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SOCIETVS BIGGEST WEALTH This is how Vladimir Lenin referred to society's attitude tovvard state on health protection do not man's health for the health of man is not only his personal wealth come oniy from the Republic's but also the biggest vvealth of society budget Various enterprises In 1918 Vladimir Lenin heart attacks have considerably cooperative trade union and signed a decree on the creation improved the mortality ratehas other organizations also chan- - ofthePeople'sCommissariatof dropped Four out of each five nel money into medical uses Health vhich initiated the So- - patients having suffered a heart A major principle of so- - viet public health system For attack today return to work cialist medical system is its the first time in mankind's his-tor- y the protection of peopIe's health became one of the most important state tasks vhile the Constitution legalized the right of man to health protection and guarantees right the national economy Fa-Duri- ng the years Soviet thedisposalofthe power the average life span has grown the health indices of the population have improved thanks to the efforts of both medical workcrs and scientists Many dangerous diseases have been complctely done away vvilh The general sickness rate and the disability-causin- g sick-ness rate have dramatically decreased Here is one example Allowing for the importance of the struggle against pathologi-ca- l heart conditions in the Uk-rain- e as in ali of the Soviet Union an effcctive system of cardiological scrvices has been created The results for curing ALUMIIN1MIESTEN HUOMIOON Halutaan ostaa aluminium si-di- ng scarp (romua) paivan kor-keimpiin hintoihin Rehellinen punnitus HOUSE OF METALS 45 Commercial Rd Toronto 17 Leaside Kolme korttelia etelään Eglin- - tonista itaan Laird Drivesta Puh 421-157- 2 r LOUGHEED HAUTAUSTOIMISTO Hautaukset 100 mailin sateella Sudburysta toimitetaan ilman lisämaksua PUHELIN 673 9595 PUHELIN 673-959- 5 252 Regent St South Hazel kadun kulm Sudbury Frank R Block RO ja Roger Young 0JD OPTOMETRISTIT Puh konttori 674-40- 14 kotiin 673-070- 5 CITY CENTRE HUONE 216 Toisessa kerroksessa SUDBURY Ontario Vastaanotto ESPANOLASSA Kesklv klo 11 ap — 9 ip Puh 869-29- 20 AUNIiTA IMf UKKIA UKKAKIMPPUJA UKKALAITTEITA Fodlcotkaa hakemassa kukkakalenitertnne FLOWER SERVICE Puhelin 673-950- 5 252 Regent St S Hazel kadon kulm 22 Durham St N New Sudbury kauppakeskus SU DB U RY 12 whereas previously 80 per cent of the patients would have become invalids The protection of health has become one of the most compli-cate- d and many-facete- d fields materia] of this of of cilitiesnovvat Republicfs health care system are quite impressive: 3900 modern hospitals maternity houses clinics 5900 polyc-linic- s 5800 drugstores 16700 first-ai- d stations and a great number of medical educational and research establishments Today in the Ukraine there are 18100 doctors and 525 paramedics (one doctor and 3 paramedics per each 300 citi-zen- s) We are pround of the fact that the USSR the Ukraine included is unrivalled in the vvorld as to the availability of doctors to the population NB: The Soviet Unions population constitutes seven per cent of the eartrfs entire populace No country in the capitalist World knows such a rapid de-velopm-cnt of medicine as in the Soviet Union: At the moment hospitals in the Ukraine have 630000 beds or 125 per each 10000 people The United States France and Great Brit-ain for example have 15-- 2 times lcss hospital beds for their patients With each coming year the Soviet state allocates more funds for health protection projects and the development of medicine In 1975-198- 0 alone 700 million roubles were spent on the construction of medical institutions However one wouldn't have a full idea of the Soviet Union's expenditure on ali medical projects if mention is not made of the social insurance payments which are responsiblc for the vvide-scal- e planned measurcs to prevent and dec-rea- se the sickness rate of the population and treatment at medical institutions The resources spent by the disease-preventi- ve character the main method of realization of this principle being through regular medical checkups Annually in the Republic some 1 30 min chekups are made with the application of the latest diagnostic equipment On average each citizen of the Uk-raine consults a doctor at the polyclinic 10 times in his life-tim- e Ambulance and first-ai- d medical services occupy special place in the Soviet public health system The ambulance service has a wide network of special-ize- d institutions — hospitals wards and stations Dialing 30 a paticnt knows that se-ver- al minutes later an emerg-enc- y medical team vvill arrive and render him the necessary qualifiel help The pridc of Soviet health care is the protection of the health of mother and child In the Ukraine 27000 children's doctors and obstericians take care of their patienfs health A broad network of antenatal and children's centers has been set up as well as many excellently equipped maternity wards and clinics Over a quarter of the 45000 hospital beds to appear in the current five-ye- ar period vvill be at children's medical establishments 10000 child-re- n will simultaneously receive treatment in new specializcd sanatoriums The industrial manufacture of foodstuffs for children vvill be increascd More than 1200 doctors and 7000 Candidates of Scie-nce (Med) are engaged at me-dical research institutes and medical colleges of the Re-public The attainments of the So-viet health care system are wcll knovvn in the world It is the Soviet health care system that the World Health Organization recommends as a model for solving the problems of provid-in- g the population vvith medical services Run by the state the Soviet public health system is of a truly — Huomenna hommaat toopinkia vaikk pärjää 3 iggugiiifeWfliiiyi VEROILMOITUKSET v 19 81 kuntoon ajoissa! Yksityiset j 'ksityisyrittelijät ja liikkeet Maanantaisia perjantaihin klo 10-1- 0 Lauantaina klo 10--3 PUHELIN 488-180- 1 TUOMOLA 191 Eglinton Ave East huone 206 tfrtifMirMirMitaflraiffiiiNTiu Spring-Hearte- d In summer Winter sp ring or fall In any place and timi ? at ali The feeling of spring in our hean 's Should be in there ne i ver depart As summer's breezes gently öov v This feeling in our hearts can fl ow To give our spirit a nd our mind the needed streng th our way to find Then through the autumn's dismal days Our spring-hea- rt glows in many w ays And even in the autumn night That heart of ou rs vvill shine a ligh f In vvintertime thiat heart defies The snow the cold and cloudy ski( ?s That kind of he art then only bear ns ' Fulfilling ali ou r fondest dreams Then when th e season's spring rolls b y We can vvith sprin g-hea-rts feeling high Now concen trate and search i our souls To find the vays to reach our goals In Winter summer fall or spring That feeling our hearts will bring Such oy and rapture when it's there You feel liike spring is in the air Joseph U Kaksonen Oksan en menee selkäkipun-sa vuoks i Tohtori ky-syy onko mies rasittanut sel-käänsä liikaa mihin tämä vas-taa: — K ipu johtuu varmasti siitä että mi nulla on paha tapa pu-reskelu i kynsiäni Laa kari nauraa: — Se on nyt aivan mahdo-tonta — Niinkö teistä? Mutta minä pure' ikelenkin varpaankynsiäni peope's character Any Soviet citizen vhatever his material and social status has the right to free qualified medical help Andriy Serdyuk MD fottil a kiven alta! Ei nykyisin enää WwVV'NxvWt Sri I N AriftTtinfflil il ''A f I Cl 1 5tjHffiJ Mutsi! mulle ilman MARK lääkäriin ERILAISET TILAISUUDET TORONTO Toronton Ikinuorten Finlandia kuoron harjoitukset joka torstai klo 1 1 a p Uudet ja entiset laulajat tervetuloa kuoroon! Ikinuorten voimistelu- - ja tanhuharjoitukset Don haalilla torstaisin klo 10 ap CSJ:n Toronton osaston sään-tömääräinen vuosikokous Don haalilla 957 Broadvievv Ave sunnuntaina helmikuun 21 paiva 1982 alkaen kello 1 ilta-päivällä Sunnuntaina maaliskuun 14 päivä kello 1230 iltapäi-vällä tarjoillaan haalilla maukas laatikkopäivällinen TERVETULOA! 11 CANADA NL-SEUR- A jär-jestää filmitilaisuuksia perjan-taisin seuran huoneustossa 280 Queen St W Toronto alk klo 8 illalla Elokuvat ovat joko englan-ninkielisiä tai -- tekstillä varus-tettuja Tulkaa ajoissa — ra-joitettu tila! CANADA NL-SEUR- A 977-581- 9 CANADA NL-SEURA- N mat-katoimisto: CANSOV 596-132- 3 280 Queen St W Toronto Ont VANCOUVER BC Kaarina Luoman ja Judy Lahden puhetilaisuus Ukraini-a- n haalilla 805 E Pender St sunnuntaina helmikuun 21 päivä alk klo 2 ip SUDBURY SUDBURYN SEURA-KERHO- N viikottaiset harjoit-us- ja ajanvietetilaisuudet Ju-bil- ee Centre entinen Finnish haali) joka tiistai alkaen klo 10 ap Uudet jäsenet tervetulleita kerhomme toimintaan! Sävel kuoron harjoitukset torstaisin Aika aina määritel-lään tilanteitten mukaan Enti-set mukaan ja uudet ovat myöskin tervetulleita THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset haa-lill- a 316 Bay St joka kuu-kauden ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alk klo 130 ip 'Kaiku'kuoron harjoitukset joka sunnuntai kello 1 ilta-päivällä Tervetuloa uudet ja entiset laulajat! CSJ:n osaston kokoukset Joka kuukauden toinen lauantai klo 130 ip 'r--
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Viikkosanomat, February 15, 1982 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finland -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Finland; Finnish Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1982-02-15 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | VikkoD7000293 |
Title | 000626 |
OCR text | SOCIETVS BIGGEST WEALTH This is how Vladimir Lenin referred to society's attitude tovvard state on health protection do not man's health for the health of man is not only his personal wealth come oniy from the Republic's but also the biggest vvealth of society budget Various enterprises In 1918 Vladimir Lenin heart attacks have considerably cooperative trade union and signed a decree on the creation improved the mortality ratehas other organizations also chan- - ofthePeople'sCommissariatof dropped Four out of each five nel money into medical uses Health vhich initiated the So- - patients having suffered a heart A major principle of so- - viet public health system For attack today return to work cialist medical system is its the first time in mankind's his-tor- y the protection of peopIe's health became one of the most important state tasks vhile the Constitution legalized the right of man to health protection and guarantees right the national economy Fa-Duri- ng the years Soviet thedisposalofthe power the average life span has grown the health indices of the population have improved thanks to the efforts of both medical workcrs and scientists Many dangerous diseases have been complctely done away vvilh The general sickness rate and the disability-causin- g sick-ness rate have dramatically decreased Here is one example Allowing for the importance of the struggle against pathologi-ca- l heart conditions in the Uk-rain- e as in ali of the Soviet Union an effcctive system of cardiological scrvices has been created The results for curing ALUMIIN1MIESTEN HUOMIOON Halutaan ostaa aluminium si-di- ng scarp (romua) paivan kor-keimpiin hintoihin Rehellinen punnitus HOUSE OF METALS 45 Commercial Rd Toronto 17 Leaside Kolme korttelia etelään Eglin- - tonista itaan Laird Drivesta Puh 421-157- 2 r LOUGHEED HAUTAUSTOIMISTO Hautaukset 100 mailin sateella Sudburysta toimitetaan ilman lisämaksua PUHELIN 673 9595 PUHELIN 673-959- 5 252 Regent St South Hazel kadun kulm Sudbury Frank R Block RO ja Roger Young 0JD OPTOMETRISTIT Puh konttori 674-40- 14 kotiin 673-070- 5 CITY CENTRE HUONE 216 Toisessa kerroksessa SUDBURY Ontario Vastaanotto ESPANOLASSA Kesklv klo 11 ap — 9 ip Puh 869-29- 20 AUNIiTA IMf UKKIA UKKAKIMPPUJA UKKALAITTEITA Fodlcotkaa hakemassa kukkakalenitertnne FLOWER SERVICE Puhelin 673-950- 5 252 Regent St S Hazel kadon kulm 22 Durham St N New Sudbury kauppakeskus SU DB U RY 12 whereas previously 80 per cent of the patients would have become invalids The protection of health has become one of the most compli-cate- d and many-facete- d fields materia] of this of of cilitiesnovvat Republicfs health care system are quite impressive: 3900 modern hospitals maternity houses clinics 5900 polyc-linic- s 5800 drugstores 16700 first-ai- d stations and a great number of medical educational and research establishments Today in the Ukraine there are 18100 doctors and 525 paramedics (one doctor and 3 paramedics per each 300 citi-zen- s) We are pround of the fact that the USSR the Ukraine included is unrivalled in the vvorld as to the availability of doctors to the population NB: The Soviet Unions population constitutes seven per cent of the eartrfs entire populace No country in the capitalist World knows such a rapid de-velopm-cnt of medicine as in the Soviet Union: At the moment hospitals in the Ukraine have 630000 beds or 125 per each 10000 people The United States France and Great Brit-ain for example have 15-- 2 times lcss hospital beds for their patients With each coming year the Soviet state allocates more funds for health protection projects and the development of medicine In 1975-198- 0 alone 700 million roubles were spent on the construction of medical institutions However one wouldn't have a full idea of the Soviet Union's expenditure on ali medical projects if mention is not made of the social insurance payments which are responsiblc for the vvide-scal- e planned measurcs to prevent and dec-rea- se the sickness rate of the population and treatment at medical institutions The resources spent by the disease-preventi- ve character the main method of realization of this principle being through regular medical checkups Annually in the Republic some 1 30 min chekups are made with the application of the latest diagnostic equipment On average each citizen of the Uk-raine consults a doctor at the polyclinic 10 times in his life-tim- e Ambulance and first-ai- d medical services occupy special place in the Soviet public health system The ambulance service has a wide network of special-ize- d institutions — hospitals wards and stations Dialing 30 a paticnt knows that se-ver- al minutes later an emerg-enc- y medical team vvill arrive and render him the necessary qualifiel help The pridc of Soviet health care is the protection of the health of mother and child In the Ukraine 27000 children's doctors and obstericians take care of their patienfs health A broad network of antenatal and children's centers has been set up as well as many excellently equipped maternity wards and clinics Over a quarter of the 45000 hospital beds to appear in the current five-ye- ar period vvill be at children's medical establishments 10000 child-re- n will simultaneously receive treatment in new specializcd sanatoriums The industrial manufacture of foodstuffs for children vvill be increascd More than 1200 doctors and 7000 Candidates of Scie-nce (Med) are engaged at me-dical research institutes and medical colleges of the Re-public The attainments of the So-viet health care system are wcll knovvn in the world It is the Soviet health care system that the World Health Organization recommends as a model for solving the problems of provid-in- g the population vvith medical services Run by the state the Soviet public health system is of a truly — Huomenna hommaat toopinkia vaikk pärjää 3 iggugiiifeWfliiiyi VEROILMOITUKSET v 19 81 kuntoon ajoissa! Yksityiset j 'ksityisyrittelijät ja liikkeet Maanantaisia perjantaihin klo 10-1- 0 Lauantaina klo 10--3 PUHELIN 488-180- 1 TUOMOLA 191 Eglinton Ave East huone 206 tfrtifMirMirMitaflraiffiiiNTiu Spring-Hearte- d In summer Winter sp ring or fall In any place and timi ? at ali The feeling of spring in our hean 's Should be in there ne i ver depart As summer's breezes gently öov v This feeling in our hearts can fl ow To give our spirit a nd our mind the needed streng th our way to find Then through the autumn's dismal days Our spring-hea- rt glows in many w ays And even in the autumn night That heart of ou rs vvill shine a ligh f In vvintertime thiat heart defies The snow the cold and cloudy ski( ?s That kind of he art then only bear ns ' Fulfilling ali ou r fondest dreams Then when th e season's spring rolls b y We can vvith sprin g-hea-rts feeling high Now concen trate and search i our souls To find the vays to reach our goals In Winter summer fall or spring That feeling our hearts will bring Such oy and rapture when it's there You feel liike spring is in the air Joseph U Kaksonen Oksan en menee selkäkipun-sa vuoks i Tohtori ky-syy onko mies rasittanut sel-käänsä liikaa mihin tämä vas-taa: — K ipu johtuu varmasti siitä että mi nulla on paha tapa pu-reskelu i kynsiäni Laa kari nauraa: — Se on nyt aivan mahdo-tonta — Niinkö teistä? Mutta minä pure' ikelenkin varpaankynsiäni peope's character Any Soviet citizen vhatever his material and social status has the right to free qualified medical help Andriy Serdyuk MD fottil a kiven alta! Ei nykyisin enää WwVV'NxvWt Sri I N AriftTtinfflil il ''A f I Cl 1 5tjHffiJ Mutsi! mulle ilman MARK lääkäriin ERILAISET TILAISUUDET TORONTO Toronton Ikinuorten Finlandia kuoron harjoitukset joka torstai klo 1 1 a p Uudet ja entiset laulajat tervetuloa kuoroon! Ikinuorten voimistelu- - ja tanhuharjoitukset Don haalilla torstaisin klo 10 ap CSJ:n Toronton osaston sään-tömääräinen vuosikokous Don haalilla 957 Broadvievv Ave sunnuntaina helmikuun 21 paiva 1982 alkaen kello 1 ilta-päivällä Sunnuntaina maaliskuun 14 päivä kello 1230 iltapäi-vällä tarjoillaan haalilla maukas laatikkopäivällinen TERVETULOA! 11 CANADA NL-SEUR- A jär-jestää filmitilaisuuksia perjan-taisin seuran huoneustossa 280 Queen St W Toronto alk klo 8 illalla Elokuvat ovat joko englan-ninkielisiä tai -- tekstillä varus-tettuja Tulkaa ajoissa — ra-joitettu tila! CANADA NL-SEUR- A 977-581- 9 CANADA NL-SEURA- N mat-katoimisto: CANSOV 596-132- 3 280 Queen St W Toronto Ont VANCOUVER BC Kaarina Luoman ja Judy Lahden puhetilaisuus Ukraini-a- n haalilla 805 E Pender St sunnuntaina helmikuun 21 päivä alk klo 2 ip SUDBURY SUDBURYN SEURA-KERHO- N viikottaiset harjoit-us- ja ajanvietetilaisuudet Ju-bil- ee Centre entinen Finnish haali) joka tiistai alkaen klo 10 ap Uudet jäsenet tervetulleita kerhomme toimintaan! Sävel kuoron harjoitukset torstaisin Aika aina määritel-lään tilanteitten mukaan Enti-set mukaan ja uudet ovat myöskin tervetulleita THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset haa-lill- a 316 Bay St joka kuu-kauden ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alk klo 130 ip 'Kaiku'kuoron harjoitukset joka sunnuntai kello 1 ilta-päivällä Tervetuloa uudet ja entiset laulajat! CSJ:n osaston kokoukset Joka kuukauden toinen lauantai klo 130 ip 'r-- |
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