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' W ir ' v 4 ftrt --fl & "" ?' ' 'J- - V rr t-=- -itu im?? " £' $ a ii T1' i '( jfi' "' ' Vi '&MmmfcOTm s - Kri£?'~B VM I V"- - '-- F i-- ir- " " ' ' !' i 1 ' -- 1 J" THE MULRONEY GOVERNMENT AND THE MASSIVE DEBT STRUCTURE '7- -:v ä-g-- ii Know how vvtfi WHAT TO DO? Opposition members in Ottawa claim that the Progres-sive Conservative Government has a secret pian to dismantle Universal Social Programmes As the saying goes - where there is smoke there is fire -- Since the election of the Mul-rone- y Government in Ottawa it has come under constant pre-ssu- re from the Corporate Sector the banking institution in parti-cul- ar - to reduce the massive public debt which hangs over the heads of the Canadian People As a result reducing the deficit has become an obsession with government Ministers And as can be expected the tory government immediately turns to the Universal Social Programmes as a major source for reducing government ex-penditu- res The suggestion is that ali those whose incomes are subs- - FILATOVIN tutkimuslaitos Odessassa Neuvostoliitos-sa sijaitsevassa akateemikko VP Filatoville nimetyssä sil-mäsairauksien ja kudosterapian tutkimuslaitoksessa kymmenil-le tuhansille ihmisille on palau-tettu luonnon kallisarvoinen lahja - näkö Tämä vuonna 1936 perustettu tutkimuslaitos tunnetaan koko maailmassa Siellä työskentelevät yli 800 tiedemiestä ja lääkäriä hallit-sevat kaikki nykyaikaisessa silmälääketieteessä käytettävät menetelmät ja käyttävät hoito-työssään mm laser- - ja ultra-äänitekniikkaa sekä magneetti-terapia- a Nykyään silmälääkärien on tunnettava hyvin monia lääke-tieteen aloja koska silmäsai-raudet ovat usein verenpaine-taudin munuaissairauksien tai sokeritaudin ilmentymä ja ovat eittämättä mitä kiinteimmässä yhteydessä elimistön immunit-eetti- ja muiden järjestelmien tilaan Paljon siitä mitä tehdään nykyään silmälääketieteessä tuntuu maallikosta uskomatto-malta ja jopa todelliselta ih-meeltä Kirurgiset tai paremminkin mikrokirurgiset silmäleikkauk-se- t tehdään nykyään erityisiä leikkausmikroskooppeja käyt-täen Kuten tunnettua vuosien myötä silmän mykiö samentuu Kehittyy niin sanottu vanhuus-kai- hi Kun samentuminen u-lot- tuu laajalle alueelle niin seu-raa sokeus Kaihin poistaminen on vakavaja erittäin ajankohtai-nen kysymys koska kyseessä on hyvin laajalle levinnyt tauti Juuri mikrokirurgian synty ja ultraäänitekniikan kehitys ovat tehneet mahdolliseksi tämän taudin periaatteelisesti uuden hoitomuodon jossa mykiö "pirstotaan" ultraäänen avulla ja samanaikaisesti imetään pois pirstottu kaihi Käyttöön ollaan ottamassa tantial and who do not need the gift of universality some form of taxation should be applied to return the equivalent of their pensions and baby bonus cheques to the Treasury Such a pian implies without any doubt that some form of a Means Test will be adopted in order to weed out ali those who fall into the category of- - do not need Therefore at what in-co- me level will the government establish such a pian? Instead of rushing into print pysyvästi myös erittäin vaikeita silmän takaosassa tehtäviä leikkauksia jotka kohdistuvat verkkokalvon läheisiin lasi-maisi- in osiin Odessalaiset silmälääkärit ovat kehittäneet monia uuden-laisia sarveiskalvon siirtoleik-kausmenetelmi- ä: optisia ja hoi-toleikkauk- sia läpiulottuvia ja kerroksittaisia leikkauksia Tämän ansiosta on voitu pa-lauttaa näkö niille joita vielä aivan äskettäin pidettiin autta-mattomasti sokeina Sarveis-kalvon istuttamisen avulla voi-daan palauttaa näkö vaikeita silmän palovammoja saaneille potilaille Tieteen ja tekniikan saavu-tusten soveltamisen tuloksena silmälääketieteessä on käytössä täysin uusia diagnostiikka- - ja hoitomenetelmiä On todettu mm että laserin avulla voidaan "hitsata" silmän verkkokalvo silmämunan lujaan ulkokal-voo- n ja näin monissa tapauk-sissa korvata vaikea leikkaus Silmälääketieteen ajankoh-taisiin ongelmiin kuuluvat myös likinäköisyyden ja kierosilmäi-syyde- n silmävammojen verk-kokalvon ja silmähermon saira-uksien hoitaminen sekä silmä-sairauksien ennaltaehkäisemi-nen Kaikkea tätä tutkitaan aka-teemikko Nadezda Putskovska-ja- n johtamassa tutkimuslaitok-sessa Hän kuten hänen opetta-jansakin VP Filatov on syvästi vakuuttunut siitä että "ei ole parantamattomia tauteja! On vain tauteja joita emme ole vielä oppineet parantamaan" A Lepihov Lähettänyt AJ Huhtamäki tackles the baby boom The Finnish multi-branc- h Huhta-mäki Group is expanding on many fronts In Singapore it is already invol ved in two joint ventures: Po-larc- up vvhich manufactures dis-posab- le dishes and Evox which produces capacitors for the elec-troni- cs industry In addition Huh-tamäki Enterprises Singapore Pte Ltd represents the entire Group and is on the lookout for new busi-ness opportunities Huhtamäki is likely to expand even more over the next decade says Styrbjörn Sumelius manag-in- g director of Huhtamäki Enter-prises The most interesting project at the moment is connected with the population policy of the ASEAN countries A subsidiary of the Huhtamäki Group the pharma-ceutic- al firm Leiras is currently manufacturing Norplant contra-ceptiv- e implants developed in co-operati- on with the World Popula-tion Council complaining and suggesting these well heeled represent-ative- s of the Big Business Community should set an ex-am- ple for ali the rich members of our society If they do not need the Old Age Pension and the Baby Bonus let them Voluntarily return ali their cheques to Re-ven- ue Canada and earmark them to be applied to our massive Public Deb E Holvell ERILAISET TILAISUUDET TORONTO Finn Centre 465-898- 1 Ikinuorten kerhon toiminta-paikka Finn Centre 217 Danforth Ave on auki kello 10 jälkeen jo-kaisen viikon torstaiaamuna Ter-vetuloa rentoutumaan juodaan kahvia ja pelataan bingoa! Toronton ikinuorten laulu- - ja voimisteluharjoitukset torstaisin kello 10 laulu ja iltapäivällä voi-mistelu Entiset ja uudet harras-tajat tervetuloa! CANADA NL-SEUR- A 977-581- 9 CANADA NL-SEURA- N matkatoimisto: CANSOV 596-132- 3 280 Queen St W Toronto On-tario THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset naalilla 316 Bay St joka kuukauden en-simmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alkaen kello 130 ip Ikinuorten voimisteluharjoituk-set joka keskiviikko alkaen kello 1 1 ap Lauluharjoitukset ensim-mäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko kello 12 kunnes toisin määrätään Järjestön kuukausikokous toi-nen lauantai kuukaudesta alkaen kello 1 iltapäivällä SUDBURY CSJ:n Sudburyn osaston koko-ukset joka kuukauden toisena maa-nantaina klo 1 1 aamupäivällä Pos-tiosoite: PO Box 354 Station 'B' Sudbury Ontario P3E 4P2 Sudburyn Seurakerhon viikot-taiset harjoitukset-j- a ajanvietetilai-suud- et Jubilee Centre (entinen Finnish haali) joka tiistai alkaen kello 10 ap Uudet jäsenet tervetuloa ker-homme toimintaan! WANUP CSJ:n Wanupin osaston No 9:n kokoukset ovat kuukauden ensimmäisenä maanantaina Osaston osoite: RR3 Site 13 Box 6 Sudbury Ontario P3E 4N 1 Sumelius fills in the background to the project "Family planning has become an important issue in this region We can offer a new method which has undergone stringent tests in 13 countries At present it is be-in- g tested here in the ASEAN countries and we believe that the method will be extensively intro-duce- d in the near future" Norplant is already in use in Indonesia and its use is expand-ing in Thailand as well Tests are planned or under way also in the Philippines Singapore Sri Lan-ka India Nepal Bangladesh and the People's Republic of China Huhtamäki also has a hand in the confectionery market in Southeast Asia Hellas a Huhta-mäki subsidiary exports choco-lat- e from Finland and the US based Leaf Inc recently acquired by the Huhtamäki Group has AlfJL „-JJJ_- 1Jj3w Finland's largest trading house Kaukomarkkinat Oy is branching out into industrial consultancy They have al-ready brought two groups of Chinese to Finland so that they could become familiar with modern Finnish technology and more know-ho- w projects are in the pipeline Chinese officials have lately approached Kauko's office in Beijing in the search for assis-tanc- e in modernizing the coun-tryt industry Kauko first ar-rang- ed for a group of 15 steel industry experts to visit Ova-ko'- s rod mill in Finland so that they could learn how to operate a similar 200000 ton machine at Handan in Hobei prov-inc- e Another two groups con-sisti- ng of 23 delegates studied the manufacture of former and dryer fabric at two Finnish plants The fabric is used in paper machines Säälimän seBls Finland's largest board manu-factur- er Schauman has begun calling Nokia Engineering has secured a 15-million-- mark ($25m) planning contract in Malaysia The work which has already begun involves planning a telephone network to serve 100000 subscribers near the city of Malacca in the south-wester- n part of the country There are still fewer than five telephones per 100 inhabi-tant- s in Malaysia The aim now is to treble the density The Malaysian government has announced plans to extend the network to an additional 18 million subscribers in the next five years The goal for the end of the century is to have 40 telephones per 100 inhabitants a density already achieved by neighbouring Singapore Malaysia's plans will mean spending nearly $lbn by 1988 Four cable-layin- g companies have been designated by Mal-aysian Telecom to develop the country's telephone network Each of the four has been given responsibility for providing 450000 telephone Iines in its specific area Nokia Engineer-ing is co-operat- ing with one of these companies Twelve Finnish telephone network experts assisted by about 30 Malaysian workers are already on the job in Mal-aysia Nokia is also setting up a new subsidiary there Ali that is involved so far is planning though it is indeed one ofthe largest projects being undertaken by Finnish con-sultan- ts in South-Ea- st Asia but Nokia is confident that it will eventually expand to in-clu- de the supply of equipment as well Nokia was the first Eu-ropean company to manufac-ture and instal fully digital tele-phone exchanges plans for expansion into this re-gion "We are looking for new oppor-tunities to expand our distribution network A joint venture in manu-facturing could also be a solution for certain individual countries" Sumelius explains Harri Grönfors Kauko's di-rector responsible for know-ho- w sales says that negotia-tion- s concerning food ship-buildi- ng and mining industries are also under way Kaukomarkkinat have been trading with the People's Re-public of China for 32 years China exports food textiles chemicals and minerals to Fin-land Finnish exports to China however have been fairly small owing to Beijing's prin-cip- le of buying in large quanti-tie- s and not always of the high-e- st quality Grönfors feels that the säle of techniques is a good way to balance the tradegap Beijing is anxiously looking for Scandi-navian technology to use in their extensive modernisation campaign Finland and Swed-en as neutral countries are highly regarded in this marketing know-no- w to In-donesia and Brazil The com-pany has concluded technology transfer agreements with In-dustr- ias Madeirit of Brazil and Sumaträ-base-d PT Raja Gar-ud- a Mas ' It is assisting the Indonesian company to upgrade its pro-ducti- on quality to enable it to make phenol-film-coat- ed ply-wo- od Schauman will also market the company's ply-wo- od Worldwide It has already secured a contract to market the output of a Fenno-Chines- e plywood factory in third coun-tries Schauman Engineering is helping the Brazilian company to develop film-coat- ed ply-wo- od at its mill near Sao Paolo and will also take care of mar-keting the product Schauman Engineering was set up in 1983 to market its par-e- nt company' s know-ho- w " We provide our clients with tailor-mad- e engineering Sys-tems and know-ho- w packages on a project-by-proje- ct basis and if necessary market the fi-n- al products as well" says Schauman Engineering direc-tor Olli Mahlberg Schauman Engineering also provides consultancy and re-sear- ch services in addition to selling machinery and equip-ment that it has developed it-s- elf It has a particular interest in automation systems for the plywood industry The company is also studying opportunities in Mex-ico Jordan Venezuela and Burma Its aim is to enter part-nershi- ps with local companies or at least to co-oper- ate closely with them Caveat Emptor! In Britain today buyers should pay greater atten-tio- n to the terms of the warranties on many goods says the Guardian since often they are no more than a lure VVidespread to-day are long-ter- m guaran-tee- s on electrical appliances and motor cars However purchasers realize only later that not every kind of re-pa- ir is guaranteed More-ov- er when a durable goes wrong the owner often finds that the manufacturer has gone out of business Against vvhich there can be no guarantees 12
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Viikkosanomat, January 14, 1985 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finland -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Finland; Finnish Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1985-01-14 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | VikkoD7000435 |
Title | 000024 |
OCR text | ' W ir ' v 4 ftrt --fl & "" ?' ' 'J- - V rr t-=- -itu im?? " £' $ a ii T1' i '( jfi' "' ' Vi '&MmmfcOTm s - Kri£?'~B VM I V"- - '-- F i-- ir- " " ' ' !' i 1 ' -- 1 J" THE MULRONEY GOVERNMENT AND THE MASSIVE DEBT STRUCTURE '7- -:v ä-g-- ii Know how vvtfi WHAT TO DO? Opposition members in Ottawa claim that the Progres-sive Conservative Government has a secret pian to dismantle Universal Social Programmes As the saying goes - where there is smoke there is fire -- Since the election of the Mul-rone- y Government in Ottawa it has come under constant pre-ssu- re from the Corporate Sector the banking institution in parti-cul- ar - to reduce the massive public debt which hangs over the heads of the Canadian People As a result reducing the deficit has become an obsession with government Ministers And as can be expected the tory government immediately turns to the Universal Social Programmes as a major source for reducing government ex-penditu- res The suggestion is that ali those whose incomes are subs- - FILATOVIN tutkimuslaitos Odessassa Neuvostoliitos-sa sijaitsevassa akateemikko VP Filatoville nimetyssä sil-mäsairauksien ja kudosterapian tutkimuslaitoksessa kymmenil-le tuhansille ihmisille on palau-tettu luonnon kallisarvoinen lahja - näkö Tämä vuonna 1936 perustettu tutkimuslaitos tunnetaan koko maailmassa Siellä työskentelevät yli 800 tiedemiestä ja lääkäriä hallit-sevat kaikki nykyaikaisessa silmälääketieteessä käytettävät menetelmät ja käyttävät hoito-työssään mm laser- - ja ultra-äänitekniikkaa sekä magneetti-terapia- a Nykyään silmälääkärien on tunnettava hyvin monia lääke-tieteen aloja koska silmäsai-raudet ovat usein verenpaine-taudin munuaissairauksien tai sokeritaudin ilmentymä ja ovat eittämättä mitä kiinteimmässä yhteydessä elimistön immunit-eetti- ja muiden järjestelmien tilaan Paljon siitä mitä tehdään nykyään silmälääketieteessä tuntuu maallikosta uskomatto-malta ja jopa todelliselta ih-meeltä Kirurgiset tai paremminkin mikrokirurgiset silmäleikkauk-se- t tehdään nykyään erityisiä leikkausmikroskooppeja käyt-täen Kuten tunnettua vuosien myötä silmän mykiö samentuu Kehittyy niin sanottu vanhuus-kai- hi Kun samentuminen u-lot- tuu laajalle alueelle niin seu-raa sokeus Kaihin poistaminen on vakavaja erittäin ajankohtai-nen kysymys koska kyseessä on hyvin laajalle levinnyt tauti Juuri mikrokirurgian synty ja ultraäänitekniikan kehitys ovat tehneet mahdolliseksi tämän taudin periaatteelisesti uuden hoitomuodon jossa mykiö "pirstotaan" ultraäänen avulla ja samanaikaisesti imetään pois pirstottu kaihi Käyttöön ollaan ottamassa tantial and who do not need the gift of universality some form of taxation should be applied to return the equivalent of their pensions and baby bonus cheques to the Treasury Such a pian implies without any doubt that some form of a Means Test will be adopted in order to weed out ali those who fall into the category of- - do not need Therefore at what in-co- me level will the government establish such a pian? Instead of rushing into print pysyvästi myös erittäin vaikeita silmän takaosassa tehtäviä leikkauksia jotka kohdistuvat verkkokalvon läheisiin lasi-maisi- in osiin Odessalaiset silmälääkärit ovat kehittäneet monia uuden-laisia sarveiskalvon siirtoleik-kausmenetelmi- ä: optisia ja hoi-toleikkauk- sia läpiulottuvia ja kerroksittaisia leikkauksia Tämän ansiosta on voitu pa-lauttaa näkö niille joita vielä aivan äskettäin pidettiin autta-mattomasti sokeina Sarveis-kalvon istuttamisen avulla voi-daan palauttaa näkö vaikeita silmän palovammoja saaneille potilaille Tieteen ja tekniikan saavu-tusten soveltamisen tuloksena silmälääketieteessä on käytössä täysin uusia diagnostiikka- - ja hoitomenetelmiä On todettu mm että laserin avulla voidaan "hitsata" silmän verkkokalvo silmämunan lujaan ulkokal-voo- n ja näin monissa tapauk-sissa korvata vaikea leikkaus Silmälääketieteen ajankoh-taisiin ongelmiin kuuluvat myös likinäköisyyden ja kierosilmäi-syyde- n silmävammojen verk-kokalvon ja silmähermon saira-uksien hoitaminen sekä silmä-sairauksien ennaltaehkäisemi-nen Kaikkea tätä tutkitaan aka-teemikko Nadezda Putskovska-ja- n johtamassa tutkimuslaitok-sessa Hän kuten hänen opetta-jansakin VP Filatov on syvästi vakuuttunut siitä että "ei ole parantamattomia tauteja! On vain tauteja joita emme ole vielä oppineet parantamaan" A Lepihov Lähettänyt AJ Huhtamäki tackles the baby boom The Finnish multi-branc- h Huhta-mäki Group is expanding on many fronts In Singapore it is already invol ved in two joint ventures: Po-larc- up vvhich manufactures dis-posab- le dishes and Evox which produces capacitors for the elec-troni- cs industry In addition Huh-tamäki Enterprises Singapore Pte Ltd represents the entire Group and is on the lookout for new busi-ness opportunities Huhtamäki is likely to expand even more over the next decade says Styrbjörn Sumelius manag-in- g director of Huhtamäki Enter-prises The most interesting project at the moment is connected with the population policy of the ASEAN countries A subsidiary of the Huhtamäki Group the pharma-ceutic- al firm Leiras is currently manufacturing Norplant contra-ceptiv- e implants developed in co-operati- on with the World Popula-tion Council complaining and suggesting these well heeled represent-ative- s of the Big Business Community should set an ex-am- ple for ali the rich members of our society If they do not need the Old Age Pension and the Baby Bonus let them Voluntarily return ali their cheques to Re-ven- ue Canada and earmark them to be applied to our massive Public Deb E Holvell ERILAISET TILAISUUDET TORONTO Finn Centre 465-898- 1 Ikinuorten kerhon toiminta-paikka Finn Centre 217 Danforth Ave on auki kello 10 jälkeen jo-kaisen viikon torstaiaamuna Ter-vetuloa rentoutumaan juodaan kahvia ja pelataan bingoa! Toronton ikinuorten laulu- - ja voimisteluharjoitukset torstaisin kello 10 laulu ja iltapäivällä voi-mistelu Entiset ja uudet harras-tajat tervetuloa! CANADA NL-SEUR- A 977-581- 9 CANADA NL-SEURA- N matkatoimisto: CANSOV 596-132- 3 280 Queen St W Toronto On-tario THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset naalilla 316 Bay St joka kuukauden en-simmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alkaen kello 130 ip Ikinuorten voimisteluharjoituk-set joka keskiviikko alkaen kello 1 1 ap Lauluharjoitukset ensim-mäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko kello 12 kunnes toisin määrätään Järjestön kuukausikokous toi-nen lauantai kuukaudesta alkaen kello 1 iltapäivällä SUDBURY CSJ:n Sudburyn osaston koko-ukset joka kuukauden toisena maa-nantaina klo 1 1 aamupäivällä Pos-tiosoite: PO Box 354 Station 'B' Sudbury Ontario P3E 4P2 Sudburyn Seurakerhon viikot-taiset harjoitukset-j- a ajanvietetilai-suud- et Jubilee Centre (entinen Finnish haali) joka tiistai alkaen kello 10 ap Uudet jäsenet tervetuloa ker-homme toimintaan! WANUP CSJ:n Wanupin osaston No 9:n kokoukset ovat kuukauden ensimmäisenä maanantaina Osaston osoite: RR3 Site 13 Box 6 Sudbury Ontario P3E 4N 1 Sumelius fills in the background to the project "Family planning has become an important issue in this region We can offer a new method which has undergone stringent tests in 13 countries At present it is be-in- g tested here in the ASEAN countries and we believe that the method will be extensively intro-duce- d in the near future" Norplant is already in use in Indonesia and its use is expand-ing in Thailand as well Tests are planned or under way also in the Philippines Singapore Sri Lan-ka India Nepal Bangladesh and the People's Republic of China Huhtamäki also has a hand in the confectionery market in Southeast Asia Hellas a Huhta-mäki subsidiary exports choco-lat- e from Finland and the US based Leaf Inc recently acquired by the Huhtamäki Group has AlfJL „-JJJ_- 1Jj3w Finland's largest trading house Kaukomarkkinat Oy is branching out into industrial consultancy They have al-ready brought two groups of Chinese to Finland so that they could become familiar with modern Finnish technology and more know-ho- w projects are in the pipeline Chinese officials have lately approached Kauko's office in Beijing in the search for assis-tanc- e in modernizing the coun-tryt industry Kauko first ar-rang- ed for a group of 15 steel industry experts to visit Ova-ko'- s rod mill in Finland so that they could learn how to operate a similar 200000 ton machine at Handan in Hobei prov-inc- e Another two groups con-sisti- ng of 23 delegates studied the manufacture of former and dryer fabric at two Finnish plants The fabric is used in paper machines Säälimän seBls Finland's largest board manu-factur- er Schauman has begun calling Nokia Engineering has secured a 15-million-- mark ($25m) planning contract in Malaysia The work which has already begun involves planning a telephone network to serve 100000 subscribers near the city of Malacca in the south-wester- n part of the country There are still fewer than five telephones per 100 inhabi-tant- s in Malaysia The aim now is to treble the density The Malaysian government has announced plans to extend the network to an additional 18 million subscribers in the next five years The goal for the end of the century is to have 40 telephones per 100 inhabitants a density already achieved by neighbouring Singapore Malaysia's plans will mean spending nearly $lbn by 1988 Four cable-layin- g companies have been designated by Mal-aysian Telecom to develop the country's telephone network Each of the four has been given responsibility for providing 450000 telephone Iines in its specific area Nokia Engineer-ing is co-operat- ing with one of these companies Twelve Finnish telephone network experts assisted by about 30 Malaysian workers are already on the job in Mal-aysia Nokia is also setting up a new subsidiary there Ali that is involved so far is planning though it is indeed one ofthe largest projects being undertaken by Finnish con-sultan- ts in South-Ea- st Asia but Nokia is confident that it will eventually expand to in-clu- de the supply of equipment as well Nokia was the first Eu-ropean company to manufac-ture and instal fully digital tele-phone exchanges plans for expansion into this re-gion "We are looking for new oppor-tunities to expand our distribution network A joint venture in manu-facturing could also be a solution for certain individual countries" Sumelius explains Harri Grönfors Kauko's di-rector responsible for know-ho- w sales says that negotia-tion- s concerning food ship-buildi- ng and mining industries are also under way Kaukomarkkinat have been trading with the People's Re-public of China for 32 years China exports food textiles chemicals and minerals to Fin-land Finnish exports to China however have been fairly small owing to Beijing's prin-cip- le of buying in large quanti-tie- s and not always of the high-e- st quality Grönfors feels that the säle of techniques is a good way to balance the tradegap Beijing is anxiously looking for Scandi-navian technology to use in their extensive modernisation campaign Finland and Swed-en as neutral countries are highly regarded in this marketing know-no- w to In-donesia and Brazil The com-pany has concluded technology transfer agreements with In-dustr- ias Madeirit of Brazil and Sumaträ-base-d PT Raja Gar-ud- a Mas ' It is assisting the Indonesian company to upgrade its pro-ducti- on quality to enable it to make phenol-film-coat- ed ply-wo- od Schauman will also market the company's ply-wo- od Worldwide It has already secured a contract to market the output of a Fenno-Chines- e plywood factory in third coun-tries Schauman Engineering is helping the Brazilian company to develop film-coat- ed ply-wo- od at its mill near Sao Paolo and will also take care of mar-keting the product Schauman Engineering was set up in 1983 to market its par-e- nt company' s know-ho- w " We provide our clients with tailor-mad- e engineering Sys-tems and know-ho- w packages on a project-by-proje- ct basis and if necessary market the fi-n- al products as well" says Schauman Engineering direc-tor Olli Mahlberg Schauman Engineering also provides consultancy and re-sear- ch services in addition to selling machinery and equip-ment that it has developed it-s- elf It has a particular interest in automation systems for the plywood industry The company is also studying opportunities in Mex-ico Jordan Venezuela and Burma Its aim is to enter part-nershi- ps with local companies or at least to co-oper- ate closely with them Caveat Emptor! In Britain today buyers should pay greater atten-tio- n to the terms of the warranties on many goods says the Guardian since often they are no more than a lure VVidespread to-day are long-ter- m guaran-tee- s on electrical appliances and motor cars However purchasers realize only later that not every kind of re-pa- ir is guaranteed More-ov- er when a durable goes wrong the owner often finds that the manufacturer has gone out of business Against vvhich there can be no guarantees 12 |
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