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aueawp n јШЛттPш?шJЈULЛL ишЛтllЛJLЈт№тЉl№љLU4i!IHHFVMH4apyH.qB. i!ViVHHVHHHHi СТРЛНА СРПСКИ ГЛАСНИК" Петак, 31 маја 1946. ПИСМА ИЗ СТАРОГ КРАЈА Четнир и усташи вршили су страшне злочине над вашим невиннм народом Ово писно примно је Перо Спаравало нз Виндзора, од свог брата Јова Спаравала из Требние, Херцеговнна. Пнсмо гласи: Драги Иеро! мили иој братс Примио сам твојс писмо целн садржај разуиио. Мио-г- о ме весели када сп тн твојц здраво. Из твога пнсма видим да си сазнао да из na-me дуће у Бедпћнма нма 3 жртве. У Цицпнн су свн здраво. У Орашју свл су здраво само су много страда-л- и од зликоваца четннка, јер су Радула, Јова, Мару Лну кћерц Јовове мпого много батннали на разне мукс нетали. Јову су пребили шсст ребара, ноктн су му од-иа- лн игле су му у главу за-куцав- али, те порсд тога су опллчкалн. Да тн пишем за нашу фа мнлију мз Бедипа, они су добро здраво па 21 сеп-темб- ра 1945 годнне су сс иреселилн у Војводниу. Ово је нихова адреса, ссло Клск, Петровград, Бојводина, Ју-гославн- ја. Миого ии се хва-л- е да су задовол.ни. Добнли су добре куће, башћу д. Дајсм ти на зиаае да су ови партизаии страдали Обешени Запланнку: Басо С. Снаравало нз Бсдића, Лу-к- а I'. Аџовнп нз ПетровнИа, Шћепо И. Лџовнћ Ла1со Ј. Ауовип оба из Иетровнћа, Борћо М. Гсрун Талежс Мплак Бераћ нз Вјетреиог. Њих су Немцн у сноразуму са чстннцнма повсли нз зат-во- ра објссили пх на 12-о- г маја 1944 годнне. СлсдеКи су бачени у Внду- - шку јаму: Перо Д. Снарава-- ло 1'ада ). Џоџо оба из KpibCBiiha; Иеро С. Рашевић, Јсремнјс В. Рашевић Ду-- шан В. Рашевнп сва троЈнца нз Цицнне, Стсво В. Вуле-ти- ћ нз Мнјоннца, ђорђо ]}. .Шкеро из Дссии ссла Пе-р- о Ijophiiit (снн) Шксро нз Дссни ссла, Томо Т, Галсб из Цсровца, Јово Л. Луби-ратн- ћ из Љубова, Божо Р. Дамјановић мз Главске Бо-роз- ан нз околице Мостара. 1ори,с нартнзане новслн су чстпкци из затвора у ђсдн- - 1шма уз пут нх тукли му-чил- н, тс код саис Вндушкс јамс тројнцн су срца нзва-днл- н, иа нх оида спе иобаца-л- и у Бидушку јаму. Ристо Рашсвић јс случајно нобе-га- о са овс јаме сада je у пашој појсци нма чни ка-пста- на. ОсдсКе су Таллјаин у споразуму са чстннцнма поу-бнјал- и иакон 2-да- на их сиалилн у нспео: Галнћ Лу-к- у, Лукпиа сипа, Галипа Лаза Галииа Јова. Свн нз Гојшинс. Ово су имена партизаиа који су иопшулн у борбама. Саво В. Спаравало Лне Спаравало нз ђедића; To-до- р II. Спаравало, Милеики Т. Снаравало, Мплка Т. Сна-равал- о, Данило Д. Спаравч-л- о Стево II. Bpeha. Онн су сви нз KpiLCBiiha погннул:! су у оорои лротнв усташа Још су ногинули Живко М. МшаковиИ као снн ђорпа Малаковнпа (оба нз Арбана-чкс- ), Лазо Ј. Милаковнћ из Јасеннце, Ристо Д. Bpeha из JipajKOBiiha, 1јоко Б. Bpeha нз Kpjjkouuha, Раде P. Bpe-ha Illheno Д. Спаравло о-- ба нз Кучпћа следсћп из Хума: Јохо Р. Јаловпћ, Ни-кол- а Р. Јаловић, Млрко С. Стаиић, Даинло Т. Станић, Гојко С. KoiaK, Лубо С. Ко-ла- к, Ннкола Т. Tapaiuih, ;ке на Лукнна. Милан В. AyoBiih из Иет-])OBiih- a, Даиило В. Лџовић, Јела Аџовнћ асена Риста Аџовић, (свн нз Нетровнћа). Сделећн су погннули мз Ј)си-ha- : Јава Р. Вулешевић, Мнр-к- о 1. Вулсшевић, Сиио Ј. Вулсшевнћ, Стево Ј. Вуле-niCBit- h, Ннкола Ј. Вулешс-Bii- h, Тошан Т. Галеб, Рнсто С Башмћ, Обрен Т. Мнскиа сва тројнца из Церовца. Бу-дим- нр Укрошша иј Баоии-н- а, Јована Р. Милџан лз Не-вад- е, Гојко С. Ружић ђо-к- о С. РужиН пз Јасеннце Сиио В. Спаравало. Ово су само оиц којп су погинулн Л13 Гојшпие, Јасе-ниц- е до Дссин села, Баотш-п- а, Церавца, Хума, Крајко-вић- а Неваде, тојесг па ову страну реке Требшшшце, тако је слпчно било па дру гој странп реке, те тп -- ro n~W frits мгј i'.i rirfTn.T-O'Mf- i T' E.1 .f i i "IL ..,.:. ._ ! 2m Л- -. „.._ а....!-- - Уа 4 н н п и и н н и и и п т. — у п з и н . и н н н it it п и и и н и н : н н u н н н л a и о i.-- f i i,— , . „ . , ._ , ue iiehy цнсатн. Четнички затвори су били у школи у ђедићнма, у по-дру- му Јокаиа Л. Џоџо и у Томовице Башлћуше, Ду-жим- а, Сдивинци, Главинћн-м- а Tpe6nity, Дубровннку и т. д. Има јаиа у срезу лубин-ско- м у коју је од усташа ба-че- по 1200 особа; само у јед-и- ој јами и то људн, жена, де-воја- ка мале деце, а тако ис-т- о н по другим срезовима где су усташе стнгле. Народ је бежао у шуме у брда када је чуо шта се ради. У Јасенов-ц- у код Загреба поубијано је JE ЧИТА нз Topou-т- а добнла је од свога братиИа, Витомпра Цукућа-и- а из Кумана, Банат, који се сада у армији у Земуиу. Ево шта on imuie својој тетки: Иосте дужсг врсмсна ево да бпх се јавио и вама, пошто J. BIITOMIIP inicau од вас добно ника-ка- п допнс, али нпак xohy да вам се јавнм пошто мн јс Чнча noaiao вашу адресу. Чича (Вукнн брат Јоца a 80,000 душа. Наша се је држава добро средила н данас живнио у нашој знатиој слободи. Пп-ш- п мц о свниа пашим земља-цни- а којн су били за паш народно ослободилачки пок-ре- т. Пишн мл којн су били против нашег покрета, да знам којп су то издајиици нашега парода. Примн миого поздрава као U прнја Маре и свн твојп о; мене и Љубице. Смрт фашнзму — слобода народу1 твој прнјатељ, Јово Спаравало. ТЕТКИН ЧЛАНАК У C. Г. ДОБАР УТИСАК HA МЛАДОГ ЈУГОШВЕНСКОГ В0ЈНИКА ДАО JE СРПСКИ ГЛАСНИК ПОЛИТИЧКО KOME-САР- У БАТАЉОНА ДА Вука Степанов пнсио иалазн Југословенској IH ЦУКУћАН ja пријате.гсхих УЧИНН0 Витомиров отас) н брат Ми-лос- ав били су код мене н донели су ми вашу новину — Српскн Гласннк — коју ви штаипатс тамо у Каиадн. то мс је јако нзпепадило, a нарочнто када сам прочитао тетвин ччанак. Ирегледао сам све н видео како ви пеумор-н- о радите, а после сам однео мом другу, политичком комс-сар- у батал-оиа- , да он чша. On се jai:o дипи вашем раду н рекао ми је кад год иаши добију Српскн Гласиик да пошал.у и нама, те да дам u и.ему да чита, јер га јако нн терссује Ја овде вршим дужност у логору неиачких ратних за-робл-енн- ка, који нду иа рад у Бсоград и Земун. Alory вам још pehu 4i то да сам ја од 319 мојих дргова овде ai- - млађи Уосталом немам вам шта вишс писати. Шал-c- u вам моју слику да се бар преко слпке вндимо ако не можемо друкчиЈе, а од вас тражнм да ми иошал.ете вашу слнку. Још јсдном поздрапллм Te-r- Ka Зорана, тетку Вуку н moj'j драгу ссстру Мару. Пишите мн чешће. Ваш, ЦукуНан Ј. Внтомнр. Ha трактору (Macej Харнс нз Канаде) седн Мплорад Та-тн- Н, снн Томе ТатнНа, нз Кумана, Банаг, Тома Tanih је попшуо од Немаца за време окупацпје. Објаве ХАМИЛТОН - ЗАБАВА НЕШТО НОВО У ХАМИЛТОНУ. У суботу 1 јуна, оргапнзацпја Савеза кападских Срба прнређује у 11артн-заиск- ој халн "парди" за децу која су учествовала на кои-цер- ту 12 маја. Иочстак у 5 сати, а свршегак у 7 сатн иосле одне. Сама децд he нрнредптн свој програм, као н сен-двн- че, колаче u "ајскрпма Познвају се сви роднтелн де-ц- е, да овој забави прнсуствују. Послс 8 сатн почпње забава за све одраслс у Иарти-занск- ој хали на Бич Род. Биће добра музнка. Свп иам до-б- ро допш. Одбор. ВЕЛАНД - СЕДНИЦА Органнзација Савеза канадских Срба одржаћс своју редовну седницу у недеиу 2 јуиа, у 2 сата после подне у Мепл Лиф парку. Познвају се сви члаиовн н члапнце да нефал.ено ирнсуствују, пошто he делегатл, порсд другог важног носла, подиетп извештај са конференцпје Вндов-данск- ог стета, која је одржаиа 19 маја. Л. Јакшпћ, секргтар. КАЛГАРИ - ПИКНИК Организација Савеза кападских Срба прнпрема се да одржн пшлшк на 30 јуна. те молнмо све словенске органи-зациј- е и друштва да тога дапа нншта пе приређују. Ппк-нн- к he се одржатп на фармп фамплнјс Путнпк. Позпвамо све Југословене да иас посете и својс прн-јател- .е са собом поведу- - Euhe печенкр на ражн-у- , као и онога са чиме се печенка залпва. Бесплатан подвоз оргаиизовати he органнзација С. IC С. Чнст ириход наменјен је нашем народу у Домошпш. 5)фо Чубрић, секретар. Congress of People's Youth of Yugoslavia YUGOSLAV YOUTH DELEGATION EXPECTED IN CANADA The Yugoslav youth held their third Congress on May the 9th in Zagreb, at which the name of their organization was changed from the United League of Anti-Fasci- st Youth of Yugoslavia to the People's Youth of Yugoslavia. Representation at the Congress reflected the strength of the powerful Yugoslav youth organi- - '. zation, which has a membership or over two milion. Irom every Federative unit the delegates as sembled at this Congress to for-mulate the future course of the People's Youth of Yugoslavia. One of the topics discussed at the Congress was the role of youth in the battle against illite-racy. Brana Perovic. a member of the secretariat of the Central Committee spoke on this matter, and in the report which she sub-mitted she stated that according to the 1931 statistics 44.6 per cent, of the population of Yugo-slavia was illiterate. The implica-tion is: that practically eery se-cond person in Yugoslavia was unable to read and write during the reign of the former enslaving and anti-democrat- ic regime. In her report, Comrade Brana Регз-vi- c stated that immediately oftpr liberation, the youth of new Yu-goslavia were the most active in the struggle to eradicate and completely eleminate illiteracy. In this struggle tremendous and significant results have been at-tained. An illustration of this success lies in the number of stu-dents who are at the present time attending the educational Institutions of Yugoslavia — 1,500.000. Thysical culture, which ha Canada With Ministry for Fish - No Mini-stry for Youth! The N.F.L.Y. delegation, in which two B. C. delegates parti-cipated, is now officially over. There was ar total of seventy-si- x delegates from coast to coast, and we, the South-Slavi- c youth of Vancouver, are proud that Mike Canic, a member of the Canadian South-Slavi- c Youth Federation, was one of the two delegates from B. C. Alan Anderson, chair-man of the B. C. Federation of Labor Youth and a very active member of the Seamen's Union was the other. The reception received from the Members of Parliament was very cordial and the majority endorsed the brief which the N.F.L.Y. pre-sented to them. The highlights ?f the brief were: Employment at decent wages, housing, rehabili tation, health, education, recrea-tion, and others. In the section dealing with Veterans' Rehabili-tation, the National Federation of Labor Youth recommended the raising of the maintenace grants for university and tutorial school students — twenty dollars for single men and forty dollars for married men. The physical fitness and health programme for youth occupies a prominent part of the N.F.L.Y .brief since Б0 per cent of young people applying for services were rejected on thj grounds of malnutrition. This is a critical situation, which must be remedied immediately. We have a ministry for fish, but no ministry for youth. The B. C. delegates interviewed Lt. Col. Merritt who criticized th delegates as being communistic-H- e retracted all such statements when the social issued of youth were put before him. Hon. George Black, when con-fronted with the employment question stated that no one had even told him that there was any unemployment in Canada, and he proceeded to offer one thousand jobs in the Yukon, which are only open from four to five months ) early. In the Railways Committee Room, the delegates met Minister of Labor, Mr. Mitchell, and when the brief was presented to him he fine paper. was soon lost in the story of his family and how he walked five miles to school and ten miles to work. He was in the meantime evading the brief. The delegates considered this last interview very unsatisfactory but the rest endorsed the brief mak-ing the wole delegation success-ful. We, the youth of Canada, have made up our minds to surmount our postwar problems and unless we see some action on the part of the Members of grasped the broad masses of Yu-goslav people was at the Congress. It was the young people of our motherland who have initiated and organized a physical culture movement in Yu-goslavia. One of the most impor-tant factors of the physical cul-ture which is carried on in Yugo-slavia at the present time, is that it is available to those who want to enjoy It Formerly, the workers, and the peasants — and especially the youth — had no opportunity to develop their bo dies physically. Now physical culture is theirs to enjoy. Many youth organizations throughout the world greeted the Yugoslav youth at their third Congress either through repre-sentation or through telegrams. Among these was a telegram which was sent to the Congress from our national office on behalf of the membership of the Canadian South-Slavi- c Youth Fe-deration. In addition to the, C.&. Y.F., a number of other Canadian youth organizations greeted the Yugoslav youth. These include: The National Federation of La-bor Youth, Student Christian Movement of Canada, Dominion Anglican Young People's Associa-tion, Slavic Youth Council of Toronto, and the Winnipeg Jewish Youth Council. The National office of the Can-adian South-Slavi- c Youth Feclera tion is anticipating to receive some material on the mentioned Congress. Moreover, an answer is expected from the People's Youth of Yugoslavia in connection with their delegation comming to Can- - ada. As soon as this material reaches our office, and immedia- - tely after an answer t6 our invi tation is received, it will be released through the press. Emcric Simac, National Secretary. Through correspondence, and through the medium of the press, our clubs have been informed that the Canadian South-Slavi- c Youth Federation has officially affiliated to the World Federation of Democratic Youth. The mem-bership of our movement whole heartedly welcomed our national executive's decision to take this decisive step. At our constituent national con-vention, at which the C. S. Y. F was brought into existance, the delegates endorsed the World Fe-deration of Democratic Youth us a consistent fighter for the con-solidation of the United Nations' victory over fascist military for-ces, and for the of world peace. A resolution embody-ing our endorsation of the W.F. D.Y. was forward to the mention ed international anti-fasci- st youth organization. In reply to the resolution adop-ted at our convention, the natio-nal office of the Canadian South Slavic Youth Federation received the following message from the World Federation of Democratic Youth: April 1916. Dear Friends: We have receiTed jour of March 28th repeating the deci sions of jour- - national constitu-ent umTcntion in support of the W.F.D.Y., which were convejed to our last Executive. The Com-mittee expressed its warm ap-preciation of the decisions and conTeyed its greetings to your Federation. We hare some time ago sent to ca страве 1 ) "Предложенп Уговор je за-нс- та један orpouatt допринос мнру у овои делу Света, a како је мнр иеделнв — то н мпру у свету. Он је потпуно У духу " слову Поваге народа". После говора шшнстра Си-мп- ћа говорпло је вшпе иарод- - mix посланига. rout rv iiptii- - said that it was written on very цалц зиача: yrOBOpa ca 4e- - He Parliament, emphasized all (наставак хословачкок, a je Ha- - родна скупштпна предложснн Уговор усвојпла аклаиацијом. Народпп послаппцп прпре-дил- и су затпм дуготрајне ма-нпфеста- цнје братској Чехо-словачЕ- ој. we are ready to send another de-legation to Ottawa which will be as strong as the first one. for the Vantouver branch C. S. Y. F. A. Polich. Canadian South-Slavi- c Youth Fede-ration Affiliates to National Federa-tion of Labor Youth "YOU HAVE HONOUR OF BEING THE FIRST NATIONAL YOUTH ORGANIZATION TO AFFILIATE TO THE N. F. L Y." — JESSIE STORRIE. NATIONAL ORGANIZING SECRETARY At our national constituent con-vention, at which the Canadian South-Slavi- c Youth Federation was officially brought into exis-tanc- e, co-operat- ion between our movement and other democratic forces occupied a prominent part of the convention's agenda. The delegates who participated in es-tablishing our national federation were fully aware of the necessity for close co-operat- ion with the democratic Canadian forces in the struggle against reaction and the rise of fascism in our country. We were fully conscious of the fact, that the interests of Can-adian youth cannot be advanced without co-operat- ing with the most militant vanguard of the Canadian young people — the National Federation of Labor Youth. "The National Federation of Labor Youth In an independent democratic youth federation to which existing youth organiza-tions of a national or a local character affiliate for the purpoxc of promoting through education and activity the nocial, education-al, economic, cultural and political needs and Interest of the people of Canada. We take our at (H ide of labor and will co-oper- ate with all the democratic forces in our country in the fight for peace, democracy and pro-gress." This is the text of the preamble appearing in the con-stitution of the National Federa-tion of Labor Youth which illu-strates the essenco of the orga-nization and its intention to fight for peace, for democracy progress and for the immediate needs of Canadian youth. "The purposes of the Federa-tion hall he to promote the in-terests of its affiliates and genc-- World Federation of Democratic Youth Greets Membership of Canadian South-Slavi- c Youth Federation strengthening 28th, letter Ује-дииен- пх затии twice Correspondent THE young stand you copies of all available mate-rial on the World Youth Confe-rence and on the W.P.D.Y. How-ever, as these do not appear to have reached you yet, we are Rending a further collection under separate cover. You have been placed on our regular mailing list, and will shortly be receiving co pies of our new printed Bulletin and reports. With warm good wishes for the success of jour work, Very sincerely, Mrs. K. Hookham — Secretary. This letter, which reflects the friendly relations between our movement and the World Federa-tion of Democratic Youth, will unequivocally arouse wide-sprea- d enthusiasm in support of the W. F.D.Y. in the democratic ranks of our national youth federation. We are fully aware of the significant and the decisive role that the World Federation of Democratic Youth is going to play in inter-national affairs, and in advanc-ing the interests of young people througout the world and especial-ly in the colonial countries which are oppressed by enslaving impe-rialist policies, that foster the development of conditions leading fascism to war. We shall, there-fore, with unprecedented vigour and determination, endeavor to obtain greater support to the World Federation of Democratic Youth in Canada. Mass support through affilia-tion to this democratic interna-tional youth organization, is in the process of development in Ca future youth the W.F.D.Y. in Canada's annals of youth. We base our anticipa tions on the present intentions of many Canadian democratic youth organizations which are at present time considering affiliation to the W.F.D.Y. Extention of support and affiliation to the World Fe-deration of Democratic Youth is a for all the democratic youth organizations! national executive wishes to convey its greetings the World Federation of Democratic Youth on behalf of the member-ship of the Canadian South Slavic Youth Federation with the slo-gan: We shall continue to support the W.F.D.Y.! Death Fascism — Liberty to the Teoplesl On behalf of the National Ex-ecuti- ve C.S.Y.F., Emeric National Secretary. rally to advance the of the jouth and citizens of Canada through the development of a pro-gram of social action. "It shall do this: (a) by acting as a national voice for the joung people it represents through issu-ing statements, organizing cam-paigns and making representation to government on all questions of concern to jouth. "(b) by assisting unorganized jouth to organize themselves into clubs of whatever character most suits the need of the particular group of youth, and to affiliate them for social action lo the Fe-deration. "(c) by striving at all tiroes to unite as many jouth groups as possible around the program of the Federation either through gaining their affiliation to the Federation or by acting with and supporting them, or other orga-nizations of citizens on specific issues. "(d) by assisting Federation affiliates through aiding in the development of club programs, supplying organizational assis. tance and advice and in any other manner which the affiliates desire and the resources of the Federa-tion make possible." These are the aims of the National Federa-tion f Labor Youth, which clear-ly reflect the measures through which the N.F.L.Y. is acting as a spokesman for the Canadian j'outh in advancing their interests. Ever since its inception the Na-tional Federation of Labor Youth has proved itself in action. The N.F.L.Y. recently organized a successful delegation to Parlia-ment Hill In Ottawa. The delega-tion consisted of seventj'-si-x de-legates — seven of whom are members of the Canadian South-Slavi- c Youth Federation. The de-legation, representing the Cana dian j'outh from coast to coast, submitted a nineteen-and-a-ha- lf page brief to the Dominion Gov-ernment on the immediate needs of the young Canadian generation. In the past — and especially through the trek to Ottawa — we have seen that achievements of tremendous significance can be attained through a national, de-mocratic and a broadly represen tative j'outh federation — the Na-tional Federation of Labor Youth. In order to cary on its work, the N.F.L.Y. must have greater sup-port from all possible local and national youth groups. Being aware of this, on May the 14th, affiliation of our Federation to the National Federation of Labor Youth was placed on our National Executive's agenda for considera-tion and discussion. At the last meeting of our National Execu-tive, which took place on the above mentioned date, the Cana-dian South-Slavi- c Youth Federa-tion officially affiliated to the National Federation of Labor Youth. The supreme body of oui Federation — the National Con-vention — has empowered our Na-tional Executive Committee to affiliate the CS.Y.F. to the N.F. L.Y. when the members of the mentioned committee deemed it possible. This step, which our Na-tional Executive has taken will without a doubt meet the appro-val of the general membership of our movement! The national ofifce of the N.F.L.Y. has confirmed our affili-ation in the following manner: "We are very glad to learn of the decision of the Canadian South-Slavi- c Youth Federation to affiliate to the National Federa-tion of Labor Youth. In fact jou nada. The will record wide--1 have the honour of being the first spread support and affiliation to national organization to the official of-ficial test The to to Simac, welfare affiliate to the N.F.I Y. "We have welcomed in the past the co-operat- ion and support which jour organization has given us. As we look to the future, we know that we can count on the support and co-operat- ion which the Canadian South-Slavi- c Youth Federation will give „to us in our efforts to build a strong and de-mocratic youth federation in Can-ada." The National Federation of Labor Youth merits our support, and the intention of our move-ment is to extend our fullest co-operation nationally and locally to this democratic national youth Federation. We shall not hesitate to co-oper- ate with all the demo-cratic forces in our country in the struggle for peace, security, de-mocracy, progress and prosperity. Emeric Simac, National Secretary — Canadian South-Slavi- c Youth Federation.
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Serbian Herald, June 14, 1946 |
Language | sr |
Subject | Serbia -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Serbia; Serbian Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1946-06-14 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | SerbiD4000041 |
Title | 000172 |
OCR text | aueawp n јШЛттPш?шJЈULЛL ишЛтllЛJLЈт№тЉl№љLU4i!IHHFVMH4apyH.qB. i!ViVHHVHHHHi СТРЛНА СРПСКИ ГЛАСНИК" Петак, 31 маја 1946. ПИСМА ИЗ СТАРОГ КРАЈА Четнир и усташи вршили су страшне злочине над вашим невиннм народом Ово писно примно је Перо Спаравало нз Виндзора, од свог брата Јова Спаравала из Требние, Херцеговнна. Пнсмо гласи: Драги Иеро! мили иој братс Примио сам твојс писмо целн садржај разуиио. Мио-г- о ме весели када сп тн твојц здраво. Из твога пнсма видим да си сазнао да из na-me дуће у Бедпћнма нма 3 жртве. У Цицпнн су свн здраво. У Орашју свл су здраво само су много страда-л- и од зликоваца четннка, јер су Радула, Јова, Мару Лну кћерц Јовове мпого много батннали на разне мукс нетали. Јову су пребили шсст ребара, ноктн су му од-иа- лн игле су му у главу за-куцав- али, те порсд тога су опллчкалн. Да тн пишем за нашу фа мнлију мз Бедипа, они су добро здраво па 21 сеп-темб- ра 1945 годнне су сс иреселилн у Војводниу. Ово је нихова адреса, ссло Клск, Петровград, Бојводина, Ју-гославн- ја. Миого ии се хва-л- е да су задовол.ни. Добнли су добре куће, башћу д. Дајсм ти на зиаае да су ови партизаии страдали Обешени Запланнку: Басо С. Снаравало нз Бсдића, Лу-к- а I'. Аџовнп нз ПетровнИа, Шћепо И. Лџовнћ Ла1со Ј. Ауовип оба из Иетровнћа, Борћо М. Гсрун Талежс Мплак Бераћ нз Вјетреиог. Њих су Немцн у сноразуму са чстннцнма повсли нз зат-во- ра објссили пх на 12-о- г маја 1944 годнне. СлсдеКи су бачени у Внду- - шку јаму: Перо Д. Снарава-- ло 1'ада ). Џоџо оба из KpibCBiiha; Иеро С. Рашевић, Јсремнјс В. Рашевић Ду-- шан В. Рашевнп сва троЈнца нз Цицнне, Стсво В. Вуле-ти- ћ нз Мнјоннца, ђорђо ]}. .Шкеро из Дссии ссла Пе-р- о Ijophiiit (снн) Шксро нз Дссни ссла, Томо Т, Галсб из Цсровца, Јово Л. Луби-ратн- ћ из Љубова, Божо Р. Дамјановић мз Главске Бо-роз- ан нз околице Мостара. 1ори,с нартнзане новслн су чстпкци из затвора у ђсдн- - 1шма уз пут нх тукли му-чил- н, тс код саис Вндушкс јамс тројнцн су срца нзва-днл- н, иа нх оида спе иобаца-л- и у Бидушку јаму. Ристо Рашсвић јс случајно нобе-га- о са овс јаме сада je у пашој појсци нма чни ка-пста- на. ОсдсКе су Таллјаин у споразуму са чстннцнма поу-бнјал- и иакон 2-да- на их сиалилн у нспео: Галнћ Лу-к- у, Лукпиа сипа, Галипа Лаза Галииа Јова. Свн нз Гојшинс. Ово су имена партизаиа који су иопшулн у борбама. Саво В. Спаравало Лне Спаравало нз ђедића; To-до- р II. Спаравало, Милеики Т. Снаравало, Мплка Т. Сна-равал- о, Данило Д. Спаравч-л- о Стево II. Bpeha. Онн су сви нз KpiLCBiiha погннул:! су у оорои лротнв усташа Још су ногинули Живко М. МшаковиИ као снн ђорпа Малаковнпа (оба нз Арбана-чкс- ), Лазо Ј. Милаковнћ из Јасеннце, Ристо Д. Bpeha из JipajKOBiiha, 1јоко Б. Bpeha нз Kpjjkouuha, Раде P. Bpe-ha Illheno Д. Спаравло о-- ба нз Кучпћа следсћп из Хума: Јохо Р. Јаловпћ, Ни-кол- а Р. Јаловић, Млрко С. Стаиић, Даинло Т. Станић, Гојко С. KoiaK, Лубо С. Ко-ла- к, Ннкола Т. Tapaiuih, ;ке на Лукнна. Милан В. AyoBiih из Иет-])OBiih- a, Даиило В. Лџовић, Јела Аџовнћ асена Риста Аџовић, (свн нз Нетровнћа). Сделећн су погннули мз Ј)си-ha- : Јава Р. Вулешевић, Мнр-к- о 1. Вулсшевић, Сиио Ј. Вулсшевнћ, Стево Ј. Вуле-niCBit- h, Ннкола Ј. Вулешс-Bii- h, Тошан Т. Галеб, Рнсто С Башмћ, Обрен Т. Мнскиа сва тројнца из Церовца. Бу-дим- нр Укрошша иј Баоии-н- а, Јована Р. Милџан лз Не-вад- е, Гојко С. Ружић ђо-к- о С. РужиН пз Јасеннце Сиио В. Спаравало. Ово су само оиц којп су погинулн Л13 Гојшпие, Јасе-ниц- е до Дссин села, Баотш-п- а, Церавца, Хума, Крајко-вић- а Неваде, тојесг па ову страну реке Требшшшце, тако је слпчно било па дру гој странп реке, те тп -- ro n~W frits мгј i'.i rirfTn.T-O'Mf- i T' E.1 .f i i "IL ..,.:. ._ ! 2m Л- -. „.._ а....!-- - Уа 4 н н п и и н н и и и п т. — у п з и н . и н н н it it п и и и н и н : н н u н н н л a и о i.-- f i i,— , . „ . , ._ , ue iiehy цнсатн. Четнички затвори су били у школи у ђедићнма, у по-дру- му Јокаиа Л. Џоџо и у Томовице Башлћуше, Ду-жим- а, Сдивинци, Главинћн-м- а Tpe6nity, Дубровннку и т. д. Има јаиа у срезу лубин-ско- м у коју је од усташа ба-че- по 1200 особа; само у јед-и- ој јами и то људн, жена, де-воја- ка мале деце, а тако ис-т- о н по другим срезовима где су усташе стнгле. Народ је бежао у шуме у брда када је чуо шта се ради. У Јасенов-ц- у код Загреба поубијано је JE ЧИТА нз Topou-т- а добнла је од свога братиИа, Витомпра Цукућа-и- а из Кумана, Банат, који се сада у армији у Земуиу. Ево шта on imuie својој тетки: Иосте дужсг врсмсна ево да бпх се јавио и вама, пошто J. BIITOMIIP inicau од вас добно ника-ка- п допнс, али нпак xohy да вам се јавнм пошто мн јс Чнча noaiao вашу адресу. Чича (Вукнн брат Јоца a 80,000 душа. Наша се је држава добро средила н данас живнио у нашој знатиој слободи. Пп-ш- п мц о свниа пашим земља-цни- а којн су били за паш народно ослободилачки пок-ре- т. Пишн мл којн су били против нашег покрета, да знам којп су то издајиици нашега парода. Примн миого поздрава као U прнја Маре и свн твојп о; мене и Љубице. Смрт фашнзму — слобода народу1 твој прнјатељ, Јово Спаравало. ТЕТКИН ЧЛАНАК У C. Г. ДОБАР УТИСАК HA МЛАДОГ ЈУГОШВЕНСКОГ В0ЈНИКА ДАО JE СРПСКИ ГЛАСНИК ПОЛИТИЧКО KOME-САР- У БАТАЉОНА ДА Вука Степанов пнсио иалазн Југословенској IH ЦУКУћАН ja пријате.гсхих УЧИНН0 Витомиров отас) н брат Ми-лос- ав били су код мене н донели су ми вашу новину — Српскн Гласннк — коју ви штаипатс тамо у Каиадн. то мс је јако нзпепадило, a нарочнто када сам прочитао тетвин ччанак. Ирегледао сам све н видео како ви пеумор-н- о радите, а после сам однео мом другу, политичком комс-сар- у батал-оиа- , да он чша. On се jai:o дипи вашем раду н рекао ми је кад год иаши добију Српскн Гласиик да пошал.у и нама, те да дам u и.ему да чита, јер га јако нн терссује Ја овде вршим дужност у логору неиачких ратних за-робл-енн- ка, који нду иа рад у Бсоград и Земун. Alory вам још pehu 4i то да сам ја од 319 мојих дргова овде ai- - млађи Уосталом немам вам шта вишс писати. Шал-c- u вам моју слику да се бар преко слпке вндимо ако не можемо друкчиЈе, а од вас тражнм да ми иошал.ете вашу слнку. Још јсдном поздрапллм Te-r- Ka Зорана, тетку Вуку н moj'j драгу ссстру Мару. Пишите мн чешће. Ваш, ЦукуНан Ј. Внтомнр. Ha трактору (Macej Харнс нз Канаде) седн Мплорад Та-тн- Н, снн Томе ТатнНа, нз Кумана, Банаг, Тома Tanih је попшуо од Немаца за време окупацпје. Објаве ХАМИЛТОН - ЗАБАВА НЕШТО НОВО У ХАМИЛТОНУ. У суботу 1 јуна, оргапнзацпја Савеза кападских Срба прнређује у 11артн-заиск- ој халн "парди" за децу која су учествовала на кои-цер- ту 12 маја. Иочстак у 5 сати, а свршегак у 7 сатн иосле одне. Сама децд he нрнредптн свој програм, као н сен-двн- че, колаче u "ајскрпма Познвају се сви роднтелн де-ц- е, да овој забави прнсуствују. Послс 8 сатн почпње забава за све одраслс у Иарти-занск- ој хали на Бич Род. Биће добра музнка. Свп иам до-б- ро допш. Одбор. ВЕЛАНД - СЕДНИЦА Органнзација Савеза канадских Срба одржаћс своју редовну седницу у недеиу 2 јуиа, у 2 сата после подне у Мепл Лиф парку. Познвају се сви члаиовн н члапнце да нефал.ено ирнсуствују, пошто he делегатл, порсд другог важног носла, подиетп извештај са конференцпје Вндов-данск- ог стета, која је одржаиа 19 маја. Л. Јакшпћ, секргтар. КАЛГАРИ - ПИКНИК Организација Савеза кападских Срба прнпрема се да одржн пшлшк на 30 јуна. те молнмо све словенске органи-зациј- е и друштва да тога дапа нншта пе приређују. Ппк-нн- к he се одржатп на фармп фамплнјс Путнпк. Позпвамо све Југословене да иас посете и својс прн-јател- .е са собом поведу- - Euhe печенкр на ражн-у- , као и онога са чиме се печенка залпва. Бесплатан подвоз оргаиизовати he органнзација С. IC С. Чнст ириход наменјен је нашем народу у Домошпш. 5)фо Чубрић, секретар. Congress of People's Youth of Yugoslavia YUGOSLAV YOUTH DELEGATION EXPECTED IN CANADA The Yugoslav youth held their third Congress on May the 9th in Zagreb, at which the name of their organization was changed from the United League of Anti-Fasci- st Youth of Yugoslavia to the People's Youth of Yugoslavia. Representation at the Congress reflected the strength of the powerful Yugoslav youth organi- - '. zation, which has a membership or over two milion. Irom every Federative unit the delegates as sembled at this Congress to for-mulate the future course of the People's Youth of Yugoslavia. One of the topics discussed at the Congress was the role of youth in the battle against illite-racy. Brana Perovic. a member of the secretariat of the Central Committee spoke on this matter, and in the report which she sub-mitted she stated that according to the 1931 statistics 44.6 per cent, of the population of Yugo-slavia was illiterate. The implica-tion is: that practically eery se-cond person in Yugoslavia was unable to read and write during the reign of the former enslaving and anti-democrat- ic regime. In her report, Comrade Brana Регз-vi- c stated that immediately oftpr liberation, the youth of new Yu-goslavia were the most active in the struggle to eradicate and completely eleminate illiteracy. In this struggle tremendous and significant results have been at-tained. An illustration of this success lies in the number of stu-dents who are at the present time attending the educational Institutions of Yugoslavia — 1,500.000. Thysical culture, which ha Canada With Ministry for Fish - No Mini-stry for Youth! The N.F.L.Y. delegation, in which two B. C. delegates parti-cipated, is now officially over. There was ar total of seventy-si- x delegates from coast to coast, and we, the South-Slavi- c youth of Vancouver, are proud that Mike Canic, a member of the Canadian South-Slavi- c Youth Federation, was one of the two delegates from B. C. Alan Anderson, chair-man of the B. C. Federation of Labor Youth and a very active member of the Seamen's Union was the other. The reception received from the Members of Parliament was very cordial and the majority endorsed the brief which the N.F.L.Y. pre-sented to them. The highlights ?f the brief were: Employment at decent wages, housing, rehabili tation, health, education, recrea-tion, and others. In the section dealing with Veterans' Rehabili-tation, the National Federation of Labor Youth recommended the raising of the maintenace grants for university and tutorial school students — twenty dollars for single men and forty dollars for married men. The physical fitness and health programme for youth occupies a prominent part of the N.F.L.Y .brief since Б0 per cent of young people applying for services were rejected on thj grounds of malnutrition. This is a critical situation, which must be remedied immediately. We have a ministry for fish, but no ministry for youth. The B. C. delegates interviewed Lt. Col. Merritt who criticized th delegates as being communistic-H- e retracted all such statements when the social issued of youth were put before him. Hon. George Black, when con-fronted with the employment question stated that no one had even told him that there was any unemployment in Canada, and he proceeded to offer one thousand jobs in the Yukon, which are only open from four to five months ) early. In the Railways Committee Room, the delegates met Minister of Labor, Mr. Mitchell, and when the brief was presented to him he fine paper. was soon lost in the story of his family and how he walked five miles to school and ten miles to work. He was in the meantime evading the brief. The delegates considered this last interview very unsatisfactory but the rest endorsed the brief mak-ing the wole delegation success-ful. We, the youth of Canada, have made up our minds to surmount our postwar problems and unless we see some action on the part of the Members of grasped the broad masses of Yu-goslav people was at the Congress. It was the young people of our motherland who have initiated and organized a physical culture movement in Yu-goslavia. One of the most impor-tant factors of the physical cul-ture which is carried on in Yugo-slavia at the present time, is that it is available to those who want to enjoy It Formerly, the workers, and the peasants — and especially the youth — had no opportunity to develop their bo dies physically. Now physical culture is theirs to enjoy. Many youth organizations throughout the world greeted the Yugoslav youth at their third Congress either through repre-sentation or through telegrams. Among these was a telegram which was sent to the Congress from our national office on behalf of the membership of the Canadian South-Slavi- c Youth Fe-deration. In addition to the, C.&. Y.F., a number of other Canadian youth organizations greeted the Yugoslav youth. These include: The National Federation of La-bor Youth, Student Christian Movement of Canada, Dominion Anglican Young People's Associa-tion, Slavic Youth Council of Toronto, and the Winnipeg Jewish Youth Council. The National office of the Can-adian South-Slavi- c Youth Feclera tion is anticipating to receive some material on the mentioned Congress. Moreover, an answer is expected from the People's Youth of Yugoslavia in connection with their delegation comming to Can- - ada. As soon as this material reaches our office, and immedia- - tely after an answer t6 our invi tation is received, it will be released through the press. Emcric Simac, National Secretary. Through correspondence, and through the medium of the press, our clubs have been informed that the Canadian South-Slavi- c Youth Federation has officially affiliated to the World Federation of Democratic Youth. The mem-bership of our movement whole heartedly welcomed our national executive's decision to take this decisive step. At our constituent national con-vention, at which the C. S. Y. F was brought into existance, the delegates endorsed the World Fe-deration of Democratic Youth us a consistent fighter for the con-solidation of the United Nations' victory over fascist military for-ces, and for the of world peace. A resolution embody-ing our endorsation of the W.F. D.Y. was forward to the mention ed international anti-fasci- st youth organization. In reply to the resolution adop-ted at our convention, the natio-nal office of the Canadian South Slavic Youth Federation received the following message from the World Federation of Democratic Youth: April 1916. Dear Friends: We have receiTed jour of March 28th repeating the deci sions of jour- - national constitu-ent umTcntion in support of the W.F.D.Y., which were convejed to our last Executive. The Com-mittee expressed its warm ap-preciation of the decisions and conTeyed its greetings to your Federation. We hare some time ago sent to ca страве 1 ) "Предложенп Уговор je за-нс- та један orpouatt допринос мнру у овои делу Света, a како је мнр иеделнв — то н мпру у свету. Он је потпуно У духу " слову Поваге народа". После говора шшнстра Си-мп- ћа говорпло је вшпе иарод- - mix посланига. rout rv iiptii- - said that it was written on very цалц зиача: yrOBOpa ca 4e- - He Parliament, emphasized all (наставак хословачкок, a je Ha- - родна скупштпна предложснн Уговор усвојпла аклаиацијом. Народпп послаппцп прпре-дил- и су затпм дуготрајне ма-нпфеста- цнје братској Чехо-словачЕ- ој. we are ready to send another de-legation to Ottawa which will be as strong as the first one. for the Vantouver branch C. S. Y. F. A. Polich. Canadian South-Slavi- c Youth Fede-ration Affiliates to National Federa-tion of Labor Youth "YOU HAVE HONOUR OF BEING THE FIRST NATIONAL YOUTH ORGANIZATION TO AFFILIATE TO THE N. F. L Y." — JESSIE STORRIE. NATIONAL ORGANIZING SECRETARY At our national constituent con-vention, at which the Canadian South-Slavi- c Youth Federation was officially brought into exis-tanc- e, co-operat- ion between our movement and other democratic forces occupied a prominent part of the convention's agenda. The delegates who participated in es-tablishing our national federation were fully aware of the necessity for close co-operat- ion with the democratic Canadian forces in the struggle against reaction and the rise of fascism in our country. We were fully conscious of the fact, that the interests of Can-adian youth cannot be advanced without co-operat- ing with the most militant vanguard of the Canadian young people — the National Federation of Labor Youth. "The National Federation of Labor Youth In an independent democratic youth federation to which existing youth organiza-tions of a national or a local character affiliate for the purpoxc of promoting through education and activity the nocial, education-al, economic, cultural and political needs and Interest of the people of Canada. We take our at (H ide of labor and will co-oper- ate with all the democratic forces in our country in the fight for peace, democracy and pro-gress." This is the text of the preamble appearing in the con-stitution of the National Federa-tion of Labor Youth which illu-strates the essenco of the orga-nization and its intention to fight for peace, for democracy progress and for the immediate needs of Canadian youth. "The purposes of the Federa-tion hall he to promote the in-terests of its affiliates and genc-- World Federation of Democratic Youth Greets Membership of Canadian South-Slavi- c Youth Federation strengthening 28th, letter Ује-дииен- пх затии twice Correspondent THE young stand you copies of all available mate-rial on the World Youth Confe-rence and on the W.P.D.Y. How-ever, as these do not appear to have reached you yet, we are Rending a further collection under separate cover. You have been placed on our regular mailing list, and will shortly be receiving co pies of our new printed Bulletin and reports. With warm good wishes for the success of jour work, Very sincerely, Mrs. K. Hookham — Secretary. This letter, which reflects the friendly relations between our movement and the World Federa-tion of Democratic Youth, will unequivocally arouse wide-sprea- d enthusiasm in support of the W. F.D.Y. in the democratic ranks of our national youth federation. We are fully aware of the significant and the decisive role that the World Federation of Democratic Youth is going to play in inter-national affairs, and in advanc-ing the interests of young people througout the world and especial-ly in the colonial countries which are oppressed by enslaving impe-rialist policies, that foster the development of conditions leading fascism to war. We shall, there-fore, with unprecedented vigour and determination, endeavor to obtain greater support to the World Federation of Democratic Youth in Canada. Mass support through affilia-tion to this democratic interna-tional youth organization, is in the process of development in Ca future youth the W.F.D.Y. in Canada's annals of youth. We base our anticipa tions on the present intentions of many Canadian democratic youth organizations which are at present time considering affiliation to the W.F.D.Y. Extention of support and affiliation to the World Fe-deration of Democratic Youth is a for all the democratic youth organizations! national executive wishes to convey its greetings the World Federation of Democratic Youth on behalf of the member-ship of the Canadian South Slavic Youth Federation with the slo-gan: We shall continue to support the W.F.D.Y.! Death Fascism — Liberty to the Teoplesl On behalf of the National Ex-ecuti- ve C.S.Y.F., Emeric National Secretary. rally to advance the of the jouth and citizens of Canada through the development of a pro-gram of social action. "It shall do this: (a) by acting as a national voice for the joung people it represents through issu-ing statements, organizing cam-paigns and making representation to government on all questions of concern to jouth. "(b) by assisting unorganized jouth to organize themselves into clubs of whatever character most suits the need of the particular group of youth, and to affiliate them for social action lo the Fe-deration. "(c) by striving at all tiroes to unite as many jouth groups as possible around the program of the Federation either through gaining their affiliation to the Federation or by acting with and supporting them, or other orga-nizations of citizens on specific issues. "(d) by assisting Federation affiliates through aiding in the development of club programs, supplying organizational assis. tance and advice and in any other manner which the affiliates desire and the resources of the Federa-tion make possible." These are the aims of the National Federa-tion f Labor Youth, which clear-ly reflect the measures through which the N.F.L.Y. is acting as a spokesman for the Canadian j'outh in advancing their interests. Ever since its inception the Na-tional Federation of Labor Youth has proved itself in action. The N.F.L.Y. recently organized a successful delegation to Parlia-ment Hill In Ottawa. The delega-tion consisted of seventj'-si-x de-legates — seven of whom are members of the Canadian South-Slavi- c Youth Federation. The de-legation, representing the Cana dian j'outh from coast to coast, submitted a nineteen-and-a-ha- lf page brief to the Dominion Gov-ernment on the immediate needs of the young Canadian generation. In the past — and especially through the trek to Ottawa — we have seen that achievements of tremendous significance can be attained through a national, de-mocratic and a broadly represen tative j'outh federation — the Na-tional Federation of Labor Youth. In order to cary on its work, the N.F.L.Y. must have greater sup-port from all possible local and national youth groups. Being aware of this, on May the 14th, affiliation of our Federation to the National Federation of Labor Youth was placed on our National Executive's agenda for considera-tion and discussion. At the last meeting of our National Execu-tive, which took place on the above mentioned date, the Cana-dian South-Slavi- c Youth Federa-tion officially affiliated to the National Federation of Labor Youth. The supreme body of oui Federation — the National Con-vention — has empowered our Na-tional Executive Committee to affiliate the CS.Y.F. to the N.F. L.Y. when the members of the mentioned committee deemed it possible. This step, which our Na-tional Executive has taken will without a doubt meet the appro-val of the general membership of our movement! The national ofifce of the N.F.L.Y. has confirmed our affili-ation in the following manner: "We are very glad to learn of the decision of the Canadian South-Slavi- c Youth Federation to affiliate to the National Federa-tion of Labor Youth. In fact jou nada. The will record wide--1 have the honour of being the first spread support and affiliation to national organization to the official of-ficial test The to to Simac, welfare affiliate to the N.F.I Y. "We have welcomed in the past the co-operat- ion and support which jour organization has given us. As we look to the future, we know that we can count on the support and co-operat- ion which the Canadian South-Slavi- c Youth Federation will give „to us in our efforts to build a strong and de-mocratic youth federation in Can-ada." The National Federation of Labor Youth merits our support, and the intention of our move-ment is to extend our fullest co-operation nationally and locally to this democratic national youth Federation. We shall not hesitate to co-oper- ate with all the demo-cratic forces in our country in the struggle for peace, security, de-mocracy, progress and prosperity. Emeric Simac, National Secretary — Canadian South-Slavi- c Youth Federation. |
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