1955-02-10-03 |
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P M 5 ! '•Smmm m - J A ITÄTÄ <5' i i mi y^'^ te «liceia aiotte JlJette lamtpimgin ^alta- ?crJ TyöUäxme? OlettS-.] paaeiitolseisi pollisasj ryövätä paalein? i : M i n u l l a ei ole ml. , ai&eita arvojEa ions- » asia on sillä tavalla,/j 1 ainoastaan yhden josfj-'^ ellei minulla ole een ävää tässä ItaupungisB» aa, että tarvitsen revoj- HHiMi ^AKADPASSA ' - T Kyaä'näma pifli, fcU|; lohet ovat luonnajl aaisi%tEi niitä ole vär-akas: — Siinä tapaofe.^ t punastuneet korkean Ki. ilose Compeiiitibn il * e c t ed t F C A S F ChamD ionship M e e t uja vastaan Inlee • ^ menetiäoiään - lottamnksen i a tnlee''^' kalkliien Iiansojen^ ne vastostamaan nyt ^ todessa ' niitä \ jotka atomisodan, ome kaikkien atomi, tftämlstä, haoUmattä ne ovat, j a niiden, n hetlkobtaista lo- * 3. TILA simmaisen kilpailupäi-'' tilalla. Suomen Salo-*".' O m. toiseksi. ;Grishin Nrliitto 44.7^^4 j Suomi 45.3 j a kolmas ,f liitto 46.0. matkan - voitti Ericson^ siseksl tuli !Broekman;<' olmanneksi • Göntsha-''* pliitto.^ :in^.,'yallitsi ,'huoj[io£ aniinin ilma pehmitti siitä huolimatta käy-lilut. / ' l, elun kärkipaikat,me-,, csessäan seuraavasti:, •Jorja,ja^Evgeni •Gris-, J7,^ J a Sigge Sricson siis 10,000 m. Tarassa. änko luisteli kohtalai- . i" 19 01.1. mutta Eric-le; kierroksilleen heti aivan toisenlaisella ?utti ajan-18.42,8. Sa-itto, saavutti ajan"^ Jäivät 1500 metrillä"' eifcävyksikäan päässyt _ m" - kilpailuun, mihinii suomalaisten - huono Wlutefish. ^ The eve of the big Eki . is here. O n Saturday and Sun^ y, Pebruary. 02 a n d l 3 , -Pinnish-rCa^ [ian Amateur: - Sports ^Federation' jers •will be competing for top h o i )rs. This year few ski enthusiasts are mg to cpmmit themselves to, fore- ;ing the winnersi.because :öf- taie jtremendous improvement-shown • Ih jthe abilities of Federation sklers.,.m jsudbury district Jehu's A n t t i -Ranta jbas bee;i iholding the lead among |FC.4SP skiers,; but on several occa- Jsions he has been-closely pressed by |jehu's Oiva R a n t a and; Speed's Karl IPuiras,: Several other sltiersare also: Iin a position to put i n a strong bid Ifor this ; year's «5hatopion£hip.:> The jmeets held t)y Echo have aiso indicät- |ed that, the Echo .team cannot be loverlooked. - , In the 20 Icm. event we would say Iput your money on A n t t i Ranta or j Karl Pmras. However, i n tlie -10 km.' open event to he run Satiurday after- I noon^^atl iPjM;^ •we wiir>not venture a predlction. The imder 21 class 10 km. event wm .also see some veryclose competition between Buch- sklers as ^ e e d - s K ^^ iPalomaki and Jäiu's Eino Ladonlah-t i . These boys have beetf running neck and neck i n earlier meets this season and the Winner is difficult tö pick and then of course lEcho again mustbe laken into consiideratioh. «hese girls will first have to beat Alerts skier Helen Lindroos whö coi^^ very well cause a n iipset and w i n a medal for Alerts. Speed skiers are stiaking the vrepu-tatipn of.their ciub on 'the'conditlpn of the track and also claini that snow conditions will be excellent. T h e track has been:well.packed for many weeks and even if there should be a sllght to the under:18 S i a n . event a safe snowfall or a mild thaw it will not be befc would have been Jehu's K a rl Krats, but K a r l probably will not be entered because he plans to enter the Canadian , junior championships which are being held i n Quebec on the same weekend. Very few skiprs have been competing i n tliis particu-lar age group this season. so If K a r l Is away this event could very well go to a n Echo sider. : T ^ women*s.open 2 km.;event ;we are reädy to concede to Echö's Helen Auraneh,r but. .we< have a^ susplclon that the^ Jehu gh-ls wUl hold* their own i n the under 16 ghrls event as Weil as the 4x1 km. relay. Öf course affect€d._ On saturday the competitions start at: l P . M . .while o n Sunday the time will be 10 AJM. The track starts from the C S J H a l l i n Whitoflsh and the •Hall wlll be the centre of actlvitles for the weekend. In addition to the sl£ling Speed';is preparing a program for Saturday evening 8 P J M . v h i ch will be topped off with one of tihose: rare old country dances. where not a single long face can be found. Music will be supplied b y Svante Salo. • Refreshments and meals will also be served at the Hall during the two day meet. ANNIVERSARY YEAR Cervantes^ immortal Don Quixote Three hundred and f if ty years ago a book entitled "The Ingenious Nob-leman Don Quixote of L a Mancha" was published ' in Madrid. •' ' • 'VTithin seven months of Its ap-' pearance a fifth edition was already m print, to toe foUowed by a never-" endmg succession .of: reprints. Then' came the translations. "to 'caxry the fame of the ' Knight of the Moum-ful Countenance" around the vorld. The author of Don QUixote, rMlgUel de Cervantes saavedra, was hlmself a fit subject f o r an adventure stoiy. To escape arrest i n Madrid, he toad' eniisted as a soldier for the Italäin campaign^ was woundpd at ithe Battle" of Lcpanto r— thereby losing perma-nently. the use of his left hand. He was captured by pirates and impri-soned. for five years i n Algeria, con-denmed to the galleys, ; ransomed home* to Si>ain, • where he- came to loiov the inside^of many of (his coun-try's jails. ' IHaTlng 'falled' tb make any real mark a i k pöet and dramätist. • h e undertoök"- to .wrlte" the. fh:st' novel in the ^ a n i s h languag^ ln~ bfder, as he sald:- '"To; dhnlnish the aiithority and acceptance that books o f chivalry have In the w o r l d . . ." • (The book isavailable' i n IPenguinf Everyman's and Modem liibrary E d i - uliiset tulokset: E u - Slgge Erlcson, Ruotsi I) Gontsharenko Neu-^ 53 pistettä 3) Saku-iliitto 207,707 pistettä; Canada, Sdviet Uiiiöf Meet On Final Day Of Hockey Championships kkaat n a n partaalla Uä ilmoitettiin maa-mtokone on kuljetta- 1 asukkaille ruokata-saari on 220 mailin merellä -ja sen asukr iin olevan nälkäkuo- Ruokatavarain puu-ohtimeen siksi ikoska- Ittäin paha. rvaa. On järjestetty LSia ammattikm-sseja, oritin v: 1946. Mutta-i turhaksi . . . On ettyjä -järjestöjä, I n - Jtalnvalildien Veljes- • )ja; on kerätty avus- Eomailta, mutta esim. i r o n t u l l u t vain yksi Jitus 500 mk. !l, vettä kokemukseni ria j a varoitukseksi noi,vat sotaa j a k a n - • vatkä, muista 'inva-it sodassaicoko elä- !t, lukeutuen siihen : lisensalEin^i'. . K a l iksemme . on: jäänyt v KSazmerheimin sana. Ittako hivaliidejam-m hänenkin puheen-suomea inyaliidl, on^ ^ kaikkea turvaa vail- - -vaivansa' jauholta- • aan , . 1 Vakuutan. V että jokainen s a - ' *9 ••VV '••1 T '.i'•--*„'. ^ • .''• ätään. se on kaiketi ' parempi,, tuhannesti memiljoonat, mita .' astajapatsasta var-ettälsUn näiden i n - huojentamiseksL' te . n i i h i n suomalal- 'at, että Suomi on marskin ratsastaja- : a että «en Siyväksi - Iisi lahjoitta» aota- ^ icsL — IQusakonra: The soviet Union and Canada will . meet on the final day of the World hockey championships: just as thcy did in Sweden last year when the Soviet team defeated the Canadians w wm the title. The International Ice Hockey. F e deration amiounced the Schedule yes-terday for the championships <to be played i n four cities of West Germany from Peb. 26 thröugh March 6. Canada represented by Penticton iV's Allan :<Sip ;Champions, open^ against the. XTnited; States at Dort«. mund Peb. 25. The So«et iUnlon and ^^he U. S. TviU meet M a r c h 2. The competition is divlded toto two eroups. In group A the Soviet Union wxU defend its title against 8 teams Canada the U . S., Gzcchoslovakia Sweden, swit2erland, Poiand, Finland and nverft Germany. In group B play for the junior cup defending champion Italy w i l l com- Pete against France, Austria, iBelglnm Holland, Hungary, Yugoslavla and a West Gennan B team. The toumamentwill.be played In Krefeld, Cologne, Duesseldorf and Dortmund i n stadiums with seating capacities ranging from 7,000 . t o 10000. Teams w i l l ' get two points for a wm and one f o r a draw. The team with the^argest number of points wlns the tiUe. I n case of a polnt tie a playoff wU be held. THE SCHEDULE: Feb. 25:1 Sweden «vs Germany at Krefeld, Soviet.Union va F i n l a n d a t Duesseldorf.czechoslovakiavs Switzerland* at Cologne. Canada -vs U n i ted States at Dortmund. Feb. 26: G e r m a n y . v s P o i i a n d at Krefeld. Canada vs Czechoelovakia at Duesseldorf. United States vs. PInland at Cologne. Soviet Union vs Sweden at Dortmund. *'eb. 27: Soviet Union vs Csecho-slovakia at Krefeld. Sweden Switzerland at 'Duesseldorf.' C a i u d a vs Poiand at Cologne. United State» v» ^^^rmany at -DartmundL Feb- 28; United States v» 8 w i t « r - Jand at Krefeld. Canada vs FhOand at thiesseldort. Soviet U^nkm,-w P o - Iznd afc colognie.' ' > (Duesseldorf. Sweden vsCzechoslo- (vakia at Col<^e. March 2: Soviet Union -vs United States at Krefeld. i Sweden vs F i n land, and Czechoslovakia Vs Germany both at Duesseldorf. Canada vs Switzerland'at Cologne. ' . March 3: Canada vs Sweden' at Krefeld. Soviet Union vs,: Germany at Duesseldorf. Czechoslovakia vs United States, and i F ^ a n d vslPoland, both atCologm. Mardh 4:; Soviet Union vs Switzerland at Krefeld. United States vs P o iand at-Duesseldorf.: Canada-vs G e r many at C o l o g ^ . March 5: Czechoslovakia;vs Poiand at Krefeld. Sweden vs. United States at Duesseldorf. Switzerland vs P h ir land at Cologne. . MareH 6: Soviet Union vs Canada at Krefekl. Germany vs 6witzerland, and Czechoslovakia vs Finland, both •at Duesseldorf. Sweden vs, Poiand at Cologne. tions priced from $1.00 to $2.95.) : 200 Y E A R S L A TE I n Spain - more than i n ^any; other European country, the ^ spirit of the Middle Ages Uved on far be-yond. its time, and Don Quixote held thisiup to ridicule with the tale of ah Old man who became so obsessed by ireading books of chivalry that h e set out to be a knlght-errant > 200 years too late. Cervantes not only laughed the mediaeval romance out of court, but he opend a new epoch i n litera-ture — that of the novel. And how well he succerted! There has never been a greater novel. . . What is the Secret tfliat lias made this, book 4he /most-read boojt. i n the ' World (next to the Bible^it is^said)-? Cervantes' genius carried .'hlm f ar beyond his: originäl purpose, and his shrewd insight into human character arid his warm compässion gave hls^ work that universal appeal which will keep it alive throughout the ages. ON PEACE AND W A B Probably part of the secret is that we can see something of ourselves in Don Quixote and Sanoho. : Yes, Don Quixote was mad; but he was only "mad nor'-nor'-west.'' A l i his actions were motiVated by the de-sire to do good and this is the humor and the tragedy of this old man. •Would that a l i madness -were as harmlecs! Read what the "madman" has to say about peace ^ d war, and consi-der how »topical. it is today. Read his advlce to "Sancho, on how to gor v em the Island of Baratria^and see if you can f md Ijetter counsel for nxl-ers today. Cervantes' great genius was that he knew people. He was at one with the shepherds and muleteers' whom he inet i n the. taverns of the barren lands of eastille. While - laughing at human foibles, he had an abiding compassion for human sufferingand a deep faith i n humanity. • This i s ' the secret of D o n Quixote's immortallty. — George/ Leeson. Olympia f ijinsJIot Shown in U.S. The grtp.of Mfar 4iystcrla{ln the United States has reached toto eveiy phase of jtunerican life, even to the extent th^t fihns of the • Helsinki Olympics have not been glvenpiAUo prominence as has been the custom i n the past. Despite the faet that the Americana claim to have won the Olympic^aKJarently the Story of the Olympic^ is not coiisidered In^ to with the present policies of the U,S.' administratlon. A letter- to a <UÄ sports write]: has the following to say: ''fHave you notlced-that the motion pictures taken of the -last Olympic Games at Helsinki were?neverahown hl public h l the U.S. T h i s is the first tim^ I remember :hat Olympic movles were not shown. iWe can sunnise the reason:;; the movles would not jitoe with •Waöhtaglon's cold war polldei» and artiflcial tensiona s i n c e i t ahow8 the fraternization of our athletes with those of the USSR and Eastern Democracies. wouki like the scribes of the other papers who always taik about-an Iron Curtahi to answer the question — why weren't the American people given a chance to see these f ihns?" ;• I^viiirESu6GE$TI0N BOXBUG wrmArew^aewxco0ff£... Traming 3fai1s For Indoor Jump Meet Althpugh no definite word haa been receiYed about' the PCASPt-Indoor jump cihamplonships; l w h i ch ^vlll.'be sponsored by Yrity^thl» year, Interest i n thc^vent haa been Indicated Inttae Sudbury' Liistrlct. Potential":diamp? ions,will go'into-rigorous tralningtat the sudburyFihnlsh (Hall tonight^ind traintng wlll conthiue. regularly to the •eve of the meet. • As many members of Jehu, Speed and V i s a either reslde or work' in- the city, everyone Is welcomeNto Joinain this training program. A l i members even i f they have never p^ i n indoor jumping are tuged t o come out for a t least' a trial because° this type o f jumping i s entlrely dlfferent •from'theTegularvarIety;, Also the general level of results In iridoor 'jumping is presently quite Iow In the FCASF. SO everyone has a chance. Melvin Ijatvala will be on 'hand to give pointers on the technicallties. The women'8gym classesshould a l so be undenvay tonlght after ali the difficultles ttoat have been encounter-ed. 7n other words tonight there will be somethmg to do at the h a l i for everyone -Interested. A courageous comeback by Leafs was spolled last weekend by Jean Bellveau, who fired his 29th goal to break a 2—2 tie and cive the Canadlens, a 3—2 vlctory over 4he vlsiting team. Down 2—0 i n the first period, the Leafs — spurred on by the brllllant playof Hugh Bolfonseenchecking Dong Harvey — fooghtbaofc to tie the.score In the second and looked evcry bit as'able as the Canadlens untll BeUveau fired the wtamhig goal In the third. Profflinent People Baek World Youth Festival B Y B I L L SXPONG , "Canada's delegation to the World Youth Festival pramises to be the biggest yet with representatlyes from ali the provlnces," said M^frgaret ©•Keli, newly appolnted Secretary of the Canadian Festival Committee; i'Anyone can go." ( She was enthusiastically advislng us about plans for the F i f t h World Youth PeaUvalbf Youth arid Students for iPeace and Frlendshlp to be held In Warsaw, Poiand, i n July. Sponsored 'by the World Federation of Democratic Youth every two yearö the. 1 festlvals ^ are V now , tradltional events.' The last ,was held; i n Bucha-rest, Rumania, and'attended by 30.- 000-people from l l l c o u n t r i e s. .^•Cric Blair, coach of ^6t. Catharines' rowing team a t ' the iBrltish IJmpire Games,'and Jean Morrison^ Secretary of the Youth Frieiidship «League, a.re; Canadian members fOf:the: Intemar llönal-Preparatory Commlttee,'^-Ma^K said-'' M r . B l a i r waa a member of the Royal 'Canadian Henley Regatta :in Rowhig for four years,endlng i n 1950. 'CnBISTIAN DUTY» Marg toldme about a letter the Festival Committee had recelved from a yotmg United Church: minL<cter , in Saskatchewan.. VMy wife and I would like:to say to ypung Canadian Chris-tians kconsidering attending the Festival of Youth, takingplace i n Eastern lEurope next summer, that they should by a l i means do so," the letter read: "After personally attending such gatherlngs, I i n .1950 and my wife i n 1953, .we have gained much CANADA NOT THREATENED CANADIAN YOUTH SAY NO TO CONSCRIPTiON Af t e r m o r e than two hours of de-bate a resolution favoiing conscr^^ tion was defeated by the 35tb Alberta TuxlQ Boy'fi Parllament. Soys bet> ween the a g e s b f 15 a n d 20 from United Church oi^anizations a l i over Alberta met i n Calgary for the ses* sions. John CaeJhoe. Tuxis premier, said that the resolution would be sent to the federal minister of defence to tet the govemment knowwhere A l berta youth stood on the conscrlption issue. John Chittick. the govemmenfs minister of finance spoke agahu^ the resolution, and the govemment cabl-net was almost evenly divided. Deputy Premlcr Tom Gardner said the re-r solution was against the priclples of democracy and against God'8 will. It was<-against the. T e n Commandments and the goklen rule of t;reatment to one'* fellows. '?You can't serve Chrlst and your coxmtry aUo," he «aid. H e pointed out that i f the country is at cross-purposes with God, the > count r y should be corrected. f l U l ^ E C OPPOSED : A Montreal Champkm reporter ask-ed f ive young conscrlption aged men whom he met a t random, the foIIoW'' Ing question: / ^ o u l d you be In favor of conscrlption for Canada?" They were a l i strongly. ojiposed to conscrlption, and felt that a l i French Canadians who wotiid be ä8kedwould anover likewi6e. They said they would flght to defend Canada If she were threatened fmt are n o t aware of any threat. Those asked, were Maurite Marcdet. age M ; Roger De Tonnencourt. age 23; G . W . Monty. 29 John MacOonald, 15; Regent L a Plamme. 20. A Special reporter. from the Toronto Telegram was sent to ^luebec to t t y to prove that the Frencb-Cona^ dianpeople are In favor of consolp* tlon. Apart from a n old 1own mayor and a pplice olfteer, l i e fbund «trong opposition cspeclally among the youth Typlcal: reactions were"Nobody a.^ks ns if we want to have .war. •Why: shoukl they ask n s to be soldiers?"; we don't want 4o be "enmejihed in a - nother foreign war"; " 1 hear a lot of taik against i t (army) because i n the war i t cost a lot of money and took away a/lofc of sons/' T O B Y B A R R A G E ' The ^National Federation of Labor Youth has issued'the followIng «tate-ment rfrom which we quote excerpts: 'Mn recent week8 the brass-hats, i n - cluding Chief of Staff of the Canadian Army L t , Gen. Simonds, hartfe become increasingly vocal i n demands for compulsory milltary. tralning, Tory newspapcra have «tepped up' their editorial barrage and have car-, ried epeclal features trying to prove that the tradltional ^Canadian public opinion-against conscrlption is chang- Ing.",.. ^ "The re-appearance of a . campaJgn to arouse public opinion to acccpt .peacetlme conscrlption is no accident, It i s ' p a r t of the determincd effort to prevent pecple, from thinking .In terms of peace. It co-lncides with the frantlci efforts to rearm the Hitler gc-nerals of Western Germany, the at-tempt to justify atomic isombs: as normal weaponxi and other madness each M the war threat i n the F a r East following U . S. «upport (o C h i - ang Kal-shek. "Acoording to press xcports, top officlals In Ottawa say that: Canada'» reluctance to impose a ^ peace-time draft has already had international repercussions. :What does thi» mcan? It meana that U . S. generate want more, Canadian boys for their war platul,:;'They are demanding more Canadian» to take partr i n such af-fairs as oceupation of. Germany tmtil 1998 aa provlded i n the London P a r ii agreementeas B r i t a i n l^commltted to better understandlt^ of the problems and out look of yourig people, not only hl Communist countries but In ali parts of the world.r We feel that there is rib more hnportant Christian duty today than to - seek. such a n under-standing and ^that.the forthcomlng festival can provide a slmilar steiH>lng Stone to tolerance. and undcrstand-ing f or. many more young Canadians if they will but go and see for theni-selves," wrote Rey. Omar Walm8ley,^^ "We would personally endorse this festival because it can further the cause of world peace. T h e answer we can.giye those jWhbdisclaimithe-valvie of j&VLtSa. gatherings^on the groundt that,they; are .Communist-domlnated •is to incr^a^e; the reprcscntation, of hon-rCommunists, until a bälance: achieved. Similarly, we believe more festivals-shöuld be.calle'd I n t h e l y i ^ : to which sovie(jand'irputh;trom,0t^^i| Ooramunist countries ;should be. in-v Vlted," the letter cöncluded,^^ * T / - *? ' ,"At the first meeting of* «ie Intcrr nationalPrcparatory Committee I»ld on December t, 1954, a number of youth organizations><and outstandlng personalities gave their support,'* Marg told us; ' T E R B I B L E EVIL WAB* Dr. Albert Schv/eitzer, 1962 Nobel Peace Prize. Winner wa8 among them, having become an honorary member of the German Preparatory Committee. Ilis work i n Africa as a physi-;: cian; philosopher, thedlogian; mu«i-^ cian and writer, kept h im from r e - ceiving his prize until iate i n lOSl. Upon acceptance of the prize he spöke on "The Problem of Peace," stating, "Now that we know .what a terrible evil war is, we should neglect no effort to prevent lt happening again. In addition there is the m o r a l f a c - tor. I n the course of the > laat: two_ wars, we have beengullty of inhuman acts which make us shudder and in a future. war we would commit even vonse acts, That must not happen," ' (A photo story.of his work has just been published called ''The World of Albert Schweltzer" by Erlca Anderson.) Also at the International.Prepara-/ tory Committee meeting were two British sportamen, William Ralnes. delegate of the British League of R a c ing epelistä, and Richard SmiQes Public Relatlons Officer of the B r i tish SwimmlngTeachers Association,; G A Y FESTIVAL Sporfs events. concerts, exhibltlons • from many different countries, fibn friowings international cultural competition parties, meetlngs and demon-strätions of friendship wlll unfold at Ihe festival, There will be opportu-nities to meet and become friends with young people from »nariy countries, "Tbp Festival w i n b e a great reh- Torstaina; heIlmmiilkcuuuunn 10 p: — Thursdäy, fiiÖ.i^fyx^MSI^i^^ KILPAILUKUTSU Fart Arthur. — 'Täten kutsumme kalkkia hilhtourheilijoitaaaapumaan Iskun Puistoon /Sunnuntaina; helmlk; 20 päivänä, alkaen kello l iltapäivällä. KILPAILUOBIELBIA: fi km.: Yleinen sarja. Ikämiehet, alle ai-vuotiaat Ja alle }8-vuotiaat. " 2 ^ km.: Alle le-vuotiaat (pojat Ja tytöt). ' 1 km.: Alle 13-vuQtiaat (pojat Ja tytöt). Huom.: Vaito Hietaniemen lahjoit-taniasta pokaalista kilpaillaan näissä hiihdoissa. 'Täatä pokaaUsta voi kU-^ pallia ainoastaan C S A U L : n Jäsenet,' ' V . - ja u.-seura Iskun puolesta. S. Pukkala * puheenjohtaja A. Vesterback kirjuri < desnrous of young people from aU over the World to affirm that they'want peace," Marg said., "They wlll'mect i n a city of Vhldi 85 percent wfls destroyed In the last war.> but v h l ch has been beautlfully rebuilt. Many smasbed^hlfiUnlc sites have been re-placed exactly a ^ they were: entire areas have been rebuilt. removing war'« cruel scars. Consequently» y r a r - 8aw haa become knowtt as the 'City of Peace*. a fitting aame for the Festival city." (For further Information about the festival oontact Marg OlCell. Canadian Festival Committee. 238 Bloor St. West, Toronto.) . — Tundraksi sanotaan pohjoisen metsänrajan pohjoispuolella olevia puuttomia tasankoalueita: klipauuvlikko pSät^> <iinnnnt«tna^, VH'^: helmlk. 8 pnä, nelJ&mieUft kUktt^tsT'^ Joka pidettiin L e iLodessft.^ eutfti^tottC" ri^ loistava, »voitto, o]ymplaIniltam»ili(*^.V^\< n)les Arnflnn Bergmonnl^i^ .CM Joktt-aal uuden roailentÄtskBttt..«J^C metriä ^toisella kierroksella.'- ^»mC^ < ^ merkittiin myös V e l t t o ' , H d i w Ä ^ V ' r ^^ suomi. Joka, t u l i toiseksL ^ K o ^ t o ^ ; ' ; / ; . ; tena oli Andreas Oäscher^liBveltjrii-^r^^^^^ Suomalainen Ossi l<6äksonenl|»U-^ ^-Tr 23:nneksl. ' ' " ' ' m Norjan j ä ä k i e ^ ^ : , T r Tfimpere. — SUomen J a "KorJan tft*^ i>^«-?r IlsenJääkiekkomafiottelun toin«i>f^, suoritettiin aunntmtalno, ^faeln^Utugtt 6,pnfi. Koulukadun JääUekkoeceeniil* i l m la',Tttmpereella.-„.YU S.000 maksanirtto;. katsojaa oli saapunut seuraamaa^" ' ottelut!. Joka Jou<luttiln suorlttanuuua'^ % varsin jkehnol^-oI08Uhtei«a« kUtö»^.>,L/,r lämpimän sään.. BleklC9;;iU^tti,so^i^ H% jon seassa kovin,voivalolsesti^ jadcft^;fs vaikeutti varsinkin n o r j a ^ t e n mu¥*''''>';*|'' ^ | ^ p p ä M ; i | B ä ^ Suomi oli niskan pftSUft v^iAvar, ^\ "li västl k u i n pari pllvätt* ttlkaiiemmltt i Helsinfitissä^ '• suoritetussa' «ot^tlaHk >\C Peli päättyi suomen voittoon ^tilok»' ^'^"^ Maaottelu kokonalsuudessaim pBftt* tyl suomen selväHn voittoon nume« win5;^dt§iilii||iÄ . "But the Canadian pubUc, especlally the youth, have not changed i n their opposition to peacetlme conscrlption. tA proof of this Is the way thousands of joblerfi youth are' refusing to go albng with the govemmenfs attempt to trade on their economic mlsery and insecurity i n order to get them into the army, "The National Federation of Labor Youth is confident that the youth of c « r country would be fh»t to rally to Its defence If we were In danger of attack or aggression. But not even one r e ^ n s i b l e minister of the go- •vemment has tried. to clahn that WQ are in danger of being attacked. AU admlt Instead that there has been an easlng of international tensiona and a n improvemcnt i n International re» latlon» i n the past months. < We say that the best way to defend Canada i n the atomic age is (o end wÄr, to v.-ork for peace and universal dlsar-mament Instead or rcannament and milltary blocs." Viimeisimmät levyuutuudet ovat,s^pimeet^^.^ _ m-&m^s^mmM?m^^:m^^&mmk VARASTOMME KXSITTXX KmOU BVOBlVVVmAT »"SS; DECCAA J A RYTMlCEyYT • AUaoIevasta lufttelosta löydätte mosittujen laulajien l^yfeSQ)) • AllaolevaaU luettelosta löydätte parihaat loolnlevyt J» -bhJatUtt. •DECCA-LEVYJÄ . ^ . SD 8043 Keskiyön .valssi, Henry Theel r , Eron ^hetkl^on kaunis, tango, Henry Ij^eel / SD 5137 Xarjatyttö, valssi, Henry Theel ' ' "r Tänä iltana, tango,,Henry Theel 8D 5169 ^Mustalaistyttö, t a n i ! o ; ' M a m i S u u n t a l a " ' >, ' ' Kaksi yksinäistä ^nMslasta «tango, M a r t t i Swmta|« 8D 1^181 Talvlsäällä, foxotrot, M:etm-jtytötr ^ ' . Valkea Joulu, slowfox, Henry Thee) Ja M^tro^tytÖt. SD 5183 Minkä vuoksi, tango, Erkki Junkkarinen ' Muistojen pieni valssi, E r k k i Junkkarinen SD 5197 "Tulisuudelma,'tango." Olavi Virta Ja Metro-tytillt Ennen kuolemaa, tango, Olavi Virta v 8D 5208 VIesil mereltä, tango, Olavi V i r t a . . Nuoruuteni kaupunki, tango,, Olavi.Virta SD 5208 Unelma onnesta, tango, Erkki Junkkarbien Koditon rakkaus, tango, Erkki Junkkarinen SD 5218 Mustasukkaisuutta, tango, Olavi Virta ' ^ - L a Cumprasita, tango, Olavi Virta Ja Metro-tytOt ' , SD 5231 Valkoinen kukka, tango, Mattf Louhivuori Mua varten ei, tango, Matti Louhivuori SD 6228 Tie, Joka luoksesi Johtaa, tango, Metro-tytöt > ' Kohtalon tango. Metro-tytöt SD 5233 Jäähyväistango, Erkki Junkkarinen < , Tavallinen tarina, tango, Erkki Junkkarinen SD 6240 Missä lienetkään, tango beguine, Olavi V i r t a ' Tyttöni, luokseni Jää, v a ^ i , Olavi Virta 8D 5241 Kohti kaukaista rantaa, valssi, Metro-tytöt Sade icattoihin lyö, tango. Metro-tytöt SD 6203 Alfonso, tango, Olavi V i r t a Ja-Metro-tytöt Tuntematon taival, beguin^, Olavi Virta SD 6264 rroiVetyttöni, foxtrot, Olavi V h ta Syditnkt^pyseni, foxtrot, Ola v i ' V i r t a - SD 6267 Täyttymätön toive, tango, Metro-tytöt Ylcsinäinen asema, foxtrot. Metro-tytöt SD'6268 Koivu Ja sydän, foxtrot, Juha Eirto Mäen laidassa pienoinen tölli, valssi, Juha'Eirto • RYTMI-LEVYJÄ R 6035 Köyhä laulaja, tango, Henry Theel Kostervalssi, Henry Theel - , \ , •' R 6037 Siirtolaisen muistoja, Jenlcka Jorma Ikävalko Tukkilaisten tanssiaiset, polkka. Jorma Ikävalko,' R 6099 Imatran inseri,'vai89:, £rkki Junidcannen ^ . >. ^ K u l t a kuumetta, tango, Erkki Junkkarinen ' ' R 6113 Sysmän Linda, valssi. Veikko Sato ' Tämän kylän Jenkka, peikko Sato R 6118 VailleJääneen valssi, Jorma Ikävalko ' ' ' ' Surut säkkiin. Jenkka, Jorma Ikävallco R 6125 Aika Uuno, jenklca, Jorma Ikävalko . Tarkkalan Tarja, Jenkka, Jorma Ikävalko < R 6126 Topparoikka tulee, foxtrot. Justeeri r Huoleton hummeripolka, jenkka. Justeeri R 6128 T^mma tie, valssi, Erkki Junkkarinen Kevätunta, tango, Erkki Junkkarinen R6168 Minä Ja Mandoliini, Jenkka, Jukka Lönnqvist K u l k u r i n viimeinen näky, fox-trot, Jukka Lönnqvist B6171 Taikayö, valssi. Metro-tytöt Odotin pitkän lUan, tango. Metro-tytöt B 6155 Ei sitä passoo'sannoo, humoreski, Esa Pakarinen Valehtelijan valssi, Esa Palcarinen R 6172 Vanhan myllyn taru, foxtrot-ballaadl, Matti Louhivuori Jft:;>^:;? Metro-tytöt S; Me tulemmf taas, jenkka. Matti Louhivuori ' •R 6207 Sokeripala, fox-trot, Olavi Virta , . j - Ajattelen sinua ains, fox-trot, Olavi V l r t c - ' \ R 6211 Hiljainen tango, Kalevi Tauru - i Rakkaalle äidille, valssi, Kalevi Tauru ' • . R 6213 Voi, kun olis viulu, jenkkäTJusteerl » \' * Maiickinapolkica, Justeeri R 6216 Uutta Ja vanhaa No. 3, valsslsUcefmä, Tamara J a Justeeri rif^ Uutta Ja vanhaa No. 4, tangosikermä. Tamara J a Justeeri'V R 62i6 KOorhptoa sloynd älmeieknkii,ä f,o/txatnrogto,, MOleatvrOi -Vtyi trötta : , L X B B T X M M B LEVYJÄ K A I K K I A L LE m H I N T A $1,95 K P L . .y., (Ostajan maksettava .lähetyskulut) , Posti- Ja pikatavaratilausten tulee käsittää vähintäin kolme levft I Tilatkaa osoitteella: Vapaus Publishing Conjipimiyi i:Li^i|i. ^ BOX 69 mmm ' f . • m mm > ' L. J 0;i IS il® SK? Mm • i i i i i a I1I mm 1 mm m p im .mim
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Vapaus, February 10, 1955 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finnish--Canadians--Newspapers |
Publisher | Vapaus Publishing Co |
Date | 1955-02-10 |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | Vapaus550210 |
Title | 1955-02-10-03 |
OCR text |
5 !
'•Smmm m
- J A
ITÄTÄ <5' i i mi
y^'^ te «liceia aiotte
JlJette lamtpimgin ^alta-
?crJ TyöUäxme? OlettS-.]
paaeiitolseisi pollisasj
ryövätä paalein?
i : M i n u l l a ei ole ml.
, ai&eita arvojEa ions-
» asia on sillä tavalla,/j
1 ainoastaan yhden josfj-'^
ellei minulla ole een
ävää tässä ItaupungisB»
aa, että tarvitsen revoj-
T Kyaä'näma pifli,
fcU|; lohet ovat luonnajl
aaisi%tEi niitä ole vär-akas:
— Siinä tapaofe.^
t punastuneet korkean
ilose Compeiiitibn
il *
e c t ed
t F C A S F ChamD ionship M e e t
uja vastaan
Inlee • ^ menetiäoiään -
lottamnksen i a tnlee''^'
kalkliien Iiansojen^
ne vastostamaan nyt ^
todessa ' niitä \ jotka
ome kaikkien atomi,
tftämlstä, haoUmattä
ne ovat, j a niiden,
n hetlkobtaista lo- *
simmaisen kilpailupäi-''
tilalla. Suomen Salo-*".'
O m. toiseksi.
;Grishin Nrliitto 44.7^^4 j
Suomi 45.3 j a kolmas ,f
liitto 46.0.
matkan - voitti Ericson^
siseksl tuli !Broekman;<'
olmanneksi • Göntsha-''*
:in^.,'yallitsi ,'huoj[io£
aniinin ilma pehmitti
siitä huolimatta käy-lilut.
/ ' l,
elun kärkipaikat,me-,,
csessäan seuraavasti:,
•Jorja,ja^Evgeni •Gris-,
J7,^ J a Sigge Sricson
siis 10,000 m. Tarassa.
änko luisteli kohtalai- .
i" 19 01.1. mutta Eric-le;
kierroksilleen heti
aivan toisenlaisella
?utti ajan-18.42,8. Sa-itto,
saavutti ajan"^
Jäivät 1500 metrillä"'
eifcävyksikäan päässyt _
m" - kilpailuun, mihinii
suomalaisten - huono
Wlutefish. ^ The eve of the big Eki
. is here. O n Saturday and Sun^
y, Pebruary. 02 a n d l 3 , -Pinnish-rCa^
[ian Amateur: - Sports ^Federation'
jers •will be competing for top h o i
This year few ski enthusiasts are
mg to cpmmit themselves to, fore-
;ing the winnersi.because :öf- taie
jtremendous improvement-shown • Ih
jthe abilities of Federation sklers.,.m
jsudbury district Jehu's A n t t i -Ranta
jbas bee;i iholding the lead among
|FC.4SP skiers,; but on several occa-
Jsions he has been-closely pressed by
|jehu's Oiva R a n t a and; Speed's Karl
IPuiras,: Several other sltiersare also:
Iin a position to put i n a strong bid
Ifor this ; year's «5hatopion£hip.:> The
jmeets held t)y Echo have aiso indicät-
|ed that, the Echo .team cannot be
loverlooked. - ,
In the 20 Icm. event we would say
Iput your money on A n t t i Ranta or
j Karl Pmras. However, i n tlie -10 km.'
open event to he run Satiurday after-
I noon^^atl iPjM;^ •we wiir>not venture
a predlction.
The imder 21 class 10 km. event wm
.also see some veryclose competition
between Buch- sklers as ^ e e d - s K ^^
iPalomaki and Jäiu's Eino Ladonlah-t
i . These boys have beetf running
neck and neck i n earlier meets this
season and the Winner is difficult tö
pick and then of course lEcho again
mustbe laken into consiideratioh.
«hese girls will first have to beat
Alerts skier Helen Lindroos whö coi^^
very well cause a n iipset and w i n a
medal for Alerts.
Speed skiers are stiaking the vrepu-tatipn
of.their ciub on 'the'conditlpn
of the track and also claini that snow
conditions will be excellent. T h e track
has been:well.packed for many weeks
and even if there should be a sllght
to the under:18 S i a n . event a safe snowfall or a mild thaw it will not be
befc would have been Jehu's K a rl
Krats, but K a r l probably will not be
entered because he plans to enter the
Canadian , junior championships
which are being held i n Quebec on
the same weekend. Very few skiprs
have been competing i n tliis particu-lar
age group this season. so If K a r l
Is away this event could very well go
to a n Echo sider.
: T ^ women*s.open 2 km.;event ;we
are reädy to concede to Echö's Helen
Auraneh,r but. .we< have a^ susplclon
that the^ Jehu gh-ls wUl hold* their
own i n the under 16 ghrls event as
Weil as the 4x1 km. relay. Öf course
On saturday the competitions start
at: l P . M . .while o n Sunday the time
will be 10 AJM. The track starts from
the C S J H a l l i n Whitoflsh and the
•Hall wlll be the centre of actlvitles
for the weekend. In addition to the
sl£ling Speed';is preparing a program
for Saturday evening 8 P J M . v h i ch
will be topped off with one of tihose:
rare old country dances. where not a
single long face can be found. Music
will be supplied b y Svante Salo.
• Refreshments and meals will also
be served at the Hall during the two
day meet.
Cervantes^ immortal Don Quixote
Three hundred and f if ty years ago
a book entitled "The Ingenious Nob-leman
Don Quixote of L a Mancha"
was published ' in Madrid. •' ' •
'VTithin seven months of Its ap-'
pearance a fifth edition was already
m print, to toe foUowed by a never-"
endmg succession .of: reprints. Then'
came the translations. "to 'caxry the
fame of the ' Knight of the Moum-ful
Countenance" around the vorld.
The author of Don QUixote, rMlgUel
de Cervantes saavedra, was hlmself
a fit subject f o r an adventure stoiy.
To escape arrest i n Madrid, he toad'
eniisted as a soldier for the Italäin
campaign^ was woundpd at ithe Battle"
of Lcpanto r— thereby losing perma-nently.
the use of his left hand. He
was captured by pirates and impri-soned.
for five years i n Algeria, con-denmed
to the galleys, ; ransomed
home* to Si>ain, • where he- came to
loiov the inside^of many of (his coun-try's
jails. '
IHaTlng 'falled' tb make any real
mark a i k pöet and dramätist. • h e
undertoök"- to .wrlte" the. fh:st' novel
in the ^ a n i s h languag^ ln~ bfder, as
he sald:- '"To; dhnlnish the aiithority
and acceptance that books o f chivalry
have In the w o r l d . . ."
• (The book isavailable' i n IPenguinf
Everyman's and Modem liibrary E d i -
uliiset tulokset: E u -
Slgge Erlcson, Ruotsi
I) Gontsharenko Neu-^
53 pistettä 3) Saku-iliitto
207,707 pistettä;
Canada, Sdviet Uiiiöf
Meet On Final Day Of
Hockey Championships
n a n partaalla
Uä ilmoitettiin maa-mtokone
on kuljetta-
1 asukkaille ruokata-saari
on 220 mailin
merellä -ja sen asukr
iin olevan nälkäkuo-
Ruokatavarain puu-ohtimeen
siksi ikoska-
Ittäin paha.
rvaa. On järjestetty
LSia ammattikm-sseja,
oritin v: 1946. Mutta-i
turhaksi . . . On
ettyjä -järjestöjä, I n -
Jtalnvalildien Veljes- •
)ja; on kerätty avus-
Eomailta, mutta esim.
i r o n t u l l u t vain yksi
Jitus 500 mk.
!l, vettä kokemukseni
ria j a varoitukseksi
noi,vat sotaa j a k a n - •
vatkä, muista 'inva-it
sodassaicoko elä-
!t, lukeutuen siihen :
lisensalEin^i'. . K a l iksemme
. on: jäänyt v
KSazmerheimin sana.
Ittako hivaliidejam-m
hänenkin puheen-suomea
inyaliidl, on^ ^
kaikkea turvaa vail-
- -vaivansa' jauholta- •
aan , . 1 Vakuutan.
V että jokainen s a - '
*9 ••VV
'••1 T '.i'•--*„'. ^ • .''•
ätään. se on kaiketi '
parempi,, tuhannesti
memiljoonat, mita .'
astajapatsasta var-ettälsUn
näiden i n -
te . n i i h i n suomalal-
'at, että Suomi on
marskin ratsastaja- :
a että «en Siyväksi -
Iisi lahjoitta» aota- ^
icsL — IQusakonra:
The soviet Union and Canada will
. meet on the final day of the World
hockey championships: just as thcy
did in Sweden last year when the
Soviet team defeated the Canadians
w wm the title.
The International Ice Hockey. F e deration
amiounced the Schedule yes-terday
for the championships |
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