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m -- 1 1 - _ 'y te - Fr - - v o j-- }'' TSS yn ''il 33? i- -S SRI IcMS siiil ji i MG- - --- k 'ipM 1984 US election: NO LANDSLIDE 77i£ Atov 6 election in the US saw 514 per cent ofeligible voters east their ballots Ofthese 59 per cent votedfor Reagan 41 per cent for Mondale AU states except Washington DC and Minnesota went to Reagan The Republicans retained control of the Senate but savv their majority drop by two seats In the House they gained 15 seats falling short ofa predicted 30-se- at gain The House is still controlled by the Democrats Thefollowing analysis by Gus Hall leader of the Communist Party USA and its presi-denti- al candidate appeared in the Nov 9 Daily World: (abridged) AH the news flashes bulletins head-line- s and articles about "an electoral landslide" "a shift to the right" "the new political realignment for a conserva-tiv- e majority" and Reagan' s claim to a "popular mandate" for his anti-lab- or pro-w- ar racist policies are ali attempts by the mass media to put another one over on the American people It is a con-tinuati- on of the "packaging and selling of the president" Now we are witnessing a TV-headli- ne blitzkrieg to mold the pub-lic- 's perception of the elections There was no swing to the right and no new political realignment In fact if Reagan had run on his record or on the Republican Party platform he would have been defeated Reagan ran away from his record and never talked about issues The Reagan re-electi- on campaign was conducted by imagemakers script-write- rs and handlers The people did not vote for Reaganism or Reaganomics Many voted for a teflon-coate- d TV-creat- ed character put over by TV com-mercia- ls movie clips and a $50 million publicity campaign No win for Reaganism Voters did not vote for Reaganism or Reaganomics In fact the votes for most of the candidates for Congress and Sen-ate were votes AGAINST Reaganism and Reaganomics Many who oppose every policy and position of Reagan still voted for Reagan because they see the presidency as more of a ceremonial position They see the president as a spokesman and figurehead They voted for a Holly-wood-ty- pe communicator The emer-genc-e of TV as a major factor in election campaigns has fostered this new image and concept of the presidency Through TV the voters separated the man from his positions and policies and even from his party In a sense there was a split in mass thinking between the person and his poli-cies between Reagan and Reaganism and a downgrading of the US presi-dency to a figurehead stature Thus Reagan got the popular vote But Reaganism provided no political coattails for the congressional and senatorial candidates This is because the people view Congress and the Senate as the real seat of political power and decision making And they tended to vote for congressional and senatorial candidates based on issues and politics The Mondale-Ferrar- o tie ket did not present a clear viable alternative to Reaganism They were not willing or able to challenge Reagan on issues vital to the people especially on nuclear dis-armame- nt and negotiations For the most part the Democratic machine didn't work or vvoukhVt work And the Republicans were able to label them as the party of higher taxes an issue most Americans were vitally concerned about Illusions vvill fade The Election Day illusions and the 12 ews Jl!raa%sis WJMlillilWWHiWWP'WWWIWWIHW"WP"PI'WWPlMIIWWI')WWlLWJ Gus HaiS image of a teflon-coate- d TV-creat- ed president will fade very quickly as the problems and crises become clear and begin hurting The Reagan reality will soon dispel ali illusions as he continues to push his anti-lab- or pro-w- ar racist policies Many ideological questions emerged during the election campaign For in-stan- ce the Republicans were able to use a new false patriotism that pushes ideas about "America standing tali" The Reagan camp was able to use racism by inference by codewords and demagogy They used fanatical and false religious concepts as a cover for reactionary poli-cies They used anti-lab- or concepts such as "special interests" and "big labor" They used the slander that welfare and unemployment checks foodstamps cheese Iines and ali government-relate- d programs are taken advantage of by "lazy freeloaders" Long range effects Possibly the two most important long-rang- e effects of the elections are the em-ergen- ce of the new independent people's power blocs and the new image status and influence of our Party The movements of political in-depende- nce — the trade union move-me- nt the Rainbow Coalition peace women's youth senior and farm move-ments — ali worked along parallel Iines during the election campaign These sec-to- rs of the anti-Reag- an front mu st now find ways to become a united force that can determine the course of political events in our country They can ifor-ganize- d and united block the anti-peop- le policies of the new Reagan administra-tio- n They can become the decisive force in a turnaround 1986 congressional elec-tion They can become the nucleus of a new people' s political party Lofiario Nov 17 Winning numbers were 6 12 23 31 32 36 The bonus num-ber was 16 AU six regular num-bers vvere worth $116130460 but the winning combination was not selected Any five of the six regular numbers plus the bonus number won $23576-8- 0 Any five regular numbers won $157890 Any four regular numbers won $3700 Any three regular numbers won $5 Early bird numbers vvere 9 17 32 38 Ali four numbers on a ticket purchased by Vednesday won $8050 Lotto 649 fcJov 17 VVinning numbers were 8 35 44 46 48 49 The bonus num- ber was 22 Ali six regular num- bers won $176800390 Any five of the six regular numbers plus the bonus number won $11131870 Any five regular numbers won $357170 Any four regular numbers won $8940 Any three regular num-bers won $10 Wintario Nov 22 The winning number for $200000 was C865314 AH six digits won $25000 the f irst 5 or last 5 digits won $5000 the first 4 or last 4 digits won $100 the first 3 or last 3 digits won $10 Winning numbers for $100000 were: C404044 A 108464 Cl 20529 Other prizes: # CPUSA leader Gus Hall Communist Party campaign The second development that vvill have long-rang- e effects is the Communist election campaign The Party's message not only reached but influenced millions The tremendous impact of the Commu-nist campaign and activities cannot be measured by the number of votes But even the vote is an indication of the effect of the campaign on people's thinking The Party's campaign influenced people and voters on issues like the big lie the new ultra-rig- ht and fascist danger the need for publie takeover of industries in structural crisis The Com-munist candidates literature and rallies educated people on the relationship bet-wee- n corporate profits and class ex-ploitati- on on profits and policies of ag-gression and war on racism And al-thou- gh socialism was not on the ballot many people wanted to know about socialism USA This campaign did much toward popularizing Marxism and social-ism USA Reaganism blocked Most important the movements of political independence the components that made up the anti-Reag- an front must not lose sight of the fact that most of the Congress and Senate seats are up for re-electi- on in two years This can be a most powerful factor in blocking the policies of the Reagan administration Unity and mass actions can determine the course of political events Won't Even Be Asked Their Names An amnesty has been an-nounc- ed in Israel No not for the thousands of im-prison- ed Palestinians It is for Israelis at large To be more precise for those who says Haim Erez Quarter-master-Gener- al have pii -- fered "a large quantity of $10000 — 500552 817263 $1000 — 44503 $100 — 6247 $50 — 0 1 3 3 6 8 in any order $10 — 288 Win'fall — 84 Mystery Bonus — 068983 Pot ov Gold Nov 22 ' The winning number for $125000 was 673878 Winning numbers for $10000 were: 949119 612365 749259 980822 246582685910333654 Provincial Nov 23 The winning number for $500000 vvas 3297277 The last 6 digits won $50000 last 5 digits won $1000 last 4 digits won $100 last 3 digits won $25 last 2 digits won $10 equipment of ali kinds in-clud- ing vveapons and am-munitio- ns" Anyone who returns vithin one month what he has stolen from arms dumps vvill not be penalized vvill not even be asked his name The $250 million worth of missing merchandise includes not only a vast quantity of army clothing but also 45 light machine guns and even seven self-propell- ed missile launchers T ERILAISET ' TILAISUUDET TORONTO Finn Centre 465-898- 1 Ikinuorten kerhon toiminta-paikka Finn Centre 217 Dan-fort- h Ave on avoinna kello 10 jälkeen jokaisen viikon torstai-aamuna Tervetuloa rentoutu-maan juodaan kahvia ja pela-taan bingoa! Toronton ikinuorten laulu-ja voimisteluharjoitukset aloite-taan torstaina lokakuun 4 päivä Kello 1 0 on laulu ja iltapäivällä voimistelu Entiset ja uudet har-rastajat tervetuloa! Canada-NL-seura- n (To-ronto) elokuvaillat perjantaisin klo 8 illalla (joitakin sunnun-taisin klo 2 ip): 280 Queen St W Toronto Ontario Tie-dustelut puh: 977-58- 1 9 tai 368-501- 2 Elokuvat ovat joko englan-ninkielisiä tai -- tekstillä varus-tettuja VANCOUVER MA LAN K A-u- kr ainal ai-n- en uudenvuodenjuhla tammi-kuun 19 p1985 klo 7 ip 805 E Pender St Vancouver B C Juhla-illallin- en tanssia ohjel-maa virvokkeita ym hauskaa Kaikki tervetulleita Tiedust 253-303- 2 THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset haa-lil- la 316 Bay St joka kuu-kauden ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alkaen kello 130 ip Ikinuorten voimisteluhar-joitukset joka keskiviikko al kaen kello 1 1 ap Lauluharjoi-tukset ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko kello 12 kunnes toisin määrätään Järjestön kuukausikokous toinen lauantai kuukaudesta alkaen kello 1 iltapäivällä SUDBURY CSJ:n Sudburyn osaston kokoukset joka kuukauden toi-sena maanantaina klo 1 1 aamu-päivällä Postiosoite: PO Box 354 Station 'B' Sudbury On-tario P3E 4P2 Sudburyn Seurakerhon vii-kottaiset harjoitukset-- ja ajan-vietetilaisuu- det Jubilee Centre (entinen Finnish haali) joka tiis-tai alkaen kello 10 ap Uudet jäsenet tervetuloa kerhomme toimintaan! WANUP CSJ:n Wanupin osastpn No 9:n kokoukset ovat kuu-kauden ensimmäisenä maanan-taina Osaston osoite: RR 3 Site 13 Box 6 Sudbury Ontario P3E 4N1 m
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Viikkosanomat, December 03, 1984 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finland -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Finland; Finnish Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1984-12-03 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | VikkoD7000430 |
Title | 001145 |
OCR text | m -- 1 1 - _ 'y te - Fr - - v o j-- }'' TSS yn ''il 33? i- -S SRI IcMS siiil ji i MG- - --- k 'ipM 1984 US election: NO LANDSLIDE 77i£ Atov 6 election in the US saw 514 per cent ofeligible voters east their ballots Ofthese 59 per cent votedfor Reagan 41 per cent for Mondale AU states except Washington DC and Minnesota went to Reagan The Republicans retained control of the Senate but savv their majority drop by two seats In the House they gained 15 seats falling short ofa predicted 30-se- at gain The House is still controlled by the Democrats Thefollowing analysis by Gus Hall leader of the Communist Party USA and its presi-denti- al candidate appeared in the Nov 9 Daily World: (abridged) AH the news flashes bulletins head-line- s and articles about "an electoral landslide" "a shift to the right" "the new political realignment for a conserva-tiv- e majority" and Reagan' s claim to a "popular mandate" for his anti-lab- or pro-w- ar racist policies are ali attempts by the mass media to put another one over on the American people It is a con-tinuati- on of the "packaging and selling of the president" Now we are witnessing a TV-headli- ne blitzkrieg to mold the pub-lic- 's perception of the elections There was no swing to the right and no new political realignment In fact if Reagan had run on his record or on the Republican Party platform he would have been defeated Reagan ran away from his record and never talked about issues The Reagan re-electi- on campaign was conducted by imagemakers script-write- rs and handlers The people did not vote for Reaganism or Reaganomics Many voted for a teflon-coate- d TV-creat- ed character put over by TV com-mercia- ls movie clips and a $50 million publicity campaign No win for Reaganism Voters did not vote for Reaganism or Reaganomics In fact the votes for most of the candidates for Congress and Sen-ate were votes AGAINST Reaganism and Reaganomics Many who oppose every policy and position of Reagan still voted for Reagan because they see the presidency as more of a ceremonial position They see the president as a spokesman and figurehead They voted for a Holly-wood-ty- pe communicator The emer-genc-e of TV as a major factor in election campaigns has fostered this new image and concept of the presidency Through TV the voters separated the man from his positions and policies and even from his party In a sense there was a split in mass thinking between the person and his poli-cies between Reagan and Reaganism and a downgrading of the US presi-dency to a figurehead stature Thus Reagan got the popular vote But Reaganism provided no political coattails for the congressional and senatorial candidates This is because the people view Congress and the Senate as the real seat of political power and decision making And they tended to vote for congressional and senatorial candidates based on issues and politics The Mondale-Ferrar- o tie ket did not present a clear viable alternative to Reaganism They were not willing or able to challenge Reagan on issues vital to the people especially on nuclear dis-armame- nt and negotiations For the most part the Democratic machine didn't work or vvoukhVt work And the Republicans were able to label them as the party of higher taxes an issue most Americans were vitally concerned about Illusions vvill fade The Election Day illusions and the 12 ews Jl!raa%sis WJMlillilWWHiWWP'WWWIWWIHW"WP"PI'WWPlMIIWWI')WWlLWJ Gus HaiS image of a teflon-coate- d TV-creat- ed president will fade very quickly as the problems and crises become clear and begin hurting The Reagan reality will soon dispel ali illusions as he continues to push his anti-lab- or pro-w- ar racist policies Many ideological questions emerged during the election campaign For in-stan- ce the Republicans were able to use a new false patriotism that pushes ideas about "America standing tali" The Reagan camp was able to use racism by inference by codewords and demagogy They used fanatical and false religious concepts as a cover for reactionary poli-cies They used anti-lab- or concepts such as "special interests" and "big labor" They used the slander that welfare and unemployment checks foodstamps cheese Iines and ali government-relate- d programs are taken advantage of by "lazy freeloaders" Long range effects Possibly the two most important long-rang- e effects of the elections are the em-ergen- ce of the new independent people's power blocs and the new image status and influence of our Party The movements of political in-depende- nce — the trade union move-me- nt the Rainbow Coalition peace women's youth senior and farm move-ments — ali worked along parallel Iines during the election campaign These sec-to- rs of the anti-Reag- an front mu st now find ways to become a united force that can determine the course of political events in our country They can ifor-ganize- d and united block the anti-peop- le policies of the new Reagan administra-tio- n They can become the decisive force in a turnaround 1986 congressional elec-tion They can become the nucleus of a new people' s political party Lofiario Nov 17 Winning numbers were 6 12 23 31 32 36 The bonus num-ber was 16 AU six regular num-bers vvere worth $116130460 but the winning combination was not selected Any five of the six regular numbers plus the bonus number won $23576-8- 0 Any five regular numbers won $157890 Any four regular numbers won $3700 Any three regular numbers won $5 Early bird numbers vvere 9 17 32 38 Ali four numbers on a ticket purchased by Vednesday won $8050 Lotto 649 fcJov 17 VVinning numbers were 8 35 44 46 48 49 The bonus num- ber was 22 Ali six regular num- bers won $176800390 Any five of the six regular numbers plus the bonus number won $11131870 Any five regular numbers won $357170 Any four regular numbers won $8940 Any three regular num-bers won $10 Wintario Nov 22 The winning number for $200000 was C865314 AH six digits won $25000 the f irst 5 or last 5 digits won $5000 the first 4 or last 4 digits won $100 the first 3 or last 3 digits won $10 Winning numbers for $100000 were: C404044 A 108464 Cl 20529 Other prizes: # CPUSA leader Gus Hall Communist Party campaign The second development that vvill have long-rang- e effects is the Communist election campaign The Party's message not only reached but influenced millions The tremendous impact of the Commu-nist campaign and activities cannot be measured by the number of votes But even the vote is an indication of the effect of the campaign on people's thinking The Party's campaign influenced people and voters on issues like the big lie the new ultra-rig- ht and fascist danger the need for publie takeover of industries in structural crisis The Com-munist candidates literature and rallies educated people on the relationship bet-wee- n corporate profits and class ex-ploitati- on on profits and policies of ag-gression and war on racism And al-thou- gh socialism was not on the ballot many people wanted to know about socialism USA This campaign did much toward popularizing Marxism and social-ism USA Reaganism blocked Most important the movements of political independence the components that made up the anti-Reag- an front must not lose sight of the fact that most of the Congress and Senate seats are up for re-electi- on in two years This can be a most powerful factor in blocking the policies of the Reagan administration Unity and mass actions can determine the course of political events Won't Even Be Asked Their Names An amnesty has been an-nounc- ed in Israel No not for the thousands of im-prison- ed Palestinians It is for Israelis at large To be more precise for those who says Haim Erez Quarter-master-Gener- al have pii -- fered "a large quantity of $10000 — 500552 817263 $1000 — 44503 $100 — 6247 $50 — 0 1 3 3 6 8 in any order $10 — 288 Win'fall — 84 Mystery Bonus — 068983 Pot ov Gold Nov 22 ' The winning number for $125000 was 673878 Winning numbers for $10000 were: 949119 612365 749259 980822 246582685910333654 Provincial Nov 23 The winning number for $500000 vvas 3297277 The last 6 digits won $50000 last 5 digits won $1000 last 4 digits won $100 last 3 digits won $25 last 2 digits won $10 equipment of ali kinds in-clud- ing vveapons and am-munitio- ns" Anyone who returns vithin one month what he has stolen from arms dumps vvill not be penalized vvill not even be asked his name The $250 million worth of missing merchandise includes not only a vast quantity of army clothing but also 45 light machine guns and even seven self-propell- ed missile launchers T ERILAISET ' TILAISUUDET TORONTO Finn Centre 465-898- 1 Ikinuorten kerhon toiminta-paikka Finn Centre 217 Dan-fort- h Ave on avoinna kello 10 jälkeen jokaisen viikon torstai-aamuna Tervetuloa rentoutu-maan juodaan kahvia ja pela-taan bingoa! Toronton ikinuorten laulu-ja voimisteluharjoitukset aloite-taan torstaina lokakuun 4 päivä Kello 1 0 on laulu ja iltapäivällä voimistelu Entiset ja uudet har-rastajat tervetuloa! Canada-NL-seura- n (To-ronto) elokuvaillat perjantaisin klo 8 illalla (joitakin sunnun-taisin klo 2 ip): 280 Queen St W Toronto Ontario Tie-dustelut puh: 977-58- 1 9 tai 368-501- 2 Elokuvat ovat joko englan-ninkielisiä tai -- tekstillä varus-tettuja VANCOUVER MA LAN K A-u- kr ainal ai-n- en uudenvuodenjuhla tammi-kuun 19 p1985 klo 7 ip 805 E Pender St Vancouver B C Juhla-illallin- en tanssia ohjel-maa virvokkeita ym hauskaa Kaikki tervetulleita Tiedust 253-303- 2 THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset haa-lil- la 316 Bay St joka kuu-kauden ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alkaen kello 130 ip Ikinuorten voimisteluhar-joitukset joka keskiviikko al kaen kello 1 1 ap Lauluharjoi-tukset ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko kello 12 kunnes toisin määrätään Järjestön kuukausikokous toinen lauantai kuukaudesta alkaen kello 1 iltapäivällä SUDBURY CSJ:n Sudburyn osaston kokoukset joka kuukauden toi-sena maanantaina klo 1 1 aamu-päivällä Postiosoite: PO Box 354 Station 'B' Sudbury On-tario P3E 4P2 Sudburyn Seurakerhon vii-kottaiset harjoitukset-- ja ajan-vietetilaisuu- det Jubilee Centre (entinen Finnish haali) joka tiis-tai alkaen kello 10 ap Uudet jäsenet tervetuloa kerhomme toimintaan! WANUP CSJ:n Wanupin osastpn No 9:n kokoukset ovat kuu-kauden ensimmäisenä maanan-taina Osaston osoite: RR 3 Site 13 Box 6 Sudbury Ontario P3E 4N1 m |
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