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j, I - J. , 1 t p ' Kir TJ 5J РЧ jw ШЏк {5J ЕП Unemployment is noyv widespread in the United States and declining real incomes have driven living standards to new low levels. The US economy is undergoing profound structural changes and is, at present, clearly out of joint. With double-dig- it unemployment, major west Europen economies are also experien-cing severe economic contractions. In West Germany 2,500,000 people are without job on the eve of the March 6 federal elections. Thjs represents 10.5 percent the total labor force. Reversing earlier expectations of modest growth, the ensuing abatement of commercial activity in domestic and off-shore markets will result in a 1 per cent decline in the gross national product. West-German- y has traditionally maintai-ned a favourable international balance of payments with its trading partners. Export earnings are now declining, reducing the countrys foreign exchange reserves. AS their own export revenues decline due to the world oil glut, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) have reduced their imports of West-Germa- n and US consumer and capital goods. In the United States over 1 2 million people are now out of work. This represents more than 1 1 per cent of the labour force and does not include hundreds of thousands of men and women who, in despair, have given up hope of ever finding a job_._ . _ In December, 1982, the US economy was operating at 67.3 per cent of its total capacity. This is the lowest capacity utilization rate in the past thirty years. In some individual sectors of the economy the utilization of existing capacity is much lower, especially in the steel producing industry. Idle industrial capacity accounts for the drastic decline in incomes and living standards of American workers. US real gross national product (value of goods and services produced) declined 2.5 per cent during the last quarter of 1982. It dropped 1 .8 per cent during the whole year. Issued by the Department of Commerce, these statis-tics represent the worst performance of the American economy in 36 years. Concerned about the depth and duration of the crisis, some of the more optimistic analysts claim that the economy has bottomed out and that it will soon return to higher levels of operation. Others declare that the reversal of the decline has not yet occured. Diverging opinions confirm the deepening enxiety and confusion concer-ning future trends and the economy's performance in 1983. Conventional signposts appear, at times, to points to a slow recovery, albeit with high levels of unemployment. Leading economic indicators, at times, appear positive. Despi-te the signposts, the leading indicators and the predictions of economists the US economy is in a severe slump — in a crisis of major proportions. There is no evidence that the decline is over, that the crisis will not deepen, resulting in additional layoffs of American workers. __, - - Despite the cranking in open market operations by the Federal Reserve, the US economic engine refuses to kick over. Annual money-growt- h goals have been exceeded; interest rates have dropped from their historically high levels — and still there is no ignition to recovery. Something within the complex social and economic engine is indeed out of joint, requiring tuning and adjustment, perhaps a major overhaul. Is the depth and duration of the crisis beyond the range of conventional economic indicators, rendering them incapable of gaging new and rapidly changing conditi-ons'? Is the US economy on the threshold of zero growth, perhaps negative "growth"9 The validity of these questions is especial-ly confirmed by the deplorable conditions in the US steel industry With its special domestic problems and complexities rooted in international trade, this industry is severely depressed This sector of the By WANDA KOJICH economy is operating at 29.8 per cent of total capacity and 60 per cent of its labour force is unemployed. rf Cash-flo- w problems which threatened to wipe out Canada's Dome Petroleum in 1982 are pushing at least one major US steel producer to the brink of disaster. Among the weakest, least viable producers are the Republic Steel Corporation and the National Steel Corporation. The possibility of additi-onal shutdowns and the resulting loss of jobs appears to be among suppliers of flat-rolle- d steel for the automobile and home appliance industries. The depressed conditions in the steel industry are culminating in the growing demand for steel import restrictions. Even-tually a steel import quota agreement will be reached with Japan but steel imports will continue to flow from off-sho- re sources of supply: South Korea, Spain, Roumania and Brazil. The agreement will not solve the problems of America's steel industry nor will it recall to work large numbers of unemployed workers. The present economic crisis is a crisis of everproduction. Immense inventories of goods have accumulated while millions of Americans, lacking adequate purchasing power, are deprived of basic needs — adequate housing, food and clothing. Existing inventories could be depleted and a sustainable recovery could be achieved by increasing the purchasing power of industri-al workers and farm labourers and the millions of America's senior citizens. Not by gifting employers with concessions in the form of wage-cut- s but by wage increases; by reallocating state and federal funds to provide adequate pensions, improved social services and better hea.h care; by launching gigantic public works and urban renewal programs to alleviate the agony of America's unemployed and te breathe new life and hope into her cities. Concerned about the possibility of a world-wid- e financial collapse that could be triggered by loan defaults and by an avalanche of bankruptcies at home, the Federal Reserve loosened its highly restric-tive monetary policy to bring interest rates down from their recent high levels. The most monitored monetary aggregate, M1 (curren-cy and checking accounts), has grown by 16 percent since August, 1982, well in excess of the upper money-growt- h limit of 5 per cent. The discount rate (the rate the Federal Reserve charges its bank borrowers) was reduced seven times in the last six months, from 12 per cent to 8.5 per cent. Despite these desperate measures consumer loan demand is weak and capital spending is still in a steep slide. By historical standards the real interest rates, adjusted for inflation, are still too high, constituting one of the major impediments to a sustainable economic recovery. The way to fight inflation is not by increasing unemployment and reducing capacity utilization, thereby shifting the crushing burden of the economic crisis on America's working people. Inflation could be controled by imposing controls where controls are necessary — not on wages but on commodity prices, especially in industri-al markets in which large oligopolistic firms initiate price increases as soon as the economy is at or near capacity operation. WASHINGTON, Tanjug — Americko mi-nistars- tvo obrane nagovijestilo je da ce u skoroj buducnosti obezbijediti nova pokret-n- a komandna mjesta iz kojih ce vojni stabovi moci efikasno da djeluju i za slucaj da se eventualm nuklearni rat nastavi "duze od po6etne faze" Prema dosadasnjim planovima Pentago-na- , predsjednik SAD i vrhovna komanda amencke vojske presli bi u sluCaju eventual-no- g nuklearnog napada u specijalne avione bi kruzili na veliktm vismama iznad tentonja i iz njih izdavali naredenja za 1V 'j. ЗУ iArt v-- ',;ч.:ч February 23,1983,, NASE NOVINE --3 II H 1 1 f "I'll m T i iiiiinmii ir in mil in riminir 1 1 I mi 1 1 iii 1 1 1 nil i ii in i hi i mnpHii RgpU5E Tut Cruise --4 ~v. Ona ima samo cetiri godine, ali je sudjelova-l- a u antiratnoj demonstraciji u Torontu i nosila tablu s napisom da se odbije isprobavanje krstaredih raketa. Njezino ime je Christy Arnold. NEMA OPORAVKA AMERlCKE AUTOMOBILSKE INDUSTRIJE DETROIT — Proizvodnja automo-bile u Sjed. Drzavama pro§le godine bilaje za 19 posto manja nego 1981. godine i najniza za posljednje 24 godine. Proizvedeno je oko pet milijuna vozila. ProSIa godina je bila treda zare-do- m u kojoj je izostao ocekivani oporavak automobilske industrije u SAD. Umjesto oporavka, zabiljezen je dalji pad prodaja zbog visokih kamatnih stopa i recesije u ameri6-ko- j privredi. AMERIKANCI SE PRIPREMAJU ZA NUKLEARNIRAT koji SAD voine akciie. Ti avioni bi se snabdijevali gorivom u zraku. U novom planu, атепбкј vojni stratezi po prvi put dozvoljavaju mogucnost da nuklear-ni rat traje duze i zbog toga predvidaju da se Sef amencke drzave i vojna komanda koriste novim pokretnim komandmm mjestima odakle bi, usprkos eventualnim nuklearmm napadima mogh i dalje normalno da djeluju O prirodi ovih komandmh mjesta za slucaj "duzeg nuklearnog rata" Pentagon nije dao blize podatke REVANSlZAM BONN — Prema izjavi bonskog ministra unutraSnJih poslova Fried-rich- a Zimmermanna i obrane W6rno-r- a "Bon odbacuje prijedlog o slgur-nosn- oj zoni u Evropi", a "njemacko pitanje nece vise ogranidavati na SR Njemacku i Njemadku DR, nego ce u njega ukljuciti i njemacka podru6ja istocno od Odre i Nise", koja su nakon poraza Hitlera pripala Polj-sko- j. Zanimljivo je da je Zimmermann to izjavio upravo o 50-godisn- jici dolas-k- a Hitlera na vlast. Kako javlja Tanjug iz Berlina, list "Neues deutshland" nazvao je istu-pan- je Zimmermanna "cistim revan-sizmom- ", energicno odbacujuci tvrdnju o "jedinstvu svih Nijemaca u okviru granica njemackog Reicha iz 1937. godine". TERORIZAM U SJED. DR2AVAMA WASHINGTON (AP) — Prema podacima americkog Federalnog istraznog biroa FBI — u Sjed. Drzavama je proSle godine u odnosu na 1981. znatno porastao broj ubojstava i ranjavanja koja spadaju u kategoriju teroristickih, a ne kriminalnih delikata. Tako je prosle godine u teroristifi-ki- m akcijama ubijemo sedam, a ranjeno 26 ljudi, dok je 1981. godine ubijena samo jedna osoba, a ranjene 4 osobe. ' Od ukupno 51 registriranog teronstickog incidenta, пајбебсе su bile eksplozije bombi ili pokusaja bombaSkih napada. Tofinije, u Sjed. Drzavama je proSle godine eksplodira-l- o ukupno 28 podmetnutih bombi, a devet eksplozija je sprijeieno. JOS 4.000 RATNIH ZLOClNACA U LATINSKOJ AMERICI Javljaju iz Meksika: Klaus Altman, koji se godinama u Boliviji krio pod imenom Klaus Barbie, izrufien je Francuskoj odlu-ko- m predsednika Ernana Silesa Sausa, ali u juznoameridkim zemlja-m- a joS zivi, relativno bezbrizno i sigurno, blizu 4.000 nacisti6kih ratnih zlocinaca ve6eg i manjeg kalibra i odgovornosti. Koristedi mutna posleratna vremena, kao i izbijanjehladnog rata i rivalstva, Sto im je u delu zapadnog sveta dalo novu Sansu, odnosno ротоб dela katolicnog klera i gostoprimstvo nekih juznoamerickih rezima, pre-tezn- o vojnog kova, hiljade hitlerov-ski- h ratnih zlofiinaca uspele su da se iz Zapadne Evrope prebace u Juznu Ameriku, gde ve6ina i sad zivi i deluje. Posebno, ipak, u zemljama sa vojnim rezimima, kao Sto su Paragvaj, Cile i Argentina, gde se osecaju najsigurnije. OSUDA JU2NOAFRICKOG APARTHAJDA STRASBOURG (UPI) — Evropski parlament je sa 130 glasova, protiv 96 i sedam uzdrzanih, usvojio saopdenje o Juznoafri6koj Republi-c- i, u kome se "bezrezervno osuduje politika aparthajda i sve povrede ljudskih prava u svim drzavama Juzne Afrike". U tekstu saop6enja takoder se zahtijeva da "Evropska zajednica potpuno poStuje embargo protiv Juzne Afrike s obzirom na poSiljke oruzja". No u saopdenju se uopce ne spominju privredne sankcije protiv rezima u Pretoriji, odnosno opskrba naftom. 380MOLBIZA JEDAN POSAO Norcen Energy Resources Ltd. je trazila jednu osobu za dostavu (delivery person), a javilo ih se 380. Medu moliocima bilo je bivSih avionskih pilota, inzenjera, poslov-ni- h ljudi, gradevinara.
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Nase Novine, April 20, 1983 |
Language | sr; hr |
Subject | Yugoslavia -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Yugoslavia; Yugoslavian Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1983-02-23 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | nanod2000191 |
Title | 000100 |
OCR text | j, I - J. , 1 t p ' Kir TJ 5J РЧ jw ШЏк {5J ЕП Unemployment is noyv widespread in the United States and declining real incomes have driven living standards to new low levels. The US economy is undergoing profound structural changes and is, at present, clearly out of joint. With double-dig- it unemployment, major west Europen economies are also experien-cing severe economic contractions. In West Germany 2,500,000 people are without job on the eve of the March 6 federal elections. Thjs represents 10.5 percent the total labor force. Reversing earlier expectations of modest growth, the ensuing abatement of commercial activity in domestic and off-shore markets will result in a 1 per cent decline in the gross national product. West-German- y has traditionally maintai-ned a favourable international balance of payments with its trading partners. Export earnings are now declining, reducing the countrys foreign exchange reserves. AS their own export revenues decline due to the world oil glut, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) have reduced their imports of West-Germa- n and US consumer and capital goods. In the United States over 1 2 million people are now out of work. This represents more than 1 1 per cent of the labour force and does not include hundreds of thousands of men and women who, in despair, have given up hope of ever finding a job_._ . _ In December, 1982, the US economy was operating at 67.3 per cent of its total capacity. This is the lowest capacity utilization rate in the past thirty years. In some individual sectors of the economy the utilization of existing capacity is much lower, especially in the steel producing industry. Idle industrial capacity accounts for the drastic decline in incomes and living standards of American workers. US real gross national product (value of goods and services produced) declined 2.5 per cent during the last quarter of 1982. It dropped 1 .8 per cent during the whole year. Issued by the Department of Commerce, these statis-tics represent the worst performance of the American economy in 36 years. Concerned about the depth and duration of the crisis, some of the more optimistic analysts claim that the economy has bottomed out and that it will soon return to higher levels of operation. Others declare that the reversal of the decline has not yet occured. Diverging opinions confirm the deepening enxiety and confusion concer-ning future trends and the economy's performance in 1983. Conventional signposts appear, at times, to points to a slow recovery, albeit with high levels of unemployment. Leading economic indicators, at times, appear positive. Despi-te the signposts, the leading indicators and the predictions of economists the US economy is in a severe slump — in a crisis of major proportions. There is no evidence that the decline is over, that the crisis will not deepen, resulting in additional layoffs of American workers. __, - - Despite the cranking in open market operations by the Federal Reserve, the US economic engine refuses to kick over. Annual money-growt- h goals have been exceeded; interest rates have dropped from their historically high levels — and still there is no ignition to recovery. Something within the complex social and economic engine is indeed out of joint, requiring tuning and adjustment, perhaps a major overhaul. Is the depth and duration of the crisis beyond the range of conventional economic indicators, rendering them incapable of gaging new and rapidly changing conditi-ons'? Is the US economy on the threshold of zero growth, perhaps negative "growth"9 The validity of these questions is especial-ly confirmed by the deplorable conditions in the US steel industry With its special domestic problems and complexities rooted in international trade, this industry is severely depressed This sector of the By WANDA KOJICH economy is operating at 29.8 per cent of total capacity and 60 per cent of its labour force is unemployed. rf Cash-flo- w problems which threatened to wipe out Canada's Dome Petroleum in 1982 are pushing at least one major US steel producer to the brink of disaster. Among the weakest, least viable producers are the Republic Steel Corporation and the National Steel Corporation. The possibility of additi-onal shutdowns and the resulting loss of jobs appears to be among suppliers of flat-rolle- d steel for the automobile and home appliance industries. The depressed conditions in the steel industry are culminating in the growing demand for steel import restrictions. Even-tually a steel import quota agreement will be reached with Japan but steel imports will continue to flow from off-sho- re sources of supply: South Korea, Spain, Roumania and Brazil. The agreement will not solve the problems of America's steel industry nor will it recall to work large numbers of unemployed workers. The present economic crisis is a crisis of everproduction. Immense inventories of goods have accumulated while millions of Americans, lacking adequate purchasing power, are deprived of basic needs — adequate housing, food and clothing. Existing inventories could be depleted and a sustainable recovery could be achieved by increasing the purchasing power of industri-al workers and farm labourers and the millions of America's senior citizens. Not by gifting employers with concessions in the form of wage-cut- s but by wage increases; by reallocating state and federal funds to provide adequate pensions, improved social services and better hea.h care; by launching gigantic public works and urban renewal programs to alleviate the agony of America's unemployed and te breathe new life and hope into her cities. Concerned about the possibility of a world-wid- e financial collapse that could be triggered by loan defaults and by an avalanche of bankruptcies at home, the Federal Reserve loosened its highly restric-tive monetary policy to bring interest rates down from their recent high levels. The most monitored monetary aggregate, M1 (curren-cy and checking accounts), has grown by 16 percent since August, 1982, well in excess of the upper money-growt- h limit of 5 per cent. The discount rate (the rate the Federal Reserve charges its bank borrowers) was reduced seven times in the last six months, from 12 per cent to 8.5 per cent. Despite these desperate measures consumer loan demand is weak and capital spending is still in a steep slide. By historical standards the real interest rates, adjusted for inflation, are still too high, constituting one of the major impediments to a sustainable economic recovery. The way to fight inflation is not by increasing unemployment and reducing capacity utilization, thereby shifting the crushing burden of the economic crisis on America's working people. Inflation could be controled by imposing controls where controls are necessary — not on wages but on commodity prices, especially in industri-al markets in which large oligopolistic firms initiate price increases as soon as the economy is at or near capacity operation. WASHINGTON, Tanjug — Americko mi-nistars- tvo obrane nagovijestilo je da ce u skoroj buducnosti obezbijediti nova pokret-n- a komandna mjesta iz kojih ce vojni stabovi moci efikasno da djeluju i za slucaj da se eventualm nuklearni rat nastavi "duze od po6etne faze" Prema dosadasnjim planovima Pentago-na- , predsjednik SAD i vrhovna komanda amencke vojske presli bi u sluCaju eventual-no- g nuklearnog napada u specijalne avione bi kruzili na veliktm vismama iznad tentonja i iz njih izdavali naredenja za 1V 'j. ЗУ iArt v-- ',;ч.:ч February 23,1983,, NASE NOVINE --3 II H 1 1 f "I'll m T i iiiiinmii ir in mil in riminir 1 1 I mi 1 1 iii 1 1 1 nil i ii in i hi i mnpHii RgpU5E Tut Cruise --4 ~v. Ona ima samo cetiri godine, ali je sudjelova-l- a u antiratnoj demonstraciji u Torontu i nosila tablu s napisom da se odbije isprobavanje krstaredih raketa. Njezino ime je Christy Arnold. NEMA OPORAVKA AMERlCKE AUTOMOBILSKE INDUSTRIJE DETROIT — Proizvodnja automo-bile u Sjed. Drzavama pro§le godine bilaje za 19 posto manja nego 1981. godine i najniza za posljednje 24 godine. Proizvedeno je oko pet milijuna vozila. ProSIa godina je bila treda zare-do- m u kojoj je izostao ocekivani oporavak automobilske industrije u SAD. Umjesto oporavka, zabiljezen je dalji pad prodaja zbog visokih kamatnih stopa i recesije u ameri6-ko- j privredi. AMERIKANCI SE PRIPREMAJU ZA NUKLEARNIRAT koji SAD voine akciie. Ti avioni bi se snabdijevali gorivom u zraku. U novom planu, атепбкј vojni stratezi po prvi put dozvoljavaju mogucnost da nuklear-ni rat traje duze i zbog toga predvidaju da se Sef amencke drzave i vojna komanda koriste novim pokretnim komandmm mjestima odakle bi, usprkos eventualnim nuklearmm napadima mogh i dalje normalno da djeluju O prirodi ovih komandmh mjesta za slucaj "duzeg nuklearnog rata" Pentagon nije dao blize podatke REVANSlZAM BONN — Prema izjavi bonskog ministra unutraSnJih poslova Fried-rich- a Zimmermanna i obrane W6rno-r- a "Bon odbacuje prijedlog o slgur-nosn- oj zoni u Evropi", a "njemacko pitanje nece vise ogranidavati na SR Njemacku i Njemadku DR, nego ce u njega ukljuciti i njemacka podru6ja istocno od Odre i Nise", koja su nakon poraza Hitlera pripala Polj-sko- j. Zanimljivo je da je Zimmermann to izjavio upravo o 50-godisn- jici dolas-k- a Hitlera na vlast. Kako javlja Tanjug iz Berlina, list "Neues deutshland" nazvao je istu-pan- je Zimmermanna "cistim revan-sizmom- ", energicno odbacujuci tvrdnju o "jedinstvu svih Nijemaca u okviru granica njemackog Reicha iz 1937. godine". TERORIZAM U SJED. DR2AVAMA WASHINGTON (AP) — Prema podacima americkog Federalnog istraznog biroa FBI — u Sjed. Drzavama je proSle godine u odnosu na 1981. znatno porastao broj ubojstava i ranjavanja koja spadaju u kategoriju teroristickih, a ne kriminalnih delikata. Tako je prosle godine u teroristifi-ki- m akcijama ubijemo sedam, a ranjeno 26 ljudi, dok je 1981. godine ubijena samo jedna osoba, a ranjene 4 osobe. ' Od ukupno 51 registriranog teronstickog incidenta, пајбебсе su bile eksplozije bombi ili pokusaja bombaSkih napada. Tofinije, u Sjed. Drzavama je proSle godine eksplodira-l- o ukupno 28 podmetnutih bombi, a devet eksplozija je sprijeieno. JOS 4.000 RATNIH ZLOClNACA U LATINSKOJ AMERICI Javljaju iz Meksika: Klaus Altman, koji se godinama u Boliviji krio pod imenom Klaus Barbie, izrufien je Francuskoj odlu-ko- m predsednika Ernana Silesa Sausa, ali u juznoameridkim zemlja-m- a joS zivi, relativno bezbrizno i sigurno, blizu 4.000 nacisti6kih ratnih zlocinaca ve6eg i manjeg kalibra i odgovornosti. Koristedi mutna posleratna vremena, kao i izbijanjehladnog rata i rivalstva, Sto im je u delu zapadnog sveta dalo novu Sansu, odnosno ротоб dela katolicnog klera i gostoprimstvo nekih juznoamerickih rezima, pre-tezn- o vojnog kova, hiljade hitlerov-ski- h ratnih zlofiinaca uspele su da se iz Zapadne Evrope prebace u Juznu Ameriku, gde ve6ina i sad zivi i deluje. Posebno, ipak, u zemljama sa vojnim rezimima, kao Sto su Paragvaj, Cile i Argentina, gde se osecaju najsigurnije. OSUDA JU2NOAFRICKOG APARTHAJDA STRASBOURG (UPI) — Evropski parlament je sa 130 glasova, protiv 96 i sedam uzdrzanih, usvojio saopdenje o Juznoafri6koj Republi-c- i, u kome se "bezrezervno osuduje politika aparthajda i sve povrede ljudskih prava u svim drzavama Juzne Afrike". U tekstu saop6enja takoder se zahtijeva da "Evropska zajednica potpuno poStuje embargo protiv Juzne Afrike s obzirom na poSiljke oruzja". No u saopdenju se uopce ne spominju privredne sankcije protiv rezima u Pretoriji, odnosno opskrba naftom. 380MOLBIZA JEDAN POSAO Norcen Energy Resources Ltd. je trazila jednu osobu za dostavu (delivery person), a javilo ih se 380. Medu moliocima bilo je bivSih avionskih pilota, inzenjera, poslov-ni- h ljudi, gradevinara. |
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