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Ki l !TJ ii 1 I ~t £' Jfcy "Mr Bicentennial Juhla Two months have gone by but with heavy work schedules and summer holidays thingsjust don't seem to get done on time One of these is a report on the Bicentennial Juhla which we attended in Wanup the long weekend in May The weekend started with a Cabaret Dance at the new Wanup Hall This was our first visit to this super facility and we were truly impressed The people of Wa-nu- p and Sudbury must be commended on the fabulous job they did particularly since most of the work was done 'gratis' by volunteers The Pohjolan Pojat provid-e- d the music for the cabaret and we had a ball! This is a group anyone would be proud to re-comm- end to play anywhere Saturday afternoon's concert started at 1:30 with the singing of O Canada and words of welcome by Viljo Rinne Karl Palomäki set aside his drum-stic- ks (one of the Pohjolan Pojat) to act as MC and his easy comfortable manner help-e- d us ali to enjoy the show Numbers were performed by the combined choirs Toronto Senior Citizens Choir Sävel Men's Choir Sudbury Mixed Choir and the combined Senior Citizens' Choir There were solo numbers by Markus Lehto on the accordian Annie Tyn-jäl- ä from BC had a vocal solo Liisa Lehto (accompanied by Markus) and the Sudbury la-di- es' sextet group gave us a taste of their combined talents Lii-saa choice of music was superb and obviously she has passed on her musical talents to Markus Sudbury's ladies gymn group were excellent and it's such a pleasure to see that Elvi Dun-can their director has pro-gress- ed her group to modern standards of rhythmic gymna-stic- s with her use of mofern apparatus The Toronto Senior Citizens Kansantanhu group directed by Helen Tarvainen is always ä crowd pleaser as is the Mahdolin Yhtye Following the program a general assembly meeting was held to discuss progress with the FCASFSCAUL History Tom Hakala kindly donated his recreation room for this event for which we are very grateful Approximately 30 people attended and a lot of excellent ideas and suggestions were discussed Just briefly the following proposalssuggestions were made: - we still need pictures (please identify on the back WHO the people are WHERE the pic-tur- e was taken and WHEN the year!!) - we still need articles club articles as well as individual articles - archives in Ottawa will be re-searc- hed for minutes of Liitto Kokous Annual Meetings and club reports will be excerpted - The Steering Committee of the Liitto will research where the different club trophies are now particularly in cases where halls were closed - Steering Committee also to 12 V""j$! "-'y- ' g jv&r research and collect outstand-in-g monies that may be in Liitto Accounts to assist in preparing the History If you are a mem-b- er or past Treasurer of a club that is still holding club funds please let us hear from you - We are still missing Liitto Suurjuhla Program Booklets for the following years: 1944-Tar-mo- la 1948-Kirkla- nd Lake 1954-Tarmo- la 1955-Sudbu- ry 1958-Po- rt Arthur Please rum-ma- ge around and see if you have any of these tucked away and send them on to Elvi Duncan 92 Hyland Dr Sud-bury P3E 1R6 There was much round table discussion and I would like to send a vote of thanks to ali who attended the meeting Material is pouring in but there are still a lot of gaps We need your help articles pictures donations suggestions etc A follow-u- p note greet-ing- s have been received from George Saivo ali the way from Finland He is following our progress on the History with much interest and it is such a pleasure to receive encoura-geme- nt from George who as you know was gymn instructor in the Thunder Bay area for years George particularly wants to say a warm hello to ali his Thunder Bay friends Following the meeting there was time to grab a bit of supper and then on to the Hall for the Saturday night dance Leo Niemi and Timo Kotilehto were our musicians and after a delay due to amplifier problems the dance got under way and we had a great time as usual Sunday's program took place at the Sheridan Audito-riu- m in Sudbury and included many of the choirs who sang on Saturday as well as the Toronto Finlandia Choir the combined ladies' choir and the Sävel mixed choir Leo Niemi en-tertain- ed us with an accordian solo and also accompanied a soloist well known to ali of us Thora Neil Thora's tribute to the late Aino Heikkinen bro-ug- ht tears to the eyes of many of us as we recalled how beauti-full- y they had sung as a duet years ago Sanni and Veli Ken-talaa sang a duet and for me personally we don't hear them often enough Such wonderful talent! Sudbury's kansantanhu group were a joy to watch and the first half hour program ended with a very thought provoking speech by Osmo Lahti Intermission over the com-bined soittokunta played a few numbers followed by the To-ronton kansantanhuryhmä To-ronton Tuikut proved why they are always an audience fa-vour- ite my how they have improved! So professional! Sudbury Sävel choir closed the show joining with ali of us in singing the SJ March With such a full weekend wouldn't you think it would be time to head home? No siree first to Iris and Wimpy Hakalas for a cool refresher and then Records An attempt by 19-year-- old E Albuquerque of Por-tugal to break the world recorcl for nonstop dancing ended in failure He had to interrupt his marathon m a Lisbon discotheque cfter 91 hours The vvorld icvord still tnnds at 162 hours On May 2 the Rio de Ja-neiro police marked a re-co- rd of sorts: on that day not a single murder was committed in the city The average is 10 a day Bevvare: Fruit "Ali fields of fruit and vegetables in Brazil ought to carry a sign showing a skull and crossbones" wnte-th- e Brazihan Manchete Ex-per- ts have proved that most of the fruit and vegetables consumed by Brazihans contain toxins This is a result of the use of herbicides many of vvhich are produced under US licence Brazilians are demanding a law hmiting the use of weed killers Meanvvhile another Bra-zihan magazine Veja ad-vis- es people to refrain from eating fruit and vegetables But that is not so easy for the milhons of Brazihans vvho cannot af-fo- rd milk let alone meat Not the Pope According to Le Soir a record of Gounod's "Ave Maria" with the label "Jean-Pa- ul II Sings" is being sold in Canada in with Dolores Niskanen to Taisto and Kay Länsi's for a short visit Last but not least to Nancy and Merv Manninen's where we sang and danced until the wee hours of the morning Of course we imposed on Merv and Mel to play us a few tunes and when they got tired we sat around the kitchen table and talked about old times Hope you made your meeting ali right Matti So many friends to visit with and not enough time! Thanks to Romo's and Sainio's for the invites we'll make it next time It was wonderful to see everyone The concerts were great and so were the dances A tremendous round of app-- lause to the organizers you must have been delighted with the results to the kitchen staff volunteers the meals were superb Congratulations to everyone who participated in the weekend you made it a very special one Last but not least a lift of the hat to the audience who attended these festivities I am sure you will join me in saying that it was a SMASHING SUCCESS!! See you next year Elsie Jokinen Lottario Aug 4 Winning numbers were 1 3 10 18 28 34 The bonus num-be- r was 26 Ali six regular num-bers were worth $83035260 but the winning combination was not selected Any five of the six regular numbers plus the bonus number won $86728-7- 0 Any five regular numbers won $234490 Any four regular numbers won $4860 Any three regular numbers won $5 Early bird numbers were 3 9 28 34 Ali four numbers on a ticket purchased by Wednesday won $7750 Lotto &4% Aug 4 VVinning numbers were 1 10 18 27 35 38 The bonus num-ber was 30 Ali six regular num-bers were worth $339663450 but the winning combination was not selected Any five of the six regular numbers plus the bonus number won $21793010 Any five regular numbers won $328920 Any four regular numbers won $10370 Any three regular numbers won $10 Sport Select My 3E-Äu- g5 Winning results were 1 1 1 Neste vvarms to Saudi deal Neste oil company seem likely to participate in a huge petro-chemic- al complex under con-structi- on in Saudi Arabia They have said a profitabilty study prepared by themselves and Agip part of the Italian ENI group with whom they would be cooperating looks very promising and that in ali likelihood they would go in on the project They could invest in up to 15 per cent of the Fmk 25 bn complex being built at al-Ju-b- ail but Neste's vice managing director Jussi Rinta believes their share is likely to be nearer ten per cent While no final decision is likely to be taken until early June Rinta says the readiness for the Pope's September visit there The Vatican has pubhshed an objection: the recording was made not by the Pope but by a professional singer Nevertheless the advert has served its purpose and the record continues to sell very nicely thank you raking in money for the businessmen who issued it Like Father Unlike Daughter According to the Spanish newspaper Pais Patty The American multi-nation- al giant ITT is to consolidate its use of Fin-land as a bridge to the Soviet Union They are at present searching för Mr Right to coor-dina- te their Soviet trade con-duct- ed through Helsinki Their subsidiary in Finland Standard Electric Oy are acting as head hunters The successful appli-ca- nt who will be based in Hel-sinki will coordinate the prod-uct range on offer by the vari-ou- s ITT companies in different countries to the Soviet Union He or she will be in direct con-ta- ct with the Brus-sel- s based Eastern Division The company stresses that this in no way means a winding down of any 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 1 2 1 No one selected ali 13 results correctly no one selected last 12 results correctly last 11 results won $218960 no one selected last last 10 results correctly last 9 results won $36495 last 8 re-sults won $13685 last 7 results won $12880 last 6 results won $2065 last 5 results won $575 last 4 results won $225 The winning number for $200000 was D034506 Ali six digits won $25000 the first 5 or last 5 digits won $5000 the first 4 or last 4 digits won $100 the first 3 or last 3 digits won $10 VVinning numbers for $100000 were: D048889 B325566 C330544 Other prizes: $10000 — 510940 007785 $1000 — 89596 $100 — 9587 $50 — 4 5 6 7 8 8 in any order $10 — 220 Win'fall — 53 Mystery Bonus — 003780 Provincial Aug 10 The winning number for $500000 was 1481667 The last 6 digits won $50000 last 5 digits won $1000 last 4 digits won $100 last 3 digits won $25 last 2 digits won $10 signs are extremely positive The entire plant is projected to produce 500000 tonnes of MTBE a high octane petro-leu- m component a year Neste would also be involved in mar-ketin- g the product They are already among the first in Eu-ro- pe to market MTBE from other sources Doubts have been expressed in Europe about the possibility of foreign companies getting burned in the Saudi Arabian government sponsored ven-ture considering the level of saturation in the European oil products market Another plant is consid-ere- d unnecessary to say the least But Neste hope to avoid such problems by concentrat-in- g on a narrow market THEOLtCR THE BETTER} SANDRA -- YJUGET ATTENTION- - wrrHOur INTENTION Davis the younger daughter of President Reagan is most unhappy with the mihtarist course being pursued by the present American The girl makes no bones about her anti-w- ar views To avoid being identified with her father she refuses to use his surname prefer-rin- g rather her mother's ITT seeks new Soviet connection Communications Puhelinteol-lisuu- s company's Operations pe-trochem- ical Administration other of their tirms' eastern op-erations Lasse Heideman marketing director of Finland's ITT said personnel would continue to travel to the eastern bloc direct from the other companies as before "It is just that the per-son we are looking for will sup-po- rt the trade ÖF the other units This is simply because in practice business with the So-viet Union can be handled most smoothly through Fin-land The initiative for the new coordinator came about through discussions we have had with Brussels Total value of Soviet trade between the European ITT companies and the Soviet Uni-on is estimated at a good Fmk 200 million ($36 m) of which the Finnish operation accounts for more than half ( rA~J
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Viikkosanomat, August 20, 1984 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finland -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Finland; Finnish Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1984-08-20 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | VikkoD7000415 |
Title | 000967 |
OCR text | Ki l !TJ ii 1 I ~t £' Jfcy "Mr Bicentennial Juhla Two months have gone by but with heavy work schedules and summer holidays thingsjust don't seem to get done on time One of these is a report on the Bicentennial Juhla which we attended in Wanup the long weekend in May The weekend started with a Cabaret Dance at the new Wanup Hall This was our first visit to this super facility and we were truly impressed The people of Wa-nu- p and Sudbury must be commended on the fabulous job they did particularly since most of the work was done 'gratis' by volunteers The Pohjolan Pojat provid-e- d the music for the cabaret and we had a ball! This is a group anyone would be proud to re-comm- end to play anywhere Saturday afternoon's concert started at 1:30 with the singing of O Canada and words of welcome by Viljo Rinne Karl Palomäki set aside his drum-stic- ks (one of the Pohjolan Pojat) to act as MC and his easy comfortable manner help-e- d us ali to enjoy the show Numbers were performed by the combined choirs Toronto Senior Citizens Choir Sävel Men's Choir Sudbury Mixed Choir and the combined Senior Citizens' Choir There were solo numbers by Markus Lehto on the accordian Annie Tyn-jäl- ä from BC had a vocal solo Liisa Lehto (accompanied by Markus) and the Sudbury la-di- es' sextet group gave us a taste of their combined talents Lii-saa choice of music was superb and obviously she has passed on her musical talents to Markus Sudbury's ladies gymn group were excellent and it's such a pleasure to see that Elvi Dun-can their director has pro-gress- ed her group to modern standards of rhythmic gymna-stic- s with her use of mofern apparatus The Toronto Senior Citizens Kansantanhu group directed by Helen Tarvainen is always ä crowd pleaser as is the Mahdolin Yhtye Following the program a general assembly meeting was held to discuss progress with the FCASFSCAUL History Tom Hakala kindly donated his recreation room for this event for which we are very grateful Approximately 30 people attended and a lot of excellent ideas and suggestions were discussed Just briefly the following proposalssuggestions were made: - we still need pictures (please identify on the back WHO the people are WHERE the pic-tur- e was taken and WHEN the year!!) - we still need articles club articles as well as individual articles - archives in Ottawa will be re-searc- hed for minutes of Liitto Kokous Annual Meetings and club reports will be excerpted - The Steering Committee of the Liitto will research where the different club trophies are now particularly in cases where halls were closed - Steering Committee also to 12 V""j$! "-'y- ' g jv&r research and collect outstand-in-g monies that may be in Liitto Accounts to assist in preparing the History If you are a mem-b- er or past Treasurer of a club that is still holding club funds please let us hear from you - We are still missing Liitto Suurjuhla Program Booklets for the following years: 1944-Tar-mo- la 1948-Kirkla- nd Lake 1954-Tarmo- la 1955-Sudbu- ry 1958-Po- rt Arthur Please rum-ma- ge around and see if you have any of these tucked away and send them on to Elvi Duncan 92 Hyland Dr Sud-bury P3E 1R6 There was much round table discussion and I would like to send a vote of thanks to ali who attended the meeting Material is pouring in but there are still a lot of gaps We need your help articles pictures donations suggestions etc A follow-u- p note greet-ing- s have been received from George Saivo ali the way from Finland He is following our progress on the History with much interest and it is such a pleasure to receive encoura-geme- nt from George who as you know was gymn instructor in the Thunder Bay area for years George particularly wants to say a warm hello to ali his Thunder Bay friends Following the meeting there was time to grab a bit of supper and then on to the Hall for the Saturday night dance Leo Niemi and Timo Kotilehto were our musicians and after a delay due to amplifier problems the dance got under way and we had a great time as usual Sunday's program took place at the Sheridan Audito-riu- m in Sudbury and included many of the choirs who sang on Saturday as well as the Toronto Finlandia Choir the combined ladies' choir and the Sävel mixed choir Leo Niemi en-tertain- ed us with an accordian solo and also accompanied a soloist well known to ali of us Thora Neil Thora's tribute to the late Aino Heikkinen bro-ug- ht tears to the eyes of many of us as we recalled how beauti-full- y they had sung as a duet years ago Sanni and Veli Ken-talaa sang a duet and for me personally we don't hear them often enough Such wonderful talent! Sudbury's kansantanhu group were a joy to watch and the first half hour program ended with a very thought provoking speech by Osmo Lahti Intermission over the com-bined soittokunta played a few numbers followed by the To-ronton kansantanhuryhmä To-ronton Tuikut proved why they are always an audience fa-vour- ite my how they have improved! So professional! Sudbury Sävel choir closed the show joining with ali of us in singing the SJ March With such a full weekend wouldn't you think it would be time to head home? No siree first to Iris and Wimpy Hakalas for a cool refresher and then Records An attempt by 19-year-- old E Albuquerque of Por-tugal to break the world recorcl for nonstop dancing ended in failure He had to interrupt his marathon m a Lisbon discotheque cfter 91 hours The vvorld icvord still tnnds at 162 hours On May 2 the Rio de Ja-neiro police marked a re-co- rd of sorts: on that day not a single murder was committed in the city The average is 10 a day Bevvare: Fruit "Ali fields of fruit and vegetables in Brazil ought to carry a sign showing a skull and crossbones" wnte-th- e Brazihan Manchete Ex-per- ts have proved that most of the fruit and vegetables consumed by Brazihans contain toxins This is a result of the use of herbicides many of vvhich are produced under US licence Brazilians are demanding a law hmiting the use of weed killers Meanvvhile another Bra-zihan magazine Veja ad-vis- es people to refrain from eating fruit and vegetables But that is not so easy for the milhons of Brazihans vvho cannot af-fo- rd milk let alone meat Not the Pope According to Le Soir a record of Gounod's "Ave Maria" with the label "Jean-Pa- ul II Sings" is being sold in Canada in with Dolores Niskanen to Taisto and Kay Länsi's for a short visit Last but not least to Nancy and Merv Manninen's where we sang and danced until the wee hours of the morning Of course we imposed on Merv and Mel to play us a few tunes and when they got tired we sat around the kitchen table and talked about old times Hope you made your meeting ali right Matti So many friends to visit with and not enough time! Thanks to Romo's and Sainio's for the invites we'll make it next time It was wonderful to see everyone The concerts were great and so were the dances A tremendous round of app-- lause to the organizers you must have been delighted with the results to the kitchen staff volunteers the meals were superb Congratulations to everyone who participated in the weekend you made it a very special one Last but not least a lift of the hat to the audience who attended these festivities I am sure you will join me in saying that it was a SMASHING SUCCESS!! See you next year Elsie Jokinen Lottario Aug 4 Winning numbers were 1 3 10 18 28 34 The bonus num-be- r was 26 Ali six regular num-bers were worth $83035260 but the winning combination was not selected Any five of the six regular numbers plus the bonus number won $86728-7- 0 Any five regular numbers won $234490 Any four regular numbers won $4860 Any three regular numbers won $5 Early bird numbers were 3 9 28 34 Ali four numbers on a ticket purchased by Wednesday won $7750 Lotto &4% Aug 4 VVinning numbers were 1 10 18 27 35 38 The bonus num-ber was 30 Ali six regular num-bers were worth $339663450 but the winning combination was not selected Any five of the six regular numbers plus the bonus number won $21793010 Any five regular numbers won $328920 Any four regular numbers won $10370 Any three regular numbers won $10 Sport Select My 3E-Äu- g5 Winning results were 1 1 1 Neste vvarms to Saudi deal Neste oil company seem likely to participate in a huge petro-chemic- al complex under con-structi- on in Saudi Arabia They have said a profitabilty study prepared by themselves and Agip part of the Italian ENI group with whom they would be cooperating looks very promising and that in ali likelihood they would go in on the project They could invest in up to 15 per cent of the Fmk 25 bn complex being built at al-Ju-b- ail but Neste's vice managing director Jussi Rinta believes their share is likely to be nearer ten per cent While no final decision is likely to be taken until early June Rinta says the readiness for the Pope's September visit there The Vatican has pubhshed an objection: the recording was made not by the Pope but by a professional singer Nevertheless the advert has served its purpose and the record continues to sell very nicely thank you raking in money for the businessmen who issued it Like Father Unlike Daughter According to the Spanish newspaper Pais Patty The American multi-nation- al giant ITT is to consolidate its use of Fin-land as a bridge to the Soviet Union They are at present searching för Mr Right to coor-dina- te their Soviet trade con-duct- ed through Helsinki Their subsidiary in Finland Standard Electric Oy are acting as head hunters The successful appli-ca- nt who will be based in Hel-sinki will coordinate the prod-uct range on offer by the vari-ou- s ITT companies in different countries to the Soviet Union He or she will be in direct con-ta- ct with the Brus-sel- s based Eastern Division The company stresses that this in no way means a winding down of any 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 1 2 1 No one selected ali 13 results correctly no one selected last 12 results correctly last 11 results won $218960 no one selected last last 10 results correctly last 9 results won $36495 last 8 re-sults won $13685 last 7 results won $12880 last 6 results won $2065 last 5 results won $575 last 4 results won $225 The winning number for $200000 was D034506 Ali six digits won $25000 the first 5 or last 5 digits won $5000 the first 4 or last 4 digits won $100 the first 3 or last 3 digits won $10 VVinning numbers for $100000 were: D048889 B325566 C330544 Other prizes: $10000 — 510940 007785 $1000 — 89596 $100 — 9587 $50 — 4 5 6 7 8 8 in any order $10 — 220 Win'fall — 53 Mystery Bonus — 003780 Provincial Aug 10 The winning number for $500000 was 1481667 The last 6 digits won $50000 last 5 digits won $1000 last 4 digits won $100 last 3 digits won $25 last 2 digits won $10 signs are extremely positive The entire plant is projected to produce 500000 tonnes of MTBE a high octane petro-leu- m component a year Neste would also be involved in mar-ketin- g the product They are already among the first in Eu-ro- pe to market MTBE from other sources Doubts have been expressed in Europe about the possibility of foreign companies getting burned in the Saudi Arabian government sponsored ven-ture considering the level of saturation in the European oil products market Another plant is consid-ere- d unnecessary to say the least But Neste hope to avoid such problems by concentrat-in- g on a narrow market THEOLtCR THE BETTER} SANDRA -- YJUGET ATTENTION- - wrrHOur INTENTION Davis the younger daughter of President Reagan is most unhappy with the mihtarist course being pursued by the present American The girl makes no bones about her anti-w- ar views To avoid being identified with her father she refuses to use his surname prefer-rin- g rather her mother's ITT seeks new Soviet connection Communications Puhelinteol-lisuu- s company's Operations pe-trochem- ical Administration other of their tirms' eastern op-erations Lasse Heideman marketing director of Finland's ITT said personnel would continue to travel to the eastern bloc direct from the other companies as before "It is just that the per-son we are looking for will sup-po- rt the trade ÖF the other units This is simply because in practice business with the So-viet Union can be handled most smoothly through Fin-land The initiative for the new coordinator came about through discussions we have had with Brussels Total value of Soviet trade between the European ITT companies and the Soviet Uni-on is estimated at a good Fmk 200 million ($36 m) of which the Finnish operation accounts for more than half ( rA~J |
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