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II 2-0- NASE NOVINE, December 15, 1982. November 29 is Yugoslavia's national holiday, the birthday of the Republic which made history in 1943. Yugoslavs will continue to celeb-rate this holiday no matter where they reside and even though they celebrate holidays of their new countries, they cannot forget this one holiday of their heritage. And so, in San Pedro a commi-ttee of the "younger generation" got together to organize the celeb-ration. It was time for the elderly to sit back and relax and see how well they guided the younger genera-tion and to watch the fruits of their labor by what the younger genera-tion were going to produce. The committee comprised of Petar Kuzmanic, Sime AniCic, Sini-§- a Vuk5lc Marko Pejovid, Omer Gili6, George Sinishtay, Mario Bijelic, Kadrija Hakaj, Gojko Spra-Ij- a and Margaret Starfcevic. The committee felt it was only proper to have such a celebration in the Yugoslav American Hall. This holi-day has always been celebrated elsewhere in San Pedro. So, for the first time in 39 years, the holiday celebration took place in the Yugoslav Hall in San Pedro on Sunday, November 28, 1982. What a grand night it was! As the guests entered the ball-room, they noticed the tables decorated with miniature Yugoslav flags. On the background of the stage curtain, so brightly outstan-ding, was "2IVIO 29 NOVEMBAR" so artistically designed by Sime Ani6i6 with assistance from Mario Bijelic The lettering was in blue, white and red and each letter contained six stars, glistening under the lights, representing the six republics of Yugoslavia with the Yugoslav coat of arms in the center of a red field. Sinisa Vuksic introduced the special guests who were Mr. DuSan Paunovid, Consul of the SFR of Yugoslavia, and Vice Consul, Mr. Ivica Gaspic, both of the San Francisco Consulate office. A delightful dinner of roast beef, checken and all the trimmings was prepared by Ivo Lukic. A fine Yugoslav wine was donated by the извијшиввжшишјЕтагајШ m 1 Consulate General of the SFR of Yugoslavia San Francisco to accompany the meal. Dinner music by "Ona i Oni", a musical group gaining much popularity in Califor-nia, was immensely enjoyed. In the crowd, it was pleasant as always, to see our fellow suppor-ters from Los Angeles, Marko Kramanch with his daughter Vio-let, Ljubo Vukmanovic, from San Gabriel, Toni Wright of Pasadena, Mark and Frankie Haller of Bellflo-we- r, many friends from South Gate, Downey, and we were happy to see the Slovenes were represen-ted also. After dinner, "Ona i Oni" began to play "Yugoslavia". At the sound of this splendid song, everyone began to sing in unison and the kolo dance was started. As the dancers completed the kolo, an array of balloons were dropped from a net onto them with popping sounds like fireworks. With more music from "Ona i Oni" and later dancing to the sounds of "The Meteriorites", the evening progressed in a holiday mood. It was most pleasant to observe 14 year old Josko Kuzmanid dan-cing with Mary Picard. Little did he know Mary was a former movie star of the early days od movies. Dancing with a lot of exuberance was another teenager, SiniSa Bije-lic, who by the way could end up being a future soccer star. Then there was Maria Kuzmanic, celeb-rating her 12th birthday on this night and being "the belle of the ball". Urednik Radoji6ic i TV Titograd Mihajlo snimatelj Slavko Todo-- rovic, posetili su JAKC u Chicagu s zeljom, da snime kako zive i rade naSi ljudi u Chicagu i drugim mestima Amerike. Zamolila sam urednika Mihajla Radojicica da mi kale Sta ih je na tako dalek ИП1 HI i ш ш ц ш ш Ик ITU"! DFuirneecrtaolrs Frank F Sargent James L. Sargent 21 North Court Street Telephone 345-535- 1 Thunder Bay, Ontario ШШШ®-- Many thanks are extended to all that have given of themselves to help make this affair successful. Most of all, thanks go to all fine people who attended for their support and participation. Appre-ciated for all her efforts is Elena Kuzmanic. Remem-bered also is Mate Glavan who is like a pillar amongst the Yugoslav people of San Pedro, who can always be depended upon for assistance. Appreciation is due Karl Mladenic whc this writer heard say: "It is time for me to take it easy and the people take over". This is the greatest quote I've heard in a long time. There are many people of Karl's era that, like him, have labored long and well and their efforts shall long be remembered. Yes, Karl is right. It is time to release the responsibility to the younger generation and let them fave the opportunity of brin-ging in the freshness of their youth, to organize functions, to retain their heritage with pride and also to remember well the "old timers". With unity and harmon amonst the young and old and having confidence in our young people, I think much can bi assompliched. Tonight the younger generation proved they are capable and devo-ted and the young and old had a joyous time. What a wonderful night to begin a new era for the younger generation in San Pedro on the eve of the celebration of November 29. 2IVIO DAN REPUB-LIKE- ! Margaret STARCEVlC San Pedro, Cal. MISLE LI NA§I U SVETU NA NAS? povelo нжиишж ЏШШЈ]ј'¥}Ш younger put. Radoji6ic гебе: "Povezati se Sto vise sa naSim svetom u iseljeniStvu i saznati koliko njih interesuje trenutno stanje u Jugo-slavij- i. Kako oni gledaju na predu-zet- e mere stabilizacije. Koliko mis-l- e na domovinu i svoje u domovini? U tu svrhu snimili su tri emisije u New Yorku, Detroitu i Chicagu i to ce biti prikazano na jugoslavenskoj televiziji sledece godine. Drug Radojicic rece, da je bio duboko dirnut saznanjem da naSi u belom svetu i te kako brinu o svojima u domovini i o svemu Sto se tamo deSava. Kaze, da je zadivljujuce sa koliko emocija zivi taj svet daleko od Juge, koliko se bore da budu Jugoslaveni, da budu dicni smovi i kceri zemlje u kojoj su rodeni. Refie i to da jedinstvo iseljenika u Americi moze biti primer mnogima u zemlji.Reci da si Jugoslaven u Jugoslaviji mje naro-cit- o tesko. Re6i da si Jugoslaven u tudem svetu vrlo 6esto je prava hrabrost. Posle smmanja u Chicagu dru-go- vi RadojicitS i Todorovic odlaze u New York da snime spoljno politifi-k- u emisiju "Amerika iz New Yorka" Upitah Radojicica kako mu se dopadaovde i on mi гебе. "Stvarno ima svega i ima se Sta videti, ah mi , se niSta mje tohko dopalo da bih mogao ovde da se vratim stanh" ostati Jedva cekam i da odem kod mojih RozahaDIVJAKOVlC Chicago, III p-- ;; ml Ш 0ТЛ "PI § III iillllll W I I 1 1 1 I i I - ' i i ' S; % --M Џ _u "X '& 1Ч ' ' LIMITED ;i: Hi SEEDS -F- EEDS -F- ERTILIZERS ; ALL YOUR GARDEN SUPPLIES !;; 206 Lower Tupper Street ni Thunder Bay, Ont. ::; P7A зуз cXVOPj-f- a !?m шшшгш! mora Lionel Laprade General Manager 14 S. Cumberland S Phone: 344-724- 9 Thunder Bay, Ontario Res. 767-640- 4 Muriel, Joan and Eve Lainen Grandview Mai I — 640 River St . Phone 344-1-1 31 —345-793- 1 Thunder Bay, Ontario WEDELIVER
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Nase Novine, February 24, 1982 |
Language | sr; hr |
Subject | Yugoslavia -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Yugoslavia; Yugoslavian Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1982-12-15 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | nanod2000182 |
Title | 000655 |
OCR text | II 2-0- NASE NOVINE, December 15, 1982. November 29 is Yugoslavia's national holiday, the birthday of the Republic which made history in 1943. Yugoslavs will continue to celeb-rate this holiday no matter where they reside and even though they celebrate holidays of their new countries, they cannot forget this one holiday of their heritage. And so, in San Pedro a commi-ttee of the "younger generation" got together to organize the celeb-ration. It was time for the elderly to sit back and relax and see how well they guided the younger genera-tion and to watch the fruits of their labor by what the younger genera-tion were going to produce. The committee comprised of Petar Kuzmanic, Sime AniCic, Sini-§- a Vuk5lc Marko Pejovid, Omer Gili6, George Sinishtay, Mario Bijelic, Kadrija Hakaj, Gojko Spra-Ij- a and Margaret Starfcevic. The committee felt it was only proper to have such a celebration in the Yugoslav American Hall. This holi-day has always been celebrated elsewhere in San Pedro. So, for the first time in 39 years, the holiday celebration took place in the Yugoslav Hall in San Pedro on Sunday, November 28, 1982. What a grand night it was! As the guests entered the ball-room, they noticed the tables decorated with miniature Yugoslav flags. On the background of the stage curtain, so brightly outstan-ding, was "2IVIO 29 NOVEMBAR" so artistically designed by Sime Ani6i6 with assistance from Mario Bijelic The lettering was in blue, white and red and each letter contained six stars, glistening under the lights, representing the six republics of Yugoslavia with the Yugoslav coat of arms in the center of a red field. Sinisa Vuksic introduced the special guests who were Mr. DuSan Paunovid, Consul of the SFR of Yugoslavia, and Vice Consul, Mr. Ivica Gaspic, both of the San Francisco Consulate office. A delightful dinner of roast beef, checken and all the trimmings was prepared by Ivo Lukic. A fine Yugoslav wine was donated by the извијшиввжшишјЕтагајШ m 1 Consulate General of the SFR of Yugoslavia San Francisco to accompany the meal. Dinner music by "Ona i Oni", a musical group gaining much popularity in Califor-nia, was immensely enjoyed. In the crowd, it was pleasant as always, to see our fellow suppor-ters from Los Angeles, Marko Kramanch with his daughter Vio-let, Ljubo Vukmanovic, from San Gabriel, Toni Wright of Pasadena, Mark and Frankie Haller of Bellflo-we- r, many friends from South Gate, Downey, and we were happy to see the Slovenes were represen-ted also. After dinner, "Ona i Oni" began to play "Yugoslavia". At the sound of this splendid song, everyone began to sing in unison and the kolo dance was started. As the dancers completed the kolo, an array of balloons were dropped from a net onto them with popping sounds like fireworks. With more music from "Ona i Oni" and later dancing to the sounds of "The Meteriorites", the evening progressed in a holiday mood. It was most pleasant to observe 14 year old Josko Kuzmanid dan-cing with Mary Picard. Little did he know Mary was a former movie star of the early days od movies. Dancing with a lot of exuberance was another teenager, SiniSa Bije-lic, who by the way could end up being a future soccer star. Then there was Maria Kuzmanic, celeb-rating her 12th birthday on this night and being "the belle of the ball". Urednik Radoji6ic i TV Titograd Mihajlo snimatelj Slavko Todo-- rovic, posetili su JAKC u Chicagu s zeljom, da snime kako zive i rade naSi ljudi u Chicagu i drugim mestima Amerike. Zamolila sam urednika Mihajla Radojicica da mi kale Sta ih je na tako dalek ИП1 HI i ш ш ц ш ш Ик ITU"! DFuirneecrtaolrs Frank F Sargent James L. Sargent 21 North Court Street Telephone 345-535- 1 Thunder Bay, Ontario ШШШ®-- Many thanks are extended to all that have given of themselves to help make this affair successful. Most of all, thanks go to all fine people who attended for their support and participation. Appre-ciated for all her efforts is Elena Kuzmanic. Remem-bered also is Mate Glavan who is like a pillar amongst the Yugoslav people of San Pedro, who can always be depended upon for assistance. Appreciation is due Karl Mladenic whc this writer heard say: "It is time for me to take it easy and the people take over". This is the greatest quote I've heard in a long time. There are many people of Karl's era that, like him, have labored long and well and their efforts shall long be remembered. Yes, Karl is right. It is time to release the responsibility to the younger generation and let them fave the opportunity of brin-ging in the freshness of their youth, to organize functions, to retain their heritage with pride and also to remember well the "old timers". With unity and harmon amonst the young and old and having confidence in our young people, I think much can bi assompliched. Tonight the younger generation proved they are capable and devo-ted and the young and old had a joyous time. What a wonderful night to begin a new era for the younger generation in San Pedro on the eve of the celebration of November 29. 2IVIO DAN REPUB-LIKE- ! Margaret STARCEVlC San Pedro, Cal. MISLE LI NA§I U SVETU NA NAS? povelo нжиишж ЏШШЈ]ј'¥}Ш younger put. Radoji6ic гебе: "Povezati se Sto vise sa naSim svetom u iseljeniStvu i saznati koliko njih interesuje trenutno stanje u Jugo-slavij- i. Kako oni gledaju na predu-zet- e mere stabilizacije. Koliko mis-l- e na domovinu i svoje u domovini? U tu svrhu snimili su tri emisije u New Yorku, Detroitu i Chicagu i to ce biti prikazano na jugoslavenskoj televiziji sledece godine. Drug Radojicic rece, da je bio duboko dirnut saznanjem da naSi u belom svetu i te kako brinu o svojima u domovini i o svemu Sto se tamo deSava. Kaze, da je zadivljujuce sa koliko emocija zivi taj svet daleko od Juge, koliko se bore da budu Jugoslaveni, da budu dicni smovi i kceri zemlje u kojoj su rodeni. Refie i to da jedinstvo iseljenika u Americi moze biti primer mnogima u zemlji.Reci da si Jugoslaven u Jugoslaviji mje naro-cit- o tesko. Re6i da si Jugoslaven u tudem svetu vrlo 6esto je prava hrabrost. Posle smmanja u Chicagu dru-go- vi RadojicitS i Todorovic odlaze u New York da snime spoljno politifi-k- u emisiju "Amerika iz New Yorka" Upitah Radojicica kako mu se dopadaovde i on mi гебе. "Stvarno ima svega i ima se Sta videti, ah mi , se niSta mje tohko dopalo da bih mogao ovde da se vratim stanh" ostati Jedva cekam i da odem kod mojih RozahaDIVJAKOVlC Chicago, III p-- ;; ml Ш 0ТЛ "PI § III iillllll W I I 1 1 1 I i I - ' i i ' S; % --M Џ _u "X '& 1Ч ' ' LIMITED ;i: Hi SEEDS -F- EEDS -F- ERTILIZERS ; ALL YOUR GARDEN SUPPLIES !;; 206 Lower Tupper Street ni Thunder Bay, Ont. ::; P7A зуз cXVOPj-f- a !?m шшшгш! mora Lionel Laprade General Manager 14 S. Cumberland S Phone: 344-724- 9 Thunder Bay, Ontario Res. 767-640- 4 Muriel, Joan and Eve Lainen Grandview Mai I — 640 River St . Phone 344-1-1 31 —345-793- 1 Thunder Bay, Ontario WEDELIVER |
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