1949-03-03-05 |
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Uusi pBtUtadiäie " AVATTU Leo Charbonneau PLUMBING & HEÄTÖfG }:orh:n'.ksit crikohalamvic PBheUn 6-6601 - KoUm 3-,4997 61 Lorne St-, Sudbury McLEOD MOTORS & EQUIPMENT 65 Larch St. Sudbury Puhelimet 8-8344 ja 5-5663 PALVELLUT SUOMALAISIA YLI 35 VUOTTA ^ FOiRD & MONAKCB henkflö-autoja .. g FORD KTOEMA-AUTOJA ja traktoreita W. MAftTIN . Suovialainen Myyntiedustaja n 3Q itt isj Ho nc Ob }Vt lat 5tt le! sfc ne. Kaikenlaisia KANKAITA . Leninki, takki, puku y.m. Teen wc y FÄ'LOMATYÖTÄ UNIVERSAL DRY GOODS Suomalainen kangaskauppa S3 Durham St. S. Yläkerra.ssa PUH. 6-6056 SUDBURY Lea lAhes Watching Boats Come In » He^Jo sister Margaret and everyone. I znust start vrriting again as I haven"! written lor a long Time noftr and I «as cne of those who said they j would tri' and write more ofien. I hope everyone, incliMing sister Margaret, faad a gjcd Valentine's Day, I had fun. We »--jd a party at school. played games and had eats. There •R-as a bingo game here last night at the U.A.C. haU. I ivent and won one game. For the prize I got a dollar. . The card. that I won with was the one I had taken v.hen I first started playing but me2nwhile I had taken another card. One of my schöol chums wanted to trade cards so I ! traded and it was the card I had first. j £!he iaid I'd probably win and I did. Was she ever disgysted! Dad and I went to the Valentine's dance hsi-e. "VVe enjoyed ourselves, at least I did. We'^got home about 3 ajn. There sure is awful ueather here, £now- for neärly two mohths. Now if is beginning to m?lt and am 1 glad! At fii-st everyone wants snow but now everj-onc ij-ants jiist the cpposite. Dad and I were just watching a large vessel gcing out. Its . the "Estävän"', the boat that looks after ali the lighthouses ,on the west coast. Another is coming in, its a large tug called the "Tomac". Ils about 150 ft. long. We caji see them AVhen •will miss seeing ali the ships ccming in. j Everyday one or two deep-.s^a vessels come in. Our cat has had a sore leg for two weeks now and v.e can't see anything wrong with it. I ihink it .wni get better soon, at least I hope so. Thats ali the news I have for now. So-long everyone! Caaadan tnMtifestiTaaU zlkoi tlE. 1 p:nä ToronUMBS. Sfihen osalUshm UnssijoiU ktradesta Canadan fcanpon- Sista. Tässä näemme 11- raotiaan Janet Macnen valmistamassa Itseään enenen esiints-mistäätt. ali from our kitchen window, .we move lo Port Alberni, we FOOT &GORING LTD Vakaatuksia - kiinteimistöjä Kiinteimistölaino ja PUHELIN 4-4092 Elm f6t E., Sndbiiry, Ont. Lea Kauko, Ucluelet, B. C. Vancouver Island. ..Il ii£i A Iän iist lun tet 1,1 en em Ito! iht at irei DIÖ iitc itu let leiti ELGIN SERVICE STATION TAUNO LUNDGREN ornLstaja 60 EIgin St. Sudbury • Shell gasölfinia ja öljyä # Firestone-autokumeja • Prest-O-Lile pattereita # Automoottoreiden puhdistuslaite IHIillillilllflM' Helen Skipped Graie, Now in 6th ^Dear Margaret and ali the readers and. v.-riters' of this page. ^ I have had quite a bad cold. At 'I j schcol \ve play hopscotch. There are ! S of us girls playing but usually the i boys Gome and ifess up our gatne. When we go in the school they leave it alone though. There were three girls in my grade but one moved to VVirnii-peg. Her name is Jean. Last year Jean and I were in grade 4 but our teacher. Miss Bilinoky, put us into grade 6. Soon we will bs having our Easter examsand 1 hope to do better than I did at Christmas tirae. There is so much snow out here that the dogs cän hardly get into ths fields. Weil, I guess thats about ali for now. I will write more next time. Cheerio! Helen Ripat, Box 49, Lac du Bonnet, Man. l i i ien kel »ise erv ai s-le, 4fi J U O K A A . SILVER FOAM VIRVOKE-JUOMIA Leo h Janitor at School Nou) Dear sistÄ- Margaret and ali the rest (4 the members. ' Weil, I finally got äown to vriting, it sure is time I did; I vant to thank sister Margaret for the nlce gift. The weather out here has been quite nice for the last few days. Ame"Levanen and I are janitors at the schpol now. y/e vrashed the floor on Simday. We took scme pictures at the school. ' The Junior Parmers of whlch I am a member held a dance on the 18fh of Feb. A few weeks ago we had a shding party. Did we ever have a loi pf fun! • Dad is now in ShUo, Manitoba but he is. coming home for a visit on the 4th. I wLsh summer \vould hurry up and come because I .am tired of Winter aU-^dy. We had a Valentine party-at the school. I was master of ceremo^^es for the prpgramme we had. It was made up of songs and ^recitations. Afterwards we had lunch änd played games. We aLso had a Valentine-box Dad sent me a cameta for my blrth-day. I have already taken many pictures with it. • . JDur sow will soon have a calf. I hope we don't have to stay long with-out milk. ' I would like to have some penpals. Weil, I guess that,s all for now. Leo Lehto, Mokomon, Ont. Our Ist Letter from Eleanor Dear Margaret. This is my first letter to the "Perheen nuoremmille". I am eight years Old. My birthday is on May 23rd. I am in grade three at school. I have two Sisters and three broth-ers. My sisters write to the Vapaus. We had a Valentine party at oUr school today. We liad a short pro-gramme. I will closö for this time. Cheerio! Eleanor' Hunnaklco, Silver Mountain, Ont. TILATKAA YKSI LMTIKKO TÄNÄÄN SUDBURY^BREWING and MÄLTING I^rne st. C03IPAVr LIiVnTED PUHELIN 7-7561 Sudbury Eveljoi Must Go to the Hospital Dear big sister Margaret and ali the readers and writers of this page. Weil, here I am again vith my pen-cil and paper scribblirtg a few Iines. How has everyone been? How is sister Margaret? I am fine but stiil In bed because I have something on my legs. I have 'to go to the hospital on Thiu^ay. Its been quite -vcann^here these last few days. This rtorrQhg the temper-ature .was exactly zero although It is going to rise up to 15 above today. I wish spring wouId come soon. Weil, its only two more weeks until my father comes home. I hope those two weeks just fly by. My mother just went to get milk from |Iovi*s. We have to buy our milk since our cows' are going to freshen soon. I hate when we don't get enough milk. My brother is home from school today. He says he bas a pain in his 5t<»nacfa and besides he cut his f Inger I i with a knife last night, The cut isn't ' very big though. , The big plough vas widenlng this road last Tuesdayso I guess its Wide enough now. I bate vben i f s narrow. Some of my favoorite radio'stories on tlxe radio are Bpad of Life, Big Sista-, Ufe Can- Be Beautiful. Ma Perkiö;, Pepper Young's Family and ths one that com« on at 3:45 pjn, I guess I TiPill close iotjscm. Chsaiol I EiHyu Kivir j Silver Mtn., Ont. Halloo siskot ja veljet! Kyllä ilmat näyttävät muuttuvan kauniiksi tääUä Sudburyssa. VällM oli muutama kylmä päivä mutta nyt taas näyttää aurinko sulattavan lunta, sillä räystäistäkin tippuu vesi. Toivon, että jaloissasi el ble mitään vakavampaa vlkää Evelyn. Itoeta noudattaa kaikkia niääräykslä, jolta lääkäri Sinulle antaa, että varmasti paranet pian. Kyllä Sinulla kuulosti olleen hauska viikonloppu, Leo. Luldessani kirjettäsi Umiettelin miten ehditte niin moneen paikkaan niin vähässä ajassa! On varmasti mielenkiintoista seurata kun laivat tulevat ja menevät, Lea. En ollenkaan ihmettele vaikka kalpai-sitkin sitä kun muutatte sieltä pois. En ole kaskaan asunut sellaisessa pal-kas. sa mutta uskon, että pitäisin siitä kovin. Vai oh X e o ^ tullut oikein työmies! Jokaisella nuorella yltäisi olla jotain sellaista tehtävää. Kumpi teistä muuten on se pää-talonmles? Joan haluaa klrjeenvalhtovcrin Suomesta mutta kun häti el osaa l u kea eikä kirjoittaa suomea niin hänen täytyisi olla sellalntn joka osaa kirjoittaa englantia. Siis tc englantia kirjoittavat ystävät Suomessa, jos haluatte kirjeenvaihtotoveria niin kirjoittakaa Joanille! Kaksi uutta jäsentäkin kirjoitti osastoomme taas. He ovat Eleanor Utmnakko Silver Moimtainista ja lifelvtn Manninen Beaver lakelta, ptamme teidät ilomielin perheeseemme! Kiitos myös hauskoista kirjeistänne Veikko, Irma, Sally, Miriam. Marie, LHy, Xorma, BiUy, Helen, Jeanne, Diana. Esko ja Sophie. LopettalH-sani kirjeen toivotan teille vielä mäenla^kukeliä tai pikaista kevättä. Kumpaa eniten miellttej sitä teille toivon! Siskonne. Margaret. Melvin'slst Letter to This Page Kello sister Margaret and ali the readers and writers of this page. * This wlll be my flrsl letter to thLs page. I can't say If its wor(h reading but I hope sister Margaret wlU put It in the paper. We had a big ski-meei here at Bea-ver Lake on Feb. ISth, sponsored by our club Jehu and the participatlon was great. I had the honour of meet- .ing two boys from Klrkland Lake, Kalevi Mähönen and — Oja, I can't remember your first name. I hope to see you fellows next summer, oiu* fa-mily is suppo.sed to drlve dottTi to Round Lake to Arvo Maki's for a vlslt. • , • - The slalom hill is at my gramma'R and to us its quite tricky but to the Sudbury fellows, Suominen and Poutanen, it was smooth going, Tlds Is our first year In this sort pf skiing bui not our last, "One of Jehu's honorary members. Seilin Kolari, died Tue.sday, Feb. 15th. He was a trapper and wa8 on the way to his traps with his partneri Mr. Öri-e. He died of a heurt attack. We boys at schcol have a small rlnk. The Nairn boy.s came down last fri-day to play against us. Beaver Lake won. It was hockey but of course hot llke the NHL. Here*s wishlng yau all gcod skating and .skllng! Melvin Manninen, Beaver Lake, Ont. Leo AUeniei Shm. Ski Chmt^li^s Dear big sister Margaret and evexyone else. I thought I v o ^ d Just Trite a few Iines about our ezdtisg veek-end. Tbe veatber isnt bad here tbese days. We had a Valentine p»ity at school and 1 got tblrt«ea Valeatinsa. I hope e\-e.-yoae else got a great deal of them. We went to town on Satudray momlng. W deekled to go and see the Oom. 8kl Champloashlps at Port Wimam. but we didnt get there In time so ttre did our shopplng and stayed oveitdght at my tmcle's pl&cc In iPort WlUlam^ In the mom-ing we started out for Lsppe and it took us about a half an hotir be-fo!- e we arrivM there. At 1 Cclock we started from there to go and see the Skl jumpers at Mt. McKay. When B-e reached there they were jump- Ing already. We huA to buy tlckets before we could get in and ve olso bought a book called "The Dominion Ski Championships". It seems to be a good book but I havent finlshed { reading It yet: They hnd a machlne with a cable to tow the sklers up the hill. There were place* to go for refreshments if anybödy kanted sohie. Two men fell at the bottoin of the hill when they were golns around the cutve and one ihan fell when he was going to stop. Did they cver tum somcrsaults as they ifell^ I wouIdn't llke to be one of those sklers coming down that hill. One mnn from Duluth Jumpcd 180 feet. Boy did he gp! He wa.'! jiist ilke a blrd flylng. 6ne youh? lady Jump-ed exactly, a 100 feet. The dthers Jumped between 140 and 180 feet it sure was fun to so? thcirj jumpt We started but for our truck but did we ever have td walk wUh care on the road because of all the trafflc. I bet there wci'e thousands of cars there and many people. too. Thsre were four Iines of cars on the hlgh-way, a long,,llne bf cars on eäch side of the road and cars going both ways. They had made two parklng lots for cars but we parktd our truck on the h!ghwäy. We got mlked up In the crowd too, We could önly go ahead a few: Yeet and stop ond we had to kccp that up for an hPur. Then we finnlly got out of the crdwd. I've never in all my exlstance seen Torstaina, maalisk, 3 p. ~ Thursday, fit^it^^ ttöm SuOliiury bear sister ICargaret and äU the readerä and vriteriB ci thia page. . Weil, it looks llke spring Is Just arouhd ^ corner. We are keeping a cfaart at school to see who can see the most slgns of spring. A lady trom Sudbury came to vlsit us on W€dnesday. ä i e vent home Frlday nIght. I wlsh she would have stayed longer. Now that the wcather Is warmer X am going to fhe fiho*F nearly every Sattuday. ti k>oks llke it Is going to rain because It Is 8 o'c!ock and isnt Ught yet. I have started on the front of my sifeater noi'. If anyohe wönäers why X have so much handlwork Its so I tTOn't get tlred of öne thlhg.. Cheerio! Sophie Kangaa, R.^. I. ffeamsvlUc, Ont. Sally Anxipusly Avaiting Electricity Kello Margaret and ftU the readers öf this page. ' \ Weil, here I am answerlng my rlddle because I forgot to ahswer It In my last letter. The ansver is on lelcle. We have had 8now down here lately. It started to snow on Monday. there are a few drifts on the road but X thlnk tho mllkihan «ill plough the road. The Nalrn people were very proud of thelr electric llghts when the school chlldr^n Weht there to play hockey. The ice tras a llttlc soft howcver so they couldn't skato but they played It wlthout skatcs. BeaVer Lake won I-O. I wlsh thot wc could get electric llghts soon too. They have started to put the wtres In the houses here already. My brothcT.s, Alek nnd Albert, and ^the nelghbour's boy were flshing at Blbow Laleo last Saturday. They star-ted at 8 In the mornlng and got hom^ at 8 In the cvcidng. Wcre they cver tlred vhen they reached home! They, caught 16 plke. I have hot been skllng lately because it hns been SO snowy and stormy but I win "hop on my skiis agaln and Ar4 Yöu a Good Loser? Veikko tykkää Juihtämisestä To i^in easy. Feelings of Security, superiority and self-satlK-faction come to a person wbo bas just won »omethJj^g. To fight hard and ihen win is a great achieve-ment In itseir. A Winner is alvays in tlie .••potlirbt, be is the centre of attenfon and the recelver of unrmiled jiralsc and glury. How he reac's lo tlicse thinxs is entirely up to him. I To be a loser Is not so easy. It takes conrage and poise. It Is hard to have a goal or objectlve tn sigbt, ' to votii hard to r«acb It and then find yon must be the loser. Per-haps what a loser hates mw>t is the feeling of being pitied. It Ls hard to be on the edge of the spotlight and tben be forgotten in a momCnt. It Is not easy to keep yonr temper at ttals time of bitter dlsappoint-m^ t and. eongratulate your op-ponent, the «rinner. But then. went to my uncle*R plaöe and got our grocerles wiilch we had left there, We decldpd to gp to,the Finnish Ilall In iPptt Arthur to see the boys* gym numbers. There was the boys'- gym, slngln^'boxlng and aho many other Interestlng thlhgs. I llked the boxlng best. We oJso saw Lauri Huukl ond Bill Salminen. We started for home when It vas ovcr. When we got close to homo there vi'as a car In the dltch and o crah^ wnfi pulllng It out. Whlle we were going to Lapp? we saw two smashed cars that we afterwardR hcard, häd been In quite a bad accldent. Two people werc hurt and dkd In ho-^pltal. I took my 3 wea.se!s to town.ana got $3 for them. The weather is getling cold-r ond the wlnd ls blowlng so hard that It seems as if It Is blowlng^the roof off the house, I guess I d better «11 of f for now and go to bed. Cheerio! Lep Wayrynen, Qulmet, Ont, as many cars as I saw that day, We, skllng as usua! whcn the weathcr permltA. I tvlll close now for It is petting late and i have to be awakc In school to-morrov mornlng so ni know my work. Cheerio! Stily Manninen. Beaver Lake, Ont, Irma Finished Sewing Apröns Htllo sister Margaret and all the readers and writer« of this page. Here I am agaln scrlbbllng a few Iines m my «päre monufnts. How has the World been titjatlng everybpdy? Fine, I hope as I'm OK. Did February ever go fa.st! As t&f a« the wfsither wa5 conccrned It was really a nice month with, of course the exceptlon of the high wlnds and few 6nowstorm«. The Memorlal Artna in Burk's Falls was opencd on Thursday. Feb. 24th. I wiKh I could have gone out to see the opening. Have we ever got a good crust on the «now. Does the «lelgh ever slidc on it if you've got a good iiandslelgh. these ; It l<n'b very easy on the skls, Mlne Halloo Margaret. Nyt ollaan jo kevätpuolella talvea. Meillä oli Valentine-paartl täällä Jean WantS Peti pai tliings mmt be taken in the stride bf the loser no matter how severe a t e s t ^ prot'es to be. ABE YOU A GOOD L08EB? Ali of OS have at one time or anotlier come face to face witb tbat qnes-tion. Have you the qtialities of charäcter to lose graciou»ly? koululla. Sain paljon kortteja koulutovereiltani. Meidän opettajamme keittää meille lämmintä ruokaa puoliseksi kotilulia.' Me viemme evästä kotoa myös. Me hiihtelimme äithii kanssa Wa-nupissa, Mhiulla on hyvät sukset, jotka, veljeni teki minulle. Minä pidän niistä. Siskoni perheineen voi hyvin LevacMssa ja hän kirjoittaa uiseasti Dear sister Wargaret. I have just recelved a letter from my grandmotfaer, I am 13 years old and in grade 8, Junior High. My liobby is stamp col-lecting and I am very Interested in penpals, I now have peapals in England, Scotland, Ircland, Canada, Unl-meilJe. ted States, New Zealand and South Ksiksi pyytä käveli lumella kun tu- Africa. Being that my grandmother Ummc asuuskaupasta. Tietääkö Max- is of Finnish origin I would like to garet minkä mlköinen pyy on"? Minä get a penpal from there. My grand-pldän kaikenlaisista eläimistä ja erlt- mother told me that you would khow tainkin suuresta koirasta. ot .someone who is able to read and Varmaan pian tulee kevät kun laski- «rite EngUsh for I cannot read or ainenkin on mennyt- Joskus on ko- i vrite Finnish, vinkin kirkkaita i a komeite päiviä. | I would be very pleasfd to hear from Lopetan tällä kertaa. Terveisetd ! you. lukijollle Ja. kirjoittajillemme. j Jean Bootet. Väkfcoloak^ 524-20 A v c NW., Wanup, Önt. | Calgary. Alta. from Finland are are just atK>ut wom out froni skiing on the crust wlth them. I «ft on them going down hllls for Its too risky standing up. My glrlfrlend's birthday te on March 2nd. I'U have to tum her over my khee then. Our radio ls broken so I can't Usten jio any of my favourlte programmes j tmtil it is repaired, which I hope »•UI be soon. . I finlshed setring on my two apron» about a week ago. Was 1 cver glad tb get them finlshed! Weil, I guess ni 6igh off here so bye for nowf Irma Heteooen. Starrat. P.O., Ont. Esko Attended Metting HAU) Margaret and everyone. Weil, I just came home from a mee-ting of the St. Catharlnes Star Club. The memijer» held a meeting and then played cards. We cut otir «ood yestefday. It to<& four hinirs to cut it. Ve had a man with a latgc, cIrcle «aw and trac-tör. If you cver got yoor hand caught in the saw U would get cut in balf. Weil, that» aU fot txom. Cteexiol. Esk» Harju. R.rt. 1, St. Amu, Ont. Miriam'S Riiiles Hello big sister Margaret and all the vrlters of this page. Weil, I thlnk Its my lurn to wrlte a letter to this scctlon. I hope Ätnrgairet wlll forglve mc for not wHtlng i^dr siich a long time. How Js the weathcr In Sudbury? The weather here 1« really stormy iiow and the North Wlnd ls really blowlng wlth all its mlght. It took my hat and blew it nearly to the road, It dldn't evcn ask my permission to do that! I didn"t go to school today because It wfls too stormy, Did sister Margaret get lots of Valentine cards? I got quite a few and t want to thank all the school chlld-ren very much for the nlce cards and especlally my teacher for hers. We have a new calf .igain. It? nsme ls Dalsy. She 1» rcd, browj) and whlte wlth a whlte .spot on her forehead. I have been knittlng a pair of socks for myself and a fiweatcr at the «ame time but I have to buy more yarn to finish It. Boy, was there a big alrplane crash ot Wanup! Did I ever get scared when I 8aw how big the plane was. I want to send my best wthe8 to Laina, upstalrs of the Vapaus bulldlng. I hope «he 1Ä feeling alright, I waut to thank all the people whp came to see me at the hospital and M IB» Irma Mäki who is a nurse at St. Jofieph'8'hospital In Sudbury. WcU, I guess ni copy a rlddle. VTbafs tbe differenee betv^n a pla-net and a star? Can you name the largetft planet known? I wlll' give the anKwer In my next letter. ^ X guess X'll have to sign off because this chit-chat will never end other-wifie. 8weete8t dreams to big sister Margaret, Miriam Segerman, Quartz, Ont, BiUy Skiis Down Steep School Hill Dearest Margaret and all the readers and writers of this page. We boys at school are making a slld- Ing hm. It Is quite asteep hUL We go down on skite and when we get to tbe bbttom of tbe hill we just about fall on our tMicks. It took us at least two days to chop dowTi the treea, This mornlng it was »/cold^that I did not go to school; There' is so E D W i N ^ 8 I J K S l Trans-Atlantlc ftuiseiigar ConPe-rencen Taltuuttaltu uiandte Edustamme nielkeln koilkkla Jötu> tavlmpla valtamferttinjöja. Suim-nlt «lle88anne matkaa dudmMtt tai muihin Euroopan miaihih. foittft luottamuksella k&totyft inyteen»' me lippu' y4n; mstkM'kUBkevlMMi asioissa. VAPAUS STEAMMB^ TIGIOrr AGENCT' COIVtK 617K6I Valtuutettu asiamies ^ P. O. Box 69 CENlltAL TAXI tLtadber») • PtalwUa'844 . 80 Spruce Ave., So. PorcuplM. Önt much snow on the road tHkt we äm hardly get tb school. I have two and a half mlles to go to tehool. > ' On Vaicntine'6 Day X got a lot of Valcntlnes, They are very nlce. Thnts all för tiöw! VIllyRlpat. Box 49, l A c du Bonnet, Infiin. AVIOLIltTÖON VIHITTY Helmikuun 26 p:nä 1949 flfiss Rathelharenfe ja Mr. Leti Alanen Rouyn, Quebec 311 Main St. Vancouver, B. O. PtihelinPA. 0538 Ainoa suomäiäineh' ruokala Vancoiiverissä. Kohtuulliset himat ja hyvä palvelfts. CRYSTAL STEAM BÄtHS '. AVKI MOKA insvk Suomalaiset bmls^Jat Mr. Ja Mn. L. Lonaa4 CRYSTAL BEAUTY SALON Omistaja, IMarirei PUHELIN HA. M M 1763 E. ibstlof» St. Vancouver Br. CoItimU» Puhelimet: Koot. 99* — koti SMa Kootiorf: 62B Ck)vemmeni Baad West BoomSl Broce Wifiams, K. C* LAKIMIES ~ ASIANAJAJA NOTABIO KirfclaadlAke KUVIElT VÄRITY StÄ Lähettak&ä melll? suurennus mieleisen tänne maisema-, kalastus», perheryhmä- tai muusta kuvastanne väritysohjeet mukansu •Teemme taiteellisen öljyvärltjk-sen nopeasti. SuurenhnlESla myöskin omista fUmeistäzme. HINNAT - Väritys SBimnmis 5x7 t. -.75* «c 8X10 t. . . . . . . . . . U t 7«e Lähettäkää raha tilauksen mukana, lisäten 10c postikuhija vor-ten. Palautamme valmiin tyaa hyvin paitattuna. NIEMI'S STUDIO REGD 1199 s t CaiiiailiHft M. Wtf Montreal 2, QiM. p4, mm. 51; .• ^^^^ ••'i>' ROMAN PNIEVVSKI MbatvnMiaini ptaktfikka Earoiya häonataimBdaia ERIKOISAIANA sisustaudit. naisten, lasten ja veneriaei taudit Hlelurisat leiKataah uudella menetelmftlll IdTattdmasU / Ilman veren vuotoa. •asfaaBettot«udt:KcilaMbk^^^^^^^^^ ' m
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Vapaus, March 3, 1949 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finnish--Canadians--Newspapers |
Publisher | Vapaus Publishing Co |
Date | 1949-03-03 |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | Vapaus490303 |
Title | 1949-03-03-05 |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
OCR text |
Uusi pBtUtadiäie
Leo Charbonneau
}:orh:n'.ksit crikohalamvic
PBheUn 6-6601 - KoUm 3-,4997
61 Lorne St-, Sudbury
65 Larch St. Sudbury
Puhelimet 8-8344 ja 5-5663
^ FOiRD & MONAKCB henkflö-autoja
W. MAftTIN .
Suovialainen Myyntiedustaja
Leninki, takki, puku y.m.
Suomalainen kangaskauppa
S3 Durham St. S. Yläkerra.ssa
Lea lAhes Watching
Boats Come In »
He^Jo sister Margaret and everyone.
I znust start vrriting again as I
haven"! written lor a long Time noftr
and I «as cne of those who said they j
would tri' and write more ofien.
I hope everyone, incliMing sister
Margaret, faad a gjcd Valentine's Day,
I had fun. We »--jd a party at school.
played games and had eats.
There •R-as a bingo game here last
night at the U.A.C. haU. I ivent and
won one game. For the prize I got
a dollar. . The card. that I won with
was the one I had taken v.hen I first
started playing but me2nwhile I had
taken another card. One of my schöol
chums wanted to trade cards so I
! traded and it was the card I had first.
j £!he iaid I'd probably win and I did.
Was she ever disgysted!
Dad and I went to the Valentine's
dance hsi-e. "VVe enjoyed ourselves, at
least I did. We'^got home about 3 ajn.
There sure is awful ueather here,
£now- for neärly two mohths. Now
if is beginning to m?lt and am 1 glad!
At fii-st everyone wants snow but now
everj-onc ij-ants jiist the cpposite.
Dad and I were just watching a
large vessel gcing out. Its . the
"Estävän"', the boat that looks after
ali the lighthouses ,on the west
coast. Another is coming in, its a
large tug called the "Tomac". Ils
about 150 ft. long. We caji see them
miss seeing ali the ships ccming in.
j Everyday one or two deep-.s^a vessels
come in.
Our cat has had a sore leg for two
weeks now and v.e can't see anything
wrong with it. I ihink it .wni get
better soon, at least I hope so.
Thats ali the news I have for now.
So-long everyone!
Caaadan tnMtifestiTaaU
zlkoi tlE. 1 p:nä ToronUMBS.
Sfihen osalUshm UnssijoiU
ktradesta Canadan fcanpon-
Sista. Tässä näemme 11-
raotiaan Janet Macnen
valmistamassa Itseään enenen
ali from our kitchen window,
.we move lo Port Alberni, we
Vakaatuksia - kiinteimistöjä
Kiinteimistölaino ja
PUHELIN 4-4092
Elm f6t E., Sndbiiry, Ont.
Lea Kauko,
Ucluelet, B. C.
Vancouver Island.
60 EIgin St. Sudbury
• Shell gasölfinia ja öljyä
# Firestone-autokumeja
• Prest-O-Lile pattereita
# Automoottoreiden
Helen Skipped Graie,
Now in 6th
^Dear Margaret and ali the readers
and. v.-riters' of this page. ^
I have had quite a bad cold. At
'I j schcol \ve play hopscotch. There are
! S of us girls playing but usually the
i boys Gome and ifess up our gatne.
When we go in the school they leave it
alone though. There were three girls
in my grade but one moved to VVirnii-peg.
Her name is Jean. Last year
Jean and I were in grade 4 but our
teacher. Miss Bilinoky, put us into
grade 6.
Soon we will bs having our Easter
examsand 1 hope to do better than I
did at Christmas tirae.
There is so much snow out here that
the dogs cän hardly get into ths fields.
Weil, I guess thats about ali for now.
I will write more next time. Cheerio!
Helen Ripat,
Box 49,
Lac du Bonnet, Man.
l i i
J U O K A A .
Leo h Janitor
at School Nou)
Dear sistÄ- Margaret and ali the
rest (4 the members. '
Weil, I finally got äown to vriting,
it sure is time I did; I vant to thank
sister Margaret for the nlce gift.
The weather out here has been quite
nice for the last few days.
Ame"Levanen and I are janitors at
the schpol now. y/e vrashed the floor
on Simday. We took scme pictures at
the school. '
The Junior Parmers of whlch I am
a member held a dance on the 18fh
of Feb. A few weeks ago we had a
shding party. Did we ever have a loi
pf fun! •
Dad is now in ShUo, Manitoba but
he is. coming home for a visit on the
I wLsh summer \vould hurry up and
come because I .am tired of Winter
We had a Valentine party-at the
school. I was master of ceremo^^es
for the prpgramme we had. It was
made up of songs and ^recitations.
Afterwards we had lunch änd played
games. We aLso had a Valentine-box
Dad sent me a cameta for my blrth-day.
I have already taken many
pictures with it. • .
JDur sow will soon have a calf. I
hope we don't have to stay long with-out
milk. '
I would like to have some penpals.
Weil, I guess that,s all for now.
Leo Lehto,
Mokomon, Ont.
Our Ist Letter
from Eleanor
Dear Margaret.
This is my first letter to the "Perheen
nuoremmille". I am eight years
Old. My birthday is on May 23rd. I
am in grade three at school.
I have two Sisters and three broth-ers.
My sisters write to the Vapaus.
We had a Valentine party at oUr
school today. We liad a short pro-gramme.
I will closö for this time. Cheerio!
Eleanor' Hunnaklco,
Silver Mountain, Ont.
I^rne st.
PUHELIN 7-7561 Sudbury
Eveljoi Must Go
to the Hospital
Dear big sister Margaret and ali
the readers and writers of this page.
Weil, here I am again vith my pen-cil
and paper scribblirtg a few Iines.
How has everyone been? How is sister
Margaret? I am fine but stiil In
bed because I have something on my
legs. I have 'to go to the hospital on
Its been quite -vcann^here these last
few days. This rtorrQhg the temper-ature
.was exactly zero although It is
going to rise up to 15 above today.
I wish spring wouId come soon.
Weil, its only two more weeks until
my father comes home. I hope those
two weeks just fly by.
My mother just went to get milk
from |Iovi*s. We have to buy our
milk since our cows' are going to
freshen soon. I hate when we don't
get enough milk.
My brother is home from school
today. He says he bas a pain in his
5t<»nacfa and besides he cut his f Inger
I i with a knife last night, The cut isn't
' very big though. ,
The big plough vas widenlng this
road last Tuesdayso I guess its Wide
enough now. I bate vben i f s narrow.
Some of my favoorite radio'stories
on tlxe radio are Bpad of Life, Big
Sista-, Ufe Can- Be Beautiful. Ma
Perkiö;, Pepper Young's Family and
ths one that com« on at 3:45 pjn,
I guess I TiPill close iotjscm. Chsaiol
I EiHyu Kivir
j Silver Mtn., Ont.
Halloo siskot ja veljet!
Kyllä ilmat näyttävät muuttuvan
kauniiksi tääUä Sudburyssa. VällM
oli muutama kylmä päivä mutta nyt
taas näyttää aurinko sulattavan lunta,
sillä räystäistäkin tippuu vesi.
Toivon, että jaloissasi el ble mitään
vakavampaa vlkää Evelyn. Itoeta noudattaa
kaikkia niääräykslä, jolta lääkäri
Sinulle antaa, että varmasti paranet
Kyllä Sinulla kuulosti olleen hauska
viikonloppu, Leo. Luldessani kirjettäsi
Umiettelin miten ehditte niin moneen
paikkaan niin vähässä ajassa!
On varmasti mielenkiintoista seurata
kun laivat tulevat ja menevät, Lea.
En ollenkaan ihmettele vaikka kalpai-sitkin
sitä kun muutatte sieltä pois.
En ole kaskaan asunut sellaisessa pal-kas.
sa mutta uskon, että pitäisin siitä
Vai oh X e o ^ tullut oikein työmies!
Jokaisella nuorella yltäisi olla jotain
sellaista tehtävää. Kumpi teistä
muuten on se pää-talonmles?
Joan haluaa klrjeenvalhtovcrin
Suomesta mutta kun häti el osaa l u kea
eikä kirjoittaa suomea niin hänen
täytyisi olla sellalntn joka osaa kirjoittaa
englantia. Siis tc englantia
kirjoittavat ystävät Suomessa, jos haluatte
kirjeenvaihtotoveria niin kirjoittakaa
Kaksi uutta jäsentäkin kirjoitti
osastoomme taas. He ovat Eleanor
Utmnakko Silver Moimtainista ja
lifelvtn Manninen Beaver lakelta,
ptamme teidät ilomielin perheeseemme!
Kiitos myös hauskoista kirjeistänne
Veikko, Irma, Sally, Miriam. Marie,
LHy, Xorma, BiUy, Helen, Jeanne, Diana.
Esko ja Sophie.
LopettalH-sani kirjeen toivotan teille
vielä mäenla^kukeliä tai pikaista
kevättä. Kumpaa eniten miellttej sitä
teille toivon!
Melvin'slst Letter
to This Page
Kello sister Margaret and ali the
readers and writers of this page. *
This wlll be my flrsl letter to thLs
page. I can't say If its wor(h reading
but I hope sister Margaret wlU put It
in the paper.
We had a big ski-meei here at Bea-ver
Lake on Feb. ISth, sponsored by
our club Jehu and the participatlon
was great. I had the honour of meet-
.ing two boys from Klrkland Lake,
Kalevi Mähönen and — Oja, I can't
remember your first name. I hope to
see you fellows next summer, oiu* fa-mily
is suppo.sed to drlve dottTi to
Round Lake to Arvo Maki's for a vlslt.
• , • -
The slalom hill is at my gramma'R
and to us its quite tricky but to the
Sudbury fellows, Suominen and Poutanen,
it was smooth going, Tlds Is
our first year In this sort pf skiing bui
not our last,
"One of Jehu's honorary members.
Seilin Kolari, died Tue.sday, Feb. 15th.
He was a trapper and wa8 on the
way to his traps with his partneri
Mr. Öri-e. He died of a heurt attack.
We boys at schcol have a small rlnk.
The Nairn boy.s came down last fri-day
to play against us. Beaver Lake
won. It was hockey but of course
hot llke the NHL.
Here*s wishlng yau all gcod skating
and .skllng!
Melvin Manninen,
Beaver Lake, Ont.
Leo AUeniei Shm.
Ski Chmt^li^s
Dear big sister Margaret and evexyone
I thought I v o ^ d Just Trite a few
Iines about our ezdtisg veek-end.
Tbe veatber isnt bad here tbese
days. We had a Valentine p»ity at
school and 1 got tblrt«ea Valeatinsa.
I hope e\-e.-yoae else got a great deal
of them. We went to town on
Satudray momlng. W deekled to go
and see the Oom. 8kl Champloashlps
at Port Wimam. but we didnt get
there In time so ttre did our shopplng
and stayed oveitdght at my tmcle's
pl&cc In iPort WlUlam^ In the mom-ing
we started out for Lsppe and
it took us about a half an hotir be-fo!-
e we arrivM there. At 1 Cclock
we started from there to go and see
the Skl jumpers at Mt. McKay. When
B-e reached there they were jump-
Ing already. We huA to buy tlckets
before we could get in and ve olso
bought a book called "The Dominion
Ski Championships". It seems to be
a good book but I havent finlshed
{ reading It yet: They hnd a machlne
with a cable to tow the sklers up
the hill. There were place* to go
for refreshments if anybödy kanted
sohie. Two men fell at the bottoin
of the hill when they were golns
around the cutve and one ihan fell
when he was going to stop. Did they
cver tum somcrsaults as they ifell^
I wouIdn't llke to be one of those
sklers coming down that hill. One
mnn from Duluth Jumpcd 180 feet.
Boy did he gp! He wa.'! jiist ilke
a blrd flylng. 6ne youh? lady Jump-ed
exactly, a 100 feet. The dthers
Jumped between 140 and 180 feet
it sure was fun to so? thcirj jumpt
We started but for our truck but did
we ever have td walk wUh care on
the road because of all the trafflc.
I bet there wci'e thousands of cars
there and many people. too. Thsre
were four Iines of cars on the hlgh-way,
a long,,llne bf cars on eäch
side of the road and cars going both
ways. They had made two parklng
lots for cars but we parktd our
truck on the h!ghwäy. We got mlked
up In the crowd too, We could önly
go ahead a few: Yeet and stop ond
we had to kccp that up for an hPur.
Then we finnlly got out of the crdwd.
I've never in all my exlstance seen
Torstaina, maalisk, 3 p. ~ Thursday, fit^it^^
ttöm SuOliiury
bear sister ICargaret and äU the
readerä and vriteriB ci thia page.
. Weil, it looks llke spring Is Just
arouhd ^ corner. We are keeping
a cfaart at school to see who can see
the most slgns of spring.
A lady trom Sudbury came to vlsit
us on W€dnesday. ä i e vent home
Frlday nIght. I wlsh she would have
stayed longer.
Now that the wcather Is warmer
X am going to fhe fiho*F nearly every
ti k>oks llke it Is going to rain because
It Is 8 o'c!ock and isnt Ught
I have started on the front of my
sifeater noi'. If anyohe wönäers why
X have so much handlwork Its so I
tTOn't get tlred of öne thlhg..
Sophie Kangaa,
R.^. I. ffeamsvlUc, Ont.
Sally Anxipusly
Avaiting Electricity
Kello Margaret and ftU the readers
öf this page. ' \
Weil, here I am answerlng my rlddle
because I forgot to ahswer It In my
last letter. The ansver is on lelcle.
We have had 8now down here lately.
It started to snow on Monday. there
are a few drifts on the road but X
thlnk tho mllkihan «ill plough the
The Nalrn people were very proud of
thelr electric llghts when the school
chlldr^n Weht there to play hockey.
The ice tras a llttlc soft howcver so
they couldn't skato but they played
It wlthout skatcs. BeaVer Lake won
I wlsh thot wc could get electric
llghts soon too. They have started to
put the wtres In the houses here already.
My brothcT.s, Alek nnd Albert, and
^the nelghbour's boy were flshing at
Blbow Laleo last Saturday. They star-ted
at 8 In the mornlng and got hom^
at 8 In the cvcidng. Wcre they cver
tlred vhen they reached home! They,
caught 16 plke.
I have hot been skllng lately because
it hns been SO snowy and stormy
but I win "hop on my skiis agaln and
Ar4 Yöu a Good Loser?
Veikko tykkää
To i^in easy. Feelings of Security,
superiority and self-satlK-faction
come to a person wbo bas
just won »omethJj^g. To fight hard
and ihen win is a great achieve-ment
In itseir. A Winner is alvays
in tlie .••potlirbt, be is the centre
of attenfon and the recelver of
unrmiled jiralsc and glury. How
he reac's lo tlicse thinxs is entirely
up to him. I
To be a loser Is not so easy. It
takes conrage and poise. It Is hard
to have a goal or objectlve tn sigbt,
' to votii hard to r«acb It and then
find yon must be the loser. Per-haps
what a loser hates mw>t is the
feeling of being pitied. It Ls hard
to be on the edge of the spotlight
and tben be forgotten in a momCnt.
It Is not easy to keep yonr temper
at ttals time of bitter dlsappoint-m^
t and. eongratulate your op-ponent,
the «rinner. But
then. went to my uncle*R plaöe and
got our grocerles wiilch we had left
there, We decldpd to gp to,the Finnish
Ilall In iPptt Arthur to see the
boys* gym numbers. There was the
boys'- gym, slngln^'boxlng and aho
many other Interestlng thlhgs. I
llked the boxlng best. We oJso saw
Lauri Huukl ond Bill Salminen. We
started for home when It vas ovcr.
When we got close to homo there
vi'as a car In the dltch and o crah^
wnfi pulllng It out. Whlle we were
going to Lapp? we saw two smashed
cars that we afterwardR hcard, häd
been In quite a bad accldent. Two people
werc hurt and dkd In ho-^pltal.
I took my 3 wea.se!s to town.ana
got $3 for them.
The weather is getling cold-r ond
the wlnd ls blowlng so hard that It
seems as if It Is blowlng^the roof
off the house, I guess I d better «11
of f for now and go to bed. Cheerio!
Lep Wayrynen,
Qulmet, Ont,
as many cars as I saw that day, We, skllng as usua! whcn the weathcr
I tvlll close now for It is petting late
and i have to be awakc In school to-morrov
mornlng so ni know my work.
Stily Manninen.
Beaver Lake, Ont,
Irma Finished
Sewing Apröns
Htllo sister Margaret and all the
readers and writer« of this page.
Here I am agaln scrlbbllng a few
Iines m my «päre monufnts.
How has the World been titjatlng
everybpdy? Fine, I hope as I'm OK.
Did February ever go fa.st! As t&f
a« the wfsither wa5 conccrned It was
really a nice month with, of course the
exceptlon of the high wlnds and few
The Memorlal Artna in Burk's Falls
was opencd on Thursday. Feb. 24th.
I wiKh I could have gone out to see the
Have we ever got a good crust on
the «now. Does the «lelgh ever slidc
on it if you've got a good iiandslelgh.
these ; It l |
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