1955-05-12-03 |
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SITÄ en te tetään MISTÄ II*N TIESI? I tulot "VUIe. sanonpas minuUe oliko ge Washington 60«laö ta:>.>a ^ * jokai- mies?" kysj-y opettaja.koulussa. rkojen k: "Minusta tuntuu, että hän oli a** elisien mies.': rl*' innUle —Sanoppas minulle mistä ti«<k' .a ym. sen?" •:.. •• ^ * 1 soti- ' •niseen nZtti:^:.;!!.^ r°-f^|TAXY MAJOR PROJECTS ot a DuU Moment This Summer enttiä; ' h a n s a seisoo venees.sä. hän ei o l e j sJ enteen rimies." SYY outeen •oon 2 le 1.5 .. Työnantaja: "Te sanotte oUeenr. )liisiUe viimeisessä pailtassahne 23 :;:ne 1 Miksi jätitte sen?" :oituk- : Työn etsijä: '.'Minut laikettiia eh-dolliseen vapauteen." . ' vuotta. NP'A- that summer has become a; •Äcrc active participants in the lirst; a:id doing bur share at the summer la, itsepetosta, I loppuun asti /ahteli \ n e t viime aikoina julkaistut lähteet n i o h n - ; heittävät räikeää valoa nat^-ivaltakuc. 1 k o h - ! n a n lopun lähinnä iragikoboiiiiiaiita I ±alai- I tuntuvaan, j u o n i t t e l u - j a valtataist^ 1 rgaus-1 l u p e l i i n . • B e r l i i - | Kolmannen /valtakunnan viimeisicä joukot 1 päivinä olLvat H i t l e r i n hovin hallitsev i n ja f v i a h a h m o j a Gestapo-pääUikkö Hirn-yksen- ) m l e r , propagandapäällikkö Göbbels ä H i t - j a n a t s i e n puoluekaiislian päajililäa*| 2 pnä B o r m a n n . Muodollisesti oli Hitlain csalai- j lähimpänä miehenä, j a seuraajaju Lssa j a edelleenkin Göring. Tosiasiassa täasä 1 a i k e u - • " p a r f y m e e r a t tu Nero", kiitc-n hanti ihjsto- n i m i t e t t i i n , j o k a eleli- yhä luotaan-sti t a i • työntävammassa loiatosja, oli menet-y l i 50 I t a n y t k a i k e n vaikutusvaltansa valtion [ n ar- i a s i o i h i n iLma-aseensa mukana, joSa jo J ta. loppu- vaaita, annen moina pettä-olivat ppuun i katon tiihottu ja kadonnut Saksan tai- GÖBBELS J A BORMANN i V a l t a k u n n a n k a n s l i a n bunkkefiho-v i s s a taistelivat loppuim asti JUtleiiaJ suosicKi a viekkaudella, imaxtelulia ja-petoksella ensi sijassa Göbbels j i i. H i t - i B o r m a n n . Yleensä heidän poliittisi-'] Mniksi j o t t e i t a a n karakterisoi ihmeellinen tie-i . o l e - j tamättömyys m u i d e n maiden oloisia öisessä 1 p o l i t i i k a s t a . j a ajattelutavoista. Göb-t e e l l i - ! b e l a tämä juutalaisten ja puolalat»- h y s - ' t e n joukkomurhien •kyynillinenhy-i p e r i - • väisyjä, k u v i t t e l i j o s t a k in selittänmt- • vain j tömkstä syystä olevansa suureisa suo-, a toi- i s i o s s a - u l k o m a i l l a j a pyrki esimerkik- * 'li. vielä huhtikuussa ulkoministeiits T T * - I •Syyttömän j a kopean Ribbentropa kirjei-a!: ty,, despite the c o ld spell that ems ' general throughout Ontario, B are reminded of the f a c t that Fäni^h-Canadian y o u t h - » i l l b e par- [idpat:ng i n a number of major pro-lects this summer. The annual sports festival of the O.KSF IS of course the closest to us. his year the sports festival will be Leid i n S o u t h Porcupine under t he Lusplces of the Viesti. It w i l l be five frears slnce they-were last host to t h is nportan: event, but the G o l d Belt las a reputation for doing things and telcoming guests and we c a n be as-tjreä that they -vvill do a good: job Is far as preparations ga.: Vlesti's iraci 15 reputed to be one of the best In the F C A S P , so \ve can expect to lee some very interesting races and peräaps a. few. records improved. To cnsure a g o » ä p a r t i c i p a t i o n of Ithletes at the F C A S P championship lieet it IS important that a l i clubs jtart a r e g u l a r t r a i n i n g p r o g r am and blan a number of meets p r i o r to the liittojuhla. Special attention should fc givcn to volley ball to make i t an pnportant team cvent. L\Y SUGGESTIONS? Tne annual meeting of the FCÄSF ril! be held immediately following äie Liittojuhla. .Quite often good Mgge.stions are made at the meeting uo cannol be acted upon at the time ecause proposals for bigger.changes 1 the F C A S P must.be made to the, lational exccutive before the first of Jay and included i n the agenda sent ut to the clubs a number of weeks lefore the meeting. ' W h a t v e are rjing to say 13 t h a t ali clubs should ave a good discussion on these mat- ;rs before the end of the month and ;nd their proposals into the n a t i o n al xecutivc. KNTARIO YOUTII FESTIVAL Pinnisli-Canadians from Toronto O n t a r i o Youth Festival held l a s t j c a m p , It scunds like a lot of wbrk, summer over the C a n a d a Day week-| but i f the wb3le gang. pitches i n we A n d a number of i will fmd t h a i the work can be done ir. n o i i m e and We w i i l have the satis^ end in Palermo. them did quite well i n the track and | job Weil. No doubt it wjll keep us out of mischief and i n the f a l l we will be ablc to look back on a f r u i t f ul summer. f i e ld program. This year the sports: i a c t i o n of having done an^lmportant program •Hi-ill be even broader and p a r t i c i p a t i on of Fnmlsh-Canadiän youth v v i l l a l s o be bro.ider. • Clubs should regard the O n t a r io Y o u t h Festival as bemg equal i n j m - portance to our own festival. A l i should be done to ensure the success of this affair whicb • w i l l be held at Palermo July 1-2. Tlie complete sports program should be finalized soon but l e f s do what ue can in t he Tivay of preparations without delay. • WARS.\W YOUTII FESTIVAL L a s t but b y n o means least. is t h e W o r M Y o u t h Festival: w'hich will bc ^ e l d i n •Warsaw at the bcginnmg of August. Warsaw is several thousand miles away and i t Ls of course impos-sible for Us a l i to pack up and go there the vayAve: p i a n to go to i h c i other festivals t l i i s summer at S o u th Porcupine and Palermo. But dcspite the distance "Ä'e w i l l be d i r c c t l y par-ticipating, i n this festival as w e h a v e done i n the past by send:ng our own delegate to.Warsaw. . The question of sending a dclcgalc •was.ah-eady decided 'last Winter and the delegate was choscn a few weeks ago. Such a n u n d e r t a k i n g will run i n t o quite a few dollars and to cover ths. expenses a fmancial campaign was launched last Winter. T i i i s c a m - paign chds on the first of June and it is hoped that a l i clubs w i l l put on a finai^spult to raise funds. NO TIME T O WASTE As the foregoing indicates wc have a busy st^mmer ahead of us. In a d d i t i on to these central festivals i n w h i c h wc w i l l ali be p a r t i c i p a t i n g we w ' i l l have our regular club- activities such as a r r a n g i n g local sports meete Yhdessä Himmlsrin kansi hän samanaikaisesti hautoi suunnitd- .. . . m i a H i t l e r i n sysäämiseksi syrjään ji i n a t s i - S a k r a n johtamiseksi "tunat-t u u n tulevaisuuteen". Näiden .Göb- , b e l s iu ulkopoliittisten haihattclujffl h u i p u n muodosti Rooseveltih. kuolema, j o k a saattoi hänet haltioituneeni j a kokonaan suunniltaan huudahtam a a n : "Ihme o n tapahtunut"! Hän e n hysteerinen ja. herma?tunut lyn-f""*!" i täilynsä e i tietystikään johtanut mihinkään. . Hyvän kuvan hänsn todellisuusta-j u s t a a n antoi myöii se Berliinin lop-putaistehijen aikana valtakunnankaii i s U a n tuhotulle p i h a l l e järjestetty pie i n i näyttely, jossa .Göbbels karttoje j a kuvien a v u l l a täysin to.?issaan se l o s t i lähimmille avustajilleen suimiu t e l m i a a n B e r l i i n i n raivaus- ja jälleeS' rakennu.5töiksi. Göbbelsin itsepetoksen luonnehti' mat ulkopoliittiset, haaveksiir.iset ei' i s i y a t . i ^ ^ ^ . ijuitenkaan koskaan ehtineetHlt' ! l e r i n s i l m i e n eteen, sillä ne ja Göbbe!- : s i n j o syksyllä-1944 laati.nia ulkcpolut- . i t m e n ohjelma olivat päätyneet Hitle- >X rin "uskoUirtmman apulaisen" MartB : B o r m a n n i n pöytälaatikkoon. • Bor-jjäksi mann, häikäilemätön viekas ja raaii u p a - • gangsteriluonne, oli asemaltaan kjlö AFTER LAUGHTER Book Buming Has Ä Lot of Ängles . . . A n d now Washington has comc up with another gimmick which is a very direct ihreat to the whole field of pubhshing. : * In tr.eir efforts to prove there was scmcthing sinister and conspiratorlal abcut the . p u b l i c a t i on of Harvej- Malusow.s "Paise Witness," tcn Commercial iinnters, binders, pressroom \vorker.s. contractors and other pro-d i i c l i on men who handled the me-chanics of p u b l i j h i n g the book have 'ucen bought before a fedcral grand j u r y for questioning. .:- None of these men had the slight-r-^- t connection wjih ti:c Matusow cas?. Thfjy nevcr even saw Matusow. T h e i r business is proccs.sing books — any kind of-book. But i n the cyes of the Department of J u s t i c c thcy have smncd. Tlicy have handled a. book that Herbert Brownel docs not like. Th3t makcs them accessorics to, the cnme. • Alerts Membership Meeting Tonight Siulbur>-. — A niembmhip tneeUDc or the Alerts AtbleUc Clab Jbas been called for (onlrbt at the Finnish HaU at 8 pJU. One of the main topics of disens-sion n-ill be proposals to the annual eonventlon of the FCASF. Other points on the aKeniU wltt inclade plannlng^ summer activities and participation in the Liittojuha which wiU be held In South Porcupine this Kummer.' These are important matters and it is hoped that there will be a Kood turn out of members. n a t s i - stroo-riette- \ m i e l i - icyään akoon v i o i n - suuk-todel-miten nämä olivat areita ' t t a va i i k o h - aiken.; än — h a r - i l e r in koop- I — ja . e s i - ; vie- •eh- M o - I - voimakas — vain hänen kauttaaa päästiin H i t l e r i n puheille — voidai-seen olla ottamatta hucmicon Göii-1 b e l s in mielikuvitteluja. .BomiannT' : ( J a t k u u 5. sivulla) talkki Ja k u n tältä j u m a l a n arinoittamais. j "valistustyön tekijältä" kysyttiin, «S» I i . m r . I luuleeko hän, j o t t a Chianc Kai-sKij i d o k - j v o i " p u o l u s t a a " Pormosan iaai-ta, bis j v a r o - I loihe lausumaan: tossa. I ' . c i i i a n g K a i - s h e k ei ajattele laa* | mtie- ; jj^aj^ puolustuksen määriteLmiä W^:\ h a l l i - taen. -Hän on tässä me i a an kansaO'1 ^y^'^" ! me. Puolustautuminen cn huoia* | : • Slilä ei koskaan voiteta. Te ette Tfc» i edes tyttöä sillä tavalla. Puolustus-i senne hsAdttää pitkän paalle msS ^ s a - j c h e l l a amerikkalaisen hengen. , - l i s e s t i l "Puolustuksen arumesta k«nra>' 'se ei i H o w l e y suositteli a k t i i v i s i a toimeni^* > teitä kommunistihalhtusten kufcsO- )dan- 1 m i s e k s i . 'Ja meidän pitäisi aloitt^ . I s o p i j a n a hetkenä (hyökkäysi Fon?*' i esi- j s a n salmen y l i ' , sanoi hän." 1 : M u t t a jos amerikkalaisia- feenn*- V y l i - I l e i t a j a p o l i t i i k k o j a ainotaan sodss-vara- uetsojiksi. n i i n he ovat kauhistan' v l e y n ! n a a n! ' ' ^ l ^ ' j Muuten, sivumennen sanoen, e i ^ ' da olla huomaamatta sitä. etU »c- ! raalt Howley samaistaa Chiang K* j , I.-nekin j a Y h d y s v a l U i n palitiilöDj-'1 ' " " ^ ^ j h ä n pitää itsestään,selvänä ^ että samassa hengenvedösra voaij^ puhua sekä C h i a n g K a i - s h e k i n^ taan. -^tasuunnitelmis'*ss" | BY BOB WARD Looking . b a c k on i t a l i n ow we eahze that we made a h o r r i b l e foxes ftaw, as the- 'French say, • w h e n we kld our missus t h a t we'd seeh b y the bapers that the week of M a r c h 27th Fas "National Laugh Week."' • When we broke the ''news" Amy h s . figuring out how ' m u c h the p r d s owed to "socieby," and the l^ards were losmg by at: least twenty :ngths. Another spot .we were in |as that our kids were :covered with p m — spots, that is. But thds is a fe:rly measley matter.' Oh yes, sev- Iral little Ward noses were running jaster than Roger Bannister _ break-f i ? the four-minute mile, .too.~~-. Then on t h a t particular day, one |f our potential juvenile delinquents lad plugged the bathroom s i n k and pit the tap r u n n i n g . Our f i r s t w a r n - p of the i n c i d e n t was when stuff |tarted to float downstairs. Indeed |ur r.tairway, i f Niagara U E m e m b e rs •ill forgive the compan.son. looked pe a j u n i o r F a l l s . So m u c h so i n - jeed that we almost expected tourists P pop m. •. - if.our memory serves us r i g h t (and re ce.nainly deserve i t ) i t was on the pxnc ciay that the baby cleared the P.Kc of dishes, and we do mean I.^ared; our four-ycar-old had fallen |ui of his ' h i d c o u t " k n o c k i n g . o ut r^o teeth in the proccss; and our |tt!c Eirl had her eye bläckened in 'discu.^!on" w i t h her older brother. There were several other " l a u g h - N c ' mcidents to get the week under ray v;ith lots of chuckles. A neigh-k ' s urchin kicked i n a c e l l a r w i n - P"*-. the T V , w e n t on the burn and a l€3K. started i n t h e roof. Also pTiong o u r . b i l l s werc one or several rx-n "Priendly Finance Companies." > i e V. ere the k i n d . vvhich had in 'cxcu.se the expressionv ink rn;.'d and F i n a l Notice." Tn-re were a few other l i t t l e " i n c l - tnt.i which we have come to asso-tato ' A l i n 'our way o f s t r i f e , " but p y '-scape as at the moment. A n d •^^--bo thLs ls just as wcl]. i n any event it will be scen that that i t s time to p a y Incomc Tax. The snow, slcet and blizzard on the wcck-end was a real howler. Then, too, we h a d n ' t quite rccpvr-ered from the new's that Lester B . 'Pearson, plaj'ing straight man for E>ull, DuUer and Dulles. h a d dccreed that a l i C a n a d i a n s should be crc-mated equally to scc to i t that Cliinese I s l a n d s w e r e kept out of the h a n d of, of; a l i people, the Chinese. C. D. Howe had been having h i s l i t t l e ''jokes" too. a n d it's remark-able, when one t h i n k s of i t , how some of the, funnymcn i n Ottawa can kecp a straight facc. To w i t , consider the w i t of Honorable Howe, .when he broke the new5 to Canadians that U S A had again tramplcd on i n t e r n a t i o n a l trade agreements. ''VVe'» j u s t have to w a i t and see what they w i l l do w i t h their new power," the Honorable One is reportcd to have said. Another touching l i t t l e giggle came f r om lo^^a. It secms that a team of R u s s i a n farmers are to visit Iowa t h i s summer and. the b ig business slogan (seriouslyr is ••let's .show t he Reds how f r e c A m e r i c a n s raise .such b i g hogs." ; B u t it's like we s a id to Amy, ' a n y - t h i n g for a good l a u g h . " And we do hope that everyone had lots of laugh.s Sound Advice In Evcry Field Time • magazine reportcd _re-cently that during the London nevspapcr strikc upperrcrust horscplaycrs, peers and peeresscs, were taking tlieir tips from Cay-ton in the Datily Worker. It so happens that Cäytön" is' the best' in the business and clubhousc punters in black bowIers, striped trousers, spats and so oh, were. umu7ed to find them-sclvcs mak-injr money by followlng Daily \Vorkcr selcctionb-; Aftcr Cayton- gave threc wln-.' ncrs in a row one aftemoon (a $2.80 parJcy on the tliree paid S862.40). Time rcports that one conscrvative gentleman was a l most ovcrwhelmcd. "From now on," said he. as he tried to revive himself in the bar, ' T m in favor of coexi.stcnce." LOCKED UP On her way to bcd the maid looked into her cmployer"s room. "Ttic mastcr"s lockcd up- for the night. ma'an." she said. Her employcr looked puzzlcd. "Really, Jane?" she said. 'He must have been very quiet. I didn't even hear him comc in." "He hasn't ma'am," cxclaimed Jane. "The policc station have just telc-phoned." .»,.•• .»•. • . •. WHICH An employer. on Icaving his Office. was instructing his sccrctary •what to say if anyone callcd .while he was out. "I may be back this after-noon. v he to!d her. - "And thcn, agani. I may not." "Ycs. .':ir." she said. ' Is that dcfl-nite?" • '•• TYAs little fcUow can hardly \rait until the pickrrel scason opens on May 21 north of Uic Mattawa and French rivers. In eagcr anticipatlon bc is alrcady practicinir baiting: his hook. Tlie plioto is througit the courtesy ot tlic Ontario Department of Lands and Forcsts. Torstaina, toukokuun 12 p. ^ Hiursday, May 12,1955 Si TORONTOLAISTEN YHTEISRIENNOISTA Juutalaisten ja venäHäisten J jcn Ja niiden tunnettujen vien vuosilconsertti on Massey h lauantaina, toulcokuun 14 p n kacn kello 8J0 illalla. Masscy-liaalllla pidetyssä \ juhlassa kchoitti J . B, Salsben li jollaan toimimaan Frostin to litusta vastaan Ja auttamaan tysmJcllstcn chdoklmiden vs tulevissa maakuntavaaleissa. Torppto. — Don haalilla pidcty<>S)4 äiticnpälviijuhlassa oli kukkia äideille jä : vieläkin enemmän, s i l l i nuori kaarti esitti silloin monipuolisen ohjelmoii Juuri äitienpäivän kunniaksi CanadAn-Ncuvostolllton Ystävyysseura Järjesti Juhlan fasismin voiton 10-vuotis})äivän kunniaksi Studio- > teatteriin. Siellä saimme kuulla kuinka suurta edistystä on Neuvostoliitossa; tapahtunut atomivoiman kehittämisessä rauhanomaisia tarkol- Buck>kiinnittt puheessaan hui tuksla varten. Samalla saimme näh- uhkoavaksl kehittyneeseen \ dä filmin"Berhtnln valloitus'* — se myystllantcescen Ja niihin käfj näky. Jota cn toivoisi koskaan to- stin mitä työttömyys työlälsll dellisuudessn näkeviini. Tolvottavas- heutlaa; Hän kchoitti työväe ti musta fasismi ei enää koskaan pääse ihmiskuntan uhkaamaan. Vihan, vainon Ja verisen sodan asemesta toivotaan ystävyyttii ja kaupankäyntiä kansojen kesken. Me voimme myös olla ylpeitä siitii, että tässä iUhtcessa on Suomi antanut hyvää esimerkkiä muille malUc. Canftdnn-NcuvostolUton Ystävyys-hittoon otetaan slvumcimcn sanoen ijatkuvastl uusia Jäseniä Ja Jäsenmaksu on vain 50 senttiä vuosi. Because the Ontario Youth Festival last year brouffht together a wealth of yonng tatent, it was decided that cultural competitlons vould be held again at tliis yeai^s festival Many groupsL have already announecd their intention to participäte. The Toronto Ilungarian dancers. the West Toronto Ukrainian dancers, the UJFO Youth Ssingers, the Russian Canadiaa dancers of London and the sonir »nd dance groups of the Toronto NFLY are some of tlie groups now bulldlne their repertoircs in anticipatlon of winning honors at the festival; The G enie of Doozen pfeffer VVORLD .s T O P RUNNERS WARSAW WILL SEE THE RACE OF THE CENTURY I watched an army of young fauild-crs i n the; centre of 'Warsaw with pick;; and shoveLs, cxcavators and rjuHdozers, ripping into a mountain of..snow cjvered earth. . It .<et-med well nigh incrcdible that w ; t r l n six months the scorching August sun v.-iil shine over a hugc modc-rn .stadium scating 70 000 spec-taiors. .• • A few v.oids w i t h the young build-cr. s soon dispelled any doubt.s. They wili d'0 the job here and also on the on the Week that the powers that be j,cv.- boxint; and spcedw2'y arena for .set aside for us common folk to s p l i t j 20000 pecpje. They w i l l be f i l l ed to. our . sides chuckling at a l i of the | capacity day af ter day from August humorous situations roupd. about us 1 j s t - H t r . . as hundreds of thousands that they create. • . :! of .spcciators from every c o u n t r y . in Come to t h l n k about it. a l i of us ! the v o r l d watch the Sccond Inter-should be able to l a u g h much more j natonal F r i e n d l y Y o u t h Sports Mcct. t h a n we do. Bcing able to l a u ^ h at 1 ^ others, and at ourselves, makes hfs TALKIN. O »"»-^^T . ; , . ;,. _ • At the Office of the P o l i s h Prepara-almost livable at t.mes. ^^^^^^^ co.-nmi-ssion I found the .same B u t laughter is a pretty toug problem i n the face of unemploymcnt and with the threat of atomaniac; ever prescnt. , We're a l l f o r developing a sloga.'! hke "National Latifeh Week A l i t he Year Round.'* And this is c e r l a i n iy possible. U E ' s program of jobs, sccurity. a r i s i n g standard of l i v i n g and pcacc can become a l i v i n g reality. And m ••^••fe appreciatcd news of " N a - such a n atmosphere we could rcally oUa ? litus- :sena [ Y h d y s v a l t a i n sot kä hänpn katsantokantansa i teellä ori yksi j a s a m a asia p c * .kutea*.- I väliän onkin. ; ! Melkoinen tunnustua nu"' ; eam-! , . - ' •. „-'' _KähsäkoB* Laugh Week," in . mUch the strj=e a.s the bass appreciatcs •eony, weeny, little demand for in wage5.. Matter bf fact It r^s aoout the antimclicst timing l^-cc ear!? m c u r marriage when:we 50 c-teerved casually that the place hke it needed painting. We '••e d:d ge: the brush that thne. V.-e i.T.agine that most people had laughs during the big Laugh There was. for instance, wamings laugh ourselves silly. •We've always £ub.*x;ribcd sirongiy to the idea that " h e who laughs läughs last." A n d we certainly hops infectious cnthu.'>iasm and confidencc ! a.-; on the site. and no wondcr. M i l - i lionji of spor*,.^ f an.s v/ill «oon bc t a l k - I i.^.g abcut the Y o u t h Sports Mcet. • W i t h an • almo.st full Olympic pro-j fjramrne of irack «.nd ficJ-J athletics, j th^t win u.n.-joubtedly be the m o s t i m - ' po.^-tant .sports event of 1955. i I learnod already official ap-i pr':>vai and >;i;ppo.'-t has been given : by the I.nlernational Fedcrations in I cycl.r.i-. ro-.vi.v.,'. bfxmg, canocing . &r:.'hc-ry vvre-tl ruj. volley -ball foot- • b a l l and tcfale t::in;.s. National As- £oc:at.:ons v.ho have accepted the i n - Vita'.:cn of the Poli-sh Sportg F e d c r a - to keep our sense of humor :n good; »j^^^ jnclude Denmark. Britain, India fihape for the great day when, worÄ-) ^^^^^ g^.^,,^^ cycling, Norv/ay Ing people have fjnally *on real se-i j ^ ^ , , , ^ ^ , . ^ Sweden in wre«tling. curity m a land at peace. The bi?: v..h:ie at:^letiC3 are represented by laugh then v i l l b e on the few Jokers . j ^ j , ^ . ^ ^^ gg^p. Fmlaad. Luxemburg who now seek to throw roiadblocks. into the path of progress. Boy o h . * ^ boy will we have the last laugh on j TOP EVE-VTS them- '•' •• ! . A glance at these acceptances to- — U E N'EWS. igether with the extenslve program shows the possibilitles of a really ex-citlng cvent and, even more records going under than at the first meet in yBucharcsl in 1953, when 5 World records W'eresma8hed, If, as I hope they can, the British Amatcur Ath-letic Association is able to overcome its problem of a meet with Germany and Hungary during the same period, wc might yet see Cliataway, Kuts, Zatopek, Kovacs and Anufriev, nxak-ing it the race of the century betwcen the world's big five, WOMEN STARS In the womcn'a cvcnts, tablc tennis is bound to be excitlng if only for the fact that Romania can cnter the famous Angelica Rozcanu. vhflst it is possible that Britain can scnd the sensationaf Rowe twins who hold the World doublestitle. Amongst the women athletcs vrtiom I hope win bc on vicw is Galina. Zybina, v/hose rccord stiot putt of 83 ft. 4!i ins. more than cntltlcs her to tlic description in World Sport magazine "Strongcst Woman in tlic Worid." L M Q U E SERVICE F OR WOBLD SPORT . In my opinion thcrc are certain feature» which make the Seicond Friendly Sports meet uniquc in international evcnts. The athlctios are organi^cd on the basis of Indlvldual competitlons and certain events, cycllng, archco' and gymnastioj vlll be on both a team and indlvldual basis. v/hllcfootball. volley ball, l>as-kct bäll. handball, water piolo and hockQT, wiU be for teams önly. » But note, the organizers are plan-ning something that to my know-ledge has never been attempted on a World scale before. Ali the team con-testa wlll be divided into two «cc-tions. one for national teaou' and . B Y M I K E QUINN Onco upon a time, many mlUionsi of ycars ago. there was a professor w i t h a l o n g w h i t e bcard who was namcd Doozcnpfeffer. He livcd m a big Stone towcr filled w i t h all kinils of bottles of diffcrent sliapcs, and electrical Instruments, and . strangc tools that looked like a denlisfs equipmcnt, but had sccrct purpo.scs, •which only he knew, and he wouldn't t c l l anybody. He was looking for the Secret to h u m a n happincss. He had been i n t l i c towcr for .so many years. and his bcard was so long that it g r cw out thc wlndow and extcnded along the countryside. .One day a practical-minded pcasant braidcd the halrs i n t o a s k i p p i n g ropc for tlie c h i l d r c n , and almost any day you could tee them singlng and laughing as they skipped to th^ swlnslng of the philbsopher's great bcard. Doozcnpfeffer was a l l unaware of this because he nevcr looked out the window. Hc was too bu.sy pouring strange fluids together and plnchdng various rocks, w l t h h i s '.sccrct tools, "sehrchlng for the sccret to human happiness. • •••» • Hc had i n h c r i t c d an ancient manu-stirlpt f r om 1:is father, w^lio. i n turn, had irfherited it from his father, which to*ld that if you would split. a rock, then take one-half of i t and s p l l L l t again, then .split. one-half oi that,' a n d kccp on s p l l t t l n g , you would f i n a l l y release a great gcnic who would bc able to teli you the secrct of happine&s, providcd you could understand his language. But you must b e c a r e f u l first to master his language becaase hc spokc w i t h the voice of a volcano m gigan-tic cxplo.sions. Prof. Doozcnjifeffcr al.so Jiad Jii the tower hundreds and hundrcds o f Old and dirty books written by men who had long smcc gonc mad or died tr>1ng to deciphcr the sccret to happiness. They were written i n lan'4ua'4cs so Old t h a t n o o n c talked them anymcre, and had been thumbcd througii by countlesfi gcneration.s of ricar-sigined scholars, untll most of them looked j hke the ragged tclephone books you .see hanging i n cheap barrooms v/hcn l i n y . t h i i t h c could scarccly tcll if It w c i e thcrc at a l l , o r i f lic wcre only drc.iming.. Hc. would see It, t h c n hc would not .scc It. Then l i e ' d bllnk his cycs and It would appcar again. V. Moving carclully. and blinklng hi.s eycs to k c c p tlic i n f i n i l c s i n u i l spcck i i ; Vlcw, Doozcnpfeffer grippcd i t w i th one of his delicalc tools nud squcczcd much as you would w i t h a nutcracker, T i i c .speck refu.scd to s p l i t . . . Now, Doozcnpfeffer had r c a d In one of h i s Icarncd books t h a t If you try to crack a nut w l t h a nutcracker; and It won't crack, thcn the o n ly thlug to do ls put i t on the Iloor and hit it w l t h a liammcr. ThLs h c did. and h i s cyes wcrc bhndcd by a light so d a z z l l n g that It lUuniinatcd tlic very marrow of his boncs.Siinultuncously, thcrc wa8 an cxplosion £0 loud that. entcrlng both of his cars a t once, It colllded In h ls brain, causing his eycs to bulgc like i n f l a l e d balloons. F r om a l l the surroundlng counry- .sidc, people ran out o f their homcs and .saw a hugc, mushroom-likc whlle cloud of smokc rising over the pro-fcs. sor's towcr. i n «'hich all the Windows h a d been shattercd and the roof blown off. . . . ,• • • . . . . • .Wh"cn tlic doiid Ihlnncd away; thcrc stood u iremendous giant w l th cycs of f i r e and muscles l l k c an acro-bat. and live clcctric wlrc5 growlng i n his chcst instcad of. l i a i r s . T he g i a n t . b c a t his che.sL l l k c a d r um and r o a r c d : Work or kili? Work or kili? What isyour wlll? I can build you a heavcn. I can tear you to liell. • . IMI do ali your bidding, But pondcr It well," The c l u l d r c n . r an quickly and h ld under bridgcs. whllc their p a r c nU trtmblcd and cricd to the pr6^c«.sor, " P u t him back In the rock. Put h lm back i n the rock. We d o n l want h i m . " •. . . V . : • Prof. Doozcnpfeffer, who liad been blown out through one of the w i n - dow.s, «;tt fccKn-,' his c h l n w h c r e hifi bcard liad been burncd off to the I root.s. " T h c r c is no , p u t t l n g h im _ _ back." h c «ald fiadly. "It ls w r l t t cn men s^fdom 'wa]sh T h e i r hands. and i " t h e book that oncc frccd from the lazily tear out pleccs of the pagcs i ro<,-k. Lhc giant can nevcr bc put thcrc mstead of w r i t i n g down the nuinbcrs \ a g a i " . We mast live w l t h hlm for they want to rcmcmbcr. Prof. Doozcnpfeffer had read a l l these books many timcs. and some of them' bc could almost rccitc from bcginnlng to end fexccpt wherc there c v c r . ' • • Mcanv/hilc, the g l a n l kept .bcatlng hi.s chcst and growling: "Work or k l l l ? Work br k l l l ? ViThat i s your w i l l ? " A young fanncr prescnt consldcrcd wcre pages torn out> and h c felt j the s i l u a t l o n and »ald: ' T h i s l« not sure that he could understand. the j^o bad. I f h c wlll really do our wlll,' language of t h e volcanocs. Bccau&c,) ^pj-j gjant can help us tear granltc although no one of the bo<jk;i made! frfjjn the mountainsidc to b u i l d new muöh more noise i n lt.self, v/hen you i^ouscs. H c c an p u l i up fitump» a n d addcd up a l l i n the tiny squcak» of j f.]c;ir the l a n d for crops." knowledgc cach one rcpr&scnted, it | jjut thcrc wa.s a great general who amountcd i n the end to^ a tcrrifio | fiai>pri)efl lo bc staying i n the viUagc nolsc, almost cquivalcnt to a n c x - i j , , , , ; he s a i d : 'This I s a mlJUary ploslon. ' mattc.'. Kc bclongs UJ t he army. .Many ycars ago, I>Kjzenpfcffcr ,had j vv^iih hls help v/c c a n conqucr a l l b-rgun with a medium xizcd rw;k | ofncr pcoplcs and rule the c a r t h ." splfttlng i t In half, thcn «pJittin'.,'.half I tlvcrc v/as a landlord wbo of St In h a l f , and i t o c n untll now h e ! <.;,j,j. . ' j j , . beIoi«{« to me. Aftcr a » , was down to pleccs >:mal3cr than f{y- ] j ,^v/;i the tov/cr in w h l c h hc v/as ftpcck«. a n d he had to u.se a m-AvnMy-i cri:'dicfi. Tm: proicMr is bchlnd In ing glass thlcker than a «tove lid in I j^j, rf,,,*.. Thcrcforc, . the giant 1Ä ordcr to see what he was domtj. ] minc He »hali make mc great prof its. ' C a u l J o n , caution," ,warncd the proff.'>.wr. "Nov/ that the powcr. 1» ._ _ — 7 . , /;ther countric» ; w l l l «piit j the other for club», ' rocks and t.r'>duce tircir own giant».! Aside from the enormous scope this j H e ' j n u it not be u»ed for war." give» the meet. it mean» in-zaiuablc' ' Nrjnf/injie " crled the general; "Wc experlence can b e g a i n e d by tfX!'v,':!i «trike first." competltor» to help the developmenl; ' P r o f l t s , " Äcrcamcd the landlord, of »port i n every country. ; " H c can make me proflts." S'7mc wlli question my point of. * " v / o r k . " uhouted the farmer, " H e fie-//v but I recko.n thät not even the ' c a n v/ork and producc/* 01-/raplc5 have ever attempted such "He w i l ! c r e a t e , u n e m p l o y m c n t ," an ambltious or valuable ser/ice for; yelled another. World «porL "He can build a bcttcr world/' C h a r l i e Coults »aid «tili another. On thLs particijlar afu.-rno/m. h'/ had arrlved at a /;peck of matter .v) MeanMrhile the siant paced up and down, shaklni; the.earth with every step: "Work or kili?" he thundered. "Make up your mindft. »Vork or klll?" And the lltllc childrcn huddlcd under the bridgcs and trcmblcd. for they did not understand the language of the volcanocs; . • .. • • • • • • Mike Quinn, great American satirist. poet and short . story writcr, died of cancer at the ago of 41 in IÖ47. ANgWER THAT ONE Pataior was vainly try ing to reud hls paper and Bn8wcr: question» from llttic Horace at the .same time. The answcr8 wcrc gctting shortcr and shortcr. Finally: '•Wliat do you do at work?" askcd Horocc. "Nothlng," said father. "Now go away and play." Thcrc was a pausc. Thcn Horace camc buck wlth: ' Weil, how do you know whcn Ifs tlmc to Icave off?" kaa noiiscmnan päättävään luun työttömyyden torjumtecl Canadan itscmääräämLsoikeude vaamtscksl Jiinkkien kriisi- Ja politiikkaa vastaan. Hän korosti erikoisesti, ctti vdcnluokka on nyt «volmakk kuin milloinkaan ennen Ja v( jcstövoimallaan vaikuttaa m: scstl maamme taloudellisten lilttistcn ongelmien ratkaisuun — Kaikkea rahalla saa paii malan armoa Ja linnun ptltr Hämeenlinna. UUSIA Jännitysromaani Florence Barclay: Rukousnauha iRomaani 304 sivua — l l i n U nid. |1 H. Sclmcr-Gceth: Siltalan pehtori (Romaani 213 BITUS — IlInU n i d . H Orazla Deleada: Palco Egyptiin — Suomen ensimmäinen sunoma-lelM oli lAurora-Seuran Turus.sn vuodesta 17^1 lähtien JulkaKsema "Tld-nlngar". 238 alvua Romaani Hinta nid. Esti Heiniö: Viileä suvi Romaani ; 212 sivua Hinta Did. $1, Esti Heiniö: Ojan takana Romaani 215 siTU» Hinta nid. |1. Tilatkaa osoitteella: VAPAUS PUBLISHING CO. LTD. Bog 69 Sndbury, On UUDET DECCA-ja RYTMILEVYT SAAPUNEET Koko lähetys erikoisesti valittuja suosikkilevyjä • D K C C A S » 5Hg iKolsän olki hattu, laulelma, Tapio Rautavaara Ontuva Erlcksim, laulelma, Tapio Rautavaara Sf> 5171 Minä soitan «ulleiliailit, tango. Matti Louhivuori Lintu merellä, laulelma, Matti Louhivuori . Sf> 5172 llopeahääpäivänä, valssi Erkki Junkkarinen Sydämeni ääni, Utngo.Etlckl Junkkarinen. KD 5202 Alä. tyttöni, itke, tango, Olavi Virta l'o«kival»«l, Olavi Virta SD 5231 Kolme sormusta, Jenkku, Matti Louhivuori Vanha ystäväni, valssi, Matti Ixmhivuorl : 8I> 5275 Pariisin kaduilla, vals.si, OlavlVlrta Kerran saavun satamaan, morlmtcsvalssi, Olavi Virta 8D 5286 Aldln syntymäpäivä, valsftllaulu.Mctr^-tytöt Paimenhuilu soi niin katkeraan, foxtrot. Metro-tytöt • R Y T MI R r;095 On aivan samaa, laulelma, Kauko Kavlikö Yo perhonen, tango, Iris Kangasniemi R 6119 Kulkurin liuahtl. v a i i s i , Matti Louhivuori Kievarin Kirsti, Jenkka, Matti Louhivuori R 61.12 Sydämeni laulu, Jean Sibeliius, mieskuoro Finlandia-hymni, Jean Sibelius, mieskuoro R G159 Valssi menneiltä ajoilta, Erkki Junkkarinen Takkavalkea palaa, tango, Erkki Junkkarinen R 6162 Pihalaulaja, laulelma, Matti Louhivuori Ohikulkija vain. Jenkka, Matti Louhivuori R «175 Lauttaralll, Jenkka Matti Louhivuori . Pirsslmiehen päivä, Jenl^a, Matti I^juhlvuorl R 6181 En surujani Itke, tango, Martti Suutala Eron hetkellä, valssi, Martti Suutala R 6193 Kulkijan valssi, Olavi Virta Täysikuu, tango, Olavi Virta R 6219 Altl, sytytä lamppu, valssi, Metrotytöt . 01, Ritva, tang^j, JUha Elrto R 6222 . Terveiset vein, tango, Erkki Junkkarinen Kaunbt kadotettu, valssi, Erkki Junkkarinen R 6225 Metsätorpan tyttö, valMl Juho Elrto Kaksi nimeä kaldepuussa, tango, Juha Eirto R 6232 Sinikaunokki, valssi, Erkki Junkkarinen Mummon rantatie, valssi, Ertdcl Junkkarinen R 6233 Kiämä Juoksuhaudoissa, valssi, h^rmonlfckaduetto, Lasse Pihlajamaa Ja Paavo Tiusaner Elämiiä suomalaismetsissä, valssi, harmonikkaduetto, Lass4; Pihlajamaa Ja Paavo Tiusaner Lalictiimmc levyjä kaikkialle Canadasaa Ja Yhdy.'iValloiissa. HINTA $1.35 k p l . ^Ostajan maksettava lähetyskulut) Posti- Ja cxprcssitllaustcn tulee käsittää vähintäin kolme levyä Leijona-, Beaver- ja Fennia-levyjen tukku- ja - v vähittäismyyjät BOX 69 SUDBURY, ONTARIO
Object Description
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Title | Vapaus, May 12, 1955 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finnish--Canadians--Newspapers |
Publisher | Vapaus Publishing Co |
Date | 1955-05-12 |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | Vapaus550512 |
Title | 1955-05-12-03 |
OCR text |
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