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mliJtdriB7Wmu!iU'i iiu1"ii irwe mmimmmmmmm ' rf r'MHir y n "r"' t -- f iti 'wrw atfÄVii ~ '-- fe i ii --n ' f f S ts JA f - 'U i& ir 15 t'K 'jr h J V JS K SPACE TRAVEL UNDER SAILS irnniffHTiffyiiiiiibiiiiitH&tiiriHi'iHiiiffniiffif ' Mm Ukrainian scientists have ihterfere as it would on the suggested a space craft with earth Hence travel through the sails driven by high frequency solar system will become solar "winds" "The idea to use sails for space travel is not new" said Academician V Shestopalov director of the Radiophysics and Electronics Institute under the Ukrainian S SR Academy of Sciences "Primarily it was believed that the pressure of light radiated by the sun would drive the craft However such a vehicle would have had certain tangible drawbacks For ins-tan- ce to make the craft move with the needed speed it would have to have sails of hundreds of sq meters As a result of the study of laws concerning the dispersion of electromagnetic waves and their defraction a-ga- inst various objects of com-ple- x shape we have managed to determine the frequency of the wave with which a small cy-lind- er with a slot must be ra-diated to produce a resonance effect In other words we have found conditions under which the frequency of the wave coin-cid- es with the frequency of the cylinder As a result the force of the wave affecting the cy-linder surface will grow hundreds and thousands of ti-m- es The sails are unique allovv-in-g the craft to move 'against the vvind': "Solar energy must be transformed into high freque-nci- es Then with the help of an antenna it would be transmitted to the vehicle This process should be carried where the change of night and day doesn't Loftario Aug 6 Winning numbers were 7 14 19 24 26 39 The bonus num-be- r was 25 Ali six regular num-bers won $13385570 Any five of six regular numbers plus the bonus number won $4147390 Any five regular numbers won $90520 Any four regular num-bers won $2310 Any three regular numbers won $5 Early bird numbert were 6 13 27 28 was possible and there will be no need to vvorry about fuel" Small Sin Former President Richard M Nixon who lost his post after the Watergate affair said in an interview with the American Broadcasting Company that telling a poli- - Beating the Parking Meter Some enterprising motor-ist- s in Boston reports the Canadian newspaper Citizen have found a way to beat the citys parking meters They have sprayed more than 400 of them with paint so meter attendants can't teli if a car is parked overtime Joseph Mac-Dona- ld security director for Traffic and Parking says every day they get reports of more meters being sprayed F (VMS --ziMjk % i immmfi The biggest nickel in the world cost Ali four numbers on a ticket $35000 to build and it's the cen-purchas- ed by VVednesday won trepiece of the Canadian Centennial $11880 Numismatic Park In 1967 it over-- looked the Trans Canada Highway Lotto 649 ÄUg 6 but the highway has been moved Winning numbers were 9 1 1 since The nickel 30 feet high and two 27 28 37 46 The bonus num- - feet thick is too big to move ber was 29 Ali six regular num- - It was built by Bruno Cavallo a bers were worth 850000000 sign painter who thought a model of but the vvinning combination thp 1Qc rangan fivpnt _ the i0SSuarfplu1whichJo-f-™felmine- s-the bonus number were worth WUUU1U uc an 1U PIUJCW lor luc $31305040 but the winning in the centennial year City Council combination was not selected ?Pted for a museum and an art gallery Any five regular numbers won instead $205760 Any four regular But Cavallo found an ally in Ted numbers won $8730 Any three Szilvaacityfiremanwhoseideafora regular numbers won $ 1 0 sign featuring the nickel had also been ignored Szilva put together a private VvintariO ÄUg 1 2 company Nickel Monument Devel- - The winning number for opment Ltd to hire Cavallo to build $100000 was 079143 The first 5 the big coin CaVall° Cl°Sed his sh°P and 4 or last 4 digits won ?100 lirst #u £ 3 or last 3 digits won $10 Other sPent a 5ar on e J°b bulldl?8 a prizes: $10000 — 588624 Plywood frame and covenng it with a 905774 $1000 — 57745 $100 — stainless steel skin He liked the work 0924 $50 — 8 1 7 3 9 3 in any so much he never reopened his sign order $10 — 474 VVinTall — shop - he just kept on building big 74 Mystery Bonus — 10471 coins mce tnen tne ne nas Decome Provincial ÄUg-- 12 the centrepiece of a private park - with The winning number for four other oversize coins surrounding $500 000 was 4453353 Last 6the ori inal _ and the k itsdf has dlgltSJ°n!ln$5i0it0 4 digits lnbecome one of th mai" SlOOrlast 3 digits won $25 iaSttlonsofthearwithpaidadmissions 2 digits won $10 running around 100000 a year 12 "George Is todayyouriveddlng day?" tical lie was a small sin A politician does not lie in the moral sense of the word he said Sometimes it is neces-sar- y to conceal the truth to preserve power or to come to power Nixon neverthe-les- s added that such means must not be employed beyond the bounds of the and that he hirn-se- lf never did so when he was A PLEA FOR LIFE eivät ole sotaa varten! I wish these ihoughts could disappear no longer torfure me a skiff in the dead of night on a stormy sea Now and then a ray of hope subconsciously peeks like the moon 'bove drifting playing hide and seek We must not allow this earth to become a svvirling tomb a baby's cry will not be heard or a bloom Perhaps nature has decided life must vacafe this planet and join the many other forms through time emerged and vanished The mace of Washington must not be flashed on this earth again Jonestovvn syndrome must not spread from Pentagon's den If evil strikes my hapless land by ruse of Washington if such she wakes in flames and robbed as well to me this matters very much Listen to my plea for life! Canada! Oh! Land o' mine! banish weapons or be judged co-spon- sor to the crime There'll be no birds to greet the dawn no dew to quench the grass unto ali t!me no life to ask vvhatever happen in the past A drifting tomb to purify a paradise lost the ultimate sacrifice to nuclear Moloch JOHN LAZARUK Oil Springs Ontario CANADA ALUMHNlMIESTEN HUOMIOON Halutaan ostaa aluminium si-di- ng scarp (romua) paivan kor-keimpiin hintoihin Rehellinen punnitus HOUSE OF METALS 45 Commercial Rd Toronto 1 7 Leaside Kolme korttelia etelään Eglin-tonis- ta itaan Laird Drivesta Puh: 421-157- 2 LOUGHEED HAUTAUSTOIMISTO Hautaukset 100 mailin säteellä Sudburysta toimitetaan ilman lisämaksua PUHELIN 673-959- 1 PUHELIN 6739591 252 Regent St South Hazel kadun kulm Sudbury objective President Äiti poikasi clouds flovver Frank "Ä Block BO Roger Young 0J OPTÖMETBISTIT Puh konttori 674-40- 14 kotiin 673-07- 05 CITY CENTRE HUONE 216 Toisessa kerroksessa SUDBURY Ontario Vastaanotto ESPANOLASSA Keshfv klo 11 ap — 9 lp Pah 869-29- 20 AUNIITA UKKIA UKKAKIMPPUJA UKKALAITTEITA Poiketkaa hakemassa keikkakalenterinne FLOVVER SERVICE Puhelin 673-959- 1 252 Regent St S Hazel kadun kulm 22 Durham St N SUDBURY Halutaan vuokrata HUONEUSTO Torontosta 2 sänkykamarilla Tiedustelut: 1-705-74- 4-2225 )lll!}[l!il)IHIllllHIHIII!)IHtltlHil!)l}illjli ERILAISET TILAISUUDET TORONTQ Finn Centre 465-898- 1 Ikinuortenkerhon toiminta-paikka Finn-Cent- re on avoinna kello 10 jälkeen jokaisen viikon torstaiaamuna Tervetuloa ren-toutumaan! Juodaan kahvia ja pelataan bingoa CANADA NL-SEUR- A jär-jestää filmitilaisuuksia perjan-taisin seuran huoneustossa 280 Queen St W Toronto alk klo 730 illalla Elokuvat ovat joko englan-ninkielisiä tai -- tekstillä varus-tettuja Tulkaa ajoissa — ra-joitettu tila! CANADA NL-SEUR- A 977-581- 9 CANADA NL-SEURA- N mat-katoimisto: CANSOV 596-132- 3 280 Queen St W Toronto Ont SUDBURY CSJ:n Sudburyn osaston kuukausikokoukset pidetään ukrainalaisella Jubilee naalilla joka kuukauden toisena maa-nantaina kello 1 1 aamupäiväl-lä ellei asiasta toisin ilmoiteta Sudburyn Seurakerhon vii-kottaiset harjoitus- - ja ajanvie-tetilaisuud- et Jubilee Centre (entinen Finnish haali) joka tiis-tai alkaen klo 10 ap Uudet jäsenet tervetuloa kerhomme toimintaan Sävel kuoron harjoitukset torstaisin Aika aina määritel-lään tilanteitten mukaan Enti-set mukaan ja uudet ovat myöskin tervetulleita THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset haa-lil- la 316 Bay St joka kuu-kauden ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alk klo 130 ip 'Kaiku' kuoron harjoitukset ovat joka lauantai kello 1 päi-vällä Entiset ja uudet laulajat tervetulleita! CSJ:n osaston kokoukset joka kuukauden toinen lauantai klo 130 ip WANUP CSJ:nWanupin osaston no 9:n kokoukset ovat kuukauden en-simmäisenä maanantaina Osaston osoite: RR 3 Site 13 Box 6 Sudbury Ont P3E 4N1 BEAVER LAKE Bingo kuukauden ensim-mäinen sunnuntai kokous kello 1130 Bingo klo 1
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Viikkosanomat, August 22, 1983 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finland -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Finland; Finnish Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1983-08-22 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | VikkoD7000366 |
Title | 000369 |
OCR text | mliJtdriB7Wmu!iU'i iiu1"ii irwe mmimmmmmmm ' rf r'MHir y n "r"' t -- f iti 'wrw atfÄVii ~ '-- fe i ii --n ' f f S ts JA f - 'U i& ir 15 t'K 'jr h J V JS K SPACE TRAVEL UNDER SAILS irnniffHTiffyiiiiiibiiiiitH&tiiriHi'iHiiiffniiffif ' Mm Ukrainian scientists have ihterfere as it would on the suggested a space craft with earth Hence travel through the sails driven by high frequency solar system will become solar "winds" "The idea to use sails for space travel is not new" said Academician V Shestopalov director of the Radiophysics and Electronics Institute under the Ukrainian S SR Academy of Sciences "Primarily it was believed that the pressure of light radiated by the sun would drive the craft However such a vehicle would have had certain tangible drawbacks For ins-tan- ce to make the craft move with the needed speed it would have to have sails of hundreds of sq meters As a result of the study of laws concerning the dispersion of electromagnetic waves and their defraction a-ga- inst various objects of com-ple- x shape we have managed to determine the frequency of the wave with which a small cy-lind- er with a slot must be ra-diated to produce a resonance effect In other words we have found conditions under which the frequency of the wave coin-cid- es with the frequency of the cylinder As a result the force of the wave affecting the cy-linder surface will grow hundreds and thousands of ti-m- es The sails are unique allovv-in-g the craft to move 'against the vvind': "Solar energy must be transformed into high freque-nci- es Then with the help of an antenna it would be transmitted to the vehicle This process should be carried where the change of night and day doesn't Loftario Aug 6 Winning numbers were 7 14 19 24 26 39 The bonus num-be- r was 25 Ali six regular num-bers won $13385570 Any five of six regular numbers plus the bonus number won $4147390 Any five regular numbers won $90520 Any four regular num-bers won $2310 Any three regular numbers won $5 Early bird numbert were 6 13 27 28 was possible and there will be no need to vvorry about fuel" Small Sin Former President Richard M Nixon who lost his post after the Watergate affair said in an interview with the American Broadcasting Company that telling a poli- - Beating the Parking Meter Some enterprising motor-ist- s in Boston reports the Canadian newspaper Citizen have found a way to beat the citys parking meters They have sprayed more than 400 of them with paint so meter attendants can't teli if a car is parked overtime Joseph Mac-Dona- ld security director for Traffic and Parking says every day they get reports of more meters being sprayed F (VMS --ziMjk % i immmfi The biggest nickel in the world cost Ali four numbers on a ticket $35000 to build and it's the cen-purchas- ed by VVednesday won trepiece of the Canadian Centennial $11880 Numismatic Park In 1967 it over-- looked the Trans Canada Highway Lotto 649 ÄUg 6 but the highway has been moved Winning numbers were 9 1 1 since The nickel 30 feet high and two 27 28 37 46 The bonus num- - feet thick is too big to move ber was 29 Ali six regular num- - It was built by Bruno Cavallo a bers were worth 850000000 sign painter who thought a model of but the vvinning combination thp 1Qc rangan fivpnt _ the i0SSuarfplu1whichJo-f-™felmine- s-the bonus number were worth WUUU1U uc an 1U PIUJCW lor luc $31305040 but the winning in the centennial year City Council combination was not selected ?Pted for a museum and an art gallery Any five regular numbers won instead $205760 Any four regular But Cavallo found an ally in Ted numbers won $8730 Any three Szilvaacityfiremanwhoseideafora regular numbers won $ 1 0 sign featuring the nickel had also been ignored Szilva put together a private VvintariO ÄUg 1 2 company Nickel Monument Devel- - The winning number for opment Ltd to hire Cavallo to build $100000 was 079143 The first 5 the big coin CaVall° Cl°Sed his sh°P and 4 or last 4 digits won ?100 lirst #u £ 3 or last 3 digits won $10 Other sPent a 5ar on e J°b bulldl?8 a prizes: $10000 — 588624 Plywood frame and covenng it with a 905774 $1000 — 57745 $100 — stainless steel skin He liked the work 0924 $50 — 8 1 7 3 9 3 in any so much he never reopened his sign order $10 — 474 VVinTall — shop - he just kept on building big 74 Mystery Bonus — 10471 coins mce tnen tne ne nas Decome Provincial ÄUg-- 12 the centrepiece of a private park - with The winning number for four other oversize coins surrounding $500 000 was 4453353 Last 6the ori inal _ and the k itsdf has dlgltSJ°n!ln$5i0it0 4 digits lnbecome one of th mai" SlOOrlast 3 digits won $25 iaSttlonsofthearwithpaidadmissions 2 digits won $10 running around 100000 a year 12 "George Is todayyouriveddlng day?" tical lie was a small sin A politician does not lie in the moral sense of the word he said Sometimes it is neces-sar- y to conceal the truth to preserve power or to come to power Nixon neverthe-les- s added that such means must not be employed beyond the bounds of the and that he hirn-se- lf never did so when he was A PLEA FOR LIFE eivät ole sotaa varten! I wish these ihoughts could disappear no longer torfure me a skiff in the dead of night on a stormy sea Now and then a ray of hope subconsciously peeks like the moon 'bove drifting playing hide and seek We must not allow this earth to become a svvirling tomb a baby's cry will not be heard or a bloom Perhaps nature has decided life must vacafe this planet and join the many other forms through time emerged and vanished The mace of Washington must not be flashed on this earth again Jonestovvn syndrome must not spread from Pentagon's den If evil strikes my hapless land by ruse of Washington if such she wakes in flames and robbed as well to me this matters very much Listen to my plea for life! Canada! Oh! Land o' mine! banish weapons or be judged co-spon- sor to the crime There'll be no birds to greet the dawn no dew to quench the grass unto ali t!me no life to ask vvhatever happen in the past A drifting tomb to purify a paradise lost the ultimate sacrifice to nuclear Moloch JOHN LAZARUK Oil Springs Ontario CANADA ALUMHNlMIESTEN HUOMIOON Halutaan ostaa aluminium si-di- ng scarp (romua) paivan kor-keimpiin hintoihin Rehellinen punnitus HOUSE OF METALS 45 Commercial Rd Toronto 1 7 Leaside Kolme korttelia etelään Eglin-tonis- ta itaan Laird Drivesta Puh: 421-157- 2 LOUGHEED HAUTAUSTOIMISTO Hautaukset 100 mailin säteellä Sudburysta toimitetaan ilman lisämaksua PUHELIN 673-959- 1 PUHELIN 6739591 252 Regent St South Hazel kadun kulm Sudbury objective President Äiti poikasi clouds flovver Frank "Ä Block BO Roger Young 0J OPTÖMETBISTIT Puh konttori 674-40- 14 kotiin 673-07- 05 CITY CENTRE HUONE 216 Toisessa kerroksessa SUDBURY Ontario Vastaanotto ESPANOLASSA Keshfv klo 11 ap — 9 lp Pah 869-29- 20 AUNIITA UKKIA UKKAKIMPPUJA UKKALAITTEITA Poiketkaa hakemassa keikkakalenterinne FLOVVER SERVICE Puhelin 673-959- 1 252 Regent St S Hazel kadun kulm 22 Durham St N SUDBURY Halutaan vuokrata HUONEUSTO Torontosta 2 sänkykamarilla Tiedustelut: 1-705-74- 4-2225 )lll!}[l!il)IHIllllHIHIII!)IHtltlHil!)l}illjli ERILAISET TILAISUUDET TORONTQ Finn Centre 465-898- 1 Ikinuortenkerhon toiminta-paikka Finn-Cent- re on avoinna kello 10 jälkeen jokaisen viikon torstaiaamuna Tervetuloa ren-toutumaan! Juodaan kahvia ja pelataan bingoa CANADA NL-SEUR- A jär-jestää filmitilaisuuksia perjan-taisin seuran huoneustossa 280 Queen St W Toronto alk klo 730 illalla Elokuvat ovat joko englan-ninkielisiä tai -- tekstillä varus-tettuja Tulkaa ajoissa — ra-joitettu tila! CANADA NL-SEUR- A 977-581- 9 CANADA NL-SEURA- N mat-katoimisto: CANSOV 596-132- 3 280 Queen St W Toronto Ont SUDBURY CSJ:n Sudburyn osaston kuukausikokoukset pidetään ukrainalaisella Jubilee naalilla joka kuukauden toisena maa-nantaina kello 1 1 aamupäiväl-lä ellei asiasta toisin ilmoiteta Sudburyn Seurakerhon vii-kottaiset harjoitus- - ja ajanvie-tetilaisuud- et Jubilee Centre (entinen Finnish haali) joka tiis-tai alkaen klo 10 ap Uudet jäsenet tervetuloa kerhomme toimintaan Sävel kuoron harjoitukset torstaisin Aika aina määritel-lään tilanteitten mukaan Enti-set mukaan ja uudet ovat myöskin tervetulleita THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset haa-lil- la 316 Bay St joka kuu-kauden ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alk klo 130 ip 'Kaiku' kuoron harjoitukset ovat joka lauantai kello 1 päi-vällä Entiset ja uudet laulajat tervetulleita! CSJ:n osaston kokoukset joka kuukauden toinen lauantai klo 130 ip WANUP CSJ:nWanupin osaston no 9:n kokoukset ovat kuukauden en-simmäisenä maanantaina Osaston osoite: RR 3 Site 13 Box 6 Sudbury Ont P3E 4N1 BEAVER LAKE Bingo kuukauden ensim-mäinen sunnuntai kokous kello 1130 Bingo klo 1 |
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