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Alberta Women's Institutes District One Zella Pimm, Director Alive in Five Brenda Willsie, Director W hat a large area district One covers! Any area north of Fox Creek and only six branches? I ask myself, how do I bring A.W.I. activities to the attention of all women across the area. If you have any ideas who, how or where I can make contact, please make me aware of your ideas. As District One Director I am expected to spread the word of the W.I. which I cannot do without every member's help. The active branches are very active in their communities, in the libraries, schools, girls' clubs, 4H clubs, health activities, safety programs, assisting seniors and Nursing Homes and hospitals. It has been suggested we could get the younger home makers interested if we held Mothers' First Aid Courses, specialty cooking courses, home maker education types of courses. There are Government staff who will gladly give these courses if W.I. will organize them obtaining the hall, setting the dates and advertising. Can we try these? There is help available through A.W.I. or I will be there to help where I can.wi A few highlights of Activities in District Five that have occurred since I was installed as District Five Director. In mid June it became very clear to me that the members of the Cottonwood W.I. are still very faithful to `Home and Country'. The morning of June 15, I received a telephone call from the disaster service committee in Bowden informing me that there was a large area along the Red Deer River being evacuated due to extreme flooding and requesting assistance with food preparation. I made one telephone call to the Cottonwood Women's Institute and within one hour they had three members in Bowden at the evacuation centre preparing food for the evacuees. I wish to extend my gratitude to the members of Cottonwood W.I. who responded so quickly. This act of kindness made me proud to say `Yes I am a Women's Institute member'. In July I attended the Eagle Valley W.I.'s 70th Anniversary. They held their celebrations in conjunction with the 100 Anniversary of their school district. I enjoyed a wonderful visit with many friends from my youth. Congratulations Eagle Valley. As I complete this article I would like to extend my very best wishes to each W.I. member for a joyous holiday season. Remember 2006 will be a banner year for AWI.wi District Two Maxine Allen, Director I n September, 2005 I attended the Council meetings at Wetaskiwin. This was a new experience for me and I was at times, overwhelmed with so much information in such a short time. We discussed and were instructed in a vast amount of Women's Institutes business. I received an Alberta Women's Institutes Manual, which outlines the many areas of this organization. At this meeting Council made some changes in Policy and Procedures. New Policy 3.02.01 Officers Constituency Convenors and District Directors will perform their jobs effectively or certain steps will be taken to find out why or how she can be helped to perform the duties of her office. 5.07.04 Handicraft This procedure to be deleted as it is explained in Procedure 507-05 5.07.05 Handicraft The last handicraft in this category is `Rugs', and will be deleted as there have not been any rugs entered for a long time. New Policy Girls Clubs It was noted that most volunteers are now subject to a criminal code check, and after a lengthy discussion on leaders for Girls' Clubs, it was determined the leaders should be subject to a criminal records check.wi
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Transcript | Alberta Women's Institutes District One Zella Pimm, Director Alive in Five Brenda Willsie, Director W hat a large area district One covers! Any area north of Fox Creek and only six branches? I ask myself, how do I bring A.W.I. activities to the attention of all women across the area. If you have any ideas who, how or where I can make contact, please make me aware of your ideas. As District One Director I am expected to spread the word of the W.I. which I cannot do without every member's help. The active branches are very active in their communities, in the libraries, schools, girls' clubs, 4H clubs, health activities, safety programs, assisting seniors and Nursing Homes and hospitals. It has been suggested we could get the younger home makers interested if we held Mothers' First Aid Courses, specialty cooking courses, home maker education types of courses. There are Government staff who will gladly give these courses if W.I. will organize them obtaining the hall, setting the dates and advertising. Can we try these? There is help available through A.W.I. or I will be there to help where I can.wi A few highlights of Activities in District Five that have occurred since I was installed as District Five Director. In mid June it became very clear to me that the members of the Cottonwood W.I. are still very faithful to `Home and Country'. The morning of June 15, I received a telephone call from the disaster service committee in Bowden informing me that there was a large area along the Red Deer River being evacuated due to extreme flooding and requesting assistance with food preparation. I made one telephone call to the Cottonwood Women's Institute and within one hour they had three members in Bowden at the evacuation centre preparing food for the evacuees. I wish to extend my gratitude to the members of Cottonwood W.I. who responded so quickly. This act of kindness made me proud to say `Yes I am a Women's Institute member'. In July I attended the Eagle Valley W.I.'s 70th Anniversary. They held their celebrations in conjunction with the 100 Anniversary of their school district. I enjoyed a wonderful visit with many friends from my youth. Congratulations Eagle Valley. As I complete this article I would like to extend my very best wishes to each W.I. member for a joyous holiday season. Remember 2006 will be a banner year for AWI.wi District Two Maxine Allen, Director I n September, 2005 I attended the Council meetings at Wetaskiwin. This was a new experience for me and I was at times, overwhelmed with so much information in such a short time. We discussed and were instructed in a vast amount of Women's Institutes business. I received an Alberta Women's Institutes Manual, which outlines the many areas of this organization. At this meeting Council made some changes in Policy and Procedures. New Policy 3.02.01 Officers Constituency Convenors and District Directors will perform their jobs effectively or certain steps will be taken to find out why or how she can be helped to perform the duties of her office. 5.07.04 Handicraft This procedure to be deleted as it is explained in Procedure 507-05 5.07.05 Handicraft The last handicraft in this category is `Rugs', and will be deleted as there have not been any rugs entered for a long time. New Policy Girls Clubs It was noted that most volunteers are now subject to a criminal code check, and after a lengthy discussion on leaders for Girls' Clubs, it was determined the leaders should be subject to a criminal records check.wi |
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