1957-06-13-03 |
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ESTA — m uman vanki. irhmä jo elä- 1 kanssa sao-i t i . Ryhmän usklerroksel-kkö. Vartija tekee ilthoi. kköne. oo. PPOO, ihoo a marjoja , täisesti met läekään niie- 85 kotjkori" nällä: "Tyyli tukka ta-gissä riittä-cä tahansa veren kii-a yritin: se-elestä muot; ajan toises-t muita töi-la johtaa?" kyllä hän osoitin hä-sitä johtaa kun tulee liin unioUa Jelostin hä-liiaa jatkaa imassa pai-ärjestettävä lyös ilman-aänsä. Hän t ja ilman-noisina me -ja havait-iaitteet öli-butui hank-anvaihtolai-emmin yh-oitissa pääte. Tarkoj-tomme toi-usosastoon. )htajat oji-tivät edus-saadakseen autta ei se ärjestettiin siin paitsi yttää sUtä, it koskaan 1 tehtäviin, rempi teh- "eläkkeel-li vasta vä- 1 kun hä-nmin tapa-oli sunilli- Itä ja koe-fimtae tpi-villään ta BUyttäväUä Jim". Hän mieheksi huolimatta i tietenkin n 'korrek-ässäkin. ta: ;n Suomen [sinkiläisei i kutsuvie-ibuudoilla. l i i lehdet: 1'ja Neu-pienoisli-, Kymme-ttivät to-iiri kauas leisö ter-i hurraa-asivat ySr tadellään iän sokea n se, joka taatto sil-epälaotct-lan poliii- Tämä iin ponra-Äiden OS-ensa kan-i työväen- Sana^ nuttaken 0 Rahaa ysmavaia tukeauan Raha ei jtuksL mmm?:. Osmo is the Lucky Ouy Bsiniiuiiiii We havedevotedquiteanim^ber of <^oltmuls to,^^^^ Youth Festival yvrhi<3i wiai be held in Moscov^ this summer and no douM, ali purreaders are somewhat conversant with preparations for this massive gathering of young people from ali parts of the World. - - We also mentioned some time ago thai the FlhnMi^Or-gamzation of Canada had initiated a canq>aign to räise funds |tp send a ypung Finnish-Canadian to Moscow to represent us at this impbrtänt gathering of wprW yöu^^ D ^ i t e the fact that little has been said about täjs campaign it rolling onward and no doubt a tidy sum has already, been turned into the national office. —^ We were quite pleased to hear a few days ago, that with the festival fast approaching/the national execUtive has picked the lucky person to send to Moecow. His iiame is Osmo Lahti and to the best of öur ^owiedge he Jives iri Vancouver at present. Osmo is not ki}own to any of the young people in the East for the very goöd reasoh that he has lived in BC ali his life. ' ,] : ' '••^••••r-. As a foiroer Yahcourverite, we doD't blame him for not having visited eastem Canada, because you really do have to haye a good reason to leaye BC to settie down here. After ai], what is there here, that B C Hasnt got to offer, at least thafs whät we are töld. . ; ' - However, we must cpricede. tiiat the East has some; gopd points-and it is possible tp live here. But, to get back. to oiu-topic: As we wer6 saying, few of us Ihave had tiie Ppportunity tö nieet Osmo, but ihost of iis have met his brother, HPnry, who partieipated in ah earlier festiv«d amd had muc^ to teli us about itwheh he visited most of the ceritres iaf his return.' •;• ••'[••[•y- One of the re^sons that the seJection was made frg>m the West Uhis time wäs because of the factth^t a riumber of ypUng people from the. east havie attended earlier festiyals and Vancouver has been pressing för ä western Tepresentative. From what we have heard we. are sure that Osmo will be a very fine young "person to, retiresehi we have hever ineet him but we understäh^ interested in youtih activitieS and is somewbat pf a imusician. That win meah that O s^ in ali the marvejs pf the festival which he ynll te^^^^ later but he will bP able ,tQ dö his bit ;aiöng vntW the other young Canadians to show the youtfa of the v/oirM Canadians äre likp in löie; iconcjerts. that tliB Cänadians "will be preparing for the festival. ' . . . i Now we should really get busy and do our best.to see that the financial caanpaign goes over the top, because it is underständable that ifsufficiem money is liotraise^. tp cover the expenses of the trip, the national executive will be re-luctant to consider sending a young person to the next festival. It dsn^t a big job if w<5 alI;4o our bit. The Canadian Festival Committee has annouM about 200 young Canadians will be going to Moscow, Among them wiil.be Laila and Unto Penttinen from Sudbury who las^ Winter announced ttieir intention pf going. W e d o nöt knbw of arty other young Fihniah-Canadians whb are plan-ning to go and we would certainly like tp kn6w if thiere are. Incidentally it still isn't too late to decide to go. The com-mittee has phartered a second plane and there are still a few places available. The cost of the over-all trip is only $550 SO it's Weil wprth considering at even this late date. • To MösGirar antf^^l^ Toronto. — Accordinj?: t o ^ state-ment issued by the Canadian Youth Festival Committee, 175 yplingS Cä-nadians are already regiiätiered to attend the eth World YoUthfesti. vai in MoscÖw this siimaier, and a second plane has been chartered to carry additiohal participants to what promises to be the biggest and most jBXciting Youth Festival yet. The committee estimates that there will be at least 200 from Canada at the Festival. Along with 30,000 young people from 120 countries, the Canadians will ppen the Festival with a large and colourful parade on July 28th, marking the beginning of 15 days of festivities including cultural and' sports events, friendly meetlngs between delegations. . meetings based on occupation and interest, student seminars and bundreds of other events. Included in the group already reglstered are young people from almost ai! parts of Canada, bf the . XDÖst diverse oecupations and inter-ests and of many different social, teligious and other poittts of view. Ali of them wiU be able to taka part in those Festival activities of particuiar interest to eacb, a» well those of a more general nature, in the extensive and varied Festival program. The Canadian group plans to present at least two national concerta and täke part in f our international concerts at" the Festival, vrhHe a flumber of participants win be par-ticipating' in the various cultural and sports competitions: Plans are also anderway-to organlze a mass square dance in 006 of tlM squares of Moscovr. In addition, the group wiU take witb it varipiis items of Indlän, JEskimo and French Canadian handicraft for dispiay at the FestiVail, as weU äs artlcles depict-ihg other sectlons ot.Canäda, its history and people. „ Wbile additional space is novir available Oh the second • plane, the committee emphasized the . need for speed In receiving appUcations. This is necessary because of visa and other arrangements.that must be made before leaving for the Festival. The Festival will be held from July 28th to August llt|L The second plane wiU leave from Haiton airport for London on,,July 22nd, retuming from I^ndori on.^ugust 27th- Travel to the f^^tival from London will be by train. Total, all-indusive price for the 5->(reek trip, including a two-week pöst-Festival trii^ througb Europe, is $550.' Fur-tber Information can rbe obtained from the Canadian Youth FesUval Committee, 47 DundonaldiSt, Toronto, Ont PhoncVAZ^SOSC 8ALT WATEH ... An öld Cbinese fable telLs of Two Tears that were floating °down the River of Time. "I" wept the first, 5'am the tear of a woman who lost ber husband to another woman." ''Wby should you moum," said' the other. **! am (he tear of the woman that got him."-- CHOOCHOO ' - QuestUm: If easf is east and «rest is West, where is the twain? Answer; Oo-tbe twacki>- % news "Sneak Previeur" Comihg Liitto - Laulu Julilat Toronto. — With " T H E ' * big event of the year only two months' away. preparatioqs h^ve really be-gun in earnest in Toronto, as they no doubt-have in ali the other par-ticipating clubs. Since this is our first att^mpt at a combined Juhlat, everyone is working doubly hard to make it ä very successful and a very enjoyable one. The Toronto choirs have been di-ligently rehearsing throughout the Winter and spring months, as has the Soittokunta, to line up a good inusical programme for the Juhlat. As far as the gymnastic ehd of the programme is concerned, • the wo - men's gym group has been turning out in fuU force for regular prac^' tices, and we hope that the menwill also have Uned up something by that time. The children's gym has also been coming along very nicely. The track at Tarmola is now in the process of being put into shape, and as soon as this is finished we höpe our athletes will do the sande. It ali sounds pretty gaod,fdoesn't it? Weil. we have a treat in store for you.' Instead of having to ,wait until August to see whait Toronto has to offer, you can have a sneak preview on June 23rd. This is the Juhannus weekend, as yoii know, and we intend to celebrate:> it with a bang. On Saturday night, JunO 22nd, we will start the weekend off with a dance at Tarmola — and what a dance it's going to be. There'll be square dancing — with one of the best callers in the' business doing the honours. round danc* ing to rcal live accordion music (and I meauT live). and triangle dancing too, if we can manage it. While this is going on, we have some very experienced bdhflre builders whp are going to build the biggest V bonfire Tannöla has ^ eyier seen, aäd when y6u*ye danced to ybur heart's content yöu can join in the sihgsOng arouhd thci tradit-ional KoUco: It will be loads bf fun, and i f l l give you a cliahoe to satisfy the bit of Caruso thafs in ali of us. On Sunday, June 23rd, the miu-sicians and gymnaists have put^to-gether a programme you just' caih't afford to miss. Here's ybur chance to waU:h a terrific concert and get yoUr fresh air at the same Umb., There will be musical rnuitibers to please ali, supplied by our lädies', men's and mixed choirs as well as our own SoittokiihtaVFor tboäe whp enjöy the more physical type of en-tertainment, there wili be gym num-bers, dahces, etc. performed by bur ladies* gym group, and we hope our track athletes will be out to sbbw us their stuff also. Aiid scatt^red throughout the programme, will be individual ntimbers tp please ali. What more could you possibly ask for in ohe day? It's a good prb-grammei — and a varied one. So,' don't forget to circle the date pn your cMendar. Rememberr-^ June 22nd and 23rd, at Tarmola. See you then. — E. J . Fäther Judges T By BOB WARD We were reading a whiie back about, the general lbw calibre of TV programs beamied at children. Some progräms, according to.moni-tprs, hadalmost as 'many^ dead <ixH dies per square 21" asone adver-tiser claims his^ cigarettes have fil-ter tips. • • * Our report said that TV programs of this nature. were bad for children. Weil, when you get tbinking about as many dead bodies piled up in your liying rooih äs there are on stage at the end of a German opera, it's enough to make pay rents ponder whether it's worth while keeping up TV paynients. • • • * • • r •••• In mätters öf this nature we ai-ways turn to our wife. Thafs because we have an agreement that she looks af ter ali small decisions while we look after the big, or ma-jor, ones. It occurred to « s when we did that this arrangement was quite an efficient one, for in nigh on fifteen years of marital bliss we have had no major decisions to make. • • "Amy." we asked, "just what kind of programs do our children watch on TV?" Her nibs looked at us like a boss who has just caugbt a worker put-ting a nasty note in a suggestion box. • "Look who's here," she said to the children. "Here's Marty the Martian ju$t dropped in from Mars." • .•-..•„: We, of course, admonished ber that this was no way to taik in front of children who are at the 'impres-sionable' age. • "They might grow up with one or another of those hor-rible complexes we're always reading about," we said rather testily. Amy agreed somewhat reluctant-ly that this might be even worse tban having them grow up as un-observant as their father, "Why don't you watch their programs," Ehe finäUy ^ i d . "You don't do much of anything else around here!" We started out with Sir Lanc-a-lot. This program is loaded with guys cavorting around in Robert Hobot Buits. Tliere's Sir Bum-a-lot; Sir Smirk-a-lot; Sir Smell-a-lot and a-lot of other k-nightS: King Arthur is sort of top dog and we gather from the program that he believed in "The Better Way" many years before the slogan was coin»l by one of the better known names in the «lectr^cal Industry. Robin Hood is about this fellow who, according to'the theme song, is "loved by the poor and hated by the rich." He's a sort of an early shop steward and he and the Sher-riff of Good-for Notting'bam are daggers drawn ali the time. Robin has a bunch of good guys like Deep Fryer Tuck, Little John (wbo is big) and Big John i^bo is little) and they giye this Sberiff square a real rough gö of it. , The real villain of the piece, though, is King John. Matter of fact, as we recall history King John was sp bad that ^ven the ^krPights turned on him and made him sign the Magna Charta which provided, among other things, that no one could be hanged twice for the same crime, . - The Cisco Kid is a sort of a Robin Hood with a Mexican accent. He and his sidekick, Puncho, always show up when the nibrtgage is, being closed, or when a pretty girl — 36-19-36 —is hanging over the edge of a cliff and some bad lug is trying to get her to fall into sin. We haven't got around to viewing Wild'Bill Hiccup or Wyatt Burp as yet; but we can always bring these up in some future column. One thing about the Westems: there just don't seem to be any rustlers anymore. No sir, nary a cattle rustler. Äll the bad guys steal things like oil wells, gas pipe-lines and. uranium-a. And this seems passing strange when you consider the high price of beef. After viewing 'childrenV shows for several nights we confess that we*re still hard put to It to figure out which are "good" and which are "bad". Some programs we can't even figure out which of the guys are thataway,. There's only one thing we author-atively say right now about "child-ren's" programs. The crooks hardly ever get away with any more tban some of the claims made by the ad-men in commercials deslgned for grown-ups. 'Bye for now. We have to catch Howdy-Doody. MayfIower II, joka on tarkka jäljennös historiallisesta Mayflower-nimisestä purjelaivasta, joka vuonna 1620 kuljetti puretaaniset ns. pyhiinvaeltajaisät Britanniasta Amerikan mantereelle, saapui Provincelownin satamaan keskiviikkona. Purjehtiminen Englannista yli Atlantin otti kaikkiaan 53 vuorokautta ja sinä aikana alus kulki yli 5,000 mailia. Komentaja-kapteeni Alan ViUiers, joka on kulkenut merellä 54 vuotta, salli laivansa hinattavaksi Provincetowniin keskiviikkona kun näytti siltä, että se ei pääse omällia yoimallaän määräpäivään mennessä. Alkuperäisen Mayflower-laivan purjehdus oli kestänyt 66 vuorokautta. Laiva on 180 tonnin painoinen ja 92 jalan p i tuinen. Se tulee pian jatkamaan matkaansa Plymouthiin ja New,Yorkiin. "ikuinen l(al(l(onen" Jehu Track & Field Meet Pjanned For June 23 Sodbnry; — The current track and field season in the Sudbury district got away to a good start last weekend with a meet sponsored by Voima A.C. at Long Lake. Most district clubs were represented at the meet and ihere were some very keen competition». The next meet will be held at Beaver Lake sponsored by Jehu A.C. The date is Sunday, June 23 and the competitions will start at 11 A.M. A 5-event is scheduled for the open class and it indudes 100 m,, shot, javelin, broadjump and high jump. The under 18 boys will also have the same events with the ex-ception that they will be heaving the 12 pound shot The women ivill compete in a 3^ent includliig 00 ihot and Suuri Suomen ystävä ja tuntija, maratonvoittaja Alain Mimoun 0'Kacha saapunee jälleen tänä ke sänä kilpailumatkalle Suomeen. Urheilukynäilijät ristivät jo var hain Alain Mimounin "ikuiseksi !kakkoseksi''. Eikä liene ketään tois-ta, jolle tuo 'nimi alua jäähyväis-juoksuun, suureen maratonvoittoon, saakka olisi niin hyvin sopinut kuin juuri Mimounille, Neljän tiiviin kll- ; pavuoden aikana 1948:sta 1952:ecn hänen .sijoituksensa tärkeimmissä koitoksissa, Olympia- ja EM-kisols. «a olivat seuraavat: 2 - T - 2 — 2 . 'Siis viisi kertaa toi'iien. Aina suu-ren Eihiiin vanavedessä ja tämän ainoana uhkana. Joka kerran Alain puri hampaansa yhteen, päätti ' ja myös yritti voittaa, mutta yhtä monesti oli tuloksena hienoinen pettymys, ei milloinkaan voittaja-o laa-kerla. Liian vähän sai tuo teräs-idpttuinen pikku marokkolainen korvaukseksi vuosien ponnistuksista. Näin ajateltiin aina joulukuu-hu'n vuonna 195G, ~ Mimoun ilmestyi urhcilutaivaalle kuin salama' kirkkaalta taivaalta. Hän ci' saapunut voittajana, mutta kaikkien kummastelemana hopea-mitalimiehcnä Lontoon olympialaisissa, yain Emil Zatopck oli parempi. Sensaatio oli Alainin ensimmäinen juoksu, samoin kuin hänen vii-meisensäkin... 19.50 Brysselin EM,-kisoissa oli Zatopckista kehittynyt jo sellainen ilmiö, josta etukäteen tiedettiin kertoa, ettei häntä kukaan lyö. Muut juoksijat pitivät asiaa melkein kuin päätettynä, paitsi IVfimoiin. Pikku marokkolainen yritti jälleen sinnikkäästi; Mutta molemmilla "suomalaismatkoilla' *bänen oli lopulta; jäätävä varjoon, toiselle lilalle. Jo nyt arveltiin, että Mimounin viimeinen mahdollisuus voittoon 'meni ikuisesti ohi. Mutta marokkolainen ilmestyi Helsingin olympiakisojen juok.sura-dalle, eikä herättänyt suurempaa huomiota, sillä uudet valttiässät oli-^ vat "Kuningas Emilin" ohella puheenaiheena voittajia veikattae-ssa. Ja taaskin Mimoun oli se, joka teki puolesta ja täydestä peninkulmasta suuret juoksut, ja vakiinnutti nimeiisä "ikuisena kakkosena". Tulivat vielä 1954 EM kisat, mutta tällä kerta ei marokkolainen enää ollutkaan mukana. Hänen aikansa on nyt lopullisesti ohi, kirjoittivat lehdet, ikää miehellä on jo 34 vuotta. Jälleen on eräs kirkkaasti lois tanut Juoksijatähti sammunut, - Neljä vuotta kului Helsingin ki-high- jump, Under 15 girl-s will also compete in a 3-evcnt consisting of 60 f.m,,;Shot (4 pounds) and broad-junip, Under 15 boys will also liave the same events as the girls but they will have to heave an H pound shot , In addition their will be a 1,500 metre race which is open to ali and the under 12 girls and boys will 1)C able to compete in a GO m, race, : Three prizcs will be awarded in ali clas£^s with the exceplion of the children'8 race where ali those Crossing the fini^h line will be gi-ven a prize'. The weekend festivities will start off w>th a dance Saturday night and things will wind up with a play sunday night AH in ali it WJII be a b u ^ week-end at Beaver Lake, soi.sta ja niin oltiin jälleen uusien olympialaisten kynnyksellä Mimoun aloitti vuoden loistavammin kuin milloinkaan aikaisemmin. Hän pisteli keskikesällä peninkulmalla UU' don RansKan ennätyksen 20.13,6. —- Suorastaan järkyttyneinä ktrjoitter livat nyt jehtimichct tästU urotyös tä: "Eikö tuo mies ymmärrä, että ikävuosien pitää vaatia omansa, ja Alainhan on jo kohta SO-vuotias.' •Mclbournen kisojen, avajaiset buo-rilcttiin ja jälleen nähtiin Mimoun joukkueensa mukana jo kolmansissa olympiakisoissa. Kymmenen tu hannen metrin juoksu alkoi,'mutta Mimoun c i ollut lähtöviivalla. Ja vaikka Zntopekkikin sUtä puuttui, niin tuskin olisi voittoa sisukkaalle afrikkalaiselle herunut, sillä Kuts on vieläkin kovempi pala kuin Emil parhaina päivinään. Kehitys on kulkenut eteenpäin. 5,000 metriäkin juostiin eikä siinäkään nähty Mi-mounia. Hän seurasi tapahtumia katsomosta. Kisojen suuri päivä valkeni, juoS' tiin maraton, kisojen klassillinen laji. Mimoun oli lähtöviivalla Ja niin oli myös Zatopek, jota katseet seurasivat hänen kiertäessään muun joukon mukana rataa. Voittaisiko voittamaton Emi! jälleen, se oli keskeinen kysymys, "Ikuisea ta kakkosesta" ei paljoa puhuttu. Mutta puolimatkan krouvissa jo puhuttiin Ja sen jälkeen. Mimoun otti silloin johdon kä.siinsä Ja säilytti sen loppuun'saakka, Ylhäisessä yksinäisyydessä hän saapui mara-tonportista stadionille ja katkaisi maalinauhan ylivoimaisena voitta- Jana, Hetkeä myöhemmin kohosi "Tricolore" korkeimpaan salkoon. Marseljeesi soi ja Alain Mimoun 0'Kacha vastaanotti kultaisen mitalin ja laakeriseppeleen voiton merkkinä. Kisojen .maineikkain voitto ja kaunis hyvitys monien pettymysten jälkeen. Alain Mimoun ci itkenyt, hän el ole Hanakasta vaan Afrikasta, mut^ la mustissa silmissä oli kostea kiilto ja koko olemuksessa juhlallista vakavuutta. Poistuessaan kentältä hän ei sa nonut kenellekään mitään, ei vas-tanui lehtimiesten kysymyksiin. — Mimoun on epäystävällinen ja hapan, sanottiin. Ei Mimoun ollut hapan. Hävinneenä hän oli aina pystynyt hymyi lemään, mutta viiden ratkaisevan tappion ja^pettymyksen Jälkeen hetki oli liian täydellinen, jotta mi tään olisi voinut sanoa. Kolme lentäjää Icuoli ilmavolmieii päivänä ^ Ixtndon. — Kaksi Canadan ilmavoimien lentäjää sai täällä surmansa Canadan ilmavoimien' päivänä lauantaina kun heidän matalalla lentävä lentokone räjähti 8,000 katsojan edessä Crumlinin lentokentällä. Surmiinsa saivat lentoupscerit L, Sparrow Ja D, A; Sheffield, Toinen lentäjistä yritti hypätä jioin 600 jalan korkeudesta maahan, mutta hänen laskuvarjonsa ehti vain o.sittain avautua Ja lentäjä säi surmansa, y Cimlista, Manitobasta tiedoitet-tiin lauantaina, että siellä sai surmansa lentoupsceriCordon Brown ilmavoimien päivän näytöksensä kun hänen lentokoneensa syöksyi maahan. Torstaina, Iceäsic 13 p. —Thoreday, Me) pois Budapest — Sotaasmienot vähennetään puoleen ja myös raskaan teollisuuden investointeja isuplste-taan vuoden 1957 budjetin'mukaan, joka tk. 6 p. yksimielisesti hyvik-syttiin kansalliskokouksessa. Tarkoituksena on saada korjatuiksi ne vahingot, jotka viime vuoden vasta-vallankumousyritys maalle aiheutti. Tulot on arvioitu runsaasti 52 miljardiksi forintiksi (fäbes 1200 miljardia markkaa' vit^lVsen ^ kurs • sin mukaan) ja menot runsaasti 51 miljardiksi forinUksi. Sotilasmenot ovat 1,9 miljardia forinttia, niiden, oltua Viime vuonna 4 niiljardia. ; ^ , » /... Investbintimä|irärahat" ovat yh-teensä 8.2 ^ miljardia forinttia, josta 6Ö pros, on tarkoitettu teollisuutta, maataloutta, kulkulaitoksia jo kauppaa varten, kun taos loppuosa käytetään asuntojen rakentamiseen sekä kulttuuri- ja sosiaalisiin tarpoi siin. Kesä alkaa Oanadassa Mikäli tfihtlUcteitijät ovat kysymyksessä » ni;n Canacjssa kuluvan vuoden aikana kesä alkaa virallisesti kesäkuun 21 pn8 kello 11.21 Eastem Standard aikaa. ,-:aeWnjM.;^';i»a^tÄf' sen demokraattisen liitbn' kokoontuu J H e l s i ä l ^ ^ ^ l k s^ —27 päivinä. Ennakkoil' tnukaan isaäputi kokbuks^» 200 edustajaa 60 maasta;^ Etelä-Amerikan ja : Aasian Neuvoston ikokouksesra' käätet»; , ^, J Neuvoston kokoukse^,' käätel«j läänvmm. naisten toimintaa a5el8tä|:;,:|;t ^riisunhaii^ • puolestaS-säÄ^^j^^ ; hbase^ ja ydiiiasefokailu^ naisten taloudeiUsiai;:ä|a'Ss^^ oikeuksia kosktvlo ky8yroykaiäjne.i-jv NKDLn ;?t6lm^npän^vjri^ luonnos'' Maailmanliiton imm ^s8äiihölksi;-'jbttfS?iUttbob^^.ic^^ •könsalllsel^^jariätöt^^^^tts^^ men Naisten Demokraattinen„yit(ol,; \| ja sen perusjärjestöt . V vätkaudclta .käsitelleet, tuleeni • nciivostph kokouksessa. =M''''P0$^$, Kokoukseen, Joka pidetiiSn *ltiäit* tuurltalolla, Sturenkatu ösalUs^ti vorsinaisten neuvoston jSsen^n-> ohella eri naisjärjestöjen' edusta^'' jla ju tarkkailijoita sekä SNDtn; osastojen edustajia eri; pUdinta maata. ' ' ""'^ ' — Yli kolmo vlldes^osao Yhdisty» neen Kuningaskunnan 535,000 ^ari>| mistä on pinta-alaltaan alle 5ft;eek-|;/'''i.v keriä, k;./' HYVÄT KIRJAT luovat virkistystä ja avartavat lukijan näköpiiriä Arvokkaita kamokirjallma teoksia Leo Tolstoin suurteos SOTA JA RAUHA 1 osaa . . . . . . . . . H i n t a «Id.' 18.00 Leo Tolstoin "Sota Ja rauha" on kaiklkeln sUurlpIirtciälmj)Iii, mpr- , klllijiiimplii romaaneja, mtUi maa- Ilman Mpjnllisuua tuntee, • Leo ^^olatoi: ANNA KARENINA. 2 oma Hinta tid. I5.D0, "Anna Karenina" on ettktt ; eniten luettu ja eniten ihailtu teoa. Sc on maailman hienoimpia rak-, kausromaaneja. Z. Topelius: VÄLSKÄRIN KERTOMUKSIA 3; suuria osaa . . . Illnta »U, fT.00 Iklviohattiivä hlotorialUnen to- • maani kahden sumn: kohtaloista Ja ihmeellisestä kuntrtkaansor-- mukjsesta on Jo monen mtct^l-' vcn aijan ollut kllnnoBtavaa-luct-; ••tavaa... , •- • • • * Jane Austen: NEITO VANHASSA LINNASSA 242 sivua .. ^, ., lllnto sid. $2.50 Hilpeä englantilainen tklauiSdsa, Jane Austen, on riemastuttavan humoristtseftti, ironiaa Ja saitiria viljellen (kuvannut romaaneissaan englantilaisen keskiluokan - elä- - mäd. Sankarittarien joukkoon liittyy nyt Catherine, Jonka ay-dämcnoAiobta romaani "Neito vaitha8i,a liniiossa" kertoo; R. D, Blackmore: ROSVOLAAKSON TYTÄR 480 Jilvua . . . . . . , Ilinjta sld, «2.00 Rosvojen laakiossa, täysin eristettynä muusta moaibnasta elää kaunis, salaperäinen neito Lorna Doone, Hänen ympärilleen kietoutuu romaanin Jännlttä/vä, monisyinen tapahtumasarja, jonka sanOcarlna on nuori John Ridd; Icookos kuin Jättiläinen ja väkevä kuin karhu, Mika WaUarl: TURMS, KUOLEMATON C81 sivua , . . , . , . WnQ «Id. f4.7S Elämänsä iltaan ehtinyt, paljon nauttinut Ja paljon kärsinyt Turms, kuolematon, kertoo tässä ; MKea Waltarin romaanissa merkillisestä elämästään, jdka oli leikfklä Ja oikkua Ja arvoitusta Ja kulten3{ln näytti hänelle Jo-, puita hänen oman olemuksensa ffalai,'iuu(len, Väinö Linna: TUNTEMATON SOTILAS Kaasanpalnos kuvitettuna 443 Mvua Ilinta sid. |2XI0 /Tuntematon sotilas", on epäilemättä mttklttävä Ja vaikuttava kirja. Se on rehellinen ja aito 'ja antaa sellaisen-kuvan ihmisistä sodassa, että sen täytyy olla tosi. Kauppis-HeiSdci: VALITUT TEOKSET 511 sivua Hinta sid. |340 Teo» käsittää «euraavat: valikoima "Tarinoita", Laata. Allina, uranaukaisijat Ja savolainen ^ soittaja. BOX 69 Brfltta Simpsoh: MINA MENEN AMERIKKAAN •205 sivu» Hinta sid. 13.25 md. 12.75. , > ^Mlnä 'menen; AmeriiiMan'!}!:^ VI terhakka - kertomus ^ 20-luvun'^ pulla Annikkaan läbtehJei^ 'fiUoiMaTälslSta:' - lUlttIihi?MSSP kuntoinen niille 'sudätatälsin^ tytttiUe Ja naisille, ioikaimiW paJvelliJolna Itorontosso;; : Sntu JVoitorl; - rr' SADEPILVI 'r."\ Roilskauskcrtotilus ' 247 Sivua' Hinta sid. |2,78 Tämä vokavan-haiuka iteit^mus' kahden nuoren Ihmisen yhtelsis^ tä vaiheista vie lukijan «iisli^ Pariisiin Ja sieltä värlkk4^Ue$ peukaKKkyyiknatkalle I taliaän/ Jälleen Pariisiin Ja lopulta Htih slnkiln. • V":;:',;>:-;'...;^.-;':;(..i,:;.;.;.^vN Veikko. Huovinen: RAUHANPIIPPU V ,r.r 279 sivua Hlni&iUL$iUISl "Rauhanpiipun" saattaa fäkea. repäisevänä Ja «nlellkuVltii&Sellt^ sciuv selkkailur(«manina^ lOiW; riemulliset; tiahmot {ja satöM^ suUcatikset, 'seuraavat? :tolstaw^^^^^^ Toisaalta sod^n mielettömyyttä Ja koUlmJa on harvoinr kuvattu' mm verisellä Ivalla kiUn t Ä I kirjassa;; ^;VRauhanpIlppu'^:,vO^^ tuimin ja totisin mielin klj^i^i^t tettu Vastalause sodalle. > s - Giuseppe MÖrotta: ., , NAPOLIN KULTAA :/ 214 sivua . V . . . . . Hinta,^|2i»^ Napolilainen elämä vt^Itda;t||«9^;^ teoksessa editsemme iUtoria -jas rehevänä kuin värlkäis «Imi* v Tyyne-Mfllja Salminen: Vi^fi^/li-t:.^ KrajAVAT PISARAT:! 273 sivua . . . ^vv. Hinto sid. fLSf, -Tyyne-Maija Salnilseh^'TomMUi^^ liikkuu erään ix)heeml^ahvl|an kantavleraitten parissa. Heidän.' Joukossaan tapaamme seki. täi- V: tellljoita että niitä ptkilivillfiisla^vx "talteenharrastatjia". Jotka ;t)ö-' heemidämän ttoukuttelaninäiiai pelkästä turimmaisuudesta' xiipr puvat heidän ilepeimiM.--S:Ä;iV^0k ILOISEN LAULAJAN ^ Z5S Siroa Hinta ild. $2,2S. 206 laulua ovat kaikki aiaickosjir''' jeirtykaesfiä ja.vanistettu ytolöÄf ??A nisin nimtein.?::- "'• P. M, Dostojevski: ; MUISTELMIA " KUOLLEESTA TALOSpy 320 sivua HInlatld. ^ZJS9 Kun Dostojevski kii^lttf Bcui^: leen talon" muisteima^^jbtkafil'*;^ mestyivät painosta v,r 1661,y;tiä^ oli itse samaisen; 'duolleen' ^ ^ i i lon", siperialaisen kurltttäiuone^l vankilan; asukkaana nieljä^|vuiätf^l ta, "Muistelmia kvcltIteaim>^M losta", veöämisen mestarin-Äiöel merklUäibi teos, on Jäikgittat^ M kuvaus niistä"el^yfcsista^jOtie#| kirialltja joutui kok^inaan^ltf^ oUlsesta rikoksesta: tUonmti^ pakkotyfivankina Siperiassa. Tilatkaa osoitteella: ' > -1' , VAPAUS PUBLISHING CO. lyOa tSiliiiiiii»i«iaitta^^^^^M m Mä m
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Vapaus, June 13, 1957 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finnish--Canadians--Newspapers |
Publisher | Vapaus Publishing Co |
Date | 1957-06-13 |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | Vapaus570613 |
Title | 1957-06-13-03 |
OCR text |
uman vanki.
irhmä jo elä-
1 kanssa sao-i
t i . Ryhmän
tekee ilthoi.
a marjoja ,
täisesti met
läekään niie-
85 kotjkori"
nällä: "Tyyli
tukka ta-gissä
veren kii-a
yritin: se-elestä
ajan toises-t
muita töi-la
kyllä hän
osoitin hä-sitä
kun tulee
liin unioUa
Jelostin hä-liiaa
imassa pai-ärjestettävä
lyös ilman-aänsä.
t ja ilman-noisina
-ja havait-iaitteet
)htajat oji-tivät
autta ei se
siin paitsi
yttää sUtä,
it koskaan
1 tehtäviin,
rempi teh-
vasta vä-
1 kun hä-nmin
Itä ja koe-fimtae
Jim". Hän
i tietenkin
n 'korrek-ässäkin.
;n Suomen
i kutsuvie-ibuudoilla.
l i
i lehdet:
1'ja Neu-pienoisli-,
leisö ter-i
iän sokea
n se, joka
taatto sil-epälaotct-lan
iin ponra-Äiden
0 Rahaa
Raha ei
Osmo is the Lucky Ouy
We havedevotedquiteanim^ber of <^oltmuls to,^^^^
Youth Festival yvrhi<3i wiai be held in Moscov^ this summer
and no douM, ali purreaders are somewhat conversant with
preparations for this massive gathering of young people from
ali parts of the World. - -
We also mentioned some time ago thai the FlhnMi^Or-gamzation
of Canada had initiated a canq>aign to räise funds
|tp send a ypung Finnish-Canadian to Moscow to represent
us at this impbrtänt gathering of wprW yöu^^ D ^ i t e the
fact that little has been said about täjs campaign it
rolling onward and no doubt a tidy sum has already, been
turned into the national office. —^
We were quite pleased to hear a few days ago, that with
the festival fast approaching/the national execUtive has
picked the lucky person to send to Moecow. His iiame is Osmo
Lahti and to the best of öur ^owiedge he Jives iri Vancouver
at present. Osmo is not ki}own to any of the young
people in the East for the very goöd reasoh that he has lived
in BC ali his life. ' ,] : ' '••^••••r-.
As a foiroer Yahcourverite, we doD't blame him for not
having visited eastem Canada, because you really do have
to haye a good reason to leaye BC to settie down here. After
ai], what is there here, that B C Hasnt got to offer, at least
thafs whät we are töld. . ; ' -
However, we must cpricede. tiiat the East has some; gopd
points-and it is possible tp live here. But, to get back. to oiu-topic:
As we wer6 saying, few of us Ihave had tiie Ppportunity
tö nieet Osmo, but ihost of iis have met his brother, HPnry,
who partieipated in ah earlier festiv«d amd had muc^ to teli
us about itwheh he visited most of the ceritres iaf his
return.' •;• ••'[••[•y-
One of the re^sons that the seJection was made frg>m the
West Uhis time wäs because of the factth^t a riumber of ypUng
people from the. east havie attended earlier festiyals and
Vancouver has been pressing för ä western Tepresentative.
From what we have heard we. are sure that Osmo will
be a very fine young "person to, retiresehi
we have hever ineet him but we understäh^
interested in youtih activitieS and is somewbat pf a imusician.
That win meah that O s^
in ali the marvejs pf the festival which he ynll te^^^^
later but he will bP able ,tQ dö his bit ;aiöng vntW the other
young Canadians to show the youtfa of the v/oirM
Canadians äre likp in löie; iconcjerts. that tliB Cänadians "will
be preparing for the festival. ' . . . i
Now we should really get busy and do our best.to see
that the financial caanpaign goes over the top, because it is
underständable that ifsufficiem money is liotraise^. tp cover
the expenses of the trip, the national executive will be re-luctant
to consider sending a young person to the next festival.
It dsn^t a big job if w<5 alI;4o our bit.
The Canadian Festival Committee has annouM
about 200 young Canadians will be going to Moscow, Among
them wiil.be Laila and Unto Penttinen from Sudbury who
las^ Winter announced ttieir intention pf going. W e d o nöt
knbw of arty other young Fihniah-Canadians whb are plan-ning
to go and we would certainly like tp kn6w if thiere are.
Incidentally it still isn't too late to decide to go. The com-mittee
has phartered a second plane and there are still a few
places available. The cost of the over-all trip is only $550
SO it's Weil wprth considering at even this late date. •
To MösGirar antf^^l^
Toronto. — Accordinj?: t o ^ state-ment
issued by the Canadian Youth
Festival Committee, 175 yplingS Cä-nadians
are already regiiätiered to
attend the eth World YoUthfesti.
vai in MoscÖw this siimaier, and a
second plane has been chartered
to carry additiohal participants to
what promises to be the biggest
and most jBXciting Youth Festival
yet. The committee estimates that
there will be at least 200 from
Canada at the Festival.
Along with 30,000 young people
from 120 countries, the Canadians
will ppen the Festival with a large
and colourful parade on July 28th,
marking the beginning of 15 days
of festivities including cultural and'
sports events, friendly meetlngs
between delegations. . meetings
based on occupation and interest,
student seminars and bundreds of
other events.
Included in the group already
reglstered are young people from
almost ai! parts of Canada, bf the
. XDÖst diverse oecupations and inter-ests
and of many different social,
teligious and other poittts of view.
Ali of them wiU be able to taka
part in those Festival activities of
particuiar interest to eacb, a» well
those of a more general nature,
in the extensive and varied Festival
The Canadian group plans to present
at least two national concerta
and täke part in f our international
concerts at" the Festival, vrhHe a
flumber of participants win be par-ticipating'
in the various cultural
and sports competitions: Plans are
also anderway-to organlze a mass
square dance in 006 of tlM squares
of Moscovr. In addition, the group
wiU take witb it varipiis items of
Indlän, JEskimo and French Canadian
handicraft for dispiay at the
FestiVail, as weU äs artlcles depict-ihg
other sectlons ot.Canäda, its
history and people. „
Wbile additional space is novir
available Oh the second • plane, the
committee emphasized the . need
for speed In receiving appUcations.
This is necessary because of visa
and other arrangements.that must
be made before leaving for the
The Festival will be held from
July 28th to August llt|L The second
plane wiU leave from Haiton
airport for London on,,July 22nd,
retuming from I^ndori on.^ugust
27th- Travel to the f^^tival from
London will be by train. Total, all-indusive
price for the 5->(reek trip,
including a two-week pöst-Festival
trii^ througb Europe, is $550.' Fur-tber
Information can rbe obtained
from the Canadian Youth FesUval
Committee, 47 DundonaldiSt, Toronto,
An öld Cbinese fable telLs of Two
Tears that were floating °down the
River of Time.
"I" wept the first, 5'am the tear
of a woman who lost ber husband
to another woman."
''Wby should you moum," said'
the other. **! am (he tear of the
woman that got him."--
QuestUm: If easf is east and «rest
is West, where is the twain?
Answer; Oo-tbe twacki>- %
"Sneak Previeur" Comihg
Liitto - Laulu Julilat
Toronto. — With " T H E ' * big
event of the year only two months'
away. preparatioqs h^ve really be-gun
in earnest in Toronto, as they
no doubt-have in ali the other par-ticipating
clubs. Since this is our
first att^mpt at a combined Juhlat,
everyone is working doubly hard to
make it ä very successful and a
very enjoyable one.
The Toronto choirs have been di-ligently
rehearsing throughout the
Winter and spring months, as has
the Soittokunta, to line up a good
inusical programme for the Juhlat.
As far as the gymnastic ehd of the
programme is concerned, • the wo -
men's gym group has been turning
out in fuU force for regular prac^'
tices, and we hope that the menwill
also have Uned up something by
that time. The children's gym has
also been coming along very nicely.
The track at Tarmola is now in the
process of being put into shape, and
as soon as this is finished we höpe
our athletes will do the sande.
It ali sounds pretty gaod,fdoesn't
it? Weil. we have a treat in store
for you.' Instead of having to ,wait
until August to see whait Toronto
has to offer, you can have a sneak
preview on June 23rd. This is the
Juhannus weekend, as yoii know,
and we intend to celebrate:> it with
a bang. On Saturday night, JunO
22nd, we will start the weekend off
with a dance at Tarmola — and
what a dance it's going to be.
There'll be square dancing — with
one of the best callers in the' business
doing the honours. round danc*
ing to rcal live accordion music
(and I meauT live). and triangle
dancing too, if we can manage it.
While this is going on, we have
some very experienced bdhflre
builders whp are going to build the
biggest V bonfire Tannöla has ^ eyier
seen, aäd when y6u*ye danced to
ybur heart's content yöu can join
in the sihgsOng arouhd thci tradit-ional
KoUco: It will be loads bf
fun, and i f l l give you a cliahoe to
satisfy the bit of Caruso thafs in
ali of us.
On Sunday, June 23rd, the miu-sicians
and gymnaists have put^to-gether
a programme you just' caih't
afford to miss. Here's ybur chance
to waU:h a terrific concert and get
yoUr fresh air at the same Umb.,
There will be musical rnuitibers to
please ali, supplied by our lädies',
men's and mixed choirs as well as
our own SoittokiihtaVFor tboäe whp
enjöy the more physical type of en-tertainment,
there wili be gym num-bers,
dahces, etc. performed by bur
ladies* gym group, and we hope our
track athletes will be out to sbbw
us their stuff also. Aiid scatt^red
throughout the programme, will be
individual ntimbers tp please ali.
What more could you possibly ask
for in ohe day? It's a good prb-grammei
— and a varied one. So,'
don't forget to circle the date pn
your cMendar. Rememberr-^ June
22nd and 23rd, at Tarmola. See
you then. — E. J .
Fäther Judges T
We were reading a whiie back
about, the general lbw calibre of
TV programs beamied at children.
Some progräms, according to.moni-tprs,
hadalmost as 'many^ dead |
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