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A W M?H - 4HS ' '1 5 v U l M tn V l T 1i"'i' 'fl M" l 'f 3?Jt 7S 9 l +Sf 'W" i fi"A?i_- r"- wjw?_-_-Ji' iM' f v1"d" f6 --"udJfcvSi M finTC0MQ !™ - (N)vWV '7 M '( K J i£i£w TO OUR FINNISH MEMBERS tv™ SPECIAL HOLIDAY DINNER PLANNED FOR MEMBERS AND THEIR FAMILIES JtKj ta'SSruMMTO w::M AND FRIENDS OF THE VVORKERS' BENEVOLENT ASS'N VANCOUVER BC 1 1 iiiMiiiiiin liian— Returning from the very successful WBA Convention held recently in Winnipeg our IV district committee has launched into more energetic and enthusiastic work One of the OttAN AtiCRTOt ways we ha ve planned to bring forward the programme of the WBA and to acquaint others ML UfAM HCIhDiOS Wt 'OS about the work of our organization is to hold a special event This special event will be in the formatoi a Family Dinner for our members theirchildren grandchildren otherrelatives and members of the progressive organizations in our vicinity We especially wish to invite young COMIC-STRI- P MURDER MANUAL families to this celebration Easy to grasp with a smid-geo- n of humour and something rocomWino a ctnrv linp" that is the recipe for a comic strip and also for a sixteen-pag- e manual whose purpose is to spur on the "contras" in hid-in- g in Nicaragua A funny yavning little man turns up for work at 1030 am to sit by a mountain of undone work and tvviddle his thumbs Sure-l- y the message is clear? Why "kili" yourself for the repub-lic'- s good Better engage in some quiet sabotage Harass the boss with threatening tele-pho- ne calls sow panic with false fire alarm calls etc Daub slogans on walls Slit tyres and petrol tanks — even with the left hand as is shown on the cartoon If you don't know how to make bombs at home then study one of the 5000 copies of the manual which suggests thirty-eig- ht easy ways to inflict damage upon the young republic T: m 1 p The CIA not only provides vvith ter-rorisi "manuals" a few pages f ro m which appeared in the Brit-ish Observer bul ilself gives "classes" in murder This photo-grap- h reproduced from the Italian magazine Panorama shows "contras" undergoing special training at a base in Florida US Where was this comic-stn- p manual produced? Citing vvell-mform- ed sources Associated Ali efforts made in the Geneva-base- d Conference on Disarmament (CD) to proceed vith on nuclear weapons and the prevention of nuclear war continue to be blocked by the United States at times supported by some of its NATO allies This is by using procedu-ra- l questions vvhich limit the discussions to generalities or establish very narrovv mandates for vorking groups The US has made it clear that it does not favor establishing working groups or mandating them to negotiate towards tlie conclu-sio- n of treaties This is in spite of the fact that a number of draft conventions have been introduced mainly by the Socialist countries and by Sweden The majority of the members of the CD place the for failure to move beyond general delibera-tion-s to real squa-rel- y on the US VVPC DELEGATION TO CD The over-al- l characterization of the lack of progress in the CD became apparent to the World Peace Council delegation headed by Presi dent Romesh Chandra which mei various CD members June 25-- 27 The CD members vvhom the WPC delegation met included Ambas-sado- r Rjkhi Jaipal of India Secre-tary General of the Conference on Disarmament Under-Secretar- y Gene-ral of the United Nations and personal representative for the Confe-rence of the UN Secretary General: Nobel Laureate Ambassador Garcia Robles of Mexico Ambassador Louis Fields of the United States Ambassa-dor Victor Israelyan of the Soviet Union Ambassador Francois de la Gorce of Frace Ambassador Marie &% Mä fliiKK }' counterrevolutionaries Our family day will be held on SUNDA Y DECEMBER 1 6th at2PMat the Ukrainian Cultural Centre 805 East Pender St There will be a special programme of entertainment guest speaker and a traditional holiday dinner The afternoon is being planned so that it will be enjoyable for the entire family both young and old The price for this afternoon is being kept to a minimum to encourage whole families to attend to encourage every WBA memberto attend to ensure that this afternoon will be popularized so that the attendance will be at capacity The price foradults willbe $500 and for children under 12 years $250 There will be a complete holiday dinner and many extras However we need to know by December 2nd how many people will be attending We will ask the co-operati- on of WBABranch secretaries to let ali their members know about this event Tickets must be purchased in advance For further information please call 253-303- 2 224-612- 7 We hope to have a good turn outforourfirst HOLIDAY AFTERNOON -- FULL OF FUN AND GOOD FOOD Please come! N NIECHODA DISTRICT CHAIRMAN Press points a finger at the CIA Note that the "contras" heed what their patrons say The folloving tragic statistics were recently made public in Mana-gua Some twenty Nicaraguan doctors and nurses and two foreign doctors have perished forty health centres have been mWWmmm WHO PREVENTS MULTI-LATERA- L negotiations accomplished responsibility negotiations N WBATRADITONAL ENTERTAINMENT EGOT Michel Alessi of Italy at that time head of the Western Group Ambas-sador Julio Cesar Carasales of Argentina Ambassador Ryukichi Imai of Japan Ambassador Milos Vojvoda of Czechoslovakia Ambassa-dor Marcel Depasse of Belgium Ambassador Konstantin Tellalov of Bulgaria and others The delegation also met Minister Councillor Miodrag Mihaijlovic of Yugoslavia at that time head of the Non-Aligne- d and Neutral Countries Group and repre-sentativ- es of the delegations from India Australia and others The WPC delegation in addition to President Chandra included Martha Buschmann of the Federal Republic of Germany co-chairpers- on of the WPC Disarmament Commis-sion Mr Doudou Issa Niasse member of parliament from Senegal Dr Adam Rotfeld of Poland Karen Talbot VVPC Secretary and Dr Karoly Lauko WPC representative to the UN in Geneva Time and again the WPC delegation was told that the role of public opinion and the contnbutions of the peace movements and non-government- al organizations are critical to help bring about meaning-fu- l multi-latera- l negotiations in the CD There is a widespread feeling that the US wants to give the impression that it now wants to negotiate There is great concern that a misleading picture is being created of talks going on when in reality they are not Therefore the public needs to demand real negotiations and reject the kind of smokescreen that is being spread In the CD there is no movemenl whatsoever on the most crucial questions of nuclear vveapons and the prevention of nuclear war The US opposes negotiations on these issues stating that the danger of nuclear war is being exaggerated They prefer to keep matters on the level of an "exchange of ideas" A vi destroyed many chemisfs shops have been looted and many ambulances set fire to Ali to deny first aid to people caught in an ambush or blown up by a home-mad- e bomb manufactured naturally in line vvith the comic-stri- p manual V KSENIN ONS? On a related question the US and some of its allies challenge the importance of the USSR commit-men- t not to be the first to use nuclear weapons Therefore the Soviet Union also supported the proposal of the Mexican delegation to elaborate an international multi-later- al treaty on no-fir- st use by ali five nuclear vveapons powers But there has been no progress on this point either A Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty had nearly been concluded in 1979 but the US decided it did not want such a treaty Since that time the CD has attempted to arrive at a CTBT but vvith no real success Although a working group on the CTBT was finally established in 1982 it had been given a very restricted mandate - to taik only about verification This situation has prevailed for tvvo years The majority of nations feel it is nov" time to stop general discussions and to begin negotiations The UN General Assembly has repeatedly called for an end to the obstruction and for real negotiations tovvards a CTBT A space vveapons treaty is a great prriority and is is the desire of ali nations (the US vvas the only nation to vote against a UN resolution calling for a space vveapon ban) In the CD the US is opposing any serious negotiation on this issue even though there is a draft treaty banning space vveapons submitted by the Soviet Union Ali discussions are on procedural matters only The only issue upon vvhich there is piogress tovvards vvhat could be called the closest thing to negotia-tions is on chemical vveapons The US after years of opposing negotia-tions on a text submitted a draft treaty on chemical vveapons Matters vvere greatly delayed as the CD pic ci no iouu imcnoi# SiOv O HIflMVIHU! WtJATt rCOCT!LWOWT Tj £ jfcS 'f nwuiril 1UU -- l 6X n rgj rcflf= members avvaited the US draft vvhich arrived almost at the end of the spring session The draft vvas submitted in obvious compliance vvith a US Congressional requirement It took one month to re-establ- ish a group and to decide on the mandate Of 18- - articles in the draft 10 articles plus three annexes vvere devoted to questions of verification A key aspect of the verification stipulations is a call for so called "open inspection" of governmenl ovvned chemical facilities This vvas clearly designed to be unacceptable to the Socialist countries vvhere ali chemical plants are government-ovvne- d vvhereas in the US most are privately ovvned This is in spite of the fact that even US Vice President Bush vvho presented the draft treaty acknovvledged that the Soviet Union had agreed to permanent on-sit- e inspection Furthermore this US draft failed to produce enthusiasm on the part of the vast majority of countries in the CD including some Western as vvell as most neutral and non-aligne- d countries for the same reasons Although an ad hoe group on a comprehensive program on disarma-ment exists under the chairmanship of Ambassador Garcia Robles there is absolutely no movement on this most important question vvhich had been decided by consensus in the Final Document of the first special session on disarmament of the UN General Assembly The WPC delegation concluded that there is a great need to vvidely publicise the situation in the CD The influence of the peace move-ments and public opinion can help bring about serious negotiations for the rapid conclusion qf agreements vvhich can avert the grovving danger of nuclear vvar Talbot 12
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Viikkosanomat, November 12, 1984 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finland -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Finland; Finnish Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1984-11-12 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | VikkoD7000427 |
Title | 001109 |
OCR text | A W M?H - 4HS ' '1 5 v U l M tn V l T 1i"'i' 'fl M" l 'f 3?Jt 7S 9 l +Sf 'W" i fi"A?i_- r"- wjw?_-_-Ji' iM' f v1"d" f6 --"udJfcvSi M finTC0MQ !™ - (N)vWV '7 M '( K J i£i£w TO OUR FINNISH MEMBERS tv™ SPECIAL HOLIDAY DINNER PLANNED FOR MEMBERS AND THEIR FAMILIES JtKj ta'SSruMMTO w::M AND FRIENDS OF THE VVORKERS' BENEVOLENT ASS'N VANCOUVER BC 1 1 iiiMiiiiiin liian— Returning from the very successful WBA Convention held recently in Winnipeg our IV district committee has launched into more energetic and enthusiastic work One of the OttAN AtiCRTOt ways we ha ve planned to bring forward the programme of the WBA and to acquaint others ML UfAM HCIhDiOS Wt 'OS about the work of our organization is to hold a special event This special event will be in the formatoi a Family Dinner for our members theirchildren grandchildren otherrelatives and members of the progressive organizations in our vicinity We especially wish to invite young COMIC-STRI- P MURDER MANUAL families to this celebration Easy to grasp with a smid-geo- n of humour and something rocomWino a ctnrv linp" that is the recipe for a comic strip and also for a sixteen-pag- e manual whose purpose is to spur on the "contras" in hid-in- g in Nicaragua A funny yavning little man turns up for work at 1030 am to sit by a mountain of undone work and tvviddle his thumbs Sure-l- y the message is clear? Why "kili" yourself for the repub-lic'- s good Better engage in some quiet sabotage Harass the boss with threatening tele-pho- ne calls sow panic with false fire alarm calls etc Daub slogans on walls Slit tyres and petrol tanks — even with the left hand as is shown on the cartoon If you don't know how to make bombs at home then study one of the 5000 copies of the manual which suggests thirty-eig- ht easy ways to inflict damage upon the young republic T: m 1 p The CIA not only provides vvith ter-rorisi "manuals" a few pages f ro m which appeared in the Brit-ish Observer bul ilself gives "classes" in murder This photo-grap- h reproduced from the Italian magazine Panorama shows "contras" undergoing special training at a base in Florida US Where was this comic-stn- p manual produced? Citing vvell-mform- ed sources Associated Ali efforts made in the Geneva-base- d Conference on Disarmament (CD) to proceed vith on nuclear weapons and the prevention of nuclear war continue to be blocked by the United States at times supported by some of its NATO allies This is by using procedu-ra- l questions vvhich limit the discussions to generalities or establish very narrovv mandates for vorking groups The US has made it clear that it does not favor establishing working groups or mandating them to negotiate towards tlie conclu-sio- n of treaties This is in spite of the fact that a number of draft conventions have been introduced mainly by the Socialist countries and by Sweden The majority of the members of the CD place the for failure to move beyond general delibera-tion-s to real squa-rel- y on the US VVPC DELEGATION TO CD The over-al- l characterization of the lack of progress in the CD became apparent to the World Peace Council delegation headed by Presi dent Romesh Chandra which mei various CD members June 25-- 27 The CD members vvhom the WPC delegation met included Ambas-sado- r Rjkhi Jaipal of India Secre-tary General of the Conference on Disarmament Under-Secretar- y Gene-ral of the United Nations and personal representative for the Confe-rence of the UN Secretary General: Nobel Laureate Ambassador Garcia Robles of Mexico Ambassador Louis Fields of the United States Ambassa-dor Victor Israelyan of the Soviet Union Ambassador Francois de la Gorce of Frace Ambassador Marie &% Mä fliiKK }' counterrevolutionaries Our family day will be held on SUNDA Y DECEMBER 1 6th at2PMat the Ukrainian Cultural Centre 805 East Pender St There will be a special programme of entertainment guest speaker and a traditional holiday dinner The afternoon is being planned so that it will be enjoyable for the entire family both young and old The price for this afternoon is being kept to a minimum to encourage whole families to attend to encourage every WBA memberto attend to ensure that this afternoon will be popularized so that the attendance will be at capacity The price foradults willbe $500 and for children under 12 years $250 There will be a complete holiday dinner and many extras However we need to know by December 2nd how many people will be attending We will ask the co-operati- on of WBABranch secretaries to let ali their members know about this event Tickets must be purchased in advance For further information please call 253-303- 2 224-612- 7 We hope to have a good turn outforourfirst HOLIDAY AFTERNOON -- FULL OF FUN AND GOOD FOOD Please come! N NIECHODA DISTRICT CHAIRMAN Press points a finger at the CIA Note that the "contras" heed what their patrons say The folloving tragic statistics were recently made public in Mana-gua Some twenty Nicaraguan doctors and nurses and two foreign doctors have perished forty health centres have been mWWmmm WHO PREVENTS MULTI-LATERA- L negotiations accomplished responsibility negotiations N WBATRADITONAL ENTERTAINMENT EGOT Michel Alessi of Italy at that time head of the Western Group Ambas-sador Julio Cesar Carasales of Argentina Ambassador Ryukichi Imai of Japan Ambassador Milos Vojvoda of Czechoslovakia Ambassa-dor Marcel Depasse of Belgium Ambassador Konstantin Tellalov of Bulgaria and others The delegation also met Minister Councillor Miodrag Mihaijlovic of Yugoslavia at that time head of the Non-Aligne- d and Neutral Countries Group and repre-sentativ- es of the delegations from India Australia and others The WPC delegation in addition to President Chandra included Martha Buschmann of the Federal Republic of Germany co-chairpers- on of the WPC Disarmament Commis-sion Mr Doudou Issa Niasse member of parliament from Senegal Dr Adam Rotfeld of Poland Karen Talbot VVPC Secretary and Dr Karoly Lauko WPC representative to the UN in Geneva Time and again the WPC delegation was told that the role of public opinion and the contnbutions of the peace movements and non-government- al organizations are critical to help bring about meaning-fu- l multi-latera- l negotiations in the CD There is a widespread feeling that the US wants to give the impression that it now wants to negotiate There is great concern that a misleading picture is being created of talks going on when in reality they are not Therefore the public needs to demand real negotiations and reject the kind of smokescreen that is being spread In the CD there is no movemenl whatsoever on the most crucial questions of nuclear vveapons and the prevention of nuclear war The US opposes negotiations on these issues stating that the danger of nuclear war is being exaggerated They prefer to keep matters on the level of an "exchange of ideas" A vi destroyed many chemisfs shops have been looted and many ambulances set fire to Ali to deny first aid to people caught in an ambush or blown up by a home-mad- e bomb manufactured naturally in line vvith the comic-stri- p manual V KSENIN ONS? On a related question the US and some of its allies challenge the importance of the USSR commit-men- t not to be the first to use nuclear weapons Therefore the Soviet Union also supported the proposal of the Mexican delegation to elaborate an international multi-later- al treaty on no-fir- st use by ali five nuclear vveapons powers But there has been no progress on this point either A Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty had nearly been concluded in 1979 but the US decided it did not want such a treaty Since that time the CD has attempted to arrive at a CTBT but vvith no real success Although a working group on the CTBT was finally established in 1982 it had been given a very restricted mandate - to taik only about verification This situation has prevailed for tvvo years The majority of nations feel it is nov" time to stop general discussions and to begin negotiations The UN General Assembly has repeatedly called for an end to the obstruction and for real negotiations tovvards a CTBT A space vveapons treaty is a great prriority and is is the desire of ali nations (the US vvas the only nation to vote against a UN resolution calling for a space vveapon ban) In the CD the US is opposing any serious negotiation on this issue even though there is a draft treaty banning space vveapons submitted by the Soviet Union Ali discussions are on procedural matters only The only issue upon vvhich there is piogress tovvards vvhat could be called the closest thing to negotia-tions is on chemical vveapons The US after years of opposing negotia-tions on a text submitted a draft treaty on chemical vveapons Matters vvere greatly delayed as the CD pic ci no iouu imcnoi# SiOv O HIflMVIHU! WtJATt rCOCT!LWOWT Tj £ jfcS 'f nwuiril 1UU -- l 6X n rgj rcflf= members avvaited the US draft vvhich arrived almost at the end of the spring session The draft vvas submitted in obvious compliance vvith a US Congressional requirement It took one month to re-establ- ish a group and to decide on the mandate Of 18- - articles in the draft 10 articles plus three annexes vvere devoted to questions of verification A key aspect of the verification stipulations is a call for so called "open inspection" of governmenl ovvned chemical facilities This vvas clearly designed to be unacceptable to the Socialist countries vvhere ali chemical plants are government-ovvne- d vvhereas in the US most are privately ovvned This is in spite of the fact that even US Vice President Bush vvho presented the draft treaty acknovvledged that the Soviet Union had agreed to permanent on-sit- e inspection Furthermore this US draft failed to produce enthusiasm on the part of the vast majority of countries in the CD including some Western as vvell as most neutral and non-aligne- d countries for the same reasons Although an ad hoe group on a comprehensive program on disarma-ment exists under the chairmanship of Ambassador Garcia Robles there is absolutely no movement on this most important question vvhich had been decided by consensus in the Final Document of the first special session on disarmament of the UN General Assembly The WPC delegation concluded that there is a great need to vvidely publicise the situation in the CD The influence of the peace move-ments and public opinion can help bring about serious negotiations for the rapid conclusion qf agreements vvhich can avert the grovving danger of nuclear vvar Talbot 12 |
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