1952-03-20-03 |
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oikein ette niin. hditte öytettyjö^ iäidng tnessa ttää siltäjj aisuton^ Ijsi astuaa tti helma,' taan 1 sellajsiia iselle llisuus iinaa en jasacai aloitteesta l an loltteena etettjia i £: ehdotiisej saaneet t i i n taholti,'j 1 6 pnä ifi X'\ sport formally kirjaUismitta 'tidre Dumas: h^ir,e Muskettisoturia 'N'-: pamos) i . ^ ^ "rorraar.in Iniltakau-r."'' Dunias joksi IdrJaUI-r;-^ itetty. kuvaa "Kolmessa ^vptt"=:oti!rLssaan'' vallatonta, v^ö^rier-uirta. kapinallista al- ,'yr'';'-^ i ' ! Richelieun Ban&> ' « ?o 'jfceat sukupolvet ovat '.f,' , nrittvä, Ihastua Ja hali i ^ e'ie«!ään huimia selkkailu-f2ön Athcksen. Porthos-JätUläl-re^ i-ain hienon Aramlksen Ja an pnecnn?nelalsen: D'Artaga- . Veralla. • T r t o g^'.Tille Dumas loihtii väke-vaikea<; ta arkipäiväi^destÄ rrukaansatempaavan tunari Rj.n-.aanln tuoreutta el - c^ic h mirientansrt, siinä on säi- 'iehakkaän kuohuvan elÄ-vour. akas syke. ue anized I ToraoCok — Tiie Tonmto Jtotema» tional Sports League m s Icamally atganlsedat it^ Urst canventkm <m Spnday Mbnäx e. 1S63. held at ttie AXmc litfaour^TtaipIe on Batburst Ststet. Aloog trittx rqmesentiattves Xrob the 4 plctteeting aiganlzatlflDs in the leagne. the ITynffino caäb^ of the AXTITC^vas represented. Hiough hroadtr paitldlpation waB desired, the discvtesion « a s at a vety bigh leveL Tbe dteciaslons -were oon-a aänes?^ >li sikäli eö demi UKKOS VUORI sivua .— Hinta nid. IliM) _ ori on kertomus kolmes-hillankaivajaveljeksestä. Jotka ^vät karulta Ja asumattomalta Julta merkillisen vuoren: se an-beille etsimättä kultaa, mutta __ myöskin jännityksessä omlr [seila kumealla Jylinällään. Jonka . _ he eivät pitkään aikaan pää-selrllle Tämän perusaiheen ym- •ille kietoutuu romanttinen rak-henkeäsalpaavia seik-ija, erämaan vaaroja Ja roh- I3!!tfn miesten taisteluja. ygye Gulbranssen: AINOA TIE 320 sima — Hinta nld. $1.00 ^IGulbranssenin 'Metsien humina* "Tunturilta tuulee" ilmestyivät Mme vTiomia Riksm sarjassa. 'Alatie' päättää tämän mahtavan raanitrilogian, jota lienee maalissa eri kielillä myyty yhteensä vhsi milloonaa kappsiletta. , •Jliv. ktnn edellLsessäkin on tässä-ossssa. samaa voimaa, Vauhtia, initystä ja Kerronnan vlrtiätystä; atha Christie:; ' • icORTIT PÖYDÄLLÄ, 25C sivua — Hinta nld. $1.00 , , f^xis.;. ]^ .salaperäinen lontoolal-j ::, r.«ra Shaitana, järjestää kut^ ^ J:ahc-k.'ille henkilölle. Joita >]Ja.satmu olemaan ns. 'vainnkni-^ . Kut-nijen aikana, kesken .?f-pelia, johon Shaitana ; ei !.'!5.t", havaitaan että hänet on rristti: tikarinpistolla.- Mutta ,ne:ita — siinä visainen pui-sai> t minkäänlaisia todlstus-f| i c! ole olemassa. T;litkaa osoitteella: h P A U S PUBLISHING IGOIVIPANY LIMITED IJos C9, Sudbnry, Ontario crete, aod elear^ ouCUned the «oik foir tbe new pennanent executive. Tbe pennanent ezecative of tbe; league as deeted trere, Chairman: WlB)ert, Bobm of Yritys Hnnish AtlhleUc CltjS>; Seoetaiy: John S i - doriak oif tte Caipstbo Russian Toutb dUb; Treasurer: ZJCS Kane. fonnally of Club Vlriais: P«jperlgr max&Btr: LesBasvlaz of tte National FederatUm of Labour Youth. Other executhre Jobs will be dedded at the first executlve meeting. i b e i n s t i tution of tbe league calls for an exticutrve body made up of 2 petma-nent representatives froin each par-ticipating ocganizatlon, one female and one male. The 4 positlons öf chairman, Secretary, treasurer and prcsperty manager are elected by conventicm. Other executlve Jobs aie dedded vltbin tbe executlve. It should be aoted that the league is a federation of. «nepAer clubs, not a meobership oiganization. Ibe tmni«diate tääcs ^efore tbe executlve are ananging of a "Sports Social" in April. PJans call for a nlght at the Y, includlng swimming, badcetball. voUegball and dandng. The league plans to arrange a soft-ball league for tbe summer. Tbe convention suggested securing the use of a feiw city parks for 'weäk-day games and tben playing Tveek-end games at «he dififerent National Camps around the city. A Tolleyball league for tbe summer is aiso tmder serious consideration. Tbe league also decided to axrange a coziference on the "sports rigbts of youtb" some time in ApriL Tbis con-ference could be arranged in oon- Junctlon -«rith the "International Oonfererice'cf ths Ili^ts of Youth" to ibe hc-Id ih May and sponsöned by the Youth MSendship League. - Tbe' leagjue'«ouldinvite^thcv-^rtdcst pös^-' sible- 'repfesentätlön- .fo' tbis • "itonfer-ence. ' ' ' • = The 'conviention • etided witb' the sendlng of -2 'resöltitloii*.' Onei-Vas ÄllCorresponilenees Courses . A new booklet wfal<di for tbe fiist time hrings together in one list taU tiie vocational training ootre^^ond-ence courses at present available f n m the different provindal^ govemments lias been publisbed' by the > Department of Labour. ' • V ' " AH thpse couzsQS weie prepared by provlncial govemments. primarily for residents.c^ their own provinpe. How-ever. under^ reciprocal arrangement sponsored by £he federal Government, ali provinoes issuing such courses bad agreed to . make them ^av^ilable to resldents of other provinces. . . Persons -wbo wisb to take advantage of these courses should apply tq tbe conrespondence course brancb of the Department of Education in the pror vince in whicb they reside. wbich will maSce tbe necessaiy /arrangements. Ali courses prepared in Quebec are in Frencb and are avaUable to f!rench-«peaking persons in other provinces. wbile the Engliäh courses of otber provinces are available to English-speaking persons in Quebec. The booklet lists 122 courses, under the headings of AgricTilture. Building Trades;^ Coonmerclal, Drafting. Industrial, Matbematics and. Hiyslcs. Mining, Navigation, Power (Auto, Gmdle Light li^scoursthe darkness and vnth its light, it throvDsa hopeftd outlook on life; ll> not thls artificial glaze/ ,, tkese €leclric lamps that upim us blaze, Butmoreiit gives a softness qnd a scarching Ught, SictUtMspeeringcandldtg^^ ~. H kolds the spark, oi hqpe,an4 jlamc oj jire ,. , To send tnan to ahigfi desire . Qf great.achievements, andMorldly flighty.. Sois this peeringcandldight. . . iret, in its spark it holds despair To thoseufho Jearthe world,anddonot dare Tograspthetropportunitytight, And for tftts jortune to jight and jight Bit tightly.totumaufaytheirsight, S6'is titts peering candlelight. Tl^^fiff^on wiserwithsixty candlcs , TfysJo flood the shambles, of hi$ mcrccnarylije With bright and glaring city light; WWlein.its5teadthepoormanjccds .The nightivith spark, and strivcs for dccds To destroy vnrong and uphold right, So, is this peering condlelight. — cvY. f iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininitiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Diesel and Steam), Radio and E3ec-tronics and Miscellaneous. Pees range generally; f ram five to 25 dollars; most are less than 5 doUars. Courses in tradfis and jptractical: subjects are intended f or those aotually worklng at Jote in lie3.ds related «to tbe course. Tbe booklet was tbe work of the Canadian Vocational. Correapondence Course Committee, coongq^ed of representatives of provincial govemments and, of-the Trainipg Braocb of the Department of L ^ u r . sentto Ottawa iprotesting the action of the gdvenknent of•;noti «Jlicr^^ Steel for the construction of iports facilities, and the inadequate f iiiahc-ing of Canada's Olympic team. and one tb Toronto City Hall protesting the inaction of City Hall in pro^vid-ing rinks. pQQ^ and gypmasiums ,fo|r the .use pf young i»opief, In tbe resp^ lutiön to Toronto City HaU ciase of the Tri-Ben basketballeirs tq ,pract^ i°V>;*^,^? -Of fi}}? nientioned\ and' it^ 'hoted the benefits pf having tbe ^bckey^, rinks^^ that have älready been biiilt. ,^ ' W. D. Bohm. In aprlng'-a-]rotmg'man's fancy ligbtly tums to tbougtats of fishing. Gone is the talkof skiis and waxes, crosscountiy: and downbill.M Mow we tbink about getOhg uncle or cousin. to send us a pair of track shoes from Finland. W€ look at tbe roads and estimate bow many weeks toefore HAUSKAA SUOMIMATKAA KKA ICÄIIiCiCÄISELLE TOIVOTTAVAT SEURAAVAT TOVERIT JA YSTÄVÄT: Onni Hakala Kalle MAnkinen Valpas Järvinen Antti Seppinen Lempi Ja A. Back AlU Ja J . Roininen Linnea Ja Jarl Lind Fanni Ja Kusti Sontinen Elsa Ja E. Niemistö Hilda Ja L Kivistö Adele Mäki Lasse Huuki Ruusa Ja V. Kari Vieno Ja Väinö Laine Milja Ja Leuri Aho Andersonit Nick Ristimäki J . Kiviniemi O. Kekki Tyyne Männistö Helge Niemi John Mäki Silver Laken Kolme Sälliä Fanni Ja Vlck Ola Ja Arvid Panttila Maria JaMartU Anni Järven]^ , Albtert Long ' LUlian Ja Taisto JoUnen Alvar Jokinen Yrjö Heikkilä Heniy Miettinen ^Haluan täten lausua a[ydamelliset kiitokset ystävilleni >iit& mal- ™ a yllätyksestä. Jonka JärJesUtte Suomtmntkani Johdoeta. Erikoinen kiitos Linnea LIndille sekä Vieno Ja Väinö Laineelle. Sndbtuysss, maaliakmm 15 p. 1952. P E K K A KÄRKKÄINEN Ibeyil be ^.IJ&MK^ lun; cn.; Out bere in Poit!'Aftäinr % e ' d ^ even thlnflc abput tbe track^ at; Kitu Park because^^teejit^ in tbere until mid-June. The old rod and reel come out of moth balls-and the smelt net is also patcbed up. Pretty soon tbe ice-, breakers will have tbe haibour open and ve'!! be watcbling f or tbe first boat. The unempioyed immlgrants are gathering In little groups by the comer of the Custoons bdlTdin^. Tbe water is running down the sewer5 with a merry gurgle as if it can't wait to get into blue and pure Lalce Superior.. Along Bay Street äll available standing room is taken up by lumberjacks soaMng in fSsJi^saa after a bard winter> laboiir,'*^ The-"lufcu tupa" up tn tbfe ball is fiUed wIÖi a xiense blue cloud from^-moming tili lateat nlgbt. A stranger entering in had best be cäreful iest he trip over a cusplidor and so interrupt the conversatlon. On ba]my*sprlng even-ings tbe rim of Hillcrest 3?axk viU be llned with tbe cars of slg^tseers. Strange as it may seem, they seldcsn venture outside of their vebicles Ahl Spring! When the buds will be bursting and the biids vjll be filllng the air wlth song, It feels good Jiist to be allve. Beibaj» a little twinge of conscience makes us pause and ihink. ^hat is Spring like over in KJorea wbere our soldiers a/ce killing Koreans anid Cbinese so thai we anight enioy our. Spring in a FBEE land. Wonder wliat Villy or Joe is thinking of sitting there in his foxhole. Does he feel proud of what he Is dolng? Does be en Joy tuming tbe fertile coimtiryslde into a charred and ragged min in the D E FENCE of freedom? Mäybc we should aäk St. Laurent for the ans^ wers. ' I promised to write a serles of ar-ticles on tbe chief points of interest in Port ^Artbur for the Liittojuhla visitor, biit my heart.tbought differ-ent as I watched a gloripo» suznise. Tbis isn't Cliä) News in any fonn «nd I dont care whetber or not i fs prlnted. It's Just tbe way I feel wfaen Spring feveikhits me. Spring will be here to stay wben Unto takes oCf bis toque and goes around with bifi sleeves rolled up, Wonder if Strawljerry Creek Is open yet. — GulUver. $4iat 8tfc Itfarie. — VTltix. «jUvitics centred «»round the youth courses thai bavttbe9n'already held in four centres aodseveral more still scbe-dule4 6<ia]etg^^ almost w ^ un- Mticedt Winter In a fev weeka Uj^poe most of the snow will be gcne:(«itb tbe exo^tion of Port Artbttr-itii^re it snow8 and blows everytlme youi^s.truly arrlves in town) and. eyo^boMdy beading for their spring and sumister baunts. . If -we /«Cäivt iio.curty. on a full round of spring andbstiDMner activities we bttve tpl stait;, pbnning and organ-- izing niaw,'^^: seasonal lag f rom' deyölqping that odgiit > pro-' long into asumiDaier^ ihaictivtties. ' The ttr^ autiörtvtTA:'of tM: suxn-^ ta^: is 4&fe-t9(^ Mcd j^tival arane|ed'eviefry'other ycär by the Fin-zlish OrgabiZ4tl<>h «Krhich wiil be held' in Suiibuip at tbeiexid Juöe.'Thls yeax'i U>'he':iasce^ tionaUy coIf3itf>ui, With tbe addltion of giin nAeam^ aiid It' istUme young pecQtle^^in eacbt t ^ i e iia iik«k^' around -mi fi^^ttiai^' the exiating .yöung. people's choirs posäbiy ^irioloe "cixitnÄ ckild rMLwaken änd reorganiMi dqnnant cboirs and bajQds.. Ajio bbth youiig men and womien of if yoii prefer boys and giris slH>uld focm fblk dance groups to talce part ih tbe Festival to make tbat end a real success. It prdbably won't be much of a problem to get the girIs moving on it but boys. lefs show the girls that we ^too can learn folk dances. These are actlviUcs that we can carry on in the halls virhile we äre Tvaitlng for that fInal sriow to go. Tbe other equally important event of the summer is of course tbe SiSorts Meet of the FC.AS.P. whlcb wiU be held in Port Arthur the first weekend in August. Prospectlve com-petitörs wbo will be taking part in tbe tonvpetltions have been keeplng ihelr„muscles in shape tbrougb tbe r^guiar'Winter gym activltlesas well is ät^hikakey and fikllftg and it' won't te • long before outside tralnlii^i 'cän itärt.'For such trainliig much plah-i nihg icould and ^oulä bc döne' well in''ädVance' to önsure Uracfc? aivä equlpment b e i ^ ih shape for'when it'is''bleeded: 'According to-QuUiver arid-llife' «iay be right tbey <IsJcu) are' goii^r^tirl^^^^^^ tbe Meet ahd' we 'cant let ttiat a gbod fight. ' Perhaps the 'most important aspect of both events is the questlon 61 raisin^ fiiuff iclent funds to send par-tlcipahts^ to these events. Every summer tbe problem .seems to solve itself somehow but it wouldbe much better to' bave the necessary f imds set aslde w€li iff.adyance. So by prcparing Weil In advance we will be sure of next simuner's events belng the best in a long time, — KK. Suggestion For Discussion In Our Liitto •Toronto. — Today, tn the flunry of acUvity, Yrit3's finds ItscU vltb a pndilem and puts it forth bere. for tbe discussion of ali Liitto roeml>er8. The Liitto's good f riexid and organ-izing medium, gymnastlcs. is not tbe best straits bere in the big city. We believe our faults have been 1) Not fully recogniring tbat each iOcUvidual progresses at a diflerent rate in gjinnastics: 2) Having the unconsclous bellef •So and SO gym member is for this programme." In otber words em-phasls was put on the perfonnance. rather tban the oollective and indi-vldual development of the group. 3) We have not progxessed witb '.rsxnnastics in tbe World. Today, the Sovlet Union is a world leader in yymnastlcs Ceven Swedes say so). We •should get some material f rom the USSR. 4) Not paying enougb attentlon to tne technical side of gymnastlcs. In our case, a person can become an mstructor matnly on his or her pcr-sonal Icadership qualltics. In Torohto, opposition from the members has tieen voiccd rcgardlng one pbasc of tbe present "'Leadership Courses". Tlicy read In tbis paper where the courses wUl end in - some communlty by <v prpgramme. If the case is, tbat time Is taken during tbe course for the devcloplng of members for-: tbat programmc, tiic' mem» bershlp fcars tliat it is not truly a gjmnastic course, but a 4 Week rc-liearsal for a> programmc. They feel cmphasls should be put on theory diu-ing tbe, ilmitcd tUnc. — W, D. Bohm. Torstaina, maalisk. 20 p. — Thursday, March 20,1952 Sivit 3 a ma LAKKO PD8ANI8SA Pusanissa, Koreassa, lakkoutui viime viikolla 6,000 pumpulin kerääjää. Lakkolaisia syytetään kommunisteiksi, vaikka be kuuluvat ei-kommunls-tiseen unioon. Alerts Hockey Team WiU Get m n n ' IVelcome Toranta. —. TV> keep my namesake — Wi»Art ^ o n e n alias "Oulilver" -> f rom bioasting that be bas knocked Big Bflbni intb of literary action, pkk up 93 cent plume (Rencb for .j>en) and ottfer a personal evaluation of oiir actbrities in Toroato. Tbe moi* acUve foroe in Yritys today are its taoifäcey players, but as we ate «xrgaaixing in such a manner to bffer a broad devektxnent for our membe», Ibis activeness bas been ittjected into ali club functloDs and activities. ' I bave no fear of contradtotion, when I State bere, tbat tbe Yritys intezonediates are going to win the Toronto Intennediate "B'' champlon-ship aod are going to be tbe unoffi-cial ^XSJkJSV. chaanpions after the letum game wltb Su<U>ury A l « t J on Manch 2 3 , H o d c e y is now a de-finite part^ of clUb life and to ensure its existenoe,in tbe ch:b, a Juvenile team h9s been organlzed. At the time of this »rittog, tbe "Yritys" Juvenlles tavp not bad a chanoe to. p w « tbetr mettle, but you will hear f rom tbOQ eoon. In-aootber f iekt. Yritys has taken the leMl tmong progre^einre youth oiganiia^one in tbe ettgr in the Cbanpton CUb and Ftnancial drives. Spazfeed by </U Bobm tbe club has tumed in over 50 aitx; and bas been glvea the blgheet quota of mass youtb «giioi^aiUons in the city for the ttaaaOal drt/e^ L'U Robm noiw bas two lleutgiantc in tbe penxms of Oa UiaaU «od Ty Lembeig and be Mpreaaett Cb« opixUoa that the club i|riU eoon fo «ver ite quota. By tbe lway^ at Cbaanp Baaquetv L'U tioimi duiStated like Youtb Div. of tbe Vnited Jevteb Feoples Oider to r^ise their tputa first and go over the most. - Itie "Tlorobto International fiiports League" has been gronvlng also. Tbe basketball Is near tbe end wlth U J P , Ö , and Yritys playing the fin-als. Our boys. ended up in thlrd spot at the end of the «eason. They csune in the plaj-qffs, They lost their first back to beat the first place NPLY:«OT final series game to tbe UJ.P.O.. but t h ^ like draanatic climaxe» any-way SO I bave no worrlc,s as to the linal outcome, Planus bave already gpt undcr way to get our söit-ballcr» in the T . I s o f t b a i l loop thls summer. Bay Laak.w ha:» written a stlrring pageant for the "Vuosijuhla" of the club. FoDc dancing cla-sses have be-gun amohg the young-pcople with 16 members turning out first practLse. These dances wiU be secn in the pa^eant, Our "Mr. Music". Ty Lemberg, has also been worl'.lng on the music and songs for the pageant, Our first fcw song reliearsaliä have provcn vcry frultful and the »ecd of a future Youtb- ^Choir, can be secn. The dram atlst» are also • d Igglng on tbl» project. The discussion groupa have not been the best for a llttle whllc, but It is easlly undcrstood as the mem-ljer5 cxpresscd tbe desire to go and listen to a vejfy intelligent gcntleman namedtTim Buck wbo bas been spcaking at varloa'! functlons around town. Tbe dL%u«elon will be going again, fW^en we have benien tht- Sudbury Alcrt» hockey tcam on Sun-day »laroh 23. 1992, Generally, our social activities have ali been ovenvhelming evcceeses. Our dances bave been very well received, noi only tlx people immodiately around us, but by t^c yofttb from ali parts of the city. We have also our problcn». but we are In a strong position to oytioome tbem, Our first and main problem Is the chlldren. Not enougb organlzed actlvity Is avaUable to tbem. vanhemman väen mukanaolo suotava Raulit Ste. Marie. Täällä Soös- ; sä ovat jo alkaneet SuomaUla-Ca-nadalaisen Amatöoriuriielluliitoh Ja Canadan Saomalaliien yurjestön JärJestäiaät voim^teltt- Ja opinto» kiirssil' PiuvoVontfUlMh Ja Kalervo 'ketolan johdolU. Kurnit ta-ievaii kestämään aina htfhtlkaan 6 pSIv^br}oUo)h'pIdeUttn päät»: - Nuorten voimistelua on neljänä päivänä: maanantai-, tiistai-. Ja tors-tai- iitolna alkaen- kello 7J19 Ja sunnuntaiaamuisin alltaen keilo 11.00. Pikkutyttöjen ja -poikien voimistelua on maanantai-Ja torstai-iltotna alkaen kello 6,30. (Englanninkieliset luennot Ja opls-keiutuiinit nuorille ovat maanantai-ja torstai-lltoina voimistelun Jälkeen aikaen kello 0.15 ja kestäen noin tunnin ajan, Vanbenunalle väelle Ja englanninkielen taitamattomille järjestetään tiistai-iltolna suomenkieliset luennot alkaen kello 7,30 Ja myös sunnuntai-iltat) älvlnäkello2. Keholtamme Icaikkia osanottajia huomioimaan tariutlleen ajat ja päi' vät Ja saapumaan aikanaan haaille, että voitaUiin määräaikoina alkaa, Kurssilaiset tulevat järjestämään päättäjäislltamat huhtikuun 6 päivänä. (Myöskin buomautamme, että kursseihin voi kuka tahansa osallistua, vaikka eivät olekaan edellämainittujen Järjestöjen Jäseniä, Siis kaikki tervetuloa mukaan ja etenkin toivomme, että nuoret tulevat käyttämään tilaisuutta hyödykseen. Kuitenkaan tarkoituksemme ei ole rajoittaa voimisteluakaan yksinomaan nuorille, vaan on myöskin vanhemmilla voimisteluun innostuneilla tilaisuus osallistua siihen puoleen, Tullua ainakin haaline katsomaan, sitten vasta näette mitä kursseilla touhutaan, — Komitea. Tben, oifr gym olasses are weak. iJotb woanens' and mens'.. DiMnusion among the leaders bas provcn tlut we have liad many falac outloc&s on gymnastioj, that we have not organlzed it to constäntly kcep it growing and progressing. In other wordi, we have tried to stercotypc gymnastlcs, More on this BUbjcct is in another article on this page, Then 'WC bave the problem. Whirti cmbraces aJl problem», oi constantly improvlng educational work among ali our members, Today ali tbe clul» in ttie Liitto must take the fight for Pcace into it» life as an eseentlal part of its activities. We bave made good progress here, but much morc bas to bc — and will be done. Tbl» if wbcre tlie olub paper "Sparic" plays it's mpcit iniportant rolc, Lately, action ha» b«*n taken to Improve the "epark" aiKl rcsults have already t>een attabied. Our fourtb edition was wcli received and pralsad for iVe content. Our fifth ediUon, wbich will roll fioon. Vili be bctfcer yet. It should also bc mentloned tbat our educatlonai commfttee bas been eel-ling good literature to tbe youtb at ali affalrs at the ball slnce new years, Tbe club bas alxcady built up Jatkuu 5. sivulla an- Toronto.'» Tbe Olympics tbis year wiU be a great opportunity for the people of the World to sliow thclr will to bave' pcace and provc what the Soviet:-Union haa always con-tended IhaLOapltalism and Soclal-_ ism can peaccfuUy oo-exist. " Ijooking at the American press. it can be readilyseen tbat the American master» are aware of wnut such friendsbip and brotherly comiietiMon wiU do to tbeir propaganda for a. drlve to war. Tbey are afrald that SoctaUsm. with the new SoclAllst man, vbo ofter thirty-four years of development. might show: his bccis to top American atbletes. Tbe super-iority and chauvanLstic idcos pumpcd into Amerlcans migbt bc swopt away. AU the biUions apentpn propaganda tbrougb radio. ncwspäpcr8, movlcs, and TV. tobuild up this master raco ideology for war. will go down tlic dradn. Tbe athlctes of tbe New Democracics and tbe Sovlet Union will prove by their fricndly and brothcrly acUon.s that tliey ore bu-man and that iKxause of the od-vantogcs of their systcans they arc bcaltlUcr in mind nnd body. The United States, scolng the cflcct of sudi happcnUigs at the Olympian. Ls underminlng by every mcnn.s at its disposal, Sovlet partlclpatlon. Propaganda that smcors Sovict nthletcs. discrcdlts or ignorcs Uiclr nccamplLsli-ments, ls cvcry day appcsiring on sports pages. ,In Olympic Coiumit-tpes. 08 secn by tbe rcfusal to allow the: Russian hockey tcani to purticl-pate in tbe Winter Oamcs — tho •American vote-conlrol votocd the Russian entry. The cry that Uic Sovlet athletcs ore Professional ls cui^- stantly raised — but here arc some facts.' •" Sport in the Sovlot Union 1« rtol only for tbe individual stnrs but lor the people as a wholc, Stars nre only a 'l>y-product of moss partlclpatlon and nsod as a method to urouKc greater partlclpatlon. In <ihc Sovict Union not evcn tbe best athletc cän' toe only an^athtete, he or she must' in some wa(y or otbt»: woric as a use-f ui Citizen of the Sovlet Union. From" an article by N . Romanov, Oliaimian.' of the Sovtet Sports Committee.' tbe; followlng is taken: 'Sovlet athletes," who bave progres.-jcd in tbeir WoriE,,' studled nnd strcngthened Socialist; socloiy, wni bc the.flreicst flehteis.^ for World tK'acc.' The rejiort onMardilst that tbe-; Sovict Union win p.-vrticlpate in ail events in the summer Olympics, <md that Sovict athleleii arc to live in tbe Olympic «viUage, assurcs the worId Uiftt thLs year*s OljTnpic.^ wlll' be Pca«o OlymplcH. — Ray Finn. tr Thafs Wliat Really Counfs Port Arthur. ~ Weil, tbLs is my flr.st Icttcr to you bux-«ycd Tcoders of Club New,s ibut tt won*t ibe my last, I pay bug-cjcd bccatusc if tho rcst of you rc;iUer» fiml tiils sMtion as Jas-- cinallns as I do. thcu your cyes nAist bc .shxhtly out of tbelv sockots by no\v. Ciuliiv«;r as you •know, has been glvUiK t.ho Iskai skiicrs quite a build-upthroughtUc Winter ttnd I intended Jatkuu 5, sivulla t • f Surumiolin ia k&ipauksolla Ilmoltamme, että poikani ! ' )a veljemme >-. v hm Vuorinen kuoli KapuBkaslngin Son-senbrennerin sairaalassa maaliskutm 9 pnä 1952. Arvo oli ayniynyl Suomessa totikokuun 11 p. 1911. Läheisempiä omaisia hä< neltä Jäi tässä maassa isä. kaksi veljeä, yksi velton vaimo ja yksi täti perheineen. * Hautaus toimUettiinKa-puskasinglssa maaliskutm n pnä. KIITOS Sydämellinen kiitos kantajille ja koko hautau.s-väelle. Kiitos kukista ja kaikesta o.sanotosta. Kalle. Arne Ja Charles Vuorinen Sunill.i: Unioit;immc, että isämme ANTTI MÄKINEN kuoli 11 pitivil liclmlkuuta 1952 tyl tiireuHä kolona Starral.: Ont,, sai-nt. stctttiiutn O kiinkautta vatsaayö-pasUv Vainaja oli syntynyt Kuri-kasxa, Va.iN.in , lännissä, 14 päivä hclniii<uut» 1875. Lähinnii Niirema.in jäiväi 2 poikaa. 3 tytJlrlii, 2 minliUi j » 3 vävyä tiiällii sekiL 2 tytärtä Suomessa Ja 2 K i N k u a Sudl)ury>i.sa. I " i Lumi viilljolnen Imutakummun - peittiitl. Jonka alla on Isdmnie rakas, r > Sun muI,«.tosi sjlllyy ainiaan. ; sitil kukaan el meiltä voi riistää; ' A k s e l i perheineen. ; Hlljajnen tuuli- kummullasi v »•( buru.sdvfltii iMiiiui, sun hyv>'yttft8l' mulatacn ma koctai|in^9 sm-ufpmc; yolltaa. , • ^ I ^ .Vcnnrr perheineen. ' Ta'yn<;stl känslti .lUiÄkati vaivat, :. • hiljaa raukon jjydiimcj, : Loppui lu^kns*. tuli raulin, uni kaunL-j Ikuinen. , ' Ljjpdä rauhansa,, , Laiinl perheineen. Niin ftkkla voi kuolon kutsu tulla, hctkfJlil jot.H el ,vol aavistaa. Nyt tuli vuoro loäraka^sullc, v syv;iBtI fiurrcn jijiartmc. kaipaamaan, Jlnnna perlieineen. ' S;iapui kevfU-tuulct, \ nc Kulle .«ioittl fiiiveltaän, ' Ne eoitti kerran viimciäicn, - sullc levon ikuhcn, Nc lepoon saattoi soitollaan, myo» iBiin, joka arkussansa oi niin cnasi lapsiansa — he jalvilt hiintd kaipaamaan. SeidI perheineen, r Raulma hait, rauhan «alt. Annas. KIITOS • Monet kjiunllt kiitok«:t kalkille jotka tulivat saattamaan vainajaa viime malkalJe. Kiltok-tct kauniista kukiari jotka jK-lttiVät vainajan haudan. si;ini ja A i t M A S wiix(;ReN Slarrat,.Oi,il»rio ' litävkllä ja ItaipaukKella ilmoitamme, rrtla rakas vaimoni ja äitimme A N N A S U NI kuoli Toronton General-HuiraalaKHu 7 puiva lielnriikuuta 1032. Ilän oli syntynyt Suomettaa Kakkijarv«n pitajajisa kesäkuun 11 p : n ä 1892. Lähinnä suremaan jaival hauen mlehen.'«a, kolme lasia. Icalisl lastenla»ta, «ilKko ja veli CanadaKsa, yksi niskn j a kaksi veljeä 8uo-rnesMa sekä muita »ukulaiKia ja tuttavia t a a l U CanadaKsa Ja Suomessa.. Vainaja «aatettiin llearstin talvihaulitan helmikuun 12 pnä 1952 sukulaisten Ja tuttavien »aaltamana. Nahj akkia pa;(tlyvi «rlosi tn,', se kohtalon laki vaatmjua 1J(-. Palviin tyos'Rii Buorjtit parhain, Sik;*' nukkuofi unta rauhauifia. MiciieMi Kro. Hiljaa, varovasti, pfilttdkaa äitimme iinuta, ' sillä sicllji on aarre, mikä on meille kallein. . I..apset.' • Tkän vieraan maan lci>okuinniuIl:i.s, kot/Atxt tuulet tuulko^jn. Ikuinen muiston seppele peittämään kumpuii jaa. Si.skfrtI Mary. KIITOS Lausumme sydämcllfsct kiitok«.'t kalklile, jotka saavuitte vaimoni ja äitimme viime jäähyvjllstUaisuutcen. Kiitos ccppcleistä sekä kahvitarjoilun Järjestäjille. , Kiito» kaikesta osaksemme tulleesta avusta ja myötätunnon osoituksista surumme hetkellä, OMAISET
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Vapaus, March 20, 1952 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finnish--Canadians--Newspapers |
Publisher | Vapaus Publishing Co |
Date | 1952-03-20 |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | Vapaus520320 |
Title | 1952-03-20-03 |
OCR text |
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Dunias joksi IdrJaUI-r;-^
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Athcksen. Porthos-JätUläl-re^
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T r t o g^'.Tille Dumas loihtii väke-vaikea<;
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Rj.n-.aanln tuoreutta el
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anized I ToraoCok — Tiie Tonmto Jtotema»
tional Sports League m s Icamally
atganlsedat it^ Urst canventkm |
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