1953-02-26-03 |
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^ I N E N TABIXA ^iJItä on kadonnut •ä:lfnaapur:n pojan • Sea vuoksi jjän t, •sSatyialstä. Pojan. a. 2»änen k a s v o ^ rveenvarfcaan kasvot aivan kuin klrveenvar ffa hänessä viittasin »n.- *** kuitenkin löysi k i r ,^ hakuopasta. johS^ euraa/ana Päivänä hj laapurin pojan. ry£ muistuttanut enÄ senvarkaan käyntiä a^onsakaan olleet fc, jasvot «änessä ei o! ol.si Viitannut vi, ?ÖSTI ASIAT '-unettomuuden laita potilaaltaan. a Jjuonoaimin. Nyt ies aamulla, kun pitäi iteä työhön. istelijat ssa • 'Neuvostoliiton loiste lon kuuluu 16 ffliesti apui: helmik. 17 pai 5sä Ruotsin luistelu!! ita puheenjohtajaasi 1 johdolla oliMvastaan. SS Port Arthur Next Stop ttelyä syystä tai to! ;arpeeliisena. On myä 'Kalevalaa" on kuj. luonnehtia sellai 5 pikemminkin oUs että "kansanrunoa, imouden" rinnalla OI ia eepoksia, Jotka e; ipäahLuan ryhmää: aen. luomistyön tuot ^tä ei voisi olla ole kansanrunoainekslifl utmoutta" nerokkaaj uudeleen suuriksi ee miäi';- alaan" je sen m itapuolisesti perehty, opa tutkijatkin, oTj ihtoheet leimata tä "hämäräi uorastaan vuosisadan alkupiio. juden keruun Ja jul ä mönlssä F,arooi^ iriostiaieimman her-eksi rimoja julkais-t e t tu sellaista tart llsuutta, mitä nykyi. »iään^ selvänä asia-kittyjä runoja yfr a ja niitä muodos-kuUoinkin julkaisi-coitusten mukaaa eivät tietenkään oJ-yssä; mielessä "aito-a. .Venäjällä kävi vuosisadan toisen! ana — "Kalevalan' taistelua kansanru. e n keräämisen ja| lolesta. Hän vaati, iJUcalsemista tarkal-lin n e b n merkitty| lUlään .tavoin Itämättä ja yhdls-l 'ää, «ttä "Kaleva]^' Jtaan ole pyrkinyt' näitä "aidon" kaij iniuksia.Eiedes€n V täydelliseltä ni. la taikka Vanhoji <• Suomen ka '."nimestään hui en" tai edes (anrunojen kokod jan kansanrunoäi' V Icäyttäen luoJ "Kalevala" ei n "Iliaskaan" ini jen "väärenny^" ksilön Juoma maa- 1 merkkiteos. arkoitusta, kansai- Iittiin gangsteria insin monet heistä varakkaana ulk^ olin heidän sään- . . . Minä en tään merkkiä silti et ottivat laskuif-aun oikÄitta. ia lotaan — että n|t n ystävineen teli- . . Rukaan ei E l i he ovat niuutta-i kiinalainen en haluaisi o;i Chlang B:ai-sker lunltlsessa Järju-| i kielteistä . elmä. ja mikä t«' on parempi ku^ 3ä . . . " ' I meistä tuntto^ ekin "mltätöimÖ-luuta merkitysii läkyy mitä bäJa^ n liikkuu. Mutis i. Ja me saarni^ :aan suurista pf ilokseksl jää. 1^' äisenktn subteeft peen panematti' ä kalktsta po^ a^tida'kSänt^ Tihe yooth couraes are on tbelr final weeb fn Sadbnry and an dne to move on to Port Arthur. where they start Mareb 3rd. Bnt Sudburyites, dont forret tliat al> (hougb the coursea «ill be concln-dcd. tbe gyni classes «111 continne on t^e regrular Thtusday nl^ts. One of the main tasks faclsf Alerts members is preparin^ for (he LUttojnhlas, whlch «tn be here tbis summer. There is a great amount of planniiv to do whieh is already in the bands of a corn-mittee boivever as time dnm nearer to Angnst more and more people will bave to be involved in the work. And tben of conise if Alerts wi8hes to pnt np a battle for tbat total points trophy, vlc-tory can be assnred by startinc conditionhoST now at the' Hall on the regnlar gym nlghts. Optimlst. Port Arthur — iNow if T were a historian I would phrase my fonvard somethlnc like thls; "Bver since the dawni of civlllzation we have witnessed the asoend and decUne of great powers. Each nation or power has been succeeded by an-other power yet stronger which has absorbed the finer qualities of its predecesfior but has risen to its own hel^its by omitting its foregoers er-rors." But m not a historian so what I have to say sounds Uke this: It ap-pears that Port Arthur Istoa has hit a dowa grade after a brief period of pro^Derity — and woise shame — our hayseed counterpart, namely North Branch Elo, is on the clhnb. Thls has alredy been witnessed in small ways but an indlcation that the tide is ituming comes from -the Yritys nnuai ivieeting Three Plays Being Rehearsed For Drama Festival Yritys A. C. lias passed its 46th vuosikokoas and lias retalned IV. O. Böhm as its cbainnan George.Gos-tafson as treäsnrer. Bnt has made otherchangesintheexecnttve.com-mittee.. The tum-out was.poor, Very poor. There TOas almost^a motion on thie f loor that we divyy up the clubs tis-ssts aniong tlie Snembers present and head for Mexico (pronoucedMe-hi-co). But then torother George, last years and this years money — man read the annual financlal report. Being a ledger and balänce shcrt type myself 1 think I oan say wlth-out a Word of a lie, that George'8 report was a masterful example of figurative analysis, örganization of Information in the written fonn and calculated constuctlye crlticism. I n - deed, Old Yrjö miist have the soul of an artist to prbduce such a report. The only tliing vrong "«vas the Story his report told, a stoiiyi of the club dropphig 10 C notes -in tIhe year. •Ah, yes, väi-en we present heard the club spent IG more than it made dur-ing the year, vre droM>cd the idea of splitting what was left. I doubt if the £plit would have given each enough to get to PORT CEliElDrr. The club made one Intemal change in its set-up. From iiow on the ex-ecutive conunittee Is enlarged by two members, a Programine direotor and an Educational director. The tasks befcre these two Incxunbents are pretty well explained by theh-tltles. The purpose bf this move is to co-ordiivate club affairs and activities bettcr than in the past. The re-af-fiimation of another club constitu-. tional point was made. This being the regular reporting of ali sectiöns, activities and committees of the club at the club general meetings, and at executive meetings in special cases. These reports are to" be presented in writing for flling and reference. • Considering the lack of members present the meethag was very good, and the discussiott was fruitful. The coming years vJll prove or disprove thisi (Maybe the lousy veather kept them away. — the members I mean) HAMS ANO MORE HAMS Now SOTuethhig must be said ai»ut the large väriety of hams pb-served aro\md the hali lately. There are lovers, herbhies, viliians and every other form of theatrical äsptrant, studyinig their roles for, the coming Youth Drama Ckmipetittons. We've got three pretty good dandy blue eyed good plays on the fire. AU of them are in rehearsäl right now and ali of them took very promlshig. In f act it Is easy to see that one of them Isku crosscoimtry championsbip ski meet held in conjunction wiUx Elo on February 22nd at,North Branch. The results teli Ihe taie: Men; Under 18 — 5 km. — R. Kankkunen (Isku Champion) 28.59; U. HUronen (Elo) 33.16; V. Nojonen (Elo) 37.23; K. Vhta <Ek» 38.23. Men; Open — 5 km. — R. Hirvonen (Elo) 26.30; E. (Kankkunen (lisku Champion) 27,7; V. Hietaniemi (Elo) 27.19; K. Kaarela (Isku) and T. Lehtinen (Fort William Ski Club) 27.28: A. Widgren (Elo) J. Kankkunen (Isku) 32.27. >Women; 2 km. — iMyma Kuddcu-nen (Isku) 14.18. Small Boys* Event — T. Kankkimen 4.06; Kaarela Jr. 5.46. Tliere's nothing much I can say hl the way of witty remarks or snlde comments. I dfl(a't f eel ver^ witty of late and the former openihgs for comments seem to have disappeared. tSo as Isku;s sun sinks sIowIy in the North I take iny toque off to iElo and especially to Valto. We ali misjudge people somethnes. . GulUver. P. S: Rumours are afoot that a ski meet is being planned for Tarmola to be held on (March I5th. Be on the lookqut for futher particulaxs. (This Tarmola isn't in Toronto) Quills Are Tbey 6ay %bt Forcuplnc hibemates in the Winter. But for «s in thie Porcuplne the BpHng taas come. We are leavinsr the den — a Uttle «obbly of course from long snoozing. We are praetisiDg a iday a play by Poreupines? No, slUyt We. of ihfr Porcuplne^ have entered the Youtb Drama FesUväL Our play, aft^r readlng no reiiorts on work in othcr ceoties TviU nm &waiy with fhe prize. No other e&trie^t Of oourse v^Ye Just klddlng.' I guess such big places as a- a • Toronto and Sudbuiy will have en-tries and trill nm away Mth the Utle if not by Quality tor quantity. But let a UtOe quiU from the Porcuplne glve a ;waming — the ground hog may uöt have tumed over in hl* burrotv but we are on the move. niey say^ whät's growing and develophig Is ;worth^putting your money on — thafs us!,; - Hey B(dmi don% go boomi A little <tuiU.^ „ On ibe 2Sth day of Febmary 16S5. eUas LSnnrot presentfd tbe Kalevala <o Che Finnish people. Sinoeaoioir-ing ber indepenilence, Finiand bas observcd Ibat day as an annnal hoUday. Scbools are «losed and Kalevala FesUvals are beld in every conununlty. Tbis tradition is idso «rtdely carried.. out in Canada. For. the tttnefit of onr readers we reprint an article from Flidandia Fietorial on tlie coUectlng and translatlng Into Englisb of the verses tliat ioakt vp tliis famous national epic. More than 100 years ago in the poorest and most. wretched parts of Finland served a govemmeht doctor who was dissatisfied with his call-ing. TVhenever the opportunity offer-ed. he tooik noto of unusual words and bits of verse. and in this way he 'spent more ttaie than was perhaps good for the health of his patients scattered through the yast wilder-ness area he covered. It could only be the devU himself whb had tempted him into this pastime he once told a friend in writing hhn of his troubles. It was fortunate for Finlaind ttiat Elias Lönnrot gave his Uttle f Inger to the devil and that the chlef evil-doer grabbed his whole hand, as an old Finnish expression puts it. For from the traces left by the tireliess pen held by that hand v a s b om the Kalevala, Finland's national epic. The work of nearly tvvo decades. Js ahnost certahx to win CWhö's thot rumbUn I ; hears). We häve "Lulu Serkku" " dhrected by Meri Tohmo with the asislstance of Hugo Elhnan, "Hälyytys Kello Kuudelta" directed by Olavi Latvala with Henry Huhtanen as Assistent-Director and in Ehglish "Twenty-Fiv€ Oents" tmder the direction of that famous ham TAUNO EIVtliRIAlNTA, ably asslsted by AI Hlbury. Even thls correspondent Y R I T Y S A. C. T R A C K CLUB isholdinga - :yfiNi>Y HOP'' Friday evening, March 6th, 1953,9.00 o'clock at the DON HALL 957 Broadview Ave., Toronto 6, Ontario Featuring the music of MIKE LUCAS and HIS ORCHESTRA Admission only 75c — LefsaU be there! (26-3) f inds himself involved In "THE ARTS", but, alas 'tis agahi I find myself the role of ä iLouse. I real-ly dDn't mind but every once in a while someone makes reference to •the f act that ali the roles have been east accofdiiig to the character of the people involved. (3ood thing I have a thick hide. YOUTH COUBSES HEI^ED The coiu-ses veVe just breezed through have also lieen beneflciäl. The BOYS are now agitattog for more gym time. The women are still going strong. They Intend to get that Gymn trophy back, and wlK> knows. The "Big Trip" Ideä Is stiu brewtog here-abouts. Could be, i t wont wlnd up as extensive as orlginally proposed but its going to go fiomewhere. Now that I've proven that L i i Böhm is not the only writer in thls Perhe. Tm off to the showers. I see by the calendar I'm about due.... W. D. Böhm THE BIG QUESTION IS: ANNUAL, COMBINED ÖR ALTERNATIVE Toronto.» In the next few months, the members of the F. O. of C. imd F. C. A. S, F . vriU be to the mldst of an impKxrtaht delxate. The question wiil be "ShaU the lAUluJuhla & LUt-tojidila be öombtoed Into one annual festival?"^ Thia writer would like to express his opihions, and the reasoning be-hhid theni and iiopes others «111 foUow suit. •This questton is impor-tant enough for eveiy member of the organizations to voice his or her opin. ion, and no fiuceessf ui decislon can poeslbly be made without this ~^par-tlclpation. •••••'••^ ^ -^-^ My thoughts on the subject make niesay no to the idea. In f act I am still in fävour of having the Laulu- Juhla every year. . . ^,/ Xn our ciuKund wor set goals for our efforts. The same goes for athleUcs. ESqieciaUy to athletics it can be isald thait the more coni-petitive meets an athlete takes part to, the bet^r his <v her It is an aocepted f act that "tratoing" alone does not develop an athlete. Of coiurse Big Youth Dance And Concert in Sudbury This Week Sudbury — Yes, the courses will be over this week. And to brder to wtod up such an event it is proper to have a real climax. That is the purpose of the Special dance Saturday niglht, February 28th and the ooncert, Sim-day, March Ist. Music for the^Saturday night donce will be supplied by Niilo Basto and several accompanists, so, we cän be sure that it will be of the variety that we will enjoy. And as a sp«;ial at-traction, W floor show has been planned, which at the same time wiU serve as a preview to the ooncert Sunday night. But don't forget, the only way a dance can be really succ^sfiil is to have a big tum out. Make sure ali your friends know about it and come early. JOS AIOTTE MATKUSTAA SUOMEEN ensi tai NYT ON AlICA TILATA HYnii>A|Km JÄRJESTÄMME MATKANNE RUOTSIN TAI ENGLANNIN KAUTTA Maf(asfaftaa saoraan CanaJirsfa Smmeen Jjätebw 5 laivavuoroa Halifaxista > Ruotsin Amerikan Linjan M. S; "STCX)KHOLM''-laivaUa Maaliskuun 25 p. Lokakuun 20 p. Syyskuun 23 p. Marraskuun 15 p. Joulukuun 11 p. ® PALVELUIÖSEMN^ RANNASTA RANTAAN! Ruotsin Amerikan Linjan KULKUVUOROJA New Yorkista Göteborgiin Htihtikuun 10 p. Huhtikuun 21 p. Toukokuun 8 p. Toukokuun 19 p. • Kesäkuun 5 p. Kesäkuun 13 p. Heinäkuun 3 p. Heinäkuun 10 p. ' VAPAUS TRAVEL AGENCY osoitteella: p. O. Box 69 Sudlnunr. Ontario The Sunday ooncert is an event to itself. The addition of a women's dance and gym tostructor to the courses instruotors wtll be reflected to tliie progrelm m many numbers. The Uveliness of the program is also reflected by the fact that '^^frimpy" will be your M . C on that night, and if we know 'TVhnpy" he will have a few taicis up his sleeve. Both these evcntogs TVIU be enjoyed to .both youhg and Old, SO come yourself and brtog the folks aloiv. — kk Canadan olympiakomi-teah kassassa on 26,110.54 dollaria MentfCsL — Canadan olympialals-komltt^ n kassacsa sanotaan olevac rahaa '^,nOM dollaria sen jälkeen kun kaikki fleislngin olympiakisoihin osallid^umlsesto aiheutuvat kulut oi maksettu, iföfdeh kultien ihnoltetaan olleen 142.06139 dollaria. Lontoor olympialaisten Jälkeen oli komitean kassassa 22,dl3.74 dollaria; Canadan oIympialai«yhdi8tyksen vuosikokous pidetään maalldc. 2i pnä. Yhdistyksen läämles Sidney X>awe8 on ilmoit-tonut luopuvansa yhdistyksen presl-dentto asemasta. 40 tunnin viikkoa vaaditaan Suomen kaivostyöläisille HelAikl. ~ m » ) — Juho Nykänen ym. kanaandemokraattlset kan- Ktoedustajat ovat «sittäneet/ että hallitus antaisi eduskimnalle lakiesityksen kaiyasteoOisauden tydajan lyhentämisestä 40 Tlikkotuntito. Aloitteen pemsteltiissa huomautetaan yleisestä pyxldmjrktesiA tydajaa lentämiseen ja latBOtaito, että nimenomaan kaivostydaialla. Jossa (yö on terveydelle erittäin Toioallista, «n työajan iyhentämlsellä suuri sosiaalinen mer. iitJB. Nitoikään viitataan kaivosalan tyj^piOisito «mimattisalniuksito #ill-kooshn Ja reuoiaatttsito tauteihto. Malmintuotanto on vuoA vuodelta noussut Ja nimenrnnaaa vuoiden 1992 aikana oU tuotaJnto ennätysmäistä Ja htooat ovat Jatkuvasti olleet korinalla. Joten'työajan lybentdmiseea on myöa taloudelliset edellytykset. too miany such competitive meets would soon burn a competitor out, but I doubt this could betrue to our case. I belleve we should be more concemed about going out of cUxu-latibn through not havtog enough goals to strive for.. • ' One big practical problem we would have is thne. I cannot see how we can reduce our programmes, even by runntog dllferent features off con-currently, and still dö Justice to dis-playtog our broad and rich cultural tradition. iEven to do this, I doubt If any cientre would have the fprces to orjganize the festival, unlessitwas reduced to a mere token of Its former size. Another problem in regards to time, is that the Dominion Day bpliday is well sulted f or the iMusIc Festival but this is stIU: to early for athletic competltors to be intop form. The Civic hoUday week-end therefore is the best time for a champlonship meet (Please note, Olymplcs are a l - ways held aröuhd this da te). But, thls Is too late for the music festival One argument used In support of combining or altomating the festivals is that a lot of energy Is used to pre-parlng for .two large festivals and this is havtog a tirtog effect upon the members Tvho are doing thls woito. Thls reasoning seems to be ttoged with pesslmism." am positlve that, if this te the reason the festivals sh- 3Uld be combtaed it Is a step towards there end. The same problem will be qiilte evident even by combintog or alternating them. It will take almost as much effort to organize one combtoed festival on the scale proposed, as two, Also, if the festivals are altemated, there will still have to be a champlonship meet every year. This has to be or athletic activities wIU die off completely. The only answer to this problem of forces Is that we, have to conttaually develop new actlve meml)ers, and get new members Into otu- organizations. Where are these members, these new forces available? To somc people this is ging to come as a ehock, But .t is the Youth, the Canadian born in the main that wlll make up these hew forces to help in the spade work. Some of the -vetorans öf the örganization don't express a great deal of hope for, the youth. Some day Chey are gotog to be shocked. i'm not going to say any more right here as Td like to keep this little sectio» completely open for debate.. Any takers? •The financlal side of the picture wouId not change much. If the festivals werc held together, it would costthe same'to get the participants here. as it would to send the same amount of particlpants to two dif- /erent centres, but please note, the ••eturns would not be very much over «lalf of the returns of two festivals, at diff^rent dates at different centres. If they were altemated i t v o u l d be the same Story plus the fact that there would be additlonal expenses for a chompionshlp meet but not the same returns, as the meet would be on a smaller scale. (Many ciubs in the Liitto (PezOtaps I should say A L L the clubs> ooaat on thelr Liittojuhla earnlngs until the next time they haye the meet. Actually there is much more to say regarding this questlon but I'll hold back now untll next week rd lllce to add vre lOiould be thinking more of fatroadening our activities & festivahi (eg. Youth Drama Festival coming up) than of narrowtog them, \V, D. Bohm. p. S. — Though this is -vritten in EnglUb, Z would gladly welcome comments and critleism in PlnnliAi. tlie Kalevala is a collection ofaodent poems preserved. through the «en-turies by having been passed fraor mouth to mouth, from father toson and Jotocd by Lönnrot toto o single epic consisttog ot 60 runes or poems and 22,79$ Iines. Of these only a fcw Iines are his own. • FttpedaUy durlng the decades of Finnish romanticism, imtlonal feel- Ing acquired great strength fi«m the .<alevata. Writers, sculptors. patot- •rs, composers ali'were insplred )y it. Durtog thls same period > the Calevala was translated toto var^ous Juropean languages.. It vraa soon compared to the epics of Homer and Iceland's Edda. And often the com •parlson was favoraUe to Ftoland's Kalevala, for i t told of a strange and ancient civillzation of the far north^ the existence of which had prevlous-ly been unknowH. The publlcation of the Kalevala also brought an awak-ened toterest to Finland, vhere this amaztog work had first seen the light of day. To this day the Kalevala haa re-matoed as proof of the primitive strength attained by ancient Fton-ish poetry. The modem reader can only ije sutprised by the une<tualled riches of Its poetical language and by the strange and magical phllo-sophy of lif e it represents. In the English language, the Kalevala f U«t became known to America; but the monumental task of trans-lattog the entire epic from Ftonlsh into Bnglish was carried out by an Englishman who never saw Finland. Thomas C. Porter, a professor of natural history at Marshal College to 'Pennsylvania, first became ac-quatoted wlth the Kalevala toa Ger-mah translation to 185S and pointed out similarities between it and Henry <Wiadsworth ILonfellow's Hiawatha. The professor declared thait Long-fellow had tranferred not only the outstandtog Incidents of the Kalevala to his epic. As proof. he trans- Med passages from the Oerman version toto English. •nien another Porter became In-terested to the Kalevala. He was John Addison Porter, professor of agricultural chemistry at Yale. His translations of the Ftonlsh epic werc hot published tmtll 1868. after his death. A new edition of the book appeared flve years lator. SIgnlficant — or perhaps mere coincldence — is that the thhrd American tranlator of the Kalevala was anotlher student of natural science. John Martto Crawford, professor of phislology at the University of CincLnnati and later. U. S. Ambassa-dor to Bussia, imdoubtedly f tosi gato-ed his toterest to Lönnrofs epic from Tliömas C, Porter. The latter's translation were ali placed at Crawford's disposal and Porter also reviewed the entire translation, which appeared in two volumes to 1888. In the preface the translator said the Kalevala was "one of the most valuable additions to World Uterature" stoce Milton and German dasslcs. In F.ngland, the first comnlete translation of the Kalevala to verse did not appcar untll 1907; but when It finally did appear, it had been translated dh^tly from the Ftonlsh language. And once agato we find that the epic had attracted a schola^ in the fleld of natural science. This time it was an entomologist, William Porsell KIrby by name. It toob inim 25 years to complete the stu-pendous task of whlch not the least difflcult part was the leamtog of Finnish weU enough to understand the Kalevala, difflcult even for stud-ents of the Finnish language. Strangely enough, despite his de-dlcatlon to the laborious task of translatlng the Finnish epic, KIrby never visited the country of Its bhlh. He died wtthout ever having eeen Finland. "Valistuksessa piilee kommunismin vaara Yhdysvalloissa" New York. — Federated Preasto tie-donatmoissa kerrottiin äskettäto. että Yhdysvaltato edustajakamarir. epäamerikkalaisto toimtotaa tutkivan valiQkuur.an uusi puheenjohtaja, Amerlban ohranan entinen asiamies Velde-pltää valistusta .. vaaraUIsena uhkana Yhdysvalloille. Huomauttaen siltä, että Veldc vaatU oppilaitoksien toiminnan tutkimlsto valiokunnan ensimmäisenä tehtävänä, Federated Pressin toimisto esittää lainauksia Velden puheesta, jonka hän piti kongressin viime istuntokaudella Ft^llntyen valtion kirjastojen maksutonta käyttöä vastaan havatoto-ope-tuksessa Velde lausui: "Amerikan kansan opettaminen sellaisto keinoin kuto kirjastot voisi muuttaa kaitsan poliittiset katsomukset paljon pikemmin kuin.^ mikään muu menetelmä Kommunistisen ja sosialistisen vaikutuksen pohjana on valistus. Jos me vEAtustanune sosialismia .Yhdysvalloissa, kuten me kaikki sanomme, nito meidän on hyvällä omallatunnolla vastustettova tätä lakiehdotusta." —Johtuen ilmastoeUhteista, maissia kylvetään melkein joka «viikko Jossakin maallmanosassa. Ylläoleva piirustus osoittaa, että 59 senttiä Canadan Taltiomenoistaalhrataar Joko entisistä sodista tai nuteen.valmistumisesta. -^Kansaninen-pueliatetfVm maksaa 42 senttiä-Jokaisesta liittovaltion iulodollarista; veteraanicnfhooiio ^% maksaa viisi senttiä, ''puolustustuotanto?; kaitsi senttiä Ja sodista alhentnnet* i den valtiovelkojen korot Ja kuoletukset Iqrmmenen senttiä. Koska maiden^ ^ H alojen määrärahoiUn sisältyy myöskin yksiä Ja toisia eriä, Jotl4^ jM>>entimit Joko enUsistä tai uQdesta s u u n n i t e l l u s t a Bodastai voidaan varmnudellftflaiios^^ että Johaisesto lUttovaltion tulodoUarlsta Itäytetään 60 senttiä sotien < kustannuksiin. ~ Äskettäin Itävallan Alpeilla tapahtuneessa lumivyöryssä kuoli kuusi henkUöä. — Lukuunottomatta ISgnt-^ tissä on .1,000 mailla purjehduskelpi^ 8'a kanavia. , ' ,t^ HÄÄKUTSU Ainoastaan täten kutsumme kaikkia tuttaviamme saaptmaan^& MISS JEANNINE/CHICOINE'n ja poikamme ' MAURI OLAVI EROLAN vihkiäisiin maaliskuun 6 p:nä 1953, kello 7.30 illalla Anglican,. kirkkoon ja heti vihkimisen jälkeen CommutUty Centr<?Un,m MARTTA JA XIVEBT EROLA. Hearst, Ontario •f . J UUSI PIENI TIETOSANAKIRJA Kolme osaa jo saatavana nalikaselkäkansissa~i ENSIMMÄINEN OSA: 760 sivua, 1,273 tekstikuvaa, 169 8yväpainö^> kuvaa, 3 värikuvaUitettä, 4 monivärikarttaa, 17 karttaa. 'I TOINEN OSA: 824 sivua, 1,669 tekstikuvaa, 243 syväpalnokuvaa/ 8 värikuvaUltettä. 27 karttaa. KOLMAS OSA: 824 sivua. 14^6 tekstikuvaa; 205 syväpalnokuvaa. I 4 VärikuvaUltettä. 2 monlvärikarttoa, 34 karttaa. K O K O N A A N U U S I T T U L A I T OS Hinta Ikolme osaa yhteehsä $39.00 Myöskto olemiue varanneet ni osan niille PIENEN TIETOSANA-:? KIRJAN ostejille. Jotka jo aikaisemmin ovat tilanneet I Ja n osan^v Pienen Tietosanakirjan kolmas osa nyt saatavana—- HINTA 913,00.; Vapaus Publishing Company Limited BOX 69 ST7DBT7RY. ONTARIO Valitkaa äänilevynne tästä uudesta ÄÄNILEVYJEN VALIKOIMAStÄ joka ön juuri saapunut kauppaamme ® C O L U M B IA HY 2 Ai, AI, miten pieni ruusu, valssi, Eugen Malmsten Margona •--Tapgo-Bumba. Eugen Malhlfiten ^ ^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^v^ ® T B I O LA T 4042 Ennen Jtfninoln, fox-trot. Kipparikvartetti Vato tavallinen tyttö, elow-fox, "Hertta" T 4044 VUadt» se pfenildn ponnistaa, Jenkka, Vilho Vartlatoen :: Tee nato — älä näin, valssi, Vilho Vartlatoen T 4045 Minä lanlan onnestain, tango Veikko Tuomi Aatoltsin luokse annaan, valssi, Veikk» Tuomi T 4048 Nauti onnestasi, tango, Vilho Vartiainen Kalpaan fcatsettas, valssi, VUho Vartlatoen T 4050 EnstatauUsenä iltana, Olavi Virta Taivaana lolsteU kaltainen kauhat, ballaadl Katiko Käyhkö) T 4051 Mitäs Me taltelUJat, valssi, Kipparikvartetti Pyyhkinam, Jenkka, Kipparikvartetti T 4052 Mamman pikku pipana, foksl. Kipparikvartetti Kimmon puuhevonen, lastenlaulu. Kipparikvartetti r 4053 Romanialainen Serenaadi, tengOi laul. Velitkö Tuomi Soittajan Sävel, valssi, laul. Veikko Tuomi T 4055 Osa elämääni, tango, davi Vhta Mr. Törrönen, Jenkka, Olavi Virta Ja "Kulkurit" T 4056 Syyatnletteia, valssi, Veikko Tuomi Onnen-pyörä valssi Kauko Kokflsonen kumppaneineen^ ^ T 4057 NnorJ ihanteeni, tango, Olavi Vhrta Ahkera-Antti, Jenkica, Olavi Virta Ja "Kulkurit" T 4058 Lapin Jenkka, Vilho Vartlatoen Ja "Kulkurit" RinkeU-Villen polkka, Vltoo Vartiainen Ja "Kulkurit"^ O RYTMI R 6131 Raviradan tyttö. Jenkka, Justeeri Raviralli, jenkka. Justeeri HINTA $1.25 KPL. (Ostajan maliseitova läheiysfcalat) Postltilauicsen tulee käsittää vähtotäto kolme levyä. Lähetämme levyjä fcaiikfclallelCftnadfliHKi. Tilatkaa osoitteella: VAPAUS PUBLISHING CO. LTD. 10. H P. o. BOX 69
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Vapaus, February 26, 1953 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finnish--Canadians--Newspapers |
Publisher | Vapaus Publishing Co |
Date | 1953-02-26 |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | Vapaus530226 |
Title | 1953-02-26-03 |
OCR text |
^iJItä on kadonnut
•ä:lfnaapur:n pojan
• Sea vuoksi jjän t,
•sSatyialstä. Pojan.
a. 2Ȋnen k a s v o ^
rveenvarfcaan kasvot
aivan kuin klrveenvar
ffa hänessä viittasin
»n.- ***
kuitenkin löysi k i r ,^
hakuopasta. johS^
euraa/ana Päivänä hj
laapurin pojan. ry£
muistuttanut enÄ
senvarkaan käyntiä
a^onsakaan olleet fc,
jasvot «änessä ei o!
ol.si Viitannut vi,
'-unettomuuden laita
a Jjuonoaimin. Nyt
ies aamulla, kun pitäi
iteä työhön.
• 'Neuvostoliiton loiste
lon kuuluu 16 ffliesti
apui: helmik. 17 pai
5sä Ruotsin luistelu!!
ita puheenjohtajaasi
1 johdolla oliMvastaan.
Port Arthur
Next Stop
ttelyä syystä tai to!
;arpeeliisena. On myä
'Kalevalaa" on kuj.
luonnehtia sellai
5 pikemminkin oUs
että "kansanrunoa,
imouden" rinnalla OI
ia eepoksia, Jotka e;
ipäahLuan ryhmää:
aen. luomistyön tuot
^tä ei voisi olla ole
utmoutta" nerokkaaj
uudeleen suuriksi ee
alaan" je sen m
itapuolisesti perehty,
opa tutkijatkin, oTj
ihtoheet leimata tä
vuosisadan alkupiio.
juden keruun Ja jul
ä mönlssä F,arooi^
iriostiaieimman her-eksi
rimoja julkais-t
e t tu sellaista tart
llsuutta, mitä nykyi.
»iään^ selvänä asia-kittyjä
runoja yfr
a ja niitä muodos-kuUoinkin
eivät tietenkään oJ-yssä;
mielessä "aito-a.
.Venäjällä kävi
vuosisadan toisen!
ana — "Kalevalan'
taistelua kansanru.
e n keräämisen ja|
lolesta. Hän vaati,
iJUcalsemista tarkal-lin
n e b n merkitty|
lUlään .tavoin
Itämättä ja yhdls-l
'ää, «ttä "Kaleva]^'
Jtaan ole pyrkinyt'
näitä "aidon" kaij
V täydelliseltä ni.
la taikka Vanhoji
<• Suomen ka
'."nimestään hui
en" tai edes
(anrunojen kokod
jan kansanrunoäi'
V Icäyttäen luoJ
"Kalevala" ei
n "Iliaskaan" ini
jen "väärenny^"
ksilön Juoma maa-
1 merkkiteos.
arkoitusta, kansai-
Iittiin gangsteria
insin monet heistä
varakkaana ulk^
olin heidän sään-
. . . Minä en
tään merkkiä silti
et ottivat laskuif-aun
oikÄitta. ia
lotaan — että n|t
n ystävineen teli-
. . Rukaan ei E l i
he ovat niuutta-i
en haluaisi o;i
Chlang B:ai-sker
lunltlsessa Järju-|
i kielteistä .
elmä. ja mikä t«'
on parempi ku^
3ä . . . " '
I meistä tuntto^
ekin "mltätöimÖ-luuta
läkyy mitä bäJa^
n liikkuu. Mutis
i. Ja me saarni^
:aan suurista pf
ilokseksl jää. 1^'
äisenktn subteeft
peen panematti'
ä kalktsta po^
Tihe yooth couraes are on tbelr
final weeb fn Sadbnry and an dne
to move on to Port Arthur. where
they start Mareb 3rd. Bnt
Sudburyites, dont forret tliat al>
(hougb the coursea «ill be concln-dcd.
tbe gyni classes «111 continne
on t^e regrular Thtusday nl^ts.
One of the main tasks faclsf
Alerts members is preparin^ for
(he LUttojnhlas, whlch «tn be
here tbis summer. There is a great
amount of planniiv to do whieh
is already in the bands of a corn-mittee
boivever as time dnm
nearer to Angnst more and more
people will bave to be involved
in the work. And tben of conise
if Alerts wi8hes to pnt np a battle
for tbat total points trophy, vlc-tory
can be assnred by startinc
conditionhoST now at the' Hall on
the regnlar gym nlghts. Optimlst.
Port Arthur — iNow if T were a historian
I would phrase my fonvard
somethlnc like thls;
"Bver since the dawni of civlllzation
we have witnessed the asoend and
decUne of great powers. Each nation
or power has been succeeded by an-other
power yet stronger which has
absorbed the finer qualities of its
predecesfior but has risen to its own
hel^its by omitting its foregoers er-rors."
But m not a historian so what I
have to say sounds Uke this: It ap-pears
that Port Arthur Istoa has hit
a dowa grade after a brief period of
pro^Derity — and woise shame —
our hayseed counterpart, namely
North Branch Elo, is on the clhnb.
Thls has alredy been witnessed in
small ways but an indlcation that
the tide is ituming comes from -the
nnuai ivieeting
Three Plays Being Rehearsed For Drama Festival
Yritys A. C. lias passed its 46th
vuosikokoas and lias retalned IV. O.
Böhm as its cbainnan George.Gos-tafson
as treäsnrer. Bnt has made
The tum-out was.poor, Very poor.
There TOas almost^a motion on thie
f loor that we divyy up the clubs tis-ssts
aniong tlie Snembers present and
head for Mexico (pronoucedMe-hi-co).
But then torother George, last
years and this years money — man
read the annual financlal report.
Being a ledger and balänce shcrt
type myself 1 think I oan say wlth-out
a Word of a lie, that George'8
report was a masterful example of
figurative analysis, örganization of
Information in the written fonn and
calculated constuctlye crlticism. I n -
deed, Old Yrjö miist have the soul
of an artist to prbduce such a report.
The only tliing vrong "«vas the
Story his report told, a stoiiyi of the
club dropphig 10 C notes -in tIhe year.
•Ah, yes, väi-en we present heard the
club spent IG more than it made dur-ing
the year, vre droM>cd the idea of
splitting what was left. I doubt if the
£plit would have given each enough
to get to PORT CEliElDrr.
The club made one Intemal change
in its set-up. From iiow on the ex-ecutive
conunittee Is enlarged by two
members, a Programine direotor and
an Educational director. The tasks
befcre these two Incxunbents are
pretty well explained by theh-tltles.
The purpose bf this move is to co-ordiivate
club affairs and activities
bettcr than in the past. The re-af-fiimation
of another club constitu-.
tional point was made. This being
the regular reporting of ali sectiöns,
activities and committees of the club
at the club general meetings, and at
executive meetings in special cases.
These reports are to" be presented
in writing for flling and reference.
• Considering the lack of members
present the meethag was very good,
and the discussiott was fruitful. The
coming years vJll prove or disprove
thisi (Maybe the lousy veather kept
them away. — the members I mean)
Now SOTuethhig must be said
ai»ut the large väriety of hams pb-served
aro\md the hali lately. There
are lovers, herbhies, viliians and every
other form of theatrical äsptrant,
studyinig their roles for, the coming
Youth Drama Ckmipetittons. We've
got three pretty good dandy blue eyed
good plays on the fire. AU of them
are in rehearsäl right now and ali
of them took very promlshig. In
f act it Is easy to see that one of them
Isku crosscoimtry championsbip ski
meet held in conjunction wiUx Elo
on February 22nd at,North Branch.
The results teli Ihe taie:
Men; Under 18 — 5 km. —
R. Kankkunen (Isku Champion)
28.59; U. HUronen (Elo) 33.16; V. Nojonen
(Elo) 37.23; K. Vhta |
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