1956-07-12-03 |
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a2a eräissä tafc aanifaan aaog}. Pamta on äi-ei palon tiedetä oanlainen. pab iamalla alueella ten ja siinä pa-^' iläistä sotilastl-tysviranomaiset -oksen itserräi^ at voimat syi^.;| a sitten riehn-ikivanha i vuosia se Jojk^ isa raiskaams-^' lan syöpymistl ika ulkomaalaiyi a olevat Laa-: illiset, jotka m perinteensi,^ isa unelniat;: ji silti ole iBO-Iloin kun se fr ;sä aina Atbs-enmeren ranoi' aupungeissa ja"j Canadan vaa-l hansia niailq»:;] iTdämissä kyt*;^ jälleen ovat Ile oikeutetaäJ' '0'Operation Needed No doubt, ali perepns intending to participate in thfe JXJA championsbip events which uoUbe decided at theLiitt<v uhlas have thoroiighly penised the sports program «rhich was ublished last week. As will be noticed-a number of events have been discar-led such as the hurdles and a number of events for t%e over 5 class and also the Tvomen^s competitäon gym. These vents were discarded last year because of the lack of partici^ lation and also to make i t possible to include more children's vents. Otherwise the program i t basically the same with the -ception that swinnnung championships are again included has been the habit at previous Liittojuhlas in Sudbury. ' The women;s groups baye been iirged to prepäre gyro rbu-es of an exMbition natiire to replace the competition gym d gymnasts have also been encouraged to participate in th^ SS g ym whichhasseparate movements for men, Avomeri and Idren. These programs are easy to learn and it is still hot 00 lateto learn themif you are interested in partieipating. Ali clubs are urged to draw up their entries as soon as issible and make arrangements for their athletes to get to udbury. It would assist. preparations greatly if these lists luld be sent iii aweek beforethe IJattojuhlas, with ari indi-ition of hovy many will requure billets, so that the billetmg inimittee will be able to make arrangements in ädvarice tö iccommodate ali participants, wbo will naturälly be giv^n ireferance in billeting: But if it is left to the final night, hen there will be difficulties in finding shelter for ali; ^' ; Participants tooishouldbe entered in advance,so their lames can be ent€red and the necessary draws made. Post •ntries will cause a great deal of difficulties and can be refus-by those in chärge, so make sure you have your name in eli in advance. The preparatory committee is becoming swamped witli ;ks but witheverybodylookingafter their responsibilities ings should be in tip top shape in time for Liittojuhlasi A brand new ^ipment of javelins has arrived from Finland and these willbeput into use at the Liittojuhlas. Per-ips they will inspire someone to make like Nikkinen-and ;hrow a new Canadian or at least a Liitto record. The equip-nt and conditions are there, ali we need is the mah with he arm. ' Other equipment is also being gone over with a fine tooth mb to make sure everything is up tö standard for the big eet. Even the grandstands will sport a new coat of paint nd SO will the dressing rooms. Sudbury athletes will have an opportunity to limber up Iheir shoulder muscles on the shovel handle,;which is a pres-tribed training method for shotput and <iiscus. This will be n the form of shovelling cinders.- The track is in fine sh|pe iow, but i t is feared that a little rain would make the träck nto a skating rink and it is imperative that cinders be läid. rhis will be done on Saturday and ali able bodied athletes are rged to give a hand. ^ Ali participants cian be assured that everything wiirbein Tder when they arrive in Sudbury and the Liittojuhla? will e one of the niost successful held in many*years. j ^ J , jy;e eed now are participants,.that means you and L ; r^.':^':.: ''. ;0NSCRIPTION CALL lEETS OPPOSITION t.-General Guy Simmonds (retJr-called for the military Indoctri- Jtlon of le-year-old youths and con-ription for those from 17 to 25 In ch before the conventlon of the adian Legion. The reactlon f rom presSi prominant hidividuals and ^anizations was immedlate. aa editorlalis entltled '^Achtungl" Vancouver Herald said: 'Xt-Ge- Guy Simmonds dld the 'Cana-^^ Legion a poor servlce by urging men in falue berets to go out intoi country to preach .conscription. v f He thUiks the best place to bulld stamina and healtti and. to Instil *old virtues of integrity, loyalty Service to • the country' is In an ny camp..What, general, are the xents. the churches, the schools pposed to be dolng?" tie editorial continued: "No won-the Service chlefs in Ottawa who their quotas of common sense, on with Justifiable alarm at the of 16-yearrold boys who othenvise be doing something pful, such as leamlng the 'old far oned virtue' of making a living In holidays, or even flshlng." eneral Simmonds' proposals In-^ (1) A national registration at age of 16. with compulsory medi-examination and the placing 'of uths, in categorles according to alth standards: (2) If physicaUy the youths wouldgo to training tips during the summer school va- ^on. (3) Conscriptiön for one year and two years maximum bet-en the ages of 17 and.25. a press conference after his ch to the Legion i t was: polnted that nowhere liad the general the Word "conscriptiön-'^. regard conscriptiön as a naugh^ ' I never ase'It and think we l find ianother Word to take Jts *' said Simmonds.' - National Federation of Labor h in Vancouver.issued a press re-: to all nevsparpers outlining Us sitlon to the conscripUon calL ib it said: "Xt-General Goy fiim- >nds' can fot boy EoMiers Is look-backward at a time wben majoir; rers arp ctisniBsing djgarmammt peaceful bade. former chiet of "staff Is; tiyr to resnrrect conscriptiön; by an^ name. • Nb: yootb dganization [Caniada has gone on record in fa-. compulsory xnJlitary Service." NFy statifflent? conrtndM-;l>f^ the-^nyfmmmt' tn eOt jafli?- «qjenditores to {trovlde a n ^^ tional: sports program In a peaceful econtnay. Politlcal leaders Arthiu' Laing (Li-beral) and Harold ^ a y e r (CCP.Pro-vincial Secretary) also onjosed .conscriptiön. If conscriptiön is necessary Industry should be included. said Thayer. "but I don't think we need conscriptiön." Laing said: " i f we are to belleve our leaders, there Is little likelihood of war what wlth the fear of the H - bomb. It's oompetltive co-existence we must concentrate on." In the past few months. General Simmonds has become increasingly vocal in hIs call for military servlce for young Canadians. As he bam-storms his way across the country, many Canadians are beginning to ask who Is baddng liim and where is he gettlh the money for hls "one-man campalgn." Make Tires From Spuds mmmm A NEW TBQPflY Notes on Speed Actlvilies m i i t e f i s l i .— Edltor Karl can now put that very interesting artlde he*s Just been dylng to publish right back Into the bottQmdrawer... because as much as he hates: to admlt. our Club News Itemseväi trash like mlne, still take top priority. And I just love to make all the readeis suffer. Automobile tires. gasoline and i n - sulators are being made from pota-totö In the Sovlet Union. .ITie jkrocesses Involve a cbain of catalytic processes In wbich the potar to pulp produces alcohol. In tom' converted Into butadlene,: which in its own tum is converted Into a syn-thetlc rubber. Other methods of producing syn-thetic rubt>er, partlcularly' from oil re^ues. are also entlrely based on the use of catalysts. I want to remind everyone that the Speed club is holding a dance at the WhitefIsh Hall next Saturday. July 14th. The big door prizes will be drawn. The men's prize Is a toiuist tent, which is ideal for hunting and camping. The Ladies* prize is a $50.00 merchandise oertiflcate, from Mary's Ladies' Wear in Sudbury. The ladies' seems to be very popular as also Is the man's prize. The draw will be madeat the dance. so be sure to pick up some tickets f rom Speed members or get them at Ihe door Saturday night. Swante Salo Is coming to play. so we'U be sure to have good ryihmic music to dance to. HIs music Is popular with Old and young fölks allke. Here's a notlce to all our present and past members:: Gertle KItts is now membership Secretary, so get In touch with her- for your new card. I also : have good news to. report. ,Sulo Heino of Uptown Restaurant .is donating a Swedish Relay trophy to the Speed A. C. This is a big plug for our club. and the federation, so rm sure the other dubs and tbelr supporters join us in saying thank you to Sulo. During the^^ Liittojuhlas lefs give him our business whenever we're in.a position to do so. ,:Uptown is the new name of the Kuluttajat or Consumers Restaurant.' •nils new trophy wUl be up for competltlon In our f all meet. p n sure it is going to make for much keener competltlon and we are looklng ' for-ward to It älready. Before I sign off I must congratu-late the athletes who eompeted in the pouring rain at Beaver 'Lake last Sunday at the Jehu- meet. Sitting snug and dry in the cari our hearts went out to them for their "sisu". My: admlratlon is also extended to those who ran the 1,500 metres In the mud and wat€r^ The times were really good even for a good day — much less weather like that. See you all at the dance Saturday^ night. — K K K EASY TO LEARN Water Skiing Is Fun! BY CHRISTINE Thougb it appears to be difficult and a little; violent, skiing on water can be easy and Is enjoyed equally by men and wom'en from seven to 70. If you can swlm, you can water-ski!. Doctors praise water skiing. (Inven-ted around 1020) -..as a healthf ui sport. As the skier pulls the rope and pushes with his f eet. the muscles of his legs, arms and stomach are ali exerclsed. While It keeps down the waiBtline and generally Improves ^the physique, there Is no heavy taxation.on the heart since the boat supplies the. con-tlnuous flow of energy.'. The equipment needed for the falr-ly new and challenging sport consists of a strong snugfitting 8Wim suit. moccassins, or; beach. sftndals and a windproof jacket for between rldes. Each year. new designs -in slds are used and compared. .wlth the. poorer ones giving way to the tietter ones as a: result öf the siders! cholces. Wood I N A F I X The young manwrspped his arm around the pretty glrl. "My darling," he breathed. fjrpu're aU the World to me. I don't : k a ow What r d do wittiont you. I loverr—" At tliat moooent the door-bell rang. The glrl Jumped up, ^Ifs my fiance." she gasped.^Ybu must leave at.once. Ob buny!" Ttae young man looked around ner-voosly. IBut bov am 1 goIng to. leave?" he athskeed anxtously. n ean't go out by dooTj Tonr fiance would see me." Tbe giri Qumgbt quickly. "Jump out of the wisdoWi'' sbe ad-vised. /«Bnt vetie on the ttairteenfii floor." U » glrl stämped her foot. ' -So idiat? A e xai^ed. ^At this stage are yoa going to teH me yon're soperxU-tiotts?- Is the most widely used materlal for skls. although molded fibre «lass has also been used successfully. ^ The area of the skl is largely deter-mined by the welght of the skier and; his skill, because faster speeds requlre less area to keep up a different weight.: The front ends have to 1» higher' than the rear ends. The skls are trying to climb a hlll, so to speak aU the time. The easiest and most effectlve way to steer a ski Is to tilt or bank It to the side whlch it Is to be steered.} While It is banked, the ski steers It-self wlth no twistfaig reqtilred by the ankles. Speeds vary from 15 to 35 miles an hour depending on the. boat and experience of the skier. The pow-er it takes to puli a lS5-pound skier at 25 miles per hour Is only about four-horsepower. Progress and enr; Joyment in water skiing are to a great extent dependent on the sklll and co-opei- atlon of the boat drlver. * • • To water Ski safely. it is preferable that one tie a strong swlmmer and feel entlrely at ease In the water and imder it: Weak 8wlmme» should use a life Jacket. although this is a little risky because a hard fall could disr lodge the Jacket and a minuteor two usually elapsss before the boat. can l-etum to the skier. Starts. landings and tums are g c nerally considered the fundamentals of water skiing. It takes the average beginner about 60 rides or live hours of actuäl skiing to become proficlent at "these basic manouvera. ^ Itien, should he want to go into the advan-ced phases of the sport, tbe... ritier wm beready to learn the Special skills of more difficult tridc rldlng may save him many a hard Tall. : Below 30 miles per hour, ther6 is practlcally no äanger of a serlous In-jury. although a fall flat on the side will sometbnes knock a person's breath out. If this happens the^ skier should grab a ski to help keep afloat and remain calm for the short time it takes to regain hls breath. There is some danger of a skier becoming entangled In the rope or getting his arms, legs or neck caught in the handle If he is not experienced enough to throw the tow bar away while falling. Before - attemptlng • a Jump - «ver rämp, a skier should first master wake Jumphig, which Is Jumping over the wake left by the boat and gives strength In the legs and gives one the assurance of a landing required for Jumping f rom the ramp.-^ rNEXPfnMlirillC VHTd A «EV/fRopocTIM MEIklOp' Sun Tanning Tips and Jumping. " To get a clear Idea of the, puli of the rope and the f eel of starting up, Che skier takes dry iand exercises. Af-i ter getting the feel of thiSy he can; attempt .the deep-water take-off. He will advance muchmore xapldly than Che skier who must be carted back to shore after each falL Dnlike snow' skis, most water skls have sensflile elastic blndings whicli let gD befote the bones do. Fortuna^ tely, a skier usuaHy ktunvs when he. fs abbat t o l a l l intlme to pr^tare for it. He Itlcild to iei eo ot the fope tudc in Us chin: and put boUi: hands above' Us head to make a <hallbw dive. A «kfersbotdd praetioe falling^ this sray a few, times on purpose so it become» aa automatlc. xeactlotu It Scotch? Scomi There Js an ever-recurring ques-tlon of: the proprlety of using. i the words Scotch, Scottish and Scots. It is discussed, for Instance in a letter-from an i Edinburgh lady printed In the Glasgow Sunday - Mail. The wri-ter says the modem tendency - is to decry the old term Scotch and offer the reflned Scottish or the more cul-tured Scots. The letter writer continues: "Prom cUldhood I have adhered to Scotch^ as I was taught' at: school; that wa8 the most; anclfnt form. :When angli cizatlon. of the speech; manners and habits of our gentry took place after the Union I imagine Scottish : and Scots were selected for the top shelf. Scotch being retained for the use of the lower order8.:\ Scotch wa8, cer^ tainly used In the kitchen whcre It Is still respectable and respected a^ for instancie in Scotch broth, Scotch bun and Scotch shortbread." TThe Oxfoird EngUsh dictionary pays more attentlon to this controvcrslal question and explains the oldest fonn of the adjectlve in English is Scottish; the oldest in Scottish is Scots (Scottis); Scotch dates froqt aixiut 1570. According to the Oxford dlctlonaiy the usage in Scotland has tended to favor Scottish or, more rarely, ScotS/ In England and Amerca, Scotch Is the coUoq uial f onn, Scottish the literary, Each form Is used almost idlomatical-ly with certain nounsr-Scotch ;whlsr kcy. tweeds, girl; Scottish; customs; books, history; Scots law. We could say that these,:different forms o i the adjectlve- coulb be used more or less at the discretion of a writer provided there is no attempt to change the ; timelionored appelation of Scotch shortbread. - . T H E MODERN WAY The Home Economist from :,the nearby university «as^giVing a cook-ingdemonstration at the school of a country vMage, 'Take an egg,". explained the spe-cialist, and "carefully perforate the ba^l end. Dupllcate tfie process in the apex; Then applying the lips to one end of the egg. gentlygexbale and vith the breath, discharge th^ shell of its contents." One old woman 6i the CTDWd tura-ed to her compaUonr'^eats aJl'bow different tliese new facstodwa^ is," she whispered. "Sakes alive, «hen I was coaiklDg we wouki just poke a bole i n each end and tOomt" Beware too much sun. Naturally, evcn^body wants to sport a healthy, weUrtanned look; but don't be In tod much of a hurry. A gradual tan Is not only more 'becoming. but a lot safer too. Most people learn pretty quickly how their skin reacts to a good dose of: sunshine.: WIth some elxcepttons, redheads and blonds seem tcfbe particular vlctlms of old Sol'8 rays because of the greater sensitivity of their skins. Some fair people tan. beautUuUy, Itdepends largely on the plgmentatlon of the skbi. You feel the heat from the sun, the Invlsible infra-red, on your skin through Special nerve hot-points and your eyes teli you of the visible rays of; the sun, the whlte light. Perhaps you ;'will remember an old school-. room experiment where a glass prism was,'held up to the l l g h t . T h l s pro-dticed a spectrum ranging from red to Violet. That Is the vislble Spectrum. • ;; Beyond the violet the ultravlolet (an invlsible zone) Is d.lvlded into two inain parts. The ultravlolet is incajpable of passing through whidow g l a s ^ l ^ , cotton or nylon. Orease and certaiin:' Chemicals, particularly those allled to- oil of wintergVeen, apt Violet rays-to the; skin,: but are no guarantee against sunburn.lt is the over exposure to ultra-violet rays that can cause untold damage, such as sweinng, bllsters, peellng and In some caseSi skin infections. Once you are tanned, further sun.exposure incrca-ses the plgmentatlon until you reach the Ilmlt of your capaclty to marshall plgmentatlon. an case of a burn, apply an Ice-cold mixture; of equal parts vinegar and water. If no vinegar Is handy, try a^ teaspoonful of boric. acld In a plnt of ice water:or Ice-cold milk^ or sotir cream. • • • : There : are things to - remember whlle tanning. Do not bare yourself too much on the first day. If you choose-to dress only asmuch as the law allows> then half an hour is morie than enough. Keep your head cover-ed, e-speclally It youVe had a recent bleach Job, because the Chemical action of: the sun's: radiatlon- may over-bleach and: cause breakage: of the hairs and excesslve brlttleness. It is advisable to< give yourself a protec-tive coatlng of olive oil, baby oU or coco-butter. The latter is recomraen-ded for. the;iu>uri8hing elements it contalns; but it also has a rcputatlon for attractlngbees.The beach Is a falrly safe place if you don't want to attractanything (bees that is), Whlle lylng in the sun, keep sblf t-. ing your;- position so the sun's rays aren't concentrated on one spot and whatever you do don't fall osleep un» less you wnnt to knö^' how i t feels to bo the edible part of a corn roast, Keep your eyes:and Itps cövcred wlth water-molstcned pleces o*f cotton br kleenox whlle your face Is cxposed to th^ sun. This helps protcct the eyes and prcvcnts the lips from crocking; Torstaina, Mnfilf, J2 f»* -^Thuridlay^ Julf 10, Poit/yiJiiirissa suuret jiililai P«rt Aflbnr. ViellUn muistu^ tus. ettll.>I$J.-D; Pmt'Arthurin osaston fcesliuhla vietetitn Iskun Puistossa'hefnikuun IS pnS ja sin-ne toivotaan suurta JuhlayleisöB. Ohjelmaa on varattu runsaasti Ja tilattu ulboapSin juhlapuhuja Joten t&mfikin jo kiinnostaa yleisöä kuu^ lemaan mitS vierasjiaikkakuntalai-silla on kertomista yleisesti maaU-num tilanteesta. Ohjelman Iisaksi on varattu mo nenlaisia ajanvletepeleji sekfl l i sSksi iskulaiset JSrJestivIt urheilua. Ravintolan monipuolisuudesta p t tM huolen nSppärfit emMnnSt ku ten. aina. Joten on siellB saatavano "kuunUakoiria", herkkuvoUcipib, sc kii.hyvttii kahvia Josta meidSn kah vikokit ovatkin. tulleet^ kuuluisiks sillK tuskin missSto oi) niin mai oioita kahvin keittlUiii kuin on UiiSllä Port Arthurissa, > Juhlat aletaankelloyksi pSiviUlB 'a bussikyyU liihtee tiifiltii haalin edesttt 1230 Joten kaikki Joilla e! ole omaa outoa voi kiiyttflit sIUl va^ ten varattua bussikyytiä., '; Kaksoiskauputtgirome Ja ympHris tön suomalainen vdestii ricntUkiib silloin Iskun puistoon. KesK on ly hyt Joten nautitaan kcsBstä sen aikaa kuin sen ihanuudet ovat meille tarjona. —; TAS. . Subler», Italia. ^ Se oli i6de\. lista palovlinao. Viinanpolttimo syttyi ttt&llii tiistaina vallinneen kuuman sii&n vuoksi palomaan.' Ui biseudun virtaan Juossut viina oli liekeissii Jo tuli vioitti yhden 9Bun-non seka' konepajan, KyltUliiset pakenivat pelon vallassa nSbdes> siilin tiinifin palon. Perheen naorei I I I I Mary Anne Has Been Jit the Cottage Dear SetU and all the readers and wrltcr8 of this page. ' The Music Festival was held In Tarmola this year, There was sing-ing and dancing and about ah hour after it was over It started to rain. There were people from all over Canada and tho United States. ; Setä wa8 also there and he treated all the wrlter8 of this page whowere there to a bottlc of pop. In Scptembpr I wiU.be colng into grade eight, that Is if I poss. I only had to do one final examwhlch waa to prevent passage of the sun*rTiltra--|nxathejnatlcs, In gradesslx and »e-went down In my marks in Next year I hope to do befc- COOCMILPARIY ANAFPAA WM£B& t3PtwKS MIX PEOPte- 6P0OM WITU A STOMACH TfeRRQIBSr A PATaioT", OM TII& ven I math. ter. We werc at our cottage for a Week, SO X decidcd to:wrlte something' about It. I have secn three different r a - coons, all at different times. The first one I saw whilewewere flshlng near the shore. It was wolking along. the shore poking into bushes and xuuier Stones. Finally It came across a '•• big dead pike which must have been at leost six or seven pounds. It plcked it up and carrled U Into the bush. 'Ihe second one ;wc also 8aw whtte wewere flshlng, only it was In a dlf^ ferent place, . I t w a s Bwlmmlng and diving In the water near our boat and not the least blt afrald of us. The third one we found eating our womu: Wewere going up to the main cottage to sleep when Aiy father remem bercd that he had left the worms outside. But alas, they were all gone. Daddy chased the rocoon ; away. Thank goodness: :We had more worm8 in the house.: All three racoons were larger than a large cat, Thursdaymorning my motherwent outside to find a rabbit nlbbling away at the grass,. My mother waited at the door and whcn the rabbit finlshed hls breakfast he hoppedaway, quite unafraid. A minister and hls wlfe 8omebow heard that we had a steambath, so they askcd If they could have one because they had never had one in their life. It was dark when they were going to go home, I wa8 going to say, "My daddy could tow your canoe home for you wlth our mo-tor boat". But Irntead I said,, "My h u s b a n d 1 got no f urther t>ecause I wa5 lau(j;hlng too hard. The. satne night whUe they, wcre waitlng for the steambath to heat up I had my flrstv rlde. I went around the island wlth the minister and I found that I could paddJe falrly vellon Thur843ay we went to Penetan-gue to get the lIcen»e*for our electrlc wlring. On rctuming.we «toppedat eight other place». One was the K u ron Indian Village, There are many Interesting things there showing how the Indlan» used to live and: make things «uch aa canocs potteiy and tan hfdec and grind graln. I found It very interesting. The admlsslon was only 50 cents for adults and children under twelvc 10 cents; Next weefc 111 wrlte more about it, So-long for nov/! Mary Anne Makel» x ~ Toronto Ont. Anita Did Weil , Ih'School Dear Seta and ali the readers am) wrltera of this page: School is out and I, passed Into grade seven. In my last report I had twenty-four " Q V and one "O", "O" is for outstanding and " O " Is for good. At the beginning of tho year my daddy promlsed me a dollar for ea«h ' X ) " X got In my last report card. I only charged him ^IJOÖ and gpt it too. ' X also recelved an avardfor bekig the As you grow older you jiotice things that i formerly escaped your notlce, such a» how, narrimr theatres and buses are. best all ait>und glrt Jitudent in my rootn. Isurewas happy. 'Z<ast Friday night mydod came home from hls work at Powell Hiver for a holiday. We arcbusy wlth the hay.Half o t i t has iiecn cut and stor-ed In the bam. The rest will be out tomorronr, The weather Is <|ulte nlce^ Xt Is mostly siinny with a^fe^ clbudy pe rlods. The temperature today: went up to 76 degrees above, : Xt woaM be very warm but, it is a bit wlndy,; I f the weather ketii» up nice all week^Xir be able to gö^^vhnming at the end of the Week. X hope so because X really love swimmlng, l'm not an expert 8wlm'mer but X can swlm at leost 00 f4;et. I won't be writing as often in the summer as X dld before but XII try to wrlte at least two or. three times a month. ' I thInk: we aro going to Victoria on Vancouver Xsland for a fewdays this summer, 1 sure hope so. That; is all for now. Anita Hyvari ' Web8ter's Corners JS, O. Jalsef loMat tUXue yysyvll ia»'^f. {' i i ö » » i p i t e w ^ ^ suori Mtttinaoo vahhdu» nlUI»'^^ iofka etvii listaa. volneel «Uhla ^ Xylmii kesS ^smfa Jatkuu vain ^ ^olleen, kutea se oli Torontossakin > ia kalidu ilmatieteelliset «nuustuk'' v m ovat tm kertaa «lini ttskossa}l> ätti JSmpimSt eivBt ala ennenkuin»;.' 22 p. tStS kuuta. Silloin .on 'Motleenan*; pSlvä, Ja vissit rotttt*;. tokset ovat odotettavissa. ^^TäälJA"^ 1 kun yhdistctfiSn se intiaanivalmoa ,»nnustus 9:slistiikesSpaivfi?Wil\ ttitka pitäisi olla tUnB kesBnS/nUtf ^ Memme siis oikeilla ^"klinyimirTu, Tätä kaikkea silnimiB pltfien^i^,;. osastomme ;ke$SJuhlakomitea.piBk-^'^ mnyt JärJestSä "kenttSpikuelcä^^^ hioksi pdivBksi.' Sinne' kutsumtnef^t- ^atklua ' ympBristiimme ' asukkaltälu viettBmttShi yhdessä eräs tSmSa.l:^^, }]in kauneimmista' hetkistä. JUbliSr;'^ ^mme tulee olemaan urheilua mon-v ta eri lojia.^ Viemmerslnne blhj^^^c v^hkeemme, Ja^ kieloamme ' aiV'iUi'^, kuin ajan kuluksi Jonkun "keemln^'f Saamme nauttia saunan IBmplmiMB löylystii sokB" kaikesta bQuskiutftf mtta voldaait kckslB. ' ' ^ L . j Juhla-aterian 'tulemnie^ valroisuj*.', maan tBtB tilaisuutta värtib id^^'^ koikki tietenkin rientBvBt syiimBBtf , ptiiviiliistii juonne luontoon heln^isaif. Ja kahvia on >^airia imataVissa^ koi(0«* paivBn. , . ; , , , NiinpB kehoitankin kaikkia vjikl ttiMn mielessB tBmS 22 pBlvB Jtulur.», vaa heinOJkuuta. Siltoih men^miihtt^^ yhteiseen iloon' uriieilukcntblleltt^ tno. Varustautukaa .kaikkeen hUn. — II. . . ' . f mm OsudiiKkeen :..'.-;.r-VÄ-..,; valmisieluista nm Toimittajasetä juttelee Haloo tytdt Ja pojat; Kesää on kovasti odotettu täällä Sudburyssa Ja ehkä Ilmat alkavat :va^ kilntumaan, niin että voimme nauttia todellisesta kesäibnasta heinäkuun Ja elokuun ajan. autö ainakin tällä Icertaa tuntuu, kosica aina - toisinaan sateiden välissä saattaa olla sievä päivä. Setä on ainakin siitä mielissään, että hän lähtee lomalleen vasta elokuun lopussa Ja mahdollisesti silloin tulee kauniit ilmat. Setä oli vähältä u n o h ^ kiittää Mary Annea Ja Anitaa hetdän mielenkiintoisten kirjeittensä Johdosta, siis kUtos kirjeistänne tytdi. .Muita tällä kertaa el saapunutkaan Ja Setä kun odoUl, että Joku lapsista olisi kirjoittanut suomen kielellä.; Kyllä kai ensi vilitolla saamme suomen kielisen kirjeen,; sillä Sylvia Ja Marleen kävivät viime viikolla^ tervehtimässä Setää Ja eiköhän Sylvia kirjolta taas suomen kielellä seuraavassa lehdessä. Mahdollisesti Mar^ leenkln kirjoittaa suomeksi, sillä kyllä hänkin osaa. Setä on Itobien kuulla, että Anita pärjäsi koulussa niin hyvin, että häntä pidettiin Juokkahuoneensa^^^^p^ haimpana tyttö-oppilaana Ja hänelle annettiin ;sen-Johdosta muistoesine; Kyllä siinä onkin lukemista, jos joku haluaa Anitan sivuuttaa; sllia hän sai parhaimman arvolauseen melkein kalicissa oppiaineissa.- ^ Se on hyvin PortArtbuK — Intematiba^4 osuusliikkeen vuotuisen kesueiflii^- ]a piknekin valmistelut ovat txm/i^y. • - ^: loppuun suoritetut ^ Lasten sisBBn-J kirjoitus on nyt kityhnissB Ja IBBkti^''^ rintarkastus on Jttrjestetty heinS* kuun 20^p8ivBksi, tei^i avataan heliiBku^n 23 piUvBhB ja kestBB^ elokuun S piiiyBän» jolloin pfdetS^V > ^' vuotuinen piknekkl. Sunnuntai, hi^ji^,^... v niikuun 20 p, on yarattu 'vaiihem* l ^ _ v pien Ja ystHvBin vierailUpBivBkst ^ leiriUB, Siksi pBiyäksi ei ole JBr<-^ Jestetty mitBlin kiinteBtB ohJelniMi; \ ^ leiriläisille. . > . - PlknekissB esiintyy vierasptihujafh ' " na^ Maniioban ja Saskatcheurian^^/' Federated CbKiperatiVes Ltd:n vl\ > \ ropresldcntti W. J . McSorley. JTyJJi". / odob^taan Winnipegista,lsulaj8ryh*J. ' mäB täydentBmBBn kulttuurUU^tfl^'. puolta ohjelmasta, ' • .\ Saamiemme tietojen 'mukaan J0ifr< ritt boosterrkamponj^ edistyy t^yvlnj^^/, , ; Loirikomitca haluaisi vedota ka^t kiin JBrVlcnpBBssB olevUn Vapatt/'^ den lukijoihin kehoitfaenbeitS^^ie^'' KemBBn icaikkensa osuusliikkeen lei* rin avustamiseksi, MyykBB leirin, i:: c booster-lippuja, joilla jfaetaaa (co^^*^* me palkintoa; $55, $25 Ja $10 arvoi? set. JBrJestBkBB työnne niin, ettS voitte osallistua tBhBn plknekklin;f Kannattakaa osuusliikettBnne.^,/ ' on paras toe siitB, ettB rahanne pysyy alueeliamme. — B. N» - ^ ^ il . m SuomefUe vaihtoraha^ useista metaBeista IlelsinkL — Suomen tasavalj[^ii presidentti on vahvistanut lain uu-V sista metallisista vaihtorahoista. O; Iceiiisimpana kohtana tBssS VaMai* on, cttB vaihtorahoiksi saadaan jM6^ Ja 100 markan rahoja; Jotka lyddiBn»^ hopeasta. 50,20 Ja 10 markan raha, . Jotka JyödBBn, alumiinipronssista^ se: kä 5 markan raha, Joka lyiklBBn T^U-\ dasta. Valtiovarainministeriön mBB*^' rHyks^tH voidaan 5 "ia l markan'' rahoja myöskin lyödä kuparista. ,i i i kcammat läksyt eteesi. Mary Anne on myös ibnelsestl vln pärjännyt koulussa, sillä' nuores?' ta iästään huolimatta on hän jo pääs- i syt kahdeksannelle luokalle; mikä'Onr^^v käänteentekevä kohta koulussa^ sillSin jiilloln siirrytään Junior-hlgh schoo^ . Iin. Pänttää numerolta päSli^.; Mary Anne, n«n kyllä siellä ipärjSft/' i Anita kertoo heinätöistä j a ne ovät^" ' ' 'Hi kin käynnissä melkeb} ieaikkialla tSl4' . lm kertaa. Setäkin joutuu behiStQil!^,^ " '31 hin näinä päivinä, vaikka el hän w £ -/^ ^| slnainen farmari olekaan.'' Alenrtsiii kentälle on nimittäin'kasvanut'hitn 1 komea lieinä, ettei meinaa jticdcsljol^': nähdä toisella puolella rataai^ :EUiSn:'' i sellainen käy kun on liittojuhlat iu« , lossa Sudbuzyyn elokuun alussa ja,~< siksi on päätetty niittää heinä. , ; ^ / H : " Sitten voimme paremmin Uittojub*^; - lUla seurata Jännää' lasten , VfesCb^' \ *y yi uoksua, mihin osallistuvat kaksi « U ^ t / ' '"M is-vuotlasta tyttöä Ja kaksi alle vuotiasta poikaa. Setä' alkö» 'buoti|^,;^'^'-r/T';.| sudbutylalsten lasten puolesti» javte^^^.'^5^.' v| l ä'Ärpprttl;^M?ieÄÖJ^^
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Vapaus, July 12, 1956 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finnish--Canadians--Newspapers |
Publisher | Vapaus Publishing Co |
Date | 1956-07-12 |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | Some rights reserved |
Identifier | Vapaus560712 |
Title | 1956-07-12-03 |
OCR text |
a2a eräissä tafc
aanifaan aaog}.
Pamta on äi-ei
palon tiedetä
oanlainen. pab
iamalla alueella
ten ja siinä pa-^'
iläistä sotilastl-tysviranomaiset
-oksen itserräi^
at voimat syi^.;|
a sitten riehn-ikivanha
i vuosia se Jojk^
isa raiskaams-^'
lan syöpymistl
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a olevat Laa-:
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isa unelniat;:
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Canadan vaa-l
hansia niailq»:;]
iTdämissä kyt*;^
jälleen ovat
Ile oikeutetaäJ'
'0'Operation Needed
No doubt, ali perepns intending to participate in thfe JXJA
championsbip events which uoUbe decided at theLiitt |
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