1949-01-20-05 |
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STOCKHOLM I RUOKALA s ejU Main St. 1» Piihp ^111 •ii Vancouver, B . c. Puhelin P A . 0S3S Ainoa suomalainen ruokala Vancouverissa. Kohtuulliset hinnat ja hyvä palvelus. PERHEEN NUOll^iMlLLE Norma Tells of Fire l^in the Barber Shop Hello sistör Margaret and aU the 11 rcadars cf my letter. jl j Gosh, have we ever got a lot of snow Christmas parcel you sent me. 1 got I UP here. It was snovring the day the " Ardath Missed 4 Days School Dear sister Margaret and ali the readers and writers of this page. Thanlt you very much for the nke CRYSTAL STEAM BATHS A U K I J O K A PÄIVÄ Suomalaiset omistajat Mr. j a Mrs. L.-Lonand CRYSTAL BEAUTY JSALON omistaja, Margret PUHELIN HA. 0094 1763 E. Hastings S t Vancouver Br. Columbia r teacher was suppcstd to ccme in on the plane so we got an extra day holi-day. another book f rem njy friend fh Toronto, SO now I havejtwo. We have missed four days from I school already sinee Jan. 3nL because It was awfuUy cold yesterdavT^One i t^e awful weather. Today we didnt CENTRAL TAXI I (Lindberg) : | P u h e l i n 944 I Spruce Ave., So. Porcupine, Ont. i ^jMiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiniiiinmniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiirii? house was reaUy warm. "niere was a . fire in the barber shop and beauty : parlor up here. The people -«rho own ; n have their herne built on to it and : it was ali burned from the inside. ; It d:d not burn right down to. the , grounä but it was • quite bad. The i shcp part did not burn quite so badly. 11 guess the m;n wiU have to let their i hair grow long for awhile. I Good-bye for now. So-long sister Margaret and everycne els?. Xorma Järvi. Bissett, Man. »rofessori Rapautettu latsisyytteestä Ansbacb, Saksa. — Professori E r - lest Heinkel, joka oli aikoinaan yksi jaisan johtavista Isntokonsrakenta-ista, vapautettiin tiistaina natsisyyt-eestä saksalaisessa vetoomusoikeu-essa. Viime vuod:n huhtikuussa alEsalainen natsismin poisjuurimis- >ikeu9 antoi päätöksen, että professori leinkel on natsi. Vetoomusoikeus totesi Hsinkelin lievän miehen, jolla on 'dsmokraat-isia ja sosiaalisia tunteita'. Oikeu-len päätösessä safiotaan lisäksi, että alkka Heinkel oli natsipuoluesn jä-en V. 1933 saakka, niin hän "kielsi »rjatyölälsten huonon kohtelun kalissa tehtaissaan". Nancy Sick in Bed Dear sister Margaret and everybody el5e. When I wTote the last time I forgot to \vrite my name. I have been in bed wtih a cold and I cannot go to school yet and my mother is going to get me some school work. I can read F i n nish a little bit now. I haven't verj' much to s jy so I think I will closs now. Cheerio! Nancy Rasmus, 957 Broadview Ave, Toronto, Ont. go to school because i n the night it was so cold that we nearly frose in bed before moming came and when we did get up it was snowing so hard that you could hardly see the sky or the ground. It has been Uke that nearly ali day. This is 4:10 pm. and it has stopped snowing a little during the day. Wlttn I went to feed the baby calf it was blowing as hard as anything. Today Mr. Kqrpi cam^e to oiu: place to f ix the gramaphone. He opened It and closed it again and \phen he went to «-ind it up i t made sort of a snap and it was broken again. When he put it away my mother brought him another one to be fixed but daddy gave him a c i g a ^ t and v?hen he got through smoldng my- mother gave -Tiim a cup of coffee. When he was through with It my inöther was ready for supper. • I think that is a l l . I will write for now. Ardath Heikkilä, Box 55. Spriicedale, Ont. Sally has been Slding Ahready Hdk» sister Margaret aiul aU the readers and writers of this page. I bo|»e that aU of ymi «re enjoying tbenevyear. The»eatherdownliare has been raifiy and last night tite iftin troze and there is ice aU over the roads. Now it is snowIng. It is dan-gerous on the road when it is so slii;>- pery. \ Marion Received Many Gifts Hellen's Riidle K E S T O - f, K I H A R O I D EN K E S K U S Ensiluokkainen palvelus^ Bahnoral Beauty Salon Sigrid Ketola, omistaja |8 Elm St. E., Puh. 3-1590 Sudbury UUSIA . . . Lapamatokapselleja t Tehokas läpamatolääke, jota voi nauttia ilman paastoambta ja ottamatta nlostoslääkkeitä. H i n t a 3 . 0 0 p u l lo Ppstltilaukset suoritetaan viipymättä. KARI PHARMACY P U H E L I N 6-6572 87 Kathleen St. W. Sudbury , Dear sister Mai-garet. I Thank you for the lovely Xmas j gifts, not that I deserved them as I did \ nct kesp up with my writing to you. I My grandmother reads to me from i the Finnish storybook you sent me. I I had a very nice Xmas and received bts of lovely gifts such as skates, a ring from my mother and father. dishes, dresses etc. Now I am waiting to go skating, w^ather permitting. I guess I'll close now and try to do better in writing to you this year. Marion Wiita, Lockerby, Ont. Rita has Many Penpals Dear sister Margaret. Just a few linas to thank äll the boys and girls for the lovely Xmas ca.''ds and gifts. Its raining up here now. I expect Ifll turn to show soon. I received a lot of nice letters from 'penpals. We spsiit a very quiet Ne\v Years but had a lot of fun ChristmaS. Thsy'- re starting to draw the pulpwood up here. We are still waiting for more snow'. I guess this is ali for this time and I hcps to hear from scme more penpals. Rita Belanger, Blount Siding, Via Cochrane, Ont. JUOKAA. SILVBR FOAM VIRVOKE JUOMIA TILATKAA YKSI LAATIKKO TÄNÄÄN SUDBURY BREWiNG ancf MALTING ^me St. COMPANT LIMITED PUHELIN 7-75^1 Sudbury Hello sister Margaret and eveiyone else. Has it ever rained here and last night there was a frost that froze ali the rain. Today it was snowing, i m - agine, three kinds pf wjfather right after each other, We ali bring oiu- sleds to school now for there is a hill near the school that is ali iced. Is it ever nice to slide down! Do we ever go fast. The boys made a jump at the bot-tom of the hill, They go down it with their sled and of f the jiunp. Whoever jumps farthest on their sleds has made the record for the day. My grandfather let the' btill out one day at the farm and i t wandered into the bush and got lost for i t did not know the woods i n the Winter time, they must have looked so much dlffe-rent wjth no leaves on the trees. They looked for it ali over the nelgh-bourhood but they cöuidin't find It. I t had fcund the traclcs so it followed them. Grandfather said that the bull had made circles around trees and everywhere. The snow was so deep for walking that he tumed back and got the horse and rode horseback. The funny thing about it is that he put a b;g cowben around the horse's heck. He lookiBd like a real cowboy. He put the bell there so the b u l l - v o u ld hear it. The bull was about ä mile i n the bush away from the farm. If it had stayed overnight I.guess the wolves would have eaten it. This should teach you never to let your bull out during the Winter. We had another ski-race here on Sunday. I'm not sure who won it but I think it was B i l l Salminen of Jehu I haven't skied yet this Winter but I think I.might take part in i t next time. There isn't very much snow so SO the s k i i i ^ isn't ve"ry good. Daddy's glad there isn't too much snow because he dcesn't have to plough the roads. it--was so nice on Sunday that it was jtist like a summer day. r i l ask a riddle. - "Innin tinnin, jynnin jännin, jyrkät polvet, väärät sääret, harmaa hamonen päällä." What am I? I ' l l teli you in my next letter. Helen Rintamäki, Beaver Lake, Ont. I have heen skilng twice this Winter at theÄi-raees. I beiong to the Jdiu Club. I like skiing but you get v «y tired when you ski an of a sodden at the beginnlng of the wint«t. IwiA «that others would start to ski and take part in otlter sports. ' Today at school tlie boys were shoo-ting «ith ^'Ifl';ttp»; and our teach6r told timn to bring them to her desk. Others brought theirs but I knew ät least 10 who didnt. I know one boy that liad a liandful of äastics but when the teacher was taUdng about them he.stuck t hm down his hoot as fast as he couid. The others hid them in their stockings. When recess came the boys took string and t l ^ them together at both ends. They pretended they were shooUng pap^r and the teacher though they were elastics and äie toM them to bring them up to her desk and so they did.' Weil, I think I w!ll close now. Cheerio! ' " / Salfy Manninen, ' ' R J l . 1, Worthlngton, Ont. Janet has 3 Cabes Hi sister Margaret and a l i the rest of the "perheen nuoremmat". I am very sorry, that I haven*t writt€n to you but will you forgive me please? First thank you very much for such a nice autograph booj^ and lovely card. I will try and write more of ten. -, We went to the New Year's dance at Sicamous. We didn't get home u n - til 5 am. I had a very nice Christmas. I received a lot of {»rcsents and I hope that you had a very lovely Xmaa too. We have the same teacher .we had last year, hex name is Mrs. Northway' and she has 5 chlldren and they äll go to school. The Qldest is 14 and the youngest Is five. It is only a nsonth until my birth* day and then I will be twelve years Old. .We had some friends down for New Year'8 from B . R . 1 New IVcctr. minster. They s t a ^ d ixere five days. We have three little calves. Their names are Vekkuli, SJmo and K y l l i k ki. Yesterday was the first time I saw my grandfather. Was I ever glad to see him and so was Mother as she hadn't seen h im for 19 years. Qi^te a long time! I think I w i l l close. Hope you ali had a very nice JQnas and New Vear*s. Cheerio! Janet Rannikko, . Solsqua, B. C, LeahäsdTmd, onrf i f s Fuzzyt Hello everyone! Is It ever cold today. My glrlfrieiKl and I were half way to sciusol this moming but we had to stop i n a restaurant to have a Jiot chocolate. B r - r, I only hope totnorrow won't be so cold but why hope, i t dosnt do any good in January. \ In every classrocan there is a small brown box by which we can hear the Sister Superior's voice ör anyone's and we can taik back into it. We have listened to records through it. I read that Helien Rintamäki has a Tony. wdl shake, "cause I have one and is i t fuzzy! Weil, guess m do mj- homework so toodle-doo eveorone! l^ea Maki. Box 363, Vak d O r . Que. Seija has been in Bed with a>l^<ewr Esko's kidile Hello Margaret and ali the readers and writer8 of this page. This is the first time ITa using the new fountain pen which you sent me. It «Tites good or should that be weU. Pm not too good at grammar. When my brothers and I werc going to the market Saturday moming we 5aw about five cars full of hunters and right behind them there were two big Jackrabbits running and probably laughJng to themselves. I guess we're getting another calf. My father went to get i t today. Weil school life is boring. as usual. same thing everyday although we play hockey now but I don't think we wlll for long because the ice Is getting slushy. Hete's a riddle. Whal's black and wliite and red aU over? I ' l l answer It in my next letter unless somebody else answer8 i t . Cheeirio! Esko Harju. R.R. 1, St. Ann's Ont. Donald is Fair Cake-Baker Dear sister Margaret and al> the 'perhem nuoremmat*». How dtd everyoite survlve ^Istmas and New Y«r^? I hope you made out aU right. I have been in bed for two days because I have a sore thrcat and fever. I feel fine now biit I have to watch out that I don't catch cold. The Christmas concert that we held Vsn Dee. 22nd was quite good. Ths plays didnt work out very weU as the chlldren dkbi^t know their partsi I was a teacher in "Changing the Sub-, Ject" which was a school play and^ an angel in the Christmas tableau. l a l so sang Christmas songs wlth the othcr chlldren and partidpated i n the Flag I^rlU. It was very lovely to see as the eight girls in i t wöre blus accordiän-pleated skirts. whlte blouses, red piU-boxes and each glrl had two Uni«(n Jacks. The concert lasted two hoiu-s after whlch Santa came and gave out the presents. llater there was dan-cing. I got quite a few presents this year such as (wo palrs of nylons, set of i silk underwear, brosch, hankerchiefs, white sweater with black velvet bows, embrolderj' work. storybooks, shocs, etc. I aiso got many cards. I*d Uke to thank ali those who gave rae presents or sent me^ cards. On Christmas Eve there was a dance at the Wanup Hall but there weren*t very many people there. Whcn my brother and 1 walked home from the hali we Just about froze as it wa8 so cold. The ice on Wahnttpitae River is not thlck enough near our place to go skating SO we have been going skating on a stream behind our ncighbour's. Sometimes we, that is my girlfricnd and her brother and my brother and I go skating in the evening. We take an Old car tire wlth us and ma.ke a fire on the shore and cook tca over it. We sure have a lot of fun but we get 60 many bumps and bruisesi Now the ice Is so poor that it Is Impcsible to skate on it. I am enclosing a plcture of myself. It was taken last fall near the rlver Excuse the stump beslde me. I dldn't notice it. This letter should be long enough by now so bye until next time. Seija Jylhä, Wanup. Ont. Torstaina, U^punik. 20 p . — Thursday, Jan. 20 ÖtijTtt * HUOM! ERIKOISESTI CREIGHTOLAISET UUSI TAXIPÄLyEtm . M A K E L A S E R V I C E S T A T I O N harjoittaa täsfedM teS^ palvelusta nimeltä: 1 P u h e l i n 2<2269 Kotinumero 2.2210 SULKEUDUM.ME SUOSIOONNE f Dear sister Margaret and ali mem-bers of this section. I t o t of ali I wish to thank sister Margaret for the Christmas presents. i had a very enjoyable Christmas and hope everyone else did too. The weather out here Is Just Uke spring. Most of the snow has melted ;down to a few inches. The ice is quite tiiick but not suitable for skating. I did some skating a little while back but no skiing so far. I would like very much to have penpals from ali over Canada. I'm 14 years Old, nearly fifteen, height 5'7". weight'122 pounds. hair blonde, eyes hazel. My favorite sports are swlm-ming, skiing, skating and track sports. My hobby is model airplane building and baking cakes (8:0 on. laugh) By, the way. sometimes I t um out expert Jobs that I would contest with any of you girls but I 'm probably a bit meteier, you know, batter i n my hair. flour arouiid the kitcben, etc. X wquld like to hear from boys and girls (of coin'se) who live in the west and along the B C coast. Don't let this discourage you, ITI answer ali letters r^ardless of wheTe they're from and 111 Biso exchange snapshots, etc. Take notice and don't spare the pen ar)d paper! Weil, I guess thats a l i for now. 111 i,cad a p x l u n cf myself to your a l - bum as cowi I gei. 'cmc morerecent ones devclo?;:!, shtcr M - r j z r e t . Happy New Year a l i ! Donald Flaami, Mihnow Lake, P.O., Ont. Anita's Ist Letter the Ferdy Cant Ski For Lack of Snow Dear Margaret and ali the readeirf and writers of this page. It sure has been a long time siace I wrote last. First 'Of a l i , I want to thank Margaret for the nice Christmas present. I hope everybody had a nice Christmas. We can't do any skiing here because there is harjUy any snow at ali. I have been skating many times Halloo siskot Ja veljet! Sääukko on e r^tynyt sesougeissaah aiiMkln Sudbuiyssa. Tammikuussa, but now there is 3now on the ice. Weil. the Xmas hoiidays are gone and now we11 have to wait for the Easter hoiidays, eh?. I havent got much to write this time so ITI close for now. • Cheerio! Ferdf Plaainu_ Minnow. Lake, Ont. Ibni has a Baby Brother Dear big sister MJargaret and aU the readers and writers of this page. This is my seventh letter to the Vapaus. I will vrite a few Iines because I have time. My sister Shirley wrote to the V a paus t o a I had a cold for two wedES. My baby brother is 6 months old. He is growing very fast. I guess I will go to bed now- Cheerio! nmi Khri Silver Mountain, Ont-jolloin Itmta pitäisi, sataa tulee vettä oikein taivaan täydeltä. Nyt se kumminkin näyttää muuttuvan himekäl, saadaanlcohan vihdoinkin niin paljcm lunta, että voisi vetää' vanhan suksi-parin kellarista Icäyttöä'varten. Nameyn kirjekö se olikin viime viikolla, jossa ei nimeä'oliut lainkaan Eipä siitä mitään vifittinkoa tullut kun kerran ilmoitti minulle, nyt minä vain Aierkitä sen sintm korttiisi, mtniten t i - lUläsi oUsi vuoden lopulla ollut ykst khje vähemm&i kuin mitä kirjoitit. Eskon kirJe ei viime viikolla ehtinyt nyt lehteen siis yltdistin sen kirjeeseen jonka sain sinulta tiliä viikolla. TUiUesi panen silti kaksi kirjettä. Kiitos kuvianne, Seija ja Doris. Panen ne albumiin aivan heti. Kiitos myds sinulle, Jean, kuvistasi ja. kirjeestäsi jonka lähetit ."Jtut for me". Saimme tällä viikolla uuden siskonkin, Anita, K^rtbn South Porcupines-ta. Tervetuloa joukkoomme! Sainune myös midenkiintoisia kirjeitä BOMIU. SaOylta. Maiioailla, J a - netUts, FraneesUta. BUaita,\ Atma- LiiuUa, Letit*, nmOta. Donalditta. Pet«l7lta, Normaits, Lealta, Miiiaaii. la, ArdathiUa, HcOcaiiU, SopUdta, Dorisilla, HeleaUfs, Veikrita, Kale-vftta J» Aarnolta Suomesta. Lukekaa lieidän kirjeenne tarkkaa sillä heillä onkin paljon kertomista tällä fcfertaa. Ei siis mmtta koin hyvästi ensi viikkoon saakkal Sophie Skates on School Rink Dear sister Margaret and a l i the readers and vrlters of this page. Today we .went to Hamilton for a visit but when we arrived there the people had gone someplace. At least we had a good ride. We're having spring-Uke weather. I'm afräid we're not going to have very many opportunitles to go skating. A l i the snowdrifts have melted now. We luive a sloiting rink at ottr school. The school truatie» flood the rink every year. We have an hour and 20 minutes to skate. We skate half the time and the big boys play hockey the other half. This year Tm trylng to wrlte more often tban I did last year. I liope I keep my resolutkm. Cheerio! Sophie Kaoga», R.R. 1, Beamsville. Ont. Dear sister Margaret and ali members of this page. This is my first letter to the V a paus, I am nlne and I wlll be ten this month. I am in grade four, Every year so far I have had a good teacher. Weil..Christmas has come and gone and the new year has startjd. I hope it started out nicel>% I guess every-body' 6 looklng for new thlngs to hap-pen I have a dog and a cal, the cat runs around the housc with the dog after It because thafs how they play. Right now they're both slceping behind the stove. The weather down here Is getting colder than i t was arcund Christmas. I just came from up town and I a l - most froze my nose. I guess I'd better close because I haven't anything more to say. Cheerio! Anita Kartio, Box 605. South Porcupine. Santa was Good to Afiriam Dear sifter Margaret and readers and vriters of this page., I want tb ttiank sister Margaret for the autOKrai>h book. I hope sister Margaret got many presents for Christmas and the others too. I got 2 hankies, a wallet, 4 palrs of panties, snakes and ladder game, box of choco-lates, .apron. jig-saw puzzle. Bobtoeey Twin book. perfume and povder and a ball ot wo6L X hope everytiody had a nice Christmas and New Tear. I guess I wiU close now. Cheerio! HOtbm Väisiaen. Box 905, South Ponrupine. Aarno kirjoittaa Suomesta Hyvä Margaret-si-sko! Terveiset täältä kaukaa Suomesta. Tuhannet kiitokset teille Margaret-sisko siitä joulutervehdyksestä, klrjai-j-ta Ja suklaalevystä, jotka tulivat perille juuri Jouluaattona, joten nc tuli - vat kuin pukin kontista. Täällä satoi lunta niin paljon, ettei tullut mustaa Joulua. Kaksi päivää ennen jouluaattoa oli maa aivan mustana, mutta seuraavana yönä tuli lunta jo niin paljon, että pääsi aamulla hiihtelemään. Järvet täällä ovat olleet Jäässä jo pitkän alkaa, joten olen päässyt lulst«lemaan. Kävin Jouluaamuna kirkossa. Jumalanpalvelus alkoi kello 7. Kirkko oli täynnä väkeä. Minä olen nyt lyseon (korkeakoulun) 11:11a luokalla. Meille opetetaan mm. englantia Josta sain todistukseeni 8. Minusta se on helppo kieli. Siinä el ole niin paljon kielioppia kuin ruotsinkielessä, Joten s i tä oppii paljon helpommin. Lähetän tämän kirjeen mukana valokuvani. ' Nyt lopetankin tähän. Toivotan j Margaret-siskolle Ja perheen nuorem- j mille onnea vuodelle 1949. j Aarno Nieminen, ' Parola, Hurttala, Finland. Europe, j Leo Tells of Wreck Hello Mai^aret and ali the readers and writers of this page. » WeU? I thought I v/ould write a f€w Iines. I haven't_ got very much to say this time. The weather is a little sUtfmy today but I dont mind It. There was a bad wreck 5 mlles West of here. A train conslsting of 24 ijox-cars W€nt olf the track, There wa3 eight cars of grain that scattered ali over the track and some even went Into the bush. My dad was worklng there ali day yesterday and a l l night i m t i l 8 o'clocj( this ^noming. The ansver to my riddle is a tooth. Weil. IM better close f o r now and go to bed. Ctueti^ Leo Wayrynen, Quimct, Ont, Anna-Liisa is Knitting Mittens Dear sister Marg.iret. I thank you very much for the ecarf and autogreph book you sent mo I had a very nice Christmas l i o l i - day. I got many presents sudi as a nccklace. shocs. sklrt, .sweator. imnith organ, t h i t e boxcs of candy aiul many other things. I hope you will forgive mc for not writlng sooner. I had .so many c.licr letters to answer I did not kno\v u h l ch one to answcr first. At ths Finnish Hall -\vc have gym every Tucsday at 7.30 pm. We also have craft every Frlday from C.30 until 9^pm. At craft I .sinrHf-d a pair of mltlens. They are pnay, I guess thats all for no\v. Cliccrlo! Aunä-Liisa Oja, Box 168, South Porcupine, Orrt. Kaikenlaisia : KANKAITA • • Leninki, takki, puku y.öi. Tcanmc NEVIJOMATYÖTÄ UNIVERSAL DRY GOODS Suomalainen kangaskauppa C3 »urham St. S. YlikemsMi PUH. 6-6056 SUDBTSIY Frances Spent New Year's Holiday with Girlfricnd Hello sister Margaret and everyone of thl-s page. I'm taking time of f to wrlte this | letter, I hope everyone had a Rood Christmas. ,1 did. I'U tcU you whut I Rot for Chrlstmn.s. I got a monopoly game. a gami of Ups and Down.s, its like snakes and laddcrs, two aprons, one Is plastlc and the other is made of clolh and a handkorchicf ulth u little glrl on II. . 1 would l^e to have a pcnpal about II or 12 years old. It has been very cold out here. i've been slelgliriding at Edna Tuokko's place, .she'8 my girlfricnd. On Saturday I went to the show wUh my;mum and m y . b r o t l K r . We got a rIde- wUh' one of our friends and cornini; back we got 11 rld;.' liRht to the hali. That ni[^ht I .slfjjJt af Edna's place. We went to .slcep .'tl i 12 am. On Sunday Edi:a canio over to niy place and wc played iii the \n\r,\\. I saw my brother, I called him lo ch>^c us and he did- Wc ran all orer oijr property. it wa.s fun. I wi!f> ull wet, Then Edna went home. •Thats all I can think cf. C3ood-nlghl! France» Sodprbolni, * WcbSter'fi Corntr.-, B. C. GAREAU TAILORS & Cd. A J A N M U K A I S E T KU09XT Täydellisesti r&iiilöliy PUHELIN 5-5461 : 55 BEECII S T SUiaBliRT (Fronlcnac HctelUn rakeim.> FOOT&GORINGLTD VukuGtuksla • kiinlciailstOJ& KllnteimUtdtolnoJs PUHELIN 4<«M> » G2 E lm St. E., Sodbory, Ont VH. W, K . M A N C H E S T ^ VÖL E L X I N L X X K X l l l Z | M Duffcrin St. floAflor Edward Supply-Varastoh.' " Puhelin 4-45n jos ette •»» VMtib*- ta soltUk*» l - t fU . . i i ~Ol<:ttP.ko }i> uusinert FAPAU PRiV lilauf/KPn? S T A T I O N - TAUNO LUNDGRE^^ omistaja .\ . coEiginHt. Sodbiuy • Shell gasolQnia Ja ö l j y i • Firestone-autokum»)« • Prest-O-Lite p|Ut«r«Ita • Automoottoretlden puluUstuslaiter ' ' ^ 7< TÄYDE! NTI* KÄYNNISSÄ Johtunen turkki kaupassamme myyii^m. SÄÄSTÖJÄ! SÄÄSTÖJÄ! ^ohiison's Furs • Sudbnryn heinöin turkiskauppa \ PUHELIN 3-1331 \ 16 D u r h a h i St. S. Sudlniry«
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Vapaus, January 20, 1949 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finnish--Canadians--Newspapers |
Publisher | Vapaus Publishing Co |
Date | 1949-01-20 |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | Vapaus490120 |
Title | 1949-01-20-05 |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
OCR text |
ejU Main St.
1» Piihp
Vancouver, B . c.
Puhelin P A . 0S3S
Ainoa suomalainen
ruokala Vancouverissa.
Kohtuulliset hinnat ja hyvä
Norma Tells of Fire
l^in the Barber Shop
Hello sistör Margaret and aU the
11 rcadars cf my letter.
jl j Gosh, have we ever got a lot of snow Christmas parcel you sent me. 1 got
I UP here. It was snovring the day the "
Ardath Missed
4 Days School
Dear sister Margaret and ali the
readers and writers of this page.
Thanlt you very much for the nke
Suomalaiset omistajat
Mr. j a Mrs. L.-Lonand
omistaja, Margret
1763 E. Hastings S t
Vancouver Br. Columbia
r teacher was suppcstd to ccme in on
the plane so we got an extra day holi-day.
another book f rem njy friend fh Toronto,
SO now I havejtwo.
We have missed four days from
I school already sinee Jan. 3nL because
It was awfuUy cold yesterdavT^One i t^e awful weather. Today we didnt
(Lindberg) : |
P u h e l i n 944
I Spruce Ave., So. Porcupine, Ont. i
house was reaUy warm. "niere was a
. fire in the barber shop and beauty
: parlor up here. The people -«rho own
; n have their herne built on to it and
: it was ali burned from the inside.
; It d:d not burn right down to. the
, grounä but it was • quite bad. The
i shcp part did not burn quite so badly.
11 guess the m;n wiU have to let their
i hair grow long for awhile.
I Good-bye for now. So-long sister
Margaret and everycne els?.
Xorma Järvi.
Bissett, Man.
»rofessori Rapautettu
Ansbacb, Saksa. — Professori E r -
lest Heinkel, joka oli aikoinaan yksi
jaisan johtavista Isntokonsrakenta-ista,
vapautettiin tiistaina natsisyyt-eestä
saksalaisessa vetoomusoikeu-essa.
Viime vuod:n huhtikuussa
alEsalainen natsismin poisjuurimis-
>ikeu9 antoi päätöksen, että professori
leinkel on natsi.
Vetoomusoikeus totesi Hsinkelin
lievän miehen, jolla on 'dsmokraat-isia
ja sosiaalisia tunteita'. Oikeu-len
päätösessä safiotaan lisäksi, että
alkka Heinkel oli natsipuoluesn jä-en
V. 1933 saakka, niin hän "kielsi
»rjatyölälsten huonon kohtelun kalissa
Nancy Sick in Bed
Dear sister Margaret and everybody
When I wTote the last time I forgot
to \vrite my name. I have been in bed
wtih a cold and I cannot go to school
yet and my mother is going to get me
some school work. I can read F i n nish
a little bit now.
I haven't verj' much to s jy so I
think I will closs now. Cheerio!
Nancy Rasmus,
957 Broadview Ave,
Toronto, Ont.
go to school because i n the night it
was so cold that we nearly frose in
bed before moming came and when
we did get up it was snowing so hard
that you could hardly see the sky or
the ground. It has been Uke that
nearly ali day. This is 4:10 pm. and
it has stopped snowing a little during
the day.
Wlttn I went to feed the baby calf it
was blowing as hard as anything.
Today Mr. Kqrpi cam^e to oiu: place
to f ix the gramaphone. He opened It
and closed it again and \phen he went
to «-ind it up i t made sort of a snap
and it was broken again. When he
put it away my mother brought him
another one to be fixed but daddy
gave him a c i g a ^ t and v?hen he
got through smoldng my- mother gave
-Tiim a cup of coffee. When he was
through with It my inöther was ready
for supper. •
I think that is a l l . I will write for
Ardath Heikkilä,
Box 55. Spriicedale, Ont.
Sally has been
Slding Ahready
Hdk» sister Margaret aiul aU the
readers and writers of this page.
I bo|»e that aU of ymi «re enjoying
tbenevyear. The»eatherdownliare
has been raifiy and last night tite iftin
troze and there is ice aU over the
roads. Now it is snowIng. It is dan-gerous
on the road when it is so slii;>-
pery. \
Marion Received
Many Gifts
Hellen's Riidle
K E S T O - f,
Bahnoral Beauty Salon
Sigrid Ketola, omistaja
|8 Elm St. E., Puh. 3-1590 Sudbury
UUSIA . . .
t Tehokas läpamatolääke, jota voi
nauttia ilman paastoambta ja ottamatta
H i n t a 3 . 0 0 p u l lo
Ppstltilaukset suoritetaan
P U H E L I N 6-6572
87 Kathleen St. W. Sudbury
, Dear sister Mai-garet.
I Thank you for the lovely Xmas
j gifts, not that I deserved them as I did
\ nct kesp up with my writing to you.
I My grandmother reads to me from
i the Finnish storybook you sent me.
I I had a very nice Xmas and received
bts of lovely gifts such as skates,
a ring from my mother and father.
dishes, dresses etc. Now I am waiting
to go skating, w^ather permitting.
I guess I'll close now and try to do
better in writing to you this year.
Marion Wiita,
Lockerby, Ont.
Rita has Many Penpals
Dear sister Margaret.
Just a few linas to thank äll the
boys and girls for the lovely Xmas
ca.''ds and gifts. Its raining up here
now. I expect Ifll turn to show soon.
I received a lot of nice letters from
We spsiit a very quiet Ne\v Years
but had a lot of fun ChristmaS. Thsy'-
re starting to draw the pulpwood up
here. We are still waiting for more
I guess this is ali for this time and
I hcps to hear from scme more penpals.
Rita Belanger,
Blount Siding,
Via Cochrane, Ont.
^me St.
PUHELIN 7-75^1 Sudbury
Hello sister Margaret and eveiyone
Has it ever rained here and last
night there was a frost that froze ali
the rain. Today it was snowing, i m -
agine, three kinds pf wjfather right
after each other,
We ali bring oiu- sleds to school
now for there is a hill near the school
that is ali iced. Is it ever nice to slide
down! Do we ever go fast.
The boys made a jump at the bot-tom
of the hill, They go down it
with their sled and of f the jiunp.
Whoever jumps farthest on their sleds
has made the record for the day.
My grandfather let the' btill out one
day at the farm and i t wandered into
the bush and got lost for i t did not
know the woods i n the Winter time,
they must have looked so much dlffe-rent
wjth no leaves on the trees.
They looked for it ali over the nelgh-bourhood
but they cöuidin't find It. I t
had fcund the traclcs so it followed
them. Grandfather said that the bull
had made circles around trees and
everywhere. The snow was so deep
for walking that he tumed back and
got the horse and rode horseback. The
funny thing about it is that he put a
b;g cowben around the horse's heck.
He lookiBd like a real cowboy. He put
the bell there so the b u l l - v o u ld hear
it. The bull was about ä mile i n the
bush away from the farm. If it had
stayed overnight I.guess the wolves
would have eaten it. This should
teach you never to let your bull out
during the Winter.
We had another ski-race here on
Sunday. I'm not sure who won it but
I think it was B i l l Salminen of Jehu
I haven't skied yet this Winter but I
think I.might take part in i t next
time. There isn't very much snow so
SO the s k i i i ^ isn't ve"ry good.
Daddy's glad there isn't too much
snow because he dcesn't have to
plough the roads. it--was so nice on
Sunday that it was jtist like a summer
r i l ask a riddle.
- "Innin tinnin, jynnin jännin, jyrkät
polvet, väärät sääret, harmaa hamonen
päällä." What am I? I ' l l teli you
in my next letter.
Helen Rintamäki,
Beaver Lake, Ont.
I have heen skilng twice this Winter
at theÄi-raees. I beiong to the Jdiu
Club. I like skiing but you get v «y
tired when you ski an of a sodden
at the beginnlng of the wint«t. IwiA
«that others would start to ski and take
part in otlter sports. '
Today at school tlie boys were shoo-ting
«ith ^'Ifl';ttp»; and our teach6r
told timn to bring them to her desk.
Others brought theirs but I knew ät
least 10 who didnt. I know one boy
that liad a liandful of äastics but
when the teacher was taUdng about
them he.stuck t hm down his hoot
as fast as he couid. The others hid
them in their stockings. When recess
came the boys took string and t l ^
them together at both ends. They
pretended they were shooUng pap^r
and the teacher though they were
elastics and äie toM them to bring
them up to her desk and so they did.'
Weil, I think I w!ll close now. Cheerio!
' " /
Salfy Manninen, ' '
R J l . 1, Worthlngton, Ont.
Janet has 3 Cabes
Hi sister Margaret and a l i the rest
of the "perheen nuoremmat".
I am very sorry, that I haven*t
writt€n to you but will you forgive me
please? First thank you very much
for such a nice autograph booj^ and
lovely card. I will try and write more
of ten. -,
We went to the New Year's dance
at Sicamous. We didn't get home u n -
til 5 am. I had a very nice Christmas.
I received a lot of {»rcsents and
I hope that you had a very lovely
Xmaa too.
We have the same teacher .we had
last year, hex name is Mrs. Northway'
and she has 5 chlldren and they äll
go to school. The Qldest is 14 and
the youngest Is five.
It is only a nsonth until my birth*
day and then I will be twelve years
.We had some friends down for
New Year'8 from B . R . 1 New IVcctr.
minster. They s t a ^ d ixere five days.
We have three little calves. Their
names are Vekkuli, SJmo and K y l l i k ki.
Yesterday was the first time I saw
my grandfather. Was I ever glad to
see him and so was Mother as she
hadn't seen h im for 19 years. Qi^te a
long time!
I think I w i l l close. Hope you ali
had a very nice JQnas and New
Vear*s. Cheerio!
Janet Rannikko,
. Solsqua, B. C,
onrf i f s Fuzzyt
Hello everyone!
Is It ever cold today. My glrlfrieiKl
and I were half way to sciusol this
moming but we had to stop i n a restaurant
to have a Jiot chocolate. B r - r,
I only hope totnorrow won't be so cold
but why hope, i t dosnt do any good
in January. \
In every classrocan there is a small
brown box by which we can hear the
Sister Superior's voice ör anyone's and
we can taik back into it. We have
listened to records through it.
I read that Helien Rintamäki has
a Tony. wdl shake, "cause I have one
and is i t fuzzy!
Weil, guess m do mj- homework so
toodle-doo eveorone!
l^ea Maki.
Box 363, Vak d O r . Que.
Seija has been in
Bed with a>l^ |
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