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i 1л. дд;,адд;;~,цг;.1г. The "Button Box" orchestra — Front row left to right: Bill Drasler, Fred Jerina, Joe Umeck (former Instructor), Ron Latz, Hank Kapel; back row left to right: Rudy Grom, Gus Kramer, Mayme Laben, Jane Bena, Frances Adler, John Samsa, Ed Laben and Ray Podboy, Director. The Pearl Los 'Found Again (SLOVENE FOLK MUSIC IS WELL AND KICKING AGAIN) By Vladimir I. De Tonya Not long ago, I was rushing Into the ele-vator to the 42nd floor of the Board of Trade Building in Chicago and to the new Yugoslav ethnic television show "Yugoslav Kolo". When I finally made it up to the WCIU, Channel 26 studio, the flashing lights reminded me that "the show is on". I opened the side door as quietly as possible... Soon thereafter the powerful studio lights went on and an enthusiastic Slovene "Button Box" orchestra and its diatonic accordians sounded into a de-light. The tiny red, yellow, blue and orange accordians followed the rhythm of the old Slovene folk songs and polkas accordingly — the entertainment went on for more than half an hour, long enough to please the appetite of every listener, young and old. When the "Terezinka Polka" or "Waukegan Special" ended in a brilliant potpouri, and after the cameras focused at the other par-ticipants, I could not contain my excite-ment and walked forward to the tiny little accordians — they looked almost like toy accordians, only they were real and with alluring tunes. Only when I later arranged the interview with the director of the "But-ton Box" orchestra, with Mr. Raymond Podboy, did I understand the beat of the heart of the American born Slovene gene-ration. ' PL - PP £ P КЧ И B Ш According to Mr. Podboy, the "Button Box" orchestra was established In 1974 In Chicago, more precisely at the Slovene Center in Cicero. As Mr. Podboy put it, "our beloved and now deceased friend, Mr. Joe Umeck, was in charge of a bar on Wednesdays at times — when he didn't have much to do, he played accordlan. That's where this whole thing started..." Today this orchestra, whose members live ; mostly in Waukegan and Chicago, numbers 32 people. These performers have traveled all over the United States. Besides their second appearance on "Yugoslav Kolo" the "Button Box" performed on "Bit of Yugoslavia", the first Yugoslav ethnic television show in the United States. The orchestra also appeared on Radio WKRS in Waukegan, north of Chicago, on WTAQ in La Grange, WEVE Radio In Eveleth, Mi-nnesota. "Button Box" also have appeared annually at the Slovene ejhnlc folk festi-vals at Sheboy and Willard, Wiscpnsln for four years. In 1977 they entertained more than 3,000 people on a dance floor in Chls-hol- m, Minnesota. These distinguished ambassadors of Slovene folk inheritance play for Yugoslav clubs; they entertained the President of Slovene Council in the Republic of Slovenia, Yugoslavia, Mr. Andrej Marine; they also play at fairs, like in Milwaukee, and also at the Senior Citi LYONS, ILLINOIS 60S34 U.S.A. 312) 442-653- 0 NUDI VAM NAJVECl BROJ REDOVNIH I CARTER LETOVA ZA STARI KRAJ. NASA U2A SPECIJALIZACIJA JE PLANIRANJE VASIH ODMORA U AMERICj j INOSTRA'NSTVU. Л PUTNE ISPRAVE, GARANCIJE I DRUGE DOKUMENTE SREDUJEMO - ZA.VAS. OBRATITE SE SVOME ZEMLJAKU NA VASEM JEZIKU. pi в pi PI Mr. Raymond Podboy, Director of the "Button Box" orchestra. zens Day at the Lakewood Forest Preserve each year. Recently they traveled as far as California to the 1st Far West Button Box Contest held in Fontana. The "Button Box" recorded their first record In June, 1977 — it was a beauty of Its own,-- the "First time around". This record consists mainly of old Slovene folk songs, polkas and waltzes. Their second record, another joy called "One more time", was released in April, 1978. Prepa-rations are ongoing for the third record next year. I asked the director of "Button Box", Mr. Podboy, why he and his friends are doing all this singing (duo and trio, and as a whole group) and why they play - his reply was: "We simply want.to promote our Slovene culture and heritage, which we Inherited from our parents. There are a lot of Slovene people living in Chicago and Waukegan, and all over the United States — we sort of started this musical renais-sance here and we tend to keep up' this cause. Soon we will travel to Ljubljana (capltpl of the Republic of Stovenla) in Yugoslavia... But then, we have our obli-gations: you see, we started the 1st SNBJ Midwest Button Box Contest In Waukegan In 1976; we had the second one in 1977 — now, you understand, we have to play it again, and I mean with our whole heart, for the third time". That means that there will be the Third Midwest Button Box Contest in Waukegan PI PI PI a pi pi M pi Chicago se p "State Street", najprometnija ulica u sreu Cikaga, nece nlkad v!5e biti onakva kakva je donedavno bila. Ova ulica, koju su jo§ na po6etku ovog stoljeca zvali "Veli-canstve- na ulica" zbog divnih prodavaoni-ca- , brlja6nica I najbljeStavijih robnih kuca, za nekoliko dana ce potpuno opustjeti — бак nl automobili nl autobusi nece vi§e kroz nju prolaziti. Razlogf gradnja najveceg amerl6kog lanCanog centra robnih ku6a I supermarketa u centru Cikaga. "State Street" se prvl put pojavila u povi-jes- ti Cikaga (na karti) 1833. godine. Od tada pa do danas ova ulica se mljenjala vec nekoliko puta, a s njom se mijenjao i Cika-g- o. Najnovija arhitektonska (i poslovna) metamorfoza ove ullce (I Cikaga) kostat 6e — this one will be held on Sunday, Sep-tember 10th at 1 :00 P.M. at 404 10th Street in Waukegan. Contestants from all the U.S.A. will participate. Still I wanted to ask Mr. Podboy another question, but he seemed to know what was in my mind: "Yes, we are proud of what we do, of course; our elders for years tried prodly to preserve our music — we cer-tainly wantto keep it for the future. Hope-fully, through music, one day our children will understand us better too. They will be proud of their roots'..." Yes, indead: it already feels like the pearl lost and found again... LAST MINUTE NEWS: Just as this paper was going to print, we were informed that the representatives of the "Button Box" orchestra had a very successful appearance at the 1st Far West Button Box, Con-test which was held on June 11th in Fontana, California. We are pleased to announce and add our congratulations that Mr. Ray Podboy and Mrs. Jane Grego-ri- n Bena both won the first prize trophies for their single accordian performances in men's and wo-men's division out of 27 contes-tants. In addition, following the closing of the contest, the Fontana mayor of Slovene origin, Mr. Frank Horzen, presented to Mr. Ray Podboy and his orchestra the city keys of Fontana. Our sincere congradulations to the "Button Box" orchestra — and welcome back. — Editors. odmln 17.1 milijuna dolara. Jednom, kad ovaj ( Ian6ani centar robnih kuca bude dovrSen, u centru Cikaga cemo se cuditi drvedu, cvije-6- u, miniplazama, uli6nim kafanama, uzivat 5emo u izlozbama umjetnosti i rucne radi-nos- ti, divit cemo se najskupljim namjeSta-jim-a koji'ce biti izlozeni na podzemnim trotoarima. Stvarno, ovaj Cikago kao da ima devet zlvota: uvijok se ponovo rada. Cikago se, ofilgledno, ne boji rlzika... U svakom slucaju, preporu6ujemo svim gradanima da stoje podalje od ove ulice (pogotovo ako dodu u centar Cikaga auto-mobllo- m) — radovi su ve6 u toku. Za godinu dana imat cemo novo 6udo u Cika-g- u — i nove cijene...
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Nase Novine, September 13, 1978 |
Language | sr; hr |
Subject | Yugoslavia -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Yugoslavia; Yugoslavian Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1978-06-28 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | nanod2000075 |
Title | 000524 |
OCR text | i 1л. дд;,адд;;~,цг;.1г. The "Button Box" orchestra — Front row left to right: Bill Drasler, Fred Jerina, Joe Umeck (former Instructor), Ron Latz, Hank Kapel; back row left to right: Rudy Grom, Gus Kramer, Mayme Laben, Jane Bena, Frances Adler, John Samsa, Ed Laben and Ray Podboy, Director. The Pearl Los 'Found Again (SLOVENE FOLK MUSIC IS WELL AND KICKING AGAIN) By Vladimir I. De Tonya Not long ago, I was rushing Into the ele-vator to the 42nd floor of the Board of Trade Building in Chicago and to the new Yugoslav ethnic television show "Yugoslav Kolo". When I finally made it up to the WCIU, Channel 26 studio, the flashing lights reminded me that "the show is on". I opened the side door as quietly as possible... Soon thereafter the powerful studio lights went on and an enthusiastic Slovene "Button Box" orchestra and its diatonic accordians sounded into a de-light. The tiny red, yellow, blue and orange accordians followed the rhythm of the old Slovene folk songs and polkas accordingly — the entertainment went on for more than half an hour, long enough to please the appetite of every listener, young and old. When the "Terezinka Polka" or "Waukegan Special" ended in a brilliant potpouri, and after the cameras focused at the other par-ticipants, I could not contain my excite-ment and walked forward to the tiny little accordians — they looked almost like toy accordians, only they were real and with alluring tunes. Only when I later arranged the interview with the director of the "But-ton Box" orchestra, with Mr. Raymond Podboy, did I understand the beat of the heart of the American born Slovene gene-ration. ' PL - PP £ P КЧ И B Ш According to Mr. Podboy, the "Button Box" orchestra was established In 1974 In Chicago, more precisely at the Slovene Center in Cicero. As Mr. Podboy put it, "our beloved and now deceased friend, Mr. Joe Umeck, was in charge of a bar on Wednesdays at times — when he didn't have much to do, he played accordlan. That's where this whole thing started..." Today this orchestra, whose members live ; mostly in Waukegan and Chicago, numbers 32 people. These performers have traveled all over the United States. Besides their second appearance on "Yugoslav Kolo" the "Button Box" performed on "Bit of Yugoslavia", the first Yugoslav ethnic television show in the United States. The orchestra also appeared on Radio WKRS in Waukegan, north of Chicago, on WTAQ in La Grange, WEVE Radio In Eveleth, Mi-nnesota. "Button Box" also have appeared annually at the Slovene ejhnlc folk festi-vals at Sheboy and Willard, Wiscpnsln for four years. In 1977 they entertained more than 3,000 people on a dance floor in Chls-hol- m, Minnesota. These distinguished ambassadors of Slovene folk inheritance play for Yugoslav clubs; they entertained the President of Slovene Council in the Republic of Slovenia, Yugoslavia, Mr. Andrej Marine; they also play at fairs, like in Milwaukee, and also at the Senior Citi LYONS, ILLINOIS 60S34 U.S.A. 312) 442-653- 0 NUDI VAM NAJVECl BROJ REDOVNIH I CARTER LETOVA ZA STARI KRAJ. NASA U2A SPECIJALIZACIJA JE PLANIRANJE VASIH ODMORA U AMERICj j INOSTRA'NSTVU. Л PUTNE ISPRAVE, GARANCIJE I DRUGE DOKUMENTE SREDUJEMO - ZA.VAS. OBRATITE SE SVOME ZEMLJAKU NA VASEM JEZIKU. pi в pi PI Mr. Raymond Podboy, Director of the "Button Box" orchestra. zens Day at the Lakewood Forest Preserve each year. Recently they traveled as far as California to the 1st Far West Button Box Contest held in Fontana. The "Button Box" recorded their first record In June, 1977 — it was a beauty of Its own,-- the "First time around". This record consists mainly of old Slovene folk songs, polkas and waltzes. Their second record, another joy called "One more time", was released in April, 1978. Prepa-rations are ongoing for the third record next year. I asked the director of "Button Box", Mr. Podboy, why he and his friends are doing all this singing (duo and trio, and as a whole group) and why they play - his reply was: "We simply want.to promote our Slovene culture and heritage, which we Inherited from our parents. There are a lot of Slovene people living in Chicago and Waukegan, and all over the United States — we sort of started this musical renais-sance here and we tend to keep up' this cause. Soon we will travel to Ljubljana (capltpl of the Republic of Stovenla) in Yugoslavia... But then, we have our obli-gations: you see, we started the 1st SNBJ Midwest Button Box Contest In Waukegan In 1976; we had the second one in 1977 — now, you understand, we have to play it again, and I mean with our whole heart, for the third time". That means that there will be the Third Midwest Button Box Contest in Waukegan PI PI PI a pi pi M pi Chicago se p "State Street", najprometnija ulica u sreu Cikaga, nece nlkad v!5e biti onakva kakva je donedavno bila. Ova ulica, koju su jo§ na po6etku ovog stoljeca zvali "Veli-canstve- na ulica" zbog divnih prodavaoni-ca- , brlja6nica I najbljeStavijih robnih kuca, za nekoliko dana ce potpuno opustjeti — бак nl automobili nl autobusi nece vi§e kroz nju prolaziti. Razlogf gradnja najveceg amerl6kog lanCanog centra robnih ku6a I supermarketa u centru Cikaga. "State Street" se prvl put pojavila u povi-jes- ti Cikaga (na karti) 1833. godine. Od tada pa do danas ova ulica se mljenjala vec nekoliko puta, a s njom se mijenjao i Cika-g- o. Najnovija arhitektonska (i poslovna) metamorfoza ove ullce (I Cikaga) kostat 6e — this one will be held on Sunday, Sep-tember 10th at 1 :00 P.M. at 404 10th Street in Waukegan. Contestants from all the U.S.A. will participate. Still I wanted to ask Mr. Podboy another question, but he seemed to know what was in my mind: "Yes, we are proud of what we do, of course; our elders for years tried prodly to preserve our music — we cer-tainly wantto keep it for the future. Hope-fully, through music, one day our children will understand us better too. They will be proud of their roots'..." Yes, indead: it already feels like the pearl lost and found again... LAST MINUTE NEWS: Just as this paper was going to print, we were informed that the representatives of the "Button Box" orchestra had a very successful appearance at the 1st Far West Button Box, Con-test which was held on June 11th in Fontana, California. We are pleased to announce and add our congratulations that Mr. Ray Podboy and Mrs. Jane Grego-ri- n Bena both won the first prize trophies for their single accordian performances in men's and wo-men's division out of 27 contes-tants. In addition, following the closing of the contest, the Fontana mayor of Slovene origin, Mr. Frank Horzen, presented to Mr. Ray Podboy and his orchestra the city keys of Fontana. Our sincere congradulations to the "Button Box" orchestra — and welcome back. — Editors. odmln 17.1 milijuna dolara. Jednom, kad ovaj ( Ian6ani centar robnih kuca bude dovrSen, u centru Cikaga cemo se cuditi drvedu, cvije-6- u, miniplazama, uli6nim kafanama, uzivat 5emo u izlozbama umjetnosti i rucne radi-nos- ti, divit cemo se najskupljim namjeSta-jim-a koji'ce biti izlozeni na podzemnim trotoarima. Stvarno, ovaj Cikago kao da ima devet zlvota: uvijok se ponovo rada. Cikago se, ofilgledno, ne boji rlzika... U svakom slucaju, preporu6ujemo svim gradanima da stoje podalje od ove ulice (pogotovo ako dodu u centar Cikaga auto-mobllo- m) — radovi su ve6 u toku. Za godinu dana imat cemo novo 6udo u Cika-g- u — i nove cijene... |
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