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M 5 a i 4 I-- ? ! hIf ? S 8 ?--' a I Ш i~ M.V£j,f 'чМНГЈги гИЈИШЈ.МШЈЛ April 28, 1978 t!iHrfTi . И VI m Ш'ТД ГЧГЧШ 1АЛЛГ%#%Г#! Ш f Wj 'Г " 4 UHII ll.l IUVV #1 94i 4 Ц ,1 :- -M mm .' нгв £.'. 1? гч вт. л--в - r) . V'V il вМ' "i'r News from Yugoslavia Tanjug вимшм————rilni 1111ииимшмшмммимТ1Ии1 i тШ1тшшвштаташквттттшшттшштшшшттжшамттаттшттткштшшш1 TESLA'S AWARD A Nikola Testa fund, named alter the great American scientist of Yugoslav origin, to hn InctHutarl In Vimnalaula'R' Cnn&tituent Republic of Serbia. I The fund will be to stimulate research, 1 - in vet ion, innovation and rationalization in the field which this ingenious scientist was џ active and popularize his work generally at the elementary and secondary school levels, 1I I I HI I III Zadar J,'u3w&$$ B is to in universisties and associated labour. S3 DEVELOPING VOJVODINA'S AGRICULTURE Close to two billion dinars of public funds will be invested in the private sector of agriculture in the Yugoslav Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, the Yugoslav wheat basket, to spur the broader participation of individual farmers agricultural production. Individual farmers Vojvodina have so far been also granted credits by over 100 Yugoslav agricultural organizations under an agreement on long-ter- m cooperation between the private and social sectors in agriculture. This has notably contributed' to the association of farmers and their voluntary cooperation with the social sector. m THEATRE OF NATIONALITIES . The theatre of nationalities in Skopje, Macedonia, intends to establish an inter-national theatre festival of national mino-rities which will, be held annualy in the city starting with next year. In Yugoslavia 27 different nations and nationalities now live, enjoying full equality among themselves and having all conditions for expressing their national identity — through the press, literature, radio, tele-vision) . films and theatre. J МШ ШШШ Mi MM IMS MM AMI MM) MM шшш 1MB MM Ш лМ &J& WjjAf '4,'9£raШtd&3Зa Ж УЛ Д .(ff'js.., '"' CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL LANDMARKS ALONG THE ADRIATIC Due to its turbulent history and position, the Adriatic coast today boasts of wide variety of landmarks and monuments. Here the ruins of Greek and ancient Romem fortresses, settlements, temples, forums, theatres etc. all give way each other. difficult find spot the Yugoslav Adriatic coast which does not bear the of thafancient period. Here one can come upon the walls which once girdled the army camps of Roman legions, basilicas like PoreC's Euphrasiana which adorned exceptionally beautiful mosaics, Vespasian's Arena Pula which considered be of the best preserved Roman arenas the world, Diocletian's Palace Split whose dimensions and conservation make the most important monument of Roman architecture the Adriatic coast well many other monuments dating from this period. +1&S&VX j& V3.1scwi in in .44 -- '" Spilt t Puta by one m HELPING UNDERDEVELOPED REGIONS Capital investments put in the course of years into Yugoslavia's underdeveloped areas have to great extent increased their material wealth, created many new jobs, bettered their industrial equipment and increased their production funds. In the nations underdeveloped areas (The Constituent' Republics of Bosnia-Herzegovi- na and Monte Negro and the Province of Kosovo) the average employment rate went up from 8% In 952 to 7% in 976, and the production funds from 19% 26 years ago to 25% in 1978. On the other hand, v their agriculturally active population went down from 64% in 1952 to 36% in 1976. Conditions have also been created for tapping their most in important natural resources so as to enable these underdeveloped areas to develop at steady pace and to ensure even progress for Yugoslavia as whole. SOLAR ENERGY The Nov! Sad center for the collection and utilization of solar energy, the most advan-ced such center in Yugoslavia, will build 240 flat solar collectors this year. The solar col-lectors to be tested will be set up in groups of six in 40 chosen location in the Yugoslav Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and in Yugoslav Constituent Republics of Serbia and Montenegro. The investigations will contribute to selecting the most suitable Yugoslav solar collector for Bosnia-Herzegovi- na and Cro-atia. The use of collectors will be investi-gated in heating water, room air and outdoor and indoor swimming pools, as well as in agriculture for drying fruit, vegetables and other purposes. MMMMMM ' - Ww . . 'лм'т &u-- i ~ЉШеоЉв1Ш% ,.ммшмшЛ£иШН!Шв ЈгЉтмЧШШУЖШћ ШтлШшж mSrxirYk--i7kM'- W шШжШ ШлћШ'!Ш%- - along stamp eastern Slbtnlk II J II II I IШ '- - ' " ' . -- ' Џг~ „l ; © y a to is to a the is in is to in in it on as as V Д It a 1 1 1 a a MM Л A From the period of the settling of the Slavs and the spreading of Christianity there are many monuments and religious sites, such as the churches in Nin, on the island of Krk, in Zadar and elsewhere which played an important role curing the creation of national Slav states. The true blossoming of religious and laic monument architecture dates from the Middle Ages and later whenunder the influence of the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque, the Adriatic region saw the creation of works which are the object of world admiration today. These are town-museu- ms with their churches, cathedrals, monasteries, portals, chapels, altars, palaces, squares, fountains and monuments which are greatly preserved in their authenticity, This can best be seen by the streets of Krk, Trogir, Dubrovnik Korfiula. During World War II, the Yugoslav Adriatic coast was the site of fierce fighting by the Yugoslav peoples against foreign occupiers, and many Important sculptures, museums, and other commemorative monuments date from this period. V Poto V Лн I I or ( Herceg-No- vl y. .& ", ""W.V" " , ,! MEDITERANSKA , BASTA Na prostranom Cemovskom polju, juino od Titograda, pofieli su radovi na ospoaob-Ijavanj- u рјеббапод zemljISta I prlobalnih moCvara Skadarskog jezera za Intenzivnu poljoprivrednu prolzvodnju. Zaorana je, uistlnu, do sada najdublja I najduza brazda u poljoprlvredi Crne Gore, 6lme je pofielo stvaranje budude vellke crnogorske medl-terans- ke baSte koja ce obuhvatitl oko 20 hiljada hektara demovskih ledlna I skadar-skojezersk- ih baruStina, zaraslih u trsku I korov. Citav ovaj prostor do dvijehiljadite godlne treba da se pripremi za proizvodnju veliklh kolifiina juinog voca, povr6a, groz-d- a, vina, mlljeka i cvijeda. Nesumnjlvo, u pitanju je obiman program za proizvodnju hrane za ktfjl su zainteresovane i Inostrane finansijske i ekonomske Institucije. Pro-jek- at 6e stoga bit) realizovan u fazama I po zonama. Crna Gora se, radi ostvarenja svojih dugorofinih planova u poljoprlvredi obra-til- a Medunarodnoj band za obnovu i razvoj u VaSlngtonu. Njeni ekspertl koji su neko-lik- o puta boravili u ovoj Republlci nijesu ostali nezalnteresovani prema klimatskim I hidroloSklm prillkama, mogu6nostima I druglm uslovima za poljoprivrednu proiz-vodnju na ovom prostoru. Sve njlhove ocjene upuclvale su da je "cemovski prog-ram" sasvlm realan. Stoga je Medunarodna banka odobrila kredit od 26 miliona dolara za aktiviranje Cemovskog polja. Osnovarfo je odgovarajuce preduzede koje ce opera-tivn- o rukovoditl realizacijom velikog pro-jek- ta ciji je nosllac Agrokombinat "13 juli" iz Titograda — najveda crnogorska poljo-privred- na organlzaclja. Prva faza ovog programa treba da se zavrSi narednih nekollko godlna, a planira-n- o je da se do tada podignu vinogradi na 1 .500, a vodnjaci na 500 hektara, da se izgradi vinarski podrum od 1.500 vagona i hl&dnjafie za voce i povrce, kapaciteta tri hiljade tona. Krediti za ovu etapu su obez-bijede- nl u Iznosu od milijardu i 50 miliona dinara. Ekspertl OECD I FAO vec rade studije o isuSlvanju prlobalne zone Skadarskog jeze-ra, koje bl posluzile kao osnova za izradu Idejnlh projekata za kultivisanje i ovog dijela zemljiSta. Ina6e, viSegodiSnja istra-zivan- ja su potvrdila da na ovbm podrudju odlicno uspijevaju razne mediteransk kulture. Na ogfednlm parcelama na najsla-blje- m zemljiStu Cemovskog polja dobijem su visokl prinosi grozda, bresaka, viSanja i dcugog vo6a i to izvanrednog kvaliteta. Kada novl vrt Crne Gore bude potpuno ureden, sa Cemovskog polja zeljezniCki vagoni nece odvozlti samo glinicu i "bijeli metal" ovdaSnjeg Komblnata alumlnijuma, nego ce odavde na jugoslovenske i svjet-sk- e pljace krenutl vo6e, povrde, groide, meso, cvljede i drugi poljoprivredni prolz-vod- l. Crna Gora 6e tada manje nabavljati hranu. Naprotiv, moze postati njen izvoz-ni- k. Gospi6: osnivase istrazivadki centar "Nikola Tesla" Prlje dvlje godine, kada je u Gospicu i Smiljanu pod pokrovlteljstvom Predsjed-nik- a Republike odriana velidanstvena pro-sla- va 120-godi§nji- ce rodenja Nikole Tesle, U6ani su preuzeli obavezu da djelo tog velikog Jugoslavenskog i svjetskog ucenja-k- a dostojno i trajno obiljeze. y Stoga Je nedavno Zajednlca opdina Gospld Imenovala poseban odbor sa zadat-ko-m da vodi akciju na trajnom obiljeiava-nj- u djela Nikole Tesle, a na nedavno odrza-no- m sastanku predstavnika tog odbora, I odgojno-obrazovni- h Instltuclja Like, bllo je rijeCi o izgradnji centra za naufinolstrazi-va6k- i rad u Gospi5u. O zadaclma istrailvadkog centra "Niko-la Tesla" govorio je akademlk prof, dr Tomo Bosanac, kojl je rekao, izmedu ostalog, da ce se u torn centru odvijati istrailvaikl rad iz svih podru6Ja nauke. Jedan od zadataka centra bit ce i . izu6avan)e ostavStine Nikole Tesle, koja sadril gotovo 100.000 razliCltlh dokumena-t- a i sa 6ijlm be se sadrzajem upoznati Sira javnost. Mladi ucenjaci koji 6e raditl u centru I mat 6e poseban zadatak da ostvare i oslguraju 6vrstu vezu istraznog centra s privredom, prije svega опот na llfikom podrudju. пл u j & tffai ржу дЈЈчт j м ллп n
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Nase Novine, June 07, 1978 |
Language | sr; hr |
Subject | Yugoslavia -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Yugoslavia; Yugoslavian Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1978-04-19 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | nanod2000065 |
Title | 000306 |
OCR text | M 5 a i 4 I-- ? ! hIf ? S 8 ?--' a I Ш i~ M.V£j,f 'чМНГЈги гИЈИШЈ.МШЈЛ April 28, 1978 t!iHrfTi . И VI m Ш'ТД ГЧГЧШ 1АЛЛГ%#%Г#! Ш f Wj 'Г " 4 UHII ll.l IUVV #1 94i 4 Ц ,1 :- -M mm .' нгв £.'. 1? гч вт. л--в - r) . V'V il вМ' "i'r News from Yugoslavia Tanjug вимшм————rilni 1111ииимшмшмммимТ1Ии1 i тШ1тшшвштаташквттттшшттшштшшшттжшамттаттшттткштшшш1 TESLA'S AWARD A Nikola Testa fund, named alter the great American scientist of Yugoslav origin, to hn InctHutarl In Vimnalaula'R' Cnn&tituent Republic of Serbia. I The fund will be to stimulate research, 1 - in vet ion, innovation and rationalization in the field which this ingenious scientist was џ active and popularize his work generally at the elementary and secondary school levels, 1I I I HI I III Zadar J,'u3w&$$ B is to in universisties and associated labour. S3 DEVELOPING VOJVODINA'S AGRICULTURE Close to two billion dinars of public funds will be invested in the private sector of agriculture in the Yugoslav Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, the Yugoslav wheat basket, to spur the broader participation of individual farmers agricultural production. Individual farmers Vojvodina have so far been also granted credits by over 100 Yugoslav agricultural organizations under an agreement on long-ter- m cooperation between the private and social sectors in agriculture. This has notably contributed' to the association of farmers and their voluntary cooperation with the social sector. m THEATRE OF NATIONALITIES . The theatre of nationalities in Skopje, Macedonia, intends to establish an inter-national theatre festival of national mino-rities which will, be held annualy in the city starting with next year. In Yugoslavia 27 different nations and nationalities now live, enjoying full equality among themselves and having all conditions for expressing their national identity — through the press, literature, radio, tele-vision) . films and theatre. J МШ ШШШ Mi MM IMS MM AMI MM) MM шшш 1MB MM Ш лМ &J& WjjAf '4,'9£raШtd&3Зa Ж УЛ Д .(ff'js.., '"' CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL LANDMARKS ALONG THE ADRIATIC Due to its turbulent history and position, the Adriatic coast today boasts of wide variety of landmarks and monuments. Here the ruins of Greek and ancient Romem fortresses, settlements, temples, forums, theatres etc. all give way each other. difficult find spot the Yugoslav Adriatic coast which does not bear the of thafancient period. Here one can come upon the walls which once girdled the army camps of Roman legions, basilicas like PoreC's Euphrasiana which adorned exceptionally beautiful mosaics, Vespasian's Arena Pula which considered be of the best preserved Roman arenas the world, Diocletian's Palace Split whose dimensions and conservation make the most important monument of Roman architecture the Adriatic coast well many other monuments dating from this period. +1&S&VX j& V3.1scwi in in .44 -- '" Spilt t Puta by one m HELPING UNDERDEVELOPED REGIONS Capital investments put in the course of years into Yugoslavia's underdeveloped areas have to great extent increased their material wealth, created many new jobs, bettered their industrial equipment and increased their production funds. In the nations underdeveloped areas (The Constituent' Republics of Bosnia-Herzegovi- na and Monte Negro and the Province of Kosovo) the average employment rate went up from 8% In 952 to 7% in 976, and the production funds from 19% 26 years ago to 25% in 1978. On the other hand, v their agriculturally active population went down from 64% in 1952 to 36% in 1976. Conditions have also been created for tapping their most in important natural resources so as to enable these underdeveloped areas to develop at steady pace and to ensure even progress for Yugoslavia as whole. SOLAR ENERGY The Nov! Sad center for the collection and utilization of solar energy, the most advan-ced such center in Yugoslavia, will build 240 flat solar collectors this year. The solar col-lectors to be tested will be set up in groups of six in 40 chosen location in the Yugoslav Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and in Yugoslav Constituent Republics of Serbia and Montenegro. The investigations will contribute to selecting the most suitable Yugoslav solar collector for Bosnia-Herzegovi- na and Cro-atia. The use of collectors will be investi-gated in heating water, room air and outdoor and indoor swimming pools, as well as in agriculture for drying fruit, vegetables and other purposes. MMMMMM ' - Ww . . 'лм'т &u-- i ~ЉШеоЉв1Ш% ,.ммшмшЛ£иШН!Шв ЈгЉтмЧШШУЖШћ ШтлШшж mSrxirYk--i7kM'- W шШжШ ШлћШ'!Ш%- - along stamp eastern Slbtnlk II J II II I IШ '- - ' " ' . -- ' Џг~ „l ; © y a to is to a the is in is to in in it on as as V Д It a 1 1 1 a a MM Л A From the period of the settling of the Slavs and the spreading of Christianity there are many monuments and religious sites, such as the churches in Nin, on the island of Krk, in Zadar and elsewhere which played an important role curing the creation of national Slav states. The true blossoming of religious and laic monument architecture dates from the Middle Ages and later whenunder the influence of the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque, the Adriatic region saw the creation of works which are the object of world admiration today. These are town-museu- ms with their churches, cathedrals, monasteries, portals, chapels, altars, palaces, squares, fountains and monuments which are greatly preserved in their authenticity, This can best be seen by the streets of Krk, Trogir, Dubrovnik Korfiula. During World War II, the Yugoslav Adriatic coast was the site of fierce fighting by the Yugoslav peoples against foreign occupiers, and many Important sculptures, museums, and other commemorative monuments date from this period. V Poto V Лн I I or ( Herceg-No- vl y. .& ", ""W.V" " , ,! MEDITERANSKA , BASTA Na prostranom Cemovskom polju, juino od Titograda, pofieli su radovi na ospoaob-Ijavanj- u рјеббапод zemljISta I prlobalnih moCvara Skadarskog jezera za Intenzivnu poljoprivrednu prolzvodnju. Zaorana je, uistlnu, do sada najdublja I najduza brazda u poljoprlvredi Crne Gore, 6lme je pofielo stvaranje budude vellke crnogorske medl-terans- ke baSte koja ce obuhvatitl oko 20 hiljada hektara demovskih ledlna I skadar-skojezersk- ih baruStina, zaraslih u trsku I korov. Citav ovaj prostor do dvijehiljadite godlne treba da se pripremi za proizvodnju veliklh kolifiina juinog voca, povr6a, groz-d- a, vina, mlljeka i cvijeda. Nesumnjlvo, u pitanju je obiman program za proizvodnju hrane za ktfjl su zainteresovane i Inostrane finansijske i ekonomske Institucije. Pro-jek- at 6e stoga bit) realizovan u fazama I po zonama. Crna Gora se, radi ostvarenja svojih dugorofinih planova u poljoprlvredi obra-til- a Medunarodnoj band za obnovu i razvoj u VaSlngtonu. Njeni ekspertl koji su neko-lik- o puta boravili u ovoj Republlci nijesu ostali nezalnteresovani prema klimatskim I hidroloSklm prillkama, mogu6nostima I druglm uslovima za poljoprivrednu proiz-vodnju na ovom prostoru. Sve njlhove ocjene upuclvale su da je "cemovski prog-ram" sasvlm realan. Stoga je Medunarodna banka odobrila kredit od 26 miliona dolara za aktiviranje Cemovskog polja. Osnovarfo je odgovarajuce preduzede koje ce opera-tivn- o rukovoditl realizacijom velikog pro-jek- ta ciji je nosllac Agrokombinat "13 juli" iz Titograda — najveda crnogorska poljo-privred- na organlzaclja. Prva faza ovog programa treba da se zavrSi narednih nekollko godlna, a planira-n- o je da se do tada podignu vinogradi na 1 .500, a vodnjaci na 500 hektara, da se izgradi vinarski podrum od 1.500 vagona i hl&dnjafie za voce i povrce, kapaciteta tri hiljade tona. Krediti za ovu etapu su obez-bijede- nl u Iznosu od milijardu i 50 miliona dinara. Ekspertl OECD I FAO vec rade studije o isuSlvanju prlobalne zone Skadarskog jeze-ra, koje bl posluzile kao osnova za izradu Idejnlh projekata za kultivisanje i ovog dijela zemljiSta. Ina6e, viSegodiSnja istra-zivan- ja su potvrdila da na ovbm podrudju odlicno uspijevaju razne mediteransk kulture. Na ogfednlm parcelama na najsla-blje- m zemljiStu Cemovskog polja dobijem su visokl prinosi grozda, bresaka, viSanja i dcugog vo6a i to izvanrednog kvaliteta. Kada novl vrt Crne Gore bude potpuno ureden, sa Cemovskog polja zeljezniCki vagoni nece odvozlti samo glinicu i "bijeli metal" ovdaSnjeg Komblnata alumlnijuma, nego ce odavde na jugoslovenske i svjet-sk- e pljace krenutl vo6e, povrde, groide, meso, cvljede i drugi poljoprivredni prolz-vod- l. Crna Gora 6e tada manje nabavljati hranu. Naprotiv, moze postati njen izvoz-ni- k. Gospi6: osnivase istrazivadki centar "Nikola Tesla" Prlje dvlje godine, kada je u Gospicu i Smiljanu pod pokrovlteljstvom Predsjed-nik- a Republike odriana velidanstvena pro-sla- va 120-godi§nji- ce rodenja Nikole Tesle, U6ani su preuzeli obavezu da djelo tog velikog Jugoslavenskog i svjetskog ucenja-k- a dostojno i trajno obiljeze. y Stoga Je nedavno Zajednlca opdina Gospld Imenovala poseban odbor sa zadat-ko-m da vodi akciju na trajnom obiljeiava-nj- u djela Nikole Tesle, a na nedavno odrza-no- m sastanku predstavnika tog odbora, I odgojno-obrazovni- h Instltuclja Like, bllo je rijeCi o izgradnji centra za naufinolstrazi-va6k- i rad u Gospi5u. O zadaclma istrailvadkog centra "Niko-la Tesla" govorio je akademlk prof, dr Tomo Bosanac, kojl je rekao, izmedu ostalog, da ce se u torn centru odvijati istrailvaikl rad iz svih podru6Ja nauke. Jedan od zadataka centra bit ce i . izu6avan)e ostavStine Nikole Tesle, koja sadril gotovo 100.000 razliCltlh dokumena-t- a i sa 6ijlm be se sadrzajem upoznati Sira javnost. Mladi ucenjaci koji 6e raditl u centru I mat 6e poseban zadatak da ostvare i oslguraju 6vrstu vezu istraznog centra s privredom, prije svega опот na llfikom podrudju. пл u j & tffai ржу дЈЈчт j м ллп n |
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