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!HiW?ls:-'- v V i ' V ' m B NsjiigiillF T&as Ms® igggjfjfjyBS8''" AR BANK BUS STOP Ali world words that crop up in one form or an- - other in countless languages SAUNA is another such word on signs and in dictionaries eveiyvvhere Finland's contri-butio- n to the international vo-cabul- ary It means the Finnish way of bathing and the place where it is done It seems to contain a little magic too Sau-na Soaps Sauna Drops Washing and bathing are of course immeasurably ancient practices In one way or anoth-er people throughout the ages have washed perspired and rinsed themselves in water in cold and heat Or else have just warmed themselves in the glow of hot Stones in dark cab-in- s The North American In-dia- ns and the Ancient Romans knew how to do this And so did the ancient Finns with their chimneyless "smoke saunas" The Finns did not actually m-ve- nt the sauna no more than any other particular nation The Finnish word has entered the world's dictionaries for quite a different reason: the Finns preserved the "sauna" as they called it long after it had been forgotten by the other peoples of Europe and devel-ope- d it into a modern form of recreation social intercourse and even business entertain-- ment Tourism is a rapid transmitter of customs Our neighbouring countries were the first to no-ti- ce that we Finns go to the sau-na at least once a week and even invite foreign visitors to join them in this remarkable pleasure First everybody strips until they are completely naked and then steps into a room in vvhich the temperature is near that of boiling water They beat their skins with bunches of leafy birch twigs Water is throvvn on the hot Stones and the steam hisses loudly At intervals they re-tre- at from the heat ofthe steam i ii ii " ih"i _ e a i i '-'- - - ij ij k"xm For warming up: Bectric stove 12 "'' : U V ' i© and cool off in a lake or swim-min- g pool In winter they roll in the snow and the braver souls even plunge through a hole in the ice into the numb-in- g waters beneath Indeed the better hotels in Helsinki have sauna facilities that mclude ar-tific- ial "ice holes" in vvhich the water temperature is + 4°C There it is: alternating be-tvve- en svveltering heat and fri-g- id cold At its best the sauna is happy but quiet relaxation that can sometimes include jokes and philosophy There is no haste in a sauna Forget your vvatch A Finnish people bathe in their ovvn saunas On the country's lakeshores and in its tovvns and ci-ti- es there are about a million saunas approxi-matel- y as many as cars Families go together although male-femal- e se-gregat- ion is usual-l- y practised when there are guests The custom of family bathing is so ancient and natural that it never occurs to anybody in Finland to consider it "nu-dis- m" although some outsid-er- s see it as such There is no denying that per-spiri- ng together in such a con-fine- d space creates a certain open feeling of intimacy in which each bather can study ali the others' physical features in detail if they vvant Hovvever these are not commented upon Later when everybody has dressed and is enjoying post-sau- na socialability a first-tim-- er can feel that he or she has been born again It can even happen that one is playfully 'presented with a souvenir di-plo- ma stating how manfully — or vvomanfully and at vvhat a high temperature the Finnish heat test has been endured One Central European journal-is- t did not believe the ther- - V V '"s " '4 ' EFeniJiisii mometer reading so he put some eggs on the seat Since egg vvhites coagulate at about 72°C they rapidly boiled It is perspi-ratio- n that prevents the same thing happening to people The enormous rapidity vvith which the sauna has spread to the rest of the Western world naturally pleases us Finns We feel that vve have been learning customs' and techniques the various blessings of civiliza-tio- n from other peoples down through the ages But we have also contributed some things ofwhich our sauna bathing cul-ture is one outstanding exam-pl- e The Finnish sauna is a myth in its own nght but it is associated with myths that have their own strength To take one example the secret of Finnish athletes' fitness has long been thought to have something to do with their fre-que- nt sauna bath-ing The sauna has beengraduallyde- - veloping into a kind ofinterna-tional status symbol Any Western hotel with the sligh-te- st bit of self-respe-ct makes sure that it has one It was in the 1930s that the real renaissance of the Finnish sau-na began The question that arose then was whether Fin-land would replace the sauna with bathrooms as urbaniza-tio- n speeded up But no the sauna came to town and into the basement of virtually every block of apartments 1937 saw the foundation of the Sauna Society to promote and devel-o- p sauna bathing customs and equipment suitable for an ur-ba- n environment The driving force behind the Society was HJ Viherjuuri a publisher and pedagogue who gathered —Tl ESfeeieiW I ' ' ' I FltiiulHJj ' " m ato yi' t sfJTWi' i MTCaim v to-stiSCT-V % t (lefl) tent sauna sauna for RV around himself a group of de-vote- es and experts They had the to present the sauna to the rest of the world Cinderella became a princess One can probably point to the conservative Finnish men-talit- y as the reason why the sauna in its new form did not become a Commercial success with any great rapidity That happened in our country to the west Sweden The Swedes were the first to manufacture and export sauna stoves Only gradually did the Finns themselves begin complete sets for ex-port In many countries the Finn-ish sauna has acquired new fea-tures some of which are alien — and even amusing — to us The Germans have made a real science of enjoying the ritual a watch in one hand and a ther-momet- er in the other And can it have been the French who first had the "idea" ofconvert-in- g the sauna into a kind of "love nest"? SAUNA soaps drops and essences — rarely if ever "Made in Finland" — abound on the world's cosmetic count-er- s Still a Finnish word that originally meant convivial bathing has been added to the world Matti Viherjuuri is a promi-ne- nt figure in Finnish mar-ketin- g and Nick-nam- ed "Mr Finlandia" he is a vocal advocate of Finn-ish national culture ""ipvrr -v- n-m vwyjf yM i ? TTT] u ! ( t"7Tl"- - jili' H'''"1- - : s cupboard apartments MATTIlIUCDliniB missionary inspiration neighbouring manu-facturin- g vocabulary advertising 1JJ '':- 'ERILAISET! _ s - TILAISUUDET TORONTO Finn Centre 465-898- 1 Ikinuortenkerhon toiminta-paikka Finn-Cent- re on avoinna kello 10 jälkeen jokaisen viikon torstaiaamuna Tervetuloa ren-toutumaan! Juodaan kahvia ja pelataan bingoa CSJ:n Toronton osaston jäsenkokous pidetään Finn-Centeris- sä sunnuntaina mar-raskuun 13 päivä iltapäivällä Sunnuntaina marraskuun 13 p kello 1 iltapäivällä To-ronton osaston järjestämä tilai-suus jossa Irma Milnes (Laak-so) kertoo kokemuksistaan Maailman Rauhanliiton konfe-renssista jossa hän oli yhtenä edustajana Canadasta Kahvi-tarjoilu Tervetuloa! Sunnuntaina marrask 27 p kello 1 iltapäivällä on Toi-men Naistenkerhon vuotuiset joulumyyjäiset ja kahviaiset Lahjoituksia otetaan kiitolli-suudella vastaan CANADA-NL-SEUR- A jär-jestää filmitilaisuuksia perjan-taisin klo 8 pm ja sunnuntaisin klo 2 pm seuran huoneustossa 280 Queen St W Toronto Elokuvat ovat joko englan-ninkielisiä tai -- tekstillä varus-tettuja Tulkaa ajoissa — rajoi-tettu tila! SUDBURY CSJ:n Sudburyn osaston kuukausikokoukset pidetään ukrainalaisella Jubilee naalilla joka kuukauden toisena maa-nantaina kello 1 1 aamupäiväl-lä ellei asiasta toisin ilmoiteta Sudburyn Seurakerhon vii-kottaiset harjoitukset-- ja ajan-vietetilaisuu- det Jubilee Centre (entinen Finnish haali) joka tiis-tai alkaen kello 10 ap Uudet jäsenet tervetuloa kerhomme toimintaan! Sävel kuoron harjoitukset torstaisin Aika aina määritel-lään tilanteitten mukaan Enti-set mukaan ja uudet ovat myös-kin tervetulleita! Sudburyn Suomalaisen Le-pokotiyhdisty-ksen Naistoimi-kunnan joulumyyjäiset pide-tään St Anrew's Place 111 Larch St Sudbury Ont mar-rask 12 päivä kello 13-1- 5 THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset naa-lilla 316 Bay St joka kuu-kauden ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alkaen kello 130 ip Voimisteluharjoitukset en-simmäinen ja kolmas keskiviik-ko klo 1 1 ap ja lauluharjoituk-set klo 12 CSJ:n osaston kokoukset joka kuukauden toinen lauantai kello 130 ip WANUP CSJ:n Wanupin osaston No 9:n kokoukset ovat kuu-kauden ensimmäisenä maanan-taina Osaston osoite: RR 3 Site 13 Box 6 Sudbury Ontario P3E 4N1 BEAVER LAKE Bingo kuukauden ensim-mäinen sunnuntai kokous kello 1130 Bingo kello 1
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Viikkosanomat, November 07, 1983 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finland -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Finland; Finnish Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1983-11-07 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | VikkoD7000377 |
Title | 000501 |
OCR text | !HiW?ls:-'- v V i ' V ' m B NsjiigiillF T&as Ms® igggjfjfjyBS8''" AR BANK BUS STOP Ali world words that crop up in one form or an- - other in countless languages SAUNA is another such word on signs and in dictionaries eveiyvvhere Finland's contri-butio- n to the international vo-cabul- ary It means the Finnish way of bathing and the place where it is done It seems to contain a little magic too Sau-na Soaps Sauna Drops Washing and bathing are of course immeasurably ancient practices In one way or anoth-er people throughout the ages have washed perspired and rinsed themselves in water in cold and heat Or else have just warmed themselves in the glow of hot Stones in dark cab-in- s The North American In-dia- ns and the Ancient Romans knew how to do this And so did the ancient Finns with their chimneyless "smoke saunas" The Finns did not actually m-ve- nt the sauna no more than any other particular nation The Finnish word has entered the world's dictionaries for quite a different reason: the Finns preserved the "sauna" as they called it long after it had been forgotten by the other peoples of Europe and devel-ope- d it into a modern form of recreation social intercourse and even business entertain-- ment Tourism is a rapid transmitter of customs Our neighbouring countries were the first to no-ti- ce that we Finns go to the sau-na at least once a week and even invite foreign visitors to join them in this remarkable pleasure First everybody strips until they are completely naked and then steps into a room in vvhich the temperature is near that of boiling water They beat their skins with bunches of leafy birch twigs Water is throvvn on the hot Stones and the steam hisses loudly At intervals they re-tre- at from the heat ofthe steam i ii ii " ih"i _ e a i i '-'- - - ij ij k"xm For warming up: Bectric stove 12 "'' : U V ' i© and cool off in a lake or swim-min- g pool In winter they roll in the snow and the braver souls even plunge through a hole in the ice into the numb-in- g waters beneath Indeed the better hotels in Helsinki have sauna facilities that mclude ar-tific- ial "ice holes" in vvhich the water temperature is + 4°C There it is: alternating be-tvve- en svveltering heat and fri-g- id cold At its best the sauna is happy but quiet relaxation that can sometimes include jokes and philosophy There is no haste in a sauna Forget your vvatch A Finnish people bathe in their ovvn saunas On the country's lakeshores and in its tovvns and ci-ti- es there are about a million saunas approxi-matel- y as many as cars Families go together although male-femal- e se-gregat- ion is usual-l- y practised when there are guests The custom of family bathing is so ancient and natural that it never occurs to anybody in Finland to consider it "nu-dis- m" although some outsid-er- s see it as such There is no denying that per-spiri- ng together in such a con-fine- d space creates a certain open feeling of intimacy in which each bather can study ali the others' physical features in detail if they vvant Hovvever these are not commented upon Later when everybody has dressed and is enjoying post-sau- na socialability a first-tim-- er can feel that he or she has been born again It can even happen that one is playfully 'presented with a souvenir di-plo- ma stating how manfully — or vvomanfully and at vvhat a high temperature the Finnish heat test has been endured One Central European journal-is- t did not believe the ther- - V V '"s " '4 ' EFeniJiisii mometer reading so he put some eggs on the seat Since egg vvhites coagulate at about 72°C they rapidly boiled It is perspi-ratio- n that prevents the same thing happening to people The enormous rapidity vvith which the sauna has spread to the rest of the Western world naturally pleases us Finns We feel that vve have been learning customs' and techniques the various blessings of civiliza-tio- n from other peoples down through the ages But we have also contributed some things ofwhich our sauna bathing cul-ture is one outstanding exam-pl- e The Finnish sauna is a myth in its own nght but it is associated with myths that have their own strength To take one example the secret of Finnish athletes' fitness has long been thought to have something to do with their fre-que- nt sauna bath-ing The sauna has beengraduallyde- - veloping into a kind ofinterna-tional status symbol Any Western hotel with the sligh-te- st bit of self-respe-ct makes sure that it has one It was in the 1930s that the real renaissance of the Finnish sau-na began The question that arose then was whether Fin-land would replace the sauna with bathrooms as urbaniza-tio- n speeded up But no the sauna came to town and into the basement of virtually every block of apartments 1937 saw the foundation of the Sauna Society to promote and devel-o- p sauna bathing customs and equipment suitable for an ur-ba- n environment The driving force behind the Society was HJ Viherjuuri a publisher and pedagogue who gathered —Tl ESfeeieiW I ' ' ' I FltiiulHJj ' " m ato yi' t sfJTWi' i MTCaim v to-stiSCT-V % t (lefl) tent sauna sauna for RV around himself a group of de-vote- es and experts They had the to present the sauna to the rest of the world Cinderella became a princess One can probably point to the conservative Finnish men-talit- y as the reason why the sauna in its new form did not become a Commercial success with any great rapidity That happened in our country to the west Sweden The Swedes were the first to manufacture and export sauna stoves Only gradually did the Finns themselves begin complete sets for ex-port In many countries the Finn-ish sauna has acquired new fea-tures some of which are alien — and even amusing — to us The Germans have made a real science of enjoying the ritual a watch in one hand and a ther-momet- er in the other And can it have been the French who first had the "idea" ofconvert-in- g the sauna into a kind of "love nest"? SAUNA soaps drops and essences — rarely if ever "Made in Finland" — abound on the world's cosmetic count-er- s Still a Finnish word that originally meant convivial bathing has been added to the world Matti Viherjuuri is a promi-ne- nt figure in Finnish mar-ketin- g and Nick-nam- ed "Mr Finlandia" he is a vocal advocate of Finn-ish national culture ""ipvrr -v- n-m vwyjf yM i ? TTT] u ! ( t"7Tl"- - jili' H'''"1- - : s cupboard apartments MATTIlIUCDliniB missionary inspiration neighbouring manu-facturin- g vocabulary advertising 1JJ '':- 'ERILAISET! _ s - TILAISUUDET TORONTO Finn Centre 465-898- 1 Ikinuortenkerhon toiminta-paikka Finn-Cent- re on avoinna kello 10 jälkeen jokaisen viikon torstaiaamuna Tervetuloa ren-toutumaan! Juodaan kahvia ja pelataan bingoa CSJ:n Toronton osaston jäsenkokous pidetään Finn-Centeris- sä sunnuntaina mar-raskuun 13 päivä iltapäivällä Sunnuntaina marraskuun 13 p kello 1 iltapäivällä To-ronton osaston järjestämä tilai-suus jossa Irma Milnes (Laak-so) kertoo kokemuksistaan Maailman Rauhanliiton konfe-renssista jossa hän oli yhtenä edustajana Canadasta Kahvi-tarjoilu Tervetuloa! Sunnuntaina marrask 27 p kello 1 iltapäivällä on Toi-men Naistenkerhon vuotuiset joulumyyjäiset ja kahviaiset Lahjoituksia otetaan kiitolli-suudella vastaan CANADA-NL-SEUR- A jär-jestää filmitilaisuuksia perjan-taisin klo 8 pm ja sunnuntaisin klo 2 pm seuran huoneustossa 280 Queen St W Toronto Elokuvat ovat joko englan-ninkielisiä tai -- tekstillä varus-tettuja Tulkaa ajoissa — rajoi-tettu tila! SUDBURY CSJ:n Sudburyn osaston kuukausikokoukset pidetään ukrainalaisella Jubilee naalilla joka kuukauden toisena maa-nantaina kello 1 1 aamupäiväl-lä ellei asiasta toisin ilmoiteta Sudburyn Seurakerhon vii-kottaiset harjoitukset-- ja ajan-vietetilaisuu- det Jubilee Centre (entinen Finnish haali) joka tiis-tai alkaen kello 10 ap Uudet jäsenet tervetuloa kerhomme toimintaan! Sävel kuoron harjoitukset torstaisin Aika aina määritel-lään tilanteitten mukaan Enti-set mukaan ja uudet ovat myös-kin tervetulleita! Sudburyn Suomalaisen Le-pokotiyhdisty-ksen Naistoimi-kunnan joulumyyjäiset pide-tään St Anrew's Place 111 Larch St Sudbury Ont mar-rask 12 päivä kello 13-1- 5 THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset naa-lilla 316 Bay St joka kuu-kauden ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alkaen kello 130 ip Voimisteluharjoitukset en-simmäinen ja kolmas keskiviik-ko klo 1 1 ap ja lauluharjoituk-set klo 12 CSJ:n osaston kokoukset joka kuukauden toinen lauantai kello 130 ip WANUP CSJ:n Wanupin osaston No 9:n kokoukset ovat kuu-kauden ensimmäisenä maanan-taina Osaston osoite: RR 3 Site 13 Box 6 Sudbury Ontario P3E 4N1 BEAVER LAKE Bingo kuukauden ensim-mäinen sunnuntai kokous kello 1130 Bingo kello 1 |
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