1927-09-14-06 |
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I-.-- ^ i i Sivn 6 KeskiTiikkona, gyysk. 14 prnä—Wed^ Sept 14 e i A M A N T ^ ^ J S T AL Myös: ÖBERGIN F I I L O JA Puolikuu lajia. S A H A R A A M E J A " T h e Orsabow" S A H A N H A M P A A N ASETUSPIHTEJÄ Meidän kuulaiEa No. 111 R U O T S IN R A U T A T A V A R A A kaikenlaisia erikoisuuksia Parhainta lajia Ruotsin Sahoja saa "Ä/B STRIDSBERG & BIORCK" TrollMtten Ruotsia •närin S* vanliin «aluiin vaImi«ta«Uike W£B.SAHOJA — CROSSCUTTI SAHOJA — YHDEN MIEHEN SAHOJA. — ARVOKKAINTA LAJIA. — PARHAIDEN VALMISTETTUJA ERIKOISEN OHUT SELKÄ. KAIKEN PITUISIA J A MALLISIA. Voittamattomat eaiui(lalai*illa markkinoilla. Alkää ottako mitään maata tekoa. 20 St. Nicbolas Street Montreal. P. Q HOW WAR SENTIMENT IS NOURISHED TO-DAY No, 106-,1Q»y 3l3JorrGeneral von Frankenberg |in the " D a z " of June 18, 1927, ;\vntes: " N o State agam in the ; i o l d - F r a n k i s h manner start war by ja telegraphic announcement. To-i d a y much time is required in order jto bring the armament machinerj-jinto motion, to create the_ neces-i s a r y 'mental atmosphere' and to Iget ready the enormous and com- ' p l i c a t ed machinery of war. This jtime people w i l l not stumble i n , but glide i n imperceptibly." 1 • . - i VIERKOETTER TOUst have a hell of a streak of German in hinx. His name is H e rr Von Papenflus. .A. nother section of the crowd- Vierkoetter has just passed on h is second lap- He is a mile ahead of the second swimmer. A male en-suires who is leading. I am still f u l l of enthusiam f o r that beautiful stroke. The arms are s t i l l rising and entering the vrater without a splash. The body rolls a l i t t l e and then surges ahead. I declare that Kommunistinen Manifesti, k i r j . K a r l Marx. s i d . K r i s t i n u s k o n Alkuperä, tutkielma k i r j . K a r l Kautsky" E i d " " " j * * * * Klondyken Kuningas, Beikkailuromaani A l a s k a s t a , k i r j . Jack Locd ~ Kipinälennattimen toiminta, k u v i t e t t u opas, k i r j . Krigar j a S u b ^ Kirjanpito-opas, tehnyt Juhana Toiviainen, n i d . .L.*."" -50 K i r j a n p i t o , kauppaopistoja varten, l a r j . L Kovero . . . . Z * K e i t t o k i r j a , k i r j . Mina Wall. sid. 1."...'. Kolme Muskettisoturia, jännitysromaani, k i r j . Alexänder"'Du7i";';" 3 osaa, nid . uiads, . .. -00 k i r j . Kaarlo Halme, s i d . Kyläraittien kuningas, satakuntalainen kertomus, rentoa VakväV-V;'' KOMMUNISTINEN NUORISOLIinO JA JÄRJESTdNUORET he wili never be overtaken. The j K e n teistä on synnitön, i d r j . H . Courtä^Mahier, n i d . " " ^ - ^^ other, with that cheery optimism j K r u u n u n Perämies, k i r j . L a r i n Kyösti,-nid. -75 f o r which we. Islanders are f amous, S Ketunpyyntiopas, Idrj. Edvard Koponen, n i d. grat. s out. " I hope the bastard} Jj^"^^^^^ kirj. idro«-ns." And then the f i r s t touch ; K a l t a i n e n paula, k i r j . James Ö. Curwood,"n^^ ^-'S ... , , , jof fellow feeling. The tvro of us j ^5 The mihtary banos are b a s h r n g T conversation with ano-' ^ u n Ruusu Puhkea, romaani, k i r j . L . M . A l c o t t , sid out martial music. Flags of a l i n a - i f " ^ ^ ^ ^conversauon witn ano > ^^i^^^^^^^ Rakkautta,- k i r j . Jack London, n i d „... tions are flying c-vervwhere. That)*^^^ bystander He shares our opm- -^^^,3 Ambrosine, miellyttävä rakkausromani, k i r j . £linör"Givn:p;d- I n iiymfe . 1—^ ^jjg German and deplores is of a l i nations that count: Can-jr ions j KuunlaaKso, romani, 2 osaa, k i r j . J a c k London, sid - ' ••*0 lada. B r i t a i n and one two of the j j^tetrupts. "Who i s i n the colonies. There are ""^^'«rmed Tnen ; ,„ ^ ^^^j ..^^^ :all arnanti \ esterdav War- ^ ^ , ^ „ •> s German was taken out, she de- Y.C.L. Call for Confe-rences Againit War Danger . Wjth every vreek the v.ar danger grow=i. Fresh evidcacc is presented to us tvery day.y^The collapBc of t h i . ' Xaval Tri-Partite Disarmament Cor.ftTonce in Geneva is the lutcst e:cp'oj;-on. The Youn;r Worla'r has repeat-cdly called the attontion of its Teiidc'n> to the dariger. The Young | Ccrnxnanist League here appeals to r.ll ' progressive youth organizations to take immediate stcp.s in organiz-i n ^ an effective oppo.sition move-ment amohg the youth in Canada. Confercnces of young workerH and other progressivc youth organizations, should be held at the ear- Ijest date. Political diffarehces must be placcd aside at this time^ E v e r y effort miist be made to se- ^ cure a united front for the struggle agamst war. The • conferences caif do much to r a l l y the youth in an effective movement against war. General Von Frankenberg is i-e-portcd as w r i t i n g : **This time peo-rle will not stumble i n , but glide Face Towards Mass Activity l a l i around us. Yesterday was War-riors Day, and the medals have not Ithe lack of appreciation. A l i t t l e ' Kuolleiden laivojen saari, salaperäinen romani, k i r j . C.MaiT^^^^ L.eonora, meno romanj, k i r j . A r n o l d Bennett, , n i a ' ' ' L a u l u Tulipunaisesta Kukasta. ( K u v a t t u ) , k i r j . J . Linnankoski.'sid" 2^^^ y e t . b e e n returned to their hiding|jc^l^ar^e^s , repeating the ^^ru-^m ^or^ ^o^f ^a n places. This i s the Toronto, no, the j^^^^^ vierkoetter is still leading, Canadian National Exhibition. It is noon. We are at the start-jing point of the marathon swim. One of the swimmers is just round-i n g !he brealovater, starting on his recond lap. The cro\v excitedly con-sults programs. But v.e are too in imperceptibly." , Hc refers to o v/Cl* dcclaration. Poople v/ill **g:lide" into Tvar. And we are gliding with a fatal velocity. Wc can loBe little time. Young worker8, progressive youth, makc your voice heard. Organize your forces. Launch; the confe-vrences. ' .•' Feng^s Son Disowns His Couiiter-Reyolution-ary Faflier Moscow, August. 20.-—The "Pravda" publishes a letter from Feng Hong Kuoy the son of Feng Y u Haiang, to his father. Feng Hong Kuo States that he vvas not s u r - p r i s c d at his father*8 going over into the caimp of counter-rcvolution, f o r hia father's opportunism, and his ambitiöua and obstinate charac-ter* are vrell known to him. Feng Kuo continues: "Nov/ you have laid the mask cside, f o r y c u have elected to take fiides, not with the v o r k i n g class and the poasantry, but \vith Chiang K a i Sbek, the exxecutioner of the v.'orker3 and peäsants, and to join h im openly in the formation of a bloc. You have, published an i m - Delogate* to the Fourth National Convention, Y.C.L. The Fourth National Convention marks a new' perio() in the develop-ment of the Canadian Y.C.L. Tne tone of the Convention was tlistinct in its attempt (greatly suc-cessfiil) to dafine a general political and econömic programme for the League, based on the prevalent conditions in the country. General policies were laid down for ali de-partments of activity. The direc-tion \va3 more to\vards broad mass activity. W i t h the League celebrating five years of growth and development, t h e , Convention inspures the mehi-bers of the Y . C . L . with the sense that the League is a t t a i n i n g impor-tant character in its work. Face toward3 mass activity, still further extension of activities and perspective!—The " Y o u n g ' W o r k e r " . pudent asclaration to the effect' i h a t the mercharits, tradesmen and ^i^^^r" T h i s ' häppeiied''onl7'a *feNV Coal and Blood in the Grow's Nest Fass What yalue do the coal barons place ön the l i f e of a young miner? It wouId be correct to answer, very l i t t l e , . o r n o n e at ali. What does the böss care about the life and safety of the slaves who make him r i c h ? He carea not the ieast bit. Äll he cares, moans and gloats over is his next harvest of gore-soaked dollars. Many a young mIner has been k i l l e d or crippled for life, ali on accöunt of dangeroua working places, or cheaply installed machiner y . It would be Weil to mention a few instancea where miners, both young and old, met with violent deaths. Ih this locality (The Crow's Nest Pass) over 200 miners' lives were snuffed out in one single explosion a few years ago, a l i due to the companics' negligcnce. A similar expiosron happened in the McGilHvray Mind," just six Jmiles distant from the previous explosion. Teri miners lost their lives Meidän nuoriso-osastomme on melkein nukkunut tämän kesän. Heinikuussa tosin oli pari kokousta sekä ohjelmailtama, vaan hiissäkin oli väkeä vähänlaisesti. Viime kokouksessa o)li kovin vähän osanottajia saapuvilla. Syynä lienee tähän meidän velttouteemme owi:era of industriäl undertakings, ^0^4^^ ago. '"wM^^ <^ttä luonto vetää nuoret mu-on the t e r r i t o r y of the Wuhan gov- ^ j , ^ ^^^^ ^^.^^^ ^^.^^.^ ^j^^ ^5^^ the jJ^aansa, j o t t a oi joudeta kokouksiin, cnmunc, are bemg suppressed by .^.^^^ ^^^.^^^^.^ .^^.^^^^ on the r e m a i n - ^ ^ I " " a nyt syksyn tullen uudella Iho ^ve••..ers andpeasants. Tlus is | ^^^^ ^.^^^^ resuming work, as idle- — saihe ano therefore shall alway8 re^ main that way. ) , T h e Communist P a r t y and the Young Communist League point out to the working class that the workers shall not be down:-trodden forever, and facts 6how that the time is rapidly ap-proaching when our oppressors must answer for hörrifying mis-deeds that they have w o u g h t upo-i the wo.rkinig people. In mass organization lie; our freedom. The memb4fs of the Young Communist League and Communist P a r t y have pledged themselves that they shall strive to attain that ond which will inevitably result i n freedom, a right to live, and happmess to the whole of the working vlass. — Y o u n g Coal Mijicr. NOLALU, ONT. nonscnso. The hour has not yet come for the Chinese \vorkers and • nc-ss \vould haniper their steady in- i tarmolla toimintaan. Päätimme pitää nuoriso-osaston „ , „ como ot profits. Such is the cal- :yl»«ääräiscn kokouksen, jossa päa-peasants to "supprcss the capita-. ^ ^ , . , ^ ^ , 3 ^^al operators. Idämme nuoriso-osaston "piknekin" ...f, vhc tr::demeu and the,land-; unaccustomed lo seeing .^^^"amisesta. Tehdään huviretki cv/n.n. But hr.d this been the |^^^ after-effects of an explosion ! Jonnekin, _ koetetaan saada vähän pointing out the arms rising and falling in the distance. "Oh, isn't that nice," she exclainis, and my opions of flappers as compared with male "sportsmen" gocs up a notch. .40 L a u l u tulipunaisesta kukasta, k i r j . Johannes Linnankoski, s i d . ' il» L e n i n j a Leninismi, kuuluu s a r j a k i r j a s t o o n , , k i r j . I ; Stalin, sici ,? Lumiltenttien tytär, seikkailurom. A iaskasta,_ k i r_j . Jack London,"^id" T , - Lasten L a u l u k i r j a , k i r j . H i l j a Liinamaa-Pärssinen, sid. Nuottipainos Luonnontieteiden voittokulku, Tietoaarre, k i r j . Launhardt, sid. "cf Luokkien sota, k i r j . Jack London, nid "f" Lisoletten avioliitto, yJevä rakkausromani, k i r j . H . Courthis-M-ihier nidottuna ....7." ' Lyhyt terveysoppi naisille, k i r j . t : r i F r . Hovitz Liselötten Naiminen, k i r j . H . Ccurts-Mahler, n id Lynne Courtin salaisuus, k i r j . J . S. Fletcher, n i d . ,40 .35 .25 At night v.'e go to the theatre. Mitä Olen Sinulle Tehnyt, kirj. H . Courts-Mahler, nid. ............... The news is flashed on the screen Minkä Jumala on Yhdistänyt, kirj. H . Courts-Mahler, nid. tsorbed. It is the style of the j ^^^^.^ ^^^.^ ^^.^^ ^een v.on by Yier- JJ^''::^-^^^^^^ '^^Z sw-immer Avhich excitcs us and drives everj-thinfr else from our minds.' It is beautiful. Ciean, strong and rythmic, . sui.igi.-.g the body through the water. Ar.d why is t h e cro\vd silent? \Vhy no cheering? ,\Vo look at the pro-gram and see that it is Vierkoet-ter, the German entiant. And i n - .stancly the stories and traditiona about British sportsmanship comes to my mind. We are sports con- Ecious, not race conscious. At least Eo we have heard. And now that the matter is pue to the practical test—:the bubble bursts. I have had too long an äcquaintance with sports not to know that "sportsmans h i p " means little if the enemy is winning. But at least I thought that the immense crowd would have shaken pff the u l t r a - B r i t i s h atmosphere of the exhibition to have ac-cläimed as frne a swimmer as I have seen for a long time. The German is already a mile on his way when the next swimmer rounds the bend. One o r two others follow. Then rumors begm to f l y . The German is out.' " I s that offi-c i a l ? " someone asks. "Sure i t i s ." A soldier standing by my side turns to his companian, looks hmi square j f l the eye, and v/ithout saying a Word, they shake hands. Why? Weil the hated German, who out-swam Geoiige Young, is out of the lace. I g e t ' a little kick out of t u r n - i n g to my companian and remark-ing, with undue emphasis, that the South African, who is just passing koetter. We wait for the applause due from a nation of sportsmen. Silencc. Two of lead off Mina etsin vaimoa, romani, kirj. Alfredo Panzini, nid. | ' Metzm Tyttö, kertomaromani, kirj. Maurize Barres, nid. .......... Marsin prinsessa, kirj. E . R. Burroughs, nid. ; Maaiinian Taloudellinen Työväenliike,icirj. K i LosovKicy, .50 .60 .50 .50 .40 .75 .65 .75 5 ,50 oatweights the thaughts of the war Mansaaren Tyttö, romani, k i r j . H a l l Cainc, n i d . i.ol y(,^j-K Maapallon kehityshistoria, tietoaarre, k i r j . Victor Mad.-e.n, ma. 55 JVIaailmanliike, tietoaarre, k i r j . Albrecht Wirth, sid. '5Q Kexl day the press enqulres of | J J ^ ^ ^ l " ^ ^ " ^-X^^^^^f.- ^i^^^a^'^,^^^ '.50 o 4. r Maa j a Ihminen, tietoaarre, k i r j . A l f r e d Ki r c h h o f f , Sid en Beau Geste Foster, mayor of our! Maanviljelys Kemia j a F y s i i k k a , k i r j . A r t h u r Rindell, sid. ... nl famous city, w i l l there be a munici- Maänviljelysoppi, k i r j . Sunihen, sid. '. i;25 pai dinner to the Winner of the Merikotka, kertomus. Saksan kaapparilaivastosta sotaaikana, kirj! F e l i x von Luckner, sid , 125 Murrosajan L a u l u j a , r u n o k i r j a , k i r j . A k u Päiviö, sid. ' 1,25 Minua_ sanotaan Puusepäksi, yhteiskunnallinen romani, k i r j . Upton S i n c l a i r , nid. .99 Meren Urhoja, k i r j . R. K i p l i n g , sid ,75 Myladyn poika, k i r j . Alexander Dumas, 3 osaa, sid. 2.75 Naamioimiskoulu, hyvä näyttämöille, k i r j . J u u r i o j a , nid „ .75 Nuoren Naisen Terveys, lääketieteellinen k i r j a , k i r j . Kristina Skjerve, n i d . 1.00 Nainen j a A v i o l i i t t o , hyvä terveysopillinen k i r j a , kirj. Margaret „ Stephens, sid. 1.50 Napoleon III vallankaappaus, k i r j . K a r l Marx, nid .70 Nuoren Opettajattaren V a r a v e n t t i i l i , erikoisen miellyttävä, k i r j . Hilda marathon? They recalled the fuss made over George Young. The mayor makes his magnificient ges-ture. "There w i l l be no dinner. We shall probably send the Winner a telegram." And the newspapers, try to disovm their own child, the hatred of ali things German and which are not B r i t i s h . They t r y to convey to the world that we are still a race of sportsmen. \The desirie to see the best man w i n is alleged-ly uppermost in thei hearts of a l i true Britishers. But the capitalist press, the capitalist controlled schools, the capitalist controlled churches,' the. capitalist controlled exhibitions, these are ali Instruments which shape the minds of nations. And how do^es the mind express itself. The one camp, that of the lower strata, says obiediently, "I hope the bastard drowns." The upper strata, i n the person of W i l liam Wrigley, Junior, says condes-cendingly as he hands Vierkoetter $30,000.00, "Here, by gum," Wm. Moriärty. Valtonen, nid 1.00 Naisvoimistelu 1, ku-j. E H i Björksten, nid. ; i.oo Naisvoimistelu 11, k i r j . E l l i Björksten, n i d . 1.85 P a r i i s i n salaisuudet, 2 suurta osaa, k i r j . Eugene Sue, sid 3.25 Pelastusrengas, rakkausromani, k i r j . Leo L e i p z i g e r , nid 40 P r i m i t i i v i n e n eli perusvoimistelu, k i r j . Kaarina K a r i , .sid I.OO Pakkopaita, kuolemattomuutta tutkiva vankilaromaani, kirj. Jack > Perheen, Yksityisomaisuuden j a V a l t i o n Alkuperä, k i r j . F. Engels, sid. LABERGE LUMBER COMPANY Täydellinen varasto rakennustarpeita Ruokaa ja Kahvia C A N A D I A N C A FE 210 Minto St., Sudbury, Ont. Lähellä C. P . R. asemaa T i l a a yövieraille. - - Phone 2269 Box 1862 JOHN LEHTELÄ 1.00 .25 .50 6.00 .30 .2i5 .50 1.50 1.25 1.85 .40 1.2S .50 paikki nan nuoret ivuoriso-osastolaisten piknekkiin. Paikallisessa ilmoituksessa näette tarkemmin koska tämä piknekki tulee olemaan. Raportteri. BRITISH IMPERIALIST CUNNING cvG to me only a counter-revolu-t i c n a r y , like Chang Tso L i n , Chiang K a i Shek, and the others. From v.-ho was my father." . . ' . , . ., , i nime just after such an occurrence. tue intoro.<;ts c i the n i a j o n t j ' 01 t h e ; , , . . ^1. 1 u - u c-rr nx'o-njn*;i ,,uo jr,i: tcxectJ.ri. ossnn. ,n' tA.st,o sasna.u d,p r p*eto vo. ro t1l ou^vt,te ihrotne^h i,. rs vo^t. wo rI- r k, te^rhr,e se - !sri u\.m. vp.ge e m.tp om ,• gsa e em,n ois,uto htnuesra ^s^ta e nda, -un cdT-•o ancthdhiieltrdis.or ne,n,b rowsuoagmintet- ccg" n;.2 e t h e m.t e, r e s t.s ojf . t,h e r e v o - ,i. bem,g haule^d out. a, piece , at a time,; l.u. t. i on onl, y, an,d , not the relIatXion-s 1 heads, arms a, na. le>g s of - son.s 1 anjd ,b ea, ve.e n fa, th. er , and,, son. IT , ,i- mjd my-sisf a.tat. mhcerds caarrse alnoadd scedn t. uopu tsiidne tbolo obde-tsieolnf fowrictehd -mtoy bcroeuankt ^e or-frf evaollyiu ctXoion- nnaercy- 1 srece•iv e. dj \b. y the•ir efa miMliti^e-s . L (T/VhT ey- U f-a t•h,e•r . i,T^o m t^o -dja y onward,s you 1 arA.e n do ,f wnh.o. il.m e orseo mues ep tooo rt hme obthoessr .) •is w a i t i n g i n hope that her son might be more fortunate than the others t^o -d,c y omvard.s IT fji,.g ht agam. st^ you. and co.m e .o ut a,l i-v eV, h.e is jn eurhia pvs cT,e ksess e t, oa ret nl1 aes 4t .c woourd^jisn- twehuir-c ,hu - ^r.IT e avjd o-iilibs pluoaw^ttt.n ei roteod,n aatoovrmersy , ^th hies bxvre.a rmv acnoad, l, bltchoad,t . . , . . . • is later on sold to the peoi^e. outlmed for the creation of a new Blood galore, yes, gallons of it, [British Dominion i n .A.frica. Various spilt mercilessly, and a l i in order | territories are to be amalgamated tthat the bosses might be able to into one, and i t is proposed to estab-l i v e i n great mansions and dine like lish a certaih form of self-govem-kings, while wörkers who t o i l are ment. The d i f f i c u l t y lies in the Siistiä huoneita Ja kunnoUista 1^'"^^ allowed the slightest percentage large coloured population. The won-rnokna saatavana- the f r u i t s of their labour, and der lies i n the g a l l these plunderers 116 E L M ST. SUDBURY, ONT. ^'^^ forced to lead a miserable ex- have i n amalgamating other people's istence. [and, alIowing them a measure of —-Phone 711- r - Some people äre inclined to think ! elf-govemment, and capping it a l i • XiCOnard ElrickSOI* tt^t conditions always were the _by patting themselves on the baefc. VAPAUDEN KIRJAKAUPPA Vapauden kirjakaupasta on saatavana seuraavat kirjat: .Assmannin Pojat, k i r j . H . Courts-Mahler, nid .50 Amerikalaisen Työväenliikkeen vararikko, k i r j . Wm. Z. Foster, nid. .SS Apmam kuningas, kirj. E . R. Burroughs, nid .75 Aapinen, lasten opettelukirja, sid. .55 Alaskan Tyttö, romani, kirj. Jack London, nid. .25 Aurinko, Kuu -ja' Tähdet Maailmankaikkeuden tarina, kirj. J. A . . .. .,^'^^'^"6 • — : 1.25 Attila, iiistoriallmen romaani, kirj. Dahn, sid. .80 Aavoilla Ulapoilla, miellyttävä romaani, kirj. Jack London, ni^^^^^^^ I.OO Amerikan Suomalaisia, satiirikertomuksia, kirj. K. Rissanen .60 Autoknrja, kii j ; Yrjö Weilin, sid 2.OO .Vlanteen Sanakirja, suomalais-engrantilainen, sid . $5.50 JBaktoerit. Tietoaarre. kirj. Osc. Streng, sid ..'*.'."."."" .sv Babbitt, kirj. Sinclair Lewis, nid I SO Cvnthia, kirj. Courts-Mahler, nid. '.40 Children of the Revolution, kirj. Anna Louise Strong, nid iso Englanninkielen Oppikirja, kirj. K. Brekke, sid 1.50 i Elsinoren Kapina, k i r j . Jack London '' • » Punaiheii Vaara, kertomus nykyisestä Venäjän maasta, nid. ... Penikkatauti, k i r j . Nikolai Lenin, nid. • P i e n i Tietosanakirja, sid Perustuslain Olemus, k i r j . O. Saari Pieni Mehiläiskirja, k i r j . Mikko Hkka Puhetaidon Opas, k i r j . A r t h u r M . L e w i s , .sid. Pakolainen, k i r j . L a u r i Luoto, sid L.. Polttomoottorit, ku-j. Väinö V . A i r a s , sid. Peloponnesolais Sota, kinj. Tykydides. Suom. E m i l Härdh, nid. Rannerengas, k i r j . David Potter, n id ' Rakentaja Solnes, k i r j . Henrik Ibsen Rakkaudesta Osaton, k i r j . H . Courts-Mahler, n i d r... 7,000 H a l k i A f r i k a n Aavikoiden, k i r j . Otto Zeltins-Goldfels, sid. 1.25 Salaperäinen asiapaperi, k i r j . Christian Haugen, n i d . .40 Saksan Kumoustaistelu 1848, k i r j . K a r l Marx, sid. 75 S i l k k i l a i v a , romani, k i r j . Elenius, nid. 75 Sosialistisen Filosofian Juuret, k i r j . F r i e t r i c h Engels, nid. ............ .40 Sairas L a ^ i , lasten terveysfioitokirja, kir.7. Ruotsalainen, sid 1.25 Sotamuistelmani, k i r j . kenraali Ludendorff, sid. 2.50 Suomen K i e l i o p p i , k i r j . E . N . Setälä, sid. .75 Sata kuusikymmentä ohjetta lasten taudeissa, kirj. T : r i Jules Conilj>y^ n i d . 1.00 Sukupuolielämän Terveysoppi, k i r j . Max von Gruber, nid. .: 75 Suloisen järjettömyyden kaupunki, erittäin hieno rakkausromani, k i r j . E . Temple Thurston, sid. 1-50 Silmukorveij^ N u o r i Epra. k i r j . Kaarle Halme, sid 1-25 Seurustelun taito, k i r j . Bagheera. nid 75 Sireenien A l l a , romani, k i r j . L . M . A l c o t t , sid 1-25 Signe Björseth, kertomus, k i r j . Juho Koskimaa, n i d . l-O» bibyllan Salaisuudet, korttikonsteja, k i r j . Sven Linde, sid -75 Salaperäinen Ruumisarkku, k i r j . Stein Riverton, n i d . - -25 beikkailijatar, ^kirj. E. Phillips Oppenheim, nid. -25 Tuhatvuotinen V a l t a k u n t a , - k i r j . Upton Sinclair, nid. ••• -6= Tarzanin paluu, k i r j . E . R. Burroughs, nid • Tarzanin pedot, k i r j . E. R; Bun-oughs, nid. = Tarzanin poika, k i r j . E. R. Burroughs, nid. -^^ Tarzan j a Oparin aarteet, k i r j . E . R. Burroughs, n i d . -75 Talttumaton Tarzan, k i r j . E. R. Burroughs, n i d . - -^^ Tarzan j a valkoinen nainen, k i r j . E . R . Burroughs, nid -75 Thuvia, Marsin neito, k i r j . E. R. Burroughs, n i d . °' Tietosan.-^kirja, täydellinen 11 osaa, vaatekansissa • 80.90 la Louise Strong, nid .50 Tulenliekki, seikkailu ja ralvkausromani, kirj. L. J. Vance. nid. . . . -'i" Brekke, sid. 1.50 j Työväen Ol.vnipialaiset, toim. V. Koivula, ym-, sid. •• 1-2^ '.sid 1.25 iTerve\-teen itsesuggestionin avulla, Idrj, Harry Brooks, nid ^-^^ Erämaa kutsuu, kirj.' Jack London, sid. !75 E l o l l i s t en olentojen lisääntyminen, k i r j . F. K o l p l n Ravn. sid........*.... iso Englantilais-Suomalainen Sanakirja hyvä opettelukirja, k i r j . Y. Halonen .„ 2.6.'^ bnglantia aloitteleville, k i r j . Enckell-Saarinen, sid. .....1.75 Englandilais-Suomalainen Sanakirja, toimit. T. Wallenius, sid. •........ 2.50 1.50 1.30 .40 .75 I.CO 1.00 No ruling class has ever been 50 darihg, so cunning, so unscrupulous, SO experienced in r u l i n g , it seems, as our present British r u l i n g class. E v e r y day brings examples of their extreme daring, and of their subtle vrisdom. Lately a scheme has been [Historiallisia rakkauskirjeitä, koonnut Jalmari Finne, sid 1.25 Huilunsoittajan katu, rakkausromani, k i r j . H . de Vere Stacpoole, sid! .75 H a l i k o n Hakoniskat, raurrekertomuksia, kirj. Kallio, sid. .../.........,„ 1.40 Humoristinen l a u l u k i r j a , se viimeinen painos' .45 i Hypatia, k i r j . Charles Kingsle.v, nid. ITS IFlanderin Leijona, hist. romani muinais Belkiasta, k i r j . H . ' C o i i -" j science, nid. 75 Ikuinen Salaisuus, k i r j . Jack London, nid. .40 Ihmissydän, k i r j . Guy de Maupassan, sid. i.25 Ikuisen päivän maa, k i r j . E. R._Burrcughs, nid leS Imperialismi, agitaattorikursseilla pidetty esitelmä, nid ! ! lS Ihmisön Herra, tarina synnistä, k i r j . H a l l Caine, 2 osaa, nid. ......."*." 1.75 . , —„ Ilmojen halki, kertomus lennosta pohjoisnavalle, k i r j . .\mnndsen, nid. 1.50 y^lkosen Leijonan Metsästäjät, k i r j . L a u r i Luoto, sid. ... Ihmissyöjäin Saarilla, k i r j . .Tack London, sid. 1.00 .y!^l^°s5"_Leijonan Metsästäjät, k i r j . L a u r i Luoto, J i i d - Juustoparooni, k i r j . Kalle Rissanen, nid. ..l... .40 Jumalten j a Ihmisten Suosikit, suomalaisten tyttöjen seikksilnjä' New Yorkissa, k i r j . Elsa Soini. nid. I.OO Jenkkejä Maailmalla, humorikertomuksia, k i r j . Mark Twain, nid. " ] ! 1^25 Yksin maailmalla. Tuhat sanaa Englandia, mainio oppikirja, nid........ .—• Tuhlaajapoika, romani, k i r j . Hall Caine, sid. - T.vöväen Laulukirja, 9 painos, sid. Tarttuvista sukupuolitaudeista, k i r j . T : r i Pirilä, nid. Telinevoimistelu I. Jcuvitettu, k i r j . Väinö Laherma —• Telinevoimistelu I I , k u v i t e t t u , k i r j . Väinö Laherma ;, Tiede j a Vallankumous, mainio teos, k i r j . Ernest Untermann, md. .eo Työn Historia, k i r j . Tjumenew, sid. - U r k k i j a , krrj. Upton S i n c l a i r , ' n i d . -J! Uutisasukkaat Kanadassa, k i r j . kapteeni Marryat, sid Valtio j a Vallankumous, k i r j . N. L e n i n , suom., nid. -^^ Voimistelun teoria, k i r j . V i k t o r H e i k e l , nid. Valaveljet, romani Islannin asuttamisen ajoilta, k i r j . G. Gunnar- V i e r a s t a j a omaa kieltä viertysten, engl.-kielen oppikirja Järiestelmäni Miehille, hyvä voimistelukirja. k i r j . .T. M n e l l e r 1.25 Jack London. elämänkprtamnJstelma. k i r j . Helmi Krohn, nid "75 Kauhea Tarzan, k i r j . E . R. Burroughs, nid .* .75 Kaleerivanki No., 117/3 suurta osaa, k i r j . P. D u T e r r a i l , sid. 3.75 ^vaupunki-Kansiakoulun l.iskuooni j a tuloskirja, sid lioo Kananhoitokirja, k i r j . Mikko Ilkka, sid i]2S K a i r o s t a N i i l i n latvoille, matkailijakertomus. k i r j . Pekkala, nfd. .90 Kadotuksen Kansaa, kuvaus London Itäpäästä, k i r j . Jack London, sid. I.OO Kemia, k i r j . Hanna Seikktt, s?d. '75 Kuningatar Hanhenjalan Ravintola, k i r j . .Anatole Franze, s i d . .."..2. 1;25 K o d i n Lääkärik-irja. etevästi toimitettu, sid ..-..„........,.".'.'i." 6.00 Kansakoulun k a r t t a k i r j a , toim. Jotuni, sid „ I.QQ Vaimo jonkas minulle annoit, romani elämästä, k i r j . H a l l Caine, n:a. i . ' ^ Vaaliheimolaiset, v a l i t u t teokset, k i r j . J . W. v o n Goethe, nid.... — 00 1.50 1.00 Väkevä B i l l y , k i r j . E . R. Buiroughs, s i d . -iv • ••••:;-r 175 Vanhat Postivannut, kertomuksia kirjailijaelämästä, k j . Y . H u r . , . " i ^ - Venäjänkielen Sanasto, Jcirj. A . Rantalainen, s i d . L""c='« Y k s i n maailmalla, kaunis romani, k i r i . Mabell Barnes Graundy. s...- _ Ylös Helvetistä, romani. Yleisen Terveysopin A l i Y l e i n e n johdatus luonnontieteisiin, tietoaarre, k i r j . _ ^ Yllät,vs Tunturiradalla, Salanolisiromaani, k i r j . Stein Riverton, r.. - Yön Kuningatar, k i r j . Headon H i U , n i d . . .-- —•—•: " 75 Yhdistysopas naisvoimistelijoilla, M r j . K a a r i n a K a r i , nid. :'^.'rpÄVA.\'S Ylläolevan lisäksi v o i YÄpauden konttorista tilata . " V ; (,0. F O U N T A I N KYNIÄ, joiden hinnat ovat S2.75, S4-00. Uusia k i r j o j a tulee jatkuvasti Suomesta samoinkuin ^^l^^-"^:'^^^^ r u k s i a . Seuratkaa ilmotuksia Vapaudesta. Tehkää tilaukset ^ - " -^ Vapauden Kirjakauppa, Box 69, Sudbury, Ont
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Vapaus, September 14, 1927 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finnish--Canadians--Newspapers |
Publisher | Vapaus Publishing Co |
Date | 1927-09-14 |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | Vapaus270914 |
Title | 1927-09-14-06 |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
OCR text | I-.-- ^ i i Sivn 6 KeskiTiikkona, gyysk. 14 prnä—Wed^ Sept 14 e i A M A N T ^ ^ J S T AL Myös: ÖBERGIN F I I L O JA Puolikuu lajia. S A H A R A A M E J A " T h e Orsabow" S A H A N H A M P A A N ASETUSPIHTEJÄ Meidän kuulaiEa No. 111 R U O T S IN R A U T A T A V A R A A kaikenlaisia erikoisuuksia Parhainta lajia Ruotsin Sahoja saa "Ä/B STRIDSBERG & BIORCK" TrollMtten Ruotsia •närin S* vanliin «aluiin vaImi«ta«Uike W£B.SAHOJA — CROSSCUTTI SAHOJA — YHDEN MIEHEN SAHOJA. — ARVOKKAINTA LAJIA. — PARHAIDEN VALMISTETTUJA ERIKOISEN OHUT SELKÄ. KAIKEN PITUISIA J A MALLISIA. Voittamattomat eaiui(lalai*illa markkinoilla. Alkää ottako mitään maata tekoa. 20 St. Nicbolas Street Montreal. P. Q HOW WAR SENTIMENT IS NOURISHED TO-DAY No, 106-,1Q»y 3l3JorrGeneral von Frankenberg |in the " D a z " of June 18, 1927, ;\vntes: " N o State agam in the ; i o l d - F r a n k i s h manner start war by ja telegraphic announcement. To-i d a y much time is required in order jto bring the armament machinerj-jinto motion, to create the_ neces-i s a r y 'mental atmosphere' and to Iget ready the enormous and com- ' p l i c a t ed machinery of war. This jtime people w i l l not stumble i n , but glide i n imperceptibly." 1 • . - i VIERKOETTER TOUst have a hell of a streak of German in hinx. His name is H e rr Von Papenflus. .A. nother section of the crowd- Vierkoetter has just passed on h is second lap- He is a mile ahead of the second swimmer. A male en-suires who is leading. I am still f u l l of enthusiam f o r that beautiful stroke. The arms are s t i l l rising and entering the vrater without a splash. The body rolls a l i t t l e and then surges ahead. I declare that Kommunistinen Manifesti, k i r j . K a r l Marx. s i d . K r i s t i n u s k o n Alkuperä, tutkielma k i r j . K a r l Kautsky" E i d " " " j * * * * Klondyken Kuningas, Beikkailuromaani A l a s k a s t a , k i r j . Jack Locd ~ Kipinälennattimen toiminta, k u v i t e t t u opas, k i r j . Krigar j a S u b ^ Kirjanpito-opas, tehnyt Juhana Toiviainen, n i d . .L.*."" -50 K i r j a n p i t o , kauppaopistoja varten, l a r j . L Kovero . . . . Z * K e i t t o k i r j a , k i r j . Mina Wall. sid. 1."...'. Kolme Muskettisoturia, jännitysromaani, k i r j . Alexänder"'Du7i";';" 3 osaa, nid . uiads, . .. -00 k i r j . Kaarlo Halme, s i d . Kyläraittien kuningas, satakuntalainen kertomus, rentoa VakväV-V;'' KOMMUNISTINEN NUORISOLIinO JA JÄRJESTdNUORET he wili never be overtaken. The j K e n teistä on synnitön, i d r j . H . Courtä^Mahier, n i d . " " ^ - ^^ other, with that cheery optimism j K r u u n u n Perämies, k i r j . L a r i n Kyösti,-nid. -75 f o r which we. Islanders are f amous, S Ketunpyyntiopas, Idrj. Edvard Koponen, n i d. grat. s out. " I hope the bastard} Jj^"^^^^^ kirj. idro«-ns." And then the f i r s t touch ; K a l t a i n e n paula, k i r j . James Ö. Curwood,"n^^ ^-'S ... , , , jof fellow feeling. The tvro of us j ^5 The mihtary banos are b a s h r n g T conversation with ano-' ^ u n Ruusu Puhkea, romaani, k i r j . L . M . A l c o t t , sid out martial music. Flags of a l i n a - i f " ^ ^ ^ ^conversauon witn ano > ^^i^^^^^^^ Rakkautta,- k i r j . Jack London, n i d „... tions are flying c-vervwhere. That)*^^^ bystander He shares our opm- -^^^,3 Ambrosine, miellyttävä rakkausromani, k i r j . £linör"Givn:p;d- I n iiymfe . 1—^ ^jjg German and deplores is of a l i nations that count: Can-jr ions j KuunlaaKso, romani, 2 osaa, k i r j . J a c k London, sid - ' ••*0 lada. B r i t a i n and one two of the j j^tetrupts. "Who i s i n the colonies. There are ""^^'«rmed Tnen ; ,„ ^ ^^^j ..^^^ :all arnanti \ esterdav War- ^ ^ , ^ „ •> s German was taken out, she de- Y.C.L. Call for Confe-rences Againit War Danger . Wjth every vreek the v.ar danger grow=i. Fresh evidcacc is presented to us tvery day.y^The collapBc of t h i . ' Xaval Tri-Partite Disarmament Cor.ftTonce in Geneva is the lutcst e:cp'oj;-on. The Youn;r Worla'r has repeat-cdly called the attontion of its Teiidc'n> to the dariger. The Young | Ccrnxnanist League here appeals to r.ll ' progressive youth organizations to take immediate stcp.s in organiz-i n ^ an effective oppo.sition move-ment amohg the youth in Canada. Confercnces of young workerH and other progressivc youth organizations, should be held at the ear- Ijest date. Political diffarehces must be placcd aside at this time^ E v e r y effort miist be made to se- ^ cure a united front for the struggle agamst war. The • conferences caif do much to r a l l y the youth in an effective movement against war. General Von Frankenberg is i-e-portcd as w r i t i n g : **This time peo-rle will not stumble i n , but glide Face Towards Mass Activity l a l i around us. Yesterday was War-riors Day, and the medals have not Ithe lack of appreciation. A l i t t l e ' Kuolleiden laivojen saari, salaperäinen romani, k i r j . C.MaiT^^^^ L.eonora, meno romanj, k i r j . A r n o l d Bennett, , n i a ' ' ' L a u l u Tulipunaisesta Kukasta. ( K u v a t t u ) , k i r j . J . Linnankoski.'sid" 2^^^ y e t . b e e n returned to their hiding|jc^l^ar^e^s , repeating the ^^ru-^m ^or^ ^o^f ^a n places. This i s the Toronto, no, the j^^^^^ vierkoetter is still leading, Canadian National Exhibition. It is noon. We are at the start-jing point of the marathon swim. One of the swimmers is just round-i n g !he brealovater, starting on his recond lap. The cro\v excitedly con-sults programs. But v.e are too in imperceptibly." , Hc refers to o v/Cl* dcclaration. Poople v/ill **g:lide" into Tvar. And we are gliding with a fatal velocity. Wc can loBe little time. Young worker8, progressive youth, makc your voice heard. Organize your forces. Launch; the confe-vrences. ' .•' Feng^s Son Disowns His Couiiter-Reyolution-ary Faflier Moscow, August. 20.-—The "Pravda" publishes a letter from Feng Hong Kuoy the son of Feng Y u Haiang, to his father. Feng Hong Kuo States that he vvas not s u r - p r i s c d at his father*8 going over into the caimp of counter-rcvolution, f o r hia father's opportunism, and his ambitiöua and obstinate charac-ter* are vrell known to him. Feng Kuo continues: "Nov/ you have laid the mask cside, f o r y c u have elected to take fiides, not with the v o r k i n g class and the poasantry, but \vith Chiang K a i Sbek, the exxecutioner of the v.'orker3 and peäsants, and to join h im openly in the formation of a bloc. You have, published an i m - Delogate* to the Fourth National Convention, Y.C.L. The Fourth National Convention marks a new' perio() in the develop-ment of the Canadian Y.C.L. Tne tone of the Convention was tlistinct in its attempt (greatly suc-cessfiil) to dafine a general political and econömic programme for the League, based on the prevalent conditions in the country. General policies were laid down for ali de-partments of activity. The direc-tion \va3 more to\vards broad mass activity. W i t h the League celebrating five years of growth and development, t h e , Convention inspures the mehi-bers of the Y . C . L . with the sense that the League is a t t a i n i n g impor-tant character in its work. Face toward3 mass activity, still further extension of activities and perspective!—The " Y o u n g ' W o r k e r " . pudent asclaration to the effect' i h a t the mercharits, tradesmen and ^i^^^r" T h i s ' häppeiied''onl7'a *feNV Coal and Blood in the Grow's Nest Fass What yalue do the coal barons place ön the l i f e of a young miner? It wouId be correct to answer, very l i t t l e , . o r n o n e at ali. What does the böss care about the life and safety of the slaves who make him r i c h ? He carea not the ieast bit. Äll he cares, moans and gloats over is his next harvest of gore-soaked dollars. Many a young mIner has been k i l l e d or crippled for life, ali on accöunt of dangeroua working places, or cheaply installed machiner y . It would be Weil to mention a few instancea where miners, both young and old, met with violent deaths. Ih this locality (The Crow's Nest Pass) over 200 miners' lives were snuffed out in one single explosion a few years ago, a l i due to the companics' negligcnce. A similar expiosron happened in the McGilHvray Mind," just six Jmiles distant from the previous explosion. Teri miners lost their lives Meidän nuoriso-osastomme on melkein nukkunut tämän kesän. Heinikuussa tosin oli pari kokousta sekä ohjelmailtama, vaan hiissäkin oli väkeä vähänlaisesti. Viime kokouksessa o)li kovin vähän osanottajia saapuvilla. Syynä lienee tähän meidän velttouteemme owi:era of industriäl undertakings, ^0^4^^ ago. '"wM^^ <^ttä luonto vetää nuoret mu-on the t e r r i t o r y of the Wuhan gov- ^ j , ^ ^^^^ ^^.^^^ ^^.^^.^ ^j^^ ^5^^ the jJ^aansa, j o t t a oi joudeta kokouksiin, cnmunc, are bemg suppressed by .^.^^^ ^^^.^^^^.^ .^^.^^^^ on the r e m a i n - ^ ^ I " " a nyt syksyn tullen uudella Iho ^ve••..ers andpeasants. Tlus is | ^^^^ ^.^^^^ resuming work, as idle- — saihe ano therefore shall alway8 re^ main that way. ) , T h e Communist P a r t y and the Young Communist League point out to the working class that the workers shall not be down:-trodden forever, and facts 6how that the time is rapidly ap-proaching when our oppressors must answer for hörrifying mis-deeds that they have w o u g h t upo-i the wo.rkinig people. In mass organization lie; our freedom. The memb4fs of the Young Communist League and Communist P a r t y have pledged themselves that they shall strive to attain that ond which will inevitably result i n freedom, a right to live, and happmess to the whole of the working vlass. — Y o u n g Coal Mijicr. NOLALU, ONT. nonscnso. The hour has not yet come for the Chinese \vorkers and • nc-ss \vould haniper their steady in- i tarmolla toimintaan. Päätimme pitää nuoriso-osaston „ , „ como ot profits. Such is the cal- :yl»«ääräiscn kokouksen, jossa päa-peasants to "supprcss the capita-. ^ ^ , . , ^ ^ , 3 ^^al operators. Idämme nuoriso-osaston "piknekin" ...f, vhc tr::demeu and the,land-; unaccustomed lo seeing .^^^"amisesta. Tehdään huviretki cv/n.n. But hr.d this been the |^^^ after-effects of an explosion ! Jonnekin, _ koetetaan saada vähän pointing out the arms rising and falling in the distance. "Oh, isn't that nice," she exclainis, and my opions of flappers as compared with male "sportsmen" gocs up a notch. .40 L a u l u tulipunaisesta kukasta, k i r j . Johannes Linnankoski, s i d . ' il» L e n i n j a Leninismi, kuuluu s a r j a k i r j a s t o o n , , k i r j . I ; Stalin, sici ,? Lumiltenttien tytär, seikkailurom. A iaskasta,_ k i r_j . Jack London,"^id" T , - Lasten L a u l u k i r j a , k i r j . H i l j a Liinamaa-Pärssinen, sid. Nuottipainos Luonnontieteiden voittokulku, Tietoaarre, k i r j . Launhardt, sid. "cf Luokkien sota, k i r j . Jack London, nid "f" Lisoletten avioliitto, yJevä rakkausromani, k i r j . H . Courthis-M-ihier nidottuna ....7." ' Lyhyt terveysoppi naisille, k i r j . t : r i F r . Hovitz Liselötten Naiminen, k i r j . H . Ccurts-Mahler, n id Lynne Courtin salaisuus, k i r j . J . S. Fletcher, n i d . ,40 .35 .25 At night v.'e go to the theatre. Mitä Olen Sinulle Tehnyt, kirj. H . Courts-Mahler, nid. ............... The news is flashed on the screen Minkä Jumala on Yhdistänyt, kirj. H . Courts-Mahler, nid. tsorbed. It is the style of the j ^^^^.^ ^^^.^ ^^.^^ ^een v.on by Yier- JJ^''::^-^^^^^^ '^^Z sw-immer Avhich excitcs us and drives everj-thinfr else from our minds.' It is beautiful. Ciean, strong and rythmic, . sui.igi.-.g the body through the water. Ar.d why is t h e cro\vd silent? \Vhy no cheering? ,\Vo look at the pro-gram and see that it is Vierkoet-ter, the German entiant. And i n - .stancly the stories and traditiona about British sportsmanship comes to my mind. We are sports con- Ecious, not race conscious. At least Eo we have heard. And now that the matter is pue to the practical test—:the bubble bursts. I have had too long an äcquaintance with sports not to know that "sportsmans h i p " means little if the enemy is winning. But at least I thought that the immense crowd would have shaken pff the u l t r a - B r i t i s h atmosphere of the exhibition to have ac-cläimed as frne a swimmer as I have seen for a long time. The German is already a mile on his way when the next swimmer rounds the bend. One o r two others follow. Then rumors begm to f l y . The German is out.' " I s that offi-c i a l ? " someone asks. "Sure i t i s ." A soldier standing by my side turns to his companian, looks hmi square j f l the eye, and v/ithout saying a Word, they shake hands. Why? Weil the hated German, who out-swam Geoiige Young, is out of the lace. I g e t ' a little kick out of t u r n - i n g to my companian and remark-ing, with undue emphasis, that the South African, who is just passing koetter. We wait for the applause due from a nation of sportsmen. Silencc. Two of lead off Mina etsin vaimoa, romani, kirj. Alfredo Panzini, nid. | ' Metzm Tyttö, kertomaromani, kirj. Maurize Barres, nid. .......... Marsin prinsessa, kirj. E . R. Burroughs, nid. ; Maaiinian Taloudellinen Työväenliike,icirj. K i LosovKicy, .50 .60 .50 .50 .40 .75 .65 .75 5 ,50 oatweights the thaughts of the war Mansaaren Tyttö, romani, k i r j . H a l l Cainc, n i d . i.ol y(,^j-K Maapallon kehityshistoria, tietoaarre, k i r j . Victor Mad.-e.n, ma. 55 JVIaailmanliike, tietoaarre, k i r j . Albrecht Wirth, sid. '5Q Kexl day the press enqulres of | J J ^ ^ ^ l " ^ ^ " ^-X^^^^^f.- ^i^^^a^'^,^^^ '.50 o 4. r Maa j a Ihminen, tietoaarre, k i r j . A l f r e d Ki r c h h o f f , Sid en Beau Geste Foster, mayor of our! Maanviljelys Kemia j a F y s i i k k a , k i r j . A r t h u r Rindell, sid. ... nl famous city, w i l l there be a munici- Maänviljelysoppi, k i r j . Sunihen, sid. '. i;25 pai dinner to the Winner of the Merikotka, kertomus. Saksan kaapparilaivastosta sotaaikana, kirj! F e l i x von Luckner, sid , 125 Murrosajan L a u l u j a , r u n o k i r j a , k i r j . A k u Päiviö, sid. ' 1,25 Minua_ sanotaan Puusepäksi, yhteiskunnallinen romani, k i r j . Upton S i n c l a i r , nid. .99 Meren Urhoja, k i r j . R. K i p l i n g , sid ,75 Myladyn poika, k i r j . Alexander Dumas, 3 osaa, sid. 2.75 Naamioimiskoulu, hyvä näyttämöille, k i r j . J u u r i o j a , nid „ .75 Nuoren Naisen Terveys, lääketieteellinen k i r j a , k i r j . Kristina Skjerve, n i d . 1.00 Nainen j a A v i o l i i t t o , hyvä terveysopillinen k i r j a , kirj. Margaret „ Stephens, sid. 1.50 Napoleon III vallankaappaus, k i r j . K a r l Marx, nid .70 Nuoren Opettajattaren V a r a v e n t t i i l i , erikoisen miellyttävä, k i r j . Hilda marathon? They recalled the fuss made over George Young. The mayor makes his magnificient ges-ture. "There w i l l be no dinner. We shall probably send the Winner a telegram." And the newspapers, try to disovm their own child, the hatred of ali things German and which are not B r i t i s h . They t r y to convey to the world that we are still a race of sportsmen. \The desirie to see the best man w i n is alleged-ly uppermost in thei hearts of a l i true Britishers. But the capitalist press, the capitalist controlled schools, the capitalist controlled churches,' the. capitalist controlled exhibitions, these are ali Instruments which shape the minds of nations. And how do^es the mind express itself. The one camp, that of the lower strata, says obiediently, "I hope the bastard drowns." The upper strata, i n the person of W i l liam Wrigley, Junior, says condes-cendingly as he hands Vierkoetter $30,000.00, "Here, by gum," Wm. Moriärty. Valtonen, nid 1.00 Naisvoimistelu 1, ku-j. E H i Björksten, nid. ; i.oo Naisvoimistelu 11, k i r j . E l l i Björksten, n i d . 1.85 P a r i i s i n salaisuudet, 2 suurta osaa, k i r j . Eugene Sue, sid 3.25 Pelastusrengas, rakkausromani, k i r j . Leo L e i p z i g e r , nid 40 P r i m i t i i v i n e n eli perusvoimistelu, k i r j . Kaarina K a r i , .sid I.OO Pakkopaita, kuolemattomuutta tutkiva vankilaromaani, kirj. Jack > Perheen, Yksityisomaisuuden j a V a l t i o n Alkuperä, k i r j . F. Engels, sid. LABERGE LUMBER COMPANY Täydellinen varasto rakennustarpeita Ruokaa ja Kahvia C A N A D I A N C A FE 210 Minto St., Sudbury, Ont. Lähellä C. P . R. asemaa T i l a a yövieraille. - - Phone 2269 Box 1862 JOHN LEHTELÄ 1.00 .25 .50 6.00 .30 .2i5 .50 1.50 1.25 1.85 .40 1.2S .50 paikki nan nuoret ivuoriso-osastolaisten piknekkiin. Paikallisessa ilmoituksessa näette tarkemmin koska tämä piknekki tulee olemaan. Raportteri. BRITISH IMPERIALIST CUNNING cvG to me only a counter-revolu-t i c n a r y , like Chang Tso L i n , Chiang K a i Shek, and the others. From v.-ho was my father." . . ' . , . ., , i nime just after such an occurrence. tue intoro.<;ts c i the n i a j o n t j ' 01 t h e ; , , . . ^1. 1 u - u c-rr nx'o-njn*;i ,,uo jr,i: tcxectJ.ri. ossnn. ,n' tA.st,o sasna.u d,p r p*eto vo. ro t1l ou^vt,te ihrotne^h i,. rs vo^t. wo rI- r k, te^rhr,e se - !sri u\.m. vp.ge e m.tp om ,• gsa e em,n ois,uto htnuesra ^s^ta e nda, -un cdT-•o ancthdhiieltrdis.or ne,n,b rowsuoagmintet- ccg" n;.2 e t h e m.t e, r e s t.s ojf . t,h e r e v o - ,i. bem,g haule^d out. a, piece , at a time,; l.u. t. i on onl, y, an,d , not the relIatXion-s 1 heads, arms a, na. le>g s of - son.s 1 anjd ,b ea, ve.e n fa, th. er , and,, son. IT , ,i- mjd my-sisf a.tat. mhcerds caarrse alnoadd scedn t. uopu tsiidne tbolo obde-tsieolnf fowrictehd -mtoy bcroeuankt ^e or-frf evaollyiu ctXoion- nnaercy- 1 srece•iv e. dj \b. y the•ir efa miMliti^e-s . L (T/VhT ey- U f-a t•h,e•r . i,T^o m t^o -dja y onward,s you 1 arA.e n do ,f wnh.o. il.m e orseo mues ep tooo rt hme obthoessr .) •is w a i t i n g i n hope that her son might be more fortunate than the others t^o -d,c y omvard.s IT fji,.g ht agam. st^ you. and co.m e .o ut a,l i-v eV, h.e is jn eurhia pvs cT,e ksess e t, oa ret nl1 aes 4t .c woourd^jisn- twehuir-c ,hu - ^r.IT e avjd o-iilibs pluoaw^ttt.n ei roteod,n aatoovrmersy , ^th hies bxvre.a rmv acnoad, l, bltchoad,t . . , . . . • is later on sold to the peoi^e. outlmed for the creation of a new Blood galore, yes, gallons of it, [British Dominion i n .A.frica. Various spilt mercilessly, and a l i in order | territories are to be amalgamated tthat the bosses might be able to into one, and i t is proposed to estab-l i v e i n great mansions and dine like lish a certaih form of self-govem-kings, while wörkers who t o i l are ment. The d i f f i c u l t y lies in the Siistiä huoneita Ja kunnoUista 1^'"^^ allowed the slightest percentage large coloured population. The won-rnokna saatavana- the f r u i t s of their labour, and der lies i n the g a l l these plunderers 116 E L M ST. SUDBURY, ONT. ^'^^ forced to lead a miserable ex- have i n amalgamating other people's istence. [and, alIowing them a measure of —-Phone 711- r - Some people äre inclined to think ! elf-govemment, and capping it a l i • XiCOnard ElrickSOI* tt^t conditions always were the _by patting themselves on the baefc. VAPAUDEN KIRJAKAUPPA Vapauden kirjakaupasta on saatavana seuraavat kirjat: .Assmannin Pojat, k i r j . H . Courts-Mahler, nid .50 Amerikalaisen Työväenliikkeen vararikko, k i r j . Wm. Z. Foster, nid. .SS Apmam kuningas, kirj. E . R. Burroughs, nid .75 Aapinen, lasten opettelukirja, sid. .55 Alaskan Tyttö, romani, kirj. Jack London, nid. .25 Aurinko, Kuu -ja' Tähdet Maailmankaikkeuden tarina, kirj. J. A . . .. .,^'^^'^"6 • — : 1.25 Attila, iiistoriallmen romaani, kirj. Dahn, sid. .80 Aavoilla Ulapoilla, miellyttävä romaani, kirj. Jack London, ni^^^^^^^ I.OO Amerikan Suomalaisia, satiirikertomuksia, kirj. K. Rissanen .60 Autoknrja, kii j ; Yrjö Weilin, sid 2.OO .Vlanteen Sanakirja, suomalais-engrantilainen, sid . $5.50 JBaktoerit. Tietoaarre. kirj. Osc. Streng, sid ..'*.'."."."" .sv Babbitt, kirj. Sinclair Lewis, nid I SO Cvnthia, kirj. Courts-Mahler, nid. '.40 Children of the Revolution, kirj. Anna Louise Strong, nid iso Englanninkielen Oppikirja, kirj. K. Brekke, sid 1.50 i Elsinoren Kapina, k i r j . Jack London '' • » Punaiheii Vaara, kertomus nykyisestä Venäjän maasta, nid. ... Penikkatauti, k i r j . Nikolai Lenin, nid. • P i e n i Tietosanakirja, sid Perustuslain Olemus, k i r j . O. Saari Pieni Mehiläiskirja, k i r j . Mikko Hkka Puhetaidon Opas, k i r j . A r t h u r M . L e w i s , .sid. Pakolainen, k i r j . L a u r i Luoto, sid L.. Polttomoottorit, ku-j. Väinö V . A i r a s , sid. Peloponnesolais Sota, kinj. Tykydides. Suom. E m i l Härdh, nid. Rannerengas, k i r j . David Potter, n id ' Rakentaja Solnes, k i r j . Henrik Ibsen Rakkaudesta Osaton, k i r j . H . Courts-Mahler, n i d r... 7,000 H a l k i A f r i k a n Aavikoiden, k i r j . Otto Zeltins-Goldfels, sid. 1.25 Salaperäinen asiapaperi, k i r j . Christian Haugen, n i d . .40 Saksan Kumoustaistelu 1848, k i r j . K a r l Marx, sid. 75 S i l k k i l a i v a , romani, k i r j . Elenius, nid. 75 Sosialistisen Filosofian Juuret, k i r j . F r i e t r i c h Engels, nid. ............ .40 Sairas L a ^ i , lasten terveysfioitokirja, kir.7. Ruotsalainen, sid 1.25 Sotamuistelmani, k i r j . kenraali Ludendorff, sid. 2.50 Suomen K i e l i o p p i , k i r j . E . N . Setälä, sid. .75 Sata kuusikymmentä ohjetta lasten taudeissa, kirj. T : r i Jules Conilj>y^ n i d . 1.00 Sukupuolielämän Terveysoppi, k i r j . Max von Gruber, nid. .: 75 Suloisen järjettömyyden kaupunki, erittäin hieno rakkausromani, k i r j . E . Temple Thurston, sid. 1-50 Silmukorveij^ N u o r i Epra. k i r j . Kaarle Halme, sid 1-25 Seurustelun taito, k i r j . Bagheera. nid 75 Sireenien A l l a , romani, k i r j . L . M . A l c o t t , sid 1-25 Signe Björseth, kertomus, k i r j . Juho Koskimaa, n i d . l-O» bibyllan Salaisuudet, korttikonsteja, k i r j . Sven Linde, sid -75 Salaperäinen Ruumisarkku, k i r j . Stein Riverton, n i d . - -25 beikkailijatar, ^kirj. E. Phillips Oppenheim, nid. -25 Tuhatvuotinen V a l t a k u n t a , - k i r j . Upton Sinclair, nid. ••• -6= Tarzanin paluu, k i r j . E . R. Burroughs, nid • Tarzanin pedot, k i r j . E. R; Bun-oughs, nid. = Tarzanin poika, k i r j . E. R. Burroughs, nid. -^^ Tarzan j a Oparin aarteet, k i r j . E . R. Burroughs, n i d . -75 Talttumaton Tarzan, k i r j . E. R. Burroughs, n i d . - -^^ Tarzan j a valkoinen nainen, k i r j . E . R . Burroughs, nid -75 Thuvia, Marsin neito, k i r j . E. R. Burroughs, n i d . °' Tietosan.-^kirja, täydellinen 11 osaa, vaatekansissa • 80.90 la Louise Strong, nid .50 Tulenliekki, seikkailu ja ralvkausromani, kirj. L. J. Vance. nid. . . . -'i" Brekke, sid. 1.50 j Työväen Ol.vnipialaiset, toim. V. Koivula, ym-, sid. •• 1-2^ '.sid 1.25 iTerve\-teen itsesuggestionin avulla, Idrj, Harry Brooks, nid ^-^^ Erämaa kutsuu, kirj.' Jack London, sid. !75 E l o l l i s t en olentojen lisääntyminen, k i r j . F. K o l p l n Ravn. sid........*.... iso Englantilais-Suomalainen Sanakirja hyvä opettelukirja, k i r j . Y. Halonen .„ 2.6.'^ bnglantia aloitteleville, k i r j . Enckell-Saarinen, sid. .....1.75 Englandilais-Suomalainen Sanakirja, toimit. T. Wallenius, sid. •........ 2.50 1.50 1.30 .40 .75 I.CO 1.00 No ruling class has ever been 50 darihg, so cunning, so unscrupulous, SO experienced in r u l i n g , it seems, as our present British r u l i n g class. E v e r y day brings examples of their extreme daring, and of their subtle vrisdom. Lately a scheme has been [Historiallisia rakkauskirjeitä, koonnut Jalmari Finne, sid 1.25 Huilunsoittajan katu, rakkausromani, k i r j . H . de Vere Stacpoole, sid! .75 H a l i k o n Hakoniskat, raurrekertomuksia, kirj. Kallio, sid. .../.........,„ 1.40 Humoristinen l a u l u k i r j a , se viimeinen painos' .45 i Hypatia, k i r j . Charles Kingsle.v, nid. ITS IFlanderin Leijona, hist. romani muinais Belkiasta, k i r j . H . ' C o i i -" j science, nid. 75 Ikuinen Salaisuus, k i r j . Jack London, nid. .40 Ihmissydän, k i r j . Guy de Maupassan, sid. i.25 Ikuisen päivän maa, k i r j . E. R._Burrcughs, nid leS Imperialismi, agitaattorikursseilla pidetty esitelmä, nid ! ! lS Ihmisön Herra, tarina synnistä, k i r j . H a l l Caine, 2 osaa, nid. ......."*." 1.75 . , —„ Ilmojen halki, kertomus lennosta pohjoisnavalle, k i r j . .\mnndsen, nid. 1.50 y^lkosen Leijonan Metsästäjät, k i r j . L a u r i Luoto, sid. ... Ihmissyöjäin Saarilla, k i r j . .Tack London, sid. 1.00 .y!^l^°s5"_Leijonan Metsästäjät, k i r j . L a u r i Luoto, J i i d - Juustoparooni, k i r j . Kalle Rissanen, nid. ..l... .40 Jumalten j a Ihmisten Suosikit, suomalaisten tyttöjen seikksilnjä' New Yorkissa, k i r j . Elsa Soini. nid. I.OO Jenkkejä Maailmalla, humorikertomuksia, k i r j . Mark Twain, nid. " ] ! 1^25 Yksin maailmalla. Tuhat sanaa Englandia, mainio oppikirja, nid........ .—• Tuhlaajapoika, romani, k i r j . Hall Caine, sid. - T.vöväen Laulukirja, 9 painos, sid. Tarttuvista sukupuolitaudeista, k i r j . T : r i Pirilä, nid. Telinevoimistelu I. Jcuvitettu, k i r j . Väinö Laherma —• Telinevoimistelu I I , k u v i t e t t u , k i r j . Väinö Laherma ;, Tiede j a Vallankumous, mainio teos, k i r j . Ernest Untermann, md. .eo Työn Historia, k i r j . Tjumenew, sid. - U r k k i j a , krrj. Upton S i n c l a i r , ' n i d . -J! Uutisasukkaat Kanadassa, k i r j . kapteeni Marryat, sid Valtio j a Vallankumous, k i r j . N. L e n i n , suom., nid. -^^ Voimistelun teoria, k i r j . V i k t o r H e i k e l , nid. Valaveljet, romani Islannin asuttamisen ajoilta, k i r j . G. Gunnar- V i e r a s t a j a omaa kieltä viertysten, engl.-kielen oppikirja Järiestelmäni Miehille, hyvä voimistelukirja. k i r j . .T. M n e l l e r 1.25 Jack London. elämänkprtamnJstelma. k i r j . Helmi Krohn, nid "75 Kauhea Tarzan, k i r j . E . R. Burroughs, nid .* .75 Kaleerivanki No., 117/3 suurta osaa, k i r j . P. D u T e r r a i l , sid. 3.75 ^vaupunki-Kansiakoulun l.iskuooni j a tuloskirja, sid lioo Kananhoitokirja, k i r j . Mikko Ilkka, sid i]2S K a i r o s t a N i i l i n latvoille, matkailijakertomus. k i r j . Pekkala, nfd. .90 Kadotuksen Kansaa, kuvaus London Itäpäästä, k i r j . Jack London, sid. I.OO Kemia, k i r j . Hanna Seikktt, s?d. '75 Kuningatar Hanhenjalan Ravintola, k i r j . .Anatole Franze, s i d . .."..2. 1;25 K o d i n Lääkärik-irja. etevästi toimitettu, sid ..-..„........,.".'.'i." 6.00 Kansakoulun k a r t t a k i r j a , toim. Jotuni, sid „ I.QQ Vaimo jonkas minulle annoit, romani elämästä, k i r j . H a l l Caine, n:a. i . ' ^ Vaaliheimolaiset, v a l i t u t teokset, k i r j . J . W. v o n Goethe, nid.... — 00 1.50 1.00 Väkevä B i l l y , k i r j . E . R. Buiroughs, s i d . -iv • ••••:;-r 175 Vanhat Postivannut, kertomuksia kirjailijaelämästä, k j . Y . H u r . , . " i ^ - Venäjänkielen Sanasto, Jcirj. A . Rantalainen, s i d . L""c='« Y k s i n maailmalla, kaunis romani, k i r i . Mabell Barnes Graundy. s...- _ Ylös Helvetistä, romani. Yleisen Terveysopin A l i Y l e i n e n johdatus luonnontieteisiin, tietoaarre, k i r j . _ ^ Yllät,vs Tunturiradalla, Salanolisiromaani, k i r j . Stein Riverton, r.. - Yön Kuningatar, k i r j . Headon H i U , n i d . . .-- —•—•: " 75 Yhdistysopas naisvoimistelijoilla, M r j . K a a r i n a K a r i , nid. :'^.'rpÄVA.\'S Ylläolevan lisäksi v o i YÄpauden konttorista tilata . " V ; (,0. F O U N T A I N KYNIÄ, joiden hinnat ovat S2.75, S4-00. Uusia k i r j o j a tulee jatkuvasti Suomesta samoinkuin ^^l^^-"^:'^^^^ r u k s i a . Seuratkaa ilmotuksia Vapaudesta. Tehkää tilaukset ^ - " -^ Vapauden Kirjakauppa, Box 69, Sudbury, Ont |
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