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i11 01soirmomвlit. ШШШшШшшШШшШшјВ' ШМШШШШ шШШШв Following Proclamation was adopted at the meeting o fe Woro Peace Counpll held In Washington: The World Peace Council proc- laims its confidence in the power of the peoples of the world to avert war and to defend and build peace. Great victories have been won through the struggles of the peoples. The flag of freedom and progress flies over scores of lands which were en- slaved only yesterday. Peace has triumphed in many lands against the most brutal aggressions of our times. The principles of peace, interna-'- " tional security and cooperation, of peaceful coexistence are increasingly recognized as the main basis for inter-national relations. Never have the opportunities for peace been greater. People everywhere are tired of wasting pre-cious resources in war'arsenals and of piling up new devastating weapons that increasingly threaten their sec-urity and life. Movement growing Never before in history has there been such a mighty, all-embrac- ing movement against war and for peace and the ending of the arms race, for disarmament. This movement is at the same time directed towards achieving a new international economic order, and against colonial bondage, old and new, against hunger and poverty, against exploitation, dis-crimination, racism, fascism — against all the evils which accompany the arms race. All progress achieved in changing the international climate and making it .healthier is-endanger-ed by the speeding up of the arms race. , A billion4 dollars' are being spent every single day on armaments, while every single day a billion men, women ' and children suffer the death pangs of starvation and hunger, & ', The,ar'ms,Trace;?clevours4heJlesh and blood of 'millions. ; It is a principaKcause of the economic crisjs.,which sweeps many countries, bHrfgingwith. Hi the scourges of unemployment, poverty and disease. r The arms race grows with every hour —not only quantitatively butalso qualitatively. Evei' more deadly weaponsof mass destruction are being perfected. ' a i ' ГЛ1 Г I 'I Л 1Г"! Г— "fl Pt 1Г~ГЛЈ "Ч— АГЧЛ1к I г JORDAN VASILEVICH Hifjh Rnrk) TORONTO ONT M6P 1Z5 TEL 767-228-6 Desperate at the successes, of the feace fornceews, athtteacwksa.r makers have Stop war profiteers We call for vigilance against these new conspirapies by the military — in-dustrial complexes, the transnational corporations — all those who profit from the arms race. We proclaim our determination to fight for the slashing of military budgets, for the stopping of all arms supplies fascist and reactionary re-gimes, for an end to the destabilization operations, which threaten many countries today. The World Peace Council proc-laims its full support for the efforts of the United Nations, of the govern-ments, political parties and organiza-tions dedicated to peace, of the peoples, to end the arms race, ban all nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, to adopt effective mea-sures for the reductionof arms and to move towards general and complete disarmament. We condemn and are totally op-posed the development of the im-moral and deadly. neutron bomb. јцЈаЈааиццмнауудцун1ппгд1Ццмунн1Уурцкиццшг1дарша I Шл и1 1 ТрДЧЧЈу МRMil П иЈЈИ If1'1"ri Љ V t-ч- -м II I .'чг--мл it .r--ri t~i t-w-rri- iY I Jl .1 .M.--l I l- -- ' 4 WEDDING SPECIALIST PORTRAIST PASSPORIS;-- . CHILDREN PORmAITS, MOVIES WITH SOUND 3047DUNDASSTW (nt to so to to ..A7',rVtV'i £. " . - ' ' . JORDAN BANQUET HALL Catering, Hnll For Rontal, For Wodcrtng, Parties ' And Othor Occasions "Г "Ж м .ш V We proclaim our full support for the calling by the United Nations as soon as possible of a World Disarmament Conference. Detente, the easing of tensions, arid all that it means for the world is threatened by the arms race. We proclaim our determination to intensify our efforts for the ending of the arms race and for disarmament — vital conditions for the consolidation of detente, for making the process of de-tente irreversible. We invite all who stand for peace to join hands in these efforts. A new world can be built. Hunger and poverty can be banished. Fas-cism, racism, discrimination can be ended for all times. Independence and equality for all peoples can be en-sured. The peoples can be assured their sacred right to live without fear. The struggle for disarmament and detente is the struggle' for the building of aШnew world. STOP THE ARMS RACE. _S X FOR DETENTE AND &S I Л. v PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE ' Among the 16,000 delegates to the 11th World Festival of Youth and Students will be 240 Canadians, the Preporatory Commi-ttee of Canada has announced. The fes-tival, to be held in Havana Cuba from' July 28 to August 5 this summer, .will bring together young people f pm oveM 40 coun-tries. The theme oMhe Festival — for pea"-c-e, frienship and solidarity — will be refle-cted In dozens of concerts, seminars, sports and cultural events planned In the festival program. The size of the Canadian delegation will be largest representation Canada has had in the Festivals' thirty year history. "We're quite pleased that 240 Canadians will have the" chance to participate in this1 unique' International event", Anna Larsen( co-chairm- an of the Canadian. committee com-mented. "We expect to have a very repre-sentative delegation of young people from all parts of Canada. The Canadian dele-gation will Include young workers, farm youth, students and unemployed. As well, diverse organizations will have representa-tives in the delegation from Canada", she added. The two co-chairm- en of the'Canadian committee, Larsen .from English Canada and. Daniel Pauquet from Quebec, have just returned from a visit to Havana. There IL"%. . --;.Т ШШ1 l "S3 Proslava 90-godiSnj- ice Dr. Lowrie Dr. Howard Lowrie je poznat kao izvanredan lijecnik i humanista, cija'je prva briga uvijek bila da pomogne covjeka. On je olicenje dobrote. Grupa njegovih bliskih prijatelja je odlucila da obiljezi njegov 90-rodend- an, koji se navr-sav-a pocetkom marta. Priredba ce se odrzati u nedjelju 5. marta, u Ukrajinskom radnickom domu, 300 Bathurst Street, a pocet ce u 1.30 poslije podne. Posjetimo ovu priredbu, odajmo pocast dobrom doktoru. 1979 — Balkan Year of Tourism The 10th conference of the offi-cial tourist organisations from the Balkan countries ended recently in Athens. It was established that cooperation in the sphere of tou-rism is developing successfully which contributes to the streng-thening of good neighbourly rela-tions between the Balkan peoples. The conference decided to pro-claim 1979 as the Balkan Year of Tourism. For this purpose uniform combined initiaries will be set up including the most interesting his-toric and cultural sights. A general tourist map of the Balkans and a general tourist guide will be is-sued. 240 Canadians to go to they saw Cuban preparations for the nine-da- y youth gathering and held discus-sions with the Permanent Commission which is responsible for organizing the Festival. "Cuba already has a Festival atmosphe-re", Larsen said. "Everywhere you go, on houses, schols, factories, you see Festi-val posters and decorations. Virtuallyevery Cuban is involved In some sort of activity for the Festival. They're making handi-crafts to give to the foreign delegates,1--, planting trees, restoring Havana. It's quite impressive". In Canada, the Preparatory Committee has branches throughout the country and. includes within Its bi-natio-nal structure, the Co-ordinatin- g" Committee of Quebec, Forty-on- e organizations'' have joined the committee to date, Including student fede-rations, trade unions, youth organizations and peace groups. In addition to organizing the Canadian delegation, the Preparatory Committee of Canada hopes to involve thousands of young people in preparatory activities. Those Interested in learning more about-th- e Festival and the work of the Canadian committee should contact the Preparatory Committee of Canada at P.O. Box 99, Station V, Toronto M6R 3A5. — 1 i 1m its
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Nase Novine, April 19, 1978 |
Language | sr; hr |
Subject | Yugoslavia -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Yugoslavia; Yugoslavian Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1978-03-01 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | nanod2000058 |
Title | 000166 |
OCR text | i11 01soirmomвlit. ШШШшШшшШШшШшјВ' ШМШШШШ шШШШв Following Proclamation was adopted at the meeting o fe Woro Peace Counpll held In Washington: The World Peace Council proc- laims its confidence in the power of the peoples of the world to avert war and to defend and build peace. Great victories have been won through the struggles of the peoples. The flag of freedom and progress flies over scores of lands which were en- slaved only yesterday. Peace has triumphed in many lands against the most brutal aggressions of our times. The principles of peace, interna-'- " tional security and cooperation, of peaceful coexistence are increasingly recognized as the main basis for inter-national relations. Never have the opportunities for peace been greater. People everywhere are tired of wasting pre-cious resources in war'arsenals and of piling up new devastating weapons that increasingly threaten their sec-urity and life. Movement growing Never before in history has there been such a mighty, all-embrac- ing movement against war and for peace and the ending of the arms race, for disarmament. This movement is at the same time directed towards achieving a new international economic order, and against colonial bondage, old and new, against hunger and poverty, against exploitation, dis-crimination, racism, fascism — against all the evils which accompany the arms race. All progress achieved in changing the international climate and making it .healthier is-endanger-ed by the speeding up of the arms race. , A billion4 dollars' are being spent every single day on armaments, while every single day a billion men, women ' and children suffer the death pangs of starvation and hunger, & ', The,ar'ms,Trace;?clevours4heJlesh and blood of 'millions. ; It is a principaKcause of the economic crisjs.,which sweeps many countries, bHrfgingwith. Hi the scourges of unemployment, poverty and disease. r The arms race grows with every hour —not only quantitatively butalso qualitatively. Evei' more deadly weaponsof mass destruction are being perfected. ' a i ' ГЛ1 Г I 'I Л 1Г"! Г— "fl Pt 1Г~ГЛЈ "Ч— АГЧЛ1к I г JORDAN VASILEVICH Hifjh Rnrk) TORONTO ONT M6P 1Z5 TEL 767-228-6 Desperate at the successes, of the feace fornceews, athtteacwksa.r makers have Stop war profiteers We call for vigilance against these new conspirapies by the military — in-dustrial complexes, the transnational corporations — all those who profit from the arms race. We proclaim our determination to fight for the slashing of military budgets, for the stopping of all arms supplies fascist and reactionary re-gimes, for an end to the destabilization operations, which threaten many countries today. The World Peace Council proc-laims its full support for the efforts of the United Nations, of the govern-ments, political parties and organiza-tions dedicated to peace, of the peoples, to end the arms race, ban all nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, to adopt effective mea-sures for the reductionof arms and to move towards general and complete disarmament. We condemn and are totally op-posed the development of the im-moral and deadly. neutron bomb. јцЈаЈааиццмнауудцун1ппгд1Ццмунн1Уурцкиццшг1дарша I Шл и1 1 ТрДЧЧЈу МRMil П иЈЈИ If1'1"ri Љ V t-ч- -м II I .'чг--мл it .r--ri t~i t-w-rri- iY I Jl .1 .M.--l I l- -- ' 4 WEDDING SPECIALIST PORTRAIST PASSPORIS;-- . CHILDREN PORmAITS, MOVIES WITH SOUND 3047DUNDASSTW (nt to so to to ..A7',rVtV'i £. " . - ' ' . JORDAN BANQUET HALL Catering, Hnll For Rontal, For Wodcrtng, Parties ' And Othor Occasions "Г "Ж м .ш V We proclaim our full support for the calling by the United Nations as soon as possible of a World Disarmament Conference. Detente, the easing of tensions, arid all that it means for the world is threatened by the arms race. We proclaim our determination to intensify our efforts for the ending of the arms race and for disarmament — vital conditions for the consolidation of detente, for making the process of de-tente irreversible. We invite all who stand for peace to join hands in these efforts. A new world can be built. Hunger and poverty can be banished. Fas-cism, racism, discrimination can be ended for all times. Independence and equality for all peoples can be en-sured. The peoples can be assured their sacred right to live without fear. The struggle for disarmament and detente is the struggle' for the building of aШnew world. STOP THE ARMS RACE. _S X FOR DETENTE AND &S I Л. v PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE ' Among the 16,000 delegates to the 11th World Festival of Youth and Students will be 240 Canadians, the Preporatory Commi-ttee of Canada has announced. The fes-tival, to be held in Havana Cuba from' July 28 to August 5 this summer, .will bring together young people f pm oveM 40 coun-tries. The theme oMhe Festival — for pea"-c-e, frienship and solidarity — will be refle-cted In dozens of concerts, seminars, sports and cultural events planned In the festival program. The size of the Canadian delegation will be largest representation Canada has had in the Festivals' thirty year history. "We're quite pleased that 240 Canadians will have the" chance to participate in this1 unique' International event", Anna Larsen( co-chairm- an of the Canadian. committee com-mented. "We expect to have a very repre-sentative delegation of young people from all parts of Canada. The Canadian dele-gation will Include young workers, farm youth, students and unemployed. As well, diverse organizations will have representa-tives in the delegation from Canada", she added. The two co-chairm- en of the'Canadian committee, Larsen .from English Canada and. Daniel Pauquet from Quebec, have just returned from a visit to Havana. There IL"%. . --;.Т ШШ1 l "S3 Proslava 90-godiSnj- ice Dr. Lowrie Dr. Howard Lowrie je poznat kao izvanredan lijecnik i humanista, cija'je prva briga uvijek bila da pomogne covjeka. On je olicenje dobrote. Grupa njegovih bliskih prijatelja je odlucila da obiljezi njegov 90-rodend- an, koji se navr-sav-a pocetkom marta. Priredba ce se odrzati u nedjelju 5. marta, u Ukrajinskom radnickom domu, 300 Bathurst Street, a pocet ce u 1.30 poslije podne. Posjetimo ovu priredbu, odajmo pocast dobrom doktoru. 1979 — Balkan Year of Tourism The 10th conference of the offi-cial tourist organisations from the Balkan countries ended recently in Athens. It was established that cooperation in the sphere of tou-rism is developing successfully which contributes to the streng-thening of good neighbourly rela-tions between the Balkan peoples. The conference decided to pro-claim 1979 as the Balkan Year of Tourism. For this purpose uniform combined initiaries will be set up including the most interesting his-toric and cultural sights. A general tourist map of the Balkans and a general tourist guide will be is-sued. 240 Canadians to go to they saw Cuban preparations for the nine-da- y youth gathering and held discus-sions with the Permanent Commission which is responsible for organizing the Festival. "Cuba already has a Festival atmosphe-re", Larsen said. "Everywhere you go, on houses, schols, factories, you see Festi-val posters and decorations. Virtuallyevery Cuban is involved In some sort of activity for the Festival. They're making handi-crafts to give to the foreign delegates,1--, planting trees, restoring Havana. It's quite impressive". In Canada, the Preparatory Committee has branches throughout the country and. includes within Its bi-natio-nal structure, the Co-ordinatin- g" Committee of Quebec, Forty-on- e organizations'' have joined the committee to date, Including student fede-rations, trade unions, youth organizations and peace groups. In addition to organizing the Canadian delegation, the Preparatory Committee of Canada hopes to involve thousands of young people in preparatory activities. Those Interested in learning more about-th- e Festival and the work of the Canadian committee should contact the Preparatory Committee of Canada at P.O. Box 99, Station V, Toronto M6R 3A5. — 1 i 1m its |
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