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sr V s Finns to run Moscow hotel The Inter-Continent- al chain now the carrier will refurbish Some of the hotel staff vvill Inter-Continent- al hotel vvill thanks to Finnair have a the new acquisition over the come from Finland The Helsinki Inter-Continent- al hotel listed also in Moscovv next three years to fulfil the hotel was purchased by This is the first time a western norms of Inter-Continent- al The chief lawyer at Finnair Finnair a few years ago and the hotel group will have a hotel in hotels Henrik Arle confirms that the airline made a franchising deal the Soviet Union Moscovv Metropol vvill be in-clud- ed with the American hotel chain Finnair recently took charge Finnair will also take over in the international re-servat- ion According to Arle it is too early of the old hotel Metropol in the international marketing of system of Inter-Continent- al to discuss vvhether the Metro- Moscovv The Finnish national the hotel They will train the hotels Although the pol vvill also have a similar airline also owns the Inter-Continen- tal personnel and will be respon-sibl- e reservations will be made indi-rectl- y francising agreement in fu-tu- re in Helsinki and for hotel maintenance through the Helsinki Plastic fares That all-power-ful piece of plas-tic just nevcr seems to stop Eager to keep up with trends Helsinki taxi drivers began carlier this year to accept credit cards as payment for their ser-vic- es Some 20 per ccnt of the capital's 1200 cars now take Amex Diner's Visa and Mas-ter Charge What next? Bus drivers say-in- g to you: "American Ex-press? That's different Sir!" Helsinki taxis: plastic money who climate? Welcoming poisons First lct us considcr the "evidence" vvhich American officials referred to Two so-call- ed "victims" of So-viet chemical vveapons vvhen ques-tione- d maintained that two vveeks before they "had been affected by chemicals" Hovvever the medical investigation found that in reality tney sunerea iroin a lunguua anui disease vvhich had begun at least three months before As for allega-tion- s about "the poisoning of vvater-suppl- y sources" the rcport of UN experts stated that it vvas caused by the natural penclration of polluting substances into the vvater In other vvords it is tan-tamou- nt to blaming the Soviet Union for the pollution of the Great Lakes or the Rhinc Yet there are victims nf chemical vvarfare in the countries of Indo-chin- a That very vvarfarc vvhich the United States vvaged during a vvhole dccade from 1961 to 1971 They used tremendoii amounts of poisonous agents both againt na-tur- c and people Thns closc to 100 thousand tons of poisonous agents vvere dropped over 44 per cent of forests and 43 per cent of cultivated land in South Vietnam For the first time in history nature became the target of vvarfare Par-ticipan- ts in the symposium vvhich tooic place in January 1983 in the city of Ho Chi Minh stressed that many regions of Vietnam once covered vvith evergreen trees and bushes vvere transformed into a savanna vvhere only grass can grow In upper layers of soil dioxin is preserved even nov After a thorough years-lon- g re-sear- ch scientists in various coun-trie- s drew a conclusion that her-bicid- es and defoliants used by the US Army in Vietnam affect the human genetic constilution In particular in Vietnam the number of stillbirths deformed babies and cases of cancer has grovvn ten times The extent and character of damage to the genetic constitution in the victims of the chemical vvarfare in Vietnam resemble chro-mosom- e and chromatid mutations in the Japanese vvho survived the aitomic bombardment of Hiroshima and Nagasaki In an attempt to divert the atten-tio- n of the vvorld publie from vic-tims of the chemical vvarfare that vvas vvaged by the US Army the American officials for several years have been making a lot of 12 wl J 4 IRA iHJtfÄ xaaart&-xä- r TW the international noise about the mythical use ot "Soviet chemical vveapons" The Ukrainian bourgeois nationa-lisl- s are also trying to make their coiitnbution to the anti-Sovi- et hyslerical campaign vvith regard to the mythical use of chemical vveapons by the Soviet Union and other soeialist countries To please their prcsent American masters they parrot their allegations The Ukruitiske Pravoslavne Slovo (Uk-rainian Orthodox Word) maga-zine — based in Bound Brook NJ USA — for example claims that the Soviet Union hai used and is using chemical vveapons in South Asia vvhich has resulted in the dcalhs of thousands of people ui particular in Vietnam Kampu-che- a Afghanistan and other cou-ntries" Similar slandcrons maleriaK 'mder aimosi idcntical headings vvhich indicates to the coordinatcd cha-racter of this dirty campaign are spread by the "secular" publica-tioii- b too vvhich aie pui out by various grroupings of Ukrainian bourgeois nationalists The objective of this campaign is clear: to conceal the US prepara-Uon- s for a large-scal- e chemical vvarfare That the USA is getting ready for a "chemical holocaust" is borne out by numerous documenls Last year The New York Times published the document prepared by the Pentagon vvhich orientates the US ground forccs to develop-in- g "more sophisticated" chemical agents and the Air Force — to "creating chemical vvarheads and developing means of their delivery" Numerous statements by American civilian and military leaders testify to the course of the US Govern-ment aimed at preparations for chemical vvarfare The new stagc of mass production of binary toxic agents and chemi-cal ammunition in the binary out-fi- t admilted Deputy Undersecretary of Defensc R Wagner in his speech in the Senate Commission on March 15 1982 is aimed at improving the readiness of Ame-rican troops to vvace protracted chemical vvarfare and at achieving a high combat effect These are not mere vvords In February 1984 the program of n tiie Punctuality has always been one of the greatest virtues of an airline — particularly so when IATA rules restricted most other forrns of competi-tio- n European airlines keep constant vvatch over who's late and who lands right on the dot As the latest figures emerged recently Finnair was quick to send out leaflets with their name in the top spot Finnair's figure for right-on-tim- e take-off- s was 956 per cent SAS took second place with 941 per cent Bronze medal went to Austrian Air-lines Competition was among 13 airlines "chemical rearming" of the United States vvhich envisages the produc-tion of the up-to-the-min-ule binary ammunition was approved The adventurist course of the US leaders aimed at arming the US Army vvith new types of chemical vveapons is opposed even by soine members of the Presidenfs party Congressman G Leech (Republi-ca- n from Iovva) said that the United States novv possesses the stock of chemical weapons suffi-cie- nt for exterminating everything alive on the planet Fully realizing this danger the Soviet Union and other Warsavv Treaty countries have proposed to conclude a treaty banning ali chemical vveapons removing them from Europe and eliminaling the existing stockpilcs under strict verification and international Con-trol If accepted this initiative could lead to the chemical-vveapon-fre- e vvorld an objective of the vvhole of humanily The road to banning chemical vveapons is open hovvever not everybody is interested in follovv-in- g it Spcaking for a "global chemical vveapons ban" the United States at the same time puts obstacles by deliberately bringing forvvard unacceptable conduions Among them is first of ali the question of control Thus a vvidely-advertise- d US "new initiative" set forth by Vice President George Bush in April 19S4 in Geneva contains an utterly inequitable approach to this matter vvhose purpose is to keep the activities of the large corporations of the USA and other NATO states pro-ducin- g chemical vveapons out of control Vhat the USA is motivated by is not the interests of vvorld sccurity but ils striving for gaining mi-litary superiority at any cost In the given case — at the cost of 10 billion dollars invested in the Reagan-sponsorc- d program of "the USA's chemical rearmament" If the American stand on the question of banning chemical vveapons did change it has not changed for the better Thirty Years After OLEH VOVK When at the tender age of three months Briton David Carver vvas operat-e- d upon for harelip says the Spanish nevvspaper El Pais his parents vvere told he vvould need a second intefs big one With 555 rooms the Helsinki Inter-Continent- al can now boast to be the largest hotel in Scandinavia The number one spot was gained by an exten-sio- n completed at the begin-nin- g of August The extension is particulafly friendly tovvards non-smoki- ng and visitors from the Far East as one floor has been designed for cach of these groups 4 10" £5 He Knows Too Much f vä! rfeä? The trial of major inter-national crook Michele Sindona's gang has at last ended in Milan The verdict was returned on the very day that Judge Giorgio Ambrosoli— vvho detected many of Sindona's crimes and vvho named his patrons both in Italy and in the USA — vvas slain five years ago Sindona removed himself to the USA before he could be arrested and ali Italian extradition requests have remained unansvvered The Italian news media believe US authorities prefer to have this dan-gero- us criminal near at hand as he knovvs too much of the sordid doings of US special services Million in Bribes Greek arms dealer Basil Tsakos is in a huff He has good reason He says he spent around a million dol-lars to get Washington in-fluent- ials back his project for an oil pipeline from Saudi Arabia to the Atlantic via Africa But no support has been forthcom-in- g as yet More specifical-l- y though Tsakos gave Joe Rosenbaum a crony of CIA director William Casey a $25000 cheque the guy didn't lift a finger On the other hand he asked for more money to bribe of-ficials Tsakos thought that a bit too much and has novv sued Rosenbaum operation Recently they vvere notified that his turn had now come to undergo this second operation although the "boy" is today on the shady side of 30 Winning sausage tender The Perusyhtymä Group vvill supply a sausage factory to Le-ningrad The Building project is valued at Fmk 60 million ($10 m) The factory vvill be a completely computercon-trolle- d highly automated pro-duction unit Perusyhtymä vvill also be responsible for the starting-u- p of the factory as well as the training of the per-sonnel Perusyhtymä had already obtained a Fmk 40 million contract from the Soviet Uni-on in the summer for the con-structi- on of a vvarehouse for sanitary supplies in Kondrovo It has also been conducting ne-gotiati- ons on the delivery of a second sausage factory to Es-tonia Finnish building contractors are expecting some large pro-jec- ts to be open to tender in the autumn The first is a pulpmill in Vyborg vvhich should be de-cid- ed in September The total value of this project is in the region of three billion Finn-mar- ks ($500 m) vvith the builder's share close on half of this sum Lotfario Sept 3 YVinning numbers vvere 1 7 12 25 34 39 The bonus num-ber vvas 6 Ali six regular num-bers vvon $15637310 Any five of the six regular numbers plus the bonus number vvon $18169-0- 0 Any five regular numbers won $72520 Any four regular numbers vvon $2200 Any three regular numbers vvon $5 Early bird numbers vvere 1 8 35 37 Ali four numbers on a ticket purchased by Wednesday vvon $21550 Lotto 649 Sept 8 Winning numbers vvere 23 25 29 38 39 43 The bonus number vvas 17 Ali six regular numbers vvere vvorth $313035170 but the vvinning combination vvas not selected Any five of the six' regular numbers plus the bonus num-ber vvon $17204390 Any five regular numbers vvon $474100 Any four regular numbers vvon $11460 Any three regular numbers vvon $10 Sport Select Sept 4--9 Winning results vvere 2 1 3 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 3 1 3 No one selected ali 13 results correctly no one selected last 12 results correctly last 11 results vvon $079650 last 10 results vvon $126550 last 9 results won $63275 last 8 results vvon $47455 last 7 results vvon $17255 last 6 results vvon $3035 last 5 results vvon $1035 last 4 results vvon $400 Wintario Sept 13 The vvinning number for $200000 vvas D490626 Ali six digits vvon $25000 the first 5 or last 5 digits vvon $5000 the first 4 or last 4 digits vvon $100 the first 3 or last 3 digits vvon $10 Winning numbers for $100000 vvere: E032264 E964101 D627901 Other prizes: $10000 — 080313 566556 $1000 — 87855 $100 — 1430 $50 — 3 4 6 7 8 9 in any order $10 — 443 VVinTall — 88 Mystery Bonus — 855455 Pot o' Gold Sept 13 The vvinning number for $125000 vvas 425255 Winning numbers for $10000 vvere: 067561 703172 533075 676440 203851 022696 691934 Provincial Sept 14 The vvinning number for $500000 vvas 2027591 The last 6 digits vvon $50000 last 5 digits vvon $1000 last 4 digits vvon $100 last 3 digits vvon $25 last 2 digits vvon $10
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Viikkosanomat, September 24, 1984 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finland -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Finland; Finnish Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1984-09-24 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | VikkoD7000420 |
Title | 001025 |
OCR text | sr V s Finns to run Moscow hotel The Inter-Continent- al chain now the carrier will refurbish Some of the hotel staff vvill Inter-Continent- al hotel vvill thanks to Finnair have a the new acquisition over the come from Finland The Helsinki Inter-Continent- al hotel listed also in Moscovv next three years to fulfil the hotel was purchased by This is the first time a western norms of Inter-Continent- al The chief lawyer at Finnair Finnair a few years ago and the hotel group will have a hotel in hotels Henrik Arle confirms that the airline made a franchising deal the Soviet Union Moscovv Metropol vvill be in-clud- ed with the American hotel chain Finnair recently took charge Finnair will also take over in the international re-servat- ion According to Arle it is too early of the old hotel Metropol in the international marketing of system of Inter-Continent- al to discuss vvhether the Metro- Moscovv The Finnish national the hotel They will train the hotels Although the pol vvill also have a similar airline also owns the Inter-Continen- tal personnel and will be respon-sibl- e reservations will be made indi-rectl- y francising agreement in fu-tu- re in Helsinki and for hotel maintenance through the Helsinki Plastic fares That all-power-ful piece of plas-tic just nevcr seems to stop Eager to keep up with trends Helsinki taxi drivers began carlier this year to accept credit cards as payment for their ser-vic- es Some 20 per ccnt of the capital's 1200 cars now take Amex Diner's Visa and Mas-ter Charge What next? Bus drivers say-in- g to you: "American Ex-press? That's different Sir!" Helsinki taxis: plastic money who climate? Welcoming poisons First lct us considcr the "evidence" vvhich American officials referred to Two so-call- ed "victims" of So-viet chemical vveapons vvhen ques-tione- d maintained that two vveeks before they "had been affected by chemicals" Hovvever the medical investigation found that in reality tney sunerea iroin a lunguua anui disease vvhich had begun at least three months before As for allega-tion- s about "the poisoning of vvater-suppl- y sources" the rcport of UN experts stated that it vvas caused by the natural penclration of polluting substances into the vvater In other vvords it is tan-tamou- nt to blaming the Soviet Union for the pollution of the Great Lakes or the Rhinc Yet there are victims nf chemical vvarfare in the countries of Indo-chin- a That very vvarfarc vvhich the United States vvaged during a vvhole dccade from 1961 to 1971 They used tremendoii amounts of poisonous agents both againt na-tur- c and people Thns closc to 100 thousand tons of poisonous agents vvere dropped over 44 per cent of forests and 43 per cent of cultivated land in South Vietnam For the first time in history nature became the target of vvarfare Par-ticipan- ts in the symposium vvhich tooic place in January 1983 in the city of Ho Chi Minh stressed that many regions of Vietnam once covered vvith evergreen trees and bushes vvere transformed into a savanna vvhere only grass can grow In upper layers of soil dioxin is preserved even nov After a thorough years-lon- g re-sear- ch scientists in various coun-trie- s drew a conclusion that her-bicid- es and defoliants used by the US Army in Vietnam affect the human genetic constilution In particular in Vietnam the number of stillbirths deformed babies and cases of cancer has grovvn ten times The extent and character of damage to the genetic constitution in the victims of the chemical vvarfare in Vietnam resemble chro-mosom- e and chromatid mutations in the Japanese vvho survived the aitomic bombardment of Hiroshima and Nagasaki In an attempt to divert the atten-tio- n of the vvorld publie from vic-tims of the chemical vvarfare that vvas vvaged by the US Army the American officials for several years have been making a lot of 12 wl J 4 IRA iHJtfÄ xaaart&-xä- r TW the international noise about the mythical use ot "Soviet chemical vveapons" The Ukrainian bourgeois nationa-lisl- s are also trying to make their coiitnbution to the anti-Sovi- et hyslerical campaign vvith regard to the mythical use of chemical vveapons by the Soviet Union and other soeialist countries To please their prcsent American masters they parrot their allegations The Ukruitiske Pravoslavne Slovo (Uk-rainian Orthodox Word) maga-zine — based in Bound Brook NJ USA — for example claims that the Soviet Union hai used and is using chemical vveapons in South Asia vvhich has resulted in the dcalhs of thousands of people ui particular in Vietnam Kampu-che- a Afghanistan and other cou-ntries" Similar slandcrons maleriaK 'mder aimosi idcntical headings vvhich indicates to the coordinatcd cha-racter of this dirty campaign are spread by the "secular" publica-tioii- b too vvhich aie pui out by various grroupings of Ukrainian bourgeois nationalists The objective of this campaign is clear: to conceal the US prepara-Uon- s for a large-scal- e chemical vvarfare That the USA is getting ready for a "chemical holocaust" is borne out by numerous documenls Last year The New York Times published the document prepared by the Pentagon vvhich orientates the US ground forccs to develop-in- g "more sophisticated" chemical agents and the Air Force — to "creating chemical vvarheads and developing means of their delivery" Numerous statements by American civilian and military leaders testify to the course of the US Govern-ment aimed at preparations for chemical vvarfare The new stagc of mass production of binary toxic agents and chemi-cal ammunition in the binary out-fi- t admilted Deputy Undersecretary of Defensc R Wagner in his speech in the Senate Commission on March 15 1982 is aimed at improving the readiness of Ame-rican troops to vvace protracted chemical vvarfare and at achieving a high combat effect These are not mere vvords In February 1984 the program of n tiie Punctuality has always been one of the greatest virtues of an airline — particularly so when IATA rules restricted most other forrns of competi-tio- n European airlines keep constant vvatch over who's late and who lands right on the dot As the latest figures emerged recently Finnair was quick to send out leaflets with their name in the top spot Finnair's figure for right-on-tim- e take-off- s was 956 per cent SAS took second place with 941 per cent Bronze medal went to Austrian Air-lines Competition was among 13 airlines "chemical rearming" of the United States vvhich envisages the produc-tion of the up-to-the-min-ule binary ammunition was approved The adventurist course of the US leaders aimed at arming the US Army vvith new types of chemical vveapons is opposed even by soine members of the Presidenfs party Congressman G Leech (Republi-ca- n from Iovva) said that the United States novv possesses the stock of chemical weapons suffi-cie- nt for exterminating everything alive on the planet Fully realizing this danger the Soviet Union and other Warsavv Treaty countries have proposed to conclude a treaty banning ali chemical vveapons removing them from Europe and eliminaling the existing stockpilcs under strict verification and international Con-trol If accepted this initiative could lead to the chemical-vveapon-fre- e vvorld an objective of the vvhole of humanily The road to banning chemical vveapons is open hovvever not everybody is interested in follovv-in- g it Spcaking for a "global chemical vveapons ban" the United States at the same time puts obstacles by deliberately bringing forvvard unacceptable conduions Among them is first of ali the question of control Thus a vvidely-advertise- d US "new initiative" set forth by Vice President George Bush in April 19S4 in Geneva contains an utterly inequitable approach to this matter vvhose purpose is to keep the activities of the large corporations of the USA and other NATO states pro-ducin- g chemical vveapons out of control Vhat the USA is motivated by is not the interests of vvorld sccurity but ils striving for gaining mi-litary superiority at any cost In the given case — at the cost of 10 billion dollars invested in the Reagan-sponsorc- d program of "the USA's chemical rearmament" If the American stand on the question of banning chemical vveapons did change it has not changed for the better Thirty Years After OLEH VOVK When at the tender age of three months Briton David Carver vvas operat-e- d upon for harelip says the Spanish nevvspaper El Pais his parents vvere told he vvould need a second intefs big one With 555 rooms the Helsinki Inter-Continent- al can now boast to be the largest hotel in Scandinavia The number one spot was gained by an exten-sio- n completed at the begin-nin- g of August The extension is particulafly friendly tovvards non-smoki- ng and visitors from the Far East as one floor has been designed for cach of these groups 4 10" £5 He Knows Too Much f vä! rfeä? The trial of major inter-national crook Michele Sindona's gang has at last ended in Milan The verdict was returned on the very day that Judge Giorgio Ambrosoli— vvho detected many of Sindona's crimes and vvho named his patrons both in Italy and in the USA — vvas slain five years ago Sindona removed himself to the USA before he could be arrested and ali Italian extradition requests have remained unansvvered The Italian news media believe US authorities prefer to have this dan-gero- us criminal near at hand as he knovvs too much of the sordid doings of US special services Million in Bribes Greek arms dealer Basil Tsakos is in a huff He has good reason He says he spent around a million dol-lars to get Washington in-fluent- ials back his project for an oil pipeline from Saudi Arabia to the Atlantic via Africa But no support has been forthcom-in- g as yet More specifical-l- y though Tsakos gave Joe Rosenbaum a crony of CIA director William Casey a $25000 cheque the guy didn't lift a finger On the other hand he asked for more money to bribe of-ficials Tsakos thought that a bit too much and has novv sued Rosenbaum operation Recently they vvere notified that his turn had now come to undergo this second operation although the "boy" is today on the shady side of 30 Winning sausage tender The Perusyhtymä Group vvill supply a sausage factory to Le-ningrad The Building project is valued at Fmk 60 million ($10 m) The factory vvill be a completely computercon-trolle- d highly automated pro-duction unit Perusyhtymä vvill also be responsible for the starting-u- p of the factory as well as the training of the per-sonnel Perusyhtymä had already obtained a Fmk 40 million contract from the Soviet Uni-on in the summer for the con-structi- on of a vvarehouse for sanitary supplies in Kondrovo It has also been conducting ne-gotiati- ons on the delivery of a second sausage factory to Es-tonia Finnish building contractors are expecting some large pro-jec- ts to be open to tender in the autumn The first is a pulpmill in Vyborg vvhich should be de-cid- ed in September The total value of this project is in the region of three billion Finn-mar- ks ($500 m) vvith the builder's share close on half of this sum Lotfario Sept 3 YVinning numbers vvere 1 7 12 25 34 39 The bonus num-ber vvas 6 Ali six regular num-bers vvon $15637310 Any five of the six regular numbers plus the bonus number vvon $18169-0- 0 Any five regular numbers won $72520 Any four regular numbers vvon $2200 Any three regular numbers vvon $5 Early bird numbers vvere 1 8 35 37 Ali four numbers on a ticket purchased by Wednesday vvon $21550 Lotto 649 Sept 8 Winning numbers vvere 23 25 29 38 39 43 The bonus number vvas 17 Ali six regular numbers vvere vvorth $313035170 but the vvinning combination vvas not selected Any five of the six' regular numbers plus the bonus num-ber vvon $17204390 Any five regular numbers vvon $474100 Any four regular numbers vvon $11460 Any three regular numbers vvon $10 Sport Select Sept 4--9 Winning results vvere 2 1 3 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 3 1 3 No one selected ali 13 results correctly no one selected last 12 results correctly last 11 results vvon $079650 last 10 results vvon $126550 last 9 results won $63275 last 8 results vvon $47455 last 7 results vvon $17255 last 6 results vvon $3035 last 5 results vvon $1035 last 4 results vvon $400 Wintario Sept 13 The vvinning number for $200000 vvas D490626 Ali six digits vvon $25000 the first 5 or last 5 digits vvon $5000 the first 4 or last 4 digits vvon $100 the first 3 or last 3 digits vvon $10 Winning numbers for $100000 vvere: E032264 E964101 D627901 Other prizes: $10000 — 080313 566556 $1000 — 87855 $100 — 1430 $50 — 3 4 6 7 8 9 in any order $10 — 443 VVinTall — 88 Mystery Bonus — 855455 Pot o' Gold Sept 13 The vvinning number for $125000 vvas 425255 Winning numbers for $10000 vvere: 067561 703172 533075 676440 203851 022696 691934 Provincial Sept 14 The vvinning number for $500000 vvas 2027591 The last 6 digits vvon $50000 last 5 digits vvon $1000 last 4 digits vvon $100 last 3 digits vvon $25 last 2 digits vvon $10 |
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