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nWwj - v_ j n rrtl lftf $yi ' i" " V-- ' N m Wärtsilä build worid's largest ferry The Finnish has the largest car and passenger from Wärtsilä Shipyards for delivery in Equipped with two stern and a foregate vvith driving ramp the grt is capable of carrying passenters up to 600 cars and 16 on its 10 fV-- f K --£- ftt wr V'- -" 1 &äm£m'alvaP H5 htäar-yrzZ- ' --% raanaa To ensure the maximum on in even the roughest seas both fin stabilizers and trimheeling will be fitted Passenger accommodation is designed to an exeptionally standard and includes an a la carte restaurant and discotheque In addition elevators are provided for passenger use Finns are world leaders According to a con-duct- ed recently by the Inter-national Advertising Association are in printed advertising spending $US 123 per head on it annually - virtually the expended in 6180) Runners-u- p in the are Switzerland and the KAIKENLAISTA PUUTAVARAA JA RAKENNUSTARPEITA ja putkitus-tarpeit- a — kohtuullisin RICHARD LUMBER & Ltd PUHELIN Site 8 R R 3 Sudbury 69 Lake LOUGHEED HAUTAUSTOIMISTO 100 mailin säteellä Sudburysta ilman 252 St South Hazel kadun kulm 12 Considerable attention has in the design to containing running costs the and auxiliary engines are and run on fuel oil and each engine has a separate and cooling will be 22 DELIVERIES ZZmmtmm'! -- vr The of two by VO Sudoimport Moscow in December 1 981 -- the passenger "Aleksey Kortunow" - was delivered by Wärtsilä at the end of October The is of a new designed for the offshore industry and will operata in the Caspian Sea 10130) In per spending on television advertising Finland comes llth the two leading countries the and Australia ALUMHNIMIESTEN HUOMIOON Halutaan ostaa aluminium scarp kor-keimpiin Rehellinen punnitus OF METALS 45 Commercial Rd 17 Eglin-tonis- ta itaan Laird Puh: 421 1572 Frank R Block RO Roger Young 0J OPTOMETRISTIT Puh kotiin CITY 216 kerroksessa SUDBURY Vastaanotto ESPANOLASSA klo 11 ap — 9 lp Puh lie fey AUNIITA UKKIA UKKAKIMPPUJA UKKALAITTEITA kukkakalenterinne SERVICE 252 St S Hazel kadun kulm 22 St N SUDBURY Wärtsilä has also re-cently delivered the seventh in the of nine tdw multi-purpo- se for VO Sudoimport Quality Guaranteed A garbage-remov- al firm in up an way of advertising its Its vans carry the following "'lf you are not with our we'll give you back twice as much as we took" Collectoi Bill a in one of the Pro- fessional clubs has an He the teeth he has lost in with his oppo-nen- ts "according to ali the and in that occur the Deutsches Sportecho xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Red Pants through the ages Have solutions But after reading countless I have come up vvith own confusions I have some but am I one an exception? How come one can me And stir this thrilling conception Of ali the that I have seen This is the one I I try to think what it may does it stir me even The that i so dreamed A hot nevspaper said As its headline screamed: "The Hot Fad is To bed I but Just tvvisting tossing turning Because the screaming hot My burning tili morning Though then at last I so And promptly dreaming The girl I somehovv Who red hot was vvearing then She at me so pleasantly her she placed my Her cunning stunt vvas stirring me She pressed my hand gave this command: "You can novv feel my hot stuff Its soft and vvarm and stretchy too" I had to and gasp and And sure enough vvas stretching too She me seem off the So and glorious gave I got so hot and full of I it hard but I tried to my I tugged and and She my in to stay She and pushed and resisted I'll never what happened next As novv our I must teli you I vvas perplexed So can not hovv vvas I then and the My so fast But it — In vain I tried to it last I want to add that l'm not Fast hot fad is a one I still get mad if go bad Just I find a ret hot fast one Joseph U Kaksonen XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Eric DC ND KIROPRAKTIKKO JA NATUROPAATTI 331 Sheppard Ave E Willovdale Avoinna klo S-- 12 ja 2-- 6 liisf klo 5-- 9 illalla klo S-- 12 ja 2-- 8 tont klo 5-- 9 illalla klo 8-- 12 ja 2-- 6 sopimuksen 224-044- 4 Aikatilauksct puhelimitse ERILAISET l TILAISUUDET TORONTO 465-89- 81 Ikinuorten toiminta-paikka Finn 215 Dan-fort- h Ave on avoinna 10 jälkeen jokaisen torstai-aamuna Lauluharjoitukset 10 ja voimisteluharjoitukset kello 11 Tervetuloa rentoutu-maan juodaan ja pela-taan bingoa! Sunnuntaina helmikuun 26 on päätetty Ikinuor-tenkerho- n ohjelmallinen CANADA-NL-SEUR- A jär-jestää filmitilaisuuksia perjan-taisin klo 8 pm ja sunnuntaisin klo 2 pm huoneustossa 280 Queen St W Toronto Elokuvat ovat englan-ninkielisiä tai -- tekstillä varus-tettuja ajoissa — rajoi-tettu tila! CANADA NL-SEUR-A 977-581- 9 CANADA NL-SEUR-AN mat-katoimisto: CANSOV 596-132- 3 280 Queen St W Toronto Ontario SUDBURY Sudburyn kuukausikokoukset pidetään ukrainalaisella kuukauden maa-nantaina 1 1 aamupäiväl-lä ellei ilmoiteta Sudburyn Seurakerhon vii-kottaiset harjoitukset- - ja ajan-vietetilaisuu- det (entinen 10 ap jäsenet tervetuloa kerhomme toimintaan! harjoitukset vuoroviikoin torstai-iltaisi- n klo 7 ja päivisin klo 1 päätetään THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset 316 St kuu-kauden ensimmäinen ja keskiviikko 130 ip Ikinuorten voimisteluhar-joitukset keskiviikko 1 1 ap Lauluharjoi-tukset ensimmäinen ja keskiviikko 12 määrätään Järjestön kuukausikokous lauantai kuukaudesta kello 1 iltapäivällä WANUP Wanupin No 9:n kokoukset ovat kuu-kauden ensimmäisenä maanan-taina RR 3 Site 1 3 Box 6 Sudbury Ontario P3E 4N1 BEAVER Seurakerhon ja on helmikuun 5 jäsenet ovat tervetullei-ta kahvitarjoilu iltapäi-vällä nähdään TTiÄäÄ?? 'ä?iW"SMS1 to SF-Li- ne ordered world's ferry Turku 1985 ramps internal 36400 vessel 2500 plus trailers decks comfort board tanks high casino three study Finns world leaders double amount Britain ($US league table ($US 122) USA ($US Sähkö- - maalia hinnoin LAKE Ruilders Supply 522-153- 1 Posti: Maantie etelään Richard Hautaukset toimitetaan lisämaksua PUHELIN 673-959- 1 PUHELIN 6739591 Regent Sudbury been paid Both main started heavy exhaust boiler system Speed knots RECENT second vessels ordered ship Turku ship type service within Soviet capita being USA si-di- ng (romua) paivan hintoihin HOUSE Toronto Leaside Kolme korttelia etelään Drivesta ja konttori 674-40- 14 673-070- 5 CENTRE HUONE Toisessa Ontario Kestctv 869-29- 20 Poiketkaa hakemassa FLOVVER Puhelin 673-959- 1 Regent Durham Turku series 20000 arctic vessels Toulon France thought original services notice: satisfied service garbage Pound player Canadian hockey unusual hobby col-lec- ts clashes rules" scuffles during matches (GDR) reports Hot Some wisest sages given many dreams' pages brains sane? Would dream make dream give pain? dreams won't iorget mean? Why yet? night before story letters Ladies" Pants' Dead" crept hardly slept kept pants kept early slept sound started vvhen nicest found pants vvinked Inside pants hand pants' cough puff made right beam grand tingiings steam found could behave snatch hand away pulled insisted kept hand there shoved know thing we're nicely doing prove thing doing avvoke here's joke: svveetest dream ended bigger joke before broke make glad pants' past dreams vvhen Tohtori Harela maanant: keskiv: perjant: lauant: mukaan Puhelin Finn Centre kerhon Centre kello viikon kel-lo kahvia päivä pitää seuran joko Tulkaa CSJ:n osaston Jubilee haalilla joka toisena kello asiasta toisin Jubilee Centre Finnish haali) joka tiis-tai alkaen kello Uudet Sävel kuoron kunnes toisin haa-lilla Bay joka kolmas alkaen kello joka al-kaen kello kolmas kello kunnes toisin toinen alkaen CSJ:n osaston Osaston osoite: LAKE Beaver Laken seuraava kokous bingo tilai-suus päivä Uudet Hyvä Siellä wI
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Viikkosanomat, January 30, 1984 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finland -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Finland; Finnish Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1984-01-30 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | VikkoD7000388 |
Title | 000643 |
OCR text | nWwj - v_ j n rrtl lftf $yi ' i" " V-- ' N m Wärtsilä build worid's largest ferry The Finnish has the largest car and passenger from Wärtsilä Shipyards for delivery in Equipped with two stern and a foregate vvith driving ramp the grt is capable of carrying passenters up to 600 cars and 16 on its 10 fV-- f K --£- ftt wr V'- -" 1 &äm£m'alvaP H5 htäar-yrzZ- ' --% raanaa To ensure the maximum on in even the roughest seas both fin stabilizers and trimheeling will be fitted Passenger accommodation is designed to an exeptionally standard and includes an a la carte restaurant and discotheque In addition elevators are provided for passenger use Finns are world leaders According to a con-duct- ed recently by the Inter-national Advertising Association are in printed advertising spending $US 123 per head on it annually - virtually the expended in 6180) Runners-u- p in the are Switzerland and the KAIKENLAISTA PUUTAVARAA JA RAKENNUSTARPEITA ja putkitus-tarpeit- a — kohtuullisin RICHARD LUMBER & Ltd PUHELIN Site 8 R R 3 Sudbury 69 Lake LOUGHEED HAUTAUSTOIMISTO 100 mailin säteellä Sudburysta ilman 252 St South Hazel kadun kulm 12 Considerable attention has in the design to containing running costs the and auxiliary engines are and run on fuel oil and each engine has a separate and cooling will be 22 DELIVERIES ZZmmtmm'! -- vr The of two by VO Sudoimport Moscow in December 1 981 -- the passenger "Aleksey Kortunow" - was delivered by Wärtsilä at the end of October The is of a new designed for the offshore industry and will operata in the Caspian Sea 10130) In per spending on television advertising Finland comes llth the two leading countries the and Australia ALUMHNIMIESTEN HUOMIOON Halutaan ostaa aluminium scarp kor-keimpiin Rehellinen punnitus OF METALS 45 Commercial Rd 17 Eglin-tonis- ta itaan Laird Puh: 421 1572 Frank R Block RO Roger Young 0J OPTOMETRISTIT Puh kotiin CITY 216 kerroksessa SUDBURY Vastaanotto ESPANOLASSA klo 11 ap — 9 lp Puh lie fey AUNIITA UKKIA UKKAKIMPPUJA UKKALAITTEITA kukkakalenterinne SERVICE 252 St S Hazel kadun kulm 22 St N SUDBURY Wärtsilä has also re-cently delivered the seventh in the of nine tdw multi-purpo- se for VO Sudoimport Quality Guaranteed A garbage-remov- al firm in up an way of advertising its Its vans carry the following "'lf you are not with our we'll give you back twice as much as we took" Collectoi Bill a in one of the Pro- fessional clubs has an He the teeth he has lost in with his oppo-nen- ts "according to ali the and in that occur the Deutsches Sportecho xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Red Pants through the ages Have solutions But after reading countless I have come up vvith own confusions I have some but am I one an exception? How come one can me And stir this thrilling conception Of ali the that I have seen This is the one I I try to think what it may does it stir me even The that i so dreamed A hot nevspaper said As its headline screamed: "The Hot Fad is To bed I but Just tvvisting tossing turning Because the screaming hot My burning tili morning Though then at last I so And promptly dreaming The girl I somehovv Who red hot was vvearing then She at me so pleasantly her she placed my Her cunning stunt vvas stirring me She pressed my hand gave this command: "You can novv feel my hot stuff Its soft and vvarm and stretchy too" I had to and gasp and And sure enough vvas stretching too She me seem off the So and glorious gave I got so hot and full of I it hard but I tried to my I tugged and and She my in to stay She and pushed and resisted I'll never what happened next As novv our I must teli you I vvas perplexed So can not hovv vvas I then and the My so fast But it — In vain I tried to it last I want to add that l'm not Fast hot fad is a one I still get mad if go bad Just I find a ret hot fast one Joseph U Kaksonen XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Eric DC ND KIROPRAKTIKKO JA NATUROPAATTI 331 Sheppard Ave E Willovdale Avoinna klo S-- 12 ja 2-- 6 liisf klo 5-- 9 illalla klo S-- 12 ja 2-- 8 tont klo 5-- 9 illalla klo 8-- 12 ja 2-- 6 sopimuksen 224-044- 4 Aikatilauksct puhelimitse ERILAISET l TILAISUUDET TORONTO 465-89- 81 Ikinuorten toiminta-paikka Finn 215 Dan-fort- h Ave on avoinna 10 jälkeen jokaisen torstai-aamuna Lauluharjoitukset 10 ja voimisteluharjoitukset kello 11 Tervetuloa rentoutu-maan juodaan ja pela-taan bingoa! Sunnuntaina helmikuun 26 on päätetty Ikinuor-tenkerho- n ohjelmallinen CANADA-NL-SEUR- A jär-jestää filmitilaisuuksia perjan-taisin klo 8 pm ja sunnuntaisin klo 2 pm huoneustossa 280 Queen St W Toronto Elokuvat ovat englan-ninkielisiä tai -- tekstillä varus-tettuja ajoissa — rajoi-tettu tila! CANADA NL-SEUR-A 977-581- 9 CANADA NL-SEUR-AN mat-katoimisto: CANSOV 596-132- 3 280 Queen St W Toronto Ontario SUDBURY Sudburyn kuukausikokoukset pidetään ukrainalaisella kuukauden maa-nantaina 1 1 aamupäiväl-lä ellei ilmoiteta Sudburyn Seurakerhon vii-kottaiset harjoitukset- - ja ajan-vietetilaisuu- det (entinen 10 ap jäsenet tervetuloa kerhomme toimintaan! harjoitukset vuoroviikoin torstai-iltaisi- n klo 7 ja päivisin klo 1 päätetään THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset 316 St kuu-kauden ensimmäinen ja keskiviikko 130 ip Ikinuorten voimisteluhar-joitukset keskiviikko 1 1 ap Lauluharjoi-tukset ensimmäinen ja keskiviikko 12 määrätään Järjestön kuukausikokous lauantai kuukaudesta kello 1 iltapäivällä WANUP Wanupin No 9:n kokoukset ovat kuu-kauden ensimmäisenä maanan-taina RR 3 Site 1 3 Box 6 Sudbury Ontario P3E 4N1 BEAVER Seurakerhon ja on helmikuun 5 jäsenet ovat tervetullei-ta kahvitarjoilu iltapäi-vällä nähdään TTiÄäÄ?? 'ä?iW"SMS1 to SF-Li- ne ordered world's ferry Turku 1985 ramps internal 36400 vessel 2500 plus trailers decks comfort board tanks high casino three study Finns world leaders double amount Britain ($US league table ($US 122) USA ($US Sähkö- - maalia hinnoin LAKE Ruilders Supply 522-153- 1 Posti: Maantie etelään Richard Hautaukset toimitetaan lisämaksua PUHELIN 673-959- 1 PUHELIN 6739591 Regent Sudbury been paid Both main started heavy exhaust boiler system Speed knots RECENT second vessels ordered ship Turku ship type service within Soviet capita being USA si-di- ng (romua) paivan hintoihin HOUSE Toronto Leaside Kolme korttelia etelään Drivesta ja konttori 674-40- 14 673-070- 5 CENTRE HUONE Toisessa Ontario Kestctv 869-29- 20 Poiketkaa hakemassa FLOVVER Puhelin 673-959- 1 Regent Durham Turku series 20000 arctic vessels Toulon France thought original services notice: satisfied service garbage Pound player Canadian hockey unusual hobby col-lec- ts clashes rules" scuffles during matches (GDR) reports Hot Some wisest sages given many dreams' pages brains sane? Would dream make dream give pain? dreams won't iorget mean? Why yet? night before story letters Ladies" Pants' Dead" crept hardly slept kept pants kept early slept sound started vvhen nicest found pants vvinked Inside pants hand pants' cough puff made right beam grand tingiings steam found could behave snatch hand away pulled insisted kept hand there shoved know thing we're nicely doing prove thing doing avvoke here's joke: svveetest dream ended bigger joke before broke make glad pants' past dreams vvhen Tohtori Harela maanant: keskiv: perjant: lauant: mukaan Puhelin Finn Centre kerhon Centre kello viikon kel-lo kahvia päivä pitää seuran joko Tulkaa CSJ:n osaston Jubilee haalilla joka toisena kello asiasta toisin Jubilee Centre Finnish haali) joka tiis-tai alkaen kello Uudet Sävel kuoron kunnes toisin haa-lilla Bay joka kolmas alkaen kello joka al-kaen kello kolmas kello kunnes toisin toinen alkaen CSJ:n osaston Osaston osoite: LAKE Beaver Laken seuraava kokous bingo tilai-suus päivä Uudet Hyvä Siellä wI |
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