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BTri ,. v i.i ij.y'v.tiLT'WwlAtf-- n Г '.УЖМШЈЈК Ш№;Л tW %i жжшшшм № ?иМЦХ{ЛХМГР£МХМ7ГАК.№ЗГ11ЈУ£1 ..?AV7;i~uA7Vrt,wr'JT"iTrT:ii t ,V'f 1Г.?ЧГОТН!'ЖЈ, ЛЛЕ fc' ','?'.# f;lf?: -- 1 v#:f жгае!ет By Bogdan Milanovid Republic Day is celebrated every year in Yugoslavia on 29th November in memory of the day in 1943 when, despite the war raging on all sides, the foundations were laid for a new state, a federal community with extensive self-managem- ent democra-cy. Delegates assembled on 29th November 1943 from all over country in Jajce, a small Bosnian mountain town situated in a part of occupied Yugoslavia from which the liberation army and henchmen. These delegates, in the of members of the Anti-fasci- st Council of National Libe-ration of Yugoslavia, the highest organ in the libe-ration movement, procla-imed the foundation of a new revolutionary state. At that time, in the middle of supply lines. Their rear lines were made up of these very committees which did their utmost In those harrowing conditions to aid their army both on liberated and occu-pied territory. Of especial Importance was the fact that the new state was based on the libe-ration army itself, which was of an extremely democratic nature. An army of 300,000 well-arme- d soldiers was cre-ated from the former parti-san units which had led the battle against the occupiers 4iad expelled the Nazi troops from the very beginning. their capacity the Josip Broz Tito, the pre sent. of the Socialist Repub-lic of Yugoslavia, was at the head of this army and the whole of the liberation mo-vement. 35 years have passed sin-ce then. The whole of this period has been marked by the constant efforts to rea- - GDJE ODR2ANO still occupied Europe, a se me rasic revomuonary come from ,he rgnt of ше quarter of Yugoslav territory principle in the life of new worklng people and сц2вП8 had already been liberated. Yugoslavia to the greatest t0 decIde on ац pub„c affalrs poTwheer neown sttahtee fdoeumndoecdratIitcs ppioeswsibhilceh ehxatdenbte, enthbeuipltrlnicnlt-o- acnoduntthrye dwirneoctely in„ theoirf btna-0- authorlty of a large number the foundations from the 8lc units of work and mana-- of national-liberatio- n com-- very uegmnmg m wri gement and through tnelr mittees wmcn tne people "" "eo шшииишд had founded from the very right to speak In his own b'eglHning of the battle aga-- - name and decide on his own Inst the occupiers In the destiny. After a number of villages and the towns. The-- revolutionary undertakings se committees orew throuah in the post-w- ar period, such PRVO ZASJEDANJE the extenslveV democratic comprises two and half the communal, district, area as agrarian reform, the na- - people.that is one In every and provincial committees nonaiisaiion oi me econo- - four In the electoral Into a whole system of new my, workers control of the delegate functions alone, auihority of an exceptional factories and the introduc- - practiCally speaking, howe-- self-managem- ent nature. Via tlon of self-managem- ent in уег tne whoe o( tne adut these committees the people all social activities and in the population is linked in vari- - th'emselves both directly and Pudc services, a new Cons-- ous wayswlth the delegate through their delegates had tltutlon was passed four mechanism, their say in all matters years ago which put the Thanks fo th,8 path ,n the concerned with the armed whole of the state order and construction of socialism, struggle and everypday life, political on self- - Yugoslavia has grown from The Yugoslav liberation ar-- management basis. To be the formerly backward coun- - my did not have rear line more precise, all authority try into medium-develope- d stores, factories and normal and functions in society industrial country with progressive working class in GUSOVITO UEKOVITO BIUE -- CAJ iZBUGARSKE Urine-regulati- ng Tea No. 107 — Ova) CaJ pomaie regulirati токгаби, smanjuje iritaclju. Llpov cvijet No. 114 — Ublaiuje'prehladu, kaSatj, sljatiku, reumatiCke i bubreine bo love. Camomile Flower Tea No. 113— Caj od cvijeda ubla2uje bolove ielucu, zlibobolju. Chest-easin- g Tea No: 111 — Ublafava kaSalj, olak-§av- a disanje., Soothing Tea No. 112 — Ovaj бај krijepi i umiruje '2lvce. Kutija svakog od ovih cajova stoji $2.00. Narudzbe iz U.S.A. $2.25 kutija. Kod poruCivanja navedite ime ill broi 6aia Koji irebalo ' imamo i druge vrste 6ajeva PiSite po cijenlk. . Narudibo i novae' Samite na ' ifo . BALKAN .IMPORTS 212 Spadina RoadToronlo, Ontario M5R 2V1 Tel. 921-858- 7 "л дг mratiu - r jf- - j va v - r sr j s . л- - s ж ssssw .... r . j BIHAC, JE AVNQJ-- a - и elected delegates. Thisjs foundation for an de-cision making system which today some million adults, . system kamomill-no- g u — a a a a which three fifths of the employees have at least secondary vocational educa-tion. Yugoslavia today has modern industrial capacities which satisfy two thirds of ZRNA ZNANJA Ako odgoJIS svojom rukom sina doke malt, nadl 6eS ga ponovo had bude vellki.' Blaga ruka I slona mole da vodl. Drvo se hranl pomodu svojlh korenova, a Sovek uz ротоб dru&t-v- a. "Zlatno doba bllo Je ono u kome nle vladalo zlato. Uvek moles' nadi nesrednijeg ,od samog sebe. Da smo bez Ikakvlh mana, ne blsmo tollko uilvallSto Ih prlmedu-lem- o kod druglh. On'aJ ko teSko dale obedanje, verni-- e ga odriava. ' , ,' - " We pruiaj ruku tako daleko da Je ne moieS povudl,- - . {.tfA's! ' Ш"Ш'Ш№%Г&ДХ%Ж4ШГ iii. .. .4 i.. 04rmBrttmaBHWmmfjXiiCtH3lfft1itS1i f iWiwhuwp iMwnwi%.'WMimiffgw чн - NOVEMBER 29; "1978 шт%№шшшш ; 1' i is rs , ' .' ' "' - ," it 4 ' , - "f, ', Sve radove na kao: I motora; popravak ispravljanje karoserije i kod zemljaka Torontu. Javite za cene ih sa jednu od nasih samo Huberta na tel 4,Wrf:'illl'i IOIV: " ?.:,; -- ' i i wvtj л , !. KHtBa i j ' ; v domestic in and most goods. second household in Yugoslavia has a television and every third a car. The whole of the population comes under the health and pension and is 8 year's education. At the present, Yugoslavia ressembles a large site, for the construction is underway of almost 30,000 industrial and ojher projects. A federal community, Yu-goslavia is made up of six republics and provinces, which assure the complete sovereignty, and equality of the Yugoslav nations and nationalities. By the same token the princip-les of of the peoples and their coope-ration on equal terms is basis of system. Where foreign is con-cerned, Yugoslavia is com-mitted fully to the movement of non-alignme- nt and tireles-sly supports the right of all peoples of the world to be the of their own fate and to develop in peace, and POVODOM DANA REPUBLIKE Uz tvoj rodendan — Posve6eno redakciji "NN" — Slavi§ svoj uspon u radostl covjeka; kao da si zrak sunca §to se §iri. Kao da si cvijet, Sto u miri — tako si nam draga, bliska i daleka! - ,t mr I tako kapljeS sre6om u sva mora; zvijezde te ljube, te iste sa neba. Kad srce dijells: svakom sta treba, daj komad sebe i nama sa izvora. Rasuto sjeme oduvijeH smo tvoje. Da li nas trazIS kac I mi tebe u paklu rudnika I gdje se zebe — svuda gdje nam se misli roje! У I danas uz tvoj divan rodendan, -- zovemo te da bude§ sa nama; ti njivo piodna suzama izrovana, ti dan nas svaki — bogomdan! Daniel Pixiades vasem automobilu — promenu ulja podmazivanje; — popravak — i imacete najbolje najjeftinije vasih u nam se i uporedite drugimaPogledajte samo usluga: Potrazite ili 2eljka requirements capital goods con-sumer Every has scheme assured pri-mary building two independence self-determinat- ion the the internal policy masters freedom independence. svijetu J WRIGHT ;'l lv- - ли BLOORST.W ш WESTMINISTER AVE. FERMANAAVE AVE cP1 WABASH AVE I DUNOAS promena ulja i filtera i podmazivanje automobila za Porez ukljucen 4 ф (Vecina automobila) 536-942- 7 Body Shop and Garage 269SORAUREN AVENUE AAAAAAIAAmVUarUVVVVAnAtfAiAAfUVVnAAnAAAAAAAf,y Пл
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Nase Novine, February 01, 1978 |
Language | sr; hr |
Subject | Yugoslavia -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Yugoslavia; Yugoslavian Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1978-11-29 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | nanod2000091 |
Title | 000821 |
OCR text | BTri ,. v i.i ij.y'v.tiLT'WwlAtf-- n Г '.УЖМШЈЈК Ш№;Л tW %i жжшшшм № ?иМЦХ{ЛХМГР£МХМ7ГАК.№ЗГ11ЈУ£1 ..?AV7;i~uA7Vrt,wr'JT"iTrT:ii t ,V'f 1Г.?ЧГОТН!'ЖЈ, ЛЛЕ fc' ','?'.# f;lf?: -- 1 v#:f жгае!ет By Bogdan Milanovid Republic Day is celebrated every year in Yugoslavia on 29th November in memory of the day in 1943 when, despite the war raging on all sides, the foundations were laid for a new state, a federal community with extensive self-managem- ent democra-cy. Delegates assembled on 29th November 1943 from all over country in Jajce, a small Bosnian mountain town situated in a part of occupied Yugoslavia from which the liberation army and henchmen. These delegates, in the of members of the Anti-fasci- st Council of National Libe-ration of Yugoslavia, the highest organ in the libe-ration movement, procla-imed the foundation of a new revolutionary state. At that time, in the middle of supply lines. Their rear lines were made up of these very committees which did their utmost In those harrowing conditions to aid their army both on liberated and occu-pied territory. Of especial Importance was the fact that the new state was based on the libe-ration army itself, which was of an extremely democratic nature. An army of 300,000 well-arme- d soldiers was cre-ated from the former parti-san units which had led the battle against the occupiers 4iad expelled the Nazi troops from the very beginning. their capacity the Josip Broz Tito, the pre sent. of the Socialist Repub-lic of Yugoslavia, was at the head of this army and the whole of the liberation mo-vement. 35 years have passed sin-ce then. The whole of this period has been marked by the constant efforts to rea- - GDJE ODR2ANO still occupied Europe, a se me rasic revomuonary come from ,he rgnt of ше quarter of Yugoslav territory principle in the life of new worklng people and сц2вП8 had already been liberated. Yugoslavia to the greatest t0 decIde on ац pub„c affalrs poTwheer neown sttahtee fdoeumndoecdratIitcs ppioeswsibhilceh ehxatdenbte, enthbeuipltrlnicnlt-o- acnoduntthrye dwirneoctely in„ theoirf btna-0- authorlty of a large number the foundations from the 8lc units of work and mana-- of national-liberatio- n com-- very uegmnmg m wri gement and through tnelr mittees wmcn tne people "" "eo шшииишд had founded from the very right to speak In his own b'eglHning of the battle aga-- - name and decide on his own Inst the occupiers In the destiny. After a number of villages and the towns. The-- revolutionary undertakings se committees orew throuah in the post-w- ar period, such PRVO ZASJEDANJE the extenslveV democratic comprises two and half the communal, district, area as agrarian reform, the na- - people.that is one In every and provincial committees nonaiisaiion oi me econo- - four In the electoral Into a whole system of new my, workers control of the delegate functions alone, auihority of an exceptional factories and the introduc- - practiCally speaking, howe-- self-managem- ent nature. Via tlon of self-managem- ent in уег tne whoe o( tne adut these committees the people all social activities and in the population is linked in vari- - th'emselves both directly and Pudc services, a new Cons-- ous wayswlth the delegate through their delegates had tltutlon was passed four mechanism, their say in all matters years ago which put the Thanks fo th,8 path ,n the concerned with the armed whole of the state order and construction of socialism, struggle and everypday life, political on self- - Yugoslavia has grown from The Yugoslav liberation ar-- management basis. To be the formerly backward coun- - my did not have rear line more precise, all authority try into medium-develope- d stores, factories and normal and functions in society industrial country with progressive working class in GUSOVITO UEKOVITO BIUE -- CAJ iZBUGARSKE Urine-regulati- ng Tea No. 107 — Ova) CaJ pomaie regulirati токгаби, smanjuje iritaclju. Llpov cvijet No. 114 — Ublaiuje'prehladu, kaSatj, sljatiku, reumatiCke i bubreine bo love. Camomile Flower Tea No. 113— Caj od cvijeda ubla2uje bolove ielucu, zlibobolju. Chest-easin- g Tea No: 111 — Ublafava kaSalj, olak-§av- a disanje., Soothing Tea No. 112 — Ovaj бај krijepi i umiruje '2lvce. Kutija svakog od ovih cajova stoji $2.00. Narudzbe iz U.S.A. $2.25 kutija. Kod poruCivanja navedite ime ill broi 6aia Koji irebalo ' imamo i druge vrste 6ajeva PiSite po cijenlk. . Narudibo i novae' Samite na ' ifo . BALKAN .IMPORTS 212 Spadina RoadToronlo, Ontario M5R 2V1 Tel. 921-858- 7 "л дг mratiu - r jf- - j va v - r sr j s . л- - s ж ssssw .... r . j BIHAC, JE AVNQJ-- a - и elected delegates. Thisjs foundation for an de-cision making system which today some million adults, . system kamomill-no- g u — a a a a which three fifths of the employees have at least secondary vocational educa-tion. Yugoslavia today has modern industrial capacities which satisfy two thirds of ZRNA ZNANJA Ako odgoJIS svojom rukom sina doke malt, nadl 6eS ga ponovo had bude vellki.' Blaga ruka I slona mole da vodl. Drvo se hranl pomodu svojlh korenova, a Sovek uz ротоб dru&t-v- a. "Zlatno doba bllo Je ono u kome nle vladalo zlato. Uvek moles' nadi nesrednijeg ,od samog sebe. Da smo bez Ikakvlh mana, ne blsmo tollko uilvallSto Ih prlmedu-lem- o kod druglh. On'aJ ko teSko dale obedanje, verni-- e ga odriava. ' , ,' - " We pruiaj ruku tako daleko da Je ne moieS povudl,- - . {.tfA's! ' Ш"Ш'Ш№%Г&ДХ%Ж4ШГ iii. .. .4 i.. 04rmBrttmaBHWmmfjXiiCtH3lfft1itS1i f iWiwhuwp iMwnwi%.'WMimiffgw чн - NOVEMBER 29; "1978 шт%№шшшш ; 1' i is rs , ' .' ' "' - ," it 4 ' , - "f, ', Sve radove na kao: I motora; popravak ispravljanje karoserije i kod zemljaka Torontu. Javite za cene ih sa jednu od nasih samo Huberta na tel 4,Wrf:'illl'i IOIV: " ?.:,; -- ' i i wvtj л , !. KHtBa i j ' ; v domestic in and most goods. second household in Yugoslavia has a television and every third a car. The whole of the population comes under the health and pension and is 8 year's education. At the present, Yugoslavia ressembles a large site, for the construction is underway of almost 30,000 industrial and ojher projects. A federal community, Yu-goslavia is made up of six republics and provinces, which assure the complete sovereignty, and equality of the Yugoslav nations and nationalities. By the same token the princip-les of of the peoples and their coope-ration on equal terms is basis of system. Where foreign is con-cerned, Yugoslavia is com-mitted fully to the movement of non-alignme- nt and tireles-sly supports the right of all peoples of the world to be the of their own fate and to develop in peace, and POVODOM DANA REPUBLIKE Uz tvoj rodendan — Posve6eno redakciji "NN" — Slavi§ svoj uspon u radostl covjeka; kao da si zrak sunca §to se §iri. Kao da si cvijet, Sto u miri — tako si nam draga, bliska i daleka! - ,t mr I tako kapljeS sre6om u sva mora; zvijezde te ljube, te iste sa neba. Kad srce dijells: svakom sta treba, daj komad sebe i nama sa izvora. Rasuto sjeme oduvijeH smo tvoje. Da li nas trazIS kac I mi tebe u paklu rudnika I gdje se zebe — svuda gdje nam se misli roje! У I danas uz tvoj divan rodendan, -- zovemo te da bude§ sa nama; ti njivo piodna suzama izrovana, ti dan nas svaki — bogomdan! Daniel Pixiades vasem automobilu — promenu ulja podmazivanje; — popravak — i imacete najbolje najjeftinije vasih u nam se i uporedite drugimaPogledajte samo usluga: Potrazite ili 2eljka requirements capital goods con-sumer Every has scheme assured pri-mary building two independence self-determinat- ion the the internal policy masters freedom independence. svijetu J WRIGHT ;'l lv- - ли BLOORST.W ш WESTMINISTER AVE. FERMANAAVE AVE cP1 WABASH AVE I DUNOAS promena ulja i filtera i podmazivanje automobila za Porez ukljucen 4 ф (Vecina automobila) 536-942- 7 Body Shop and Garage 269SORAUREN AVENUE AAAAAAIAAmVUarUVVVVAnAtfAiAAfUVVnAAnAAAAAAAf,y Пл |
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