL Kalkista punaisten . poimistuksista huolimatta onnistui lahtareittein päämääränsä saavuttaminen verrattain helpolla. Samaan aikaan kun lahtarit pääsivät radaUe Moision pysäkin luona, toinen lahtarijoukko miehitti Kuljun kylän ja pysäkin. Tämä joukko oU metsiä myöteoL. marssinut Kuljuun. Kuljusta oU nuoret miehet lähteneet rintamille. jäleUe oU jäänyt vanhempia miehiä. Jotka majaihvat työväentalolla, tehden vahtipalvelusta ympäristössä. Marian päivän aamuina vahtisotilaat hengästyneenä saapulv&t työväentalolle. He kertoivat lahtarijoukon lähestyvän Hoytämölsjärven jäätä myö- . ten. Kiireesti, järjestyivät miehet ketjuun työväentalon luo. Torppari -— joka hevosensa oU jättänyt lahtareUle — saapui myös pai-kaUe hikisenä ja hengästyneenä. Suoraan metsän lävitse oli hän rientänyt sanaa tuomaan lahtareitten tulosta Kffljim kaartille. Mutta sille suunnalle ei nyt voitu apua lähettää, koska joka mies tarvittiin paikoillaan. Pian.saapuivatkin lahtarit, syntyi lyhyt laukausten vaihto. Yksi lahta-reista kaatui. Nähtyään luotinsa osuneen, lausui ampuja: — Nyt voin kyllä kuolla, kun olen omalta osaltani yhden lahtarin vähentänyt." — Ylivoiman edestä täytyi punaisten perääntyä Kuljun pysäkille, josta j u nalla siirtyivät Sääsjärven pysäkiUe. — joka viimeksimainittu on ensimäi-nen pysäkki Tampereelta etelään päin. Täällä järjestyivät punaiset ketjuun, josta sitten perääntyivät Tamperetta puolustamaan. Osa Kuljun kaartilaisia pakeni metsiin, j a onnistuivat siten säästymään lajitaiien kostolta. Osa pakeni metsiä myöten Lempäälään, punaisten alueelle. Moisiosta i^räänlyivät punaiset ohi Lempäälän Mattaan pysäkin! vaiheille, johon pimaisten vihdoin onnistui järjestää puolustusrintama, joka ulottui Ifettijärveltä Lempäälän kautta Kangasalle. Lahtarit eivät katsoneet hyödylliseksi jatkaa hyökkäystä tällä rintanoalla. Olivathan he jo pää- ^Jiääränsä saavuttaneet — toistaiseksi - - Tampereen eteläinen rata oU joutunut lahtareille. Yhteys Tampereen Ja punaisen etelä-Suomen välillä oli katkennut. Tampere oli piiritetty, nyt täytyi vaan se valloittaa, mitä pikemmin sitä parempi. Edellämainittu, Kangasalan—Lempäälän maantie tuli mitä vilkasliikkei-semmäksi Lempäälän valtauksen jälkeen. Uusia joukkoja tuotiin sekä Tampereen että Lempäälän rintamille tätä tietä myöten. — Kymmeniä hevoskuormia haavoittuneita näiltä rintamilta vietiin vuorokausittain päinvastaiseen suuntaan. Salpa korven kuuset katsella sellaistakin näytehnää, että suuria miesjoukkoja kuljetettiin tietä pitkin na^ rut kaulassa, toinen toiseensa kytkettynä. Miehet pakotettiin juoksemaan ylös jyrkkiä vastamaita. Jo§ joku a l koi jäädä, kiristi naru kaulassa ar-pxottomastl. Nämä-miehet olivat lah-tarlen Lempäälässä ottamia vankeja. Eräs talon isäntä Lempäälästä oU keksinyt tämän pirullisen kidutuskons-tin ja siksi annettlinkln vankien kaulaan tehdylle solmulle nimeksi, — isännän nimen mukaan — "Mottlsen solmu". Lempäälässä riehui valkoinen terrori täydessä julmuudessaan. Oman pitäjän porvariston johdolla panivat lahtarit toimeen oikean työläismetsäs-tyksen. Työväen etiuivin miehet etupäässä raahattun vankltyrmlln. Vangeilla itseUään kalvatutettiln hautansa niin kutsuttuun Ämmäristln kankaalle. Saatuaan haudat vaJmiiksi, vietiin vangit öiseen aikaan haudan partaaUe, jossa he ammuttiin. Monen rauhaa rakastavan työläisen elämä päättyi täUä kankaaUa. Tulkoon tässä mainituksi, että edellämainittu torppari jonka lukija muistaa jättäneen hevosensa lahtareiUe metsälammen jäällä - ammuttiin myöskin Ämmäristln kankaalla y h dessä 17-vuotiaan poikansa kanssa. On tunnettua, että lahtarit kunnostautuivat julmuudessa yU kaiken odotuksen missä vain he liikkuivat. Ei naisia, el vanhuksia, eikä edes lapsiakaan he säästäneet. Lukemattomat veijeshaudat kautta Suomen kertovat tuleville polville näistä konnantoistä. Työlälstoveri, jonka rinnassa hehkuu vallankumousaatteen pyhä tuU, jos joskus joudut seisomaan näiden veljeshautojen äärifle, paljasta päasi vallankumousmarttyyrien muistoUe. Muista, että nämä vauiajat oUvat esitaistelijoita uuden, paremman yhteiskunnan luomiseksi, — yhteiskunnan jossa työläinenkin saa oikeutta. Heidän hautansa ääreltä ammenna uutta fohkeuttaa heidän alkamansa työn voittoon viemiseksL Tiedä, että m ^ tvyrit cvat vapauden siemeniä. Tulee aika jolloin Suomenkin lahtareitten konnantyöt tulevat raskaina tuomioina lankeamaan heidän omien päitten-sä pääUe. — K . H . of Russia's vast mineral resources and wealth of raw materials. To-gether with the capitalists of tho World they want to overthrow the Soviet Union because the Soviet Union gives aid and guidance to ali the oppressed peoples of the earth and because the First Workers, State founded by the mighty Oc-tober Revolution is an example and inspiration to vorkers the World over. The Soviet Union is a radiant beacon beckoning the world work-ing class to the struggle against capitalism; that is why the capitalists seek to destroy it. Young workers, \th6 imperialists in their war against the Soviet Union must be defeated, and the Canadian young workers must do their share in bringring about that defeat. An attack upon the Soviet Union is an attack upon the international working class for the Soviet Union is the possession and pride of every thinking' worker. It is an attack upon every one of us. The enemy of the Soviet Union is the enemy of the whole working class— Capitalism. , United States and Britain Prepare For War British Imperialism and American Imperialism are preparing for a gigantic conflict tO decide which of the two shall dominate and exploit the World. In this war one of the battlefields will be Canada. Canada will be the scene of a devastating war. In this vrar the,intQrests of the Canadian capitalists will be d i i vided. Some are linked up finan-ciälly with Britain, _ some with U . S. A. In this war situation sharp conflicts will break out between the two groups. There are strong pos-sibilities of civil war between them. When this Anglo-American war breaks out the Canadian working class must «se its strategical position to smash Imperialism. We Must Fight Now! •We must prepare for this grreat task to-day. The war-danger brooks no delay. The Canadian workers must not be taken by surprise as they were at the outbr«ak of the last war. The Canadian • bosses at-tempt to lull the ^orkers to sleep with their deceptive "Peace Pacts" and peace taik. McKenzie King re-cently signed the Kellogg Peace Pact and then immediately after-wards be signed a tender for two new battleships. The Canadian workers must not be deceived by these "peace" manoeuvres. They must start the fight now. Now is the time for the young workers öf Canada to rally to the aid of the Young Communist League in its fight against Canadian capitalism and against capitalist war. The Y . C L . of Canada fights under' the banner of Lenin in the spirit of Liebknecht and Luxemburg against Imperialism and capitalist militarism for the defence of the Soviet Union and for the establishment in Canada of a revolutionary Workers' and Farmers' Government. Young workers, our fight is your fight. Join us in our fight against Imperialist war. To-day in the great names of Lenin, Liebknecht. and Luxemburg we summon you to the struggle. YOUN WORKERSf DEFEND THE WORKERS' SO-CIALIST REPUBLIC! FORWARD IN THE SPIRIT OF LIEBKNECHT TO THE REVOLU-TIONARY CLASS WAR AGAINST IMPERIALIST WAR! A new worId-war is being pre-pared for a day by day and hoor by hoor» in a l i directions. A new World conflagxation may break oat at any moment. Things are to hap-pen again as they did in the past: workers and farmers i n their best years of manhood are to be driven again into the trenches; there is to be fresh wholesale butchery, the Indescribable misery of the millions, and wanton devastation." Hundreds of thousands and millions of young lives are to be sacrificed again for the sake of capitalist super-profits. There is only one way out of this hell: the way of - the revolutionary struggle against the imperialist war, the way o f Karl Liebknecht. Karl Liebknect devoted the best years of his life to the struggle against militarism and against i m perialist war. He spoke and wrote a great deal on the questions of militarism. Yet i t is impossible to separate his speaking and his writ-ing from his action, not only because his actions vere always suited to his word8, but because his words were spoken in the majority of cases under circumstances which called for brave and daring revolu-tionary deeds. Liebknecht advocat-ed his revolutionary döctrine of the fight against war i n the trenches, before the military court, bef ore the capitalist parliament during, the war, whilst denounced as a "spy" and a "traitor" by the flunkeys of the capitalists, by the "socialists" agents of the imperialist war-mongers. V STUDY LIEBKNECHT^S TEACHINGS " Now. that the struggle against war and the war danger is the prin-cipal task of the revolutionary labour movement, it behooves us more than hitherto to recall the ideas and actions of Liebknect. It is not enough to honour the mem-ory of Karl Liebknect in festival speeches. It is really worthwhile to study Liebknecht, to deal system-atically with his teachings and his actions in ali their details, and to bring them to the knovi^ledge of the large masses of the people. To describe Liebknechfs ideas on war, and his actions, as they really were, this constitutps definite and effec-tive anti-rnilitarist propaganda. For his ideas were corxect^ clear-cut and brave, his words inspjring, and his actions were of the, heroic kind which is ivorthy of a great champion of .the proletarian revolution. UEBKNECHT AND CLASS.WAR AGAINST IMPERIALST WAR Below we reproduce some thooghts in connection with the eombat of war, which were expressed by Lieb^' knecht i n spoken or written f orm on various occasions: The chief enemy of every people is to be found in its own country. To throw over the capitalist govem-ment and the ruling classes in a l i capitalist countries and in a l i rea-pects, and above ali, to weaken their military might, to crush them, and to replace them by the decisive power of the socialist proletariat,— such is the political goal of international socialism. The class strug-gle as against the war among na-tions. Not civil peace, but civil war. As against the Benapartist "Better war than insurrection," the socialists shöuld raise the slogan: "Better insurrection and revolution than war." It is our task to call upon the working class of ali countries: "To work! Those working on the land and those who äre in the trenches, they should drop their weapons and rise against the common f oe which deprives them of light and a i r . " Anti-militarism has made feverish preparations against super-militarism. It has indeed to follow the old adage: i f you wish peace, be prepared for var. We may say that i f we want the peace of nations, we must prepare for the class war and for the class struggle, developing it more and mpue upon an international scale. The anti-militarist struggle is the intensified form of the class struggle agrainst war and against the intemal poKcy of violence pursued by capitalism. No unity with the civil-peace po-liticians of the social-democracy, but a War to the Knife with the job-holders of the capitalists in socialist grab who deliver the masses of the people unconditionally into the clutches of the war-mongers. . Liebknecht remained true to these ideas to their ultimate consequences. And precisely therein lies the great-ness of Liebknecht and the inestim-able value of his legacy to the inter, national working class. Without the spirit of self-sacrifice, without proletarian courage -and daring, the striiggle against war, as generally the revolutionary struggle, remains but a phrase. Liebknecht has 6hown höw the cause of the proletariat should. be served in the event of war. LIEBKNECHT AND THE LAST GREAT WAR During May-day. 1916, i.e., during the war, Liebknecht issaed leaf-lets and handbUls i n which he ap-pealed to the population for the struggle against war. He p^rsonally distributed them'in Berlin and vioin, nity. At the demonstration on the Potudammcr Platz, where eoldiers were present, he explained many times: "Down with the war! Down with the govemment!" He~threw out the '&ame slogans to the crowd on being arrested. ,When subse-quently called to account för these anti-war cries on his trial, he f u r - nished an example of the conduct of a revolutionary fighter before the class-court of the enemy. He refused to give any Information as to the source of the leaflets which he had distributed, but assumed fuU responsibility for its contents and for its distribution. He regret-ted that he vras unable himself to distribute the leaflets. among the soldiers, but he expressed his full agreement with the distribution of same among the soldiers. He went on to declare that he was quite aware of the prohibition to carry on propaganda against the war, but ho would act against prohibition again and again, because i t was his political and social duty. Before the military court, which sentenced Liebknecht to many years imprisonment and privation of civil rights, he delivered a speech which should be known to every proletarian throughout the World. He said, among other things: "I am here to accuse, and hot to dcfend myself. "Not civil peace, but civil war is the slogan for me! Down with the war! Dov/n with the govemment!" At the "heresy t r i a l , " organized against Liebknecht by the social-dcmocrntic faction in tbie Reichsta^ he was accus^d, among other things, with wanting to be the sole repre-scntative of the peoplo's interests. This fear of the social-traitors was at any rate juBtified. Against the dark backiground of the horror and misery of the war, of the tremen-dous treason of the Scheidemans and the Noskes, • one perceives the luminous personality öf Liebknecht as a bright star amid a dark night, Liebknecht is the. embodimcnt of the Communist ideas and tactics in the struggle against war. Liebknechfs example will have to bo followed in the struggle against the coming war. This will be the augury for our victory, * L. A . Pioheers Conclode the First Conrention The First Eastern Canada Convention of the Young Pioneers has just been ended. The delegates have returned to their .towns, have gone back to school, and are begin-ning to study the decisions of the Conve;jtion. When the 30 delegates, wearing their red kerchiefs, filed into the large hali, marched around and sang "The Builders", finally end-ing up at the red tables where they gave their Pioneer yell, the large crowd of workers and their children rose to f ervent applause. Delegates ranged from the age of 8 to 15 years. Ali were school children. The First Session was opened by Comrade Harry of Montreal, who in a rousing speech called upon the delegates to prove their determina-tion to organize the workers' children. A prcsidium and a Secretary w^ere elected. GREETINGS FROM MANY PARTS "The Sudbury District of the Y. C. L . greets the Pioneer Convention as an event of utmost impor-from the Sudbury League and Pioneers. The Kirkland Lake, Ontario, Pioneers sent in a letter of greet-tings. "The Central Bureau on dren's delegation to the Soviet Unioni We invite you to join us in this task." The Young Pioneers of Mexico greeted the Convention and conveyed also the "fraternal grreet-ingrs of the Palmazones or Pioneers of Nicaragua, children that struggle in Sandino's glorious Army of Liberation, who have to organize in our ränks also." The Children'8 Bureau of the Young Communist International and the Pioneers of the Soviet Union cabled their greet-ings to the Canadian Pioneers. "On behalf pf the two millions of L e - ninist Pioneers of the Soviet Union we convey our ferveht greetings to the First Conveption of the Canadian Pioneers, With hope and joy we watch your work and struggle. Best wishes to the work of your. Convention." This last cable . from the Young Pioneers of the Soviet Union evoked enthusiastic applause. Speeches of greeting were delivered by Stewart Smith on behalf of the C. E. C, of the Communist Party and Oscar Ryan on behalf of the Young Communist League. Comrade J . L , Farbey greeted the Con-read a wire ^gntion for the Toronto Y. C. L . Comrades Ross and Joe conveyed the greetings of the Toronto Pioneers. Comrade Pete addressed the Convention as fraternal delcgate behalf of The Young Comrades' | ^^^^ y^^^j^ gecfcion U.L.F.T.A. . „ . ^ , (League of Great Britain extends t o ! A , . ., -r,. . ^ National Execntive Committee, you on the-.occasion of the first After the First Session had come to a close with the "International", Young Con.n.unUtLea^e of C n a ^ , Convention of Eastern Canada Pio- i d^ie^ates ' adjoumed" until^the jneers our heartiest Pioneer «Teet-j g^^^^j Session, where the actual \sr,r,^T.^^ i'"^- ^-^^ ^ ' "^ Convention Of discussion of Convention problems DEVIATION its kind held by the Canadian Pio- +i,w.„,,i,o..f fhJa nr,A *ha well developed arguments, featured the discussions, which seemed to gain momentum as the Convention spirit developed. Attention was devoted to the fight against the cadets and the bourgeois children'8 organ. izations. The ' Canadian Christian Crusade came ih for sharp attack, Älethods of conducting the school struggle were thoroughly reviewed. The issuing pf new school papers and the organization of Pioneer School Patrols were stressed. Slogans for the schoöls were formulat-ed. The struggle against religious teachings in the school, work among the farm children and the children in the factories, the brightening of the inner life of the Pioneers ( re-cruiting, participation,in strikes, organization of new crroups, the chil-dren's press, th6 mass work among the children,—ali these received i n - dividual attention, Lengthy discus-sion took placc on the quiestion of educational work of the groups. The Convention rccorded itself in favor of a Pioneer uniform to be worn at demonstrations and at meetings. Great interest centrcd around the need for increase i n circulation, the improvement in contents and the eniargement of the "Xoung Comrade." An editorial committee for the paper wa8 selected. A TURNING POINT its own specific tasks in the ciass strdggle. This Convention must saatk a tuming point, the beginning of a new period of activity for the Pio-- neers, of special attention on tha part of the Communist Party and Young Communist League to the actual problems of building the movement The Pioneer organixa. tion mnst have as its objectiTa within the next few years the donbling of its membership» the doubling of the circulation of-the "Young Comrade", the transforma-tion of the Pioneer groups into- GchoQl patrols, the permeation of every school with Pioneer school papers. The Convention wa8 closed by an excellent concert on Sunday eve-ning, consisting entirely of Pioneer talent A packed hali greeted this final demonstration. (Reprinted from the "Young Worker.") BUILD THE YOUNG WORKER, SUPPORT THE FIFTH Y.C.L. CONVENTION Builder's shop 8teward: "Excuse mg 9» The Convention is a significant event for the Canadian Working Clas.'3 inasmuch as it signifies the First Eastern Canada gathering of a working class children'» organization. It is evidence of the special attention the Young Communist League 13 devoting to the organization of the worker5' children. It is J a demon.'5tration of the gnrowth and DISCUSSIONS ON HIGH LEVEL j devclopment of the Pioneer Move- Reports were delivered on Gen- ^^^''^ excellent promise jity for winning the mass of the j eral Organization Questions, War expanding systematic mass äc !e, Mass ard of the Young Pioneer.?;" j Work, Organization, Inner Life, The Young Pioneers of U . S. A . : Young Comrade, and IndustriaL AU neers, is a reflection of the growth me,' but are you the lady wot's sing- opfe r,i yood.u , r anod,r g wanei zaartieo nc erit.n a i,n t hwei, l,l, p adsot took place, throughout this and the Third and Fourth Sessions t""L ~War \de., yll:, "xmY«ei•gs rh, L tI T, . Iwr aass sk1m• gym-o ug. nWiomthi - y.t ?Xo« ,m^ t.u ocnh ant.o d gc.i ovnes oali, dleaat^de xt toh *f eui t.u orreg ana*icz-taiv-1- hang on that top note so long. j ^.^^j^j ^^^^^^^ ^ stand-i Danger. School Strugg!. We've knocked off twice, already,|__^ i « r „ t . T*- mistäkin' it for the dinner Wjiistle."; i called upon the Convention to 'mob- ^ . , i iJizc the workers' cliildren in the Eleven thousand additlonal men i , . r- - * will be required to man the new naval 1 S- A . and Canada to fight against vessals and military planes that will '^'^^ ^nd defend our Soviet Father-be ccmmissicned in the U . S. i n 1S3D, iand. The U . S. A. Pioneers are This is another peace sign. preparing to send a worker3 chil-the abovc repbrts, v/ith the excep-tion of the first, were delivered By Pioneers. Our Pioneers were very serious in their discussions. Even the little tots of eight years had ä lot to say. Criticism, sharp debate, tivity among the children. The Pioneer Convention should serve the purpose of centering the attention of the whole movement 1 ifpon one of our most important problems. The Piohear Convention brings into bold relief the real hature of the Pioneer Movement, as a movement, as an organization with This year the months of Jaauary and February are set aside for the combined "Young Worker" and V Convention drive. During these two months every class-conscious young worker, as well aa every adult worker, must help our paper and contribute tö-wards making the 5th National Convention of the Young Communist League of Canada a huge demonstration in f ace of the attack of the bosses. The "Young Worker" during its almost fivc years of existence, has been the champion of the young workcrs' interests, it gives the lead towards the organization of the un-organized young worker8 and in our struggles against capitalist militarism and exploitation. The capitalist press scrvcs fath. fully the interests of tho ruling class; our mighty wcapon to combat their attacks i» our own press and inxthe case of the Canadian working' youth, it is the only revolutionary youth paper, the "Young Worker." Fight the Boi>—Build Our Paper! The imperialists of the world are busy with the preparations for a new war against the only worker8' rcpublic, the Soviet Union. It is our duty to prepare for this attack in order to-combat our own capitalist class and defend the Soviet Union. To reach the masses of the Canadian toiling youth we must strengthen our press. The "Young Worker" must bo cnlargcd, it must apper more than once a month. Before we can atart a bi-weekly wc must lay the sound foundatioins f i - nancially for its existence. The "Young Worker," being the" organ of the militant youth, expects full support from the ranks of the Canadian young workers. Convention and Young Worker's Drive Combined This year the drive for the "Young Worker" is combined with the drive for funds to organize the 5th National Convention of the Young Communist League of Canada. The Young Communist League is the only working class political youth organization, it leads the young wörkers in the struggles for the immediate improvement of their conditiöns, i t leads the fight against the war plans of the King Govemment and for the final abolition of capitalism and the establishment of a classless Society. Build the "Young Worker"t Raise funds iFor the League Convention 1 , Send in your subs. and donationst FINANCE COMMITTEE N;E.C., Y . C . L . OF CANADA. BEFUSE AID F O E BOSSJ The Äed element of the Labor'party dontlnates the Winnlpeg city councll. Is the complalnt heard following the refusai of the couiicil to make grants to the Industrial development board and the Manitoba chambcr of mincs, booster organizatlons. To make such grants a two-thirds vote Is required, and 6 of 16 aldermen voted against. The attitude of the labor aldermen was that the city had got scant value for prcvious grants to these societies. Labor wlll have one more repre-sentatlve on the 1929 council, having captured a seat in the cholcest resi-dential district. One of the aldermen, W. N . KoUs-nyk -sccured re-electlon rcoently wlth an Increased vote. He is a member of the Communist Party of Canada, and has been an active member of the IJkrainian Labor Farmer Tcmpla Association for many years. — Ed. "In some Wel8h villages 60 per cent of the children are facing the-rude Winter of the mountains with. out proper clothing and shoes."— Canadian Press Dbpatch. |
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