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-- p "t fe4 i' jf " 4-"ä- - r Jri v ' 1 % ir M itf- - " ARI APPLEA W§§mks What does one do when one learns that a Chemical is a health hazard? The obvious answer would seem to be to withdraw it and stop producing it at once In the USA though it doesn't work like that As a result over the coming year another thousand Americans or 50 will die For many years 38 per cent of the USA's apple crop has been treated with Alar or Daminozide A recent study has shown Alar to be poisonous Taken with food it is cancerogenic in one in every W4mP ACCIDENT EXPLANATION TAKEN FROM: Tilden Rent-A-C- ar internal memo re-produ- ced from police records 1 Coming home I drove into the wrong house and collided vvith a tree I don't have 2 I thought my window was down but found it was up when I put my head through it 3 I was on my way to the doctor's vvith rear-en- d trouble when my universal joint gave way causing me to have an accident 4 An invisible car came out of novvhere struck my vehicle and disappeared 5 I vvas sure the old fellovv would never make it to the other side of the roadway when I struck him 6 The guy as ali over the road I had to swerve a number of times before I hit him 7 1 pulled away from the side of the road glanced at my mother-in-la-w and headed over the em- - Frank R Block RO ja Roger Young 0J OPTOMETRISTIT Puh konttori 674-40- 14 kotiin 673-07- 05 CITY CENTRE HUONE 216 Toisessa kerroksessa SUDBURY Ontario Vastaanotto ESPANOLASSA Keskiv klo 11 ap — 9 ip Puh 869-29- 20 AUtflfTA UKKIA tJKKAKIMPPUJA UKKALAITTEITA Podloottoaa hsUosmafisa Inikk&kd&antaxibma FLOVER SERVICE Putelin 67&-C-5 852 Elegent St S Basel kadon kslm SS Dorham St N BDDBUS7 12 DAY? thousand adults As for children who eat more fruit the ratio is still more alarming with one in every hundred contracting cancer No amount of washing will re-mo- ve Alar from the skin of the apple while attempts to crush the fruit into juice may produce a still more cancerogenic compound However the manufacturer Uniroyal is not taking urgent ac-tion Were the Environmental Pro-tecti-on Agency try to prohibit the use of the chemical US legisla-tio- n would allow the firm to con- - bankment 8 In my attempt to kili a fly I drove into a telephone pole 9 The pedestrian had no idea vvhich direction to go so I ran over him 1 0 1 was throvvn from my car as it left the road I vvas later found in a field by some stray covvs 1 1 No one vvas to blame for the accident but it never would have happened if the other driver had been alert 12 The telephone pole vvas approaching fast I vvas at-tempt- ing to svvervc out of its vvay vvhen it struck my front end theie ill be no ihames iheie ill be no uinnin s - ali Hill be obliteiateil inuleai clexauaimn n not scieme fiition - it is a mau ei af lait The noilil non siaiuh on the biink oi theinal ab s s Let us alt resolve to take ali possible practkal steps to ensure that we do not through our onnfolly go over the edge Lord Louis Mounibailen Strasbourg 1 1 Md 1979 Rich people miss one of the greatest thrills in life—paying the last installment LOUGHEED HAUTAUSTOIMISTO Hautaukset 100 mailin säteellä Sudburysta toimitetaan ilman lisämaksua PUHELIN 673-959- 1 PUHELIN 6739591 252 Regent St Soulh Hazel kadun kulm Sudbury testthe ban and moreover conr tinue productiön for at least4 a further year That1 in turh would spell death for some thousand Americans It is also open to question whether the agency can act ef--f ectively in any case It was found in 1976 that the Information at its disposal concerning many pes-ticid- es was completely false Seven years later staff at leading national laboratories were put on trial for falsifying similar data vvith regard to some 200 chemic-al products The Alar case is evidence that nothing had chang-e- d The conclusion drawn by a Congressional subcommittee that betvveen 79 and 84 per cent of pesticides sold in the US have not been properly checked for cancerous agents still holds good As for the right of some thou-sand Americans to go on living — is that anything to worry the Administration? Apples peanuts plums peaches and tomatoes vvith their toxic coating continue to adorn tables in homes across the country NEW ENGLAtiD 6ENTLEMB4 THE CENTURY FOR BEATIMG SPOUSE A OOURT ONCE CQULD BE FINLAHD WHICH HAS A TRADITION Of-LITERA- C DATING BACK TO THE TH CENTURV EVEN THEN REQUIRED BRlDtS AND BRIDE5RCOMS TO PR0VE THEY COULD READ BEFORE BEING PERMITTED TO MARRY i? King f Inc VVofldngMireVervcd Maatilat vähenevät Suomessa Maatilojen määrä on vähen-tynyt Suomessa kymmenessä vuodessa viidenneksellä käy ilmi maatilahallituksen julkai-semassa maatilarekisteristä Tilastot on kerätty vuosilta 1 972-8- 2 Niiden mukaan yli 50 hehtaarin tilojen lukumäärä on kasvanut lähes 60 prosentilla ja niitä oli vuonna jo 3155 kappaletta Yli 100 hehtaarin tiloja oli tuolloin 387 ja kym-men vuotta aikaisemmin 305 Suui tilat keskittyvät Uudelle-maalle ja Varsinais-Suomee- n Sen sijaan Kainuussa ja Lapis-sa oli vain yksi yli 100 hehtaa-rin tila kummassakin Tilojen määrä on pysynyt samana kun tilakoko on 15-2- 0 hehtaaria mutta 15 hehtaarin tilojen ALUMIINIMIESTEN HUOMIOON Halutaan ostaa aluminiurr m-di- ng scarp (rom) paivan kor-keimpiin hintoihin Rehellinen punnitus HOUSE OF METALS 45 Commercial Rd Toronto 1 7 Leaside Kolme korttelia etelään Eglin-tonis- ta itään Drivesta Puh: 421 1572 TheScum of Ciskei '' The inquiry into the case of Ciskei Bantustan Public Health Minister Henny Bekes has been temporari-l- y suspended on the grounds of illness appears that this stooge of racist South Africa's President Botha is guilty of embezzlement and has even stöoped to trafficking in narcotics prescriptions Also implic-ate- d in his shady dealings are other Ciskei VIPs in-clud- ing the Police Minister and the commander of the armed forces IN I7TH LYIMG Ö TIMES SWEARWG H TlHNES A TVICE OR CRlTlCIZlNG 17 PROSPECTlVE frtluroSyndndle 1982 alle Laird It The Caning Issue Though the Commons has at last voted to abolish corporal punishment in British schools the Lords have rejected the bill for vvhich reason the Commons decision cannot take effect for a year Meanvvhile Der Tagesspiegel reports in eight out of ten British schools caning continues FINBD SO i-t- ö määrä on laskenut selvästi Suomalaisten maatilojen keski-koko oli vuonna 1982 hieman suurempi kuin kymmenen vuot-ta aikaisemmin eli 1 14 hehtaa-ria Elämänriskit kartoitettu Kansainvälisen lääketeolli-suuden yhdistyksen järjestä-mässä seminaarissa paljastet-tiin mitkä seikat lyhentävät elinikää eniten Suurin lyhen-nys tapahtuu jos elää naimatto-mana miehenä lyhennys on 95 vuotta Tupakointi lyhentää 6 vuotta sydänsairaus 57 vuot-ta Naimattomana naisena elä-minen 44 vuotta 30 prosent-tinen ylipaino 36 vuotta syöpä 27 vuotta 20 prosenttinen yli-paino 25 vuotta Lääkärien mukaan kannattaakin kiinnittää entistä enemmän huomiota o-m- iin elintapoihin A businessman who had recently taken up golf vvas de-voted- ly pursuing his new hobby came home and told his wife he had finally had a vvinning day "Did you break 100?" she asked ERILAISET' !i TILAISUUDET TORONTO Finn Centre 465-898- 1 Ikinuorten kerhon toiminta-paikka Finn Centre 217 Danforth Ave on auki kello 10 jälkeen jo-kaisen viikon torstaiaamuna Ter-vetuloa rentoutumaan juodaan kahvia ja pelataan bingoa! Ikinuorten laulu- - (klo 10 ap)ja voimistelu- - (klo 1 1 ap) harjoituk-set Finn Centerssä Uudet ja enti-set jokainen tervetuloa joukkoon! CANADA NL-SEUR- A 977-581- 9 CANADA NL-SEURA- N matkatoimisto: CANSOV 596-132- 3 280 Queen St W Toronto On-tario THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset haalilla 316 Bay St joka kuukauden en-simmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alkaen kello 130 ip Ikinuorten voimisteluharjoituk-set joka keskiviikko alkaen kello 11 ap Lauluharjoitukset ensim-mäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko kello 1 2 kunnes toisin määrätään Järjestön kuukausikokous toi-nen lauantai kuukaudesta alkaen kello 1 iltapäivällä SUDBURY CSJ:n Sudburyn osaston koko-ukset joka kuukauden toisena maa-nantaina klo 1 1 aamupäivällä Pos-tiosoite: PO Box 354 Station B' Sudbury Ontario P3E 4P2 Sudburyn Seurakerhon viikot-taiset harjoitukset-j- a ajanvietetilai-suud- et Jubilee Centre (entinen Finnish haali) joka tiistai alkaen kello 10 ap Uudet jäsenet tervetuloa ker-homme toimintaan! Sävel kuoron harjoitukset Ju-bilee haalilla torstaisin klo 1 ip Entiset ja uudet laulajat Records v 5sT iKdlf With 30 hours spent ly-i- ng on a bed of nails Ge-raldine Williams of Britain now holds the record for female fakirs the West German Hamburger Mor-genpo- st says Lost and Found Quai des Orfevres in Pa-r- is recently mounted a most unusual exhibition of jewelry aggregating a total of 15 kilogrammes in weight These bibelots had been stolen from their va-no- us owners at different times and had only recent-ly been recovered from the home of Maurice Joffo The rnaydzine Jeune Afrique says some 1500 persons turned up to claim the sto-len property "No" he admitted "but I found more golf balls than I lost"
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Viikkosanomat, November 04, 1985 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finland -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Finland; Finnish Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1985-11-04 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | VikkoD7000474 |
Title | 000488 |
OCR text | -- p "t fe4 i' jf " 4-"ä- - r Jri v ' 1 % ir M itf- - " ARI APPLEA W§§mks What does one do when one learns that a Chemical is a health hazard? The obvious answer would seem to be to withdraw it and stop producing it at once In the USA though it doesn't work like that As a result over the coming year another thousand Americans or 50 will die For many years 38 per cent of the USA's apple crop has been treated with Alar or Daminozide A recent study has shown Alar to be poisonous Taken with food it is cancerogenic in one in every W4mP ACCIDENT EXPLANATION TAKEN FROM: Tilden Rent-A-C- ar internal memo re-produ- ced from police records 1 Coming home I drove into the wrong house and collided vvith a tree I don't have 2 I thought my window was down but found it was up when I put my head through it 3 I was on my way to the doctor's vvith rear-en- d trouble when my universal joint gave way causing me to have an accident 4 An invisible car came out of novvhere struck my vehicle and disappeared 5 I vvas sure the old fellovv would never make it to the other side of the roadway when I struck him 6 The guy as ali over the road I had to swerve a number of times before I hit him 7 1 pulled away from the side of the road glanced at my mother-in-la-w and headed over the em- - Frank R Block RO ja Roger Young 0J OPTOMETRISTIT Puh konttori 674-40- 14 kotiin 673-07- 05 CITY CENTRE HUONE 216 Toisessa kerroksessa SUDBURY Ontario Vastaanotto ESPANOLASSA Keskiv klo 11 ap — 9 ip Puh 869-29- 20 AUtflfTA UKKIA tJKKAKIMPPUJA UKKALAITTEITA Podloottoaa hsUosmafisa Inikk&kd&antaxibma FLOVER SERVICE Putelin 67&-C-5 852 Elegent St S Basel kadon kslm SS Dorham St N BDDBUS7 12 DAY? thousand adults As for children who eat more fruit the ratio is still more alarming with one in every hundred contracting cancer No amount of washing will re-mo- ve Alar from the skin of the apple while attempts to crush the fruit into juice may produce a still more cancerogenic compound However the manufacturer Uniroyal is not taking urgent ac-tion Were the Environmental Pro-tecti-on Agency try to prohibit the use of the chemical US legisla-tio- n would allow the firm to con- - bankment 8 In my attempt to kili a fly I drove into a telephone pole 9 The pedestrian had no idea vvhich direction to go so I ran over him 1 0 1 was throvvn from my car as it left the road I vvas later found in a field by some stray covvs 1 1 No one vvas to blame for the accident but it never would have happened if the other driver had been alert 12 The telephone pole vvas approaching fast I vvas at-tempt- ing to svvervc out of its vvay vvhen it struck my front end theie ill be no ihames iheie ill be no uinnin s - ali Hill be obliteiateil inuleai clexauaimn n not scieme fiition - it is a mau ei af lait The noilil non siaiuh on the biink oi theinal ab s s Let us alt resolve to take ali possible practkal steps to ensure that we do not through our onnfolly go over the edge Lord Louis Mounibailen Strasbourg 1 1 Md 1979 Rich people miss one of the greatest thrills in life—paying the last installment LOUGHEED HAUTAUSTOIMISTO Hautaukset 100 mailin säteellä Sudburysta toimitetaan ilman lisämaksua PUHELIN 673-959- 1 PUHELIN 6739591 252 Regent St Soulh Hazel kadun kulm Sudbury testthe ban and moreover conr tinue productiön for at least4 a further year That1 in turh would spell death for some thousand Americans It is also open to question whether the agency can act ef--f ectively in any case It was found in 1976 that the Information at its disposal concerning many pes-ticid- es was completely false Seven years later staff at leading national laboratories were put on trial for falsifying similar data vvith regard to some 200 chemic-al products The Alar case is evidence that nothing had chang-e- d The conclusion drawn by a Congressional subcommittee that betvveen 79 and 84 per cent of pesticides sold in the US have not been properly checked for cancerous agents still holds good As for the right of some thou-sand Americans to go on living — is that anything to worry the Administration? Apples peanuts plums peaches and tomatoes vvith their toxic coating continue to adorn tables in homes across the country NEW ENGLAtiD 6ENTLEMB4 THE CENTURY FOR BEATIMG SPOUSE A OOURT ONCE CQULD BE FINLAHD WHICH HAS A TRADITION Of-LITERA- C DATING BACK TO THE TH CENTURV EVEN THEN REQUIRED BRlDtS AND BRIDE5RCOMS TO PR0VE THEY COULD READ BEFORE BEING PERMITTED TO MARRY i? King f Inc VVofldngMireVervcd Maatilat vähenevät Suomessa Maatilojen määrä on vähen-tynyt Suomessa kymmenessä vuodessa viidenneksellä käy ilmi maatilahallituksen julkai-semassa maatilarekisteristä Tilastot on kerätty vuosilta 1 972-8- 2 Niiden mukaan yli 50 hehtaarin tilojen lukumäärä on kasvanut lähes 60 prosentilla ja niitä oli vuonna jo 3155 kappaletta Yli 100 hehtaarin tiloja oli tuolloin 387 ja kym-men vuotta aikaisemmin 305 Suui tilat keskittyvät Uudelle-maalle ja Varsinais-Suomee- n Sen sijaan Kainuussa ja Lapis-sa oli vain yksi yli 100 hehtaa-rin tila kummassakin Tilojen määrä on pysynyt samana kun tilakoko on 15-2- 0 hehtaaria mutta 15 hehtaarin tilojen ALUMIINIMIESTEN HUOMIOON Halutaan ostaa aluminiurr m-di- ng scarp (rom) paivan kor-keimpiin hintoihin Rehellinen punnitus HOUSE OF METALS 45 Commercial Rd Toronto 1 7 Leaside Kolme korttelia etelään Eglin-tonis- ta itään Drivesta Puh: 421 1572 TheScum of Ciskei '' The inquiry into the case of Ciskei Bantustan Public Health Minister Henny Bekes has been temporari-l- y suspended on the grounds of illness appears that this stooge of racist South Africa's President Botha is guilty of embezzlement and has even stöoped to trafficking in narcotics prescriptions Also implic-ate- d in his shady dealings are other Ciskei VIPs in-clud- ing the Police Minister and the commander of the armed forces IN I7TH LYIMG Ö TIMES SWEARWG H TlHNES A TVICE OR CRlTlCIZlNG 17 PROSPECTlVE frtluroSyndndle 1982 alle Laird It The Caning Issue Though the Commons has at last voted to abolish corporal punishment in British schools the Lords have rejected the bill for vvhich reason the Commons decision cannot take effect for a year Meanvvhile Der Tagesspiegel reports in eight out of ten British schools caning continues FINBD SO i-t- ö määrä on laskenut selvästi Suomalaisten maatilojen keski-koko oli vuonna 1982 hieman suurempi kuin kymmenen vuot-ta aikaisemmin eli 1 14 hehtaa-ria Elämänriskit kartoitettu Kansainvälisen lääketeolli-suuden yhdistyksen järjestä-mässä seminaarissa paljastet-tiin mitkä seikat lyhentävät elinikää eniten Suurin lyhen-nys tapahtuu jos elää naimatto-mana miehenä lyhennys on 95 vuotta Tupakointi lyhentää 6 vuotta sydänsairaus 57 vuot-ta Naimattomana naisena elä-minen 44 vuotta 30 prosent-tinen ylipaino 36 vuotta syöpä 27 vuotta 20 prosenttinen yli-paino 25 vuotta Lääkärien mukaan kannattaakin kiinnittää entistä enemmän huomiota o-m- iin elintapoihin A businessman who had recently taken up golf vvas de-voted- ly pursuing his new hobby came home and told his wife he had finally had a vvinning day "Did you break 100?" she asked ERILAISET' !i TILAISUUDET TORONTO Finn Centre 465-898- 1 Ikinuorten kerhon toiminta-paikka Finn Centre 217 Danforth Ave on auki kello 10 jälkeen jo-kaisen viikon torstaiaamuna Ter-vetuloa rentoutumaan juodaan kahvia ja pelataan bingoa! Ikinuorten laulu- - (klo 10 ap)ja voimistelu- - (klo 1 1 ap) harjoituk-set Finn Centerssä Uudet ja enti-set jokainen tervetuloa joukkoon! CANADA NL-SEUR- A 977-581- 9 CANADA NL-SEURA- N matkatoimisto: CANSOV 596-132- 3 280 Queen St W Toronto On-tario THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset haalilla 316 Bay St joka kuukauden en-simmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alkaen kello 130 ip Ikinuorten voimisteluharjoituk-set joka keskiviikko alkaen kello 11 ap Lauluharjoitukset ensim-mäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko kello 1 2 kunnes toisin määrätään Järjestön kuukausikokous toi-nen lauantai kuukaudesta alkaen kello 1 iltapäivällä SUDBURY CSJ:n Sudburyn osaston koko-ukset joka kuukauden toisena maa-nantaina klo 1 1 aamupäivällä Pos-tiosoite: PO Box 354 Station B' Sudbury Ontario P3E 4P2 Sudburyn Seurakerhon viikot-taiset harjoitukset-j- a ajanvietetilai-suud- et Jubilee Centre (entinen Finnish haali) joka tiistai alkaen kello 10 ap Uudet jäsenet tervetuloa ker-homme toimintaan! Sävel kuoron harjoitukset Ju-bilee haalilla torstaisin klo 1 ip Entiset ja uudet laulajat Records v 5sT iKdlf With 30 hours spent ly-i- ng on a bed of nails Ge-raldine Williams of Britain now holds the record for female fakirs the West German Hamburger Mor-genpo- st says Lost and Found Quai des Orfevres in Pa-r- is recently mounted a most unusual exhibition of jewelry aggregating a total of 15 kilogrammes in weight These bibelots had been stolen from their va-no- us owners at different times and had only recent-ly been recovered from the home of Maurice Joffo The rnaydzine Jeune Afrique says some 1500 persons turned up to claim the sto-len property "No" he admitted "but I found more golf balls than I lost" |
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