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Stovano uredniStvo: U pismu 6ete na6i svotu od 40 dolara za fond "NN"; darovali su: G.B. $10.00, Steve Galovich $10.00, Joe Landeka $20.00. U prilogu varri Saljem sllku kolo grupe American Slav Social Club, kao i tekst govora kojega je odrzao predsjednik kluba Mr. Mike Buljan na proslavi obljdtnice Kluba u novo] dvdranl. Mike Buljan kao predsjednik Kluba uziva veliko poStovanje dlanova' Kluba, jer je sposoban i vrijedan. Klub sluii principima-bratstv- a I jedinstva пабед naroda u Sacra-mento-- u. U Klubu nema mjesta kojekakvim SPEECH MIKE BULJAN, PRESIDENT AMERICAN SLAV SOCIAL CLUB This is a beautiful way to celebrate an anniversary with our members and friends. The Club is celebrating its 18th year and the 1st in this lovely hall. I'm proud of our new home and I hope all of you feel' the same. Introduce the officers: Vice President Recording Secty Treasurer Financial Secty Sergeant at Arms Trustees Dues Membership'Secty- - Inside Guard ' — Joe Anticevich — Edna Repanich — Mary Lucie — Babe Rakela — Marion Radich — Lottie Mikacich — Mary Gull — Aldo Vast! . Mary Franusich Tony Perich Board of Directors (1 2 "people) Miro Anicich Joe Petrovich ч (' Pete George Sapunor I want to thank all these people for" their support and hard work. We have many, many more who so willingly come and give of their time. I want to thank all of you out there for our dinners. We appre-ciate your and hope your evening with us will be an one. N Our roots go back further than our Club. There were many presidents of other Slavic Clubs and organizations. These people too I am sure had dreams of halls and uniting our people together. I remember reading a § ! 'UwmvutauuMiidiluKtteMiaMMMi ntamUrnaUm nnlitiHm i vlprqUlm rasnra- - -- —. "-"- "", rw. ....,.. . ., .. r.- - vama. NeKima to nlje duo po voiji — jer mrze sve Sto je slavensko i jugoslavensko — pa su napustili Klub, all time nisu naStetilf Klubu nego obratno. Klub se je povecao sa Clanstvom skoro tri puta, sada ima preko 200 dlanova i novi stalno dolaze. Klub je kupio'dvoranu koja je jako lijepo uredena. 2a ovaj uspjeh najveca zasluga pripada predsjedniku Kluba gosp. Mike Buljanu, sekretarlci Mrs. Edni Repanich I ostallm 6lanovlma odbora. Joe Landeka 5lan Kluba OF MR. OF Welcome." Repanich attending attendance enjoyable leter written by George Culjis, past presi-dent of the American Slavic Hall Asso-ciation, stating "Let's not congregate on street corners, let's come to the meeting and talk about it there". It was a beginning which helped bring us to where we are now. It wasn't easy then and at times it Isn't easy now but with your support and all of us working toward one goal, we will have paved the way for our younger gene-ration to continue our history and heritage. In some of the years past and within the last few years we had Front Seat Drivers, we had Back Seat Drivers, we had Tail Gate Drivers and we had Demolition Derby Drivers. We now have more Front Seat Drivers and our membership is growing and that's what we need. We can use less Back' Seat 'Drivers. As for' 'the' Tall Gate Drivers', we have no roofri for these agita-tors and no way will we have Demolition Derby Drivers in our Club "' , Our young generation must pitch in with our senior members and set up programs. This programing is a must so our people can visit and enjoy themselves during the week here at the hall. With this new hail the growing pains are already being felt in the organization. This is to be expected. We need more new prog-rams, more activities, more people getting involved, more chairpeople being used to head up these activities. This is healthy for the organization. We must realize we cannot standstill. There is too much catching up to do for we have lost so much DAVIS TEXTILES COMPANY LTD. - DUFERIN-DUPON- T DISTRICT 211 deary Ave., Toronto, Ontario TRA2E SE RADNICE ZA RAD NA SlVAClM MASl-NAM- A. STALNO, ZAPOSLENJE U DECJOJ KONFEKCIJI. RADNO ISKUSTVO POZELJNOT ALI Ml TAKOOE OBUCAVAMO ONE KOJI 2ELE. ODLlCNO PLA-- . CANJE PO KOMADU. PRIJAVITI SE LlCNO. . 1018 Bloor St. West, Toronto , , AKO 2ELITE SVE2E I DIMLJENO MESO, SUHO-MESNAT- E PROIZVODE PRIPREMLJENE NA STA-ROKRAJS- KI NACIN - KRANJSKE KOBASICE I DRUGO,' KAO I UVEZENE PREHRAMBENE АгТП-KL- E, POSETITE NASlRADN'JU. GOVORIMO JUGOSLOVENSKE JEZIKE. . , t Ш Folklorna grupa "Kolo H I time in the past. We the membership should be thankful that we have people who give up so much of their time and who want to see this Club succeed. Let's all pitch in together to help it grow and pros-per. We must continue growing and our older generation in themembership should keep the green light glowing for they must not say, this is good enough or put the stop light on. If this was to happen, all that we have accomplished would be lost. Everyone knows how much more energy it takes to climb to.the top of the mountain than it does on level ground. This has made, everyone work that much harder in this Club. ч As the membership keeps pushing and striving ahead, the inner problems im-bedded among us will iron themselves out. As we go along making this road to the top of the mountain some of us will get a few scars, but as long as these scars heal and the road becomes shorter then the effort exerted will be more than worth while. Let's use the progression ladder and keep climbing for in the past togetherness has gotten away from a lot of, us, We must inspire.the younger generation to accept andihelp reach our goals. There is no doubt in my mind that the older generation is waiting with open afms and a warm heart. Come join us and help us close the gap we have lost in the past years. We have come this far and we are not about to slow down or stop now. The hours and days of work put into the buil-ding shall not be wasted. The membership along with our good friends loaned and donated money to this Club and as the years go by they will be'remembered for contributing and being pioneers of a sound foundation. We are reaching many people with our U okolini Toronta ima dpsta prijatnih kutaka, u srcu prirode pored jezera proplanaka i 5uma. Narocito ima mnogo ostrva sa lepim plazama, na koje se dolazl tako-re- ci sa кибпод praga, konforno sagradenih vikendica. U kolikoj meri poznajete takva mesta? Imamo priliku da vas detaljno informiSemo o jednom takvom marom raju za odmor. Varna ostaje samo da odredite datum vaSeg odmora i da telefoni-rat- e. ' To se mesto zove The Island Lodge, a nalazi se na dva ostrva u Bay of Islands, sjeverno od Manltoulin' Island, Ontario. Ovi letnjikovci su nedavno renovirani i vrlo komfor-n- i. Izbor stanova (cottages) je veliki — od jednosobnog do petosobnog. Boravak podrazumeva tri obroka dnevno. Serviranje obroka je prema zelji: u glavnoj trpezariji (dining room) Hi privatno. i urafcunato u cenu boravka. ribolov. plivanje, obilazak ostrva cije prirodne leppte pruiaju iznenadenja na svakom koraku. Vefie se moze prijatno provesti u sali'za stoni teriis. bilijar. ili pored kamina. Mogu se takode iznajmiti jahte, motorni camel, kanui. Na kraju, ono 54o vas najvise Interesuje: cene. Ako boravite sedam dana: za jedan dan cena je $25.00. Ako boravite-cetir- i dana: za jedan dan cena je $27.00. Pojedina6ni dnevni boravak Iznosi $30.00. Za decu ispod tri godine besplatno. 6cf3-- 6 godina popust je 40% a od'7 — 11 godina popust je 60% od cene za odrasle.; - Zainteresovani mogu da se obrate na telefon: . ,461-775- 7 — Toma Dimitrijevlc — Toronto, (1 705) 285-434- 3 - Bob Phillips — The Island Lodge. t , ј9ММкШЛп'КГ",и - "" SU'' "" & fl№№ newsletters but I am sure there are more out there who do not know of our Club. We also have some shut-in- s sick members who have expressed their appreciation for the news. If it helps to cheer one of these members, then I feel that this would more than out weigh the expense of the mailout. Remember, it could be you. This Memorial weekend let's not forget our departed brothers and sisters. Remem-ber them in your prayers. Tomorrov after the meeting we will have a memorial service for these members. We have this hall now and let's enjoy it to its fullest. The doors during weekdays should be kept opened to our members. The ladies sewing club should come down and use the facilities as well as our card playing friends. I am sure there are many ways we can utilize this hall. Members, remember it's yours. Again I want to stress that this is a Social Club and our primary purpose is to get together and have good, clean soci-alab- le gatherings. Thank you. puSenje preti nepuSaCima Boston — Рибепје ne samo da steti onome koji puSi, vec moze znatno pogor-Sa- ti i stanje srdanih bolesnika koji se nalaze u bllzini рибаба, istifie se u jednom izvjestaju ameriCke vlade. NauCenjaci su utvrdili da dim od cigare-t- a u zatvorenoj prostoriji moze izazvati napad angine pektoris kod srcanih boles-nika, poremecaje rada srca, kao i umanje-n- u fiziiku sposobnost bolesnika. Utvrdeno je da ugljen-monoks- id u dimu iz cigarete smanjuje kolifcinu kisika u krvi dok istovremeno nikotin u dimu povecava potrebu srca za kisikom. Ovo stanje se pogorSava kod srSanih bolesnika jer inaCe njihovl krvni sudovi dopremaju manje kisika u srce poSto su vec oStecenl bolescu. ' KAKO M02ETE PRIJATNO PROVESTI ODMOR Mogucnostizarekreaciju: 8.л; , v -- - v Л 4 ! 4..V-- V' w
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Nase Novine, October 04, 1978 |
Language | sr; hr |
Subject | Yugoslavia -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Yugoslavia; Yugoslavian Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1978-08-09 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | nanod2000078 |
Title | 000582 |
OCR text | Stovano uredniStvo: U pismu 6ete na6i svotu od 40 dolara za fond "NN"; darovali su: G.B. $10.00, Steve Galovich $10.00, Joe Landeka $20.00. U prilogu varri Saljem sllku kolo grupe American Slav Social Club, kao i tekst govora kojega je odrzao predsjednik kluba Mr. Mike Buljan na proslavi obljdtnice Kluba u novo] dvdranl. Mike Buljan kao predsjednik Kluba uziva veliko poStovanje dlanova' Kluba, jer je sposoban i vrijedan. Klub sluii principima-bratstv- a I jedinstva пабед naroda u Sacra-mento-- u. U Klubu nema mjesta kojekakvim SPEECH MIKE BULJAN, PRESIDENT AMERICAN SLAV SOCIAL CLUB This is a beautiful way to celebrate an anniversary with our members and friends. The Club is celebrating its 18th year and the 1st in this lovely hall. I'm proud of our new home and I hope all of you feel' the same. Introduce the officers: Vice President Recording Secty Treasurer Financial Secty Sergeant at Arms Trustees Dues Membership'Secty- - Inside Guard ' — Joe Anticevich — Edna Repanich — Mary Lucie — Babe Rakela — Marion Radich — Lottie Mikacich — Mary Gull — Aldo Vast! . Mary Franusich Tony Perich Board of Directors (1 2 "people) Miro Anicich Joe Petrovich ч (' Pete George Sapunor I want to thank all these people for" their support and hard work. We have many, many more who so willingly come and give of their time. I want to thank all of you out there for our dinners. We appre-ciate your and hope your evening with us will be an one. N Our roots go back further than our Club. There were many presidents of other Slavic Clubs and organizations. These people too I am sure had dreams of halls and uniting our people together. I remember reading a § ! 'UwmvutauuMiidiluKtteMiaMMMi ntamUrnaUm nnlitiHm i vlprqUlm rasnra- - -- —. "-"- "", rw. ....,.. . ., .. r.- - vama. NeKima to nlje duo po voiji — jer mrze sve Sto je slavensko i jugoslavensko — pa su napustili Klub, all time nisu naStetilf Klubu nego obratno. Klub se je povecao sa Clanstvom skoro tri puta, sada ima preko 200 dlanova i novi stalno dolaze. Klub je kupio'dvoranu koja je jako lijepo uredena. 2a ovaj uspjeh najveca zasluga pripada predsjedniku Kluba gosp. Mike Buljanu, sekretarlci Mrs. Edni Repanich I ostallm 6lanovlma odbora. Joe Landeka 5lan Kluba OF MR. OF Welcome." Repanich attending attendance enjoyable leter written by George Culjis, past presi-dent of the American Slavic Hall Asso-ciation, stating "Let's not congregate on street corners, let's come to the meeting and talk about it there". It was a beginning which helped bring us to where we are now. It wasn't easy then and at times it Isn't easy now but with your support and all of us working toward one goal, we will have paved the way for our younger gene-ration to continue our history and heritage. In some of the years past and within the last few years we had Front Seat Drivers, we had Back Seat Drivers, we had Tail Gate Drivers and we had Demolition Derby Drivers. We now have more Front Seat Drivers and our membership is growing and that's what we need. We can use less Back' Seat 'Drivers. As for' 'the' Tall Gate Drivers', we have no roofri for these agita-tors and no way will we have Demolition Derby Drivers in our Club "' , Our young generation must pitch in with our senior members and set up programs. This programing is a must so our people can visit and enjoy themselves during the week here at the hall. With this new hail the growing pains are already being felt in the organization. This is to be expected. We need more new prog-rams, more activities, more people getting involved, more chairpeople being used to head up these activities. This is healthy for the organization. We must realize we cannot standstill. There is too much catching up to do for we have lost so much DAVIS TEXTILES COMPANY LTD. - DUFERIN-DUPON- T DISTRICT 211 deary Ave., Toronto, Ontario TRA2E SE RADNICE ZA RAD NA SlVAClM MASl-NAM- A. STALNO, ZAPOSLENJE U DECJOJ KONFEKCIJI. RADNO ISKUSTVO POZELJNOT ALI Ml TAKOOE OBUCAVAMO ONE KOJI 2ELE. ODLlCNO PLA-- . CANJE PO KOMADU. PRIJAVITI SE LlCNO. . 1018 Bloor St. West, Toronto , , AKO 2ELITE SVE2E I DIMLJENO MESO, SUHO-MESNAT- E PROIZVODE PRIPREMLJENE NA STA-ROKRAJS- KI NACIN - KRANJSKE KOBASICE I DRUGO,' KAO I UVEZENE PREHRAMBENE АгТП-KL- E, POSETITE NASlRADN'JU. GOVORIMO JUGOSLOVENSKE JEZIKE. . , t Ш Folklorna grupa "Kolo H I time in the past. We the membership should be thankful that we have people who give up so much of their time and who want to see this Club succeed. Let's all pitch in together to help it grow and pros-per. We must continue growing and our older generation in themembership should keep the green light glowing for they must not say, this is good enough or put the stop light on. If this was to happen, all that we have accomplished would be lost. Everyone knows how much more energy it takes to climb to.the top of the mountain than it does on level ground. This has made, everyone work that much harder in this Club. ч As the membership keeps pushing and striving ahead, the inner problems im-bedded among us will iron themselves out. As we go along making this road to the top of the mountain some of us will get a few scars, but as long as these scars heal and the road becomes shorter then the effort exerted will be more than worth while. Let's use the progression ladder and keep climbing for in the past togetherness has gotten away from a lot of, us, We must inspire.the younger generation to accept andihelp reach our goals. There is no doubt in my mind that the older generation is waiting with open afms and a warm heart. Come join us and help us close the gap we have lost in the past years. We have come this far and we are not about to slow down or stop now. The hours and days of work put into the buil-ding shall not be wasted. The membership along with our good friends loaned and donated money to this Club and as the years go by they will be'remembered for contributing and being pioneers of a sound foundation. We are reaching many people with our U okolini Toronta ima dpsta prijatnih kutaka, u srcu prirode pored jezera proplanaka i 5uma. Narocito ima mnogo ostrva sa lepim plazama, na koje se dolazl tako-re- ci sa кибпод praga, konforno sagradenih vikendica. U kolikoj meri poznajete takva mesta? Imamo priliku da vas detaljno informiSemo o jednom takvom marom raju za odmor. Varna ostaje samo da odredite datum vaSeg odmora i da telefoni-rat- e. ' To se mesto zove The Island Lodge, a nalazi se na dva ostrva u Bay of Islands, sjeverno od Manltoulin' Island, Ontario. Ovi letnjikovci su nedavno renovirani i vrlo komfor-n- i. Izbor stanova (cottages) je veliki — od jednosobnog do petosobnog. Boravak podrazumeva tri obroka dnevno. Serviranje obroka je prema zelji: u glavnoj trpezariji (dining room) Hi privatno. i urafcunato u cenu boravka. ribolov. plivanje, obilazak ostrva cije prirodne leppte pruiaju iznenadenja na svakom koraku. Vefie se moze prijatno provesti u sali'za stoni teriis. bilijar. ili pored kamina. Mogu se takode iznajmiti jahte, motorni camel, kanui. Na kraju, ono 54o vas najvise Interesuje: cene. Ako boravite sedam dana: za jedan dan cena je $25.00. Ako boravite-cetir- i dana: za jedan dan cena je $27.00. Pojedina6ni dnevni boravak Iznosi $30.00. Za decu ispod tri godine besplatno. 6cf3-- 6 godina popust je 40% a od'7 — 11 godina popust je 60% od cene za odrasle.; - Zainteresovani mogu da se obrate na telefon: . ,461-775- 7 — Toma Dimitrijevlc — Toronto, (1 705) 285-434- 3 - Bob Phillips — The Island Lodge. t , ј9ММкШЛп'КГ",и - "" SU'' "" & fl№№ newsletters but I am sure there are more out there who do not know of our Club. We also have some shut-in- s sick members who have expressed their appreciation for the news. If it helps to cheer one of these members, then I feel that this would more than out weigh the expense of the mailout. Remember, it could be you. This Memorial weekend let's not forget our departed brothers and sisters. Remem-ber them in your prayers. Tomorrov after the meeting we will have a memorial service for these members. We have this hall now and let's enjoy it to its fullest. The doors during weekdays should be kept opened to our members. The ladies sewing club should come down and use the facilities as well as our card playing friends. I am sure there are many ways we can utilize this hall. Members, remember it's yours. Again I want to stress that this is a Social Club and our primary purpose is to get together and have good, clean soci-alab- le gatherings. Thank you. puSenje preti nepuSaCima Boston — Рибепје ne samo da steti onome koji puSi, vec moze znatno pogor-Sa- ti i stanje srdanih bolesnika koji se nalaze u bllzini рибаба, istifie se u jednom izvjestaju ameriCke vlade. NauCenjaci su utvrdili da dim od cigare-t- a u zatvorenoj prostoriji moze izazvati napad angine pektoris kod srcanih boles-nika, poremecaje rada srca, kao i umanje-n- u fiziiku sposobnost bolesnika. Utvrdeno je da ugljen-monoks- id u dimu iz cigarete smanjuje kolifcinu kisika u krvi dok istovremeno nikotin u dimu povecava potrebu srca za kisikom. Ovo stanje se pogorSava kod srSanih bolesnika jer inaCe njihovl krvni sudovi dopremaju manje kisika u srce poSto su vec oStecenl bolescu. ' KAKO M02ETE PRIJATNO PROVESTI ODMOR Mogucnostizarekreaciju: 8.л; , v -- - v Л 4 ! 4..V-- V' w |
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