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1 - i У- - 8' odbora za ШшШШШЖгШУШШШШШ ' fc Lepa Rajnovld, prodsednlca Za-JednlSk- og proslavu 8.-mart-a, je rekh: "6asi ml Jo davas pozdravim u Ime ZajednlCkog odbora tena mlroljublvlh kanad-sko-Jugoslovensk- lh, organ fzaclja I druStava. Povodom 30-t-e godlS-цЈ1с- е organ IzacljeUjedlnJenlh Na-cl- a, Qonoralna skupStina Ujedl-njen- lh naclja odludila je da palnju dovedanatva usmerl na probleme druStvenpg poloiaja iena u svetu, progla$avafu6l 1975, godlnu za Modunarodnu godlnu, pod mo-to- m: "RazvoJ I mfr". "Ta odluka rukovodlla fa gru'pu iena Kanadankl fugoslovenskog porekla da I one zabeleia neSto "znadajno" u MedunarodnoJ godl-n- l tena. Os novate su Udruienje tena "Majka I dete" u toku 1975: godfne I reSeno Je da 8d svake godlne proslavlja Medunarodnl dan tena, 8. mart. A ove godlne udruille su se lene, 6lanlce svlh mlrolfublvlh kanadsko-Jugoslo-vensk- lh organlzaclfa I druStava, da zajednltki proslave 8. mart, "Udesnlcl proslave su: Udr-uienje iena "Majka I dete"; Udr-uienje "Bratstvo I jedlnstvo"; Ud-ruienje "Nikola Tesla"; Udruienje Cmogoraca"Crna Qora"; Udruie-nje Muslimana Iz Jugoslavia u Torontu; "NaSe novlne" I naS mladl sportskl klub "Sloga". Sav prlhod od ove prlredbe Ide u fond Skole Udruienje tena "Majka I dete" Skole "Nikola Tesla", u kojlma se ибе Jezlcl naroda Jugoslavlje. VESELO U WINDSORU Dan iena, 8 mart, ауебапо je proslavljen u Windsoru. U prostori-jam- a Mike tavern odjeklvala Je u subotu 4. marta pesma I muzlka Iz stare domovlne. U poftetku je samo orkestar bio zabavljac, a kasnlje su mu se prldruzlll i mnogl posetlocl — sve peva6i boljl od boljega. Ne pamtimo kada smo u Windsoru imall tako prljatno I veselo vece. Goste Je kraclm govorom o Osmom martu pozdravlo naS starl Iseljenlk Frank Petrlcic. On Je mla-dl- m posetlocl ma evoclrao uspome--- ne na nekada8njedane starlh dose-Ijenlk- a, posebno se osvrnuvSI na rad I pregalaStvo naSlh zena, koje su na svojlm ple6lma Iznele. mnoge uspeSne akcije jugoslovensklh dru- Stava I organ IzacIJa na ovom kon-tlnent- u. — Men! Je posebno drago da vldlm ovde vellkl broj mladlh, kojl treba da nastave ono Sto smo ml starljl zapodell. VI svl vollte svoju novu domovlnu I to je ono Sto me posebno raduje. Samo, ne zabora-yit- e nl zemljugde ste vl I va§l pretcl "rodenT, ~ne zaboravlte svoj jezlk, svoj narod, svoju pesmu. Vollte svoju novu domovlnu, all ne zabo-ravlte staru. Ouvajte je I dalje u evom srcu — rekao Je Izmedu osta-lo-g Frank Petrl6l6. Frank Petrlcl6 se posebno zah-val- lo vlasnlku Ibkala, kojl Je svoje prostorlje besplatno ustuplo za to Svl su Izgledl da 6e druStvenl zlVot u Windsoru uskoro krenutl ' napred'tProslava Dana zena blla je vise nego uspeSan po6etak. Omla-- ft-'GiTir-if (#£ + --" lellm vam u Ime Zajednldkog odbora iena prlatno ve6e. 'Zahvaljujem se svlma kojl ste doSII da pomognete na&oj pros-la- vl I naSoj akcljl za dobro naSe omladlne. Zajedno smo jadll llveo Medunarodnl dan tena Osml martl Ms Helena Querrelro, Consultant, Development Branch, Ontario Minis-try of Qulture and Recreation atten-ded the International Women's Day celebration drganlsed by the Joint Council of the Yugoslav-Canadia- n women's organisations In Toronto and delivered following speech: Good evening ladles and, gentle-men, I am very pleased to have been Invited here tonight to share this evening with you and also to say a few words about "Multlculturallsm" — aerm that Is used constantly nowadays to describe the type of society Iri which we live. As Indiv-iduals who are concerned with hu-man rights we naturally have to be concerned with the concept of Mu-ltlculturallsm. However, the word uskoro da Pogled na jedan deo sale u kojoj Je odrtana proslava Os-mo- g marta,mu Helena Querrelro Canada has never been society there were many cultures and to be found among the Native Peoples who inhabited this when the first Europeans then helped to our and diver-sity until today we have some seventy different Canada presents us with a view of the world its many people and this makes us uni-que among the nations of the cultures, many languages, many and working sharing together the wealth that is theirs and striving together build more ding This МнЖттптИптШмпА int nl Individual, those who have been here i8 he aoal of multlculturallsm. We ' for hundreds of as well as the should be sensitive to and try to Multlculturallsm simply means lmm,6rant wno arrived last week, understand the diverse "many and since this Every Individual and every group that population of this country. This Is a society Is made up of Individuals раг° °"ri?C,eIy '8 a'8° P3rt °f task for every lndlvldual t0 anem& and groups that have diverse cultu- - lts multlcult"ral nature. to accomplish. The success of this ral, ethnic and linguistic backgro- - j——— goal depende on every single mem-I- s appropriate to jHjH No law can ensure harmony in the nature of our Province and of шШЛШШШШШк country. But attempts can be made The problem In understanding the ШШшШшШШШШ lead t0 a better understandin9-A- s an of Multlculturallsm derives, шШШШШШШк lnitial step the Provinclal Qoverment I believe, from the narrow Interpre- - ШШШмШЈЈШШПШШ adoPted a "Multicultural Policy", tatlon of the 'word '"culture". Very 1ММИШ This policy contains three elements: often It is associated, with song and ШшШшШ1ШШШшА The flr8t element ls Quality - dance and folk festivals and there-- ШШ&ШШввШШШШ tne equality of all members of soci- - fore something that Is only for Imml- - жШМшШШ ety tneir h6r'ta9e, is-rec- o- Culture la the arts; literature, ШШШШшШМШт port for actlvtles to help music, dance, folk traditions, but- - It РШШШШЈјИ and ethnocultural groups also a way of being, thinking, feeling ШШШШШШЈШШШШ t0 maintain thelr heritage but It also — a driving force that people ШЛНВНтеапз assuring that individual me-- of a common origin together and ШШШИк of tnose groups are protected gives them a sense of Identity. Cul- - ушшШШШШШШШШШШШШ against discrimination and explolta- - t'ure Is deeply rooted In a man's Jlon. being and Is an Important part of his Predsednlca Udruienje tena "Majka I The second element Is Access personality. It Is an element of every dete", Franclska Sterfev, prodltalaje and Participation — government ' svoj govor na engleskom, slovenaC- - services are available to all residents kom I srpskohrvatskom. Ona Je, regardless of differences dina se posebno zagrejala za 6eS-ci- m 'saetanclma ovakve vrste I mozemo ofieklvatl vISe prl-red- bl, zabava 1 Igrankl. Raduje me'da se omladlna poce-l- a vISe okuplja. A nl ml star! пебето ostatl po stranl. Od nas, a posebno od njlhove tetka Mlllce, uvek mogu o6eklvatl svu potrebnu ротоб — kollko god nam naSe godlne dozvoljavaju. Millca Mlu6ln (Chatham) Torontu. land with understan and society. cultures" describe concept whatever medu ostallm, "Vesele smo, and all residents nave the rlgnt ana da vas lahko v tako the duty to participate In the decl- - pem Stevllu, kajtl 6utlmo, da slon-makl- ng process be it at the razen datumov, tudl ie municipal or provinclal level. vldne uspehe naSega dela — lep The third element is Cultural Re- - sola za Jezlke In tenton and Sharing, — Individuals nasledje narodov Jugoslavlje". дм-мушмј- ауц јч1?1ДиНц'" 'ffr"fl4 "tttftf? кГДџцДДЕ5ЕНД1Д?%ВИИИ1РП Qavrllovl6, dlanlca Zajednldkog odbora za proslavu Dana iena Je u programu sa 6itanjempesme "Ne, nemoj ml re6l", koju Je Vla-dimir De Tonya posvetlo Jugoslovensklm ienama u Torontu za ovu prlllku. t!', try; JnMfifSmSt Дј;утдашмНтД'Ш" s-- i-7- m a - .- - - Шјааштбша8ау11ј11г1И1тмпДј1Р№ a homo-geneous — languages came. immigration Incre-ase cultural linguistic ethnocultural gro-ups. micro-cosm- ic world. heritages living together, to a harmonious confusion. years, ethnically cultural Individuals draws mbers cultural rekla: pozdravlmo le- - noioj praznufemo local, razvol kulturho Jelena nastuplla Many and groups have the right, if they so choose, to retain and develop their cultural heritage including language without forfeiting their equal place in society. These multicultural responsiblli-te- s are those of all ministries and' government agencies since they operate in a multicultural society. But the Multicultural Development' Branch of the Ministry of Culture and Recreation Is more directly con-cerned with the cultural diversity of this society. The Branch supports programs that foster Intercultural harmony and understanding. It helps institutions such as hospitals, community col-leges, school boards and social agencies to conduct staff develop-ment days for their professional staff and the communities they serve. It facilitates learning about multl culturallsm and cultural diversity through its publications, film reso-urces, multicultural magazines, pos-ters. You may have seen the "All Canadian" and "From Different Parts a Common Future" posters displa-yed in the Toronto Transit subways. Through Its program the Multicul-tural Development Branch is con-cerned about increasing public awa-reness of tho multicultural nature of the'Provlnce. We, as Branch consultans, work hard In the field of race relations and intercultural relations to help make our Multicultural Society a better place In which to live,, develop and grow. - .But the real future of a Multicul-tural Society lies with everyone of you. 1 '""v
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Nase Novine, May 10, 1978 |
Language | sr; hr |
Subject | Yugoslavia -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Yugoslavia; Yugoslavian Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1978-03-15 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | nanod2000060 |
Title | 000203 |
OCR text | 1 - i У- - 8' odbora za ШшШШШЖгШУШШШШШ ' fc Lepa Rajnovld, prodsednlca Za-JednlSk- og proslavu 8.-mart-a, je rekh: "6asi ml Jo davas pozdravim u Ime ZajednlCkog odbora tena mlroljublvlh kanad-sko-Jugoslovensk- lh, organ fzaclja I druStava. Povodom 30-t-e godlS-цЈ1с- е organ IzacljeUjedlnJenlh Na-cl- a, Qonoralna skupStina Ujedl-njen- lh naclja odludila je da palnju dovedanatva usmerl na probleme druStvenpg poloiaja iena u svetu, progla$avafu6l 1975, godlnu za Modunarodnu godlnu, pod mo-to- m: "RazvoJ I mfr". "Ta odluka rukovodlla fa gru'pu iena Kanadankl fugoslovenskog porekla da I one zabeleia neSto "znadajno" u MedunarodnoJ godl-n- l tena. Os novate su Udruienje tena "Majka I dete" u toku 1975: godfne I reSeno Je da 8d svake godlne proslavlja Medunarodnl dan tena, 8. mart. A ove godlne udruille su se lene, 6lanlce svlh mlrolfublvlh kanadsko-Jugoslo-vensk- lh organlzaclfa I druStava, da zajednltki proslave 8. mart, "Udesnlcl proslave su: Udr-uienje iena "Majka I dete"; Udr-uienje "Bratstvo I jedlnstvo"; Ud-ruienje "Nikola Tesla"; Udruienje Cmogoraca"Crna Qora"; Udruie-nje Muslimana Iz Jugoslavia u Torontu; "NaSe novlne" I naS mladl sportskl klub "Sloga". Sav prlhod od ove prlredbe Ide u fond Skole Udruienje tena "Majka I dete" Skole "Nikola Tesla", u kojlma se ибе Jezlcl naroda Jugoslavlje. VESELO U WINDSORU Dan iena, 8 mart, ауебапо je proslavljen u Windsoru. U prostori-jam- a Mike tavern odjeklvala Je u subotu 4. marta pesma I muzlka Iz stare domovlne. U poftetku je samo orkestar bio zabavljac, a kasnlje su mu se prldruzlll i mnogl posetlocl — sve peva6i boljl od boljega. Ne pamtimo kada smo u Windsoru imall tako prljatno I veselo vece. Goste Je kraclm govorom o Osmom martu pozdravlo naS starl Iseljenlk Frank Petrlcic. On Je mla-dl- m posetlocl ma evoclrao uspome--- ne na nekada8njedane starlh dose-Ijenlk- a, posebno se osvrnuvSI na rad I pregalaStvo naSlh zena, koje su na svojlm ple6lma Iznele. mnoge uspeSne akcije jugoslovensklh dru- Stava I organ IzacIJa na ovom kon-tlnent- u. — Men! Je posebno drago da vldlm ovde vellkl broj mladlh, kojl treba da nastave ono Sto smo ml starljl zapodell. VI svl vollte svoju novu domovlnu I to je ono Sto me posebno raduje. Samo, ne zabora-yit- e nl zemljugde ste vl I va§l pretcl "rodenT, ~ne zaboravlte svoj jezlk, svoj narod, svoju pesmu. Vollte svoju novu domovlnu, all ne zabo-ravlte staru. Ouvajte je I dalje u evom srcu — rekao Je Izmedu osta-lo-g Frank Petrl6l6. Frank Petrlcl6 se posebno zah-val- lo vlasnlku Ibkala, kojl Je svoje prostorlje besplatno ustuplo za to Svl su Izgledl da 6e druStvenl zlVot u Windsoru uskoro krenutl ' napred'tProslava Dana zena blla je vise nego uspeSan po6etak. Omla-- ft-'GiTir-if (#£ + --" lellm vam u Ime Zajednldkog odbora iena prlatno ve6e. 'Zahvaljujem se svlma kojl ste doSII da pomognete na&oj pros-la- vl I naSoj akcljl za dobro naSe omladlne. Zajedno smo jadll llveo Medunarodnl dan tena Osml martl Ms Helena Querrelro, Consultant, Development Branch, Ontario Minis-try of Qulture and Recreation atten-ded the International Women's Day celebration drganlsed by the Joint Council of the Yugoslav-Canadia- n women's organisations In Toronto and delivered following speech: Good evening ladles and, gentle-men, I am very pleased to have been Invited here tonight to share this evening with you and also to say a few words about "Multlculturallsm" — aerm that Is used constantly nowadays to describe the type of society Iri which we live. As Indiv-iduals who are concerned with hu-man rights we naturally have to be concerned with the concept of Mu-ltlculturallsm. However, the word uskoro da Pogled na jedan deo sale u kojoj Je odrtana proslava Os-mo- g marta,mu Helena Querrelro Canada has never been society there were many cultures and to be found among the Native Peoples who inhabited this when the first Europeans then helped to our and diver-sity until today we have some seventy different Canada presents us with a view of the world its many people and this makes us uni-que among the nations of the cultures, many languages, many and working sharing together the wealth that is theirs and striving together build more ding This МнЖттптИптШмпА int nl Individual, those who have been here i8 he aoal of multlculturallsm. We ' for hundreds of as well as the should be sensitive to and try to Multlculturallsm simply means lmm,6rant wno arrived last week, understand the diverse "many and since this Every Individual and every group that population of this country. This Is a society Is made up of Individuals раг° °"ri?C,eIy '8 a'8° P3rt °f task for every lndlvldual t0 anem& and groups that have diverse cultu- - lts multlcult"ral nature. to accomplish. The success of this ral, ethnic and linguistic backgro- - j——— goal depende on every single mem-I- s appropriate to jHjH No law can ensure harmony in the nature of our Province and of шШЛШШШШШк country. But attempts can be made The problem In understanding the ШШшШшШШШШ lead t0 a better understandin9-A- s an of Multlculturallsm derives, шШШШШШШк lnitial step the Provinclal Qoverment I believe, from the narrow Interpre- - ШШШмШЈЈШШПШШ adoPted a "Multicultural Policy", tatlon of the 'word '"culture". Very 1ММИШ This policy contains three elements: often It is associated, with song and ШшШшШ1ШШШшА The flr8t element ls Quality - dance and folk festivals and there-- ШШ&ШШввШШШШ tne equality of all members of soci- - fore something that Is only for Imml- - жШМшШШ ety tneir h6r'ta9e, is-rec- o- Culture la the arts; literature, ШШШШшШМШт port for actlvtles to help music, dance, folk traditions, but- - It РШШШШЈјИ and ethnocultural groups also a way of being, thinking, feeling ШШШШШШЈШШШШ t0 maintain thelr heritage but It also — a driving force that people ШЛНВНтеапз assuring that individual me-- of a common origin together and ШШШИк of tnose groups are protected gives them a sense of Identity. Cul- - ушшШШШШШШШШШШШШ against discrimination and explolta- - t'ure Is deeply rooted In a man's Jlon. being and Is an Important part of his Predsednlca Udruienje tena "Majka I The second element Is Access personality. It Is an element of every dete", Franclska Sterfev, prodltalaje and Participation — government ' svoj govor na engleskom, slovenaC- - services are available to all residents kom I srpskohrvatskom. Ona Je, regardless of differences dina se posebno zagrejala za 6eS-ci- m 'saetanclma ovakve vrste I mozemo ofieklvatl vISe prl-red- bl, zabava 1 Igrankl. Raduje me'da se omladlna poce-l- a vISe okuplja. A nl ml star! пебето ostatl po stranl. Od nas, a posebno od njlhove tetka Mlllce, uvek mogu o6eklvatl svu potrebnu ротоб — kollko god nam naSe godlne dozvoljavaju. Millca Mlu6ln (Chatham) Torontu. land with understan and society. cultures" describe concept whatever medu ostallm, "Vesele smo, and all residents nave the rlgnt ana da vas lahko v tako the duty to participate In the decl- - pem Stevllu, kajtl 6utlmo, da slon-makl- ng process be it at the razen datumov, tudl ie municipal or provinclal level. vldne uspehe naSega dela — lep The third element is Cultural Re- - sola za Jezlke In tenton and Sharing, — Individuals nasledje narodov Jugoslavlje". дм-мушмј- ауц јч1?1ДиНц'" 'ffr"fl4 "tttftf? кГДџцДДЕ5ЕНД1Д?%ВИИИ1РП Qavrllovl6, dlanlca Zajednldkog odbora za proslavu Dana iena Je u programu sa 6itanjempesme "Ne, nemoj ml re6l", koju Je Vla-dimir De Tonya posvetlo Jugoslovensklm ienama u Torontu za ovu prlllku. t!', try; JnMfifSmSt Дј;утдашмНтД'Ш" s-- i-7- m a - .- - - Шјааштбша8ау11ј11г1И1тмпДј1Р№ a homo-geneous — languages came. immigration Incre-ase cultural linguistic ethnocultural gro-ups. micro-cosm- ic world. heritages living together, to a harmonious confusion. years, ethnically cultural Individuals draws mbers cultural rekla: pozdravlmo le- - noioj praznufemo local, razvol kulturho Jelena nastuplla Many and groups have the right, if they so choose, to retain and develop their cultural heritage including language without forfeiting their equal place in society. These multicultural responsiblli-te- s are those of all ministries and' government agencies since they operate in a multicultural society. But the Multicultural Development' Branch of the Ministry of Culture and Recreation Is more directly con-cerned with the cultural diversity of this society. The Branch supports programs that foster Intercultural harmony and understanding. It helps institutions such as hospitals, community col-leges, school boards and social agencies to conduct staff develop-ment days for their professional staff and the communities they serve. It facilitates learning about multl culturallsm and cultural diversity through its publications, film reso-urces, multicultural magazines, pos-ters. You may have seen the "All Canadian" and "From Different Parts a Common Future" posters displa-yed in the Toronto Transit subways. Through Its program the Multicul-tural Development Branch is con-cerned about increasing public awa-reness of tho multicultural nature of the'Provlnce. We, as Branch consultans, work hard In the field of race relations and intercultural relations to help make our Multicultural Society a better place In which to live,, develop and grow. - .But the real future of a Multicul-tural Society lies with everyone of you. 1 '""v |
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