1955-08-04-03 |
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I rA JA liSKONTOTITNMLU ontotunniUa on menossa, t Jaakobin pakomatkasta. : ~ Ja sitten Jaakob ä kiven alle ja nukahti: »htori Tietäväia^n. •ahtui • myös uskontotumk Ty.D WON MÄNTY TROPHY Anja viittaa innokkaasT? " ' ' " " ' ' ' " kysyi opettaja. *^ »p^ett äjä, o^nko Jumala lot Competition in Track Events Promises 'SiStÄ- llgger and Better Liittojuhlas Next Year iisia ^vv.- B. profess<)ri: csiushtshei ^ fctiin .kjysymys, mitä säteily ti i . eläviin elimistöihin. Tul cuun 1 pnä kokoontiju NeiiTi a5ä tiedemiesten kokous käs iän nimenomaan tätä kj^. , ja tähän kokoukseen i ikuisia ulkomaalaisia tiedanifrj miiainen professori i Japaxiilaisten tiedeirUestenfoJ sifttä.. omassa maassaan. RiJ an ja .Nagasakiin puöotetjt it surmasivat kaiken'elolllsBil kilometrin satpeliä; Bikli räjäytyksessä muodostunut leiitti sille alttiiksi.joutuneial öllle ve;i'sairauden ija tuska]li-| ioleman: Kun säteilylle ali naiset: ovat synnyttäneet 1 näiden joukossa ollut li epämuodostuneita,, Viime ssä vpidettiin Japanisai; tl sri neuvottelu, jossa tämä i. ja atomipommin hirvlttli ukset vielä syntymättömilii 'Iin olivat järkyttävä yllä^ s ipanlialsllle että kofc tuneiile. ulkomaalaisilie lei —-/Pyydän teitä, sanpmal et vaikuttamaan maailnuil n mielipiteeseen, lausui : i . — Kysymys, atomipbi •koske ainoastaan nyt eMl ä. Meidän on ivakavasti ajatel-] ulevla sukupolvia, vielä aptj' niä: lapsia. Siksi me Ji toivomme, ettei löjMteti atomipommien .käyttöä,- Tajs] liiden valmistaminen antilalnen tohtori Arnold huo^j [;; että atomiponimi on vielij is tieteellekin. Jokaisessa ri' sesfii ..oh energiaa vapäutunaJj Iän Jtuin on osattu odottaa. Ei' :sen vaikutusten ' toteamlnaii monia vuosia. !l-saksalalnen lehtimies' kertoi; ian tehtävän propagandaa fiu»- lisesta atomipommitusta vai- -OiLko suojautuminen yleensij lllsta? häh tiedusteli. Puolabl^ roifessorl ihfeld vastasi nöa suoja on iestää sota — Ä-kokeiet ovat osoittaneet JatlBJ emal, — että Jcaikki suojat oiV!i| ntila, paitsi syvät kaivannot, /almistetaan väin korkeita M rrbjä Varteh. Poramiräjä^, . (vaikutukset jatkuvat-.i .niattomalla tavalla vielälBim| ipäin. Ranskalainen professoii i : huomautti vielä; miten, a mahdotonta tietää etukätefl: >llisiaym. tekijöitä Joista £»] jideh tehokkuus riippuu, iliden suorittamasta palvettij Itävallassa. ^ •; 'ostoliiton asevolinien 1 itta supistetaan sillä i Ja. Joka poistetaan Itävall*! lottiin päiväkäskyssä edeDeel ä supistus tehdään endtittöl lääkärit selittävät, että 1 päivinä on työn tdcoal Ävä ja tanaeen tuUen o_ten*9| äpohetkl. niin sUloin pitold aiseatl säätää, ettei poffl«»l Oilia eikä plenUlä s e i l a i l i kan koputusta jps ty<»*^I terveyssyistä vähän !iri haastettu", m y ö ^ ^ j l sitäpaitsi", jatkoi PletflJ,^! a .4lkuun pääatyään._"2 ja; icovennettaVa k£sälooi|B i : "Työläisten kesälomai Illan lyhyitä. JOS hen*VJI saavat kuukauden »»»^1 viikkoa vielä talvil«MJ^I min kyllä kalkkein työWgl saada ainakin Jcabden ^1 lla2n kesäloman Ja povlikko. että toipuid sista Ja voisi a l o ^ ^ ^ ^ i f ^l miehenä tai naisena Ow j , se antaisi työnanöjö parempia tuloksia ^«0/ uden kannalta katfioe^^ M. me yritinune seUtf»-' >n työläisten huoldiM» a edulata. niin kalkesU 1 oudulmmetunnusta^v teessä bn PietfläfJ^ olisi ipvennettaTO • ay report on the 19th Annual ' Festival of the Pinnish-Cana- Amateur Sporta Federation be totally Inadequate If special n was not made of the splendid the sponsoring club Viesti A.C. «11 as the South Porcupine pf the Finnish Orjgaiilzatlon local sports' fans looked • after .tioris. This became evldent the very atart as out-ofrtown were welcomed at the special Friday riight •vvhere the smooth-iperating billeting commlttee saw that everyone had a place the night. In a small community South Porcupine this wa5 no chore and ä special message anki must be extended to thoaa made available thelr homes to .f-twon guests and themselves cd into garages and sheds for Ts-eek-end. the. other "side Ihies" of the such aa the restaurant, prp-ärid dänces also . showed a class Job of prganizing. What iure to able to wa]k into the urant and have a dellclous turkey placed in front of your withput to stand in a liiie-up. .e cöndltlon of the track and also ahowed countless tedlous of labour and South Porcupine tionably can continue to lay to having the best track In federation. . . n ali these prep>arations and good publicity cämp.aign are taken considerätiön, even before the ral got under wäy, there wa5 doubt that it would tae one of the ;t successful in recent years. Aiid onderful auccess it was. JEST: S U B P R I SE doUbtsdly the biggest surprlse ic Sports Festival was the f act |itthe Speed A.C..track atid field wa3ked away with the total i trophy donated by Amold nty of Sudbury. In -the päst years Yritys A.C. of Toronto and A.C. of Sudbury have been i to swiously consider .wiriiUng thla trophy. This year Speed, ver, hot only, won the trophy, piled up a total of 220 polnts npared to 119 for Yritys and 116 [Alerts. Although the points were ated on the basls.of 5 4—3—2— the first five places Instead of ! legulär syatem of 5-^—1 for the three places artdV the final f i - have not been checked there doubt that the Speed club pf litefish won the trophy with a Wide märgin. •DUCING SPEED A; C. le first question that wlll come peoples minds is how was )lei for Speed to win the Mänty Ay when no "small" club has won it. before.: In f act. only ftj^ and Älerts have ever wpn the ly before and •svith the exceptipa year i n Toronto, when the srts club hit Its löwe£t. polnt, com- 1 has been very close and clubhas been able to wih It f^ntly. • one has foUowed the actlvlties the rapld rise of the Speed A.C/ the past two years It would be : to understand this seemingly idlng victory. 'nllke the Yritys or the Alerts, the Speed club stUl haa a fäirly small'membership. But the secret of the strength of the club is In the f act that almost ali the members are extremely actlve in ali club fuhctiohs, This year Speed has undoubtedly carried bn the best tralnlng program and besides the meeta arranged by the club itself, club a,thletes hav^ had an oppörtunity to participate in the meets sponsored by Alerts' aiid "Jehu, whlch totals up tp qulte ä num-ber of meets prlor tb the Liittojuhla. Speeid äthletes have ättended these. meets almost to a maa and have obvipualy rberieflted from; the com-petitlve tralnlng. The attltude of the^eed atlhletes too has been very good. IfSeems that the majorlty bf them are not concerned abbut win-ning. Even the consistent "last-place" athletes are always gamie to enter an; event although tt(ew knovy that thelr chances oif winning are negliglble. Tralnlng and cbmpötltion are pf course the. two factors that mäke an äthliete what he is, but, there are many other thinga that Speed members .are called on tb do in order to maintalh thelr. club. ,The actlve äthletes- must be on thejClub execu-tlye •beicause. there are" not; mäi^y pthers tb diraw upon. In additlon they iaust pltch in to raise fiirids, help at dances and do the many other thlngs that niust be dphe to keep the clui) functloriing. Hats off to Speed members for the wohderfui Job they have dohe, nobody begrudges your victory. OTHER SIGNIFICANT VICTORIES . i n additlon to. winnlriig. the Mänty trophy, Speed älsö Avalked away •with erveryrelay trophy ^Ith the exceptlon bf the children's relay. trophy. These trophies Include the AiBM. Ritari trophy fbr the Swedish relay, the tftsphy • for tlie men'i5; 4xil0p ineter relay as well ns the trophy for the women's 4X100 meter relay. The children's relay: trophy was .won by the team Of the newly formed Kaml-histlqula Tigers^ A . C. The other two trophies were won by Yritys; - one by the women*a' competition gym team and the other by «he voliey ball team. UNPilEDICTABLE RACES (Many coffee bets that were probably taken at heavy odds were lost when the meet faivorite In the 200 m. under 21 class Roy Ilahta bf Viesti was defeated by Tauno Saari pf Speed. Roy hfls won the champlonship In this event year after year, whlle Tauno has excelled In Uie distances from 400 m; to 1500 m. a,nd last year aet a new reoord In the 400 m. event. In the imder 21 class 100 m. flnals Roy Ranta was attle to hold h!s own wlth a tlme of 11,4 although be was hard pressed by Alerts* newcomer Ronnie PurlanI, who was barely a meter behind and with Tauno Saari a scant meter behind Purlani. •In the middle distance runs a hew Champion emerged in the person of Karl Palomäki. Karl, becauaj of the shörtage of open class runners In the Speed club, was entered in the open class, although he would have been ellgible for the under 21 class. He first showed hls form In the 1500 m.- event In whlch runners.of both clasa» partlclpated slmultaneously. Despite the fact that he was run-ning, against the favorlte In this event, Tauno Saari, he managed to reach the finishing line in the pro-mising time of 4 minutes and 52 seconds .bieatinj Tauno byseveii teiiths of ä secbnd. A ibt of coffee wäs uiidoiibtedly drurik over ..thla victory als^ Tp prove that wlnnlng the 1500 m. run was no. accident Karl went pn to .wln the champiot^hlp In the open 800 and 400 meter runs and agaln In the 800 m. event his time pf 2.14;2 was cbiisiderably better than • Tatmo'8 time 012.17,2. KarlPalomälki copped the open class champiphsiiips in the 40io, 800 and 1500 whlle Tauno Saari took the gold medals in the imder 21 claaj 200, 400, 800 and 1500 events. The other most promislhg runners cpmpetlng were E. Grenze, £cho newcomer, wlio topk second place In theppen.cläss 400, 800 and 1500 meter events; Arthiu-Maki, Jehu, whb took seconä place in the. under 21 class 80O and 1500 m. events; MeMn Lat-vala;* Speed, vfho won the champlon-shlps In the open 100 and 200 m-, events and 15-year-old Karl Krata, Jehu, who won tlie two imder 17 class runs; the 100 lm. in the time of 12.4 and 800 m. in the amazing time pf 2.19.9. The wrlter Is vronder- Ing If this is a new record, as there is no reoord listed for this event Ini earller publications.. Toronto wlll have to supply the änswer. . It rr.iould also be noted that a number of top sprinters sudh as AI Viau and Fred Beaiichamp of.Alerts and Tony Grehivicius of Yritys for. varlous reasons were not entered in the flnals In these events,; although they were present at the • meet. Although the track eventa In ali classes Tvere extremely exciting it took the solid plodders in the over 35 class veterans; to toreaJc thie only track record that has been officlally aimounced bröken at the Liittojuhlas. 46-year-old Olavi Kentala of the Tigers running in the over 35 men's 100 m. event bettored the over 45 class reoord by two tentha. of a secbnd. POINT GETTERS On the basis of 5-3-1 points for the first three places the top polnt getter at the Llitojuhlas was Speed's Tauno Saari who excells in the runs and.jumps. Tauno piled up 32 pointa wlnning gold medals in the under 21 class 200, 400, 800, 1500 and pole vault. He placed second in both the 110 hUTdles and hop, step and Jump and wbn bronze in the 100 m. Ih additlon to these events Tauno was a member of the' winning teams in the 4x100 m. relay and the Swedisli relay. Not bad for one person. The only other person, to win five indlvidual championahlp medals was Helvin Latvala of Speed. Although he did not participate in the middle distance runs Melyln by excelllng In the throw.s was able to plck up an em'iable 31 points. He won cham-pionships in the open 100, 200, shot-put, discus, and Javelin. He placed second m the high Jump and thlrd in the 400, broadjump and hanuner. Besides tnese indlvidual eventa Mel-vin was also a member of the wln-nlng, 4x100 m, relay team and the winning Swedish relay team. Although Melvin received one polnt less than Tauno, jnost sports fans would probably conslder hlm the jnost veraitUe athlete at the Liitojuhlas, because of hls above average results in runs, Jumps and throws. Tauno excelled In both nins and jumps biit was weak in the throws. Next the hat must be raised. to J o y c e Lujanen of Speed w h p plcked up four chanxplona^lps in the womens open class; 100 m.! hlgh Jump, broad Jump and .Javelin. She also topk third : place bronze medals -in the , shot; put and discus and was. a member of the virihhtog 4x100 m. womeh*s relay team. It might be added that She partlclpated ia. ^ery wpmen'8 event and .for her e f f o F t s got a total of 22 poiiits. Not • bad, but what'a the matter wlth the throwing arm J o y c e ? '.\ Another y o u i i g lady competing in the under 16 glrl's class also did very well. 1 In laet 6peed'5 Mary Anne Sandberg could hardly do better as far as the champlonship medals are concerned, because she plcked up ali 4 chantplonahips in her class for the 60 m., hlgh Jump, broad Jump and shotput. In additlon she was on the winnlng women's 4x100 relay team and took part in some b f the open class thrbws^ although she did not place in them. Not bad for a 13-year Old miss to get 20 pointa We'Il be hearlng more about her. Albert Vlau bf Alerts was another woh to cop four; champlonship medals and wln 20 points. He took ali the open class champlonships in the Jumps and had he not been late Sunday moming he would have . glven Melvin a good run for the champipnship in. the 100 m. finala having achieved the best time in the prellminarles. Roy iRanta of Viesti managed to wln three champlonship medals for the under 21 class 100 m., broad Jump and hop- step and Jump; In additlon he placed second in the 200 m. and Javelin bringihg hls points to 21. Karl Krats ot J e h u ala? plcked up 2i points by winhing the champlonships In the boy's under 17 class 100 m., 800 m., and broad Jump. He. took second a?ot in the shotput and Javelin Sivtt3 DO'S AND DONrS FOR HIGH FIDELITY FANS Eh-erj' one these 6ays i& talking about high fidelity, but not every one can teli you w<hBt it is. Sound is measured in cycles per second or cps as it is abbrevtated. The npnnal human ear can detect roughly 30 to 12J500 cps. or less. Thus the term high fidelity is Itself mlsleadlng Pidelity (accuracy) of rcproduction obviously must concem itself wlth the low and middle, as well as the hlgh, levels of audiblllty. • The second: essentlal is that the audio Spectrum be as flat as possible. and was also on the Jehu Swedish relay team.^ The only other event in hia class was the hlgh jump, so Karl reqidres no apologics. The new track sensation Karl Palomäki wa5 a three champlonship man vinning the three longer runs in the open class and placlng thlrd in the 2C0 m. Karl was also on the wlnnlng 4x100 . and Swedish relay teams. He totalled 16 pointa for hls ef forts. The only other person to wln three gold medals was Kenny Tikkanen of Jehu, who excelled in the under 21 class throws. He got gold medals in the shotput, discus and Javelin and was ho slouch aa a.member of Jehu's Swedish relay team. He was credited with 15 points. Countless other athletes shöuld also be mentiohed for thelr fine pei-for-mance in the competitions, who by thelr good results gave the wlnnera a real run for their money but had to be content wlth second after belng beat by a few tenths of a second ör a few centlmeters. But tlme and space will not permit mentionlng them at this tlme. Complete results can be found In the previous paper. A GOOD T U R N O U T v De^ite the f act that Yritys this year waa represented with only token forces the number pf participants was probably somewhat higher than last year in Toronto. We have ho figures on the actual number of participants, but the records Indlcate that 16 athletes won awards in men's open,class events,..11 in the under 21 claas, 6 In the boy's under 17 class, 4 ih the boys* under 15 class and 4 In the over 35 veteran's class. In the women's open class 8 cöm-petltors won atvärds while 4 won awards in the glrl'a under 16 class. This would indlcate that 53 dlfferent indlvidual competltors won elther ist, 2nd or 3rd place awards. We know of quite a number of other participants who were but pf the money this year, but we slncerely hope that they wlll take the example of Speed to heart and next year when we meet aijain in Sudbury for the 20th Annual Sports Festival, wlll provlde the same kind of surprlses that were the dla-tinctive feature pf thie South Porcupine meet. in proper balance througbout and uridistorted. Flnally, the £ound system must be capable cf reproduclng the necesary dynamics, the range of loudncss and softness. Hencc. hlgh fidelity must be understood as maximum fidelity, or realism. of sound reproduetion. The range of conunerclal tinits is from a few hundred to less than 8.000 cps. wlth many a good dei^i less and seriously dlstorted. Thus the most valuable asset of your expenslve radio-phono comblnatlon is Ita eye appeal. not Its ear appeal. At best it provides a reasonablc facslmile, an Imperfect skeleton of the music. Hlgh fidelity sound systems, on the other hand,: glve up to 20 to 20,000 cps, flat—more or less llfc-llke music wlth enough of the flesh and blood flllcd Into the skeleton to make the body rccognlzable. Not only the fun-damcntals. but also the overtones are audlble; clarlnets and oboes, for ex-amplc, no longer sound llke the same Instrument. A music «ystem has three main sectlons:; / .•/.•.,.,,. The slgnal source: a pickup arm and needle, or the radio tuner, eto. The amplifier: strengthens the weak Impulse from the slgnal source enougth to "drlve" the loudspeafcer. It also Includes controls for modllFv- Ing the slructure of the slgnal, tone controls. ; The reprpducer: one or more loud-spcakers, sultably enclosed. These speokers react to the ampltfiod slgpal in such a way as to convert it back into vlbratlons In the atmosphere whlohi wlll be audlble to the listencr. Now for some suggestiona. Don't buy a record changer. It is awkward and damaglng to long play records. and Inferlor in fidelity to manual systems. •Do buy a diamond needle; it's cheaper in the long run and less damaglng to your records. Do buy an FM-AM radio tuner If you like CBU,. Mlnimum amplifier nower Ls 10 watts, wlth 25 watt8 de-sirable; it »holild Include two tone Control and record compensatlon dials, at least .The mlnimum accept-äble spcaker sizc ls 12 Inches. This cqulpment can be housed In any comblnatlon of furnlture, except that the epeaker system should be separate from the tumtable to aiyold vlbratlon to the plokup arm and con scquent dlstortlon. Slnce the room is an extenslon of (he eound system and is usually too small, a comer speaker enclosure ls best. Most man-ufacturers wlll supply free plans. Above ali, avold radio comblnatlons whloh clalm to be hlgh fidelity. They are npt. For that matter, avold ali '•packäge" deals. . unfortunately little high fidelity equimpent ls made in Canada, but by patronlzing both local flrms and wei BY LESTER RODNEY There is undeniable dramatic appeal In next nionth'8 ' heavyweight tltle battle between unbeaten Rocky Mar-clano, the diamp, and the superbly ringwise, stiU potent Archie Moore, who got the chance before hls 39th birthday after a year and a half of clamorous challenging. Is it too late for Archie . . . is Rocky really a much overrated fighter ready to be taken by one wlth Archle's credentlals . . . Is Rocky really a mucSi underrated fighter ready to establlsh hls stature by blastlng Archie and maklng everyone wonder how an old llght heavy champ was ever glven a chance against such poiver . . . was Archie'8 startUng class against Bobo Olson really an Illusion or ls he stlU so truly great . . . etc., eto. Weil get the answer8 wh€a this oddly dlfferent pair of f ist flghters from Brockton, Mass. and St. Louis, Mo. collide in the Stadlum ring over second base on the night of Sept. 20. Meanwhile today well continue — and conclude — otir little exeursion into other dramatic beavyweight tltle flgbts of hlstory. ' ' . *.',; • : • CSiieaeo; 1927.Tlie Uggesfe erowd to erer <ee a priz» figbt, 109,943 people, Jammed into the 8prawUng oonerete of Soldlers Field to see Jade Dempsey try to regain the tltle from a cooly effl-cient boxer named Gene Tunney who had outboxed him in the rain at Philadelphia a year before a« Demp-sey ehrjTreä slgtis .<cMt nearlag the «rtd. 3rit faclngor not, could tiie thuiider of *lvs iäzoisai. VLikVl^t ftete be coa-tained twice? Not llkely. ' Jack Dempsey. Sccvling, lean, lltbe. hard muscled, tough vlsaged puncher from out of the hobo Jungles. He had captured the imaglnatlon wlth his rush to the top, hls furlous battering of hugfc Jess Wlllard to wln ttie tltle, hls contemptubus shellacklng of the publlclty-bulltup Georges Carpentler, his tmcontalnable onslaught when he cilmbed back into the ring to level the "Wild Bull of the Pampa*," Luis Firpo. He wa8 Jack Dempsey, the "»ock In the Jaw" personlfled. But he had 8lowed down, a8 ali must, and he knew it when he climbed through theropea that night 28 years ago from the sleek icgiML restauran-r. Tbe «mart boxferintfae Jack on the. downgrade, was hls master now and also knew it. And still Dempsey came wlthln a split second of belng the only man to ever regain a lost heavyweight tltle. Some say he made it. • For slx rounds it was the Philadelphia Story ali over, the baffled panther stalking only to reap piston llke jabs whlch cut the bearded face as Tunney methodlcally went about hir, tasks, • The seventh started the same. way. Tunney boxing with careful concen-tration and Dempsey stalking, crouch-ing, hCs power never fully connectiriy. Then cäme an unmistakeable bolt, a whistllhg Dempsey rlght to the Tunney jaw, and the 100,000 were on thelr feet wlth the duU, gradual roar of huge outdoor crowds. Never one to .miss the moment, Dempsey was in like ä flash with a left hock. that caught Tunney cleanly on the rlght side of the Jaw. A rlght spuh Tunney Into the ropcs and another left hook connectcd. Tunney started to sag and before he hit the canvas Dempsey hit hlm three more tlmes. The tfanekeeper started hls oount, but Dempsey did not go to a neutral oomer at once. Press boy consensus was that at least four seconds elapscd before the referee started the count at "one," Why did Dempsey stand there? He was a raglng fighter who had flnally comered his long stalked nre:' zni r/snterJ. ;tc ?0'yT.c=: bg^-k on h i i - i 'cr. ~j'jtfjfiolc ifi'.':! ii^: ^rM;. Ja, p> j-, roiivh jne f jr r.H';m liit xuiii iife/i i-.irji.ay oei/rciiKfiijj-J. Il T/as a csn-j' miatv;kt-<ä'm^n!g;it. At "nine," s>,\iUiii.il7 iix^ut fourteen, Tunney staggered to hls feet and v/lth the remarkable rccuperative powcrs of the Weil tralned, clean llvlrig;ath-lete he v/as, «tayed out of range for a v.-hlle and near the end of the round «urprised Dempsey v/lth a hard rlght to the heart. Jack had shot his taoit in the furlous outburst. In the eighth Tunney, not a great puncher but one who could hit an open target hard enough, floored Jack for the count bf one, and went on to glve Jack a thrashlng for the remalnder of the flght, Dempsey wa« offercd a.retum bout, but wl8cly rcfu8ed. '•;•',•',•';• ''• ' '•;•••;. Mosti ' sklpplng those In between as lesser men. Tunney retlred after a fcw carefully handplcked fights. Jack Sharkey held it, wa8 KO'd by the "invl.sible uppercut" of the ludlcrous. muscle boUnd Primo Camera, a "chämp" whpse career had boxing on the ropes untll Joe Louis' sensätional career savedit- Max Baer, who had the equipnient to tae one of the great champs, showed the Camera buildup for what It was, knocking the poor bef uddled cxplolted Italian glant down 12 tlines, and then In turn, out pf conditlpn. belng surprlsed by the 8-1 underdog: from off the Jersey doclks and WPA rolls, Jfan Braddock. In June bf 1937 at Chlcago'8 Comls-key Park and ats mllllons listened over the radio, Jlt;ri'8 brief Cinderella reign came to an end under the Xiashlng, dynamlte ladeh f Ista of Joe Louis, whö became the youngest heavywel>rht lähampipn ever, and a champlon wlio gave new meaning to the word by taklng on everyone and anyone whö wanted a chance, wIthout f ear or fävor, twice around if they w*ren't satisfied, Despite the muddled me-mories pf Jbe'8 i>06t-peak fight, hls record is far and away the greatest of them ali. Wastlng no tfane, Louis gave a prompit chance to the only man •Who had ever beaten hlm, Nazl Max Schmellng, a veteran who had caught Joe as ari iinflnished product at 20 and KO'd him Ih 12 rounds. In June of 1938 before some 85,000 wlldly 'jtititiijZ '<i*' Ysnies »'/adlum (lu-ciudlfit: thiK dsllgiitea oassr/er) Joe ' fuiti. Miiiun^i': to HItlsr v;lth 4. on* V.'eII, Joe defended 25 tlmes without defeat, wlth 22 knockouts, Compare that, for example, wlth Dempsey'8 «even dcfenscs, Came the war year», a.dec-llning Louis (unfortunately the only Louis TV fans tver got to see), Ezzard Charles, Joe Walcott and flnally, IloskyMarcIano. . N'jyl It'» Archie Moore trying to beat down the formldable Rodcy and take the tltle at 33 . ; . an underdog shot agai.ist the hard punchlng, superbly condltloned Rocky, And behind the fcenes, gradually rlpenlng for 1957 de- Uvery Is a 20 year old named Floyd Patterson itöm Brooklyn's Bedford Stuyvcsänt region wlio wlll fbbl a lot outside naii onler houses, f barely adetjuate eystem can be assembled for as little as C250, plus the cost of epeaker enclosure and other furnlture. An intermediate .figure would be about 9460, whlle $850 should satlsfy the most exacting taste. cxcluding Hi-Fi bugs and mllUonalrcs. Even the cheapest set wlll be su-perior to radio comblnatlons costlng twlce as much, and there is nothing to etop you from substltuting better components at a future dato. It Is a trulsm that your sound system is only as cfflclent as its weakest llnk, even if everything is perfect except a badly wom needle. No re-cordlng can ever be hlgh fldbllty If played on a low fidelity system, and vlce versa. Nevertheless, the best method for those wlth Inferlor equlpment who cannot afford the prlce of a new system ali. at once,~ is to replace one sectlon at a tlme, "nie first ct^, to protect the rccOTdlngs from furtber damage. sould be to dlspose of the record changer (at least för IIBB) In favor of a good arnj, needle, and turntable. Next, an Important intennediate Improvement can be gained by replac-ing the speaker —ror even bymovlng; the present ep^oker Into an adequate enclosure. Thirdly, the amplifier, fol-lowed by' any frllls dcslred; :What-ever the budget, however; your efftnls ^ wlll be handsomely repaid In Ilstening pleasure. WIIAT IIOLES? Jim: Dad, what are these holes in the board for? Dad: Those are knot holes. ~ Jim: Weil. If they are not holes what are they? P A L J O N O N N EA OLGA ELLMENILLE hänen täyttäessään 60 vuotta, toivottavlat allamainitut sukulaiset jaj ystävät: Henry Elimen Laila jä Bill Sillanpää Katri Ja Fred Laine Sandra Ja Kusti Tyyne ja Matti Tolmonen Rauha Ja Aimo Mäki : Ilmi Ja John Mäenpää Ella Sodert)ack Ahti Saarela . Sofia Järvi Anni Setälä ; JUnmy Ja BmllNoJonen Sandy. Ester Ja Eino Siren Maikki Ja Otto Setälä F. Kuusisto Ja Sandra - Melmi Ja Karl K. Pulras ja pcrtie ^ Martha KInnimen Hanna Salo Nahni Ja Vili Lampinen R.R. 1, Whitefish, Ont. Jennlc Ja Eino Hakko Anna Sckercs Lempi Ja Jack Riekko Helen, Linnea Ja Evald Tuopiaala Passit Fanni Ja Jalmar Lehto •: : Donald Pulras Arvi Kivi VIlvl Ja Matti LIndala Helmi Ja Yrjö Palomäki Malja Ja Walfred Ranta Llzzle Laine Albin Heikkinen, Detroit, Mich. Ida Ja A. Koivula Aini Ja Eino Hill Vilho Setälä Aino Kivinen K. Jokinen Aino Ja Lauri Koski Heinäk, 24 p. J955 KIITOS Sydämellinen kiitos teille, sukulaiset Ja ystävät, Jotka niin suurella Joukolla yllättäen saavuitte tolvottajmaan' ormea täyttäessäni SO vuotta, tuoden mukananne' monenlaiset herkulliset syiimiset Ja Juomiset sekä suuren rahalahjan. Kiitos tilaisuuden Järjestäjille, kerääjille Ja lahjoittajille sekä nlUle Jotka tässä tilaisuudessa tohnivat emäntinä. R. R. I, Whltefl8h OLGA ELLMEN Ontario ' i Me allamainitut sukulaiset ja ystävät lausumme sydämelliset onnittelumme MATTI RANNALLE hänen 70-vuotissyiitymäpäivänsä johdosta, joka oli maanantaina, heinäkuun 25 p:nä, mutta Jota juhlittiin heinäkuun 23 p:nä . Hulda , Ina, Vieno ja Veikko Elmer J a RaOhel, San Diego, Calif. Anna Ja Kalle Sorjonen, Timmins, Ont, .. Irja Ja P; Kivinen ja tytot Irene Ja Hans Vuori Ja Daku Malaklas Laakso Martte Ja Frank Laakso Ellen, Slvl Ja Eino Wuollet MEirsisc Eira Kastus Närhi Raulia )a K. Närhi Rachel, Bruce Ja E, Närhi Ester Ja KaUe Viita Jenny Ja Jack Puusepp Talnl, Soffi Ja Oscar Ldito Wm, Viren Ja perhe Jennle ja Otto Leinonen, 38 George St, . St. Catharines, Ont. Martta Ja Jussi Mäki Siiri Ja Walter Koski ."- K. Ja M . Oksanen Hulda Ja Oiva HllJ» ;t, L?.Ji2 VAlnJkiali ilelno Kew Mr. ja mrfi. Liioma Lydia Ja J . Hormisto Karin, Karl, Kerttu Ja Taisto Länsi, Lockerby, Ont. Saima Ja Jalmar Jotirusoti Ed, Lampinen Frances, Lllllan Ja' L. Kolari A, J , Wuori, ' • Weirer Park, Ont. Dolores Ja Walter Niskanen Aune Ja Paavo Lähde Soffl, Saara ja Herman Kangas Mr. Ja mrs. John Lindborg | Mimmi ja Uuno Harju Henry, Hilda Ja H. Carlson Lempi Ja E, Broljer Mr, Ja mrs, W. Kyyriälnen ^Ar. Ja mrs, U. Koivisto Mr. Ja mrs. N. Backman Hilda Ja Anton Laari Mr, Ja mrs. Jack Tolonen • Mrs. Annie Aaltonen Elma Ja J . Lähde Lyll Ja Toivo Lltman Mrs. Mandi Parkkonen Sally Ja Helge Cronman Sanni ja Antti Jaaskela Ester ja H. Väisänen Mary ja Victor Mäklvlrta Fllna Ja J , Terho Helmi Ja Eino Harju Mr, Ja mra,^ Gondos Ulla, Paul Ja Kaisa Tuomi "P^-; 7^9.-cvf.. ;aiTr.'^ T^/^flijn. . .-••ImÄ'MiirJ».uj»a Xv;' ii, J , LIncoulit Klr«!tJ JK J o J m Olsen J t a n e r t o J a Guy. Läiios lir. is. mrs,T. Hiltunen,: - Toronto, Ont. Mr. Ja mrs. Onni Tervo, •ff Toronto, Ont. i i M r , Ja mrs. O, Markland JAnnle Ja Alex Kyröjärvi K I I T O S Sydämelliset klitdcsei kalkille sukulaisille Ja tuttaville, kun saavuitte niin suurilukuisina viettämään kanssani 70-vuotlssyntymä-pälväänl. Kiitos niistä suuriarvolslsta lahjoista. Jotka toitte minulle. Kiitos kalkille, Jotka otitte osaa. vaan ette voineet saapua, . ^ Kiitän kalkkia tarjoilijoita ja kalkkia niin suuresta avusta, mitä sain osakseni syntymäpäiväjuhlani Järjestelyssä, . , • - i Tämä Juhla säilyy muistossani elämäni ehtooseen asti, J Vielä, kerran kiito» kalkille. /• • MATTI RANTA i i i .
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Vapaus, August 4, 1955 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finnish--Canadians--Newspapers |
Publisher | Vapaus Publishing Co |
Date | 1955-08-04 |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | Vapaus550804 |
Title | 1955-08-04-03 |
OCR text |
ontotunniUa on menossa, t
Jaakobin pakomatkasta.
: ~ Ja sitten Jaakob
ä kiven alle ja nukahti:
»htori Tietäväia^n.
•ahtui • myös uskontotumk Ty.D WON MÄNTY TROPHY
Anja viittaa innokkaasT? " ' ' " " ' ' ' "
kysyi opettaja. *^
»p^ett äjä, o^nko Jumala lot Competition in Track Events Promises 'SiStÄ- llgger and Better Liittojuhlas Next Year
iisia ^vv.-
B. profess<)ri: csiushtshei ^
fctiin .kjysymys, mitä säteily ti
i . eläviin elimistöihin. Tul
cuun 1 pnä kokoontiju NeiiTi
a5ä tiedemiesten kokous käs
iän nimenomaan tätä kj^.
, ja tähän kokoukseen i
ikuisia ulkomaalaisia tiedanifrj
miiainen professori i
Japaxiilaisten tiedeirUestenfoJ
sifttä.. omassa maassaan. RiJ
an ja .Nagasakiin puöotetjt
it surmasivat kaiken'elolllsBil
kilometrin satpeliä; Bikli
räjäytyksessä muodostunut
leiitti sille alttiiksi.joutuneial
öllle ve;i'sairauden ija tuska]li-|
ioleman: Kun säteilylle ali
naiset: ovat synnyttäneet
1 näiden joukossa ollut li
epämuodostuneita,, Viime
ssä vpidettiin Japanisai; tl
sri neuvottelu, jossa tämä
i. ja atomipommin hirvlttli
ukset vielä syntymättömilii
'Iin olivat järkyttävä yllä^ s
ipanlialsllle että kofc
tuneiile. ulkomaalaisilie
lei —-/Pyydän teitä, sanpmal
et vaikuttamaan maailnuil
n mielipiteeseen, lausui
: i . — Kysymys, atomipbi
•koske ainoastaan nyt eMl
ä. Meidän on ivakavasti ajatel-]
ulevla sukupolvia, vielä aptj'
niä: lapsia. Siksi me Ji
toivomme, ettei löjMteti
atomipommien .käyttöä,- Tajs]
liiden valmistaminen
antilalnen tohtori Arnold huo^j
[;; että atomiponimi on vielij
is tieteellekin. Jokaisessa ri'
sesfii ..oh energiaa vapäutunaJj
Iän Jtuin on osattu odottaa. Ei'
:sen vaikutusten ' toteamlnaii
monia vuosia.
!l-saksalalnen lehtimies' kertoi;
ian tehtävän propagandaa fiu»-
lisesta atomipommitusta vai-
-OiLko suojautuminen yleensij
lllsta? häh tiedusteli. Puolabl^
roifessorl ihfeld vastasi
nöa suoja on iestää sota — Ä-kokeiet
ovat osoittaneet JatlBJ
emal, — että Jcaikki suojat oiV!i|
ntila, paitsi syvät kaivannot,
/almistetaan väin korkeita M
rrbjä Varteh. Poramiräjä^,
. (vaikutukset jatkuvat-.i
.niattomalla tavalla vielälBim|
ipäin. Ranskalainen professoii
i : huomautti vielä; miten, a
mahdotonta tietää etukätefl:
>llisiaym. tekijöitä Joista £»]
jideh tehokkuus riippuu,
iliden suorittamasta palvettij
Itävallassa. ^ •;
'ostoliiton asevolinien 1
itta supistetaan sillä i
Ja. Joka poistetaan Itävall*!
lottiin päiväkäskyssä edeDeel
ä supistus tehdään endtittöl
lääkärit selittävät, että 1
päivinä on työn tdcoal
Ävä ja tanaeen tuUen o_ten*9|
äpohetkl. niin sUloin pitold
aiseatl säätää, ettei poffl«»l
Oilia eikä plenUlä s e i l a i l i
kan koputusta jps ty<»*^I
terveyssyistä vähän
!iri haastettu", m y ö ^ ^ j l
sitäpaitsi", jatkoi PletflJ,^!
a .4lkuun pääatyään._"2 ja; icovennettaVa k£sälooi|B
i : "Työläisten kesälomai
Illan lyhyitä. JOS hen*VJI
saavat kuukauden »»»^1
viikkoa vielä talvil«MJ^I
min kyllä kalkkein työWgl
saada ainakin Jcabden ^1
lla2n kesäloman Ja
povlikko. että toipuid
sista Ja voisi a l o ^ ^ ^ ^ i f ^l
miehenä tai naisena Ow j
, se antaisi työnanöjö
parempia tuloksia ^«0/
uden kannalta katfioe^^
M. me yritinune seUtf»-'
>n työläisten huoldiM»
a edulata. niin kalkesU 1
teessä bn PietfläfJ^
olisi ipvennettaTO •
ay report on the 19th Annual
' Festival of the Pinnish-Cana-
Amateur Sporta Federation
be totally Inadequate If special
n was not made of the splendid
the sponsoring club Viesti A.C.
«11 as the South Porcupine
pf the Finnish Orjgaiilzatlon
local sports' fans looked • after
.tioris. This became evldent
the very atart as out-ofrtown
were welcomed at the special
Friday riight •vvhere the smooth-iperating
billeting commlttee saw
that everyone had a place
the night. In a small community
South Porcupine this wa5 no
chore and ä special message
anki must be extended to thoaa
made available thelr homes to
.f-twon guests and themselves
cd into garages and sheds for
the. other "side Ihies" of the
such aa the restaurant, prp-ärid
dänces also . showed a
class Job of prganizing. What
iure to able to wa]k into the
urant and have a dellclous turkey
placed in front of your withput
to stand in a liiie-up.
.e cöndltlon of the track and
also ahowed countless tedlous
of labour and South Porcupine
tionably can continue to lay
to having the best track In
federation. . .
n ali these prep>arations and
good publicity cämp.aign are taken
considerätiön, even before the
ral got under wäy, there wa5
doubt that it would tae one of the
;t successful in recent years. Aiid
onderful auccess it was.
doUbtsdly the biggest surprlse
ic Sports Festival was the f act
|itthe Speed A.C..track atid field
wa3ked away with the total
i trophy donated by Amold
nty of Sudbury. In -the päst years
Yritys A.C. of Toronto and
A.C. of Sudbury have been
i to swiously consider .wiriiUng thla
trophy. This year Speed,
ver, hot only, won the trophy,
piled up a total of 220 polnts
npared to 119 for Yritys and 116
[Alerts. Although the points were
ated on the basls.of 5 4—3—2—
the first five places Instead of
! legulär syatem of 5-^—1 for the
three places artdV the final f i -
have not been checked there
doubt that the Speed club pf
litefish won the trophy with a
Wide märgin.
le first question that wlll come
peoples minds is how was
)lei for Speed to win the Mänty
Ay when no "small" club has
won it. before.: In f act. only
ftj^ and Älerts have ever wpn the
ly before and •svith the exceptipa
year i n Toronto, when the
srts club hit Its löwe£t. polnt, com-
1 has been very close and
clubhas been able to wih It
f^ntly. •
one has foUowed the actlvlties
the rapld rise of the Speed A.C/
the past two years It would be
: to understand this seemingly
idlng victory.
'nllke the Yritys or the Alerts,
the Speed club stUl haa a fäirly
small'membership. But the secret
of the strength of the club is In the
f act that almost ali the members are
extremely actlve in ali club fuhctiohs,
This year Speed has undoubtedly
carried bn the best tralnlng program
and besides the meeta arranged by
the club itself, club a,thletes hav^
had an oppörtunity to participate
in the meets sponsored by Alerts' aiid
"Jehu, whlch totals up tp qulte ä num-ber
of meets prlor tb the Liittojuhla.
Speeid äthletes have ättended these.
meets almost to a maa and have
obvipualy rberieflted from; the com-petitlve
tralnlng. The attltude of
the^eed atlhletes too has been very
good. IfSeems that the majorlty bf
them are not concerned abbut win-ning.
Even the consistent "last-place"
athletes are always gamie to
enter an; event although tt(ew knovy
that thelr chances oif winning are
Tralnlng and cbmpötltion are pf
course the. two factors that mäke an
äthliete what he is, but, there are
many other thinga that Speed members
.are called on tb do in order to
maintalh thelr. club. ,The actlve
äthletes- must be on thejClub execu-tlye
•beicause. there are" not; mäi^y
pthers tb diraw upon. In additlon
they iaust pltch in to raise fiirids,
help at dances and do the many
other thlngs that niust be dphe to
keep the clui) functloriing. Hats off
to Speed members for the wohderfui
Job they have dohe, nobody begrudges
your victory.
. i n additlon to. winnlriig. the Mänty
trophy, Speed älsö Avalked away •with
erveryrelay trophy ^Ith the exceptlon
bf the children's relay. trophy. These
trophies Include the AiBM. Ritari
trophy fbr the Swedish relay, the
tftsphy • for tlie men'i5; 4xil0p ineter
relay as well ns the trophy for the
women's 4X100 meter relay. The
children's relay: trophy was .won by
the team Of the newly formed Kaml-histlqula
Tigers^ A . C. The other two
trophies were won by Yritys; - one by
the women*a' competition gym team
and the other by «he voliey ball team.
(Many coffee bets that were probably
taken at heavy odds were lost when
the meet faivorite In the 200 m. under
21 class Roy Ilahta bf Viesti was
defeated by Tauno Saari pf Speed.
Roy hfls won the champlonship In
this event year after year, whlle
Tauno has excelled In Uie distances
from 400 m; to 1500 m. a,nd last year
aet a new reoord In the 400 m. event.
In the imder 21 class 100 m. flnals
Roy Ranta was attle to hold h!s own
wlth a tlme of 11,4 although be was
hard pressed by Alerts* newcomer
Ronnie PurlanI, who was barely a
meter behind and with Tauno Saari
a scant meter behind Purlani.
•In the middle distance runs a hew
Champion emerged in the person of
Karl Palomäki. Karl, becauaj of the
shörtage of open class runners In
the Speed club, was entered in the
open class, although he would have
been ellgible for the under 21 class.
He first showed hls form In the 1500
m.- event In whlch runners.of both
clasa» partlclpated slmultaneously.
Despite the fact that he was run-ning,
against the favorlte In this
event, Tauno Saari, he managed to
reach the finishing line in the pro-mising
time of 4 minutes and 52
seconds .bieatinj Tauno byseveii
teiiths of ä secbnd. A ibt of coffee
wäs uiidoiibtedly drurik over ..thla
victory als^
Tp prove that wlnnlng the 1500 m.
run was no. accident Karl went pn
to .wln the champiot^hlp In the open
800 and 400 meter runs and agaln
In the 800 m. event his time pf 2.14;2
was cbiisiderably better than • Tatmo'8
time 012.17,2. KarlPalomälki copped
the open class champiphsiiips in the
40io, 800 and 1500 whlle Tauno Saari
took the gold medals in the imder
21 claaj 200, 400, 800 and 1500 events.
The other most promislhg runners
cpmpetlng were E. Grenze, £cho
newcomer, wlio topk second place In
theppen.cläss 400, 800 and 1500 meter
events; Arthiu-Maki, Jehu, whb took
seconä place in the. under 21 class
80O and 1500 m. events; MeMn Lat-vala;*
Speed, vfho won the champlon-shlps
In the open 100 and 200 m-,
events and 15-year-old Karl Krata,
Jehu, who won tlie two imder 17
class runs; the 100 lm. in the time
of 12.4 and 800 m. in the amazing
time pf 2.19.9. The wrlter Is vronder-
Ing If this is a new record, as there
is no reoord listed for this event Ini
earller publications.. Toronto wlll
have to supply the änswer.
. It rr.iould also be noted that a
number of top sprinters sudh as AI
Viau and Fred Beaiichamp of.Alerts
and Tony Grehivicius of Yritys for.
varlous reasons were not entered in
the flnals In these events,; although
they were present at the • meet.
Although the track eventa In ali
classes Tvere extremely exciting it
took the solid plodders in the over
35 class veterans; to toreaJc thie only
track record that has been officlally
aimounced bröken at the Liittojuhlas.
46-year-old Olavi Kentala of the
Tigers running in the over 35 men's
100 m. event bettored the over 45
class reoord by two tentha. of a
On the basis of 5-3-1 points for
the first three places the top polnt
getter at the Llitojuhlas was Speed's
Tauno Saari who excells in the runs
and.jumps. Tauno piled up 32 pointa
wlnning gold medals in the under
21 class 200, 400, 800, 1500 and pole
vault. He placed second in both the
110 hUTdles and hop, step and Jump
and wbn bronze in the 100 m. Ih
additlon to these events Tauno was
a member of the' winning teams in
the 4x100 m. relay and the Swedisli
relay. Not bad for one person.
The only other person, to win five
indlvidual championahlp medals was
Helvin Latvala of Speed. Although
he did not participate in the middle
distance runs Melyln by excelllng In
the throw.s was able to plck up an
em'iable 31 points. He won cham-pionships
in the open 100, 200, shot-put,
discus, and Javelin. He placed
second m the high Jump and thlrd
in the 400, broadjump and hanuner.
Besides tnese indlvidual eventa Mel-vin
was also a member of the wln-nlng,
4x100 m, relay team and the
winning Swedish relay team.
Although Melvin received one polnt
less than Tauno, jnost sports fans
would probably conslder hlm the jnost
veraitUe athlete at the Liitojuhlas,
because of hls above average results
in runs, Jumps and throws. Tauno
excelled In both nins and jumps biit
was weak in the throws.
Next the hat must be raised. to
J o y c e Lujanen of Speed w h p plcked
up four chanxplona^lps in the womens
open class; 100 m.! hlgh Jump, broad
Jump and .Javelin. She also topk
third : place bronze medals -in the
, shot; put and discus and was. a member
of the virihhtog 4x100 m. womeh*s
relay team. It might be added that
She partlclpated ia. ^ery wpmen'8
event and .for her e f f o F t s got a total
of 22 poiiits. Not • bad, but what'a
the matter wlth the throwing arm
J o y c e ? '.\
Another y o u i i g lady competing in
the under 16 glrl's class also did
very well. 1 In laet 6peed'5 Mary Anne
Sandberg could hardly do better as
far as the champlonship medals are
concerned, because she plcked up ali
4 chantplonahips in her class for the
60 m., hlgh Jump, broad Jump and
shotput. In additlon she was on the
winnlng women's 4x100 relay team
and took part in some b f the open
class thrbws^ although she did not
place in them. Not bad for a 13-year
Old miss to get 20 pointa We'Il be
hearlng more about her.
Albert Vlau bf Alerts was another
woh to cop four; champlonship medals
and wln 20 points. He took
ali the open class champlonships in
the Jumps and had he not been
late Sunday moming he would have
. glven Melvin a good run for the
champipnship in. the 100 m. finala
having achieved the best time in the
Roy iRanta of Viesti managed to
wln three champlonship medals for
the under 21 class 100 m., broad
Jump and hop- step and Jump; In
additlon he placed second in the 200
m. and Javelin bringihg hls points to
Karl Krats ot J e h u ala? plcked up
2i points by winhing the champlonships
In the boy's under 17 class 100
m., 800 m., and broad Jump. He. took
second a?ot in the shotput and Javelin
Eh-erj' one these 6ays i& talking
about high fidelity, but not every
one can teli you w |
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