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- 'fA A A — An international conference on the Mstory of to Nforth To be held at The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education 252 Bloor Street West Toronto Ontario November 1 Prograjoi AmericsL THURSDAY NOVEMBER 1 5:Q- 0- 7:00 pjn Registration 7:0- 0- 7:3Qpm Opening Address 7:30 - 10:00 pm Finnish Identities in Countries of Immigration (symposium) Chair: Michael G Karni Minnesota Papers Koivukangas E Olavi Institute for Migration Turku: The Tyranny of Distance: Finns in Australia before WWII Kolehmainen John I Ohio: The Finnish Immigrant Experience in the USA Kuparinen Eero K University of Turku: A Golden Disappointment -- Finnish Migration to South Africa before WWI Laine Edward W Public Archives Ottawa: Community in Crisis: The Finnish Canadian Questfor Cultural Identity 1900-197- 9 Lähteenmäki Olavi University of Turku: Finnish Group Immigration to South America: Experiences of Finnish Colonization in Argentina Brazil Dominican Republic and Cuba Majava Altti Ministry of Labour Helsinki: Finns in Sweden Character- - isties and Living Conditions FRIDAY NOVEMBER- 2- ' 8:30- -1 1:30 am Churches and Temperance Chair: Aarne Siirala Sir Wilfrid Laurier University Waterloo Papers _ Karni Michael G Minnesota: Temperance and Socialism in Northern Minnesota Lamppa Marvin G Iron Range Interpretative Program Minnesota: Embers ofFaith - Laestadian Schisms in Northeast Minnesota 1900-194- 0 Lehtinen Eija University of Turku: The Finnish American Temperance Movement and Its Relations to Church Groups Puotinen Arthur Lenoir Rhyne College North Carolina: Church and Labour Conflict in Northern Michigan Suokonautio Markku St Michael's Finnish Lutheran Church Montreal: Religious Aspects of Finnish Canadian Life 11:3- 0- 1:00 pm Lunch 1:0- 0- 3:00 pm Labour History Chair: Rudolph J Vecoli University of Minnesota Minneapolis Papers Eklund William Sudbury : Formative Years of the Finnish Organization of Canada Hummasti George P University of California San Diego: Working-Clas- s Herrat: TheRole ofLeadership in Finnish-America- n Socialist Movements in the Pacific Northwest Jalava Mauri A Laurentian University Sudbury: The Finnish Canadian Co-operati- ve Movement in Ontario Kostiainen Auvo A University of Turku: Contacts between the Finnish Labour Movements in Canada and the USA Pihi Arja University of Turku: Finnish Canadian Radicalism and the Government of Canada 3:0- 0- 3:30 pjn Coffee 3:3- 0- 5:00 pm Women 's History Chair:' Donald J Wilson University of British Columbia Papers Penti-Vidut- is Marsha Indiana University: The Life History of a South eastern Massachusetts Finnish Cranberry Growing Community Ross Carl University of Minnesota Minneapolis: Finnish American Women in Transition 1910-192- 0 Registration Form (Please registe- r-by October to: Conference 252 Street Toronto M5S r N-- Stjarnstedt Riitta University of Turku: Finnish Women in the North American Labour Movement- - Wargelin-BroW- n K Marianne Anoka-Ramse- y Community College Minnesota: Finnish-America- n Immigrant Womenis Issues: 1890-191- 0 7:3- 0- 9:00 pm Finnish Drama in North America ' Chair: Melvin Holli University of Illinois Papers Riippa Timo University of Minnesota Minneapolis: Finnish Drama in the USA Sundsten Taru University of Turku: TheAmateur Theatre and Drama-literatu- re of the Finnish Emigrants in Canada 1900-193- 9 Tuomi-Le- e Sirkka Baltimore: Stage Life Recollections 9:00 - 10:00 pjn A One-A- ct Play (in Finnish) SATURDAY_NOVEMBER 3 8:30- -1 1:30 am Finnish Settlements Chair: Robert F Harney University of Toronto Papers Alanen Arnold R University of Wisconsin at Madison: Finns and Company Communities in the Lake Superior Area Kaups University of Minnesota Minneapolis: Finns in Urban America: A View from Duluth Lindstrom-Bes- t Varpu M York University Toronto: The Unbreachable Gulf: The Division of the Finnish Community of Toronto 1902-191-3 Sillanpää Lennard Revenue Canada Ottawa: Finns in the Sudbury Area Tolvanen Ahti University of Helsinki: Finns in Port Arthur in the 11:3- 0- 1:00 pm Lunch 1:0- 0- 3:00 pm Culture and Language of Finnish America Chair: Charles M Sutyla Manitoba Museum of Man Winriipeg Papers Copeland William R University of Helsinki: The Early Finnish American Settlements in Florida Loukinen Michael M Northern Michigan University: The Network Structure of a Finn American Ethnic Community in Detroit and Its Relation to the Northwoods Hamlet 1920-194- 5 Martin Marja-Liis- a Lakehead University Thunder Bay: Finnish asaMeans of Communication in Thunder Bay Virtaranta Pertti University of Helsinki: Finnish Dialects in America - Some Experiences and Pro blems Nicholson Finnish American Historical Society Minnesota: Finn Creek Open Air Museum (slide presentation) 3:0- 0- 3:30 pm Coffee 3:3- 0- 5:30 pm Patterns of Migration Chair: Jörgen Dahlie University of British Columbia Papers Höglund A William University of Connecticut: Finnish Immigrant Letter Writers: Reporting from the US to Finland 1870's-WW- I Kero Reino University of Turku: The Canadian Finns in Soviet Karelia Virtanen Keijo A University of Turku: Settlement orReturn: Finns in the Overseas Return Migration Movement Sandlund Tom Abo Akademi Turku: Patterns andReasons in Emigration of Swedish Finns 5:3- 0- 6:30 pm 8:00 pm 4 The Finn Forum '79 will be in the form of in Thunder Bay: f and Reception Closing SUNDAY NOVEMBER conference continued miniconferences Sudbury Banquet Afternoon seminars to be held at Lakehead University (Thunder Bay) and Laurentian University (Sundbury) The seminars are partial repeats of the programmein Toronto Co-ordinato-rs: Sudbury: Thunder Bay November Laurentian University Pentti Paularinne Lakehead University FINN FORUM 79 REGISTRATION FEE: $2500 NOTE: Space for dinner is limited November 1 - 3 1979 Students $1000 Please register early Senior Citizens Free No dinner refunds without 48 hours 15 1979) Return Office" OISE Bloor West 1V6 Matti Darrel Saarinen ( )enclosed ( )willfollow uuucc- - PLEASE MAKE CHEQUES ( ) ehclosed ( ) will follow PAYABLE TO OISE (Canadian Total amount enclosed $ Funds) Telephone t_ LUMIN j BANUfcl — 5a-- turday 3 1979 Please reserve ticket (s) for me at $1500 each Oiva Name Address (please print) rt im f -- Äjy fAS
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Viikkosanomat, October 02, 1979 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finland -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Finland; Finnish Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1979-10-02 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | VikkoD7000189 |
Title | 000415 |
OCR text | - 'fA A A — An international conference on the Mstory of to Nforth To be held at The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education 252 Bloor Street West Toronto Ontario November 1 Prograjoi AmericsL THURSDAY NOVEMBER 1 5:Q- 0- 7:00 pjn Registration 7:0- 0- 7:3Qpm Opening Address 7:30 - 10:00 pm Finnish Identities in Countries of Immigration (symposium) Chair: Michael G Karni Minnesota Papers Koivukangas E Olavi Institute for Migration Turku: The Tyranny of Distance: Finns in Australia before WWII Kolehmainen John I Ohio: The Finnish Immigrant Experience in the USA Kuparinen Eero K University of Turku: A Golden Disappointment -- Finnish Migration to South Africa before WWI Laine Edward W Public Archives Ottawa: Community in Crisis: The Finnish Canadian Questfor Cultural Identity 1900-197- 9 Lähteenmäki Olavi University of Turku: Finnish Group Immigration to South America: Experiences of Finnish Colonization in Argentina Brazil Dominican Republic and Cuba Majava Altti Ministry of Labour Helsinki: Finns in Sweden Character- - isties and Living Conditions FRIDAY NOVEMBER- 2- ' 8:30- -1 1:30 am Churches and Temperance Chair: Aarne Siirala Sir Wilfrid Laurier University Waterloo Papers _ Karni Michael G Minnesota: Temperance and Socialism in Northern Minnesota Lamppa Marvin G Iron Range Interpretative Program Minnesota: Embers ofFaith - Laestadian Schisms in Northeast Minnesota 1900-194- 0 Lehtinen Eija University of Turku: The Finnish American Temperance Movement and Its Relations to Church Groups Puotinen Arthur Lenoir Rhyne College North Carolina: Church and Labour Conflict in Northern Michigan Suokonautio Markku St Michael's Finnish Lutheran Church Montreal: Religious Aspects of Finnish Canadian Life 11:3- 0- 1:00 pm Lunch 1:0- 0- 3:00 pm Labour History Chair: Rudolph J Vecoli University of Minnesota Minneapolis Papers Eklund William Sudbury : Formative Years of the Finnish Organization of Canada Hummasti George P University of California San Diego: Working-Clas- s Herrat: TheRole ofLeadership in Finnish-America- n Socialist Movements in the Pacific Northwest Jalava Mauri A Laurentian University Sudbury: The Finnish Canadian Co-operati- ve Movement in Ontario Kostiainen Auvo A University of Turku: Contacts between the Finnish Labour Movements in Canada and the USA Pihi Arja University of Turku: Finnish Canadian Radicalism and the Government of Canada 3:0- 0- 3:30 pjn Coffee 3:3- 0- 5:00 pm Women 's History Chair:' Donald J Wilson University of British Columbia Papers Penti-Vidut- is Marsha Indiana University: The Life History of a South eastern Massachusetts Finnish Cranberry Growing Community Ross Carl University of Minnesota Minneapolis: Finnish American Women in Transition 1910-192- 0 Registration Form (Please registe- r-by October to: Conference 252 Street Toronto M5S r N-- Stjarnstedt Riitta University of Turku: Finnish Women in the North American Labour Movement- - Wargelin-BroW- n K Marianne Anoka-Ramse- y Community College Minnesota: Finnish-America- n Immigrant Womenis Issues: 1890-191- 0 7:3- 0- 9:00 pm Finnish Drama in North America ' Chair: Melvin Holli University of Illinois Papers Riippa Timo University of Minnesota Minneapolis: Finnish Drama in the USA Sundsten Taru University of Turku: TheAmateur Theatre and Drama-literatu- re of the Finnish Emigrants in Canada 1900-193- 9 Tuomi-Le- e Sirkka Baltimore: Stage Life Recollections 9:00 - 10:00 pjn A One-A- ct Play (in Finnish) SATURDAY_NOVEMBER 3 8:30- -1 1:30 am Finnish Settlements Chair: Robert F Harney University of Toronto Papers Alanen Arnold R University of Wisconsin at Madison: Finns and Company Communities in the Lake Superior Area Kaups University of Minnesota Minneapolis: Finns in Urban America: A View from Duluth Lindstrom-Bes- t Varpu M York University Toronto: The Unbreachable Gulf: The Division of the Finnish Community of Toronto 1902-191-3 Sillanpää Lennard Revenue Canada Ottawa: Finns in the Sudbury Area Tolvanen Ahti University of Helsinki: Finns in Port Arthur in the 11:3- 0- 1:00 pm Lunch 1:0- 0- 3:00 pm Culture and Language of Finnish America Chair: Charles M Sutyla Manitoba Museum of Man Winriipeg Papers Copeland William R University of Helsinki: The Early Finnish American Settlements in Florida Loukinen Michael M Northern Michigan University: The Network Structure of a Finn American Ethnic Community in Detroit and Its Relation to the Northwoods Hamlet 1920-194- 5 Martin Marja-Liis- a Lakehead University Thunder Bay: Finnish asaMeans of Communication in Thunder Bay Virtaranta Pertti University of Helsinki: Finnish Dialects in America - Some Experiences and Pro blems Nicholson Finnish American Historical Society Minnesota: Finn Creek Open Air Museum (slide presentation) 3:0- 0- 3:30 pm Coffee 3:3- 0- 5:30 pm Patterns of Migration Chair: Jörgen Dahlie University of British Columbia Papers Höglund A William University of Connecticut: Finnish Immigrant Letter Writers: Reporting from the US to Finland 1870's-WW- I Kero Reino University of Turku: The Canadian Finns in Soviet Karelia Virtanen Keijo A University of Turku: Settlement orReturn: Finns in the Overseas Return Migration Movement Sandlund Tom Abo Akademi Turku: Patterns andReasons in Emigration of Swedish Finns 5:3- 0- 6:30 pm 8:00 pm 4 The Finn Forum '79 will be in the form of in Thunder Bay: f and Reception Closing SUNDAY NOVEMBER conference continued miniconferences Sudbury Banquet Afternoon seminars to be held at Lakehead University (Thunder Bay) and Laurentian University (Sundbury) The seminars are partial repeats of the programmein Toronto Co-ordinato-rs: Sudbury: Thunder Bay November Laurentian University Pentti Paularinne Lakehead University FINN FORUM 79 REGISTRATION FEE: $2500 NOTE: Space for dinner is limited November 1 - 3 1979 Students $1000 Please register early Senior Citizens Free No dinner refunds without 48 hours 15 1979) Return Office" OISE Bloor West 1V6 Matti Darrel Saarinen ( )enclosed ( )willfollow uuucc- - PLEASE MAKE CHEQUES ( ) ehclosed ( ) will follow PAYABLE TO OISE (Canadian Total amount enclosed $ Funds) Telephone t_ LUMIN j BANUfcl — 5a-- turday 3 1979 Please reserve ticket (s) for me at $1500 each Oiva Name Address (please print) rt im f -- Äjy fAS |
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