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zzzs '"- - ""wiii t „ ...дажгкмеиилкг.мчда' Vf X , i. '.!'" .f". .- -''' w'' '..-'.- !'. 4 .,'. July 13, 1977 13 1977 H L Jtj[y Telegram "1 © "Ћ ©"I ГТ© оо Drea TIIkII § sill ргетиега jL V Dragi nas predsjednice Tito " --шл... „...ш-и- .. uIW..,ll,l',t.„tf 'Ill .1.1.11 '" ' ,, , - July 3, 1977 — Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen: It is a great privilege and a plea-sure for me to be with you here again today at Belgrade Farms for your annual July picnic and Yug-oslav- Canada celebrations. As Mayor of the Township of Mest Lincoln, I wish to bid you all a very sincere welcome on behalf of our Municipal Council and resi-dents as you gather in our Community. Ours is a small muni-cipality as you know, and we con-sider it quite an honour that out of the whole Province of Ontario, it is in our small township that so many hundreds of Yugoslav-Canadian- s come each year for your summer celebrations. And we who live in this area know of course, why West Lincoln nas become the site of these cele-brations We have become familiar with the story of Maior William Jones who did so much to assist the Yugoslav war effort 30 years ago. and who did so much to pro-mote peace and international har-mony in the years since. We are proud that Major Jones was a citizen of our community, and we join with you in honouring his memory. 'era' Mifustiy Ciil'nri ,ind Прг Million June 15, 1977 Mr. Sulejman Becukir President Canadian Yuqoslav Day Committee 107 Atlas Avenue Toronto, Ontario M6C 3T2 Dea r7 Ђ. :-- . ,U C sincerely, 1 -- If--- Robert vtalch Minister Culture Recreation This has been a tremendous month for patriotic celebrations, hasn't it? This past Friday was our Domi-nion Day, or Canada Day as many like to call now. It was Canada's 110th birthday as an independent nation, and I am sure many of you took part in the varied celebrations that day. As members of the British Com-monwealth, we are also involved this month in the Silver Jubilee celebrations, honouring Queen ГЧ-zabe- th on the 25th anniversary of her reign. And there is another anniversa-ry. I understand, that is particularly meaningful to those of you who have come to our country from Yugoslavia. I refer to the85th birth-day of President Tito of your home-land Collectively, these special occa-sions and up to a great deal of celebration, and they give us cause lor a great deal of thought. We five in a great country, this Canada, and we have so much to be proud of. And the greatness of Canada comes from her people — some of them born here like myself, others who have come from other countri-es: Yugoslavia, Britain, and almost every other nation on earth. Perhaps this is what makes Canada Thank you for your letter and kind invitation take part the Canadian Yuqoslav Day celebrations on July 2nd. Unfortunately, previous plans for that July weekend will not make it possible for mo to ]oin you at Relqrade Farms in Wei 1 and port . You" have a very lnterestinq itinerary planned, and I would like to pass on my best wishes for a most successful and enioyable weekend of celebration. Yours of and it to in I I ' such a wonderful place in which to live. We share so many different cultures, all living in harmony to-gether. This is truly something to celebrate. Thank you once again for inviting me to be with you today. May your celebrations be and con-tinue to be as successful as al-ways. We of West Lincoln look for-ward to having you with us again many times in the future. i + JUN 2 0 1977 Mr . Ml ke Ml I jc.'ey i c S( ri r t a ry '.ir.iiliiin Yii'ios 1 iiv iJ.iy I'nnr. i I t el- - 107 At 1 ,i:. Avenue Toronto, Ontario '(.(' J'lV I'fiir Mr . Mi I leev i c : Thank you very ructi for yout kind invit.it ion to . attend the din.niian Yugoslav i,iy r 1 ebr .i I i oris on the J second and third ol .July ГЈ77. I : n f or t un.it r 1 y , Г will be i unable to attend. tiovel iu YYouuqrno.isyUvkniaowmtihd.itvisrietceedntlHyelqI r.wid.i!e, ,pinrdivibluebgreodvrutko. from Dubrovnik, my wife .mil I travelled by ear alonq tin-wes- t that, cmoy aswt,ifeto anKdotIoiw. illIt awlwaasys.in (mexermitbienrq. trip and one Once ajain, I uppr-- r i a t e м-reivm-tion. I q your invita- r'-qre- t that I cannot at 'end your re 1 ebi a I and I extend to you all the-- best wishe:. lot successiondusr-- 1 nq th.it time and in your future endeavours. Your;; .sincerely, GENERALNI KONZUL TORONTU. Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends; is my great honour and pleasu-re that I can in the name of the. Socialist Federal Republic o! Yu-goslavia, in Toronto, to give you my warmest and sincere greetings on this festive occasion, when you Canadians ol our descent, have gathered in such an impressive number in celebration of Yugoslav--Canadia- n Day, as well as of this year Jubilees. In this way, you contribute to the widening and deepening ol the already exisiting Canadian-Yug- o 'Osruu POZDRAV !38355И ИИИМЈИИ QlPiP jhrt}ОуСсл Donald S. Mac-don-a Id SFRJ U It slav friendship, enriching and stre-ngteni- ng the bonds between your old and your new homeland. With many thanks for your kind invitation lor my colleagues and family to spend the weekend toget-her in this very pleasant atmos-phere, on the farm of the Jones, the great supporters ol the deve-lopment ol Canadian-Yugosla- v fr-iendship, please allow me, once again, to greet you all and extend wishes for continuous success In your dally work and happiness In your life. Thank you. Pogled na farmu "Beograd" na dan proslave, koja je, kao sto se vidi, idealna za ovakve izlete. --mK - ' -- H i11 ;,WS!N Otac i kcerka: Humorista Ljuba Stepanovid sa svojom k6erkicom izvodi "Sotu", nacionalnu igru sa Kosova. Gost iz starog kraja Zvonko Spi§i6 u nastupu. Т Ћк -- .? 1 ' V " --Л ITB№VttMK; S.'KXBt'tcJH i: КЛМаГШШвКЧ. Honourable Prime Minister Pierre Eliott Trudeau Canadians of Yugoslav origin gathered here at Belgrade Farm, who have come from all corners of our new homeland Canada and the USA would like to send you warmest wishes and best regards on this Our 110th birthday — Canada Day and our Silvers Jubilee. At the same time we would like to remind you that by working together in our new homeland, we are thus creating a stronger bond, "a bridge of friendship" for us all, as well as between Canada and Yugoslavia. Sincerely yours, Canadian Yugoslav Day Committee Belgrade Farms Wellandport, Ontario Pocasni gosti proslave —- predstavnici iseljenickih matica, nasi diplomatski predstavnici, nacelnici Lincolna i Brantforda i najavljivaci programa na vise jezika. Snimci: Jordan Foto Studio Predsjednik Koordinacionog odbora Matica iseljenika Jugoslavije Ivica Kranzelic pozdravlja skup. Andelka Papac, iz Beograda, odusevila je prisutne izvodenjem sevdalinki. U desnom donjem uglu vide seclanice 'Makedonke" iz Toronta. Nas viSe od 10,000 iseljenika jugoslavenskog porijekla svih naroda i narodnosti okupljenih na naSem tradicionalnom skupu na farmi "Beograd" pokojnog majora Jonesa i proslav-Ijajud- i dan jugoslavensko-kanadsko- g prijateljstva, ирибије-m- o Vam tople pozdrave i najljepSe ielje, 6estitaju6i vam jubi-lej- e i ieleti da i dalje uspjeSno vodite narode i narodnosti naSe stare dom ovine. Trudit demo se i dalje da marljivo radedi u naSoj novoj domovini Kanadi i kao njeni lojalni gradani ostanemo vjerni stvaranju i produbljivanju prijateljstva i saradnje naiih obeju domovina. Kanadsko-jugoslavens- ki klubovi i udrulenja iz svih krajeva Kanade. ,,#-- --t
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Nase Novine, September 07, 1977 |
Language | sr; hr |
Subject | Yugoslavia -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Yugoslavia; Yugoslavian Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1977-07-13 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | nanod2000028 |
Title | 000443 |
OCR text | zzzs '"- - ""wiii t „ ...дажгкмеиилкг.мчда' Vf X , i. '.!'" .f". .- -''' w'' '..-'.- !'. 4 .,'. July 13, 1977 13 1977 H L Jtj[y Telegram "1 © "Ћ ©"I ГТ© оо Drea TIIkII § sill ргетиега jL V Dragi nas predsjednice Tito " --шл... „...ш-и- .. uIW..,ll,l',t.„tf 'Ill .1.1.11 '" ' ,, , - July 3, 1977 — Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen: It is a great privilege and a plea-sure for me to be with you here again today at Belgrade Farms for your annual July picnic and Yug-oslav- Canada celebrations. As Mayor of the Township of Mest Lincoln, I wish to bid you all a very sincere welcome on behalf of our Municipal Council and resi-dents as you gather in our Community. Ours is a small muni-cipality as you know, and we con-sider it quite an honour that out of the whole Province of Ontario, it is in our small township that so many hundreds of Yugoslav-Canadian- s come each year for your summer celebrations. And we who live in this area know of course, why West Lincoln nas become the site of these cele-brations We have become familiar with the story of Maior William Jones who did so much to assist the Yugoslav war effort 30 years ago. and who did so much to pro-mote peace and international har-mony in the years since. We are proud that Major Jones was a citizen of our community, and we join with you in honouring his memory. 'era' Mifustiy Ciil'nri ,ind Прг Million June 15, 1977 Mr. Sulejman Becukir President Canadian Yuqoslav Day Committee 107 Atlas Avenue Toronto, Ontario M6C 3T2 Dea r7 Ђ. :-- . ,U C sincerely, 1 -- If--- Robert vtalch Minister Culture Recreation This has been a tremendous month for patriotic celebrations, hasn't it? This past Friday was our Domi-nion Day, or Canada Day as many like to call now. It was Canada's 110th birthday as an independent nation, and I am sure many of you took part in the varied celebrations that day. As members of the British Com-monwealth, we are also involved this month in the Silver Jubilee celebrations, honouring Queen ГЧ-zabe- th on the 25th anniversary of her reign. And there is another anniversa-ry. I understand, that is particularly meaningful to those of you who have come to our country from Yugoslavia. I refer to the85th birth-day of President Tito of your home-land Collectively, these special occa-sions and up to a great deal of celebration, and they give us cause lor a great deal of thought. We five in a great country, this Canada, and we have so much to be proud of. And the greatness of Canada comes from her people — some of them born here like myself, others who have come from other countri-es: Yugoslavia, Britain, and almost every other nation on earth. Perhaps this is what makes Canada Thank you for your letter and kind invitation take part the Canadian Yuqoslav Day celebrations on July 2nd. Unfortunately, previous plans for that July weekend will not make it possible for mo to ]oin you at Relqrade Farms in Wei 1 and port . You" have a very lnterestinq itinerary planned, and I would like to pass on my best wishes for a most successful and enioyable weekend of celebration. Yours of and it to in I I ' such a wonderful place in which to live. We share so many different cultures, all living in harmony to-gether. This is truly something to celebrate. Thank you once again for inviting me to be with you today. May your celebrations be and con-tinue to be as successful as al-ways. We of West Lincoln look for-ward to having you with us again many times in the future. i + JUN 2 0 1977 Mr . Ml ke Ml I jc.'ey i c S( ri r t a ry '.ir.iiliiin Yii'ios 1 iiv iJ.iy I'nnr. i I t el- - 107 At 1 ,i:. Avenue Toronto, Ontario '(.(' J'lV I'fiir Mr . Mi I leev i c : Thank you very ructi for yout kind invit.it ion to . attend the din.niian Yugoslav i,iy r 1 ebr .i I i oris on the J second and third ol .July ГЈ77. I : n f or t un.it r 1 y , Г will be i unable to attend. tiovel iu YYouuqrno.isyUvkniaowmtihd.itvisrietceedntlHyelqI r.wid.i!e, ,pinrdivibluebgreodvrutko. from Dubrovnik, my wife .mil I travelled by ear alonq tin-wes- t that, cmoy aswt,ifeto anKdotIoiw. illIt awlwaasys.in (mexermitbienrq. trip and one Once ajain, I uppr-- r i a t e м-reivm-tion. I q your invita- r'-qre- t that I cannot at 'end your re 1 ebi a I and I extend to you all the-- best wishe:. lot successiondusr-- 1 nq th.it time and in your future endeavours. Your;; .sincerely, GENERALNI KONZUL TORONTU. Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends; is my great honour and pleasu-re that I can in the name of the. Socialist Federal Republic o! Yu-goslavia, in Toronto, to give you my warmest and sincere greetings on this festive occasion, when you Canadians ol our descent, have gathered in such an impressive number in celebration of Yugoslav--Canadia- n Day, as well as of this year Jubilees. In this way, you contribute to the widening and deepening ol the already exisiting Canadian-Yug- o 'Osruu POZDRAV !38355И ИИИМЈИИ QlPiP jhrt}ОуСсл Donald S. Mac-don-a Id SFRJ U It slav friendship, enriching and stre-ngteni- ng the bonds between your old and your new homeland. With many thanks for your kind invitation lor my colleagues and family to spend the weekend toget-her in this very pleasant atmos-phere, on the farm of the Jones, the great supporters ol the deve-lopment ol Canadian-Yugosla- v fr-iendship, please allow me, once again, to greet you all and extend wishes for continuous success In your dally work and happiness In your life. Thank you. Pogled na farmu "Beograd" na dan proslave, koja je, kao sto se vidi, idealna za ovakve izlete. --mK - ' -- H i11 ;,WS!N Otac i kcerka: Humorista Ljuba Stepanovid sa svojom k6erkicom izvodi "Sotu", nacionalnu igru sa Kosova. Gost iz starog kraja Zvonko Spi§i6 u nastupu. Т Ћк -- .? 1 ' V " --Л ITB№VttMK; S.'KXBt'tcJH i: КЛМаГШШвКЧ. Honourable Prime Minister Pierre Eliott Trudeau Canadians of Yugoslav origin gathered here at Belgrade Farm, who have come from all corners of our new homeland Canada and the USA would like to send you warmest wishes and best regards on this Our 110th birthday — Canada Day and our Silvers Jubilee. At the same time we would like to remind you that by working together in our new homeland, we are thus creating a stronger bond, "a bridge of friendship" for us all, as well as between Canada and Yugoslavia. Sincerely yours, Canadian Yugoslav Day Committee Belgrade Farms Wellandport, Ontario Pocasni gosti proslave —- predstavnici iseljenickih matica, nasi diplomatski predstavnici, nacelnici Lincolna i Brantforda i najavljivaci programa na vise jezika. Snimci: Jordan Foto Studio Predsjednik Koordinacionog odbora Matica iseljenika Jugoslavije Ivica Kranzelic pozdravlja skup. Andelka Papac, iz Beograda, odusevila je prisutne izvodenjem sevdalinki. U desnom donjem uglu vide seclanice 'Makedonke" iz Toronta. Nas viSe od 10,000 iseljenika jugoslavenskog porijekla svih naroda i narodnosti okupljenih na naSem tradicionalnom skupu na farmi "Beograd" pokojnog majora Jonesa i proslav-Ijajud- i dan jugoslavensko-kanadsko- g prijateljstva, ирибије-m- o Vam tople pozdrave i najljepSe ielje, 6estitaju6i vam jubi-lej- e i ieleti da i dalje uspjeSno vodite narode i narodnosti naSe stare dom ovine. Trudit demo se i dalje da marljivo radedi u naSoj novoj domovini Kanadi i kao njeni lojalni gradani ostanemo vjerni stvaranju i produbljivanju prijateljstva i saradnje naiih obeju domovina. Kanadsko-jugoslavens- ki klubovi i udrulenja iz svih krajeva Kanade. ,,#-- --t |
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