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l.t-- 1 it .,f,' fenШВШ1ШШИШНН1IK ili'')iA џ 1' 4 mti'rri:'w,vi:rM.rr, L!tavt'm iti. :,rx.i 1г.у;г;#;;л1в1'т,вж;га v - ' ' ' 2ene izborQe svoie pravo i iillekovoi tvomici Huron Parki Ont. — Копабпо Je okondan Strajk radnlka u Ffeck Manufacturing Ltd. Zaposleni su mahom iene. Nesporazuml I nesfa-ganj- a s poslodavcem zapodetf su koncem. proSle godine,. a dollvjell najvedu kulmlnaclju 6. olujka (mar-- ta) kadaje obustavljen rad. Had bez radnog ugovora, nepriznavanje sin-dlkal- ne (Union) organizaclje, vrlo niska pri mania a uz to, radnl uvfeti I zaStlta na radu slab, bill su raztozl obustave rada — Strajka. Cljell dogadaj skrenuo Je na sebe patnju kanadske avnostl I svakodnevno se odeklvala vljest o povolnom zavrSetku Strajka, JersS slmpatlje I razumljevanja bita na strani StraJ-kufud- lh iena. All, vlasnlci tvornice se nisu dali, korlstedl svakf svo adut "demokratske slobode" I mis-led! samo na svoj dobltak (profit) I bududnost. Nekl su Izradunall da Je Strajk trajao todno 161 dan.. StraJ-kaSko- m stralom prodeflllralo Je viSe tlsuda radnlka uz prulenu moralnu I flnancljsku pomod. Na govornicl su se smjenjlvali uglednl radndkl prvacf, kao: predsjednfk Kanadskog radnldkog kongresa, predsjednlk Udrulenja automobU skih radnlka za Kanadu, minister rada Idrugl. hlatt radnl kolektiv all Our M' I Canadian companies "are Inves-ting millions of 'dollars In the U.S. and creating 'thousands rof 'Amerf-can.Jo- bs at a time when nearly one million Canadians are looking for work. ... That's the conclusion of a,study of Canadian inyeetmgpt in the U.Si by the Conference Board, a Neyv York-base- d independent research group. - Canadian companies -- are now pouring Investment dollars into the U.S. over double the rate of recent years, the study says. David Bauer, a Conference Board economist who monitors the flow of moneV'from Canada to the. US which --The stepped-u- p montns of this year, major projects against In the same period last year, 'But measuring the amount of' investment by the projects understates trend the dollar amounts invol-ved in each venture are rapidly",' 'Warns Bauer. .-"- "v Behind the rush, Canadian- - to set up' shop-fn- ' U.S, the apparent,' businessmen feel.about economic' prospects .at.hone and the optimism th'ey feel about thVU;S. '"' J. of the.Canadian Assp- - '"ciatlon, Irtyeat Miit' otijne Doraer.w, M9f)ey;' iS;3irier-- , . y г,м ' .. give tvrdiprah. Nlsu se dall zbunltl ni s koje strane. DoduSe, bllo Je --i onh koli su se kolebali te s polovlco puta odustajall, straSedi se otkaza a nagovaranl sa strane gazdlne ' sluzbe. Vedlna je ostala uporna u svojlm. zahtjevlma, . Jer su dvrsto vferovall u ono Sto trale. A, nlje bllo bogzna Sto; molda samo mrvlca vISe. I uspjell su, usprkos svlm tlm prltlsclma. Plade su Im povedane za 20 posto I prlznato Im Je njlhovo radnldko udrulenje UA Local 27, Sto Je veda slgur-no-st I garanclja, da 6e se radnl uvetl I zaStlta pobolJSatl, a potpl-sa- nl ugovor o radu poStlvatf. Ml smo ve6 plsali o ovom doga-daj- u I na stranlcama naSeg tjednl-k- a. PISem o tome JoS Jednom, poSto Je Istl doblo velikl publlcitet u kanadskoj Stamp! narodlto ovdje u Juinom. Ontarlu, a Ipak ostalo Je nekollko sfvarl nedoredenlh. Poje-dln- cl poatavlaju pitanje: tko Je s tlm Strajkom doblo a tko Izgublo? Odgovorje tu all se zaobllazl. Bio Je tu I paradoks tvornlcu Je znalo do 500 pollcaaca sa pladom od 9 dolara nasat, plus besplatno spayanje I hrana u hote- - Ifma, a iene su se borlle za prima- - .v milions national and It will go where 'it can grow most rapidly. Kennedy says the investment climate in the U.S. Is more. appea-ling . to Canadian businessmen because labor costs are generally lower, unions are less militant and production costs aren't so high. Want deeds "The recent changes in govern-ment policy that signal better rela-tions' between government and business have yet to prove thom-sdlve- s. want deeds, not just words", Kennedy said. Genstar Ltd., Canada's biggest builder of single family homes, completed a $50 million deal a few our particular field Labdr costs are lower and so are construction costs" One the biggest single Job-creati- ng investments recently ma-de by a Canadian company was the purchase of Toronto-base- d Co-Ste- el International Ltd. of Rariton River Steel Co. New York. .Co-Ste- el plans to rebuild and modernize Rariton's old plant at a cost of $94 million. The project will produce around, 1,000 American jobs once the plant comes on full stream. PiAva Clnrar1 Mftffflrnnn nraaL dent of Co-Ste- el: "There's no doubt that conditions are bet- - ter, down there. This country has. suffered from excessive govern- - --,; ness Z'?V'H"t Irliw~h,°e' --UH—.?S"'.zп--шtozпtуa?lаlyв" m1jZ0mleln".edumey.eislscl.i;toaicnygoeorapcoyoreanattrir,oonl gowail£vtheni'stinkaleoecstoemo.'ffpa$a.7n0y0a ' ' ' previous two-ye- ar " period. ' ". - Says Ross,J.v. Turner) Genstar's flow Canadian ргезвШеаећСЖГпкпеге'' a money to build plants and',pgyandabettBrwtij:n dwrihareholders' rho-- expand existing nierJcan.Coro-mgVnevdOwrPhefepvAtvthiBti- me' the panles continued In.thiUrstt.slxoQ eflvS) offetebetterAopbortohltles'ln ctqtalling29 -,- -- 14 , number of the because rising of corporations the ' is gloonfiost Canadian : conflde'nce;and ''" -- . Taylor Kennedy,pre8ldent , Manufacturers' IpW'TStarjJHe'lrend to1 ln,the.U;s.;canbe;,expialned?j. Iskrlstallzlran, svakldaSnJIce: osJguravatN Businessmen economic simply. Buslhe88mepcap48eeraHlment too much interference and better геШглбпЧКеМого has hampered" busl- - , ,-- .'ч i- - ur "i --л-iV, t '. "' I to ni — W , . of of - ' , of — - '' - .-- v RADNICE nja neSto veda od 3 dolara na sat. Sve Je to pomalo I razumljlvo ako se zna da su vlasnlci James Fleck pomodnlk mlnlstra za fndustrlju I turlzam ovdje u Ontarlju, I George Gardiner, velikl financier kojl Ima svoja udeSda I u IndustrlJJ van Kanade, te u neklm novlnsklm kudama Slrom zemlje, a uz to se nalazl ha vlsoklm poloiajlma po raznlm organlzaclama I klubovlma. Molda Je to I utjecalo da se negovo Ime rede spomlnje kao vlasnlka onJh druglh 49% u Fleko-v- oj tvornlcl. No, bez obzlra na sve to, kao I na uspjeh&aposlonlh u FlekovoJ tvor- - nlcJ, usudujem se napfsatl da Je dltav radnldkl pokret doblo poen. Northern Telecom Ltd., the high- - technology communications equ-ipment off-sho- ot of Bell Canada Ltd., has been bullish on the U.S. for several years. The company acquired its first U.S. plant in 1.972 and now has 15 manufacturing facilities In, nine states. The company's U.S. off-shoo- ts employ some 10,000 workers,-o- r about half the company's Canadian workforce., Richard Scrivener, the compa-ny's outspoken chief executive, told The Star: "We're down In the U.S. because we wanted success-fully to pepetrate that market. To do that you have to be'there — not in Canada". . ., , ," , Cites malaise . Scrivener blames 15 years of economic mismanagement for the malaise clouding the Canadian -- business outlook. 2 "If things go on the way they have been I can see our U.S. sales rising to 10 .times the size of ours sates in Canada". Currently, North-ern Telecom's sales in Canada total $965 million against only $197 million In the U.S. t ; Burlington-base- d auto, parts ma-ker Trldon Ltd. has recently embar-ked on a $5 million expansion project at its Nashville, Tenn., plant. The expanded operation will employ 250 workers. Dotiglae Sedgwick, president, told The Star: "Apart from gene- -' rally lower costs there are also real Incentives which are offered by the state government. For 'example, a company can borrow at several percentage points below the going Canadian ate through what's cal-led industrial development bonds. "These are guaranteed by the state goveVhrrijent8 and, the bond holders 4ј6 lend us the money for suchjrojejJts.rrban collect Interest payments, tax-- f ree'v. IZ FLECKOVE TVORNICE SLAVE Tu prvenstveno mlsllm na mjesto I polotaj zaposlene iene. DruStvo Je moralo I mora datl odredenlje mjesto radne Iene I to, kako na poslu tako I u druStvu uopde. Dosta Je mISIJenJa: zapdslenoj ienl Je dovoljno da zaradl neSto (second Income), ako ved bode da radl, Jer mulevljeva plada treba da dlnl glavnl oslonac oblteljl. A s druge strane — Javna Je tajna da JoS u mnoglm tvornlcama Imamo podje-IJen- a radna mjesta na: lenska I muSka. Danas su prosjedna godlS- - nja prlmanja zaposlene iene u Kanadl $8,100 III kako Je prlje nekollko .mjesecl Joe Morris — blvSi predsjednlk Kanadskog rad- - nldkog kongresa rekao: "on evera- - 1 US Other projects Other major job-creati- ng Cana-dian Investments in the U.S. include: The $14 million takeover by Indal Ltd. of Toronto of Tennessee Bull-din- g Products.- - The acquisition, brings Indal's total investments in the U.S. to- - $60 mllllon.v Indal employs 2,800 people In the U.S., nearjy half indal's total workforce. Keep Rite Products Ltd. of Brantford, makers of alf conditio-ning equipment,' has built a $5 million plant in Lisbon, Ohio, which, will initially, employ 30 people. F. Stewart Brown,. Keep Rite's president, says that there are many attractions to Investing in the U.S., Including lower real estate prices and state-subsidiz- ed trai-ning program's foripotentfaVehiplo-yees- . Hudson's Bay Mining and Smel-ting recently stepped up its Invest-ment In Inspiration Consolidated Cdpper at a cost of, $65 million. Inspiration now ernpjoys 1,668 people. . Montreal-base- d Dominion Brid-ge Co. recently bought Amtel Inc., a Providence, R.I., outfit for $78 million. The result is that out of $1 billion in expected group sales this year,' some twothirds will be fromm U.S. operations. Dominion Bridge, in fact, Is now so heavily involved in the U.S. that 9 out of its 10 top executives operate from an office In Hanover, N.H, Molson Cos. Ltd. has just com-pleted a $55 million deal to acquire Dlversey Corp. of Chicago which boasts sales of $950 million and employs ,3,600. Velan Engineering Ltd. of Mon-treal; world exporters of a wide range of industrial valves, opened a $5 million plant In Burlington, Vt. Number of jobs to be created Is 170. Says Ivan Velan, vice-pres- lr dent:, "Think of any economic POBJEDU ge earn only 59 per cent of what men earn". Danas Je sve viSe iena koje su zaposlene III trale posao. U 1977 g. — 45,9% kanadskih iena bllo Je zaposleno III u zadnje dvlje decenl-J-e porast zaposlenosti Je 22%. . Sve to govorl, da demo Strajk u FlekovoJ tvornlcl pamtltl po tome Sto Je bio organlzlran od takoredi samo ienskog radnog kolektlva, Sto Je glasno Istakao I traiio priz-nan- je iene koja radl rame uz rame sa muSkarcem, podvukao diskrl- - mlnantnu ulogu radne iene u pogledu novdanlh prlmanja, a da se o njlhovfm radnlm uvjetlma I zaStltl na radu malo ill nikako ne brine, Goran Tumlir ' i 1 - 00".: ' was factor you want to and it's better in the U.S. — productivity, labor rates, union attitudes, size of the market, political stability. That's why we decided to open up our neW plant in Burlington rather than in Toronto or Montreal. HORNER WORRIED - . v Jack Horner, minister of indus-try, .trade and commerce, admits that he's, concerned about the flood of money and jobs to the U.S. "But ,we can't agree with the businessmen 'that they get a bejtter return on their buck than "they could here. We've worked It out, and these companies are by and large no better off investing in the U.S. than In Canada". (The Toronto Star) Т&£ №1Ш Published bvory Wednesday by YUGOSLAV .CANADIAN PUBLISHERS INC. 10 Si. Mary Street, Room 505. Mailing, address: Box 522. Station F. Toronto, Ontario Telephone: 961-801- 8, Area Code 416 Urednlk — Editor Anton Kostelac tehnlcko'obllkovanje — Technical assembly Graphic Line, Toronto Second Class Mail Registration No. 0378 Pretplala: Jl5.00godiSnjo. poiedini primjerak 40 centl, avlonska posta (prekomorske zemlje) $40.00 godlSnJe, rodovnom poStom (u kuvertl) $25.00 godlSnJe. Novcano doznake samo iokom I poStanskom (ill bankovnom) doznatlcbm (Money Order) na Ime llsta ("NaSo novlne") Hi i2davaca (Yugoslav Canadian Publishers Inc.) Subscription: $15.00 per year, single copy 40 cents, Air Mall (Overseas) $40.00 per year, by First Class Mall $25.00 per year. Advertising rates on request Money should be sent by cheque or Money Order in name ol "Naso novme" or Yugoslav Canadian Publishers. Potpisani fclancl sadrlo mtSljonjo njihovlh autora. Rukoplsl so no vracaju. "NaSo novino" su naslfodnik, u Kanadi: "Jedlnstva", "Novostl", "Srpskog Glasnika", "Edlnostl", "Slobodne Mlell" I "Bbrbo", u Sjcd. Driavama: "Narodnog Glasnika" i listova kol su mu prothodlll. I.': 14 t ; VI ;! I 'IjIl n 11 ? ч Si 4 £~'ZX~H4JlWV!u)!&H}l.cl'Vtf ЧСУ7У Htw mSFT tfft'tflTfyfv,'"f ' w-- t-' c™l awiertrtil?T'Waf4"M',T,w'rTtf''fy--
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Nase Novine, January 25, 1978 |
Language | sr; hr |
Subject | Yugoslavia -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Yugoslavia; Yugoslavian Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1978-09-27 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | nanod2000083 |
Title | 000674 |
OCR text | l.t-- 1 it .,f,' fenШВШ1ШШИШНН1IK ili'')iA џ 1' 4 mti'rri:'w,vi:rM.rr, L!tavt'm iti. :,rx.i 1г.у;г;#;;л1в1'т,вж;га v - ' ' ' 2ene izborQe svoie pravo i iillekovoi tvomici Huron Parki Ont. — Копабпо Je okondan Strajk radnlka u Ffeck Manufacturing Ltd. Zaposleni su mahom iene. Nesporazuml I nesfa-ganj- a s poslodavcem zapodetf su koncem. proSle godine,. a dollvjell najvedu kulmlnaclju 6. olujka (mar-- ta) kadaje obustavljen rad. Had bez radnog ugovora, nepriznavanje sin-dlkal- ne (Union) organizaclje, vrlo niska pri mania a uz to, radnl uvfeti I zaStlta na radu slab, bill su raztozl obustave rada — Strajka. Cljell dogadaj skrenuo Je na sebe patnju kanadske avnostl I svakodnevno se odeklvala vljest o povolnom zavrSetku Strajka, JersS slmpatlje I razumljevanja bita na strani StraJ-kufud- lh iena. All, vlasnlci tvornice se nisu dali, korlstedl svakf svo adut "demokratske slobode" I mis-led! samo na svoj dobltak (profit) I bududnost. Nekl su Izradunall da Je Strajk trajao todno 161 dan.. StraJ-kaSko- m stralom prodeflllralo Je viSe tlsuda radnlka uz prulenu moralnu I flnancljsku pomod. Na govornicl su se smjenjlvali uglednl radndkl prvacf, kao: predsjednfk Kanadskog radnldkog kongresa, predsjednlk Udrulenja automobU skih radnlka za Kanadu, minister rada Idrugl. hlatt radnl kolektiv all Our M' I Canadian companies "are Inves-ting millions of 'dollars In the U.S. and creating 'thousands rof 'Amerf-can.Jo- bs at a time when nearly one million Canadians are looking for work. ... That's the conclusion of a,study of Canadian inyeetmgpt in the U.Si by the Conference Board, a Neyv York-base- d independent research group. - Canadian companies -- are now pouring Investment dollars into the U.S. over double the rate of recent years, the study says. David Bauer, a Conference Board economist who monitors the flow of moneV'from Canada to the. US which --The stepped-u- p montns of this year, major projects against In the same period last year, 'But measuring the amount of' investment by the projects understates trend the dollar amounts invol-ved in each venture are rapidly",' 'Warns Bauer. .-"- "v Behind the rush, Canadian- - to set up' shop-fn- ' U.S, the apparent,' businessmen feel.about economic' prospects .at.hone and the optimism th'ey feel about thVU;S. '"' J. of the.Canadian Assp- - '"ciatlon, Irtyeat Miit' otijne Doraer.w, M9f)ey;' iS;3irier-- , . y г,м ' .. give tvrdiprah. Nlsu se dall zbunltl ni s koje strane. DoduSe, bllo Je --i onh koli su se kolebali te s polovlco puta odustajall, straSedi se otkaza a nagovaranl sa strane gazdlne ' sluzbe. Vedlna je ostala uporna u svojlm. zahtjevlma, . Jer su dvrsto vferovall u ono Sto trale. A, nlje bllo bogzna Sto; molda samo mrvlca vISe. I uspjell su, usprkos svlm tlm prltlsclma. Plade su Im povedane za 20 posto I prlznato Im Je njlhovo radnldko udrulenje UA Local 27, Sto Je veda slgur-no-st I garanclja, da 6e se radnl uvetl I zaStlta pobolJSatl, a potpl-sa- nl ugovor o radu poStlvatf. Ml smo ve6 plsali o ovom doga-daj- u I na stranlcama naSeg tjednl-k- a. PISem o tome JoS Jednom, poSto Je Istl doblo velikl publlcitet u kanadskoj Stamp! narodlto ovdje u Juinom. Ontarlu, a Ipak ostalo Je nekollko sfvarl nedoredenlh. Poje-dln- cl poatavlaju pitanje: tko Je s tlm Strajkom doblo a tko Izgublo? Odgovorje tu all se zaobllazl. Bio Je tu I paradoks tvornlcu Je znalo do 500 pollcaaca sa pladom od 9 dolara nasat, plus besplatno spayanje I hrana u hote- - Ifma, a iene su se borlle za prima- - .v milions national and It will go where 'it can grow most rapidly. Kennedy says the investment climate in the U.S. Is more. appea-ling . to Canadian businessmen because labor costs are generally lower, unions are less militant and production costs aren't so high. Want deeds "The recent changes in govern-ment policy that signal better rela-tions' between government and business have yet to prove thom-sdlve- s. want deeds, not just words", Kennedy said. Genstar Ltd., Canada's biggest builder of single family homes, completed a $50 million deal a few our particular field Labdr costs are lower and so are construction costs" One the biggest single Job-creati- ng investments recently ma-de by a Canadian company was the purchase of Toronto-base- d Co-Ste- el International Ltd. of Rariton River Steel Co. New York. .Co-Ste- el plans to rebuild and modernize Rariton's old plant at a cost of $94 million. The project will produce around, 1,000 American jobs once the plant comes on full stream. PiAva Clnrar1 Mftffflrnnn nraaL dent of Co-Ste- el: "There's no doubt that conditions are bet- - ter, down there. This country has. suffered from excessive govern- - --,; ness Z'?V'H"t Irliw~h,°e' --UH—.?S"'.zп--шtozпtуa?lаlyв" m1jZ0mleln".edumey.eislscl.i;toaicnygoeorapcoyoreanattrir,oonl gowail£vtheni'stinkaleoecstoemo.'ffpa$a.7n0y0a ' ' ' previous two-ye- ar " period. ' ". - Says Ross,J.v. Turner) Genstar's flow Canadian ргезвШеаећСЖГпкпеге'' a money to build plants and',pgyandabettBrwtij:n dwrihareholders' rho-- expand existing nierJcan.Coro-mgVnevdOwrPhefepvAtvthiBti- me' the panles continued In.thiUrstt.slxoQ eflvS) offetebetterAopbortohltles'ln ctqtalling29 -,- -- 14 , number of the because rising of corporations the ' is gloonfiost Canadian : conflde'nce;and ''" -- . Taylor Kennedy,pre8ldent , Manufacturers' IpW'TStarjJHe'lrend to1 ln,the.U;s.;canbe;,expialned?j. Iskrlstallzlran, svakldaSnJIce: osJguravatN Businessmen economic simply. Buslhe88mepcap48eeraHlment too much interference and better геШглбпЧКеМого has hampered" busl- - , ,-- .'ч i- - ur "i --л-iV, t '. "' I to ni — W , . of of - ' , of — - '' - .-- v RADNICE nja neSto veda od 3 dolara na sat. Sve Je to pomalo I razumljlvo ako se zna da su vlasnlci James Fleck pomodnlk mlnlstra za fndustrlju I turlzam ovdje u Ontarlju, I George Gardiner, velikl financier kojl Ima svoja udeSda I u IndustrlJJ van Kanade, te u neklm novlnsklm kudama Slrom zemlje, a uz to se nalazl ha vlsoklm poloiajlma po raznlm organlzaclama I klubovlma. Molda Je to I utjecalo da se negovo Ime rede spomlnje kao vlasnlka onJh druglh 49% u Fleko-v- oj tvornlcl. No, bez obzlra na sve to, kao I na uspjeh&aposlonlh u FlekovoJ tvor- - nlcJ, usudujem se napfsatl da Je dltav radnldkl pokret doblo poen. Northern Telecom Ltd., the high- - technology communications equ-ipment off-sho- ot of Bell Canada Ltd., has been bullish on the U.S. for several years. The company acquired its first U.S. plant in 1.972 and now has 15 manufacturing facilities In, nine states. The company's U.S. off-shoo- ts employ some 10,000 workers,-o- r about half the company's Canadian workforce., Richard Scrivener, the compa-ny's outspoken chief executive, told The Star: "We're down In the U.S. because we wanted success-fully to pepetrate that market. To do that you have to be'there — not in Canada". . ., , ," , Cites malaise . Scrivener blames 15 years of economic mismanagement for the malaise clouding the Canadian -- business outlook. 2 "If things go on the way they have been I can see our U.S. sales rising to 10 .times the size of ours sates in Canada". Currently, North-ern Telecom's sales in Canada total $965 million against only $197 million In the U.S. t ; Burlington-base- d auto, parts ma-ker Trldon Ltd. has recently embar-ked on a $5 million expansion project at its Nashville, Tenn., plant. The expanded operation will employ 250 workers. Dotiglae Sedgwick, president, told The Star: "Apart from gene- -' rally lower costs there are also real Incentives which are offered by the state government. For 'example, a company can borrow at several percentage points below the going Canadian ate through what's cal-led industrial development bonds. "These are guaranteed by the state goveVhrrijent8 and, the bond holders 4ј6 lend us the money for suchjrojejJts.rrban collect Interest payments, tax-- f ree'v. IZ FLECKOVE TVORNICE SLAVE Tu prvenstveno mlsllm na mjesto I polotaj zaposlene iene. DruStvo Je moralo I mora datl odredenlje mjesto radne Iene I to, kako na poslu tako I u druStvu uopde. Dosta Je mISIJenJa: zapdslenoj ienl Je dovoljno da zaradl neSto (second Income), ako ved bode da radl, Jer mulevljeva plada treba da dlnl glavnl oslonac oblteljl. A s druge strane — Javna Je tajna da JoS u mnoglm tvornlcama Imamo podje-IJen- a radna mjesta na: lenska I muSka. Danas su prosjedna godlS- - nja prlmanja zaposlene iene u Kanadl $8,100 III kako Je prlje nekollko .mjesecl Joe Morris — blvSi predsjednlk Kanadskog rad- - nldkog kongresa rekao: "on evera- - 1 US Other projects Other major job-creati- ng Cana-dian Investments in the U.S. include: The $14 million takeover by Indal Ltd. of Toronto of Tennessee Bull-din- g Products.- - The acquisition, brings Indal's total investments in the U.S. to- - $60 mllllon.v Indal employs 2,800 people In the U.S., nearjy half indal's total workforce. Keep Rite Products Ltd. of Brantford, makers of alf conditio-ning equipment,' has built a $5 million plant in Lisbon, Ohio, which, will initially, employ 30 people. F. Stewart Brown,. Keep Rite's president, says that there are many attractions to Investing in the U.S., Including lower real estate prices and state-subsidiz- ed trai-ning program's foripotentfaVehiplo-yees- . Hudson's Bay Mining and Smel-ting recently stepped up its Invest-ment In Inspiration Consolidated Cdpper at a cost of, $65 million. Inspiration now ernpjoys 1,668 people. . Montreal-base- d Dominion Brid-ge Co. recently bought Amtel Inc., a Providence, R.I., outfit for $78 million. The result is that out of $1 billion in expected group sales this year,' some twothirds will be fromm U.S. operations. Dominion Bridge, in fact, Is now so heavily involved in the U.S. that 9 out of its 10 top executives operate from an office In Hanover, N.H, Molson Cos. Ltd. has just com-pleted a $55 million deal to acquire Dlversey Corp. of Chicago which boasts sales of $950 million and employs ,3,600. Velan Engineering Ltd. of Mon-treal; world exporters of a wide range of industrial valves, opened a $5 million plant In Burlington, Vt. Number of jobs to be created Is 170. Says Ivan Velan, vice-pres- lr dent:, "Think of any economic POBJEDU ge earn only 59 per cent of what men earn". Danas Je sve viSe iena koje su zaposlene III trale posao. U 1977 g. — 45,9% kanadskih iena bllo Je zaposleno III u zadnje dvlje decenl-J-e porast zaposlenosti Je 22%. . Sve to govorl, da demo Strajk u FlekovoJ tvornlcl pamtltl po tome Sto Je bio organlzlran od takoredi samo ienskog radnog kolektlva, Sto Je glasno Istakao I traiio priz-nan- je iene koja radl rame uz rame sa muSkarcem, podvukao diskrl- - mlnantnu ulogu radne iene u pogledu novdanlh prlmanja, a da se o njlhovfm radnlm uvjetlma I zaStltl na radu malo ill nikako ne brine, Goran Tumlir ' i 1 - 00".: ' was factor you want to and it's better in the U.S. — productivity, labor rates, union attitudes, size of the market, political stability. That's why we decided to open up our neW plant in Burlington rather than in Toronto or Montreal. HORNER WORRIED - . v Jack Horner, minister of indus-try, .trade and commerce, admits that he's, concerned about the flood of money and jobs to the U.S. "But ,we can't agree with the businessmen 'that they get a bejtter return on their buck than "they could here. We've worked It out, and these companies are by and large no better off investing in the U.S. than In Canada". (The Toronto Star) Т&£ №1Ш Published bvory Wednesday by YUGOSLAV .CANADIAN PUBLISHERS INC. 10 Si. Mary Street, Room 505. Mailing, address: Box 522. Station F. Toronto, Ontario Telephone: 961-801- 8, Area Code 416 Urednlk — Editor Anton Kostelac tehnlcko'obllkovanje — Technical assembly Graphic Line, Toronto Second Class Mail Registration No. 0378 Pretplala: Jl5.00godiSnjo. poiedini primjerak 40 centl, avlonska posta (prekomorske zemlje) $40.00 godlSnJe, rodovnom poStom (u kuvertl) $25.00 godlSnJe. 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