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l"3- -i V ''fitgr --ai 5 (H' - K I '' ~ 5 h lam"-- ™ I drink erefore ih [Rh 9 Iin nö RU H & I bet nobody in Finland drinks 84 litres of wine 563 litres of beer and 28 litres of spirits a year even though the official statistics say they do I bet some people get through that much in a week And then again a lot of people never touch the stuff Still if the official statistics are anything like representative of the average citizen Finns come pretty low on the interna-tional guzzle gauge Compare: in the five years up to 1982 Average Finn knocked back 64 litres of pure alcohol a year Weil that is more than the Swedes (57) Nonvegians (42) and Icelandics (39) More than in the Soviet Union too (62) That wraps up the neighbours — oh except for Denmark Now they can really shift it — especially beer They swig more than tvvice as much of it as here and their total alcohol consumption is 93 litres Immoderate Danes They are above the international av-erage as indeed are most coun-trie- s Strange to say only 17 out of 37 drank less than the mean but I digress My pocket calculator and statistical yearbook [It's mine Ed] say that world pure alco-hol consumption evens out at about 77 litres a head from Italy to Israel Norway to New Zealand Finland to France Oh those French! Mon Dieu! 146 litres each of pure poison! Sacre Bleu! Still life So The rest of the world is making merry while the teeto-ta- l sanctimonious Finns are sipping a measly 64 litres That is what we are told And yet Finland is said to have a drink problem Finns teli themselves and anyone who comes within toasting distance that they drink too much too often Indeed stand outside Hel-sinki railway statation or get the last bus home on a Friday night Watch the airport for re-turni- ng holiday makers Somebody's doing some heavy boozing Something does not quite square then does it? Somebo-d- y did not answer the ques-tionnai- re properly did they? Maybe our citizens simply can-n- ot remember how much they have had Or they forgot to mention that little old still out in the woods Because if Finns don't drink that much they certainly be-lie- ve they do And they too of-ten act as if they do It takes a visitor less time than it does to pop a crown cork to realise that a whole culture and subculture rests on the notion that here is a land where alcohol is death waiting to lure the unsuspect-in- g to a grisly fate I think therefore I am — I drink there-for- e I am drunk Mickey Finn True Finns do not like to enjoy 12 drunk BY JOE WHITE s£ha their pleasures constantly jus-tifyi- ng why they are doing something they like But alco-hol is taken to extremes They have erected for themselves a system to ensure that there is always enough booze but that it is rigidly controlled and priced not out of reach but at the thereshold of pain This system is called Alko It is the monopoly that controls ali drink and sells or refuses to every intoxicant above the strength of middle beer (which they also control less direct- - iy) One of the most profitable concerns in Europe Alko seems dedicated to the promo-tio- n of liquor while ostensibly being agin it a stance that re-fle- cts the divided views — split vision perhaps? — within the country Early this century Finland was not alone in perceiving a widespread alcohol problem and was one of those countries that banned ali sales and con-sumption of the demon juice But fifty years ago the unequal struggle was abandoned liquor was legalised and controlled manufacture distribution and säle through the state monopo-ly permitted It is supposedly to stop abuses of drink that rules abound about how to behave when drinking out It is Alko that hangover from post-pro-hibiti- on days that ultimately gives restaurant and pub door-me- n their unseemly powers That allow them to decide by your dress whether you are a suitable drinker or not That prevents you from moving from one table to another ifthe waitress says no That hastily stifles any attempt to sing laugh too loud or even in rare cases kiss your girlfriend If a doorman decides you are drunk or behaving in an inde-coro- us manner there is no power on earth that will make him change his mind If he re-fuses you entry move on be-cause once he says no he will not let you in A rum do In summer some bars put chairs out on the pavement How nice But only for beer Alko says no wine With some restaurants only the inner ta-bl- es can even serve that Outer tables teetotal Sad to say it ali seems calcu-late- d to take the pleasure out of drinking — as if to make you very aware that you are com-mitti- ng an immoral act It does seem that when Finns see a bottle they have to empty it They tend to go dry for the week and let it ali out (or in) at the weekends and indeed their normal strictly law abiding selves seem to get lost in the process But I know I am not alone in wondering whether it is not the liquor laws themselves and the double standards supporting them that contributes largely to the problem 'iwL'aa mxmmM mmr m~wmmnwwivk Sign of the Times In view of mountmg un-employm- ent some Amer-lca- ns try to get by with spunous college diplomaa According to the US New and World Report such self-style- d doctors are cause for particular alarm One such "doctor" Abraham Asante was to blame for On September 3 Dmitry Ustinov re-ceiv- ed General Jaakko Valfanen Com-mander-in-Ch-ief of Finland' defence forces They exchanged vievvs on cer-tai- n aspects of the international situa-tio- n the state of affairs in the North of Europe and in particular the estab-lishme- nt of a nuclear-fre-e zone in tho region SSBBSm I have recently come across mention of "ethnic vveapons" and I vvould appreciate some Informa-tion about them V VAKHMENKO Rostov USSR The theory underlying the con-ce- pt of "ethnic" vveapons wa$ vvorked out in the United States The US armed forces magazine Military Review vvrote back in 1970 that indigenous populations in different parts of the globe have varying genetic makeups The inhabitants of Southeast Asia for instance are susceptible to certain toxins to vvhich Europeans as a rule easily adapt them-selves One of the US armed forces manuals wrote in 1975 that various ways of utilizing the newly discovered genetic proper-tie- s for the selective extermina-tio- n of particular races had al-rea- dy come under study The "ethnic weapons" concspt atiracted racist South Africa too In addition to the chemical ver-sion proposed by the US A if started developing its own bio-logic- al model In June 1978 Liaison Letter a magazine of the South African armed forces reported that pre-paratio- ns were under way for an "ixodid war" ie the use of in-fecf- ed forest ticks to cause epi-demi- cs The racist version of the "ethnic vveapon" was thought to be "cheaper and more effective" because it envisaged the applica-tio- n of certain toxins or bacteria that affect a given ethnic group such as the Blacks while leaving whites unharmed Information about the existence of a research centre in South Africa for the development of chemical and biological "ethnic vveapons" was handed over to a group of UN representatives in August It has bsen reported that the South African racists are test-in- g this barbarous vveapons on political prisoners The UN Committee on Decolonization has decided to submit the quesfion lor discussion a deep coma of a patient at the Fort Dix hospital In New York State some 1700 physicians are suspected After checkt sorne were sacked and some Double Standard The new demographic programme the Singapore government has reportedly adopted proposes tnat poor uneducated women under 30 be stenlized after bear-in- g their first or second child for a Singapore $10000 compensation It is believed this will reduce the country's poor and prevent them "bearing another generation of dis-advanta- ged children" But as clever educated parents have clever children Sin-gapore Premier Lee Kuan Yew advises "gifted" women to bear more children — People who look down on other people are rarely looked up to — The best way to prevent a surprise is to pian ahead Lottario Sept ES Winning numbers were 3 6 10 21 32 33 The bonus num-be- r was 28 Ali six regular num-bers won $34603510 Any five of the six regular numbers plus the bonus number won $22974-8- 0 Any five regular numbers won $2103 Any four regular numbers won $4180 Any three regular numbers vvon $5 Early bird numbers were 14 18 34 35 Ali four numbers on a ticket purchased by Wednesday won $18450 Lotto 649 Sept 15 Winning numbers vvere 7 8 10 15 31 37 The bonus num-ber was 43 Ali six regular num-bers were worth $499931740 Any five of the six regular numbers plus the bonus num-ber won $4707020 Any five regular numbers vvon $247670 Any four regular numbers won $7020 Any three regular num-bers won$ 10 Sport Select Sept IE- - VVinning results were 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 No one selected ali 13 results correctly no one selected last 12 results correctly no one selected last 11 results correctly last 10 re-sults vvon $212030 last 9 re-sults vvon $39755 last 8 results vvon $28065 last 7 results vvon $21685 last 6 results vvon $3060 last 5 results vvon $1 110 last 4 results vvon $4 Wintario Sept 20 The vvinning number for $200000 was B161284 Ali six digits won $25000 the first 5 or last 5 digits won $5000 the first 4 or last" 4" digits won $100 the first 3 or last 3 digits vvon $10 VVinning numbers for $100000 vvere: B445970 B562112 E990196 Other ERILAISET TILAISUUDET TORONTO Finn Centre 465-898- 1 Ikinuorten kerhon toiminta-paikka Finn Centre 217 Dan-for- th Ave on avoinna kello 10 jälkeen jokaisen viikon torstai-aamuna Tervetuloa rentoutu-maan juodaan kahvia ja pela-taan bingoa! Toronton ikinuorten laulu-ja voimisteluharjoitukset aloite-taan torstaina lokakuun 4 päivä Kello 10 on laulu ja klo 11 voimistelu Entiset uudet har-rastajat tervetuloa! Sunnuntaina syysk 30 päivä kello 2 kuullaan Vappu Tyyskän esitelmä Kalevalasta ja suoma-laisten alkuperästä Kahvitarjoi-lu Kaikki tervetulleita Canada-NL-seura- n (To-ronto) elokuvaillat perjantaisin klo 8 illalla (joitakin sunnun-taisin klo 2 ip): 280 Queen St W Toronto Ontario Tie-dustelut puh: 977-- 5 8 1 9 tai 368-50- 12 Elokuvat ovat joko englan-ninkielisiä tai -- tekstillä varus-tettuja THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset haa-lil- la 316 Bay St joka kuu-kauden ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alkaen kello 130 ip Ikinuorten voimisteluhar-joitukset joka keskiviikko al-kaen kello 1 1 ap Lauluharjoi-tukset ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko kello 12 kunnes toisin määrätään Järjestön kuukausikokous toinen lauantai kuukaudesta alkaen kello 1 iltapäivällä CSJ:n Sudburyn osaston kokoukset joka kuukauden toi-sena maanantaina klo 1 1 aamu-päivällä Postiosoite: PO Box 354 Station 'B' Sudbury On-tario P3E 4P2 Sudburyn Seurakerhon vii-kottaiset harjoitukset-- ja ajan-vietetilaisuu- det Jubilee Centre (entinen Finnish haali) joka tiis-tai alkaen kello 10 ap Uudet jäsenet tervetuloa kerhomme toimintaan! WANUP CSJ:n Wanupin osaston No 9:n kokoukset ovat kuu-kauden ensimmäisenä maanan-taina Osaston osoite: RR 3 Site 13 Box 6 Sudbury Ontario P3E 4N1 prizes: $10000 — 974108 680706 $1000 — 11690 $100 — 5997 $50 — 5 7 1 9 2 2 in any order $10 — 015 Win'fall — 03 Mystery Bonus — 885554 Provincial Sept 21 The vvinning number for $500000 vvas 2949899 The last 6 digits vvon $50000 last 5 digits vvon $1000 last 4 digits won $100 last 3 digits vvon $25 last 2 digits vvon $10
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Viikkosanomat, October 01, 1984 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finland -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Finland; Finnish Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1984-10-01 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | VikkoD7000421 |
Title | 001037 |
OCR text | l"3- -i V ''fitgr --ai 5 (H' - K I '' ~ 5 h lam"-- ™ I drink erefore ih [Rh 9 Iin nö RU H & I bet nobody in Finland drinks 84 litres of wine 563 litres of beer and 28 litres of spirits a year even though the official statistics say they do I bet some people get through that much in a week And then again a lot of people never touch the stuff Still if the official statistics are anything like representative of the average citizen Finns come pretty low on the interna-tional guzzle gauge Compare: in the five years up to 1982 Average Finn knocked back 64 litres of pure alcohol a year Weil that is more than the Swedes (57) Nonvegians (42) and Icelandics (39) More than in the Soviet Union too (62) That wraps up the neighbours — oh except for Denmark Now they can really shift it — especially beer They swig more than tvvice as much of it as here and their total alcohol consumption is 93 litres Immoderate Danes They are above the international av-erage as indeed are most coun-trie- s Strange to say only 17 out of 37 drank less than the mean but I digress My pocket calculator and statistical yearbook [It's mine Ed] say that world pure alco-hol consumption evens out at about 77 litres a head from Italy to Israel Norway to New Zealand Finland to France Oh those French! Mon Dieu! 146 litres each of pure poison! Sacre Bleu! Still life So The rest of the world is making merry while the teeto-ta- l sanctimonious Finns are sipping a measly 64 litres That is what we are told And yet Finland is said to have a drink problem Finns teli themselves and anyone who comes within toasting distance that they drink too much too often Indeed stand outside Hel-sinki railway statation or get the last bus home on a Friday night Watch the airport for re-turni- ng holiday makers Somebody's doing some heavy boozing Something does not quite square then does it? Somebo-d- y did not answer the ques-tionnai- re properly did they? Maybe our citizens simply can-n- ot remember how much they have had Or they forgot to mention that little old still out in the woods Because if Finns don't drink that much they certainly be-lie- ve they do And they too of-ten act as if they do It takes a visitor less time than it does to pop a crown cork to realise that a whole culture and subculture rests on the notion that here is a land where alcohol is death waiting to lure the unsuspect-in- g to a grisly fate I think therefore I am — I drink there-for- e I am drunk Mickey Finn True Finns do not like to enjoy 12 drunk BY JOE WHITE s£ha their pleasures constantly jus-tifyi- ng why they are doing something they like But alco-hol is taken to extremes They have erected for themselves a system to ensure that there is always enough booze but that it is rigidly controlled and priced not out of reach but at the thereshold of pain This system is called Alko It is the monopoly that controls ali drink and sells or refuses to every intoxicant above the strength of middle beer (which they also control less direct- - iy) One of the most profitable concerns in Europe Alko seems dedicated to the promo-tio- n of liquor while ostensibly being agin it a stance that re-fle- cts the divided views — split vision perhaps? — within the country Early this century Finland was not alone in perceiving a widespread alcohol problem and was one of those countries that banned ali sales and con-sumption of the demon juice But fifty years ago the unequal struggle was abandoned liquor was legalised and controlled manufacture distribution and säle through the state monopo-ly permitted It is supposedly to stop abuses of drink that rules abound about how to behave when drinking out It is Alko that hangover from post-pro-hibiti- on days that ultimately gives restaurant and pub door-me- n their unseemly powers That allow them to decide by your dress whether you are a suitable drinker or not That prevents you from moving from one table to another ifthe waitress says no That hastily stifles any attempt to sing laugh too loud or even in rare cases kiss your girlfriend If a doorman decides you are drunk or behaving in an inde-coro- us manner there is no power on earth that will make him change his mind If he re-fuses you entry move on be-cause once he says no he will not let you in A rum do In summer some bars put chairs out on the pavement How nice But only for beer Alko says no wine With some restaurants only the inner ta-bl- es can even serve that Outer tables teetotal Sad to say it ali seems calcu-late- d to take the pleasure out of drinking — as if to make you very aware that you are com-mitti- ng an immoral act It does seem that when Finns see a bottle they have to empty it They tend to go dry for the week and let it ali out (or in) at the weekends and indeed their normal strictly law abiding selves seem to get lost in the process But I know I am not alone in wondering whether it is not the liquor laws themselves and the double standards supporting them that contributes largely to the problem 'iwL'aa mxmmM mmr m~wmmnwwivk Sign of the Times In view of mountmg un-employm- ent some Amer-lca- ns try to get by with spunous college diplomaa According to the US New and World Report such self-style- d doctors are cause for particular alarm One such "doctor" Abraham Asante was to blame for On September 3 Dmitry Ustinov re-ceiv- ed General Jaakko Valfanen Com-mander-in-Ch-ief of Finland' defence forces They exchanged vievvs on cer-tai- n aspects of the international situa-tio- n the state of affairs in the North of Europe and in particular the estab-lishme- nt of a nuclear-fre-e zone in tho region SSBBSm I have recently come across mention of "ethnic vveapons" and I vvould appreciate some Informa-tion about them V VAKHMENKO Rostov USSR The theory underlying the con-ce- pt of "ethnic" vveapons wa$ vvorked out in the United States The US armed forces magazine Military Review vvrote back in 1970 that indigenous populations in different parts of the globe have varying genetic makeups The inhabitants of Southeast Asia for instance are susceptible to certain toxins to vvhich Europeans as a rule easily adapt them-selves One of the US armed forces manuals wrote in 1975 that various ways of utilizing the newly discovered genetic proper-tie- s for the selective extermina-tio- n of particular races had al-rea- dy come under study The "ethnic weapons" concspt atiracted racist South Africa too In addition to the chemical ver-sion proposed by the US A if started developing its own bio-logic- al model In June 1978 Liaison Letter a magazine of the South African armed forces reported that pre-paratio- ns were under way for an "ixodid war" ie the use of in-fecf- ed forest ticks to cause epi-demi- cs The racist version of the "ethnic vveapon" was thought to be "cheaper and more effective" because it envisaged the applica-tio- n of certain toxins or bacteria that affect a given ethnic group such as the Blacks while leaving whites unharmed Information about the existence of a research centre in South Africa for the development of chemical and biological "ethnic vveapons" was handed over to a group of UN representatives in August It has bsen reported that the South African racists are test-in- g this barbarous vveapons on political prisoners The UN Committee on Decolonization has decided to submit the quesfion lor discussion a deep coma of a patient at the Fort Dix hospital In New York State some 1700 physicians are suspected After checkt sorne were sacked and some Double Standard The new demographic programme the Singapore government has reportedly adopted proposes tnat poor uneducated women under 30 be stenlized after bear-in- g their first or second child for a Singapore $10000 compensation It is believed this will reduce the country's poor and prevent them "bearing another generation of dis-advanta- ged children" But as clever educated parents have clever children Sin-gapore Premier Lee Kuan Yew advises "gifted" women to bear more children — People who look down on other people are rarely looked up to — The best way to prevent a surprise is to pian ahead Lottario Sept ES Winning numbers were 3 6 10 21 32 33 The bonus num-be- r was 28 Ali six regular num-bers won $34603510 Any five of the six regular numbers plus the bonus number won $22974-8- 0 Any five regular numbers won $2103 Any four regular numbers won $4180 Any three regular numbers vvon $5 Early bird numbers were 14 18 34 35 Ali four numbers on a ticket purchased by Wednesday won $18450 Lotto 649 Sept 15 Winning numbers vvere 7 8 10 15 31 37 The bonus num-ber was 43 Ali six regular num-bers were worth $499931740 Any five of the six regular numbers plus the bonus num-ber won $4707020 Any five regular numbers vvon $247670 Any four regular numbers won $7020 Any three regular num-bers won$ 10 Sport Select Sept IE- - VVinning results were 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 No one selected ali 13 results correctly no one selected last 12 results correctly no one selected last 11 results correctly last 10 re-sults vvon $212030 last 9 re-sults vvon $39755 last 8 results vvon $28065 last 7 results vvon $21685 last 6 results vvon $3060 last 5 results vvon $1 110 last 4 results vvon $4 Wintario Sept 20 The vvinning number for $200000 was B161284 Ali six digits won $25000 the first 5 or last 5 digits won $5000 the first 4 or last" 4" digits won $100 the first 3 or last 3 digits vvon $10 VVinning numbers for $100000 vvere: B445970 B562112 E990196 Other ERILAISET TILAISUUDET TORONTO Finn Centre 465-898- 1 Ikinuorten kerhon toiminta-paikka Finn Centre 217 Dan-for- th Ave on avoinna kello 10 jälkeen jokaisen viikon torstai-aamuna Tervetuloa rentoutu-maan juodaan kahvia ja pela-taan bingoa! Toronton ikinuorten laulu-ja voimisteluharjoitukset aloite-taan torstaina lokakuun 4 päivä Kello 10 on laulu ja klo 11 voimistelu Entiset uudet har-rastajat tervetuloa! Sunnuntaina syysk 30 päivä kello 2 kuullaan Vappu Tyyskän esitelmä Kalevalasta ja suoma-laisten alkuperästä Kahvitarjoi-lu Kaikki tervetulleita Canada-NL-seura- n (To-ronto) elokuvaillat perjantaisin klo 8 illalla (joitakin sunnun-taisin klo 2 ip): 280 Queen St W Toronto Ontario Tie-dustelut puh: 977-- 5 8 1 9 tai 368-50- 12 Elokuvat ovat joko englan-ninkielisiä tai -- tekstillä varus-tettuja THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset haa-lil- la 316 Bay St joka kuu-kauden ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alkaen kello 130 ip Ikinuorten voimisteluhar-joitukset joka keskiviikko al-kaen kello 1 1 ap Lauluharjoi-tukset ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko kello 12 kunnes toisin määrätään Järjestön kuukausikokous toinen lauantai kuukaudesta alkaen kello 1 iltapäivällä CSJ:n Sudburyn osaston kokoukset joka kuukauden toi-sena maanantaina klo 1 1 aamu-päivällä Postiosoite: PO Box 354 Station 'B' Sudbury On-tario P3E 4P2 Sudburyn Seurakerhon vii-kottaiset harjoitukset-- ja ajan-vietetilaisuu- det Jubilee Centre (entinen Finnish haali) joka tiis-tai alkaen kello 10 ap Uudet jäsenet tervetuloa kerhomme toimintaan! WANUP CSJ:n Wanupin osaston No 9:n kokoukset ovat kuu-kauden ensimmäisenä maanan-taina Osaston osoite: RR 3 Site 13 Box 6 Sudbury Ontario P3E 4N1 prizes: $10000 — 974108 680706 $1000 — 11690 $100 — 5997 $50 — 5 7 1 9 2 2 in any order $10 — 015 Win'fall — 03 Mystery Bonus — 885554 Provincial Sept 21 The vvinning number for $500000 vvas 2949899 The last 6 digits vvon $50000 last 5 digits vvon $1000 last 4 digits won $100 last 3 digits vvon $25 last 2 digits vvon $10 |
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