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156 T H R O U G H T H E M A C K E N Z I E B A S IN Liverpool Bay, latitude 70° north, has its sources i n the Reverend Abbe Petitot's " T i - D e g a l e " ( Frost- hardened M o u n t a i n ) , l y i n g at some " l i t t l e d i s t a n c e " to the north of Great Bear Lake. For this exploration and the recovery in June, 1862, of the dispatches delivered to the Eskimos by (" apt. Robert M c C l u r e , of H e r Majesty's A r c t i c search- exped i t i o n ship Incfstif/ ator, when off Cape Bathurst i n the month of August, 1S50, for transmission to E n g l a n d by way of F o r t Good Hope and other Hudson's B a y posts, the B r i t i sh A d m i r a l t y ( through the good offices of L o r d Strathcona and Mount Royal, G . C . M . G . ) were recently pleased to award me the Queen's A r c t i c medal. When S i r Leopold M c C l i n - tock returned to E n g l a n d f r om his expedition of 1857- 1859, which ascertained the fate of S i r J o h n F r a n k l i n and his companions, an octagonal form of the medal was struck for presentation to several of his officers and crew who had not received the round service medal of 1818- 1855 previous to the latter date. Although these Notes chiefly relate to the collections made by the writer w i t h i n the above- defined region, and at two or three other points, yet many incidental references were deemed necessary in respect to northern mammals obtained and observed by officers of the Hudson's B a y Company and others i n the Mackenzie R i v e r D i s t r i c t and elsewhere. It was also considered advisable to refer to s i m i l ar work performed by officers of some of the B r i t i s h Government's A r c t i c exploring and search expeditions which wintered i n D o m i n i o n P o l a r Sea lands. Brief extracts have also been made from Gen. A . W . Greely" s " Three Y e a r s of A r c t i c Service," and from other land and water exploring publications, while the explanatory remarks, called f o r under each species of animal entered i n the Company's catalogues of their annual London fur sales, p r a c t i c a l l y include every noticeable vantage point of observation throughout the vast domain i n which their trade and commercial business has been conducted, p a r t i c u l a r l y during the last eighty- seven years.
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Title | Page 179 |
OCR | 156 T H R O U G H T H E M A C K E N Z I E B A S IN Liverpool Bay, latitude 70° north, has its sources i n the Reverend Abbe Petitot's " T i - D e g a l e " ( Frost- hardened M o u n t a i n ) , l y i n g at some " l i t t l e d i s t a n c e " to the north of Great Bear Lake. For this exploration and the recovery in June, 1862, of the dispatches delivered to the Eskimos by (" apt. Robert M c C l u r e , of H e r Majesty's A r c t i c search- exped i t i o n ship Incfstif/ ator, when off Cape Bathurst i n the month of August, 1S50, for transmission to E n g l a n d by way of F o r t Good Hope and other Hudson's B a y posts, the B r i t i sh A d m i r a l t y ( through the good offices of L o r d Strathcona and Mount Royal, G . C . M . G . ) were recently pleased to award me the Queen's A r c t i c medal. When S i r Leopold M c C l i n - tock returned to E n g l a n d f r om his expedition of 1857- 1859, which ascertained the fate of S i r J o h n F r a n k l i n and his companions, an octagonal form of the medal was struck for presentation to several of his officers and crew who had not received the round service medal of 1818- 1855 previous to the latter date. Although these Notes chiefly relate to the collections made by the writer w i t h i n the above- defined region, and at two or three other points, yet many incidental references were deemed necessary in respect to northern mammals obtained and observed by officers of the Hudson's B a y Company and others i n the Mackenzie R i v e r D i s t r i c t and elsewhere. It was also considered advisable to refer to s i m i l ar work performed by officers of some of the B r i t i s h Government's A r c t i c exploring and search expeditions which wintered i n D o m i n i o n P o l a r Sea lands. Brief extracts have also been made from Gen. A . W . Greely" s " Three Y e a r s of A r c t i c Service," and from other land and water exploring publications, while the explanatory remarks, called f o r under each species of animal entered i n the Company's catalogues of their annual London fur sales, p r a c t i c a l l y include every noticeable vantage point of observation throughout the vast domain i n which their trade and commercial business has been conducted, p a r t i c u l a r l y during the last eighty- seven years. |
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