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Is Reagan geffing senile? President Reagan's advisers and speechwriters cranked up their machine once again on the eve of a congressional vote for $100-milli- on in contra aid His request to address a Spe-cial House session denied as well as his request for free time on the three major tele-vision networks Reagan bought time on CNN-T- V June 24 and made a remarkable 23-min- ute speech He charged Soviet pilot s are flying reconnaissance missions in Nicaragua and asked Americans: "Do we want to be Reagan's historical view mixes Somoza and Sandino For the preservotion of life Peace meeting of the committee "GDR doctors for the Prevention of a Nuclear War" A peace meeting of the committee "GDR Doctors for the Prevention of a Nuclear War" was held in the GDR's northern town of Neubrandenburg in mid-Apr- il Dis-cussio- ns referred in particular to Albert Schweitzer's famous words that peace de-pen- ds on the philosophy of individuals and nations and this even mcre so in modern times Hundreds of doctors and medical staff from the Neubrandenburg district to-geth- er with prominent Committee members expressed their protest over the threat of a nuclear holocaust and an extension of the arms race to outer space They underlined their passionate peace commitment and their firm determination to make a contri-butio- n tovvards the safeguarding of peace Committee chairman Professor Moritz Mebel said medical science was concerned vvith the search for new methods to pre-serv- e life and health This sharply clashed vvith US arms build-u- p policies and "Star Wars" plans which put life in jeopardy Referring to Albert Einstein's vvords that the nuclear age lequired a new way of thinking Professor Mebel pointed to the peace proposals put forvvard by the Soviet Union Of particular importance was the threestage programme for peace submitted by Mikhail Gorbachev This offered the his-tor- ic chance of ridding mankind of nuclear weapons before the end of the century Professor Ralf Joachim President of the GDR Space Research Society explained the dangers inherent in the United States' plans for the militarization of space em-phasizi- ng that scientists had a special re-sponsibli- lity to prevent the extension of the arms race to space Rejecting SDI Profes-sor Joachim made a strong plea for a broad international cooperation to use space technology for the benefit of man-kind Professor Robert Knuth director of the Space Research Institute of the GDR Aca-demy of Sciences told the audience about proposals and initiatives put forvvard by the Soviet Union for concrete interna-tionall- y coordinated measures aimed at preventing the siting of vveapons in space and guaranteeing the peaceful use of outer space Christine Wieynk Secretary of the GDR Peace Council said the Neubrandenburg meeting was a good contribution to the UN-proclaim- ed Year of Peace Various 12 the first elected leaders in his-to- ry to put our borders at risk?" Here the mystified vievver might be excused for wondering when Nicaraguaa borders became US borders Then consistent with his previous grasp of history when he likened thecontra thugs with the US founding fathers Reagan accused the Sandinista government of "betraying the memory of Sandino" On this his viewer might wonder why the US-back- ed regime of the day murdered Sandino in 1933 and gave the country over to 40 years of Somoza repression Reagan continued with his history lesson a la Washington by charging the government vvith also betraying the goals of the 1979 revolution "The proud people of Nicaragua did not rise up against Somoza — to struggle fight and die — to have Cubans Russians Bul-garia- ns East Germans and North Koreans (he missed Li-bya- ns in this one) running their prisons organizing their army" etc etc By now the viewer must be completely baffled "Rise up against Somoza"? "Brave people"? Didn't the US sup- - June ali US policy job port the Aren't "our The US Senate and House well as CBS NBC and must have seen copy of s They had the good sense being used a for such A life years almost the day most were in chair in Sing Sing one of vvho key to the of Julius and Ethel in the States was disbarred for theft and fraud Roy Cohen in the 1950s a boy a vvhiz kid and one of men for the US New York and frame and on the who were jailed driven peace activities in the GDR the activities by peace forces throughout the vvorld The peace movement and al-lian-ces for disarmament and peace in many countries had become an factor of domestic policies were exert-in- g a grovving influence internationally seen EDMONTON it'lJ) - Western vouldn't endangered by a and fire at a Washington state rcactor similar to the involved in the Soviet accident in the Ukraine says the director of a Cana-dian nuclear research fucility Erich Voght a wtlh TRIUMK at the oi British said a similar accident m state wouldn'l re-qui- re the oi or He said Wednesday thai both ci ties are located about 00 kilometres from vvhät he culled a troubled reactor at Hanford in "A of that proportion is not pleasant to but the reactor is well-remove- d Irom any major population centres" Voght said When a good friend walks beside us On the road that we must keep Our seem less heavy And the hills are not steep The miles pass swiftly Taken in a stride And alla the world seems When a friend walks by your side The Finnish Organization of Canada Inc meeting in To-ronto 2 1 st of 1 986 passed the resolution for Peace and Security for ali Ca-nadia- ns for peoples of this planet: We call for Canada 's withdrawal from military alliances and the establishment of inde-pend- et foreign That war production be to peacetime production vvith emphasis on creation and production to unmet needs The of ali nuclear Somoza dynasty? former Somoza Na-tional Guardsmen running to-da- y's contras? Wasn't Somoza guy"? as ABC-T- V an advance Reagan' speech to decline as platform stupidity oftreachery Thirty-thre- e to his famous vic-ti- ms executed the elec-tri- c prison the lawyers was frame-u- p Rosenberg United was golden-haire- d legal Senator McCarthy's right-han- d He worked Attor-ney- 's office in Manhattan helped convict two innocent Americans trumped-u- p espionage charges thousands perse-cute- d and to de- - encouraged important and No dcmger Cana-dian- s be meltdovvn nuclear one nuclear phvsicist University Columbia Washington probahly evacuation Vancouver Calgary salely southcastern Washington catastrophe contemplatc burdens so vveariest joyous brighter following an Canadian con-verte- d satisfy social cessation Among Questions Answers concerning cessation NtJcl@Qr W@op©ns superiority? Stockholm catch up? moratorium Resolution the Government Canada vveapons testing Ca-nadian soil Canadian waters including and missiles The declaration Canada vveapons-fre- e zone denial US vehicles vvith access air-spa- ce partici-patio- n testing biological and Che-mical The The pursuit multilateral limitation veri-ficati- on agreement during the McCarthy hys-teria only the Rosenbergs were legally murdered by the state are the first victims of American fascism" Ethel Rosenberg wrote two young the day she and her husband died In the 33 years since the Rosenbergs' execution his fame He de-velop- ed from witch mob lawyer swindler Now he's disbarred Three decades too late The day the Rosenbergs were executed June 19 1953 thousands gathered the vvorld unsuccessfui plea for clemency New York City the Is the idea behind the Soviet moratorium to secure Soviet According to pubiished by the SIPRI Institute the United States carried out by third more nuclear tests than the Soviet Union since 1945 in fact even more than nuclear povvers taken together The figures are: United 789 tests (504 per cent) USSR-5- 65 tests (36 per cent) France-1- 35 tests (85 per cent) Great Britain— 38 tests (24 per cent) Had the Soviet Union not just ended a test series and The Soviet Union has not finished its latest series but suspended series as a sign of good will proclaiming its unilateral pubiished by SIPRI shovvs clearly that no for the United States "to catch up" on or in air or Cruise other of as a totally nuclear to nuclear materials to our land or waters to in the development of vvarfare strict of the export of of a spair "We to before Cohen played on a hunter to a to a around in an evidence one ali State- s-it Evidence is to related control control Photo: Leakage Rovv e Ä W®Wmbsm2 "top-secre- t" Washington information reveals White The rebirth of AI Haig Ever since he told an unbe-lievin- g world 'Tm in charge when Reagan was shot in 1981 Alexander Haig' s stock dras-ticall- y From that day when as US Secretary of State pro-mot- ed himself to the US presidency for a few dizzying seconds he suffered in-dign- ity another there the world-wid- e gig-gl- es and guffaws which greeted remark national tele-vision Then came the Malvi-nasFalkla- nd when thought he "shuttle dip-lomac- y" Kissinger only to exposed as totally inept fol-low- ed by his resignation a short time later Since then Haig has ap-pear- ed several times in public mainly on ABCs Nightline where he peddles own Spe-cial " solutions" to world prob-lem- s Last week Alexander announced he will seek the Republican nomination for president in 1988 It seems the comedy hasn't ended Tom Morris and of nuclear testing other Can there be a general ban on nuclear explosions as long as respect for the ban cannot be verified? This pretext put forvvard by the Reagan administration no longer any credibil-it- y Soviet Communist Party leader Mikhail Gorbachev in his reply to the leaders of the Six Nations clearly stated that the So-viet Union accepts measures of veri-ficatio- n national technical means inter-national procedures as well as in-specti-ons Washington argues that tests are necessary to "observe the degenerationprocess" nuclear not for the United States to eapons Is that the there of and The Canada's and vveapons arms arms and her children was need end were over strict on-sit- e This is not true The proper functioning of such vveapons can be established by modern procedures The truth is that - Washington intends to tests new vveap-ons for its "Star Wars" project vvould start a new dimension of the arms race — Moscow regards a general test as a first concrete step towards ridding the world of nuclear weapons before the of the century in with the three-stag- e programme submitted by Mikhail Gorba-cho- v facts and logic speak for the Soviet proposal: cessation of nuclear tests would create an effeftive barrier against the development of new even dangerous weapons d£jF=ppJ &s Another row over a leak of information has erupted in The that the House gave the green light to Pen- - here" Ronald has sunk Haig one after First his war Haig was be his Haig has of true? This ban end line The The and more the tagon and the CIA to sup-pl- y counterrevolutionary gangs in Angola and Af-ghanis- tan vvith such ad-vanc- ed US weaponry as the Stinger anti-aircr- aft missile The Reagan Ad-ministration is determined to punish the culprit and has even instituted a spe-cial inquiry to identify him The inquiry however would seem to be unneces-sar- y as the media have been quick to disclose their source: an official close to the President deliberately inspired the leak %
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Viikkosanomat, July 14, 1986 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finland -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Finland; Finnish Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1986-07-14 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | VikkoD7000506 |
Title | 000881 |
OCR text | Is Reagan geffing senile? President Reagan's advisers and speechwriters cranked up their machine once again on the eve of a congressional vote for $100-milli- on in contra aid His request to address a Spe-cial House session denied as well as his request for free time on the three major tele-vision networks Reagan bought time on CNN-T- V June 24 and made a remarkable 23-min- ute speech He charged Soviet pilot s are flying reconnaissance missions in Nicaragua and asked Americans: "Do we want to be Reagan's historical view mixes Somoza and Sandino For the preservotion of life Peace meeting of the committee "GDR doctors for the Prevention of a Nuclear War" A peace meeting of the committee "GDR Doctors for the Prevention of a Nuclear War" was held in the GDR's northern town of Neubrandenburg in mid-Apr- il Dis-cussio- ns referred in particular to Albert Schweitzer's famous words that peace de-pen- ds on the philosophy of individuals and nations and this even mcre so in modern times Hundreds of doctors and medical staff from the Neubrandenburg district to-geth- er with prominent Committee members expressed their protest over the threat of a nuclear holocaust and an extension of the arms race to outer space They underlined their passionate peace commitment and their firm determination to make a contri-butio- n tovvards the safeguarding of peace Committee chairman Professor Moritz Mebel said medical science was concerned vvith the search for new methods to pre-serv- e life and health This sharply clashed vvith US arms build-u- p policies and "Star Wars" plans which put life in jeopardy Referring to Albert Einstein's vvords that the nuclear age lequired a new way of thinking Professor Mebel pointed to the peace proposals put forvvard by the Soviet Union Of particular importance was the threestage programme for peace submitted by Mikhail Gorbachev This offered the his-tor- ic chance of ridding mankind of nuclear weapons before the end of the century Professor Ralf Joachim President of the GDR Space Research Society explained the dangers inherent in the United States' plans for the militarization of space em-phasizi- ng that scientists had a special re-sponsibli- lity to prevent the extension of the arms race to space Rejecting SDI Profes-sor Joachim made a strong plea for a broad international cooperation to use space technology for the benefit of man-kind Professor Robert Knuth director of the Space Research Institute of the GDR Aca-demy of Sciences told the audience about proposals and initiatives put forvvard by the Soviet Union for concrete interna-tionall- y coordinated measures aimed at preventing the siting of vveapons in space and guaranteeing the peaceful use of outer space Christine Wieynk Secretary of the GDR Peace Council said the Neubrandenburg meeting was a good contribution to the UN-proclaim- ed Year of Peace Various 12 the first elected leaders in his-to- ry to put our borders at risk?" Here the mystified vievver might be excused for wondering when Nicaraguaa borders became US borders Then consistent with his previous grasp of history when he likened thecontra thugs with the US founding fathers Reagan accused the Sandinista government of "betraying the memory of Sandino" On this his viewer might wonder why the US-back- ed regime of the day murdered Sandino in 1933 and gave the country over to 40 years of Somoza repression Reagan continued with his history lesson a la Washington by charging the government vvith also betraying the goals of the 1979 revolution "The proud people of Nicaragua did not rise up against Somoza — to struggle fight and die — to have Cubans Russians Bul-garia- ns East Germans and North Koreans (he missed Li-bya- ns in this one) running their prisons organizing their army" etc etc By now the viewer must be completely baffled "Rise up against Somoza"? "Brave people"? Didn't the US sup- - June ali US policy job port the Aren't "our The US Senate and House well as CBS NBC and must have seen copy of s They had the good sense being used a for such A life years almost the day most were in chair in Sing Sing one of vvho key to the of Julius and Ethel in the States was disbarred for theft and fraud Roy Cohen in the 1950s a boy a vvhiz kid and one of men for the US New York and frame and on the who were jailed driven peace activities in the GDR the activities by peace forces throughout the vvorld The peace movement and al-lian-ces for disarmament and peace in many countries had become an factor of domestic policies were exert-in- g a grovving influence internationally seen EDMONTON it'lJ) - Western vouldn't endangered by a and fire at a Washington state rcactor similar to the involved in the Soviet accident in the Ukraine says the director of a Cana-dian nuclear research fucility Erich Voght a wtlh TRIUMK at the oi British said a similar accident m state wouldn'l re-qui- re the oi or He said Wednesday thai both ci ties are located about 00 kilometres from vvhät he culled a troubled reactor at Hanford in "A of that proportion is not pleasant to but the reactor is well-remove- d Irom any major population centres" Voght said When a good friend walks beside us On the road that we must keep Our seem less heavy And the hills are not steep The miles pass swiftly Taken in a stride And alla the world seems When a friend walks by your side The Finnish Organization of Canada Inc meeting in To-ronto 2 1 st of 1 986 passed the resolution for Peace and Security for ali Ca-nadia- ns for peoples of this planet: We call for Canada 's withdrawal from military alliances and the establishment of inde-pend- et foreign That war production be to peacetime production vvith emphasis on creation and production to unmet needs The of ali nuclear Somoza dynasty? former Somoza Na-tional Guardsmen running to-da- y's contras? Wasn't Somoza guy"? as ABC-T- V an advance Reagan' speech to decline as platform stupidity oftreachery Thirty-thre- e to his famous vic-ti- ms executed the elec-tri- c prison the lawyers was frame-u- p Rosenberg United was golden-haire- d legal Senator McCarthy's right-han- d He worked Attor-ney- 's office in Manhattan helped convict two innocent Americans trumped-u- p espionage charges thousands perse-cute- d and to de- - encouraged important and No dcmger Cana-dian- s be meltdovvn nuclear one nuclear phvsicist University Columbia Washington probahly evacuation Vancouver Calgary salely southcastern Washington catastrophe contemplatc burdens so vveariest joyous brighter following an Canadian con-verte- d satisfy social cessation Among Questions Answers concerning cessation NtJcl@Qr W@op©ns superiority? Stockholm catch up? moratorium Resolution the Government Canada vveapons testing Ca-nadian soil Canadian waters including and missiles The declaration Canada vveapons-fre- e zone denial US vehicles vvith access air-spa- ce partici-patio- n testing biological and Che-mical The The pursuit multilateral limitation veri-ficati- on agreement during the McCarthy hys-teria only the Rosenbergs were legally murdered by the state are the first victims of American fascism" Ethel Rosenberg wrote two young the day she and her husband died In the 33 years since the Rosenbergs' execution his fame He de-velop- ed from witch mob lawyer swindler Now he's disbarred Three decades too late The day the Rosenbergs were executed June 19 1953 thousands gathered the vvorld unsuccessfui plea for clemency New York City the Is the idea behind the Soviet moratorium to secure Soviet According to pubiished by the SIPRI Institute the United States carried out by third more nuclear tests than the Soviet Union since 1945 in fact even more than nuclear povvers taken together The figures are: United 789 tests (504 per cent) USSR-5- 65 tests (36 per cent) France-1- 35 tests (85 per cent) Great Britain— 38 tests (24 per cent) Had the Soviet Union not just ended a test series and The Soviet Union has not finished its latest series but suspended series as a sign of good will proclaiming its unilateral pubiished by SIPRI shovvs clearly that no for the United States "to catch up" on or in air or Cruise other of as a totally nuclear to nuclear materials to our land or waters to in the development of vvarfare strict of the export of of a spair "We to before Cohen played on a hunter to a to a around in an evidence one ali State- s-it Evidence is to related control control Photo: Leakage Rovv e Ä W®Wmbsm2 "top-secre- t" Washington information reveals White The rebirth of AI Haig Ever since he told an unbe-lievin- g world 'Tm in charge when Reagan was shot in 1981 Alexander Haig' s stock dras-ticall- y From that day when as US Secretary of State pro-mot- ed himself to the US presidency for a few dizzying seconds he suffered in-dign- ity another there the world-wid- e gig-gl- es and guffaws which greeted remark national tele-vision Then came the Malvi-nasFalkla- nd when thought he "shuttle dip-lomac- y" Kissinger only to exposed as totally inept fol-low- ed by his resignation a short time later Since then Haig has ap-pear- ed several times in public mainly on ABCs Nightline where he peddles own Spe-cial " solutions" to world prob-lem- s Last week Alexander announced he will seek the Republican nomination for president in 1988 It seems the comedy hasn't ended Tom Morris and of nuclear testing other Can there be a general ban on nuclear explosions as long as respect for the ban cannot be verified? This pretext put forvvard by the Reagan administration no longer any credibil-it- y Soviet Communist Party leader Mikhail Gorbachev in his reply to the leaders of the Six Nations clearly stated that the So-viet Union accepts measures of veri-ficatio- n national technical means inter-national procedures as well as in-specti-ons Washington argues that tests are necessary to "observe the degenerationprocess" nuclear not for the United States to eapons Is that the there of and The Canada's and vveapons arms arms and her children was need end were over strict on-sit- e This is not true The proper functioning of such vveapons can be established by modern procedures The truth is that - Washington intends to tests new vveap-ons for its "Star Wars" project vvould start a new dimension of the arms race — Moscow regards a general test as a first concrete step towards ridding the world of nuclear weapons before the of the century in with the three-stag- e programme submitted by Mikhail Gorba-cho- v facts and logic speak for the Soviet proposal: cessation of nuclear tests would create an effeftive barrier against the development of new even dangerous weapons d£jF=ppJ &s Another row over a leak of information has erupted in The that the House gave the green light to Pen- - here" Ronald has sunk Haig one after First his war Haig was be his Haig has of true? This ban end line The The and more the tagon and the CIA to sup-pl- y counterrevolutionary gangs in Angola and Af-ghanis- tan vvith such ad-vanc- ed US weaponry as the Stinger anti-aircr- aft missile The Reagan Ad-ministration is determined to punish the culprit and has even instituted a spe-cial inquiry to identify him The inquiry however would seem to be unneces-sar- y as the media have been quick to disclose their source: an official close to the President deliberately inspired the leak % |
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