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INNISFAIL PROVINCE, TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1980- History of W. I.' s reviewed in Penhold Continuing the series of talks by members of the Alberta Women's Institutes leading up to the 60th anni-versary of the Red Deer Centre Constituency, that will be held in the Penhold Memorial Hall on June 13th, it was interesting to listen to Mrs . Ethel Morris-roe and Mrs . Ruby MacFar-lane on " Dialog" on Fri-day, March 28th reviewing the history down through the years and the accom-plishments of the organiza-tion . It was on the suggestion of Lady Tweedsmuir, wife of the Governor General of Canada, who took a keen interest in the Women's Institutes across Canada, that the idea of Community Histories was introduced . She realized at the time that most of our important history was being lost, and her suggestion was a good one, because, through her idea hundreds of histories across Canada have been compiled since that time . The Clearview branch, just east of Penhold, in 1959 won the provincial prize for their story of the commun-ity . It was the Alberta Wo-men's Institutes between 1937 and 1939, when money was very scarce in the pro-vince, that raised $ 2,000 .00 which was presented to Dr . Cross, then the Minister of Health for the province, to purchase Radium for the University Hospital . It was given on condition treatment be given free to all sufferers needing it, and at the 1939 Convention a reso-lution was passed that the Alberta Government con-sider the formation of Can-cer Clinics on the same basis as that of control of tuber-culosis and of social diseases as practised in the province . In 1940 the Cancer Act was passed on since that time, all radium treatment as well as X- ray treatments under the Cancer Clinic, of the Provincial Department of Health, have been provided free of charge from provin-cial funds . Quite a step in those days! It was the Women's Insti-tutes that stared Commun-ity Libraries with books first donated by Lady Tweeds-muir that were passed from community to community . That's how the Parkland Library in Lacombe got it's start . It was through the pres-sure of the Alberta Wo-men's Institutes that Health Units and Baby Clinics be-came a reality, and the Constituency under the dir-li eRcitcihoanrdso, f wMhros . Gertrude' CENT.. i. cetearates persuaded' Ref" aFWomen's Institute gathered last Friday to celebrate the 60th an the Kiwanis in Red Deer to niversary of the Red Deer Center Constituency . Some of the special guests do something for senior on hand for the occasion included ( I to r) Evelyn Northey, Rubye Mac- Farlane, Helen Steele, Kathleen Code, Josie Janssen, Gertrude Richards, Kathlene Lawrence, Ethel Morrisroe, Mgrgaret Corrigan, Lyle Brown, provincial convenor Marion Brown and" lf fit" Ptconstituency convenor Doris Warke. ., ._ . C E :-, L : citizens in Central Alberta, and the residences now in operation are the outcome of that persuasion . The handicraft competi-tions on the Constituency, Provincial and National lev-els have brought honour and satisfaction to many mem-bers . In our immediate vic-inity, Mrs . Peter Winter of R . R . l, Penhold is one of our National winners, with many in Central Alberta receiving Provincial hon-ours . We're sure any of the members in the ten branche in the Red Deer Center Con-stituency can feel proud t have been a part of the man accomplishments of the oi ganization down througl, the years, and are looking forward with interest to the 60th anniversary celebra-tions .
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Pine Lake History - 1976 - 1989 |
Subject | AWI; Pine Lake Branch |
Description | Branch History |
Language | en |
Format | application/pdf |
Type | text |
Source | Alberta Women's Institutes |
Identifier | awi0811093 |
Date | 2007 |
Collection | Alberta Women's Institutes - Collective Memory |
Repository | AU Digital Library |
Copyright | For Private Study and Research Use Only |
Title | Page 56 |
Format | application/pdf |
Source | AWI Collection |
Collection | Alberta Women's Institutes - Collective Memory |
Repository | AU Digital Library |
Copyright | For Private Study and Research Use Only |
Transcript | INNISFAIL PROVINCE, TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1980- History of W. I.' s reviewed in Penhold Continuing the series of talks by members of the Alberta Women's Institutes leading up to the 60th anni-versary of the Red Deer Centre Constituency, that will be held in the Penhold Memorial Hall on June 13th, it was interesting to listen to Mrs . Ethel Morris-roe and Mrs . Ruby MacFar-lane on " Dialog" on Fri-day, March 28th reviewing the history down through the years and the accom-plishments of the organiza-tion . It was on the suggestion of Lady Tweedsmuir, wife of the Governor General of Canada, who took a keen interest in the Women's Institutes across Canada, that the idea of Community Histories was introduced . She realized at the time that most of our important history was being lost, and her suggestion was a good one, because, through her idea hundreds of histories across Canada have been compiled since that time . The Clearview branch, just east of Penhold, in 1959 won the provincial prize for their story of the commun-ity . It was the Alberta Wo-men's Institutes between 1937 and 1939, when money was very scarce in the pro-vince, that raised $ 2,000 .00 which was presented to Dr . Cross, then the Minister of Health for the province, to purchase Radium for the University Hospital . It was given on condition treatment be given free to all sufferers needing it, and at the 1939 Convention a reso-lution was passed that the Alberta Government con-sider the formation of Can-cer Clinics on the same basis as that of control of tuber-culosis and of social diseases as practised in the province . In 1940 the Cancer Act was passed on since that time, all radium treatment as well as X- ray treatments under the Cancer Clinic, of the Provincial Department of Health, have been provided free of charge from provin-cial funds . Quite a step in those days! It was the Women's Insti-tutes that stared Commun-ity Libraries with books first donated by Lady Tweeds-muir that were passed from community to community . That's how the Parkland Library in Lacombe got it's start . It was through the pres-sure of the Alberta Wo-men's Institutes that Health Units and Baby Clinics be-came a reality, and the Constituency under the dir-li eRcitcihoanrdso, f wMhros . Gertrude' CENT.. i. cetearates persuaded' Ref" aFWomen's Institute gathered last Friday to celebrate the 60th an the Kiwanis in Red Deer to niversary of the Red Deer Center Constituency . Some of the special guests do something for senior on hand for the occasion included ( I to r) Evelyn Northey, Rubye Mac- Farlane, Helen Steele, Kathleen Code, Josie Janssen, Gertrude Richards, Kathlene Lawrence, Ethel Morrisroe, Mgrgaret Corrigan, Lyle Brown, provincial convenor Marion Brown and" lf fit" Ptconstituency convenor Doris Warke. ., ._ . C E :-, L : citizens in Central Alberta, and the residences now in operation are the outcome of that persuasion . The handicraft competi-tions on the Constituency, Provincial and National lev-els have brought honour and satisfaction to many mem-bers . In our immediate vic-inity, Mrs . Peter Winter of R . R . l, Penhold is one of our National winners, with many in Central Alberta receiving Provincial hon-ours . We're sure any of the members in the ten branche in the Red Deer Center Con-stituency can feel proud t have been a part of the man accomplishments of the oi ganization down througl, the years, and are looking forward with interest to the 60th anniversary celebra-tions . |
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